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A glimpse into clinical profession in psychology

Nino B. Galacgac, a clinical psychologist, was the presenter, and he began by introducing
himself and giving a summary of the presentation. The role of a psychometrician in the clinical
sector, becoming and being a clinical psychologist, clinical interviewing and producing a
psychological evaluation, q and a, and takehome activity are all covered in the presentation's
To begin, a psychometrician is a professional who works in the field of educational and
psychological measurement, or testing. Psychometricians assess an exam program's validity,
reliability, and fairness, and are crucial in the development of valid and reliable language
examinations. Psychologists are trained to work in all areas of psychology, whereas
psychometricians specialize in the administration, scoring, and evaluation of patient
psychological assessments. They are usually supervised by a psychologist who is licensed.
Psychometricians are responsible for the selection and evaluation of job applicants. This is done
based on the personality, aptitude, interests, and abilities of the individual. He or she use
psychological assessment tools such as exams and questionnaires.
Furthermore, the speaker stated that in order to be a Licensed Psychologist in the
Philippines, a graduate of an MA in Psychology must pass the Psychologist Licensure
Examination. The Board of Psychology administers the test, which is overseen by the
Professional Regulations Commission (PRC). He also mentioned that, while we are getting more
professionals each year, demand is rapidly increasing. The Philippine Psychological Association,
an accredited integrated professional association for practitioners and academicians in the
discipline, has also released its 2020 development plan.
In addition, the presentation included four terms: psychological testing, psychological
measurement, psychological assessment, and psychological evaluation. Tests and evaluations are
two separate but related components of a psychological evaluation. Psychologists employ both
types of instruments to arrive at a diagnosis and treatment plan.
In testing, formal tests such as questionnaires or checklists are utilized. The term "norm-
referenced" is often used to describe these tests. Simply put, the tests have been standardized so
that test takers receive the same grade regardless of where they live or who administers the test.
In the meanwhile, a psychological evaluation may include norm-referenced psychological tests,
informal tests and surveys, interview data, school or medical records, medical examination, and
observational data, among other things. A psychologist chooses which data to use based on the
specific questions addressed. For example, assessments can be performed to determine whether
someone has a learning disability, is competent to stand trial, or has suffered a traumatic brain
injury. They can also be used to determine whether someone would make a good boss or if they
can collaborate effectively.
There was an open forum at the end of the lecture where students could ask questions
concerning the presentation. Members can identify themselves, welcome others to the discussion,
describe the format of the conversation, and outline the discussion's purpose and relationship to
the team's overall considerations.

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