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036/L/9z ih eyautsre eh) Communicative activities for students of English Susan Kay “S The Lake School _ of English: 4 Contents Worksbect Interaction Shite Activity “Tne Granarandfnctions Vocaballry (orn ieyairone Woaksias Wiley Gonmniatini 30-9) — Guana! whoa qicsba wor Festina Spaitss “warms GRE inact no Teor Windies Spang Cinemas 15-8) asta randaba brane Permntieeaian — ‘ikea Qestenetacieson aed Secon ats quent TE Tem conte seat omer Taman acta Cocca co ea a TD esineaenercecfoa nar ool Ses rar yu ch refer ae Daves ‘Thapiamtpis orapw Seng Fawn Seog above ans Toueratian Neboucas were cies Wentteraveoneaksat tins, pesandpeoenes sets ansornalprcstrgerey Taeaea Tarai Ratng Qaeinaare ~~ aint at Hp oraaae Gaston Faceted ta Wishes Seiki) Canwanicneatae Sa) Quesion wis qa wad eet “dee who peices tjeteendg ed _ . iopeeen ong Topscetin Wicca Sainy Gepangaiakd 1 hfesedag wtntine at “Senos be! reacted Nees mee Sion qsone . Tiiatetatakand Grape Wg Tews =e ‘eras ieapematane —— Farwak win OR Bee Cetie Rel fete Secon a . 7 Wir noe Tecpond Speitng Gvepshotin ——“——Teigastni wren ates axahie “— SJomtay Rotee Tromsneatehtes patentnanstr ger . wan wn Tawnewiod! Whaeaas Wake Gnuicinguliaal 20 Rertngrabmecaos wae am Serene “shen Torco ge Winks Spntng ae Seid Copan a pene eae egret anges Fegeaceisid worn elane ane BH Haw ‘Wea winee “Ponce san equa ‘Seren ene = ociena jradih Rance pied eae Soudan Peet peas Pont vd TEarenentie ‘eu ainse rape Sen Commies Testo a cont Taal Seeing a Ween esewand pepe Tei — Seng "ompangs chat Sreempens ores “Wiarton opr paee_ TR talngcoarstoe ene "saan 98 SEDER GopwOR Ypcary awe So okra ‘inetd ‘setae pase item ‘ope ober, . beaded pepe Troemacia isa Boa pares tare ew Seones Ne pe tn inal ine Be Umea we came rr Teall Hekate Cnc Spesing —Uheibancng 50” ira apts lw aoe Ta Teme beatae penne Boungeataene meet mt ahead — Npenesceerbing two i ‘Popescu tab Pg TBamntibe Gaia? Grapaat Spee Rael ee ‘treambane Tepe cork eae want row espn mages bec) ‘entrststona meses re Contents Worksbect Interaction Shite Activity “Tne Granarandfnctions Vocaballry (orn ieyairone Woaksias Wiley Gonmniatini 30-9) — Guana! whoa qicsba wor Festina Spaitss “warms GRE inact no Teor Windies Spang Cinemas 15-8) asta randaba brane Permntieeaian — ‘ikea Qestenetacieson aed Secon ats quent TE Tem conte seat omer Taman acta Cocca co ea a TD esineaenercecfoa nar ool Ses rar yu ch refer ae Daves ‘Thapiamtpis orapw Seng Fawn Seog above ans Toueratian Neboucas were cies Wentteraveoneaksat tins, pesandpeoenes sets ansornalprcstrgerey Taeaea Tarai Ratng Qaeinaare ~~ aint at Hp oraaae Gaston Faceted ta Wishes Seiki) Canwanicneatae Sa) Quesion wis qa wad eet “dee who peices tjeteendg ed _ . iopeeen ong Topscetin Wicca Sainy Gepangaiakd 1 hfesedag wtntine at “Senos be! reacted Nees mee Sion qsone . Tiiatetatakand Grape Wg Tews =e ‘eras ieapematane —— Farwak win OR Bee Cetie Rel fete Secon a . 7 Wir noe Tecpond Speitng Gvepshotin ——“——Teigastni wren ates axahie “— SJomtay Rotee Tromsneatehtes patentnanstr ger . wan wn Tawnewiod! Whaeaas Wake Gnuicinguliaal 20 Rertngrabmecaos wae am Serene “shen Torco ge Winks Spntng ae Seid Copan a pene eae egret anges Fegeaceisid worn elane ane BH Haw ‘Wea winee “Ponce san equa ‘Seren ene = ociena jradih Rance pied eae Soudan Peet peas Pont vd TEarenentie ‘eu ainse rape Sen Commies Testo a cont Taal Seeing a Ween esewand pepe Tei — Seng "ompangs chat Sreempens ores “Wiarton opr paee_ TR talngcoarstoe ene "saan 98 SEDER GopwOR Ypcary awe So okra ‘inetd ‘setae pase item ‘ope ober, . beaded pepe Troemacia isa Boa pares tare ew Seones Ne pe tn inal ine Be Umea we came rr Teall Hekate Cnc Spesing —Uheibancng 50” ira apts lw aoe Ta Teme beatae penne Boungeataene meet mt ahead — Npenesceerbing two i ‘Popescu tab Pg TBamntibe Gaia? Grapaat Spee Rael ee ‘treambane Tepe cork eae want row espn mages bec) ‘entrststona meses re voter weston sls Ack Te. Ganmarandtuncns vate a) __” RGGRGRT Tapco Pah cma So Grae RS GIS “a =o Snetcndnt petiole - Tega ene aay pes aw ——— ‘Sanieonnre Se We Siac keem ret wer oan a Soke agar - are Tame Spain ie were = aero a sore ies tat hg ae Ti hie tainiean S = INsidaumetacencestie B kapha Teal apy Gasneg Tone pone na oe = Satie 2 Whomketme mae Cpwrk “Speaking Communion we 30 Regancpeccr gies = Se eee Se rcusaannss a a TB inpenigec pagan oe = Sea ae are is _ ese _ Trosesscheck 21-20 36d Greupmork Speaking Dormia w Rewer fomotenot aves. ceportedsceecl Reriske: ypesot aa pen Po stares = ian — _ Nae aco Grip Wing Wigaspaig 5 — Tai aap RRS “ a a mae ae Titian) Tame — ies tame ara Seaway * Sn’ “Sune ae a amet GN eting gd SS tana = miseries “b Don ycanegr ‘Whole class Spesing Malic 1s ecm ite Hoc ‘3 had rh awe Whose Wee Discusion WO Matriccspes vipa Geren ba iene a cs Venrsichorstacninlone fed Sie eared tay aa nee iii he — Mstr to,exet watz Song fose TGR Daoew Gavel eae Dapie G0 Tent ceptor iced SRS ite _ Ade neve Wiking Wega HT cn aaa ies SGT Sapna poop mee . cpowtowierteie Sera Gane vie mamta BB coi maar uae = ree soe Fad Spica et Rag OR TE Be Sa Tad RGAE = Sieicnost rd Sam _ 3 Pack TRG Soin Maninna — Brae ae Se icons FEES pirat speg — Gegeiagany We arent a Tae vaasaee = _ Ter ah alah pad snaps oe Egan eigen ae eo =; Fiona atau Sareea Waning ala BE a to ea eT TES tae pe Geapena eae Taian paaesJ0 haaplinapta TT Co Eomuaamne Geta Wilcas tig Dass 35 — renege wf a = =e Spent wing Vids ain Goapitag cara sea a ES Sis a. a a Siar sa = te Seen ete Eas Noles for teachers The Resource Pack ‘This Resource Pack for teachers contains over $0 communicative practice activities for Intermediate students, Ibis designed 10 be used with Reward termediate Stident’s Book, but ean be used to supplement any course, ‘There isawide range of activities, which provide prictce in speaking, reading and writing, All dhe activities have becn tried and tested many times in the celassrvom, You can use the activities in diferent ways, + toextend lessons from Reward Intermediate tudeat’s Books 1 torevise speeific structures, language or vocabulary later in the course » supplemencany course Ifyouare using Reward Intermediate Student's Book ‘The Resource Pack provides atleast one practice acuvity foreach Lesson and Progresseliec&. The aumbers on the Worksheets correspondito the lessonsint she Student s Book, Iyoware not using Reward Student's Book Use the contents chartat the front of the Resource Pack toselect the activity yourwant 10 use, How to use the Resource Pack Each activity in the Resource Pack consiscs ofone photocopiable worksheet, with Teacher's Notes on the back. (Occasionally there are ewo worksheets for 30 activity.) ‘The worksheetsin the Resource Pack are hole punched for fling, When you have selected the activity you want fo use, carefully detach it from the paes, and check the Yeacher's Notes to find out how long the activity will take, and what preparation is required. The Teaches's Notes provide step-by-step guidance, ensuring that less expericaced teachers, or those with litle time to spend ‘on preparation can use the activities easily. ‘The worksheets have been designed formaximum clarity, even when photocopied. However, ifyou the facilities to enlarge your photocopies, you may find tis useful, especially i the ease of pkcuures orboard games Some of the worksheets requite cutting up into cards dforexample, dominoes, mill drills, bingo). We suggest that you stick the photocopies onto carl before cutting, them up. Laminating cards willalso give them a longer Classroom life. When cutting up the worksheets, remember to cut up the photocopy and not the ‘ociginal! Pur the origival ina folder or ringbioder, 0: pur it back in the pack. Once you have eut the cards ‘out, put them into envelopesand write the uileand activity and the number of cards on the front of the envelope. Some activities require multiple sets of cards, With these, itis good idea, when you photocopy each set to puta different mark, or use adifferent coloured pen ‘on the back of cach set, This will avok! confusion should the sets become mixed up, anc will also make it ‘easier for you tocheck the number of copies per set Store each setin an envelope, asabove. Mill drills ‘There aresevera! mill dilisinthe Resource Pack.You ‘canalso use sorne of the cards from other activities for sil des What is a mill drifle Annill drill isan interactive way of dailing newly presented language, using cards with picture or word prompis on one or both sides, Iefuihls the function of ‘repetition and substitution drills, Asthe name suggests, the students stand! up and ‘mil! ¢eigeulate) around the class, interacting with several partners. A mill drill isan idlcal way of providing controlled practice of a new structure or fanetion after initial presentation, because it gives students the opportunity to repeat the seme language with several different partmers ‘The benefits of a mill drill... for thestudent ‘The presentation stage of. lesson can be rather feachercentred and static. A mil drill makesa welcome change of focus for both students and teacher. It makes controlled practice more communicative and enjoyable (or students and taste repetition becomes more stiaulating and active, A mill drill can also be reassucing For less confident students, not only because the students are solely dependent on mechanical repetition and substitution, but also because they are not required Tospeak out alone. ‘The benefits of mill drill... for the teacher Mill drills differ from conventional dis in thar they are student-centred, providing an invaluable opportuaity forthe teacher to monitor individeal suxdents! weaknesses, particulady pronunciation and intonation, How to doa mill drill with your class ‘There are instructions for each mill sil in the Teacher's Notes on the back of each milli worksheet. The basic procedure for doing a mill drills as follows: Preparation 1 Photocopy the worksheet and cut out the cards as indicated, With large cls, divide the class into groupsand mae one copy of the worksheet foreach group. 2 Giveeachstudentacard, Kisnocnecessary to use al the cards on the worksheet, so if there are fewer students in the eli or group than the numberof cards on the worksheet, leave out the surplus number: Some cards havea prompt onone side only, While otters have prompts an both sles, so follow the instructions ia the Teacher's Notes carefully. Demonstration 1 Tell the studden‘s cat they are going to spend 1010 15 minutes practising the new languageand that you are going 10 demonsicate this, 2 Give one card co each studentin the class, oneforyourself, Selecta sampledialoguie as suggested in the Teacher's Notes on the back of the worksheet), and write on the board, preterably cliciting the language from the studeats, Indicate the part of the dialogue ro be supplied by the picture or ‘word promptoa the card keep Forcnumpke i | | &: Doyo tio mading? OY tata e asso 3 Explain that this language will change according to ‘he prompt on the card, and eliet suggestions far this. For exemple: Do you like reading? laying tenis? urtting letters? 4 Show the studeats how to hold their cares. This is important because double-sided cards must be held in ‘such a way that wiven stiwlents ate talking toa partner, they are both able to see each other's cards, ‘The conect way t0 hold a double-sided card, fosrerese ORDER ‘The wrong way tohold double sided card. wigan D te ‘TAOS '5 Choosea confidentorextrovert studentto demonstrate the activity with you. Then ask wo or three paits of students to demonstrate the dialogue. Sindents do the mitt aritt Aska the students to stand up and to go round the cass oF group, repeating the dialogue with as many different parmers as possible, and using their cards as prompts. Some mil drills have cwo stages involving either turning the cards round, of exchanging cards with, another student, so that students gct the opportunity ¢a -make new seeponses. tn these mill dels, tellthe ‘students that they should stop talking when you clap ‘your hands and continue once they have made the necessary change _Armillgsilis 4 concrolted practice tiv {nyportant that students use the language accurately Therefore, while the students are doing the mill dri you should circulate, listening and correcting students’ smistakes in grammarand pronunciation. Pair forming “The picture cards on some of the worksheets can be used fora pair-forming activity, 26 follows 1 Make ts copies of the workstieet and cut out the pictures so thar there:ace two identical pictures for ‘cach pairof studentsin the class 2 Shuffle the cards and give them out to the stuclents. “Tell the students not to show their ears to anyone else, The students den stand up and go around the ‘lass, asking and answering questions about their pictures until they find the stadent who has the identical card. ‘You ean use this activity asa way of putting students, into pairs for another activity. You can put students into geoups ina similar way. by making copies of the same picture for cach student ina group. Pelmanism ‘The picture cards on some of the worksheetscan be used for pelmanisin (a matching game)as follows: 1 Make one set of cards for each paie (or small group) of students and give excl group the cards and an equal aumber of blank cards, For example, ifthere are 12 picture cards, give the group 12 blank cards. 2 Askthestudentsto writea senienceon each blank sand to match apltre cr For example: ae seateoce | She's a pilot. 3 When they have done this, ask the students to spread out the pictures face down, and spread out the sentences face down, separately from the pictures. 4 Now ask the students to take 1€in tums to tum over one picture care and one sentence. [Fie two cards ‘match, the student can keep them, and playagain. they do noc match, the student tums them back over, and the next player repeats the procedure. ‘5 The game continuesin this way untilall the cards have been used up. The winner is the student with the most cards. | Spotlight on you worksheet @®@ NOTE! This activay & not inked to the activity on Workshest tb, ACTIVITY ‘Whole class: writing, speaking AIM ‘To write a question for exch student in the cass. Ty ak and answer questions GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS ‘Questions withovt ¢ question word and am auxiliary ves Questions with a question wor: what, where, hose, shen anauniary verb VOCABULARY Personut information PREPARATION Make one copy of the worksheet foreach student in the chs PROCEDURE 1 Hf there are more than {2 stents inthe class, vide the I'm different now ait wee d tecarce Pat ME AS A CHILD AGED ___ (any age between 5 and 10) ME NOW What games/play? ‘What television programmes/watch? What hobbies/have? What pets/have? What musie/like? What clothes/wear? What/look like? What/be like? What food/like? What food/not like? Whai/ie frightened of? What ambitions/have? ‘suum 1995 Telit ins eh ana Tate Tear re owe ed WA te Cs eee Your secret is out! wertsheet QD - 4 ACTIVITY ‘Whole cass: writing, speaking AIM “To waite imaginary information about people by cvcaplexing unfinished sentences GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Nondefning rekaive chuses with who forgiving adtinnat ‘information about people VOCABULARY Genes PREPARATION Make one copy af the werkshect foreach scnlen in the class TIME 2 minutes PROCEDURE 1 If there are more than 1+ students in the elas, divide them | into groups 2 Give one copy of the worksheet to exch studenc inthe class 3 Ask each student to write dawn the names of everybody ia the clas group, in rardom oder, In-ear 1 of thek- worksheet If ere ae fewer than 14 studenesin the cess, they should write some names twice. 4 When mey have done that, ask them to fokt their piece of Paper as indicated 0 that columns 1 and 3 aze hidden and ‘only column 2is visible, They shoukt give ito dhe uxt con thet lel 5 Ask the students to complete the fist reative case to column 2 inary way they the Forexim; who likes sleeping who hikes choclate Encourage the students to be a imaginative ors anwsing asthaey ike. 6 When they have dome that, ask them t give the paper to te student on heir lef, You may need to give the students «2 30-second time limit for completing cach clause in order to avoid some stents finishing before enirs 7 Now ask the students to complete the nest clause in ccolume 2on the piece of paper they fae received and ‘then give ito the student on their et 8 Repeat the scuvity unl all the causes in column 2 have ‘been completed 9 Now ash the saudemts to tum ther plece of paper over so that only column 3 is vsble. They should complete the first verb phase in cofumnn 3 in any way they like Por example: dida' use fo speak Kalish, did ¢ use to haven moustache tnt use to he frighteract of fying 110 When they have done that, sk them to give the paper to the student on their left and continue 2s before until al the pphmses ave been completed 11 Tellehe students to open cut the completed worksheet they have received and tp read the sentences on their pivce of paper “12 tf there are any words of phriss that the students do not tunderstend or think ar incorrect, tll them to find the student wo oroie them and sk them co explain or conect the word or phrase 48 Ask each student to read ovr any sentences which are ie or paricukey amusing 44 Display the semtences on the wall around the classroom $0 thatthe students can read thera Artem Proce Pl 6 Sean a, 98. ted aretha Tetra @® | Your secret is out! Reward nernediate Resource Pack 3 3 g g Ss | whe te as idr't use fo ‘ who hates —________, i Kast night. who's got) |) every day. — | who looks like feels = who enjoys | would like to who plays — isgoodat- who's wearing —_____——,, | often — who never ——, | sings — whe wos born, | is geing to _ | who lives — , | has never who's working — | never — + | who hed , | — once. a week, ____ | whe's ______, | likes listening to —— | who doesn’t ike | used to —= (CEanN Toy TT Fay ee ED mage ngs Be HOES Des Te: feo One of those days worse: QD) . Activity ‘whole class speaking Mill ill For dette instructions and advice on esing mil drils, se the notes for eaehersa the beptoning of she Resource Pack.) aim ‘To speak to as many parinersas posse, making complaints, ‘qpologising and aking requests GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Comolining: Pm: sorry... aba Apologisng Responding t apologies Making requests, VOCABULARY Genet PREPARATION Make one copy of the worksheet foreach group of upto [2 students, Cut the worksheet up ano cards as indicated so that the students have me cad each. You wil seed to keep one ‘and for yourself demonstrate the actvay. TIME 15 0.20 mines PROCEDURE 4 if hete are more than 12 students i the class, divide them ingo groups. Give one card to exch student inthe clas Keep one for yourself 2 Toll the students that they are poing to make coraplanes and requests using the words and picares on thelr cars 5, prompis. Before they stir the activity, ask each studert to look ac their oom cart and t9 wate dn the other side who they are complaining to and where they are. Tell the students to ask you i hey are net sure what the tustration| (on teir cand shows. For example: Walter or waitress, ina restaurant 3 Write exampie dialogues on the bose indicating the language tne students should use Explain that Silene a's complaint snd request wil dcpend on the wonts and picrace on their cand and thar Student B's response will ‘ary Slightly depending on the stustion as wrizten on the uh sie of he card. For example: Student A: Bren: me! Py afi my soup i eo. Student i: im very sony, sie/madar, Studeat A: Thats af ight, but could you bring me smother bow! please? Stacent B: Pim sorry, bun you've given me the wrong, lange Student A: im awfly sony, sirmacam Shuck I: That's OK, but sxouldl you mind ving ase 0p more? 4 Demonstrate the activity wit Individual students. Tel the studen's to hoi their car so the picture is facing them andthe sce they have writen on is facing their partner Ask severtl pir of students to demonsirate the actviey to the who class, using their card as prompts, 5) Now ask the studentsto go mound the dass complaining, Apoioging aad making requests with as many diferent Partners 28 possible, using thei prompts. In part ofthe activity the soudents practise making the same ‘complaint and request several ines. 6 When the students have finished, ask them to exctunge ‘eardsand io go round the cies agg, this time holding ‘their cants the other way round so the wor and picture prompt i facing thx parner. The studens take itn turns {to make complaints anc requests using te prompts on their partner's card. fa this pat of the activity, the students make different complanrs and requests cach time they ‘change partner. 7 The students continue in this way until they have spoken tos many diferent partners as peste esr Nene Pak a ty, 95 ed by never Ee lanaage Tenis. @ | One of those days aewaed mremedit Resource Pack wrong || KEEDEIE heater in hotel soup cold | PIER apo rot ous bought a enough book — pages missing tum twp | EERE arather one | woe | ae turn it down | 7 =I: =— ordered coffee [EINEM cieroom co |[ IEEE bougit —not tea small pullover — hole caapat cate | anew one | bought a pair |) Iain room ||| EET ‘taxi driver of trousers — ‘too smoky driving too fast shrunk ‘i I ency boc || SETS naiveaty ramen anne Tangs ma Ue promT os oeswIN Me dok eed En Dominoes Worksheet Progress check @ ACTIVITY ‘Geoupwworks speaking AIM “To play a game of dominoes matching adjectives anc their “strong” equivalents and homophnes. GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Adjectives VOCABULARY Aalectives which kaye a similar bu stronger meaakg: angry farious, cold freezing ‘Words withthe same sound but a dtferene epelling and meaning: becct= beach, through ~ tirew PREPARATION Male one copy ofthe warkshect for every four or re students inthe class and cut ot all the cards as indicated. You nay wish to photocopy the worksheet and stick i onto card. TIME 210 30 mimes HOW TO PLAY THE GAME PROCEDURE 1 Expltn to the students that they ae going to playa game ff domiaoes matching aijectives and thee strong, ‘equivaients, for examp'e angry -Furous, and komophoces, for example, trough - dew, and hac the object of the ame isto gets of al their dominoes ‘Ask the students to work in groups of four or five and give cach group of tun se of minoes. Ask chem to deat cour ive dominoes each znd 10 leave the rest in apie, face own, Before dey stan, explain how to play using the structions below. Ifyou mish, you can photocopy these instctins and éiszibutea copy to cach group, or uisplay a copy on aan overhead pryector The stents.are ready to phy the game, While they are playing, go round to eae group ard check they are playing correct. ‘When they have finishes! a game, they can shuffle and play. another rund 1 Player A puts down any one oftheir dominoes face up, 2 The peyercn their eft must then put down cne oftheir dominoes, ma&ing suv that ore ofthe words on thie ddomine matches one ote wordson elder side of Payer Asdomino, For example: Domino A: threw /acery Domino B cliherdeagh o furious 3 Ifa player cannot put down onc of theirdominoes, they ‘can take a domino from the wop ofthe pile and put te down itthey can, 4 The winner is the fist payer to get rid of al theie dominoes ese intense as ak en ay, ea yan Eth angie Tech Progress check @ | Domi | [Rounel the world in ten minutes worksheets @® « “GD Use worksheet Ta and 11 ACTIVITY Pairwork and groupwork: spcaking, writing AIM “To talk about things you ve done and things you haven't done ‘yet by playing a board gare. GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS ‘Present perfect simple: already, yet, sill VOCABULARY Teisure activities Countries PREPARATION [Make two copies of Worksheet 11a (destinations) for cach _Broup oF 4 or 6 students inthe class. Leave One intact, and ewe the other into destinations cards foc each group. Make ane ‘cupy of Worksheet 11h comp) for cach pats of stedents in the hiss. Prove dice for exch group of students. TIME 38t0.45 minutes PROCEDURE ‘Ask the sudien o work in groups of f or 6 and to werk ‘with a partner thet group ive one copy ofthe destinations sheet, one copy of the estiontions cards, anda dice to cach group, Gi cf the map to cach psir of sucenis 3 Explain tha the object ofthe game isto go to as many tk : 7 Lol el ol Shopping spree worksheets CBD) and @ . NOTE Use Workshowis 15a and 15b for his actuy, HOW TO PLAY THE GAME 1) Pat the game board in the middle of che table and give six ‘ards to ezeh player, Pace the remaining carts face down in the space provided on the game boars, 2. Allthe players put their counters on the square marke START and throw the dice The fist player to thnaw a six sarts the game, 3 Phyer Athnows the dice and moves their counter slong the board according tothe number on te dice. 4 Player Athen reads the word on the square shey have landed on and puis cown as many oftheir adjectives as they can to cescrise the word, making sure they acc the contect order, 5 Fa group thinks that an adjective isin the wrong pestian ‘or that an adjetive fs aot appropriate, they can reject it 6 Whema player has used their adjectives to the saisfation ‘af the other players, they keep the cards they have wed in ‘1 pie next tp them end then pick up the same muntber oF ‘sew cards fom the pile in the middle of the gume board. 7 aplayer lands om square marked SWAP, they ean ‘exchange any of the eands in heir hand by putting theea at the bottom of the pte ia the middle of the game board and talang the sane number from the cop ofthe ple 8 Ita playerlands on a square marked GIVE YOURSELF A PRESENT, they cam invent an object anel desche fusing a5 many of ticiradectivesas they lke and then continue ss in point Sznd 6 shove, 9 The game continues und dhe fist player seaches the square marked FINISH or all the cards have beea used up. The winner is the player with the most cards in their pile Pos ent ec act © Su ay 1995, Rite by Mahara atte ec TSU) aT TS Ree MCA STOTT A PULL Eel re) | AU ier ELT im Shopping SPHEC worksheets @ and @q ° NOTE: Use Worksheets 15a and 15b ior this actity. ACTIVITY Groupwock speaking AIM Vo play aboard game by using adjectives ta the comect onder ‘when deseribing objec, GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Onder of adjectives VOCABULARY Adjectives for desenbing opinion, size, age, shape, color, ‘origin, material and purpose PREPARATION ‘Make one copy af Workshiect 15a dgane hour) fer every three to four students inthe class. large this to AS size if possible Make rw copies of Worksineet 15b (cards) for every thce ta four Sudents inthe elas and cut them into cards as nica Provide counters and dice for cach group. TIME 30 minutes PR A {OCEDURE Ask the sticks o work in groups of three or four ‘Give one game board, two ses of eats mixed up), couniersand dice to each group, Before the smidents su playing the game, exphin how to play using the instractions on the back of Worksicet 15b IEyou wish, you can photocopy these instructions and dtrbatea copy to each group, or displays copy on an overhead projector, Demonstrate using an example from the game. For ‘cxarnple, if they land on pullover and they have the following werdsin their hand ove, nice, white, leather, {tan and wit lowers on it they can put down lovely, white, lala ant with Bowers oa tor nice, white. elias and with flowers on it They can’t use eather because Plover is made of wool, and they can't use Jovelyand nice together, ‘The stadents ae ready to play the geme, Weile they ae playing, go round to each group-and checks they are playing contectly. Ansiver questions and otter help. When the fist student reaches the enc of the game or the ‘ist group nas used! up all thee cards, ask the groups to stop playing. Forcrinuact Reure Pd © sa kay, “S85 Fad by Harovan tsps ea @® | shepping spree Game board Ee, S ene L0/0]1NC Dv: plpas = | ‘eungdjnos i Reward Intermediate Resource Pack punt sonjyooU| ACTIVITY ‘Pairwork: reading, speaking AIM “To ask questions o obvain information in order to complece newspaper articles. GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Presen: perfect simple and present perfect continuous Forto tlk above the length of time Sinceto say when the zetion or event hegan Questions VOCABULARY News PREPARATION Make ove copy ofthe workshect foreach pair of sudens in the class and cut it in alfa indicated, TIME 40 mines PROCEDURE 1. Tell the studcats that icy are going to read some short newspaper articles bue tat there is some information ‘missing from the text that you are noing to give tiem. 2. Divide the class into Group 4 and Gronp B. Give one copy) ‘of Ato each student in Group A, and one copy of B to each student in Group B. 3 Ask the students to work with a partner from the same group forthe Gis part af te actiity. On a piece of paper, they shouldll write the questions they need to ask io ‘obtain the information missing ftom their text, aumbering their questions 2 on their worksheet For example nthe worksheet: ight year old Over No‘! has Foran a 1) an his garden. The students write 1) What has Olrier found in bis garden? ‘On the worksheet ‘They pow lve near 2) parents work ‘The students vote 2) What do they live neat? or Where do they live? (or Where de Overs parents work? where Obver's ‘While the students are doing this he on hand to answer ‘questionsand offer help. 4 When the stents have finished waiting questions, ask them to work with a parmer from the other group, Student ‘A and Student B should now sit facing one another and tke ‘tin tums to ask tod answer question in mmmesieal oder {find oat the information missing from shee own text, ‘They should write the information in the blanks on theit Worksheet, The blanks are numbered to help the students remember whose tumn it is to aska question 5 When they have finished exchanging informtion, the pairs cof students corapate texts, which should be identical ac ua Fc © at ay HES ate Meira Langage Tet. ‘Progress check oD wpe acyl Ole Now Bim he his garden. The No@l family have been living in a small village near Reward intermediate Resource Pack —in the centre of Manchester and got away with everything en display in the shop window. The owners ofthe Shop believe that the burglars will be surprised when they find out that they ‘have stolen more than fifty let shoes. LAST MIGHT, burglars brake ino 3) —_ Lyon, France, since they moved ‘out of the city centre because it ‘was to0 polluted. They now Live near the nuclear power station where Olivier's parents work, British movorist on a Geman ‘motorway has been charued vwith 5) — after he took bis hands off the steering wheel and crashed. In ‘court, Mr Cantwell explained, ‘I wanted to know if God exists, s0 took may hands off the steering wheel and asked Him to drive, STOP PRESS - STOP PRESS - STOP PRESS - STOP PRE! Noch NORMA mtcicen nas just Carolina, USA, | bevome 9) ——— thepalbsand fie. |———— Gopenmenttare | Nome, 78 anda grandmother of ‘been irying to cight, bungee-jumped 140 Feet 3, move a above the Nanaimo River in Vancouver after rernoving her false twcth. She has a ‘een bungee from the main highway. Ie fell jumping since asleep o7 the highway earlier her seventiath today in the afternoon sun and bas | birthday wien ‘caused long traffic jams inthis she got her first cevering’s rush-hous. It has also jump as a attraced a large crowd of curious onlockers present. + STOP PRESS Bee Olivier No#l has found a five-legged pink frog. inhis garden, The Noel family bave been living in a small village near Lyon, France, since they moved out of the city centre Last waitr, burglars broke into one ofthe largest shoe shops in the centre of Manchester and got away with everything on display in the shop ‘window. The owners of the shop belicve thatthe burglars wil! be surprised ‘when they find out that they have stolen 4), because it was too polluted. They now live near 2) ‘where Olivier’s parents work. British motorist on a German mororway has heen charged ‘with dangerous driving after he took his hands off the steering ‘wheel and crashed. In count, Mr Cantwell explained, ‘T wanted to know if 6) 90 Took ny NORMA seican tas juss become the oldest bungee jumper the potce and fre | in the word. Norma, 78 anda department have” | grandmother of eight, bungee- been tying: | jumped 120 feet above te movea three [Nanaimo River in Vancouver after meter alligator | removing her false teeth. She as ‘rom the main highway. Te fell heen bungee- asleep on the highway ealisetoday | jumping since {nthe afteroon sun and has caused | 10) » this evening's rush-hour. It has also | when she got her: auracied a lage crowd of curious | fst jump as a onlookers. recent, Exchanging Contracts worksheet progress check @® ACTIVITY Groupworks reading, spcaking. writing AIM ‘To wake an imaginary contract for teachers. GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Model verbs showid, must foe giving advice ‘have 10, must, musia’tfor obigaton don't have for lack of obtgaion ‘be supposed! 1010 tak about what peple are expected £0 do because ofa rule ora tradition VOCABULARY ‘eho! mes PREPARATION ‘Make one copy ofthe worksheet for each group of three sdents inthe cass, TIME 2066 30 rnanes ROCEDURE ‘Ask the students t0 call out any schoo! rules they can think of ‘Now ask them to wotk in groups of nee. Give one capy of he worksheet cach group of tients and as them amy of dues hey have thought oF ane mentioned inthe ‘Coniact for Srudens ‘Tell the students thar they are going to weite a Contract fr Teachers, including the rules and regulations they think teachers should follow. Fach group should appoint a secretary todo the wiklng, ocourage the studeats to be as imaginative o¢ asa asthe like, ‘Pinte “Contmcts for Teachers’ up around the classroom forthe other students to rea ising ‘serie esc Fach 3 ay, 15, Rey Hearse ash ra! ech Progress check Exchanging contracts em qe DB fianging ae CONTRACT FOR STUDENTS Class times ‘Students should be in the classroom five minutes before the teacher and they mustn’t leave before the lesson has ended. ‘Students who arrive late should not expect their teacher to believe their excuses. Behaviour in class ‘Students should be polite to one another and the teacher, Students should stay awake, but if they have (o fall asleep, they shouldn’t snore. Students are not supposed to chew gum in class, but if it heips their pronunciation, it's okay, Homework Students mustn't use the following excuses if they haven't done their homework: “The dog ate it’ or ‘It fell out of my bag,” Presents Stents should give their teacher a present at the end of each term. T agree to respect the rules and obligations above. Signed CONTRACT FOR TEACHERS agree to respect the rules and obligations above. i Sci, 1995, baw cera ghana “se ray pci whin re ic | Style trial worksheet @ ACTIVITY Pairwork: speaking, watiag Questionnaire AIM ‘To ask ancl answer questions about your syle of dies. GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Talking abour style VOCABULARY Clothes and se of dress PREPARATION Make one copy of the worksheet for each studecst in te class, TIME 2000 30 minutes PROCEDURE 1 Ask the stuienss to workin pairs and give one eopy of the worksheet to cach siadent inthe cass, 2 TelLthem that they are going to interview one another ‘using the questions on the worksheet, but that they have ‘202 few moments to think about their own answers fi 3) When they are ready, sk them to interview one another and vo make motes of chee parter’s ansiwerstb the ‘questions. They should not write thes partner's name on the questionnaze. 4 When the students have finished interviewing one another in pir, take the compiered questionraees in ar mix thea» up, 5 Now give onc completed worksheet to each stadent in the lass $0 chat they have z questionnaire which is neither theis own nor the onc they completed for thei partner 6 Ask them to read the answers on this questionnaire and guess who it belongs to. As dey read they should correct Any mistakes they find, 7 Check whether they guessed comectiy, OPTION After procedure point 3, simply ak che students to report buck tothe class on anything surprising they have Found ove abut their parsner during the atvty. * @® | Sve rial Reward intermediate Resource Pack What kind of clothes do you like? What clothes do you find most attractive on aman? BZ what do you wear to work/school/college? F What clothes would not be appropriate al work/school/ecallege? What is tho host fashion advice you've been | fa given? it EB what do you wear What are your favourite on a woman? to dress up? shops or clothes" designers? ‘What clothes do you ‘Describe your favourite ind most attractive item of clothing. 8 Sia, Rey Hove CON sue Ting Ts pay oh aR DTG Rec | Predict your future worksheet @& : ACTIVITY ‘Whole class speaking, writing AIM To anc and ansner questions about the future and to wate a soup poster, GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS ‘Making predictions: certainty, probabiiy, possbisty ‘cers: Fm sure 1 vl, ICettaitely won't probable: f probably wilvwon't possible: Iaight VOCABULARY ery activities PREPARATION ‘Make one copy ofthe worksheet for each group of upto 12 students and cut them into cards as inccate TIME 30 t0-40 minutes PROCEDURE there are more than 12 siulen's in the class, divide therm imo gromps. 2 Give one cand to each suclent inthe ess and tel them ‘ha they are going 10 ask and answer questions zbovt the furure. Explnia tha: exen studect is esponsibi fr finding ‘out the information on their own catd by speaking to ‘everybody in the cs or gp, [Before they start the activity, make sure everybody knows Ing to ask the question they need 10 a8 in 6réerto find ‘ou the information on their cand, Waite these headings on the board: Tar sure Twill Iprobabiy will ayght {probably won't Teetnitely won't and ect questions and answers: Student A: Do you think you'll move howse inthe next save years? Sdent Bs (choosing one ofthe possible answers) No, 1 probably won’. Pur atick next to I probably woa't Student B: Do you think youl get fete before your next biebaay? Student A: Jami Put atick next 10 J mgt Nowy ask te students to go round the csss ar arup, asking and answering questions and puiting atk for exe, answer in the relevant eolumn on thet cad, ‘When they have spoken to everybody inthe cbs or group, ask them to work with ewo or tree oder students in thei _gfoup and to wate some ofthe informasion they have puthered on a poster. For example: In ou group. [Nobo thiaks ey will move howe én the next ve years. é Only one person thinks they will gt fiter before their next hirtdy. @® Predict your future Reward Intermediate Resource Pack im sure | I probably | Imight | I probably | 1 definitely In the next five years... twill will ‘won't won't move house ~ | travel to a different continent Before your next birthday... | "twa |'"vat” | | 'Prare’ |! ene” get fitter ~ take an exam Inthe mext ten years... | "war |" vae™ |e [TRE |! Sone have children, ~ | learn a new skill Inthenext six months... | “twa” [Pear | ewe | Sone throw a party ~ | paint a picture | | lim sure | Iprobably | might | Iprebably | | definitely This week... ) will will won't | won't give somebody flowers = | go to the theatre | | | Today... Qa fae | ime |e ere | work hard “ | write a letter | | | timsure | Iprabably | Imight | | probably T Vdefinicely | In your life... ) | twa wit wont | won't become famous “ each somebody your language | i | insure | Vrobabiy | mist | probably | 1 coicey This year... fet veal went | wont cravel by air = 1 make a speech This month... Q ar [tage | eee [ee ee | go on holiday | wina lottery t y | Emsure | I probably | tight || probably | defiicely In the next few days... Q twill | wil wort | won't go to a restaurant - make new friends Before you di. tae [eee ee | ae live in a foreign country vrrite a book - fm sure | Uprotably | Imghe | (probably | Idefnicely Tomorrow. ote TS si | i get up early feel il ©. a, 1995 Rly Hess Cs ngage ecg, hen may on etc andi Wn Be He looks nice— NOTE: Use Worksheets 783 and 18b for shis activity ACTIVITY ‘Groupwork: speaking aim ‘To Gk about the charzcteraties usually associate! with people in certain jobs and to guess what people de for a tving, GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Describing inipressions: look + adjective Drawing conclasons: cortain: mins inlinive, can't +ininitve possible: sul + nfintve, could ¥ inkinitve VOCABULARY Jobs Audjectives descabing people's charicter PREPARATION ‘Make one copy of Worksheet 18a (chat} for exch group of three 1 five stents in the class. Make one copy ail ‘Worsbeet 18b (peop) for cach group of three to five studentsin the class and ewt cur the picsures of people as inklicate. The pictures of people cortespond to the jobs ty do on Worksheet 18, 50 it is importnt to saute cach sct before giving them to the students so thatthe pictures are 0) Jongerin the correct order TIME 30t0 40 minutes, he must be a teacher! worksheets @.« .@ PROCEDURE ASK the clas to work in groups of three to five and give ‘one copy ofthe char to exch group, 2. Ted them that they are going te write words wich

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