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Emerging IT Technologies

“Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Big Data”

Case Solutions

 Group 07:

Devangshu Buragohain MBA/08/146

Simanta Mridha MBA/08/174

Aditya Pratap Singh MBA/08/129

Yojna Rakheja MBA/08/186

Girish Mahajan MBA/08/151

Q1. What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? How will you differentiate Machine Learning from AI?

Artificial Intelligence or AI is one of the famous buzzwords in the Tech world. So, AI simply means mimicking
human behavior (intelligence) or making the computer think like a human. While building AI, a lot of research
& analysis has been done on the human brain & its cognitive processes.

The outcome is converted into various algorithms that help to develop intelligent software & systems. Artificial
intelligence is used by developers to communicate with clients, find trends, and solve issues more quickly &
effortlessly than they could manually. A common misunderstanding is that artificial intelligence is a system,
however, this is untrue. The system incorporates AI.

Examples are Google Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, etc.

AI can be divided into two parts –

I) Machine Learning

II) Deep Learning

Now, with respect to Machine learning or ML, it’s part of AI through which a system automatically starts
learning from its learning experience & develop new features according to that. So, here is the job/goal of the
machine to learn from data & maximize the performance on its own while creating self-learning algorithms.

So, AI on the other hand deals with the broader aspect of the decision-making processes while ML acquires new
knowledge to enhance the performance & overall increase the efficiency of AI as ML is a subset of AI.

Q2. Describe some of the ethical dilemmas with using AI in two business contexts of your choice.

While talking about ethical dilemmas with using AI in business contexts, a few prime examples can be –

I) Automation & Jobs –

The world is rapidly changing with technology & these changes are not only impacting the daily life of humans
but also changing the roles & types of various jobs. Adding to this AI has made this process only faster & with
the massive presence of AI in today’s market, old jobs are either getting closed or getting modified. Also, some
new jobs are created to handle the machines or systems that are equipped with AI to do that job much more
easily & efficiently. So, on the plus side, automation has simplified and improved numerous tasks. For those
who possess the necessary abilities to operate and maintain automated equipment, it has also opened up new
prospects. On the downside, automation has made many jobs that were formerly performed by people obsolete.

Whether it’s Tesla’s self-driving car/truck or online chatbot, companies are implementing AI & as a result,
unemployment is rising sharply as well. Within the time span of 2005 to 2016, approximately 5 million jobs are
lost as machines with AI replace humans. So, AI is disrupting the kind of jobs available in the market & before
AI completely replaces most of the jobs performed by humans, it’s very important to create new jobs as well as
equip ourselves with the required new skill sets.

II) Resume Screening Bias –

During Talent Acquisition, Resume Screening Bias can be a prime example of an ethical dilemma using AI. So,
while the screening process is going on, chatbots or resume analytics may use specific data to segregate
potential applicants who might also be incidentally members of a protected class, caste, gender, etc. They might
look for traits like job gaps that the algorithm links to success or productivity. The business must extend a job
offer after choosing a candidate. In order to make an offer that the candidate is likely to accept, AI algorithms
can examine a candidate's prior employment history. These tools have the potential to accentuate already
existing pay gaps between gender, race, and other variables in starting and career incomes.

In 2018, Amazon was a pioneer in implementing AI to enhance its employment procedure. Amazon decided to
cancel the experiment after learning that employment recommendations contained prejudice (especially against
women) despite the company's best attempts to exclude information regarding protected groups.

Q3. Explain the need for AI to be explainable.

There is no doubt that technological improvements give us easier access to better services. Technology is a
necessary component of our daily life. Its advantages unquestionably outweigh its drawbacks, and whether we
like it or not, its influence on our lives will only grow. Our lives are now a lot more practical and effective
thanks to the development of computers, the internet, and mobile technology. Today, artificial intelligence is a
necessary and undeniable enabler in our lives, improving the quality of our lives.

The term "explainable AI" (XAI) refers to the strategies and procedures used to create AI programs that allow
users to understand why they take certain actions. Explainable artificial intelligence, or XAI, is a set of
procedures and techniques that enables us to understand and believe the output produced by machine learning
algorithms. Explainable AI describes an AI model, its anticipated effect, and any potential biases. It contributes
to the definition of model correctness, fairness, transparency, and results in AI-powered decision-making

When putting AI models into production, a company must first establish trust and confidence by using
explainable AI. A company can choose a responsible strategy for AI development with the aid of AI explaining
ability. So, a system has deemed a system if we can obtain explanations from it regarding its internal logic. So,
when it comes to why AI has to be explainable, a few reasons can be taken into account –

i) AI systems are increasingly used in sensitive areas – Which makes it Risky as responsibility, reliability &
morality can’t be defined with the help of algorithms. So, AI can make errors in certain cases.

ii) Creating an Existential threat for the human race – Prevent the AI to get control over human

iii) Bias in crucial AI Models – Making discrimination & not an optimal choice

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