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Tajima is an earthquake victim.

She manages to save all his family members from the wrath
of the disaster. Though she is mentally tough, all her resources are already gone.

If you were to rank the following needs of Tajima from the most important to the least
important, how would you arrange the following needs? Justify your answer.






MEDICINE – After a disaster, Your first concern after a disaster is your family's health and
safety. You need to consider possible safety issues and monitor family health and well-being.

FOOD - Familiar foods are important. They lift morale and give a feeling of security in times
of stress. Foods should contain high in calories and nutrition. Foods that require no
refrigeration, water, special preparation, or cooking are best. You need food so you have the
energy to build a shelter or the mental clarity to run from the brain chompers. Or, in the case
of an earthquake, the fortitude to sit without utilities and water for a few days.

GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE - I put government assistance as third because I believe

that the government will still take time to arrive at the affected area. The government will
help us with relief goods, equipment, and even help us rebuild houses and roads. The national
government has to provide and the manpower and resources that have to be deployed to
support emergency relief efforts, Recovery and reconstruction efforts.

HOME - As soon as conditions on the ground realistically allow, Habitat for Humanity
begins rebuilding damaged homes and new permanent housing. A popular approach is to
build a core house; a small, well-constructed, disaster-resilient structure that can be extended
and expanded as a family’s circumstances and finances allow.

COUNSELLING – After a disaster, we may get trauma. Even though Tajima is mentally
though she still need her mental health checked up before working. We need counselling
because it helps us to restore the capacity of the individuals to cope with the stressful
situation in which they find themselves in.

WORK - Having a work helps us to provide income, insurance, and other benefits. Work
imparts a sense of purpose, interrelatedness, and belonging. The workplace serves as a major
organizing factor in the lives of most adults and as a source of social support; it is an essential
part of the local community.

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