PRC - Math Ematics

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Republic of the Philippines



___________________________________ ________________________
Rating in Words Rating in Figures

Initial of Board Examiners: Rating per Item: _______________

I - ______________
Initial of Computer ________________ II - ______________
Initials of Checkers ________________


MONDAY, JULY 11, 1983


1. Without graphing, identify (a) which lines are parallel (b) which lines intersect
y-axis at the same point:

6y + 4x - 12 = 0
3x = 16 = 8y
2x = 5 - 3y
3y 6 = 5x

2. Solve for positive values of m

(4m 2 - 3m)2 + 7 = 8(4m 2 - 3m)

3. Find the value of the first derivative of function

y=x a - a  x + ½ a x where x - a

4. Locate the critical point of rectangular points and determine the maxima and minima
of the curve

y = x 3 - 3x 2 - 9x + 12


1. If the length of a rectangular plot of flower garden is increased by 3 meters and the width by 4 meters,
the plot becomes a square and its perimeter becomes 32 meters. Find the original dimensions.

2. An airplane flying at the rate of 300 kph. in still air covered a distance of 900 km. against the wind.
On the return flight time to negotiate the same distance with the wind. What is the speed of the
wind? (Round off decimal to nearest whole number).

3. A ladder 3 meters long, place against an electrical post reached a height of 2 meters of the post from
the ground. Find (a) the three trigonometric functions of the angle that the ladder makes with the
ground, (b) the three trigonometric functions of the angle that the ladder makes with the post.
4. From the cockpit of a helicopter, 100 meters above the ground, the angle of depression of a helipad is
150 . How far out is the helicopter from the helipad?

5. Find the equation of the line passing thru the point of intersection of the lines 2x + y = 2 and having
a slope 6.

6. Find two numbers whose sum is 12 and the product of one by the square of the other is to be a

7. A triangle has an altitude 4 meters high and a base 8 meters long. Find the rectangle with the largest
area that can be inscribed in the triangle so that the base of the rectangle falls on the base of the

8. The rate of climb of an aircraft is the vertical component of the flight velocity during ascent.
A given aircraft with sea level rate of climb of 457.4 meters per minute has a service ceiling of 3050
meters. The rate of climb at service ceiling has a standard value of 500 ft. per minute. Assuming that
the rate of climb decreases as altitude increases in a uniform rate, determine the time to climb
(minutes) from sea level to service ceiling.

***** END *****


Republic of the Philippines

___________________________________ ________________________
Rating in Words Rating in Figures

Initial of Board Examiners: Rating per Item: _______________

I - ______________
Initial of Computer ________________ II - ______________
Initials of Checkers ________________


TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1984


I. Solve for the unknown values:

(a) x 2 = 2x + 3 (b) Sin 2 = Sin 0 -

II. a.) Determine the slope and the y - intercept of the equation 2y - x = 6
b.) Find the radius and the coordinates of the center of the circle

x 2 + y 2 - 8x = 0

III. Given is an equation y = x 2 - 4x + 7

a.) Obtain the maximum value of y

b.) Calculate the coordinates of the critical point of the curve.

IV. The velocity of a missile in flight after being launched from static position is given by the equation V = 3t
+ 7 where V is velocity in meters per second and t is time in seconds.

Find: a) Acceleration (meters per second 2) of the missile.

b) Distance (meters) of the missile from its launcher 5 seconds after


V. The planform of an airplane wing is describe by the relation

x 2 + 36y 2 - 36 = 0 where the units of x and y are in meters.

Solve for a.) Wing area (meters 2)

b.) Wing aspect ratio

VI. The differential equation dp = wdh shows the relation of the change of air pressure (dp) with the change in
altitude (dh) and the specific weight (w) of air in standard atmosphere. Below the tropopause (35332 ft.),
air temperature decreases uniformly at the rate of one degree Fahrenheit or Rankine for every 280 feet
increase in altitude. Air is assumed to be an ideal gas.

Required: a.) Derive an equation for air pressure (p) in terms of the altitude (h) below the tropopause and
the constant sea level values of air pressure (po ) and air temperature (To).

b.) Determine the pressure (Newton’s per centimeter 2 absolute) at an altitude

of 20,000 ft.

***** END *****

Republic of the Philippines

_________________________________ ________________________
Rating in Words Rating in Figures

Board Examiner ____________________ Rating per Item:

I - ______________
Computer ____________________ II - ______________
III - ______________
Checker ____________________ IV - ______________

TOTAL ______________

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Monday, July 8, 1985

NOTE: You will not be given any extra answer sheet or test questions to replace your dirty
answer sheet or test questions. It is your concern to make your examination papers
clean and neat.


I. a. Solve for the values of X:

(1) x 2 = 6x - 9
(2) x = sin 2 0 - tan 0 cot 0 + cos 2 0

b. Given is the equation Y = X (X + 3) (X - 3)

Determine the slope of the equation:

(1) at the critical point

(2) at the point where X = 2

II. Choose the correct geometric curve for each of the following:

a. The equation of the wing drag coefficient as function of the lift coefficient is approximately (1) straight
line (2) ellipse (3) circle (4) parabola (5) hyperbola (6) cubic
(7) rankine oval

b. At constant values of wing area, drag coefficient, and air density, the airplane power required expressed
as function of the flight speed is (1) straight line (2) ellipse
(3) Circle (4) parabola (5) hyperbola (6) cubic (7) ranking oval

c. The mathematical relation of the vortex flow velocity at a point and the distance of that point from the
center of the vortex in a vortex flow field is (1) straight line (2) ellipse (3) circle (4) parabola (5)
hyperbola (6) cubic (7) rankine oval

d. The platform of a wing having the lowest possible value of induced drag is (1) rectangle (2) ellipse
(3) circle (4) trapezoid (5) delta (6) crescent (7) rankine oval
III. A monoplane wing with an elliptical platform has an aspect ratio of 6 and a chord of 2 meters at its
mid - span.


a. Express the formula for the wing are (S) in terms of the wing span (b) and the
chord (co) at mid- span

b. Form the equation for the wing platform in the Cartesian coordinate Systems (X
and Y Axes)

IV. An airplane with a given weight and wing area is at steady and level flight at constant altitude. The
power required is proportional directly to the drag-to-lift ratio and inversely to the square root of the lift
coefficient. The drag coefficient (CD) and the lift coefficient (CL) are related by the equation:

CD = 0.016 + 0.040 CL2

At minimum power required calculate:

a. Lift coefficient

b. Drag coefficient

***** END *****

Republic of the Philippines

_________________________________ ________________________
Rating in Words Rating in Figures

Board Examiner ____________________ Rating per Item:

I - ______________
Computer ____________________ II - ______________
III - ______________
Checker ____________________ IV - ______________

TOTAL ______________

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE * * * * * * * * * * *


NOTE: You will not be given any extra test papers to replace your soiled copied. It is your
concern to keep your test papers neat and clean.


Choose the correct answer for each of the following: Use ordinary answer sheets.

a. Which of the following geometric figures does not belong to the group:
(1) Circule (2) elipse (3) pirámide (4) parábola (5) hipérbola

b. An airplane moved eastward at the speed of 300 kilometers per hour, while another airplane starting from
the same point proceeded northward at the speed of 400 kilometers per hour. After one hour, the airplanes
were apart by (1) 450 kilometers (2) 500 kilometers (3) 550 kilometers (4) 600 kilometers (5) 650

c. The limit for the quantity: 3x 2 - x + 5, as X approaches zero is (1) zero (2) three (3) five (4) six (5)

d. An observer noted that the angle of elevation of a hovering helicopter is 25 degrees. By moving 100 meters
on the ground closer towards the helicopter, the angle of elevation is
Increased by 5 degrees. Assuming that the helicopter did not change altitude during the observation, the
height of the helicopter is (1) 153 meters (2) 195 meters (3) 242 meters
(4) 321 meters (5) 420 meters

e. A ballistic missile in flight moves according to the relation

S = 2t 3 + t, where S is distance traveled (meters) and t is time (seconds). The acceleration of the missile at
the end of t = 1.5 seconds is (1)10 meters per second square (2) 12 meters per second square (3) 16
meters per second square (4) 18 meters per second square (5) 21 per second square


The planform of a wing is bounded by the following equations:

y + 3 = 0
3x + 2y - 6 = 0
3x - 2y + 6 = 0
where the units of X and Y are in meters

Solve for: a. Wing span (meters)

b. Wing area (square meters)


A gas confined in a reservoir (closed tank) at high pressure and temperature can be accelerated to supersonic
velocities through a converging - diverging hozzle. As the flow Mach number increases to infinity, the
corresponding velocity approaches its maximum finite value. Assume isentropic flow process.

Required: a. Form the equation for the maximum velocity (Vmax) in terms of the reservoir
temperature (To), the gas constant (R) and the ratio of specific heats (k) for gas, the
acceleration of gravity (g).

b. Solve for this maximum velocity (meters per second) for air with R = 53.3 ft.
lb/ deg F, k = 1.4, and g = 32.3 ft/sec 2, when the reservoir temperature is 50
degrees celsius.

***** END *****

Republic of the Philippines

_________________________________ ________________________
Rating in Words Rating in Figures

Board Examiner ____________________ Rating per Item:

I - ______________
Computer ____________________

Checker ____________________

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE * * * * * * * * * * *


Monday, July 6, 1987

IMPORTANT: You will not be given any extra answer sheet or test questions to replace your dirty
answer sheet or test questions. It is your concern to make your examination papers clean and neat.


1. Solve for X in the equation 3x 2 - 11x - 20 = 0 :

a. Using factoring
b. Completing the square

2. Solve for the unknowns:

a. y 2 + 5 = 31.001

b. x 3 + y = y - .002

3. Find the lowest common multiple of the following:

9m 2 + 9mn - 108n 2; 24m 2 - 6mn - 3n 2; m 2 - 5mn + 6n 2

4. Find the 4th term of (x + y) 8

5. The sum of the squares of two consecutive odd integers is 130. Find the numbers.

6. Juan drove a distance of 120 km at a certain speed and returned at a greater speed of 15 km/hr. Find the
speeds if the total driving time was 4 hrs. and 40 min.

7. Find the equation of a line with slope 3/4 and which passes thru the point (-2, 5).

8. A rectangular aluminum sheet has a length of 8 inches more than its width. a 2 inch square is cut from each
corner and the edges are bent up to make a box of depth 2 inches and a volume of 60 cubic inches. Find the
dimension of the aluminum sheet.
9. A rectangular hangar is to be fenced along four (4) sides and divided into two (2) equal parts by a fence
parallel to one of the sides. Find the greatest area if the total length of the fence is 300 meters.

10. The cruising speed of an airplane at an altitude of 7,500 feet is 290 knots. What is the cruising speed at
9,000 ft. if it is increased by 6%?

11. An airplane moved eastward at a speed of 200 knots while another airplane started at the same time point
and proceeded northward at a speed of 150 knots. What will be the distance in km. between the two (2)
airplanes after 2 hrs. 30 min. and 15 seconds?

12. Find the area under the curve y = x 2 from x = 1 to x = 3.

Republic of the Philippines

_________________________________ ________________________
Rating in Words Rating in Figures

Board Examiner ____________________ Rating per Item:

I - ______________
Computer ____________________ II - ______________
III - ______________
Checker ____________________ IV - ______________

TOTAL ______________

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE * * * * * * * * * * *

Tuesday, July 5, 1988

NOTE: You will not be given any extra test questions to replace your soiled copies. It is your
concern to make your test questions clean and neat.


1. Solve for the unknown in the following equations:

a. 2x = 5 - 3y

3y + 9 = 5x

b. x 2 - 2y 2 + 3x - 4y + 20 = 0

2x - y = 1

2. Find the dimension of a rectangle if its diagonal is 17 cm. and its perimeter is 46 cm.

3. the most method of solving any quadratic equation is by the quadratic formula. Derive the two
roots of the quadratic equation ax 2 + bx = c = 0 (a = 0), and solve the following equations
using the formula:

a. 4x 2 + 5x = 21

b. x 2 - 4x + 6 = 0

4. Find all the six functions of 0 if cos 0 = 3/5.

5. A ladder 4 meters long is placed against a wall. The base of the ladder is 2 meters away from the
wall. Find the height from the ground to the top of the ladder and the angle between the wall and
the ladder.

6. Differentiate the following function:

y = 3 - 5
x x2

7. Evaluate the following integral:

(2x - 7) 4
Republic of the Philippines

____________________________ ________________________
Rating in Words Rating in Figures

Board Examiner ____________________ I - __________ VI - _________

II - __________ VII - _________
Computer ____________________ III - __________ VIII- _________
IV - __________ IX - _________
Checker ____________________ V - __________ X - _________

Total - ______________

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

July 4, 1989, Tuesday

NOTE: You will not be given any extra test questions to replace your soiled copies. It is your concern to
make your test questions clean and neat.


1. Solve for the unknowns in the following equations

a.) algebraically, and b.) Graphically
4x + 3y = 27 ; 2x - 5y + 19 = 0

2. Solve the system of equations:

2x - y + z = 8
x + 2y + 3z = 9
4x + y - 2z = 1
3. If (6 - x), (13 - x) are the lengths of the sides of a right triangle, find the value of x.
4. A balloon is rising at the rate of 3.6 meters per sec. and at the same time being blown horizontally
by a wind at 5.5 meters per sec. Find the angle its path makes with the vertical and determine its
actual velocity.
5. With a tailwind, an airplane travels 1,120 kilometers in 7 hours. With a headwind, however, it
takes 8 hours. Find the velocity of the airplane in still air and the velocity of the wind.
6. An airplane travels with a speed of 153 km. /hr. in calm air. If the wind is blowing with a velocity of
27 km/hr. from S 21ºW and the plane is headed in a direction S 53º E,
find a.) the magnitude of the speed of the airplane and, b) its direction with reference to
the ground.
7. Find the slope of curve at the given point:

y = 3x 2 - 2x,
(2, 8)
8. A small experimental rocket is launched vertically at the rate of 50 m/sec. by an observer on the
ground 100 meters away. How fast is the rocket receding from the observer after 5 seconds?
9. Evaluate: x sin 2x dx
10. Solve : (x + y - 3) dx (x + y + 4) dy = 0
Republic of the Philippines

_________________________________ ________________________
Rating in Words Rating in Figures

Board Examiner ____________________ I - __________ VI - _________

II - __________ VII - _________
Computer ____________________ III - __________ VIII- _________
IV - __________ IX - _________
Checker ____________________ V - __________ X - _________

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Wednesday, July 3, 1991



A. Factor ( 4x 2 ) - (9a - b)2


B. Factor x 4 + 2x 2y 2 + 9y 4


A. Solve the equation for all possible values of X.

2x + 5 - 55x = x
2 x - 1

B. Solve the system of equations.

x 2 - 5x - y + 4 = 0

x - 4y = 1


Find the equation of the locus of a point which is twice as far from (4, 4) as from (1, 1).


A point moves so that its distance from the y-axis is always equal to its distance from the point (4, 0). Find the
equation of the locus of the moving point.

A sling shot is used to throw a piece of stone with a velocity of 160 ft./sec. in a direction 45 degrees above the
horizontal. Find how far away the stone strikes the ground and its greatest height.



y = tan 1 - x



y = sin nx sin n x


A right circular cone is 10 inches in diameter and 10 inches deep. Water is poured into it at a rate of 4 cu.
inches per min. At what rate is the water level rising at the instant when the depth of water is 6 inches?


A. Find: x cos x dx

B. Find: x log x dx


A tank is a right circular cylinder 3 ft. in radius and 8 ft. tall. It is standing upright on one end and has 5 ft. of
water in it. How much work is required to lift the water to a point that is 1 ft. above the tank? Weight of the
water is 62.5 lb. per cu. ft.

* * * * * END * * * * *
Republic of the Philippines

_________________________________ ________________________
Rating in Words Rating in Figures

Rating per Item:

Board Examiner ____________________ Test I - __________ VI - _________
II - __________ VII - _________
Computer ____________________ III - __________ VIII- _________
IV - __________ IX - _________
Checker ____________________ V - __________ X - _________

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Wednesday, July 1, 1992


INSTRUCTION: You will not be given any extra answer sheet or test questions to replace your
dirty answer sheet or test questions. It is your concern to make your examination

1. Solve for values of X:

 x - 6 + 5 =  x + 9

2. Factor:

9X 4 - 37X 2 + 4

3. The passenger airplanes leave an airport, one flying due North and the other flying due south. Both are
flying at the same altitude of 10,000 feet. After 9 hours of flight, they are 3,500 miles apart. If one airplane
travels 48 kilometers per hour faster than the other, find the velocity of each in kilometers per hour.

4. Determine the locus of the equation:

x 2 + y 2 + 4x - 6y - 10 = 0

5. A point moves such that the difference between the slopes of the line joining it to the origin and the line
joining points (2, 5) and (1, -3) is always 1. Solve for the equation of the locus.

6. An aircraft navigator observes the angle of depression of a geographical landmark directly below the
aircraft’s line of flight to be 35. A minute later, its angle of depression is 50. If the aircraft is flying
straight and level at the rate of 240 kph, solve for:

a. the altitude at which he is flying.

b. the aircraft’s horizontal distance from the geographic landmark at the first point
of observation.
7. A manufacturer can sell “X” items per week at a price P = 300 - 0.015 X centavos and that it costs Y =
75 x + 30,000 centavos to produce the “X” items.

(a) What is the production level for maximum profits?

(b) To sell the items, how much should the manufacturer charge per item (in pesos)?

8. It is desired to make an open top can from a square piece of 0.025 aluminum sheet whose side is “a”, by
cutting equal squares out of the corners and then folding up the aluminum sheet to form the slides.

(a) What should be the length of a side of the squares cut out?

(b) What is the maximum volume?

9. Integrate: X 2 e ax dx

10. If the natural length of a helical spring is 10 inches, and if it takes a force of 3 pounds to keep it extended 2
inches, find the work done in stretching the spring from its natural length to a length of 15 inches.

* * * * * * END * * * * * *

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