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Congratulation, we would like to
Officially Welcome
you as participant

PRESENTED BY : B Bros Entertainment

Period of contract: .................. to ...................

Thahekhu Village, Dimapur, Nagaland
+91 9706472819 | +91 8787596191
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Contestant Agreement
I am of good health and moral character. I agree that I am not under contract with any person, firm
or corporation in respect to my present title nor have I made any legal obligations that would prevent
my appearance or participation at the international or state competition.
Mr. & Miss Bishwokarma Intercontinental organization, its officers, directors, staff, and sponsors are
not responsible for personal injury to anyone or damages during this Contract.
The Parties acknowledge and agree that this Agreement represents the entire agreement between
the Parties. In the event that the Parties desire to change, add, or otherwise modify any terms, they
shall do so in writing to be signed by both parties.

This agreement is “at will” which means either Party may end the agreement at any time, for any
reason, with or without notice. Although not required by law, a one-week notice of termination by
the terminating Party is requested and encouraged.
I agree that I cannot claim any thing once this agreement is sign by me.
I also agree that the organizer/company has the right to Dethrone or Dismiss the Pageant Title if
found guilty or trying to defame the organizer/company by any means.
I permit my photograph, Videos, likeness, voice recording, and name to be used without charge for
publicity and commercial purposes. I understand that I may appear on television.
I further understand that I will be called on to do appearances to promote, social awareness, social
work or any other event related work that I may called for and compensation for meals, travel and/or
accommodations are not guaranteed.
I also agree that if I happen to take part in any other Pageant national or international in the future I
will have to take the permission of the Organiser/B Bros Entertainmet company.

This Agreement will begin on the Commencement Date and will remain in effect for the duration.
This Agreement will automatically terminate at the end of the duration.

Full-time Service as Mr. & Miss Bishwokarma Intercontinental, I will serve as "Mr.&Miss
Bishwokarma Intercontinental" during the Year of Service and until my successor is selected or
appointed. The duties and obligations of my service as Mr. & Miss Bishwokarma Intercontinental
have been described to me and I understand and accept them. I agree that I will dedicate my
entire time, efforts and energy during my Year of Service to the fulfillment of these duties and
obligations, and that I will engage in no other business or other activities that will in any way
interfere with the duties and obligations of my Year of Service.

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I understand and agree that I am not and will not become an employee of the Mr. & Miss
Bishwokarma Intercontinental Organization during my Year of Service. I am and will remain
an independent contractor with respect to the Mr. & Miss Bishwokarma Intercontinental
Organization. The authority granted by this Application and Contract to Mr. & Miss
Bishwokarma Intercontinental Organization to act on my behalf is intended for the mutual
convenience of the Mr. & Miss Bishwokarma Intercontinental Organization and me and in
order to provide an effective means of organizing my activities during my Year of Service
Appointment of the Mr. & Miss Bishwokarma Intercontinental Organization as Exclusive
Agent and Representative. Commencing with my selection as Mr. & Miss Bishwokarma
Intercontinental and throughout my Year of Service and until my successor is selected or
appointed, I irrevocably constitute and appoint the Mr. & Miss Bishwokarma
Intercontinental Organization as my sole and exclusive agent.
Appearances after Year of Service. After the conclusion of my Year of Service, I will not

wear the crown or sash of Mr. & Miss Bishwokarma Intercontinental nor appear as Mr. &
Miss Bishwokarma Intercontinental for the purposes of advertising or endorsing any product,
person, cause or service, unless I have received in advance the written approval of the Mr. &

Miss Bishwokarma Intercontinental Organization. I understand that the Mr. & Miss
Bishwokarma Intercontinental Organization shall not be obligated to approve any such

appearance or use of the Mr. & Miss Bishwokarma Intercontinental crown and/or sash.

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I, ...................................................................... , a Mr. & Miss Bishwokarma Intercontinental 2022 winner,
have read the agreement and understand all rules, conditions, and regulation set forth by the Mr. &
Miss Bishwokarma Intercontinental organizer and will be able to follow and fulfill all rules,
conditions, and regulation set forth by the Mr. & Miss Bishwokarma Intercontinental organizer
Contract. I understand that if found in violation of any part of this contract, The organizer/company
has the authority to terminate my Pageant winner title.

Date ...................

Mahakavi Marg, Maitidevi,Kathmandu
+977 9805415811 | +977 9860700161

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