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Module 17 : Processing of Polymers

and Composites

Chapter 2 : Injection mold

(Mold design)

Prof. Abou el kacem Qaiss

Chapter 2: Injection mold
(Mold design)
Mold Injection
Plateau Plateau
mobile cavité fixe
baril hydraulique

Bandes vis

Mold basic requirements

An injection mold must:

• Contain the cavity that defines the features of the part
to be injected.
• Transfer the melted resin between the plasticating-unit
and the mold-cavity.
• Act as a heat exchanger in order to uniformly cool
(solidify) the injected part during a very short time.
• Provide an ejection system to adequately eject (without
any damage) the molded parts during mold opening.
• Resist to the melt injection pressure (internal forces)
that can generally exceed 2000 Bar.
• Resist to the compressive forces (external forces)
imposed by the clamping system of the injection
machine that can reach a few thousands of tons.
• For multi-cavity molds: transfer uniformly the resin to
each cavity and ensure a uniform cooling.

1. Standard mold assembly

2. Cold runner and hot runner molds:
- Two-plate mold.
- Three-plate mold.
3. Runner design:
- Runner balancing.
4. Injection gates (Gate design):
- Gate positioning.
5. Mold steel materials
6. Mold vents design.
7. Mold ejection systems. 5

1. Standard mold assembly

2. Cold runner and hot runner molds:

- Two-plate mold.
- Three-plate mold.

3. Runner design:
- Runner balancing.

4. Injection gates (Gate design):

- Gate positionnng.

5. Mold steel materials

6. Mold vents design.
7. Mold ejection systems.
Cold Runner Molds

For thermoplastics, cold runners molds refer to the

molds in which the runner is cooled, solidified and then
ejected at the same time as the injected parts.

Oups !! Materials’ loss

To be removed
from the parts

Three-plate cold runner molding

1. Two-Plate Cold Runner Molds:
Stationary half

Sprue bushing
Locating ring
Cavity: female part
Top clamping plate

Cavity retainer plate

Guide pin
Cooling line
Core: male part

Core retainer plate Guide pin bushing

Movable half

Support plate
Ejector pin Return pin
Parallel plate
Guide pin bushing
Bottom clamping plate

Ejector plate Ejector guide pin

Ejector retainer plate

• This is the most used design due to its simplicity, its lower
cost, and because of its easy operation and maintenance.
• This type of mold has a single parting line that opens
during each molding cycle to allow removal of both the
runner and molded parts.
• The sprue provides a passage for the melted polymer to
travel from the nozzle to the parting line. At the parting
line, the sprue connects to the primary runner, which either
feeds the melt directly to the part forming cavity (single-
cavity molds) or branches into additional runner sections,
which will feed the melt to multiple cavities (multi-cavity
• For multi-cavity molds, as the cavities and the runner are
along the same parting line, gating is limited to the cavity
• Requires the needs to separate the runner from the
molded parts.
• The runner material has to be re-grinded for possible
reuse (contamination problems).
• For multi-cavity molds: Limitation in gating location: must
be on the edge of the molded parts. This limitation can
lead to:
. Core deflection.
. Gas traps.
. Undesirable weldlines.

Important: Weldlines must never be situated in
critical areas, (especially for parts reinforced with

Mold closed

Mold open

Opening/ejection steps

• For three-plate molds, the main advantage is that the
gating is not limited to the perimeter of the part cavity.
• The three-plate mold has a second parting
plane located behind the cavity plate.
• The 2nd parting plane provides for a
runner to travel under the mold cavity
to any position relative to the part cavity.

• A secondary sprue transfers the melt from the runner,

through the mold cavity insert, to a desired location on the
part cavity. The secondary sprue is attached to the part by
a small diameter pin gate. Due to the increased flexibility
in gating locations, the three-plate cold runner mold might
be used in multi-cavity molds producing parts like a cup,
where gating in the center of the cavity would be
desirable. 15
• Mold complexity (more maintenance + possibility of
operation problems)
• The increased number of moving parts increases wear
related problems.
• Longer runner than in two-plate molds à Higher
injection pressure à higher mold clamping force.

Hot Runner Molds
• A hot runner mold refers to a mold in which the runner
stays molten and is not ejected during the molding
• Without a runner Þ shot size, plasticating & cooling
times decrease.
• The hot runner system is composed of two primary
components: the manifold and the drop.
1) The manifold, contained with the fixed part of the
mold (Part A), delivers the melt from the machine
nozzle to the selected positions behind the cavity

2) Hot drops then provide passage for the melt from
the manifold directly to the mold cavity.
The drop is generally positioned 90 degrees to the
manifold and travels through the cavity plate.

1. Externally heated Manifold with
externally heated drops
Stationary part

• Recommended for: High viscosity, thermally sensitive materials.

• Channels are heated form the outside: unsolidified skin
• → Pressure drop remains low
• Désavantage: Channel heating is in conflict with mold cooling
2. Externally heated manifold with
internally heated drops:

• Can provide better gate temperature control (less freezing).

• Disadvantages: . The presence of the heating element inside the flow
channel causes a flow obstacle.
. Skin solidification. 22
3. Internally heated manifold and
internally heated drops:

• This combination eliminates most leaking problems (1 bloc)

• Better control of gate temperature.
• Disadvantages: Stagnant flow zone→ Melt degradation.
Skin solidification. 23
4. Hot sprues: single cavity molds (generally)
In some applications, the manifold is eliminated and a
single drop, called hot sprue is used. The hot sprue
directs the melt from the machine nozzle directly into a
single cavity. Can also be used for special cases of
multi-cavity molds.

1. Standard mold assembly

2. Cold runner and hot runner molds:

- Two-plate mold.
- Three-plate mold.

3. Runner design:
- Runner balancing.

4. Injection gates (Gate design):

- Gate positioning.

5. Mold steel materials

6. Mold vents design.
7. Mold ejection systems.
Importance of runner design
Before being injected inside the mold cavity,
E the melted resin has to flow through the

• The runner is considered as one of the most

important parts of the mold and has to be
adequately designed.
• A significant percentage of rework in new molds
is the result of improperly designed runners.

What is the effect of the variation
in channel radius, R, on pressure drop ?
8Qh L
DP =
pR 4
If Q, h et L remain constants, the pressure drop,
DP, is:

k Þ DPa 1
DP = 4 4
If R is increased by 40% → DP decreases by 74%
1. Cold runner design:
Runners are used to deliver the melt from the injection
nozzle of the molding machine, through the mold and to the
They should satisfy the following requirements:
• The cross-sections should be large enough so that the
pressure to fill the runners is not excessive.
• The cross-sections should be as small as possible to
reduce waste and reduce the cooling time.
• Provide balanced flow to all cavities.
• Maximize the efficiency of the flow channel by minimizing
the ratio of surface area to cross-sectional area. This is
best achieved with a full round runner channel. 29
Bad conception
pressure drop

2. Runner balancing in geometrically balanced
runner systems (cold and hot runners)
• One of the primary objectives of the runner in a multi-
cavity mold is to deliver identical melt conditions to each
of the cavities in the mold.
• The geometrically balanced runner has always been
thought to provide the optimum ‘natural’ balance.

• Despite the geometrical balance, however, there is

nearly always some variation between cavities nearer to
the center of the mold versus cavities further away from
the center. 31
Sample runner layout illustrating regions
of high sheared material (shaded regions)


æ 4Q ö
g! a = ç ÷
è pR 3 ø
æ RDP ö
tp = ç ÷
è 2L ø

Shear rate distribution profile

across the runner-centerline to
outer wall
+ isothermal

Cross-sectional view of high and low sheared regions
inside a runner system
"Short shots test"

Illustration of the
development and
placement of high
sheared material in a
geometrically balanced
runner system rate
Geometrically balanced runner
system showing significant shear
induced imbalances

Beaumont Technologies

3. Nongeometrically balanced runner layouts:

Simplified flows common in injection molding

• Many polymer processing operations can be modeled

using simplified geometries and material (Rheology)
• This section presents several isothermal flows in simple
geometries (Cylindrical, rectangular) using a Newtonian
or Power-Law viscosity models

• Power-Law: where m (T ) = m e - a ( T -T )
h = m (T )g! n -1 0

Typical viscosity curve for polymers

Newtonian plateau Pseudoplastic

ViscositÈ (h)



Taux de cisaillement (g)

Hypothysis: ü gravity effect: negligeable
(high viscosities for polymers: 102 à 105 Pa.s).

ü Long flow sections: ends effects negligible

(well established flow).

ü Steady-state flow ( ¶ ¶t = 0. )
ü incompressible liquid ( ¶r ¶p = 0 ) .
ü Isothermal flow(T= Cte).
ü Laminar flow
vq = vr = 0
vz = vz ( r )
ü No slip at the wall: 47
Shearing stress, trz, : forces balance:


r In: P0
ü Dynamic equilibrium:

( P0 - PL ) p r 2
- t rz ( r )( 2p rL ) = 0

æ P0 - PL ö
t rz ( r ) = ç ÷r
è 2L ø
Linear profile
Out: PL
Viscosity,µ , and shear rate, g! , as a function of the
flow rate, Q:

dQ dQ = v z ( r )ds = v z ( r )2p rdr

Þ Q = ò v z ( r )2p rdr

a. Velocity profile, Vz(r): Newtonien case:
µ= Cste

æ t rz ( r ) ö æ r DP ö
µ =ç ÷ Þ g! ( r ) = ç 2 Lµ ÷
è g! ( r ) ø è ø
- dv z ( r ) æ -DP ö
g! ( r ) = Þ v z ( r ) = - ò g! ( r ) dr = ò ç ÷rdr
dr è 2 Lµ ø
æ -DP ö 2
=ç ÷ r +c
ü No slip: è 4 Lµ ø
æ R 2 DP ö
vz ( R ) = 0 Þ c=ç ÷
è 4 Lµ ø

æ R DP ö æ æ r ö ö
2 2

vz ( r ) = ç ÷ çç 1 - ç ÷ ÷÷ (Parabolic profile)
z è 4µ L ø è è R ø ø
b. Newtonian viscosity, µ, calculation:

= æ -pDP ö p
R 4
ü.Q = ò v z ( r )2p rdr ç 2 Lµ ÷ ò ( r - R ) rdr = 8µ L
2 2

è ø0

p R 4 DP
Þ µ = 8LQ

c. Shear rate,. g:
t rz ( r ) æ DP ö æ 8LQ ö æ 4Q ö
g! ( r ) =
ü. ç r÷ç 4 ÷ Þ g (r) = ç
! 4 ÷
µ è 2 L ø è p R DP ø èpR ø
Linear profile

Shear rate at the channel surface g!a = æç 4Q3 ö÷

(Apparent shear rate) èpR ø

Power Law fluids: t = mg!
Cylindrical shape Rectangular shape
p1 p2 p1 p2
R z h y

æ RDP ö æ hDP ö
tp =ç ÷ tp =ç ÷
è 2 L ø è 2L ø

æ hDP ö n

g! p = ç

æ RDP ö n
g! p = ç ÷ è 2 mL ø
è 2 mL ø
æ R D P ö æ Rn öæç æ r ö ö
1 n +1

æ hn öæ h D P ö æç æ 2 y ö ö
n n 1 n +1

n n
vz (r ) = ç ÷ ç ÷ 1- ç ÷ v z ( y ) = çç ÷÷ç ÷ 1- ç ÷ ÷
è 2 mL ø è n + 1 øçè è R ø ÷
ø è 2 (n + 1) øè 2 mL ø çè è h ø ÷
æ pR n öæ R D P ö
3 n 1

Q = çç ÷÷ç ÷ nWh æ h D P ö
2 n

Q= ç ÷
è 3n + 1 øè 2 mL ø 2 (1 + 2 n ) è 2 mL ø
n<1, pseudoplastic: (approx. flat profile)
Power-Law: t = mg! n

vz ( r ) = - ç ÷ ç (
æ DP ö n æ n ö nn+1
è 2 Lm ø è n + 1 ø
r - R
n +1
æ -DP ö
n=1, newtonian: vz ( r ) = ç 4 Lh ÷ ( r 2 - R 2 )
è 0 ø
(Parabolic profile)

æ 4Q ö
g!a = ç 3 ÷
èpR ø

æ RDP ö n

gp =ç
! ÷
è 2mL ø
t p = æç ÷
è 2L ø
Balancing the runner system inside a multicavity
injection mold
• Pressure flow through a tube is encountered in the
runner system in jection molds, in certain dies and in
capillary rhometers
• For a well balanced runners system, the time to fill
each of the mold cavities must be the same → same
flow rate Q.
• In addition, for a flow rate Q, and a distribution
channel of radius R1 and length L, we can also solve
for the pressures at the runne system junctions.

Example: Injection molding of PS

æ p (2 R1 )3 öæ 2 R1 ( p1 - p2 ) ö s
4Q = çç ÷ç
÷ ÷
è s + 3 øè 2mL ø

S = 1/n

æ p (2 R1 )3 öæ 2 R1 ( p1 - p2 ) ö s
4Q = çç ÷ç
÷ ÷
è s + 3 øè 2mL ø

æ p (2 R1 ) öæ 2 R1 ( p2 - p3 ) ö
3 s

2Q = çç ÷çç ÷÷
øè 2m(2 L ) ø
è s+3

æ p R n ö æ RDP ö
3 n

Q=ç ÷ç ÷
è 3n + 1 ø è 2mL ø æ p (2 R1 )3 öæ 2 R1 ( p1 - p2 ) ö s
4Q = çç ÷ç
÷ ÷
è s + 3 øè 2mL ø

æ p (2 R1 ) öæ 2 R1 ( p2 - p3 ) ö
3 s

2Q = çç ÷çç ÷÷
øè 2m(2 L ) ø
è s+3

æ pR öæ R2 ( p2 - 0) ö
3 s

Q = çç 2
÷÷çç ÷÷
è s + 3 øè 2m(2 L ) ø

æ p R n ö æ RDP ö
3 n

Q=ç ÷ç ÷
è 3n + 1 ø è 2mL ø æ p (2 R1 )3 öæ 2 R1 ( p1 - p2 ) ö s
4Q = çç ÷ç ÷
è s + 3 øè 2mL ø

æ p (2 R1 ) öæ 2 R1 ( p2 - p3 ) ö
3 s

2Q = çç ÷çç ÷÷
øè 2m(2 L ) ø
è s+3

æ pR öæ R2 ( p2 - 0) ö
3 s

Q = çç 2
÷÷çç ÷÷
è s + 3 øè 2m(2 L ) ø
æ pR13 öæ R1 ( p3 - 0) ö

Q = çç ÷÷çç ÷÷
è s + 3 øè 2m(2 L ) ø
E We are faced to 4 non-linear equations
with 4 uncknown parameters: ! iterative solution 58
• Using values of L = 10cm; R1 = 4mm; Q = 20 cm3/s
unknown parameters: p1, p2, p3 and R2 can be obtained

Example: for R2= 3.4mm, would result in a balanced runner

system for:
p1= ????? bar; p2= ????? bar; p3= ????? bar.
( m = 2.8.10 4
Pa. s n
) n = 1.0
• If we assume that the fluid is Newtonian of the same
consistency index and a radius R2= 3.9mm would have
resulted with much higher required pressures of:
p1= ????? bar; p2= ????? bar; p3= ????? bar.

1. Standard mold assembly

2. Cold runner and hot runner molds:

- Two-plate mold.
- Three-plate mold.

3. Runnes design:
- Runner balancing.

4. Injection gates (Gate design):

- Gate positioning.

5. Mold steel materials

6. Mold vents design.
7. Mold ejection systems.
• The gate is the link between the part and the
runner system. It is normally a restricted area that
facilitates separation of the runner from the part.
• The size, shape and placement of the gate can
significantly affect the ability to successfully mold a
product. The key feature of the gate is to allow for
easy or automatic separation of the part from the
runner system while allowing for filling and packing
of the part.
• It is commonly recommended that the thickness or
the diameter of a gate be 30 to 70% of the wall
thickness of the part to which is attached
1. Gate types:

ØSprue Gate:

• The part is gated directly from the sprue

• Used in single-cavity molds and provides
for the melt to be delivered to the center
of the cavity.
• Ideal for cylindrical/symmetrically shaped
parts (cups, buckets, helmets, etc.) and
disc-shaped parts.
• Disadvantage: The sprue must be
manually removed from the molded part.

ØTab Gate:
• The most basic type of gate.
• Generally rectangular in cross-
section and attach to the part along
its perimeter at the parting line of
the mold.

• Main disadvantage: manual


ØFan Gate:
• Attached to the part at the parting line.
• It expands out from the runner in the
shape of a fan with its widest end
opening to the cavity.
• The fan region can be relatively thick
and feeds a thin gate land, which is
attached directly to the part
• Advantages:
• Good melt orientation inside the mold
cavity and broad uniform flow front.
• Reduces the problem of jetting.
• Main disadvantage: Requires manual
degating from the part.
ØFilm Gate:
• Some similarities a the fan gate but utilizes less space
and material.
• The runner attaches to a gate manifold that
distributes the melt along a broad thin gate land that
is attached directly to the part.
• Films gates work best at fast fill rates.

ØRing gate:
• They are essentially film gates that have
been wrapped around a cavity.
• Generally used for external gating on
cylindrical parts.
• Usually used with two-plate cold runner
systems on cylindrical parts open parts
(like tubes)
• The main objective is to eliminate
• Main disadvantage: the gate is difficult to
ØDiaphragm gate:

• Generally used on cylindrical shaped parts

open on either ends.
• Generally used in three-plate molds: cold or
hot runners. Or single-cavity sprue-gated
• Advantages:
Uniform flow. No core deflection during the
injection. No weldlines.

• Main disadvantage: the gate is difficult to

ØTunnel gate: "submarine“

• Typically conical in shape with

the smallest end of the cone
attached to the part.
• The gate is cut in the mold such
that the tunnels from the runner
to the cavity below the parting
line of the mold.
• During part ejection, the gate is
sheared from the part as it is
pulled through the tunnel.
• Most commonly used to provide
automatic degating in standard
two-plate cold runner molds.
ØPin Point gate:

• Is a restricted gate used in three-

plate molds.
• Must be small enough to be torn
away from the part without
damaging the wall of the part.
• Generally less than 50% of the
wall thickness of the part.
• Can be applied to the gate tips in
hot drops

2. Gate positioning:

Important considerations:

• Ability to reach gating location with the desired runner

system and mold type (two or three plate mold).
• Gate types available for the selected location, mold type,
and material.
• Consideration of wall thickness variation in molded parts.
• Effect of gating locations in creating weldlines.
• Potential esthetic and structural concerns at the gate
location on the part.
Important considerations (continued):

• Effect on flow pattern and its influence on shrinkage.

• Length of flow through the required runner and part cavity.
• Effect on clamp tonnage.
• Effect on core deflections.
• Effect on mold venting.
• Jetting problems.

1. Standard mold assembly

2. Cold runner and hot runner molds:

- Two-plate mold.
- Three-plate mold.

3. Runnes design:
- Runner balancing.

4. Injection gates (Gate design):

- Gate positioning.

5. Mold steel materials

6. Mold vents design.
7. Mold ejection systems.
Molders’ desired characteristics of mold material:
• Wear resistance for abrasive materials.
• Impact strength (toughness) for small and thin inserts.
• Compressive strength to withstand mold clamping forces.
• Hot hardness for high-temperature operation.
• Corrosion resistance for use with corrosive materials, in
high humidity, or for protecting cooling lines.
• High thermal conductivity for rapid cooling.
Mold builders’ desired characteristics of mold material:
• Machinability.
• Polishability.
• Heat-treating dimensional stability.
• Weldability.
• Nitriding ability.
American Iron and
Steel Institute

1. Standard mold assembly

2. Cold runner and hot runner molds:

- Two-plate mold.
- Three-plate mold.

3. Runnes design:
- Runner balancing.

4. Injection gates (Gate design):

- Gate positioning.

5. Mold steel materials

6. Mold vents design.
7. Mold ejection systems.
• Prior to melt being injected into a mold cavity, the latter is
occupied by room air that was trapped there when the
mold closed. As the melt enters the cavity through the
gate, the air must have a mean to escape. If it cannot
escape, it will be compressed by the flowing plastic. This
compressed air will result in a number of negative effects,
such as dieseling. The resulted hot compressed air can
both burn the plastic material and even potentially
damage the surface of the mold steel. In addition,
compressed air can affect the filling of the cavity.
• To prevent these problems, vents are placed in certain
places that allows the air to escape during cavity filling.
• The most desirable location for vents is the parting line of
the mold.
• Vents should be placed at the last place in the mold
expected to fill.
• Additional vents along the perimeter of the part at the
parting line of the mold are also recommended.
• Parting line vents consist of two regions: i) the initial vent
land at the perimeter of the cavity must be very shallow
so air can escape, but the molten plastic cannot. ii) the
vent relief (see the following figure)


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