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Mohamed Ali BELADJINE – 2022 1




To Aristotle, physiology was literally , from Greek
, ‘‘the study of ’’ (-ology) ‘‘Nature’’ (physi). By this
interpretation, physiology involved studying
practically everything in the Universe and in the
human body, Thus physiology originally meant
both the macrocosm (external environment) and
the microcosm (internal environment of body).
Claudius Galen, a Latin-Roman philosopher and
physician, is often called the Father of
Experimental Physiology.

According to the Law of Complementarity ,

anatomy or body structure determines
Example : the femur (FEE-mur) has the basic
structural characteristics of a long, white,
rigid pillar, this pillar-like structure of the
femur, therefore, ‘‘determines’’ its major
body function or physiology – supporting the
body’s weight.
Levels of Organization in the Body


Roots for Cells and Tissues

Roots for Cell Activity

Body - Le Corps

Body - Le Corps

Body - Le Corps

Body cavities

Body Directional Terms
Directional terms locate a portion of the body or describe a position of the body. The
front side ( anterior or ventral ) and the back side ( posterior or dorsal ) are the
largest divisions of the body.

Anterior Posterior 13
Body Directional Terms

Body Directional Terms - Exercise

The integumentary system is made up of the skin, nails, and glands. The skin includes
different layers—the epidermis, or outer skin, and the dermis, or “true” skin, as the inner
layer. Below the dermis is a subcutaneous “fatty” layer of tissue, sometimes called the


A nail is a scalelike modification of the A hair, produced by a hair follicle, is a

epidermis that corresponds to the hoof or flexible epithelial structure. Hair pigment is
claw of other animals. made by melanocytes in the hair bulb. 17
Roots Pertaining to the Skin

The musculoskeletal
system is actually made up
of two major systems—
muscles and bones,
including joints (“skeletal”
portion). There are 206
bones in the body and 600
muscles. Together, these
make up the
musculoskeletal system
that helps support the


The bones of the skull.

Bones of
the arm
and hand.

Bones of
The divisions of the the leg
spinal column. and foot.

Ribs of the chest. Bones of the pelvis.


Anatomy of a Flat Bone. 22


Roots for Bones, Joints & Skeleton

Musculoskeletal Specialties
Orthopedics Ortho- means normal, straight or to correct.
A medical specialty that treats disorders involving the
musculoskeletal system.

Orthopedist Ortho- means normal, straight or to correct.

A physician that specializes in the treatment of the
musculoskeletal system.

Orthopedic Surgery Ortho- means normal, straight or to correct.

Surgery means to treat an illness or deformity.
A branch of medicine that specializes in the treatment of the
musculoskeletal system and operative procedures.

Orthopedic Surgeon Ortho- means normal, straight or to correct.

Surgeon is a physician who treats disease and injuries using
operative procedures.

A physician that specializes in the musculoskeletal system and

performs operative procedures.

Movement Classifications of the Musculoskeletal
Abduction Abduction is the movement away from the middle of the body.
Adduction Adduction is the movement toward the middle of the body.
Circumduction Circumduction is moving in a circular motion.
Dorsiflexion Dorsiflexion is the bending of the foot upward toward the shin.
Eversion Eversion is the movement of the sole of the foot outward away from
the middle of the body.
Extension Extension is the straightening of the angle at the joint.
Flexion Flexion is the bending at the joint to create an angle.
Hyperextension Hyperextension is an exaggerated version of extension.
Inversion Inversion is the movement of the sole of the foot inward toward the
middle of the body.
Plantar flexion Plantar flexion is when the toes are pointed.
Pronation Pronation is when the forearm or hand is turned so the palm of the
hand is facing downward.
Rotation Rotation is turning a body part on an axis. An example is turning your
head from left to right.
Supination Supination is when the forearm or hand is turned so that the palm of
the hand is facing upward.
Procedures of the Musculoskeletal System
Arthrocentesis Arthro- means joints or articulation.
-centesis means surgical puncture as to aspirate or remove fluid.
An arthrocentesis uses a needle to puncture a joint to withdraw fluid. This
procedure is used to obtain samples of the synovial fluid to diagnose a
Arthrography Arthro- means joints or articulation.
-graphy means the process of recording.
Arthrography is a method that uses radiography to visualize inside a joint. Also
this method uses radiopaque contrast medium.
Arthroplasty Arthro- means joints or articulation.
-plasty means surgical repair.
The use of surgery to restore mobility to a painful joint or one with
degenerative disease by reconstruction or replacement.
Arthroscopy Arthro- means joints or articulation.
-scopy means visual examination with a lighted instrument.
The use of an endoscope inserted into a small incision to visualize and
examine the inside of a joint.
Bone Bone is a connective tissue that is dense, hard and makes up the framework of
densitometry the human skeleton.
Densitometry is a method of measuring bone density.
A bone densitometry is a method of determining the mass of the bone by
measuring the absorption of radiation by the skeleton.
Procedures of the Musculoskeletal System
Bone graft Bone is a connective tissue that is dense, hard and makes up the framework of the human
A graft is an organ/Tissue taken from one person and inserted into another person or the same
A bone graft is the repair of a skeletal defect by using a piece of bone from one part of the
body and transplanting it to another part of the body.
Bone marrow Bone is a connective tissue that is dense, hard and makes up the framework of the human
Bone marrow is a sponge like material found in the inner cavity of bones.
Bone scan Bone is a connective tissue that is dense, hard and makes up the framework of the human
A bone scan is a method that uses an image produced by the emission of radiopaque particles
to visualize the bone.
Bone x-ray Bone is a connective tissue that is dense, hard and makes up the framework of the human
Bone x-rays use radiology to find a problem in the bones or joints.
Computed tomography A computed tomography is a technique that uses radiography to produce an image of the cross
section of tissue.
Dual-energy absorptiometry Dual-energy absorptiometry is a method used to measure bone density that uses two low dose
(DEXA) x-ray beams at different levels to produce an image.
Electromyogram (EMG) Electro- refers to electrical. - Myo- refers to muscle. - gram is a drawing or a written record.
An electromyogram is a recording of the electrical activity of the skeletal muscle.
Joint x-ray Joint is the articulation between bones.
A Joint x-ray is used to reveal fluid, irregularities, spur formation, narrowing, and changes in
joint structure.
Percutaneous diskectomy Percutaneous means performed through the skin.
(also discectomy)
Diskectomy is excision of the intervertebral disk.
A percutaneous diskectomy is an excision of the intervertebral disk through the skin.
Prosthesis Prosthesis is the replacement of a missing body part using an artificial part.
Diseases and Conditions of the Musculoskeletal System
Atonic A- refers to no, not, without, away.
-tonic refers to the quality of the muscle tone or muscle contraction.
Atonic refers to lacking normal tone as in a muscle that is flaccid.
Atrophy A- refers to no, not, without, away. -tropy refers to having an affinity for.
Atrophy in a muscle is a decrease in the size or activity as a result of a lack of physical
exercise or some type of neurological or musculoskeletal disease.
Carpal Tunnel Carp(o) means wrist.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a painful disorder of the wrist and hand caused by the
compression of the median nerve of the hand.
Clonus Clonus is increased reflex activity such as the repetitive muscular contraction and
relaxation that are in rapid succession.
Contracture Contracture is the permanent flexion and fixation of a joint sometimes caused by
atrophy and the shortening of muscle fibers.
Dislocation Dislocation is the displacement of a part of the body from its original position.
Fascia Fasci- means a bond or band of fibrous tissue.
Fascia is a fibrous connective membrane that varies in thickness and density found in
the body.
Fibromyalgia Fibr(o) refers to fiber. - My- refers to muscle. -algia refers to pain.
Fibromyalgia is a form of rheumatism characterized by musculoskeletal pain, spasms,
stiffness, fatigue, and sleep disturbance.
Flaccid Flaccid means limp and without tone such as a muscle that is weak, flabby and lacking
normal tone.
Fracture A fracture is a traumatic injury to the bone in which the normal continuity of the bone
has been disrupted.
Types of Fractures

Diseases and Conditions of the Musculoskeletal System
Kyphosis Kyph(o)- refers to hump. -osis refers to condition.
Kyphosis is an abnormal condition of the vertebral column in which there is an increase in
the convexity in the curvature of the thoracic spine.
Lordosis Lord(o)- refers to bent forward -osis refers to condition
Lordosis is an abnormal condition of the vertebral column in which there is an increase in
concavity in the lumbar spine.
Muscular Muscular refers to muscle - Dystrophin is a missing or defective protein.
Muscular Dystrophy is a genetically transmitted disease resulting from a mutation of the
gene that makes the protein dystrophin that results in progressive atrophy of symmetric
groups of skeletal muscles.
Myalgia My- refers to muscle. -algia refers to pain.
Myopathy My(o) refers to muscle. -pathy refers to disease.
Myopathy is an abnormal condition of the skeletal muscle characterized by muscle
weakness and muscle wasting.
Osteoarthritis Oste(o) refers to bone. - Arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints.
Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis in which one or several joints undergo degenerative
Rheumatoid Rheumatism is a group of inflammatory conditions of the muscles, joints, ligaments.
Arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of arthritis that causes chronic inflammation, destruction
and deformity of the joints.
Scoliosis Scolio- refers to twisted or crooked. -osis refers to a condition.
Scoliosis is an abnormal condition of the vertebral column in which there is a lateral 31
curvature of the spine.
Types of Synovial Joints

Labeling Exercise The Skeleton



Trunk Muscles

Muscles of the Upper Limb

Muscles of the Lower Limb
Roots Pertaining to Muscles



The digestive system

(Gastrointestinal – GI) starts with
the mouth and forms a path all
the way through the body, ending
at the anus.

The function of the digestive

system is to prepare food for
digestion and eliminate waste.

Other names for the digestive

system include alimentary canal
and gastrointestinal, or GI, tract.

Organs of the Alimentary Canal
The alimentary canal, also called the gastrointestinal tract, is a continuous, hollow muscular
tube that winds through the ventral body cavity and is open at both ends.

Word Root and Combining Vowel for the Gastrointestinal (GI) System
An(o) pertaining to the anus
Appendic(o) referring to the appendix
Cec(o) Pertaining to the cecum
Chol(e) bile
Cholangi(o) bile duct
Cholecyst(o) gallbladder
Choledoch(o) common bile ducts
Colon(o) pertaining to the colon
Diverticul(o) diverticulum
Duoden(o) duodenum
Enter(o) intestine
Esophag(o) esophagus
Gastro(o) stomach
Hepat(o) liver
Ile(o) ileum
Jejun(o) jejunum
Pancreat(o) pancreas
Proct(o) rectum and anus
Rect(o) rectum
Sigmoid(o) sigmoid colon
Spleen(o) spleen 41
Gastrointestinal suffixes and prefixes
Bili- bile
Cec-, ceco- cecum
Cirrh- yellow
Cys- bladder or sac
Dys- bad or painful
Gastro-, gastr- stomach
Sigmoid- sigmoid colon
-pancreat pancreas
-phagia to eat or swallow

Gastrointestinal Specialties
Gastroenterologist A physician specializing in diseases of the
gastrointestinal tract.

Gastroenterology The study of the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Procedures for the Gastrointestinal (GI) System
Appendectomy also Appendic(o) pertaining to the appendix.
-ectomy means excision (surgical removal or cutting out)
Surgical removal of the vermiform appendix.
Cecostomy Cec(o) is pertaining to the cecum.
-ostomy is the formation of an opening.
The surgical formation of an opening into cecum.
Cholecystectomy Chole(o) means bile.
Cys- means bladder or sac.
-ectomy means excision (surgical removal or cutting out).
The surgical removal of the gallbladder.
Cholecystostomy Chole(o) means bile.
Cys- means bladder or sac.
-ostomy is the formation of an opening.
The surgical formation of an opening into the gallbladder.
Choledochojejunostomy Chole(o) means bile
Doch(o) or dochus means containing.
Jejun(o) refers to the jejunum.
-ostomy is the formation of an opening.
A surgical opening between the common bile duct and jejunum.
Procedures for the Gastrointestinal (GI) System

Choledocholithotomy Chole(o) means bile.

Doch(o) or dochus means containing. - Lith(o) means stone -otomy
means cutting into. - Surgical incision into the common bile duct for the
removal of gallstones.
Colectomy Cole- means colon. -ectomy means excision (surgical removal or cutting
out). - Surgical excision of part of the colon.
Colostomy Col(o) refers to the colon. -ostomy is the formation of an opening.
Surgical opening into the colon to form an artificial anus on the
abdominal wall.
Esophagogastrostomy Esophag(o) means esophagus.
Gastr(o) means stomach. -ostomy is formation of an opening.
Anastomosis of the esophagus to a portion of the stomach.
Gastrectomy Gastr(o) means stomach. -ectomy means excision (surgical removal or
cutting out). - The surgical removal of all or part of stomach.
Gastrostomy Gastr(o) means stomach. -ostomy is the formation of an opening.
A surgical opening into the stomach through the abdominal wall usually
for the placement of a feeding tube.
Ileostomy Ile(o) refers to the ileum. -ostomy is the formation of an opening.
A surgical opening to bring the ileum to the surface of the abdomen.
Pyloroplasty Pylor(o) refers to the pylorus. -plasty means surgical repair. 44
Enlargement and repair of pyloric sphincter area.
Diseases and Conditions of the Gastrointestinal System
Achalasia A- means no, not or without.
Chalasia is the abnormal relaxation of the cardiac sphincter of the
The constriction of the lower portion of the esophagus due to the
inability of the cardiac sphincter of the stomach to relax.
Appendicitis Appendic(o) pertaining to the appendix. -itis means inflammation.
Inflammation of the vermiform appendix.
Ascites The accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the peritoneal space.
Cholelithiasis Chole(o) means bile. -lithiasis means stones.
The presences of gallstones in the gallbladder.
Cirrhosis Cirrh- means yellow -osis refers to a condition.
A degenerative disease of the liver.
Dysphagia Dys means bad or painful. -phagia means to eat or swallow
Difficulty swallowing.
Gastritis Gastr- means stomach. -itis means inflammation.
Inflammation of the lining stomach.
Hematemesis Hemat- means blood. - Emesis means vomit.
The vomiting of bright red blood.
Hematachezia Hemat- means blood. - -chezia means defecation or the passage of
foreign substances with the stool.
The passage of bright red blood from the rectum.
Diseases and Conditions of the Gastrointestinal System
Hepatitis Hepat- means liver. -itis means inflammation.
The inflammation of the liver.
Hepatomegaly Hepat(o) means liver. -megaly means large.
The abnormal enlargement of the liver.
Jaundice Jaundice means yellow.
A large amount of bilirubin in the blood causing a yellow
discoloration of skin, mucus membrane and sclera of the eye.
Melena Melena means black.
The distinctive black tarry stool which usually suggests digested
Odynophagia Odyn(o) means pain. -phagia means to eat or swallow.
A burning squeezing pain while swallowing caused by irritation of the
esophageal mucosa.
Pyrosis Pyr(o) means fire or heat. -osis refers to a condition.
Pyrosis means heartburn.
Heartburn is a painful burning sensation in the esophagus just below
the sternum.
Spleenomegaly Spleen(o) pertains to the spleen. -megaly means large.
The abnormal enlargement of the spleen.
Steatorrhea Steat(o) means fat. -rrhea means to discharge of flow.
A large amount of fat in the feces that is foul smelling and floats.


Word Root and Combining Vowel for the Respiratory System
alveol(o) through, channel, cavity. Pertains to
bronch(o) bronchus
bronchi(o) bronchioles
laryng(o) larynx
lob(o) lobe, rounded prominence
(o) nose
pleur(o) pleura
pneum(o) lung, air
pneumon(o) lung
pulm(o) lung
pharyng(o) pharynx
rhin(o) nose, nose like
thorac(o) chest
trache(o) trachea, windpipe 49
Word Root and Combining Vowel for the Respiratory System
Additional Respiratory Suffixes and Prefixes

-pnea breathing or breath

epiglott- epiglottis

naso- nose

oxi-, oxy presence of oxygen

-oxia condition of oxygenation

Diagnostic Studies of the Respiratory System
Arterial blood gases (ABGs) The measurement of the oxygen and the carbon dioxide
contents in arterial blood. acid base balances and oxygenation.
Bronchoscopy Bronch(o) refers to the bronchus
-scopy is the visual examination with a lighted instrument.
Computed tomography (CT) A technique that uses radiographic to produce an image of the
cross section of tissue, find tumors in the lungs.
Laryngoscopy Laryng(o) refers to larynx
-scopy is the visual examination with a lighted instrument.
Lung biopsy A test to gather specimen of pulmonary tissue for diagnosis.
Lung scan A radiographic examination of the lung to gather information
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) An MRI is a procedure used to produce an image by the
creation of a magnetic field to give detailed.
Pulmonary angiography Pulmonary means pertaining to the lungs
Angi(o) refers to blood vessel
-graphy refers to the process of recording.
Oximetry Oxi- refers to oxygen : A method for measuring the oxygen
saturation of arterial blood.
Pulmonary function test (PFT) An examination that test the ability of the lungs to exchange
oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Spirometer An instrument used to measure the air inhaled and exhaled.
Spirometry Evaluation of the air capacity of the lungs.
Ventilation-perfusion ratio (V/Q) The ratio of pulmonary alveolar ventilation to pulmonary 51
Procedures of the Respiratory System
Endotracheal intubation Endo- refers to inward, within (end-ent-ento-)
Tracheal means pertaining to the trachea.
Intubation refers to the insertion of a tube into a body opening.
A type of intubation in which a catheter is inserted through the
mouth or nose into the trachea for airway management.
Thoracentesis Thora- refers to chest.
-centesis refers to a surgical puncture to aspirate or remove
The puncture of the chest wall and pleural space with a
needle to aspirate fluid. This procedure is usually done to
gather a specimen for a biopsy.
Thracotomy Thorac- refers to chest.
-otomy refers to cutting into.
An opening made into the chest wall for the purpose of
Tracheostomy Trache(o) means pertaining to the trachea
-ostomy refers to the formation of an opening.
The formation of an opening through the neck into the trachea
to gain access to the airway below a blockage.
Diseases and Conditions of the Respiratory System
Aspiration pneumonia Aspiration means drawing in or out by suction.
Pneum(o) refers to lungs or air
Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lungs.
A condition of the lungs caused by the inhalation of a foreign
object or vomitus.
Asthma A respiratory condition caused by constriction of the bronchi
causing wheezing coughing and thick bronchial secretions.
Atelectasis Ateles means incomplete (Greek)
-ectasia means dilation, extension.
A conditions characterized by collapse of the alveoli which
prevent gas exchange in that part of the lung.
Bronchitis Bronch- refers to the bronchus
-itis means inflammation.
Inflammation of the tracheobronchial tree usually caused by
a viral or bacterial infection.
Chronic obstructive An umbrella of diseases including asthma, chronic bronchitis,
pulmonary disease (COPD) emphysema, and chronic bronchiectasis which cause
decreased ability of inspiration and expiration the full
capacity of the lungs.
Diseases and Conditions of the Respiratory System
Crackles Air flowing by liquid cause crackles (rales).Crackles can be fine, medium or coarse.
These sounds are usually heard during inspiration.
Emphysema Em- means in or on - physema refers to blowing. - Over-inflation or destruction
of the alveolar wall causing decreased elasticity and decreased gas exchange.
Hemoptysis Hemo- refers to blood or blood vessels. - ptysis refers to spitting of matter.
Coughing up of blood from the respiratory tract.
Hemothorax Hemo- refers to blood or blood vessels. - Thorax refers to chest.
The accumulation of blood and fluid in the pleural space in the chest.
Hyperventilation Hyper- means excessive. - Ventilation refers to the process of moving air in and out of the lungs
An increased respiratory rate (breaths per minute) and tidal volume ( air inhaled) greater than needed
for gas exchange.
Hypoventilation Hypo- means insufficient. - Ventilation refers to the process of moving air in and out of the lungs
A decrease in the amount of air taken in which is inadequate to sustain metabolic demands.
Hypoxia Hypo- means insufficient. - a- refers to oxygen. - Inadequate oxygen in the body.
Pleural effusion Pleural means pertaining to the pleura.
Effusion means the escape of fluid into a cavity. - An abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pleural space
Pleurisy Inflammation of the parietal pleura of the lungs.
Pneumothorax Pneumo- refers to air. - Thorax refers to the chest.
An accumulation of air in the pleural space of the chest causing the lungs to collapse.
Pulmonary embolus Pulmonary means pertaining to the lungs.
Embolus is a thrombus, air, tissue or object that circulates in the bloodstream.
The blockage of the pulmonary artery by a thrombus usually traveling from a peripheral vein.
Rhonchi Air flowing over thick secretions cause rhonchi. Rhonchi create a low-pitched sound.
Wheezes Air flowing through constricted airways cause wheezes. Wheezes have a high-pitched musical sound
and are usually continuous. They are heard on inspiration and expiration. - High-pitched wheezes
54 are
sibilant. - Low-pitched wheezes are sonorous.
The Endocrine System
The lymph nodes in particular help protect the body by
removing foreign material such as bacteria & tumor cells
from the lymphatic stream and by producing lymphocytes
that function in the immune response.

The spleen is a soft, blood-rich organ that filters blood.

The job of the

tonsils is to trap
and remove any
bacteria or other
foreign pathogens
entering the

The thymus gland

functions at peak levels
only during youth.
The Endocrine System
The pituitary and its target organs
Pronunciation: L'hypophyse et ses organes cibles
UK -> Pet-you-try
US -> Pet-you-tary

Word Root and Combining Vowel for the Endocrine System
Aden/o gland
Adren/o adrenal gland
Adrenal/o adrenal gland
Corti- cortex
Crin/o secrete
Gluc/o glucose, sugar
Glyc/o glucose, sugar
Glycos/o glucose, sugar
Hypophys/o pituitary gland
Oophor/o ovary
Ovari/o ovary
Orch/o testes
Orchid/o testes
Pancreat/o pancreas
Parathyroid/o parathyroid gland
Parathyro- parathyroid gland
Pituitar/o pituitary gland
Thym/o thymus gland
Thyroid/o thyroid gland
Endocrine Specialties

Endocrinology Endo means within or inward.
Crine means endocrine secretion.
-ology is the study of.
Endocrinology is a medical specialty that treats
conditions related to the endocrine system.

Endocrinologist Endo means within or inward.

Crine means endocrine secretion.
-logist means one who studies.
An endocrinologist is a person who treats conditions
related to the endocrine system.

Procedures of the Endocrine System
Term Definition
Serum cortisol The serum cortisol measures the amount of total cortisol
in the blood and evaluates the function of the adrenal
Serum aldosterone The serum aldosterone levels are drawn to evaluate for
Serum adrenocorticotropic hormone This test measures the plasma levels of ACTH. This test
(ACTH) can help determine if there is a underproduction or
overproduction of cortisol and if it is caused by
dysfunction of the adrenal gland or pituitary gland.
Serum adrenocorticotropic hormone The ACTH stimulation test is used to evaluate adrenal
(ACTH) stimulation with cosyntropin function.
Urine vanillylmandelic acid This test measures the urinary excretion of
catecholamine metabolites. It is helpful in diagnosing
Computed Tomography (CT scan) Computed tomography is a technique that uses
radiography to produce an image of the cross-section of
tissue. It is used to detect tumors and the size of the
tumor mass of the adrenal gland.

Procedures of the Endocrine System
Term Definition
Fasting blood glucose level The fasting blood glucose measures circulating
glucose levels.
Oral Glucose tolerance This is a 2-hour test used to diagnose diabetes
Capillary glucose monitoring The capillary glucose monitoring is used to give
immediate glucose values with a drop of blood from a
finger stick.
Glycosylated hemoglobin The hemoglobin A1C measures the degree of glucose
(HbA1C) control during a previous three-month period.
Urine glucose Urine glucose estimates the amount of glucose in
urine by using an enzymatic method.
Urine ketones Urine ketone measures the amount of acetone
excreted in the urine as a result of incomplete fat
Computed Tomography (CT Computed tomography is a technique that uses
scan) radiography to produce an image of the cross-section
of tissue. It is used to identify tumors or cysts of the
pancreas. 61
Diseases and Disorders of the Endocrine System
Acromegaly Acro- means extremities. - Megaly- means great.
Acromegaly is characterized by an overgrowth of the bones and soft tissue.
Cushing syndrome Cushing syndrome is a metabolic disorder characterized by an abnormal
increased secretion of adrenocortical steroids due to an increase secretion
of ACTH. This results in excess fat in the upper back, chest, abdomen, face
Diabetes insipidus Diabetes insipidus is associated with a deficiency of production or secretion
of antidiuretic hormone or a decreased renal response to the antidiuretic
Diabetic ketoacidosis Diabetes ketoacidosis is acidosis with an accumulation of ketones in the body.
Diabetic ketoacidosis is a profound deficiency of insulin and is marked by
hyperglycemia, ketosis, acidosis, and dehydration.
Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease related to abnormal insulin
production, impaired insulin utilization, or a combination of both.
Diabetic nephropathy Diabetic nephropathy is damaged to the small blood vessels that supply the
glomeruli of the kidney.
Diabetic neuropathy Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage normally associated with diabetes
Exophthalmos Ex- means outside, away from or without. - Ophthalmos means eye.
Exophthalmos is a classic finding in Grave’s disease. It is a protrusion of the
eyeballs from the orbits.
Goiter A goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by excess secretion
of the thyroid-stimulating hormone.
Grave’s disease Grave’s disease is an autoimmune disease of excessive thyroid hormone
Diseases and Disorders of the Endocrine System
Hashimoto's thyroiditis Thyroid means pertaining to the thyroid gland. -itis means inflammation.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a chronic autoimmune disease in which thyroid tissue is
replaced by lymphocytes and fibrous tissue.
Hyperparathyroidism Hyper- means excessive. - Para- means similar or beside.
-ism refers to a condition process, theory of, principle, method.
Hyperparathyroidism is a condition involving an increased secretion of parathyroid
Hyperthyroidism Hyper- means excessive.
-ism refers to a condition process, theory of, principle, method.
Hyperthyroidism is an increased activity of the thyroid gland and a constant increase in
synthesis and release of thyroid hormones.
Hypoparathyroidism Hypo Hypo- means insufficient. - Para- means similar or beside.
-ism refers to a condition process, theory of, principle, method.
Hypoparathyroidism is due to an inadequate amount of circulating parathyroid hormone.
Hypopituitarism Hypo- means insufficient. -ism refers to a condition process, theory of, principle.
Hypopituitarism involves a decrease in one or more of the pituitary hormones.
Hypothyroidism Hypo- means insufficient. -ism refers to a condition process, theory of, principle.
Hypothyroidism results from insufficient circulating thyroid hormone.
Myxedema Myx- means relating to mucus.
Myxedema is a severe form of hypothyroidism due to an accumulation of
mucopolysaccharides in the dermis of the tissue. It is characterized by swelling of the
face, hand, feet, and periorbital tissue.
Pheochromocytoma Pheo means dusky. - Chromo- refers to color -cytoma refers to tumor.
Pheochromocytoma is a tumor of the adrenal medulla that produces excessive
catecholamines which results in severe hypertension. Other signs include flushing,
headaches, sweating 63
Lymphatic System

UK -> lympha-TIC
US -> lympha-Rhic


Central Nervous System - CNS
The central nervous system is made up of the brain and the spinal cord.
Parts of the Brain

Central Nervous System
Parts of the Spinal Cord

Central Nervous System
Neurons, also called nerve cells, are highly The three connective tissue membranes
specialized to transmit messages (nerve covering and protecting the CNS structures
impulses) from one part of the body to are the meninges.

Word Root and Combining Vowel for the Nervous System
Cerebell/o cerebellum
Cerebr/o cerebrum
Cephal/o head
Crani/o skull or cranium
Encephal/o brain
Gangli/o ganglion
Medul/o medulla oblongata
Myel/o spinal cord
Neur/o nerve
Spin/o spine
-crania head or skull
-cerebral brain
Dendr- branches
Caud- tail bone
Neurological Specialties
Neurology Neuro- means nerve.
-ology is the study of.
Neurology is a medical specialty that treats
conditions related to the nervous system.
Neurologist Neuro- means nerve.
-logist means one who studies.
A neurologist is a person who treats conditions
related to the nervous system.
Neurosurgeon Neuro- means nerve.
Surgeon means a physician that treats deformities,
injuries and diseases using operative procedures.
A neurosurgeon is a physician that specializes in
the nervous system and operative procedures.

Procedures of the Nervous System
Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis Cerebrospinal refers to the brain and spinal cord.
(Lumbar puncture)
For a cerebrospinal fluid analysis, cerebrospinal fluid is aspirated by needle
insertion between the l3-l4 or l4- l5 intervertebral spaces. This procedure
assesses for different central nervous system diseases.
Cerebral Angiography Cerebral refers to the brain. Angio refers to a vessel.
A cerebral angiography uses serial x-rays to visualize intra and
extra cranial blood vessels. This procedure is used to detect
vascular lesions and tumors.
Craniectomy Crani- refers to the skull or head.
-ectomy refers to an excision (surgical removal or cutting out).
Is a surgical procedure of the removal of a portion of the skull.
Craniotomy Crani refers to skull or head. -otomy refers to cutting into.
A craniotomy is a surgical procedure which involves entry into the skull. This
procedure is usually done to relieve intracranial pressure.
Electroencephalography Electro- refers to electrical.
Encephalo refers to the brain. -graphy is the process of recording.
Electrical activity of the brain is recorded by scalp electrodes to evaluate
seizure disorders, cerebral disease, and brain death.
Ventriculostomy During a ventriculostomy an opening is formed in the skull and a catheter is
placed in one or the lateral ventricles of the brain. This catheter is used to
measure intracranial pressure and allow for drainage of fluid to relieve
intracranial pressure. 72
Diseases and Disorders of the Nervous System
Altered level of A patient has an altered level of consciousness when they are not
consciousness (LOC) oriented, do not follow commands, or needs persistent stimuli to
achieve a state of alertness.
Agnosia Agnosia is the loss of ability to recognize objects. This may be
through a visual, auditory, or tactile sensory system.
Aneurysm An aneurysm is a weakening or bulge in the wall of a blood vessel.
Aphasia Aphasia is an inability to express words or form words and to
understand language.
Apraxia Apraxia is an inability to perform purposeful acts such as the
manipulation of objects on a voluntary basis.
Ataxia Ataxia is impaired coordination of movement marked by gait or
postural imbalance.
Autonomic dysreflexia Is a life threatening emergency in patients with spinal cord injury or
lesions characterized by a hypertensive emergency.
Bell’s Palsy Bell’s Palsy is a condition marked by unilateral weakness or
paralysis of the facial muscles on the affected side.
Brain abscess A brain abscess is a cluster of infectious material within a portion of the brain.
Brain death Brain death is irreversible loss of all brain function even though the
heart continues to beat.
Brain injury Is an injury to the skull or brain such as a blow or penetrating object
that is severe enough to interfere with normal functioning. 73
Diseases and Disorders of the Nervous System
Cerebral edema Cerebral edema is an abnormal accumulation fluid in the intracellular space,
extracellular space, or both.
Coma Is a state of unconsciousness characterized by the inability to arouse the person.
Concussion A concussion is damage to the brain caused a by blow, shaking, jarring, a blast or some
type of non-penetrating injury. There is temporary lose of neurological function with no
apparent damage.
Contusion A contusion is bruising due to bleeding of the underlying tissue of the brain surface
caused by a blow in which the blood vessel were ruptured.
Cushing’s triad Cushing’s triad refers to three classic signs including bradycardia, hypertension, and
bradypnea when there is pressure on the medulla usually due to herniation of the brain
Decerebrate posture Decerebrate posture is an abnormal body posture, usually in a comatose patient with a
severe brain injury, in which the arms are extended and internally rotated and the lower
extremities are extended with the feet in the plantar flexion position.
Decorticate posture Decorticate posture is an abnormal body posture, usually in a comatose patient with a
severe brain injury, in which the arms are abnormally flexed and the lower extremities
are extended.
Dyskinesia Dyskinesia is the impaired ability to execute voluntary movements.
Dysphagia Dysphagia is difficulty swallowing.
Dysphonia Dysphonia is difficulty speaking due to voice impairment or altered voice production.
Expressive aphasia Expressive aphasia is the inability to express oneself; often associated with damage to
the left frontal lobe area.
Epilepsy Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by paroxysmal transient disturbances
of brain function, resulting in convulsions and loss of consciousness.
Guillain-Barre Guillain-Barre syndrome is an autoimmune disease which attacks the peripheral nerve
Syndrome myelin. 74
Diseases and Disorders of the Nervous System
Head injury A head injury is an injury to the scalp, skull, and or brain resulting from trauma.
Hemiparesis Hemiparesis is weakness of one side of the body or part of it, due to an injury in the
motor area of the brain.
Hemiplegia Hemiplegia is paralysis of one side of the body, or part of it, due to injury in the
motor area of the brain.
Intracranial pressure ICP Is pressure exerted by the volume of the intracranial contents within the cranium.
Meningitis Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the membrane which covers and
protects the brain and spinal cord.
Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is an immune disease that causes the demyelination or
destruction of the myelin sheath.
Myasthenia Gravis Myasthenia Gravis is an autoimmune disorder affecting the neuromuscular
junction, which causes muscle weakness.
Neuropathy Neuropathy is the inflammation of the peripheral nerves which causes weakness or
Paraplegia Paraplegia is paralysis of the lower extremities caused by spinal injury or disease.
Paresthesia Paresthesia is the sensation of numbness or tingling, also known as a feeling of
“pins and needles”.
Quadriplegia Quadriplegia also known as tetraplegia is paralysis of both arms and legs and the
(Tetraplegia) trunk resulting from spinal cord injury.
Seizures Seizures are abnormal electrical activity of the brain resulting in involuntary
contractions of muscle groups.
Spinal cord injury A spinal cord injury is an injury to the spinal cord, vertebral column, and supporting
soft tissue.
Status epilepticus Status epilepticus is an occurrence of multiple seizures in which the patient does
not experience recovery time in between seizures.
Transection Is when the spinal cord is severed, either all the way through or partially. 75
The Sensory Systems

The Sensory Systems : The senses
Sense Body part Description
1. Soft
1.Touch Hands 2. Hard
3. Rough
4. Smooth
2.Smell Nose 1. Fragrant
2. Smelly
3.See Eyes Colors
1. Loud
4.Hear Ears 2. Soft
1. Sweet
5.Taste Tongue 2. Sour
3. Salty
4. Bitter 77
The Sensory Systems


UK -> COK- lèa
US -> CaK- lèa

The Sensory Systems

The Cardiovascular System

The Cardiovascular System

Principal veins and arteries

The Cardiovascular System

Cardiovascular Specialties
Cardiology Cardi refers to the heart . – ology refers to the study of.
Cardiology is the study of the disorders of the heart.
Cardiologist Cardi refers to the heart. - ologist refers to one who studies.
A cardiologist specializes in disorders of the heart. A cardiologist
can order and interpret the test. A cardiologist can advise the
patient of their option.
Interventional An interventional cardiologist is a sub-specialty of cardiologists
cardiologist that can perform advanced cardiac procedures such as catheter-
based procedures.
Cardiac surgeon A cardiac surgeon can perform major procedures on the heart
and the vessels.
Electrophysiologist Electr(o) refers to electricity. physi(o) means related to physiology.
-ologist refers to one who studies.
Physiology is the study of the science of the human body.
Electrophysiology deals with the relationship between electrical
phenomena and biological function.
An electrophysiologist is a person who works with the body’s
electrical and biological functions.
Electrophysiologist An electrophysiologist cardiologist studies the heart electrical
cardiologist impulses. 84
Diagnostic Studies of the Cardiovascular System
Doppler An echo is the reflection of an ultrasound wave off a structure which is sent back to the
echocardiography transducer.
A Doppler echocardiography uses Doppler ultrasonography to evaluate blood flow
patterns and directions in the heart and records them.
Doppler Ultra means beyond, farther.
A Doppler ultrasonography uses ultrasound imaging to look at the structures and blood
flow of the beating heart.
Echocardiography Echo is the reflection of an ultrasound wave off a structure back to the transducer.
A echocardiography is a noninvasive diagnostic procedure used to record the movement
and structure of the heart.
Echocardiogram Echo is the reflection of an ultrasound wave off a structure back to the transducer.
An echocardiogram is a graphic reading of the heart movement from an ultrasonography.
Tomography Tomo- refers to the preparation of a section.
A tomography is a sectional imaging to produce a film with a detailed cross-section of
tissue and organs.
Transesophageal Trans- refers to through.
Electrocardiography is a noninvasive diagnostic procedure used to study the movement
and structure of the heart.
A transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is an ultrasound using an endoscope that
views the heart from a retrocardiac vantage point. That is the endoscope is passed down
the esophagus.
Ultrasound Ultrasound imaging is the process of using high frequency sounds waves to visualize
internal structures. 85
Procedures of the Cardiovascular System
Cardiac A cardiac catheterization is the introduction of the catheter through an incision into a
catheterization large vein and guided through circulation into the heart.
Cardiopulmonary Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an emergency procedure that involves external
resuscitation (CPR) cardiac massage and artificial respirations to revive and sustain the cardiac and
respiratory function.
Coronary artery A CABG is an open heart surgery in which a vein is taken from a different part of the
bypass graft (CABG) body (saphenous or mammary) and grafted into a section of a coronary artery to bypass
a blockage.
Defibrillation De- is a prefix meaning to do the opposite, away, off, to remove entirely, down and from.
Fibrillate means the contraction of a single muscle fiber that is repetitive.
Defibrillate means to stop the ventricles from fibrillating by delivering an electrical shock.
Endarterectomy End- refers to within. - Arter(o) refers to the artery.
-ectomy means surgical removal
An endarterectomy is the surgical removal of the intimal lining of an artery.
Percutaneous A PTCA is a procedure in which a catheter is threaded through the vessel and a balloon
Transluminal is inflated in the treatment of atherosclerotic heart disease in the coronary arteries.
Coronary Angioplasty
Pericardiocentesis A pericardiocentesis is a procedure used to aspirate fluid which has accumulated in the
pericardial spaces.
Thoracotomy Thorac(o) refers to chest. - otomy refers to cutting into
A thoracotomy is a surgical opening into the thoracic cavity.
Thoracentesis Thora refers to chest. -centesis refers to puncture
Is the perforation of the chest wall or pleural space with a needle to aspirate fluid.
Transplantation Transplantation is the transfer of tissue or an organ from one person to another or one
organism to another. 86
Diseases and Conditions of the Cardiovascular System
Angiopathy Angi(o) refers to a vessel.
-pathy refers to a disease.
Angiopathy is a disease of the blood vessels.
Angina pectoris Angina pectoris is thoracic pain caused by spasms in the coronary arteries caused by
not enough oxygen to the myocardium of the heart.
Atherosclerosis Ather(o) refers to an artery.
-sclerosis refers to hardening.
Atherosclerosis means the build-up of fatty plaque or cholesterol in the lining of the
arteries. The walls become thick, fibrotic and calcified.
Arteriosclerosis Arteriosclerosis means hardening of the arteries due to calcification, thickening and loss
of elasticity.
Arrhythmia A refers to without.
Rhythmia refers to the rhythm.
Arrhythmia means an irregular heart rhythm.
Blood pressure Blood is the liquid pumped from the heart through the blood vessels.
Pressure means to press.
Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the walls of the arteries by the circulating
blood volume.
Bradycardia Bradycardia means a heart rate less than 60 beats per minute.
Bruit A blowing or swishing sound caused by turbulent blood flow heard when auscultating
diseased carotid arteries.
Cardiac arrest A cardiac arrest is a sudden stoppage of cardiac circulation and cardiac output..
Cardiogenic shock Shock is a condition characterized by inadequate blood flow to the body.
Cardiogenic shock is a condition associated with a myocardial infarction resulting in a
low cardiac output. 87
Diseases and Conditions of the Cardiovascular System
Cardiomyopathy Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the myocardium causing enlargement.
Congestive heart failure Congestive refers to congestion which is an abnormal accumulation of fluid.
Congestive heart failure is a condition in which the cardiac output is impaired and is
unable to meet the needs of the body causing an abnormal accumulation or backup of
fluid and peripheral edema.
Coronary artery disease Coronary refers to encircling structures.
Coronary artery disease is a condition affecting the arteries of the heart that cause a
reduction of blood flow to the myocardium.
Endocarditis Endocarditis is the inflammation of the endocardium and heart valve.
Hemostasis Hemo- refers to blood or blood vessels.
Hemostasis is the halting of bleeding by the coagulation process or by chemical or
mechanical means.
Hypertension Hypertension is a common condition characterized by an elevated blood pressure when
there is an abnormally high amount of pressure on the arteries.
Hypotension Hypo refers to under, below or beneath
Hypotension is a condition characterized by a low blood pressure or when there is not an
adequate amount of pressure in the arteries for normal perfusion.
Myocardial Infarction An MI is necrosis of part of the cardiac muscle caused by an obstruction of the coronary
(MI) artery that affects the heart ability to pump.
Ischemia Ischemia is a decreased blood supply to a body part.
Murmur A murmur is a humming or a gentle blowing such as a heart murmur
Pericardial effusion Pericardial effusion is the escape of fluid into the pericardial sac.
Pericarditis Pericarditis is the inflammation of the pericardium.
Tachycardia TachyTachycardia is a condition in which the heart beats at a rate faster than 100 beats
per minute.
Thrill A thrill is a vibration felt over an area of the patient’s body caused by turbulent blood
88 flow.
Word Root and Combining Vowel for the Cardiovascular System
angi(o) - vas(o), vascul(o) vessel
aort(o) aorta
arter(o), arteri(o) artery
arteriol(o) arteriole
atri (o) atrium
cardi(o) heart
coron(o) crown
endocardi(o) endocardium
echo(o) - son(o) sound
electr(o) electricity
fluor(o) emitting of reflecting light
my(o) muscle
myocardi(o) myocardium
mediastin(o) mediastium
pericardi(o) pericardium
path (o) disease
radi(o) radiant energy or x-ray
sept(o) septum, partition
sin(o) sinus
thorac (o) chest
tom(o) to cut
ultra(o) excessive
ven(o) vein
venul(o) venule
valv(o), valvl(o) valve 89
ventricul(o) ventricle
The Urinary System

The Urinary System

Word Root and Combining Vowel for the Urinary System


Cyst(o) bladder or sac
Cost(o) ribs
Glomerul(o) glomerulus
Lith(o) stone
Nephr(o) kidney
Pyel(o) kidney or pelvis
Ren(o) kidney
Ur(o) urine
Ureter(o) ureter
Urethr(o) urethra
Urin(o) urine
Vesic(o) urinary bladder

Urinary specific suffixes and prefixes
Cyst- bladder or sac
Dialy- dialysis
Noct- night
Olig- few or little
Poly- much or many.
Pyel- pelvis or kidney
Ren- kidneys
-tripsy crushing
-uria urine condition
Ureter- ureters

Urinary Specialties
Nephrologists Nephr(o) means kidney -logist means one who studies.
A nephrologists is physician specializing in kidney disease,
renal failure, dialysis patients and renal transplants.
Urologist Ur(o) means urine -logist means one who studies.
A urologist is a physician specializing in the treatment of the
male and female urinary tract and reproductive system. 94
Diagnostic Studies of the Urinary System
Pyelogram Pyel(o) means kidney or pelvis.
-gram means a drawing or a written record.
A pyelogram is an x-ray of the upper urinary tract after the introduction
of a radiopaque contrast material.
Cystogram Cyst(o) bladder or sac.
-gram means a drawing or a written record.
The visualization and recording of the urinary bladder after a radiopaque
contrast material has been introduced.
Cystoscopy Cyst(o) bladder or sac.
-scopy is a visual examination with a lighted instrument.
A cystoscopy is the visualization of the lower urinary tract using a
Kidney, ureters, bladder A KUB is an x-ray to determine the size, shape, and location of the
(KUB) kidneys and other structure of the urinary tract.
Intravenous pyelogram Intravenous is pertaining to inside the vein.
Pyel(o) means kidney or pelvis.
-gram means a drawing or a written record.
An x-ray of the kidneys and other structures of the urinary tract using a
intravenously injected contrast material.
Procedures of the Urinary System
Dialysis Dialy- means dialysis.
Dialysis is a procedure in which a machine is used to separate
waste material from the blood.
Extracorporeal shock wave Extracorporeal means outside the body.
lithotripsy (ESWL)
Lithotripsy is a procedure for eliminating stones in the kidneys,
ureters, bladder or gallbladder.
A procedure in which shock waves are used to crush stones in
the urinary tract.
Renal transplantation Renal is pertaining to the kidneys.
Transplantation is the transfer of tissue from one person to
A procedure in which a person receives a donor kidney.
Urinary catheterization Urinary means urine or the formation of urine.
Catheter is a hollow flexible tube.
Catheterization is the introduction of a catheter into a body
A catheter is passed through the urethra into the urinary
bladder for the purpose of draining urine.
Diseases and Conditions of the Urinary System
Anuria An- means without.
-uria means possessing urine.
Anuria is the absence of urine.
Diuresis Diuresis is an increase in the volume of urine.
Dysuria Dys- means bad or painful.
-uria means possessing urine.
Dysuria is painful urination.
Enuresis Enuresis is involuntary nocturnal urination.
Frequency Frequency is when the patient voids more frequently than what is usual
for the patient.
Glomerulonephritis Glomerul(o) is pertaining to the glomerulus.
Nephritis is inflammation of the kidney.
Glomerulonephritis is the inflammation of the glomerulus of the kidneys.
Glycosuria Glyco- means glucose.
-uria means possessing urine.
Glycosuria is the abnormal presence of glucose in the urine.
Hematuria Hemat- means pertaining to blood.
-uria means possessing urine.
Hematuria is blood in the urine. 99
Diseases and Conditions of the Urinary System
Hesitancy Hesitancy is difficulty initiating urination.
Incontinence In- means lack of. - Continence means the ability of control the bladder or bowel functions.
Incontinence is the inability of control urination or defecation.
Nephrolithiasis Nephr(o) means pertaining to the kidney.
Lithiasis means the presence or formation of stones.
Nephrolithiasis is a condition of having renal calculi or stones in the kidney.
Nocturia Noct- means night. -uria means possessing urine.
Nocturia is excessive urination at night.
Oliguria Olig- means few or little. -uria means possessing urine.
Oliguria is a decrease in the formation or passing of urine.
Polyuria Poly- means much or many. -uria means possessing urine.
Polyuria is the passing of an abnormally large amount of urine.
Proteinuria Protein is complex nitrogenous compounds. -uria uria means possessing urine.
Proteinuria is the presence of an abnormally large amount of protein in the urine.
Pyuria -uria means possessing urine.
Pyuria is the presences of an abnormal amount of white blood cells in the urine
Renal calculus Renal is pertaining to the kidneys. - Calculus is a stone.
Renal calculus is a stone occurring in the urinary tract.
Renal Failure Renal Failure is the inability of the kidneys to concentrate urine or excrete waste.
Uremia Uremia is the presence of a large amount of urea in the blood.
Also known as azotemia.
Urea -urea is a compound containing urea. - Urea is waste products from protein metabolism.
Urinary retention Urinary retention is the inability of the patient to empty their bladder.
Urinary tract infection Urinary tract is the organs involved in the secretion and elimination of urine.
(UTI) A UTI is an infection of any of the structures of the urinary tract.
Urgency Urgency is an intense desire to urinate immediately. 100
Male & Female

Reproductive Systems
Male Reproductive System

Female Reproductive System




Immune system
Components of the Immune System / Composants du Système Immunitaire

Spleen / Tonsils /
Rate Amygdales

Lymph Node / gland /
Nodule Glande
marrow /
Lymphatique Thymus
Immune system
Components of the Immune System / Composants du Système Immunitaire

Human Body additional information


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