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Chapter 25.

2 The Partition of Africa

Africa in the Early 1800’s

North Africa
- Close ties to the _____________
Muslim world
- Most of it controlled by declining ___________________
Ottoman Empire

West Africa
- Islamic reform movement- jihad-
- Controlled by the _______________
Asante kingdom.
o Traded with Europeans and Muslims and controlled several smaller states.
▪ Smaller states willing to turn to European control to help them topple the

East Africa
- Slave trade headquarters
- Ivory and copper exchanged for _____________ firearms
and _________________.

Southern Africa
-Shaka- united Zulu nation- result → _____________________________.
mass migrations and wars (ex- Boer War)

The Slave Trade

- Early 1800’s- Europeans began to outlaw slave trade
▪ Arab and African traders - Continued to send people to work as slaves in the Middle East
helped freed
▪ Britain and U.S. - and Asia
slaves resettle
Britain organized Sierra Leone in W. Africa.• 1787-
in Africa
• 1847- freed slaves from the U.S. organized Liberia.

European Contacts Increase

- Mungo Park and Richard Burton- started mapping the course and sources of African rivers.

o Facinated by __________________________
African geography
o Little understanding of the peoples they met.

Missionaries- sought to win people to Christianity

- Built?- schools, medical clinics

- Focused on? evils of slave trade
- Paternalistic view of Africans- Thought of them as?- Children in need of guidance


Dr. David Livingstone

30 years.
- studied Africa for _____

- Wrote about? Africans with more sympathy and less bias than most Europeans.

- Opposed slave trade

• Believed that Central Africa needed to be opened up for __________________

and trade.
▪ Blazed a _____________
trail for others to follow

A Scramble for Colonies

King Leopold II- Belgium King. Sent Henry Stanley to Africa to? explore the Congo River and arrange trade
treaties with African leaders.
- Dreamed of conquest and profit.
- Set off a scramble by other European nations to make claims in the region.

Berlin Conference- 1884

- Berlin Germany
International conference in ________________. (no Africans = a European conference)
- Recognized Leopold’s claims to Congo but agreed to free trade on? (2 rivers)_________
the Congo and Niger
_____________. rivers.
- Agreed that no European power could claim any part of Africa unless they set up a
_______________________ office

RESULT→ Europeans scrambled to make claims around the entire continent Redrew the map of Africa with little
regard for traditional patterns of settlement or ethnic boundaries.

Horrors in the Congo

- Leopold and wealthy Belgians exploited riches including copper, rubber and ivory and
treated locals brutally.
o International outrage → Leopold turned over control to the ________________
government. → Belgian Congo- 1908- Worst was over, but exploitment
▪ Impact on Africans?- given limited if any control over the colony.
French Expansion

- 1830’s- conquered Algeria in N. Africa

- Late 1800’s- extended influence along the Mediterranean border in Tunisia.
- At its Height- controlled amount of land in Africa equal to the continental U.S.

Britain takes its share

- Took control of? West and East Africa

- Sudan
Gained control of Egypt and pushed south into the _______________.
- Set up the Union of South Africa
o Gov’t run by _______________
▪ Kept racial segregation in force until __________(yr).

Others Join the Scramble

- Other European countries interested in improving their image and sustain economic
growth and influence.
o Portuguese- carved out colonies in Angola and Mozambique
o Italy- occupied Libya and the "horn" of Africa
o Germany- took lands in the eastern and southwestern Africa

Africans Resist Imperialism (who did each fight?)

Samori Touré- fought French forces in West Africa
Zulu’s- fought British in southern Africa
Asante- fought British in west Africa
Yao and Herero- fought the Germans in East Africa
Ethiopia Survives

- Ancient Christian kingdom, divided up among a number of rival princes.

- Menelik II- hired European experts to help modernize his country.
o Built?- roads, bridges, and schools.
o Modernized his ___________.
1896- Italy invaded but Menelik was prepared. → Battle of ___________ Ethiopia
= ____________ wins.

New African Elite- upper class

Early 1900’s- African leaders pushed for self-determination and independence.

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