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Project Design Data and Summary

Roof Design Calculations

Top Member Design Calculations

Shell Design Calculations

Bottom Design Calculations

Seismic Design Calculations

Wind Design Calculations


Normal and Emergency Venting (API-2000)

Capacities And Weight

Reactions on Foundation

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Project Design Data and Summary Back
Project Data
Designer: HAK
Start Date: 18-Jan-2023
Number of Tanks: 1
Project No.: 2023-01-18-16-58
Project Description: TANK NO. Tank-EN-14015-SI-0001/15 M3
Design Basis: EN-14015 November 2004

Design Parameters and Operating Conditions

Tank Inner Diameter ID = 1.91 m
Tank Outer Diameter OD = 1.92 m
Tank Nominal Diameter D = 1.91 m
Shell Height Hs = 5.4 m
Minimum Liquid Level Lmin = 0.0 m
Maximum Design Liquid Level Lmax = 5.4 m
Maximum Operating Liquid Level Lmax-operating = 5.4 m
Product Design Specific Gravity SG = 1
Hydrotest Liquid Specific Gravity SGt = 1
Design Internal Pressure P = 0.0 kPa
Design External Pressure Pv = 0.0 kPa
Design Temperature T = 50 °C
Operating Temperature T-operating = 50 °C
Minimum Design Metal Temperature MDMT = -1 °C
Tank Joint Efficiency JE = 1
Ground Snow Load S = 0.0 kPa
Additional Roof Dead load DL-add = 0.0 kPa
Minimum Roof Live Load Lr = 1.96 kPa
Maximum Filling Rate Vpf = 22.71 m^3/hr
Maximum Emptying Rate Vpe = 22.71 m^3/hr

Wind Load Basis: EN-1991 Part 1-4 (Eurocode 1)

Wind Velocity V = 1.0 kph
Terrain Category = Category II - Open country

Seismic Method: ASCE7 Mapped (Ss & S1)

Seismic Use Group = SUG-I
Seismic Site Class =D
Regional Dependent Transistion Period TL = 4 sec
Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Period Ss = 0.1
Spectral Response Acceleration at 1 Sec Period S1 = 0.05

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Design Remarks
30 m3

Summary Results
Type = Cone
Support Type = None
Material = A240-316L
Corrosion Allowance = 0 mm
Joint Efficiency = 1
Required Thickness = 3 mm
Installed Thickness = 3 mm
New Plates Weight = 73.22 kg
Corroded Plates Weight = 73.22 kg

Top Member
Detail Type = With Corner Ring
Size = L60X60X6
Material = A240-316L
Corrosion Allowance = 0 mm
Joint Efficiency = 1
New Weight = 33.4 kg

Shell Courses Design Summary
Height CA Sy Sut Sd St t-erection
Course Material JE
(m) (mm) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (mm)
3 1.4 0 1 165.0 485 110.0 123.75 2
2 2.0 0 1 165.0 485 110.0 123.75 2
1 2.0 0 1 165.0 485 110.0 123.75 2

Shell Courses Design Summary (continued)

t-design t-test t-seismic t-axial-load t-min t-installed
Course Status
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
3 0.09 0.08 0.1 1.59 2 3 PASS
2 0.26 0.23 0.24 1.59 2 3 PASS
1 0.43 0.39 0.39 1.59 2 3 PASS

Shell Nominal Weight = 781.8 kg

Shell Corroded Weight = 781.8 kg
Shell Insulation Weight = 0.0 kg

Type = Cone Down
Support Type = Continuously Supported on Foundation
Material = A240-316L
Corrosion Allowance = 0 mm
Joint Efficiency = 1
Required Thickness = 5 mm
Installed Thickness = 5 mm
New Plates Weight = 115.76 kg
Corroded Plates Weight = 115.76 kg

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Normal Venting Required In-Breathing Capacity (Vacuum Relief) = 57.02 m^3/hr
Normal Venting Required Out-Breathing Capacity (Pressure Relief) = 25.69 m^3/hr
Emergency Venting Required Capacity = 7,742.19 m^3/hr

Nameplate Information
Design Basis EN-14015 November 2004
Appendices Used N/A
Roof A240-316L : 3 mm
Shell (1) A240-316L : 3 mm
Shell (2) A240-316L : 3 mm
Shell (3) A240-316L : 3 mm
Bottom A240-316L : 5 mm

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Roof Design Calculations Back
Roof Type = Cone
Structure Support Type = None

Material Properties
Material = A240-316L
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 485 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 165.0 MPa
Density (d) = 8,030 kg/m^3

Rh = Horizontal Radius (m)
slope = Slope (Rise / Run)

Rh = 0.97 m
slope = 0.2

Description Variable Equation Value Unit

Slope Angle Theta ARCTAN(slope) 11.31 deg
Angle With Vertical Line Alpha 90 - Theta 78.69 deg
Height h Rh * TAN(Theta) 0.19 m
Surface Area A (pi * (Rh^2)) / COS(Theta) 3.04 m^2
Center of Gravity from Base CG h/3 0.06 m
Vertical Projected Area Av Rh * h 0.19 m^2
Horizontal Projected Area Ah pi * (Rh^2) 2.98 m^2
Volume V (pi * (Rh^2) * h) / 3 0.19 m^3

DL-add = Added dead load (kPa)
d-ins = Insulation Density (kg/m^3)
e = Plates Thickness (mm)
e-ins = Insulation Thickness (mm)

DL-add = 0.0 kPa

d-ins = 130 kg/m^3
e = 3 mm
e-ins = 0 mm

Description Variable Equation Value Unit

Plates Nominal Weight Wr-pl A*d*e 73.22 kg
Plates Corroded Weight Wr-pl-corr A * d * (e - CA) 73.22 kg
New Plates Dead Load Pressure DL-pl ((9.80665 * Wr-pl) / Ah) * (1 / 1000) 0.24 kPa
Corroded Plates Dead Load ((9.80665 * Wr-pl-corr) / Ah) * (1 /
DL-pl-corr 0.24 kPa
Pressure 1000)
Insulation Weight Wr-ins e-ins * d-ins * A 0.0 kg

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Insulation Dead Load Pressure DL-ins ((9.80665 * Wr-ins) / Ah) * (1 / 1000) 0.0 kPa
Dead Load DL DL-pl + DL-ins + DL-add 0.24 kPa
Total Nominal Dead Weight Wr-DL (DL * Ah) / 9.80665 73.22 kg
Additional Dead Weight (DL-add * Ah) / 9.80665 0.0 kg

Individual Loads
Description Variable Value Unit
Design Internal Pressure P 0.0 kPa
Design Internal Negative Pressure Pv 0.0 kPa
Hydro Test Design Internal Pressure Pt 0.0 kPa
Hydro Test Design Internal Negative Pressure Pvt 0.0 kPa
Corroded Plates Dead load DL-pl-corr 0.24 kPa
Nominal Plates Dead load DL-pl 0.24 kPa
Additional Dead load DL-Add 0.0 kPa
Insulation Dead load DL-ins 0.0 kPa
Live Load Lr 1.96 kPa
Snow load S 0.0 kPa
Total Live Load LL 1.96 kPa

Load Combinations
Description Variable Equation Value Unit
Load Case 1: Design Internal Pressure L-1 P 0.0 kPa
Load Case 2: Hydro Test Internal
L-2 Pt 0.0 kPa
Load Case 3: Design Internal Negative Pv + DL-pl + DL-Add + DL-ins +
L-3 2.2 kPa
Pressure MAX(Lr , S)
External Loads Weight W-L-3 (L-3 * Ah * 1000) / 9.80665 669.29 kg
Load Case 4: Hydro Test Internal
L-4 DL-pl + DL-Add + DL-ins + Pvt 0.24 kPa
Negative Pressure

Thickness Design
P-net = Net Design Uplift Pressure (mbar)
Pt-net = Net Hydrostatic Test Uplift Pressure (mbar)
R1 = Length of the Normal to the Roof (for conical roofs, R1 = R/sin(slope) per Figure 8) per EN-
14015 10.4.2 (m)
eb-1 = Roof Plate Thickness for Buckling per EN-14015 10.4.2 (mm)
eb-2 = Roof Plate Thickness for Buckling based on Hydrotest Internal Negative Pressure per EN-
14015 10.4.2 (mm)
ep-1 = Roof Plate Thickness for Design Internal Pressure per EN-14015 10.4.2 (mm)
ep-2 = Roof Plate Thickness for Hydro Test Internal Pressure per EN-14015 10.4.2 (mm)

R1 = (D / 2) / SIN(Theta)
R1 = (1.913 / 2) / SIN(11.3099)
R1 = 4.88 m

Erection Requirement

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As per EN-14015 10.3.3, Minimum Erection Thickness (e-erec) = 3 mm

Required Thickness for Internal Design Pressure

P-net = L-1 - DL-pl-corr
P-net = 0.0 - 2.4092
P-net = -2.41 (Set to 0 mbar since it cannot be less than 0)

ep-1 = ((P-net * R1) / (10 * Sd * E)) + CA

ep-1 = ((0 * 4.8772) / (10 * 110.0 * 1)) + 0
ep-1 = 0.0 mm

Required Thickness for Hydrostatic Test Pressure

Pt-net = L-2 - DL-pl
Pt-net = 0.0 - 2.4092
Pt-net = -2.41 (Set to 0 mbar since it cannot be less than 0)

ep-2 = ((Pt-net * R1) / (10 * Sd * E)) + CA

ep-2 = ((0 * 4.8772) / (10 * 110.0 * 1)) + 0
ep-2 = 0.0 mm

Buckling Condition
eb-1 = (40 * R1 * SQRT(((10 * L-3) / E))) + CA
eb-1 = (40 * 4.8772 * SQRT(((10 * 2.2023) / 193,127.2727))) + 0
eb-1 = 2.08 mm

eb-2 = (40 * R1 * SQRT(((10 * L-4) / E))) + CA

eb-2 = (40 * 4.8772 * SQRT(((10 * 0.2409) / 193,127.2727))) + 0
eb-2 = 0.69 mm

Final Required Thickness

e-req = Required Thickness (mm)

e-req = MAX(e-erec , ep-1 , ep-2 , eb-1 , eb-2)

e-req = MAX(3 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 2.0833 , 0.689)
e-req = 3 mm

e >= e-req ==> PASS

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Top Member Design Calculations Back
Material Properties
Material = A240-316L
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 485 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 165.0 MPa

Compression Ring Detail With Corner Ring Properties

A_detail = Detail Total Area (mm^2)
A_roof = Contributing Roof Area (mm^2)
A_shell = Contributing Shell Area (mm^2)
I_shell = Contributing Shell Moment Of Inertia (mm^4)
R1 = Length of Normal to Head (mm)
Wc = Maximum Width of Participating Shell per EN-14015 Figure 8 (mm)
Wh = Maximum Width of Participating Head per EN-14015 Figure 8 (mm)

R1 = (ID / 2) / SIN(theta)
R1 = (1,910.0 / 2) / SIN(11.3099)
R1 = 4,869.56 mm

Wh = 0.6 * SQRT((R1 * (th - CA)))

Wh = 0.6 * SQRT((4,869.5636 * (3 - 0)))
Wh = 72.52 mm

Wc = 0.6 * SQRT(((ID / 2) * (tc - CA_shell)))

Wc = 0.6 * SQRT(((1,910.0 / 2) * (3 - 0)))
Wc = 32.12 mm

Angle Size L60X60X6 Section Properties

Description Variable New Corroded Unit
Weight W 5.42 5.42 kg/m
Cross Sectional Area A 691.0 691.0 mm^2
Moment Of Inertia About X Axis Ix 227,999.0 227,999.0 mm^4
Moment Of Inertia About Y Axis Iy 227,999.0 227,999.0 mm^4
Section Modulus About X Axis Sx 5,290 5,290 mm^3
Section Modulus About Y Axis Sy 5,290 5,290 mm^3
Centroid X Coords cx 16.9 16.9 mm
Centroid Y Coords cy 16.9 16.9 mm
Angle Long Leg Length L1-angle 60 60 mm
Angle Short Leg Length L2-angle 60 60 mm
Angle Thickness t-angle 6.0 6.0 mm

I_shell = ((Wc - h) * ((tc - CA_shell)^3)) / 12

I_shell = ((32.1154 - 6.0) * ((3 - 0)^3)) / 12
I_shell = 58.76 mm^4

A_shell = (Wc - h) * (tc - CA_shell)

A_shell = (32.1154 - 6.0) * (3 - 0)
A_shell = 78.35 mm^2

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A_roof = Wh * (th - CA)
A_roof = 72.5199 * (3 - 0)
A_roof = 217.56 mm^2

A_detail = A_shell + A_roof + A-corr

A_detail = 78.3463 + 217.5596 + 691.0
A_detail = 986.91 mm^2

Stiffener and Shell Combined Section Properties

Description Variable Equation Value Unit
Shell centroid d_shell (tc - CA_shell) / 2 1.5 mm
Stiffener centroid d_stiff cy + (tc - CA_shell) 19.9 mm
moment of inertia of first
I_1 Ix-corr + (A-corr * (d_stiff^2)) 501,642.91 mm^4
moment of inertia of second
I_2 I_shell + (A_shell * (d_shell^2)) 235.04 mm^4
Total area A_sum A-corr + A_shell 769.35 mm^2
Sum of moments of inertia's I_sum I_1 + I_2 501,877.95 mm^4
((d_stiff * A-corr) + (d_shell *
Combined centroid c_combined 18.03 mm
A_shell)) / (A-corr + A_shell)
Combined moment of inertia I_combined I_sum - (A_sum * (c_combined^2)) 251,882.51 mm^4
Distance from neutral axis to
e1 c_combined 18.03 mm
edge 1 (inside)
Distance from neutral axis to
e2 ((tc - CA_shell) + L1-angle) - e1 44.97 mm
edge 2 (outside)
Combined stiffener shell
S I_combined / MAX(e1 , e2) 5,600.65 mm^3
section modulus

Erection Requirement
As per EN-14015 10.5.6 and Table 18, Minimum Size of Top Corner Ring (Size-min) = L60x60x6
Minimum Section Modulus per Erection Requirement (Sx-min) = 5.29 cm^3

Sx >= Sx-min ==> PASS

Cross Sectional Area Requirement

A = Required Cross Sectional Area per EN-14015 10.5.2 (mm^2)
Wr-pl-corr = Roof Corroded Plates Weight (N)
pc = Design Pressure (mbar)

Wr-pl-corr = 718.03 N

As per EN-14015 10.5.2, Allowable Compressive Stress (Sc) = 120 MPa

pc = P - (Wr-pl-corr / (100 * pi * (R^2)))

pc = 0.0 - (718.0289 / (100 * pi * (0.955^2)))
pc = -2.51 (Set to 0 mbar since it cannot be less than 0)

A = (50 * pc * (R^2)) / (Sc * TAN(theta))

A = (50 * 0 * (0.955^2)) / (120.0 * TAN(11.3099))
A = 0.0 mm^2

A_detail >= A ==> PASS

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Shell Design Calculations Back
Ac = Convective Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient
Ai = Impulsive Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient
Av = Vertical ground acceleration coefficient description
CG-shell = Shell center of gravity (m)
D = Tank diameter (m)
Hs = Shell height (m)
Lmax = Maximum liquid level (m)
P = Design pressure (mbar)
Pt = Test pressure (mbar)
SG = Design density under storage conditions (kg/l)
SGt = Design density of test medium (kg/l)
W-ins = Shell Insulation Weight (kg)
W-shell = Shell Nominal Weight (kg)
W-shell-corr = Shell Corroded Weight (kg)
ds-ins = Insulation Density (kg/m^3)
ts-ins = Insulation Thickness (mm)

Ac = 0.03
Ai = 0.03
Av = 0.3
D = 1.91 m
Hs = 5.4 m
Lmax = 5.4 m
P = 0.0 mbar
Pt = 0.0 mbar
SG = 1 kg/l
SGt = 1 kg/l
ds-ins = 130 kg/m^3
ts-ins = 0 mm

As per EN-14015, total live load is greater than 1.2kPa, shell courses are checked for vertical
axial load.

Course # 1 (bottom course) Design

D1 = Shell Course Centerline Diameter (m)
Hc = Distance from bottom of the course to design liquid level per EN-14015 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 (m)
JE = Joint efficiency
Ma = Course Material
W-1 = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
W-1-corr = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
Ws-pl-top = Top Shell Courses Nominal Plates Weight (N)
Ws-tot-top = Top Weight Total (N)
c = Corrosion allowance (mm)
e-actual = Installed Thickness (mm)
e-min = Final Required Thickness (mm)
ec = Shell thickness for design conditions per EN-14015 9.2.2 (mm)
et = Shell thickness for test conditions per EN-14015 9.2.2 (mm)
h = Course Height (m)
loc = Course Location (m)

Hc = 5.4 m
JE = 1
Ma = A240-316L
c = 0 mm

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e-actual = 3 mm
h = 2.0 m
loc = 0 m

Material Properties
Material = A240-316L
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 485 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 165.0 MPa
As per EN-14015 9.1.1, Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 110.0 MPa
As per EN-14015 9.1.1, Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (St) = 123.75 MPa

Shell Course Center of Gravity (CG-1) = 1.0 m

D1 = ID + e-actual
D1 = 1.91 + 0.003
D1 = 1.91 m

W-1 = pi * D1 * e-actual * h * d
W-1 = pi * 1.913 * 0.003 * 2.0 * 8,030
W-1 = 289.56 kg

W-1-corr = pi * D1 * (e-actual - c) * h * d
W-1-corr = pi * 1.913 * (0.003 - 0.0) * 2.0 * 8,030
W-1-corr = 289.56 kg

Erection Requirement
As per EN-14015 Table 16, Thickness Required by Erection (e-erec) = 2 mm

Design Condition
ec = ((D / (20 * Sd)) * ((98 * SG * (Hc - 0.3)) + P)) + c
ec = ((1.913 / (20 * 110.0)) * ((98 * 1 * (5.4 - 0.3)) + 0.0)) + 0
ec = 0.43 mm

Hydrostatic Test
et = (D / (20 * St)) * ((98 * SGt * (Hc - 0.3)) + Pt)
et = (1.913 / (20 * 123.75)) * ((98 * 1 * (5.4 - 0.3)) + 0.0)
et = 0.39 mm

Seismic Design
Nc = Convective Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Nh = Product Hydrostatic Membrane Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 and Section (N/mm)
Ni = Impulsive Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Sd-seismic = Maximum Allowable Hoop Tension Membrane Stress per API-650 E.6.2.4 (MPa)
ts = Seismic Minimum Thickness per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (mm)

As per API 650 Section E.6.1.4, Shell Course Liquid Surface to Analysis Point Distance (Y) = 5.4 m

Ni = 2.6 * Ai * SG * (D^2)
Ni = 2.6 * 0.0305 * 1 * (1.913^2)
Ni = 0.29 N/mm

Nc = (1.85 * Ac * SG * (D^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (Lmax - Y)) / D))) / COSH(((3.68 * Lmax) / D))

Nc = (1.85 * 0.0305 * 1 * (1.913^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (5.4 - 5.4)) / 1.913))) / COSH(((3.68 * 5.4) / 1.913))
Nc = 1.272142666176486E-5 N/mm

Nh = 4.9 * (Y - H_offset) * D * SG
Nh = 4.9 * (5.4 - 0) * 1.913 * 1
Nh = 50.62 N/mm

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S_T+ = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)
S_T- = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)

S_T+ = (Nh + SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((e-actual - c) , 0.0001)

S_T+ = (50.618 + SQRT(((0.2902^2) + (1.272142666176486E-5^2) + (((0.3 * 50.618) / 2.5)^2)))) /
MAX((3 - 0) , 0.0001)
S_T+ = 18.9 MPa

S_T- = (Nh - SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((e-actual - c) , 0.0001)

S_T- = (50.618 - SQRT(((0.2902^2) + (1.272142666176486E-5^2) + (((0.3 * 50.618) / 2.5)^2)))) /
MAX((3 - 0) , 0.0001)
S_T- = 14.85 MPa

Sd-seismic = MIN((1.33 * Sd) , (0.9 * Sy * JE))

Sd-seismic = MIN((1.33 * 110.0) , (0.9 * 165.0 * 1))
Sd-seismic = 146.3 MPa

ts = ((S_T+ * (e-actual - c)) / Sd-seismic) + c

ts = ((18.8997 * (3 - 0)) / 146.3) + 0
ts = 0.39 mm

Vertical Axial Load Design (Empty Tank)

Ws-pl-top = W-2 + W-3
Ws-pl-top = 2,839.5683 + 1,987.6978
Ws-pl-top = 4,827.27 N

Ws-tot-top = Wr-Ld-ext + Wss + Ws-pl-top + W-1

Ws-tot-top = 6,563.4857 + 0.0 + 4,827.2661 + 2,839.5683
Ws-tot-top = 14,230.32 N

T1 = Meridional unit force for cylindrical walls T1 per API-620 Equation 10 (lbf/in)
T2 = Latitudinal unit force for cylindrical walls T2 per API-620 Equation 11 (lbf/in)

T1 = (Rc / 2) * (P + (Ws-tot-top / A1))

T1 = (37.6575 / 2) * (0 + (-3,199.1032 / 4,455.048))
T1 = -13.52 lbf/in [-2,367.83 N/m]

T2 = P * Rc
T2 = 0 * 37.6575
T2 = 0.0 lbf/in [0.0 N/m]

(T1 < 0) AND (T2 = 0)

Thickness calculation based on T1

M = Compression factor
Scc = Computed Compressive Stress (psi)
Sta = Allowable Tensile Stress per API-620 (psi)
Stc = Computed Tensile Stress (psi)
t_req = Minimum Required Thickness (in)

As per API-620 Section, Figure 5-1 and Figure F-1, Graphical solution (Ratio) =

t_req = (Ratio * Rc) + c

t_req = (0.0017 * 37.6575) + 0
t_req = 0.06 in [1.59 mm]

Scc = ABS(T1) / (e-actual - c)

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Scc = ABS(-13.5206) / (0.1181 - 0)
Scc = 114.47 psi [0.79 MPa]

As per API-620 Section, Maximum Allowable Compressive Stress (Scs) = 2,987.45 psi [20.6

Scc <= Scs ==> PASS

Stc = T2 / (e-actual - c)
Stc = 0.0 / (0.1181 - 0)
Stc = 0.0 psi [0.0 kPa]

M = Scc / 15000
M = 114.4747 / 15000
M = 0.007631647962529603

As per API-620 Figure F-1, Tension factor (N) = 1.0

Sta = MIN((Sd * N) , (Sd * JE))

Sta = MIN((15,954.1512 * 0.9962) , (15,954.1512 * 1))
Sta = 15,892.92 psi [109,577.86 kPa]

Stc <= Sta ==> PASS

Final Required Thickness

e-min = MAX(e-erec , ec , et , ts , t-axial-load)
e-min = MAX(2 , 0.4346 , 0.3863 , 0.3876 , 1.5875)
e-min = 2 mm

e-actual >= e-min ==> PASS

Course # 2 Design
D2 = Shell Course Centerline Diameter (m)
Hc = Distance from bottom of the course to design liquid level per EN-14015 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 (m)
Hl = Distance from bottom of the lower course to top shell (m)
JE = Joint efficiency
Ma = Course Material
W-2 = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
W-2-corr = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
Ws-pl-top = Top Shell Courses Nominal Plates Weight (N)
Ws-tot-top = Top Weight Total (N)
c = Corrosion allowance (mm)
e-actual = Installed Thickness (mm)
e-min = Final Required Thickness (mm)
ec = Shell thickness for design conditions per EN-14015 9.2.2 (mm)
et = Shell thickness for test conditions per EN-14015 9.2.2 (mm)
h = Course Height (m)
loc = Course Location (m)

Hc = 3.4 m
Hl = 5.4 m
JE = 1
Ma = A240-316L
c = 0 mm
e-actual = 3 mm
h = 2.0 m
loc = 2.0 m

Material Properties
Material = A240-316L

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Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 485 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 165.0 MPa
As per EN-14015 9.1.1, Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 110.0 MPa
As per EN-14015 9.1.1, Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (St) = 123.75 MPa

Yield strength lower course minimum (Ysmlc) = 165.0 MPa

Tensile strength lower course minimum (Tsmlc) = 485 MPa
Design stress lower course (Sl) = 110.0 MPa

Shell Course Center of Gravity (CG-2) = 3.0 m

D2 = ID + e-actual
D2 = 1.91 + 0.003
D2 = 1.91 m

W-2 = pi * D2 * e-actual * h * d
W-2 = pi * 1.913 * 0.003 * 2.0 * 8,030
W-2 = 289.56 kg

W-2-corr = pi * D2 * (e-actual - c) * h * d
W-2-corr = pi * 1.913 * (0.003 - 0.0) * 2.0 * 8,030
W-2-corr = 289.56 kg

Erection Requirement
As per EN-14015 Table 16, Thickness Required by Erection (e-erec) = 2 mm

Design Condition
ec = ((D / (20 * Sd)) * ((98 * SG * (Hc - 0.3)) + P)) + c
ec = ((1.913 / (20 * 110.0)) * ((98 * 1 * (3.4 - 0.3)) + 0.0)) + 0
ec = 0.26 mm

Hydrostatic Test
et = (D / (20 * St)) * ((98 * SGt * (Hc - 0.3)) + Pt)
et = (1.913 / (20 * 123.75)) * ((98 * 1 * (3.4 - 0.3)) + 0.0)
et = 0.23 mm

Seismic Design
Nc = Convective Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Nh = Product Hydrostatic Membrane Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 and Section (N/mm)
Ni = Impulsive Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Sd-seismic = Maximum Allowable Hoop Tension Membrane Stress per API-650 E.6.2.4 (MPa)
ts = Seismic Minimum Thickness per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (mm)

As per API 650 Section E.6.1.4, Shell Course Liquid Surface to Analysis Point Distance (Y) = 3.4 m

Ni = 2.6 * Ai * SG * (D^2)
Ni = 2.6 * 0.0305 * 1 * (1.913^2)
Ni = 0.29 N/mm

Nc = (1.85 * Ac * SG * (D^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (Lmax - Y)) / D))) / COSH(((3.68 * Lmax) / D))

Nc = (1.85 * 0.0305 * 1 * (1.913^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (5.4 - 3.4)) / 1.913))) / COSH(((3.68 * 5.4) / 1.913))
Nc = 0.00029825708561034603 N/mm

Nh = 4.9 * (Y - H_offset) * D * SG
Nh = 4.9 * (3.4 - 0) * 1.913 * 1
Nh = 31.87 N/mm

S_T+ = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)
S_T- = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)

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S_T+ = (Nh + SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((e-actual - c) , 0.0001)
S_T+ = (31.8706 + SQRT(((0.2902^2) + (0.0003^2) + (((0.3 * 31.8706) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((3 - 0) ,
S_T+ = 11.9 MPa

S_T- = (Nh - SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((e-actual - c) , 0.0001)

S_T- = (31.8706 - SQRT(((0.2902^2) + (0.0003^2) + (((0.3 * 31.8706) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((3 - 0) ,
S_T- = 9.35 MPa

Sd-seismic = MIN((1.33 * Sd) , (0.9 * Sy * JE))

Sd-seismic = MIN((1.33 * 110.0) , (0.9 * 165.0 * 1))
Sd-seismic = 146.3 MPa

ts = ((S_T+ * (e-actual - c)) / Sd-seismic) + c

ts = ((11.902 * (3 - 0)) / 146.3) + 0
ts = 0.24 mm

Vertical Axial Load Design (Empty Tank)

Ws-pl-top = W-3
Ws-pl-top = 1,987.6978
Ws-pl-top = 1,987.7 N

Ws-tot-top = Wr-Ld-ext + Wss + Ws-pl-top + W-2

Ws-tot-top = 6,563.4857 + 0.0 + 1,987.6978 + 2,839.5683
Ws-tot-top = 11,390.75 N

T1 = Meridional unit force for cylindrical walls T1 per API-620 Equation 10 (lbf/in)
T2 = Latitudinal unit force for cylindrical walls T2 per API-620 Equation 11 (lbf/in)

T1 = (Rc / 2) * (P + (Ws-tot-top / A2))

T1 = (37.6575 / 2) * (0 + (-2,560.7429 / 4,455.048))
T1 = -10.82 lbf/in [-1,895.34 N/m]

T2 = P * Rc
T2 = 0 * 37.6575
T2 = 0.0 lbf/in [0.0 N/m]

(T1 < 0) AND (T2 = 0)

Thickness calculation based on T1

M = Compression factor
Scc = Computed Compressive Stress (psi)
Sta = Allowable Tensile Stress per API-620 (psi)
Stc = Computed Tensile Stress (psi)
t_req = Minimum Required Thickness (in)

As per API-620 Section, Figure 5-1 and Figure F-1, Graphical solution (Ratio) =

t_req = (Ratio * Rc) + c

t_req = (0.0017 * 37.6575) + 0
t_req = 0.06 in [1.59 mm]

Scc = ABS(T1) / (e-actual - c)

Scc = ABS(-10.8227) / (0.1181 - 0)
Scc = 91.63 psi [0.63 MPa]

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As per API-620 Section, Maximum Allowable Compressive Stress (Scs) = 2,987.45 psi [20.6

Scc <= Scs ==> PASS

Stc = T2 / (e-actual - c)
Stc = 0.0 / (0.1181 - 0)
Stc = 0.0 psi [0.0 kPa]

M = Scc / 15000
M = 91.632 / 15000
M = 0.0061088020057806685

As per API-620 Figure F-1, Tension factor (N) = 1.0

Sta = MIN((Sd * N) , (Sd * JE))

Sta = MIN((15,954.1512 * 0.9969) , (15,954.1512 * 1))
Sta = 15,905.2 psi [109,662.48 kPa]

Stc <= Sta ==> PASS

Final Required Thickness

e-min = MAX(e-erec , ec , et , ts , t-axial-load)
e-min = MAX(2 , 0.2642 , 0.2348 , 0.2441 , 1.5875)
e-min = 2 mm

e-actual >= e-min ==> PASS

Course # 3 Design
D3 = Shell Course Centerline Diameter (m)
Hc = Distance from bottom of the course to design liquid level per EN-14015 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 (m)
Hl = Distance from bottom of the lower course to top shell (m)
JE = Joint efficiency
Ma = Course Material
W-3 = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
W-3-corr = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
Ws-pl-top = Top Shell Courses Nominal Plates Weight (N)
Ws-tot-top = Top Weight Total (N)
c = Corrosion allowance (mm)
e-actual = Installed Thickness (mm)
e-min = Final Required Thickness (mm)
ec = Shell thickness for design conditions per EN-14015 9.2.2 (mm)
et = Shell thickness for test conditions per EN-14015 9.2.2 (mm)
h = Course Height (m)
loc = Course Location (m)

Hc = 1.4 m
Hl = 3.4 m
JE = 1
Ma = A240-316L
c = 0 mm
e-actual = 3 mm
h = 1.4 m
loc = 4.0 m

Material Properties
Material = A240-316L
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 485 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 165.0 MPa

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As per EN-14015 9.1.1, Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 110.0 MPa
As per EN-14015 9.1.1, Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (St) = 123.75 MPa

Yield strength lower course minimum (Ysmlc) = 165.0 MPa

Tensile strength lower course minimum (Tsmlc) = 485 MPa
Design stress lower course (Sl) = 110.0 MPa

Shell Course Center of Gravity (CG-3) = 4.7 m

D3 = ID + e-actual
D3 = 1.91 + 0.003
D3 = 1.91 m

W-3 = pi * D3 * e-actual * h * d
W-3 = pi * 1.913 * 0.003 * 1.4 * 8,030
W-3 = 202.69 kg

W-3-corr = pi * D3 * (e-actual - c) * h * d
W-3-corr = pi * 1.913 * (0.003 - 0.0) * 1.4 * 8,030
W-3-corr = 202.69 kg

Erection Requirement
As per EN-14015 Table 16, Thickness Required by Erection (e-erec) = 2 mm

Design Condition
ec = ((D / (20 * Sd)) * ((98 * SG * (Hc - 0.3)) + P)) + c
ec = ((1.913 / (20 * 110.0)) * ((98 * 1 * (1.4 - 0.3)) + 0.0)) + 0
ec = 0.09 mm

Hydrostatic Test
et = (D / (20 * St)) * ((98 * SGt * (Hc - 0.3)) + Pt)
et = (1.913 / (20 * 123.75)) * ((98 * 1 * (1.4 - 0.3)) + 0.0)
et = 0.08 mm

Seismic Design
Nc = Convective Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Nh = Product Hydrostatic Membrane Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 and Section (N/mm)
Ni = Impulsive Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Sd-seismic = Maximum Allowable Hoop Tension Membrane Stress per API-650 E.6.2.4 (MPa)
ts = Seismic Minimum Thickness per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (mm)

As per API 650 Section E.6.1.4, Shell Course Liquid Surface to Analysis Point Distance (Y) = 1.4 m

Ni = 5.22 * Ai * SG * (D^2) * ((Y / (0.75 * D)) - (0.5 * ((Y / (0.75 * D))^2)))

Ni = 5.22 * 0.0305 * 1 * (1.913^2) * ((1.4 / (0.75 * 1.913)) - (0.5 * ((1.4 / (0.75 * 1.913))^2)))
Ni = 0.29 N/mm

Nc = (1.85 * Ac * SG * (D^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (Lmax - Y)) / D))) / COSH(((3.68 * Lmax) / D))

Nc = (1.85 * 0.0305 * 1 * (1.913^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (5.4 - 1.4)) / 1.913))) / COSH(((3.68 * 5.4) / 1.913))
Nc = 0.01 N/mm

Nh = 4.9 * (Y - H_offset) * D * SG
Nh = 4.9 * (1.4 - 0) * 1.913 * 1
Nh = 13.12 N/mm

S_T+ = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)
S_T- = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)

S_T+ = (Nh + SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((e-actual - c) , 0.0001)

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S_T+ = (13.1232 + SQRT(((0.2911^2) + (0.014^2) + (((0.3 * 13.1232) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((3 - 0) ,
S_T+ = 4.91 MPa

S_T- = (Nh - SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((e-actual - c) , 0.0001)

S_T- = (13.1232 - SQRT(((0.2911^2) + (0.014^2) + (((0.3 * 13.1232) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((3 - 0) , 0.0001)
S_T- = 3.84 MPa

Sd-seismic = MIN((1.33 * Sd) , (0.9 * Sy * JE))

Sd-seismic = MIN((1.33 * 110.0) , (0.9 * 165.0 * 1))
Sd-seismic = 146.3 MPa

ts = ((S_T+ * (e-actual - c)) / Sd-seismic) + c

ts = ((4.9082 * (3 - 0)) / 146.3) + 0
ts = 0.1 mm

Vertical Axial Load Design (Empty Tank)

Ws-pl-top = No top plates
Ws-pl-top = 0
Ws-pl-top = 0 N

Ws-tot-top = Wr-Ld-ext + Wss + Ws-pl-top + W-3

Ws-tot-top = 6,563.4857 + 0.0 + 0 + 1,987.6978
Ws-tot-top = 8,551.18 N

T1 = Meridional unit force for cylindrical walls T1 per API-620 Equation 10 (lbf/in)
T2 = Latitudinal unit force for cylindrical walls T2 per API-620 Equation 11 (lbf/in)

T1 = (Rc / 2) * (P + (Ws-tot-top / A3))

T1 = (37.6575 / 2) * (0 + (-1,922.3825 / 4,455.048))
T1 = -8.12 lbf/in [-1,422.86 N/m]

T2 = P * Rc
T2 = 0 * 37.6575
T2 = 0.0 lbf/in [0.0 N/m]

(T1 < 0) AND (T2 = 0)

Thickness calculation based on T1

M = Compression factor
Scc = Computed Compressive Stress (psi)
Sta = Allowable Tensile Stress per API-620 (psi)
Stc = Computed Tensile Stress (psi)
t_req = Minimum Required Thickness (in)

As per API-620 Section, Figure 5-1 and Figure F-1, Graphical solution (Ratio) =

t_req = (Ratio * Rc) + c

t_req = (0.0017 * 37.6575) + 0
t_req = 0.06 in [1.59 mm]

Scc = ABS(T1) / (e-actual - c)

Scc = ABS(-8.1247) / (0.1181 - 0)
Scc = 68.79 psi [0.47 MPa]

As per API-620 Section, Maximum Allowable Compressive Stress (Scs) = 2,987.45 psi [20.6

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Scc <= Scs ==> PASS

Stc = T2 / (e-actual - c)
Stc = 0.0 / (0.1181 - 0)
Stc = 0.0 psi [0.0 kPa]

M = Scc / 15000
M = 68.7893 / 15000
M = 0.004585956049031736

As per API-620 Figure F-1, Tension factor (N) = 1.0

Sta = MIN((Sd * N) , (Sd * JE))

Sta = MIN((15,954.1512 * 0.9977) , (15,954.1512 * 1))
Sta = 15,917.44 psi [109,746.9 kPa]

Stc <= Sta ==> PASS

Final Required Thickness

e-min = MAX(e-erec , ec , et , ts , t-axial-load)
e-min = MAX(2 , 0.0937 , 0.0833 , 0.1006 , 1.5875)
e-min = 2 mm

e-actual >= e-min ==> PASS

Shell Design Summary Results

Shell Courses Design Summary
Height CA Sy Sut Sd St t-erection
Course Material JE
(m) (mm) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (mm)
3 1.4 0 1 165.0 485 110.0 123.75 2
2 2.0 0 1 165.0 485 110.0 123.75 2
1 2.0 0 1 165.0 485 110.0 123.75 2

Shell Courses Design Summary (continued)

t-design t-test t-seismic t-axial-load t-min t-installed
Course Status
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
3 0.09 0.08 0.1 1.59 2 3 PASS
2 0.26 0.23 0.24 1.59 2 3 PASS
1 0.43 0.39 0.39 1.59 2 3 PASS

W-ins = ts-ins * ds-ins * pi * D * Hs

W-ins = 0.0 * 130 * pi * 1.913 * 5.4
W-ins = 0.0 kg

W-shell-corr = W-1-corr + W-2-corr + W-3-corr

W-shell-corr = 289.5554 + 289.5554 + 202.6888
W-shell-corr = 781.8 kg

W-shell = W-1 + W-2 + W-3

W-shell = 289.5554 + 289.5554 + 202.6888
W-shell = 781.8 kg

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CG-shell = ((CG-1 * W-1) + (CG-2 * W-2) + (CG-3 * W-3)) / W-shell
CG-shell = ((1.0 * 289.5554) + (3.0 * 289.5554) + (4.7 * 202.6888)) / 781.7995
CG-shell = 2.7 m

Secondary Stiffeners Design

Hp = Maximum Permitted Spacing of Secondary Stiffening Ring per EN-14015 (m)
K = Factor per EN-14015
N = Number of Secondary Stiffening Rings per EN-14015
emin = Thickness of the Top Course (mm)

emin = 3 mm

Shell Courses Heights (h) = [2.0 2.0 1.4 ] m

Stiffeners Required Quantity

HE = Equivalent Stable Full Shell Height (m)
He_1 = Course 1 Equivalent Stable Height per EN-14015 (m)
He_2 = Course 2 Equivalent Stable Height per EN-14015 (m)
He_3 = Course 3 Equivalent Stable Height per EN-14015 (m)

He_1 = h * SQRT(((emin / e)^5))

He_1 = 2.0 * SQRT(((3 / 3)^5))
He_1 = 2.0 m

He_2 = h * SQRT(((emin / e)^5))

He_2 = 2.0 * SQRT(((3 / 3)^5))
He_2 = 2.0 m

He_3 = h * SQRT(((emin / e)^5))

He_3 = 1.4 * SQRT(((3 / 3)^5))
He_3 = 1.4 m

HE = He_1 + He_2 + He_3

HE = 2.0 + 2.0 + 1.4
HE = 5.4 m

K = 95000 / ((3.563 * (V^2)) + (580 * Pv))

K = 95000 / ((3.563 * (0.2778^2)) + (580 * 0.0))
K = 345,551.5

Hp = K * SQRT(((emin^5) / (D^3)))
Hp = 345,551.5015 * SQRT(((3^5) / (1.913^3)))
Hp = 2,035,839.17 m

N = CEILING((HE / Hp)) - 1
N = CEILING((5.4 / 2,035,839.1709)) - 1

Secondary Stiffeners Quantity (N_act) = 0

N <= 0 ==> No stiffening is required

Stiffeners Design

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Bottom Design Calculations Back
Bottom Type = Cone Down
Bottom Support Type = Continuously Supported on Foundation

CA = Corrosion Allowance of Bottom Plates (mm)

ID = Tank Diameter (m)
Lmax = Design Liquid Level (m)
Ma-bottom = Material of Bottom Plates
OD-bottom = Bottom Diameter (m)
OD-proj = Outside Projection Diameter (m)
W-bottom = Weight of New Bottom (kg)
W-corr-bottom = Weight of Corroded Bottom (kg)
eb-req = Bottom Required Thickness (mm)
outside_projection = Distance from the Outer Surface of the Shell to the Outer Edge of the Bottom
Plate or Annular Plate (mm)
tb = Thickness of Bottom Plates (mm)
ts_1 = Shell Bottom Course Thickness (mm)

CA = 0 mm
ID = 1.91 m
Lmax = 5.4 m
Ma-bottom = A240-316L
outside_projection = 0 mm
tb = 5 mm
ts_1 = 3 mm

OD-proj = ID + (2 * (ts_1 + outside_projection))

OD-proj = 1.91 + (2 * (0.003 + 0.0))
OD-proj = 1.92 m

OD-bottom = OD-proj
OD-bottom = 1.916
OD-bottom = 1.92 m

Material Properties
Material = A240-316L
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 485 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 165.0 MPa
As per EN-14015 9.1.1, Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 110.0 MPa
As per EN-14015 9.1.1, Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (St) = 123.75 MPa

W-bottom = pi * ((OD-bottom^2) / 4) * tb * Wb
W-bottom = pi * ((1.916^2) / 4) * 0.005 * 8,030
W-bottom = 115.76 kg

W-corr-bottom = pi * ((OD-bottom^2) / 4) * (tb - CA) * Wb

W-corr-bottom = pi * ((1.916^2) / 4) * (0.005 - 0.0) * 8,030
W-corr-bottom = 115.76 kg

Erection Requirement
As per EN-14015 Table 13, Minimum Erection Thickness of Bottom Plates (eb-erec) = 5 mm

Required Thickness
eb-req = eb-erec + CA

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eb-req = 5 + 0
eb-req = 5 mm

tb >= eb-req ==> PASS

Annular Ring
Tank diameter is not greater than 12.5 m, annular ring is not required as per EN-14015 8.3.1

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Seismic Design Calculations Back
Site Ground Motion Design
Ac = Convective Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient per API 650 Sections E.4.6.1
Ac-min = Adjusted Convective Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient
Af = Acceleration Coefficient for Sloshing Wave Height per API 650 Sections E.7.2
Ai = per API 650 Sections E.4.6.1
Ai = Impulsive Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient per API 650 Sections E.4.6.1
Anchorage_System = Anchorage System
Av = Vertical Ground Acceleration Coefficient per API 650 Section E.6.1.3 and E.2.2
D = Nominal Tank Diameter (m)
Fa = Site Acceleration Coefficient
Fv = Site Velocity Coefficient
I = Importance Factor
K = Spectral Acceleration Adjustment Coefficient
Ks = Sloshing Coefficient per API 650 Section E.4.5.2
Lmax = Maximum Design Product Level (m)
Q = MCE to Design Level Scale Factor
Rwc = Convective Force Reduction Factor
Rwi = Impulsive Force Reduction Factor
S1 = Spectral Response Acceleration at a Period of One Second
SD1 = Design Spectral Response Acceleration at a Period of One Second per API 650 Sections
E.4.6.1 and E.2.2
SDS = Design Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Period per API 650 Sections E.4.6.1 and
SUG = Seismic Use Group
Seismic_Site_Class = Seismic Site Class
Ss = Spectral Response Acceleration Short Period
TL = Regional Dependent Transistion Period for Longer Period Ground Motion (sec)
Tc = Convective Natural Period per API 650 Section E.4.5.2 (sec)

Anchorage_System = SELF-ANCHORED
D = 1.91 m
Fa = 1.6
Fv = 2.4
I = 1.0
K = 1.5
Lmax = 5.4 m
Q = 0.67
Rwc = 2
Rwi = 3.5
S1 = 0.05
Seismic_Site_Class = SEISMIC-SITE-CLASS-D
Ss = 0.1
TL = 4 sec

SDS = Q * Fa * Ss
SDS = 0.6667 * 1.6 * 0.1
SDS = 0.11

SD1 = Q * Fv * S1
SD1 = 0.6667 * 2.4 * 0.05
SD1 = 0.08

Ks = 0.578 / SQRT(TANH(((3.68 * Lmax) / D)))

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Ks = 0.578 / SQRT(TANH(((3.68 * 5.4) / 1.913)))
Ks = 0.58

Tc = 1.8 * Ks * SQRT(D)
Tc = 1.8 * 0.578 * SQRT(1.913)
Tc = 1.44 sec

Ai = SDS * (I / Rwi)
Ai = 0.1067 * (1.0 / 3.5)
Ai = 0.03

Ai = MAX(Ai , 0.007)
Ai = MAX(0.0305 , 0.007)
Ai = 0.03

Tc <= TL

Ac = K * SD1 * (1 / Tc) * (I / Rwc)

Ac = 1.5 * 0.08 * (1 / 1.439) * (1.0 / 2)
Ac = 0.04

Ac-min = MIN(Ac , Ai)

Ac-min = MIN(0.0417 , 0.0305)
Ac-min = 0.03

Av = (2 / 3) * 0.7 * SDS
Av = (2 / 3) * 0.7 * 0.1067
Av = 0.05

Vertical Ground Acceleration Coefficient Specified by user (Av) = 0.3

Af = K * SD1 * I * (1 / Tc)
Af = 1.5 * 0.08 * 1.0 * (1 / 1.439)
Af = 0.08

Seismic Design
A = Roof Surface Area (m^2)
Ac = Convective Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient
Af = Acceleration Coefficient for Sloshing Wave Height
Ah-rs = Roof Horizontal Projected Area Supported by The Shell (m^2)
Ai = Impulsive Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient
Anchorage_System = Anchorage System
Arss = Roof Area Supported by The Shell (m^2)
Av = Vertical Ground Acceleration Coefficient
CA = Bottom Corrosion Allowance (mm)
D = Nominal Tank Diameter (m)
DELTAs = Sloshing Wave Height Above Product Design Height per API 650 Section E.7.2 (m)
Event_Type = Event Type
Fa = Site Acceleration Coefficient
Fc = Allowable Longitudinal Shell Compression Stress per API 650 Section E. (MPa)
Freeboard = Actual Freeboard (m)
Freeboard_recommended = Minimum Recommended Freeboard per API-650 Table E.7 (m)
Fv = Site Velocity Coefficient
Fy = Yield Strength (MPa)
Ge = Effective Specific Gravity per API 650 Section E.2.2
Hrcg = Top of Shell to Roof and roof appurtenances Center of Gravity (m)
Hs = Shell height (m)
I = Importance Factor
J = Anchorage Ratio per API 650 Section E.
K = Spectral Acceleration Adjustment Coefficient

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Ks = Sloshing Coefficient
Lmax = Maximum Design Product Level (m)
MU = Friction Coefficient
Min_Anchor_Quantity = Minimum Anchor Quantity
Min_Anchor_Spacing = Minimum Anchor Spacing (m)
Mrw = Ringwall Overturning Moment per API 620 Section L.3.2.4 (N.m)
Ms = Slab Overturning Moment per API 620 Section L.3.2.4 (N.m)
P = Design Pressure (MPa)
Q = MCE to Design Level Scale Factor
S1 = Spectral Response Acceleration at a Period of One Second
SD1 = Design Spectral Response Acceleration at a Period of 1 Second
SDS = Design Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Period
SG = Specific Gravity
SUG = Seismic Use Group
Sb = Roof Balanced Snow Load (Pa)
Sc = Self Anchored Maximum Longitudinal Shell Compression Stress per API 650 Section E.
Seismic_Site_Class = Seismic Site Class
Ss = Spectral Response Acceleration Short Period
TL = Regional Dependent Transistion Period for Longer Period Ground Motion (sec)
Tc = Convective Natural Period (sec)
V = Total Design Base Shear per API 650 Section E.6.1 (N)
Vc = Design Base Shear for Convective Component per API 650 Section E.6.1 (N)
Vi = Compute Design Base Shear for Impulsive Component per API 620 Section L.3.2.4 (N)
Vmax = Local Shear Transfer per API 650 Section E.7.7 (N/m)
Vs = Self Anchored Sliding Resistance Maximum Allowable Base Shear per API 650 Section E.7.6 (N)
W-struct = Roof Structure Weight (kg)
WT = Total Weight of Tank Shell, Roof, Framing, Knuckles, Product, Bottom, Attachments,
Appurtenances, Participating Balanced Snow Load per API-620 L.3.3.4 (N)
Wb-attachments = Bottom Attachments Weight (kg)
Wb-pl = Bottom Plates Weight (kg)
Wc = Convective Effective Weight per API 650 Section E.6.1.1 (N)
Weff = Total Effective Weight per API 650 Section E.6.1.1 (N)
Wf = Tank Bottom Total Weight (N)
Wfd = Tank Foundation Weight (N)
Wg = Soil Weight (N)
Wi = Impulsive Effective Weight per API 650 Section E.6.1.1 (N)
Wnr = Effective Tank Roof Insulation Weight (N)
Wns = Effective Tank Shell Insulation Weight (N)
Wp = Tank Contents Total Weight (N)
Wr = Total Weight of Fixed Tank Roof including Framing, Knuckles, any Permanent Attachments and
10 % of the Roof Balanced Design Snow Load (N)
Wr-DL-add = Roof Additional Dead Weight (kg)
Wr-attachments = Roof Attachments Weight (kg)
Wr-ins = Roof Insulation Weight (kg)
Wr-pl = Roof Plates Nominal Weight (kg)
Wrs = Roof Load Acting on The Tank Shell Including 10 % of the Roof Balanced Design Snow Load
per API-620 L.3.3.4 (N)
Ws = Total Weight of Tank Shell and Appurtenances (N)
Ws-attachments = Shell Attachments Weight (kg)
Ws-framing = Shell Framing Weight (kg)
Ws-ins = Shell Insulation Weight (kg)
Ws-pl = Shell Plates Nominal Weight (kg)
Wss = Roof Structure Weight Supported by The Tank Shell (kg)
Xc = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of action of convective lateral force for computing
ringwall overturning moment per API 650 Section E. (m)
Xcs = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of action of convective lateral force for computing
slab overturning moment per API 650 Section E. (m)
Xi = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of action of impulsive lateral force for computing
ringwall overturning moment per API 650 Section E. (m)

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Xis = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of action of impulsive lateral force for computing slab
overturning moment per API 650 Section E. (m)
Xnr = Center of Action Bottom of Tank to Roof Insulation Center of Gravity Height (m)
Xns = Center of Action Bottom of Tank to Shell Insulation Center of Gravity Height (m)
Xr = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of gravity of roof and roof appurtenances per API 650
Section E.6.1.2 (m)
Xs = Height from tank shell bottom to shell's center of gravity (m)
ca1 = Bottom Shell Course Corrosion Allowance (mm)
hs = Additional Shell Height Required Above Sloshing Height (mm)
t_bottom = Bottom Plate Thickness (mm)
ta = Thickness, excluding corrosion allowance, of the bottom annulus under the shell required to
provide the resisting force for self anchorage per API-650 E.2.2 (mm)
tb-corr = Bottom Plates Corroded Thickness (mm)
ts1 = Bottom Shell Course Thickness (mm)
ts1_c = Shell Course 1 Corroded Thickness (mm)
wa = Self Anchored Force Resisting Uplift per API 650 Section E. (N/m)
wa = (N/m)
wa_max = Self Anchored Force Resisting Uplift Max Limit per API 650 Section E. (N/m)
wint = Calculated Design Uplift Due to Product Pressure (N/m)
wrs = Specified Tank Roof Load Acting on Tank Shell (N/m)
wt = Tank and Roof Weight Acting at base of Shell per API 650 Section E. (N/m)

A = 3.04 m^2
Ac = 0.03
Af = 0.08
Ah-rs = 2.98 m^2
Ai = 0.03
Anchorage_System = SELF-ANCHORED
Arss = 3.04 m^2
Av = 0.3
CA = 0 mm
D = 1.91 m
Fa = 1.6
Fv = 2.4
Fy = 165.0 MPa
Hrcg = 0.06 m
Hs = 5.4 m
I = 1.0
K = 1.5
Ks = 0.58
Lmax = 5.4 m
MU = 0.4
Min_Anchor_Quantity = 6
Min_Anchor_Spacing = 3 m
P = 0.0 MPa
Q = 0.67
S1 = 0.05
SD1 = 0.08
SDS = 0.11
SG = 1
Sb = 0.0 Pa
Seismic_Site_Class = SEISMIC-SITE-CLASS-D
Ss = 0.1
TL = 4 sec
Tc = 1.44 sec
W-struct = 0 kg
Wb-attachments = 0 kg
Wb-pl = 115.76 kg

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Wfd = 0 N
Wg = 0 N
Wnr = 0.0 N
Wns = 0.0 N
Wp = 151,729.86 N
Wr-DL-add = 0.0 kg
Wr-attachments = 0 kg
Wr-ins = 0.0 kg
Wr-pl = 73.22 kg
Ws-attachments = 2 kg
Ws-framing = 33.4 kg
Ws-ins = 0.0 kg
Ws-pl = 781.8 kg
Wss = 0 kg
Xnr = 5.46 m
Xns = 2.7 m
Xs = 2.7 m
ca1 = 0 mm
hs = 0 mm
t_bottom = 5 mm
ts1 = 3 mm

Wf = Wb-pl
Wf = 1,135.2385
Wf = 1,135.24 N

Wr = (Wr-pl + Wr-attachments + W-struct + Wr-DL-add) + (0.1 * Sb * Ah)

Wr = (718.0289 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0) + (0.1 * 0.0 * 2.9804)
Wr = 718.03 N

Wrs = ((Wr-pl + Wr-attachments + Wr-DL-add + Wr-ins) * (Arss / A)) + Wss + (0.1 * Sb * Ah-rs)
Wrs = ((718.0289 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0) * (3.0394 / 3.0394)) + 0.0 + (0.1 * 0.0 * 2.9804)
Wrs = 718.03 N

Ws = Ws-pl + Ws-framing + Ws-attachments

Ws = 7,666.8343 + 327.5365 + 19.6133
Ws = 8,013.98 N

WT = (Wr + Ws) + (Wr-ins + Ws-ins)

WT = (718.0289 + 8,013.9841) + (0.0 + 0.0)
WT = 8,732.01 N

Effective Weight of Product

Wi = (1.0 - (0.218 * (D / Lmax))) * Wp
Wi = (1.0 - (0.218 * (1.913 / 5.4))) * 151,729.858
Wi = 140,011.99 N

Wc = 0.23 * (D / Lmax) * TANH(((3.67 * Lmax) / D)) * Wp

Wc = 0.23 * (1.913 / 5.4) * TANH(((3.67 * 5.4) / 1.913)) * 151,729.858
Wc = 12,362.89 N

Weff = Wi + Wc
Weff = 140,011.9858 + 12,362.8926
Weff = 152,374.88 N

Design Loads
Vi = Ai * (Ws + Wr + Wf + Wi + Wns + Wnr)
Vi = 0.0305 * (8,013.9841 + 718.0289 + 1,135.2385 + 140,011.9858 + 0.0 + 0.0)
Vi = 4,571.32 N

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Vc = Ac * Wc
Vc = 0.0305 * 12,362.8926
Vc = 377.07 N

V = SQRT(((Vi^2) + (Vc^2)))
V = SQRT(((4,571.3167^2) + (377.0682^2)))
V = 4,586.84 N

Center of Action for Effective Lateral Forces

Xr = Hs + Hrcg
Xr = 5.4 + 0.0649
Xr = 5.46 m

Xi = (0.5 - (0.094 * (D / Lmax))) * Lmax

Xi = (0.5 - (0.094 * (1.913 / 5.4))) * 5.4
Xi = 2.52 m

Xc = (1.0 - ((COSH(((3.67 * Lmax) / D)) - 1) / (((3.67 * Lmax) / D) * SINH(((3.67 * Lmax) / D))))) * Lmax
Xc = (1.0 - ((COSH(((3.67 * 5.4) / 1.913)) - 1) / (((3.67 * 5.4) / 1.913) * SINH(((3.67 * 5.4) / 1.913))))) *
Xc = 4.88 m

Xis = (0.5 + (0.06 * (D / Lmax))) * Lmax

Xis = (0.5 + (0.06 * (1.913 / 5.4))) * 5.4
Xis = 2.81 m

Xcs = (1.0 - ((COSH(((3.67 * Lmax) / D)) - 1.937) / (((3.67 * Lmax) / D) * SINH(((3.67 * Lmax) / D))))) *
Xcs = (1.0 - ((COSH(((3.67 * 5.4) / 1.913)) - 1.937) / (((3.67 * 5.4) / 1.913) * SINH(((3.67 * 5.4) /
1.913))))) * 5.4
Xcs = 4.88 m

Overturning Moment
Mrw = SQRT((((Ai * ((Wi * Xi) + (Ws * Xs) + (Wr * Xr) + (Wns * Xns) + (Wnr * Xnr)))^2) + ((Ac * (Wc *
Mrw = SQRT((((0.0305 * ((140,011.9858 * 2.5202) + (8,013.9841 * 2.7) + (718.0289 * 5.4649) + (0.0 *
2.7) + (0.0 * 5.4649)))^2) + ((0.0305 * (12,362.8926 * 4.8788))^2)))
Mrw = 11,687.4 N.m

Ms = SQRT((((Ai * ((Wi * Xis) + (Ws * Xs) + (Wr * Xr) + (Wns * Xns) + (Wnr * Xnr)))^2) + ((Ac * (Wc *
Ms = SQRT((((0.0305 * ((140,011.9858 * 2.8148) + (8,013.9841 * 2.7) + (718.0289 * 5.4649) + (0.0 *
2.7) + (0.0 * 5.4649)))^2) + ((0.0305 * (12,362.8926 * 4.8788))^2)))
Ms = 12,931.3 N.m

Resistance to Design Loads

Ge = SG * (1 - (0.4 * Av))
Ge = 1 * (1 - (0.4 * 0.3))
Ge = 0.88

wrs = Wrs / (pi * D)

wrs = 718.0289 / (pi * 1.913)
wrs = 119.48 N/m

wt = (Ws / (pi * D)) + wrs

wt = (8,013.9841 / (pi * 1.913)) + 119.475
wt = 1,452.95 N/m

wint = P * 1000000 * ((pi * ((D^2) / 4)) / (pi * D))

wint = 0.0 * 1000000 * ((pi * ((1.913^2) / 4)) / (pi * 1.913))

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wint = 0.0 N/m

Bottom Annular Plates Requirements

tb-corr = t_bottom - CA
tb-corr = 5 - 0
tb-corr = 5 mm

ts1_c = ts1 - ca1

ts1_c = 3 - 0
ts1_c = 3 mm

ta = MIN(tb-corr , ts1_c)
ta = MIN(5 , 3)
ta = 3 mm

wa_max = 201.1 * Lmax * D * Ge

wa_max = 201.1 * 5.4 * 1.913 * 0.88
wa_max = 1,828.11 N/m

wa = 99 * ta * SQRT((Fy * Lmax * Ge))

wa = 99 * 3 * SQRT((165.0 * 5.4 * 0.88))
wa = 8,316.42 N/m

wa > wa_max

wa = wa_max
wa = 1,828.1148
wa = 1,828.11 N/m

Tank Stability
J = Mrw / ((D^2) * (((wt * (1 - (0.4 * Av))) + wa) - (Fp * wint)))
J = 11,687.4043 / ((1.913^2) * (((1,452.9462 * (1 - (0.4 * 0.3))) + 1,828.1148) - (1 * 0.0)))
J = 1.03

J <= 1.54 ==> Tank is stable, anchoring is not required

Sc = ((((wt * (1 + (0.4 * Av))) + wa) / (0.607 - (0.18667 * (J^2.3)))) - wa) * (1 / (1000 * ts1_c))
Sc = ((((1,452.9462 * (1 + (0.4 * 0.3))) + 1,828.1148) / (0.607 - (0.18667 * (1.028^2.3)))) - 1,828.1148)
* (1 / (1000 * 3))
Sc = 2.21 MPa

Fc = (83 * (ts1_c / (2.5 * D))) + (7.5 * SQRT((SG * Lmax)))

Fc = (83 * (3 / (2.5 * 1.913))) + (7.5 * SQRT((1 * 5.4)))
Fc = 69.49 MPa

Sc < Fc

(J <= 1.54) AND (V <= Vs) ==> Tank is stable, anchoring is not required

DELTAs = 0.42 * D * Af
DELTAs = 0.42 * 1.913 * 0.0834
DELTAs = 0.07 m

Freeboard = Hs - Lmax-operating
Freeboard = 5.4 - 5.4
Freeboard = 0.0 m [0.0 mm]

Freeboard_recommended = 0.7 * DELTAs

Freeboard_recommended = 0.7 * 0.067

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Freeboard_recommended = 0.05 m [46.91 mm]

As per API-650 E.7.2 and Table E.7, freeboard is recommended but not required

Sliding Resistance
Vs = MU * (Ws + Wr + Wf + Wp) * (1.0 - (0.4 * Av))
Vs = 0.4 * (8,013.9841 + 718.0289 + 1,135.2385 + 151,729.858) * (1.0 - (0.4 * 0.3))
Vs = 56,882.18 N

V <= Vs

Local Shear Transfer

Vmax = (2 * V) / (pi * D)
Vmax = (2 * 4,586.8417) / (pi * 1.913)
Vmax = 1,526.44 N/m

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Wind Design Calculations Back
Wind Pressures per EN-1991 Part 1-4 (Eurocode 1)
Kr = Terrain Factor Depending on the Roughness Length Z0 per EN-1991-1-4 4.3.2
Terrain_Category = Terrain Category per EN-1991-1-4 Annex A
V = Design Wind Velocity (3-sec gust) (kph)
Vb = Basic Wind Velocity per EN-1991-1-4 4.2 (m/s)
Vb0 = Fundamental Value of Basic Wind Velocity (m/s)

Terrain_Category = II
V = 1.0 kph

Wind Velocity per EC1 and ISO-code

Vb0 = 0.67 * V
Vb0 = 0.67 * 0.2778
Vb0 = 0.19 m/s

Directional Factor (Cdir) = 1

Season Factor (Cseason) = 1

Vb = Vb0 * Cdir * Cseason

Vb = 0.1861 * 1 * 1
Vb = 0.19 m/s

As per EN-1991-1-4 Table 4.1, Roughness Length for Terrain Category II (Z0) = 0.05 m
As per EN-1991-1-4 Table 4.1, Minimum Height for Terrain Category II (Zmin) = 2 m

Kr = 0.19 * ((Z0 / 0.05)^0.07)

Kr = 0.19 * ((0.05 / 0.05)^0.07)
Kr = 0.19

As per EN-1991-1-4 4.3.1, Orography Factor (Co) = 1

As per EN-1991-1-4 4.4, Turbulence Factor (Kl) = 1
Air Density (d-air) = 1.25 kg/m^3

Shell Wind Pressure

CG-shell = Reference Height (m)
Cp-shell = Pressure Coefficient
Cr = Roughness Factor per EN-1991 Part 1-4 4.3.2
Iv = Turbulence Intensity per EN-1991 4.4
PWS = Wind Pressure per EN-1991 Part 1-4 5.2 (kPa)
Vm = Mean Wind Velocity per EN-1991 Part 1-4 4.3.1 (m/s)
cez = Exposure Factor per EN-1991 Part 1-4 4.5
qb = Basic Velocity Pressure per EN-1991 Part 1-4 4.5 (Pa)
qbz = Peak Velocity Pressure per EN-1991 Part 1-4 4.5 (Pa)

CG-shell = 2.7 m
Cp-shell = 0.7

Cr = Kr * LN((CG-shell / Z0))
Cr = 0.19 * LN((2.7 / 0.05))
Cr = 0.76

Vm = Cr * Co * Vb
Vm = 0.7579 * 1 * 0.1861

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Vm = 0.14 m/s

Iv = (Kr * Vb * Kl) / Vm
Iv = (0.19 * 0.1861 * 1) / 0.1411
Iv = 0.25

qb = (d-air * (Vb^2)) / 2
qb = (1.25 * (0.1861^2)) / 2
qb = 0.02 Pa

qbz = (1 + (7 * Iv)) * 0.5 * d-air * (Vm^2)

qbz = (1 + (7 * 0.2507)) * 0.5 * 1.25 * (0.1411^2)
qbz = 0.03 Pa

cez = qbz / qb
cez = 0.0343 / 0.0216
cez = 1.58

PWS = qbz * Cp-shell

PWS = 3.425718440061194E-5 * 0.7
PWS = 2.3980029080428357E-5 kPa

Roof Wind Pressure

Cp-roof = Pressure Coefficient
Cr = Roughness Factor per EN-1991 Part 1-4 4.3.2
Iv = Turbulence Intensity per EN-1991 4.4
PWR = Wind Pressure per EN-1991 Part 1-4 5.2 (kPa)
Vm = Mean Wind Velocity per EN-1991 Part 1-4 4.3.1 (m/s)
Ze = Reference Height (m)
cez = Exposure Factor per EN-1991 Part 1-4 4.5
qb = Basic Velocity Pressure per EN-1991 Part 1-4 4.5 (Pa)
qbz = Peak Velocity Pressure per EN-1991 Part 1-4 4.5 (Pa)

Cp-roof = 0.7
Ze = 5.46 m

Cr = Kr * LN((Ze / Z0))
Cr = 0.19 * LN((5.4649 / 0.05))
Cr = 0.89

Vm = Cr * Co * Vb
Vm = 0.8919 * 1 * 0.1861
Vm = 0.17 m/s

Iv = (Kr * Vb * Kl) / Vm
Iv = (0.19 * 0.1861 * 1) / 0.166
Iv = 0.21

qb = (d-air * (Vb^2)) / 2
qb = (1.25 * (0.1861^2)) / 2
qb = 0.02 Pa

qbz = (1 + (7 * Iv)) * 0.5 * d-air * (Vm^2)

qbz = (1 + (7 * 0.213)) * 0.5 * 1.25 * (0.166^2)
qbz = 0.04 Pa

cez = qbz / qb
cez = 0.0429 / 0.0216
cez = 1.98

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PWR = qbz * Cp-roof
PWR = 4.2899172466481604E-5 * 0.7
PWR = 3.0029420726537122E-5 kPa

Wind Overturning and Sliding Stability

Ah-roof = Roof Horizontal Projected Area (m^2)
Ah-total = Roof Horizontal Projected Area Including Insulation (m^2)
As = Shell Total Vertical Projected Area (m^2)
Av-ins = Roof Insulation Vertical Projected Area (m^2)
Av-roof = Roof Vertical Projected Area (m^2)
CG-roof = Roof Center of Gravity (m)
COF = Maximum Allowable Sliding Friction Coefficient
D-outer = Tank Max Outer Diameter (m)
F-friction = Friction Force (N)
F-wind = Sliding Force (N)
MDLR-corr = Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint from the Roof Corroded Weight (N.m)
MDLS-corr = Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint from the Shell Corroded Weight (N.m)
MDLS-framing-corr = Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint from the Shell Framing Corroded
Weight (N.m)
MF-minLL = Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint from Minimum Liquid Weight (N.m)
MPi = Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint From Design Internal Pressure per API-650
MWR = Roof Wind Overturning Moment per Guide to Storage Tank and Equipment by Long & Garner (N.m)
MWS = Shell Wind Overturning Moment per Guide to Storage Tank and Equipment by Long & Garner (N.m)
Mw = Overturning Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint from Wind Pressures per Guide to
Storage Tank and Equipment by Long & Garner and BS-449 Part2 Clause 10b (N.m)
Rh = Roof Horizontal Radius (m)
W-struct = Roof New Structure Weight (N)
W-struct-corr = Roof Corroded Structure Weight (N)
Wb-pl-corr = Bottom Corroded Plates Weight (N)
Wr-pl = Roof New Plates Weight (N)
Wr-pl-corr = Roof Corroded Plates Weight (N)
Ws-framing = Shell New Framing Weight (N)
Ws-framing-corr = Shell Corroded Framing Weight (N)
Ws-pl = Shell New Plates Weight (N)
Ws-pl-corr = Shell Corroded Plates Weight (N)
Wss-corr = Roof Corroded Structure Weight Supported by Shell (N)
Xs = Moment Arm of Wind Force on Shell (m)
Xw = Moment Arm of Wind Force on Roof (m)
e-ins = Roof Insulation Thickness (mm)
ts-ins = Shell Insulation Thickness (mm)

Ah-roof = 2.98 m^2

Av-ins = 0.0 m^2
Av-roof = 0.19 m^2
CG-roof = 0.06 m
COF = 0.4
Rh = 0.97 m
W-struct = 0.0 N
W-struct-corr = 0.0 N
Wb-pl-corr = 1,135.24 N
Wr-pl = 718.03 N
Wr-pl-corr = 718.03 N
Ws-framing = 327.54 N
Ws-framing-corr = 319.94 N
Ws-pl = 7,666.83 N
Ws-pl-corr = 7,666.83 N
Wss-corr = 0.0 N

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e-ins = 0 mm
ts-ins = 0 mm

Overturning Moments
Xw = D / 2
Xw = 1.913 / 2
Xw = 0.96 m

Ah-total = pi * ((Rh + ts-ins)^2)

Ah-total = pi * ((0.974 + 0.0)^2)
Ah-total = 2.98 m^2

MPi = P * Ah-roof * Xw
MPi = 0.0 * 2.9804 * 0.9565
MPi = 0.0 N.m

MWR = PWR * (Av-roof + Av-ins) * (Hs + CG-roof)

MWR = 0.03 * (0.1897 + 0.0) * (5.4 + 0.0649)
MWR = 0.03 N.m

D-outer = OD + (2 * (ts-ins / 1000))

D-outer = 1.916 + (2 * (0 / 1000))
D-outer = 1.92 m

As = D-outer * Hs
As = 1.916 * 5.4
As = 10.35 m^2

Xs = Hs / 2
Xs = 5.4 / 2
Xs = 2.7 m

MWS = PWS * As * Xs
MWS = 0.024 * 10.3464 * 2.7
MWS = 0.67 N.m

Mw = (MWR + MWS) * 1.4

Mw = (0.0311 + 0.6699) * 1.4
Mw = 0.98 N.m

Resistance to Overturning per EN-14015 5.12.1

MDLS-corr = (D / 2) * Ws-pl-corr
MDLS-corr = (1.913 / 2) * 7,666.8343
MDLS-corr = 7,333.33 N.m

MDLS-framing-corr = (D / 2) * Ws-framing-corr
MDLS-framing-corr = (1.913 / 2) * 319.9376
MDLS-framing-corr = 306.02 N.m

MDLR-corr = (D / 2) * Wr-pl-corr
MDLR-corr = (1.913 / 2) * 718.0289
MDLR-corr = 686.79 N.m

MF-minLL = (D / 2) * (pi * ((D / 2)^2) * Lmin * SG * d-water)

MF-minLL = (1.913 / 2) * (pi * ((1.913 / 2)^2) * 0.0 * 1 * 1,000)
MF-minLL = 0.0 N.m

An unanchored tank must meet with the criteria's from EN-14015 12.1
Criteria 1 per EN-14015 12.1.a
MPi < (MDLS-corr + MDLS-framing-corr + MDLR-corr)

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0.0 < (7,333.327 + 306.0204 + 686.7947)
0.0 < 8,326.142 ==> Tank is stable

Criteria 2 per EN-14015 12.1.b

(Mw + MPi) < (MDLS-corr + MDLS-framing-corr + MDLR-corr + MF-minLL)
(0.9814 + 0.0) < (7,333.327 + 306.0204 + 686.7947 + 0.0)
0.9814 < 8,326.142 ==> Tank is stable

Criteria 3 per EN-14015 12.1.c

Mw < (MDLS-corr + MDLS-framing-corr + MDLR-corr)
0.9814 < (7,333.327 + 306.0204 + 686.7947)
0.9814 < 8,326.142 ==> Tank is stable

Resistance to Sliding per API-650 5.11.4

F-wind = PWS * As
F-wind = 0.024 * 10.3464
F-wind = 0.25 N

F-friction = COF * (Wr-pl-corr + W-struct-corr + Ws-pl-corr + Ws-framing-corr + Wb-pl-corr)

F-friction = 0.4 * (718.0289 + 0.0 + 7,666.8343 + 319.9376 + 1,135.2385)
F-friction = 3,936.02 N

F-friction >= F-wind ==> Tank is stable

Anchorage Requirement
Tank anchorage due to overtuning moment per EN-14015 12.1 and sliding per API-650 5.11.4 is not

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Normal and Emergency Venting (API-
2000) Back
Normal Venting
T-operating = Product storage temperature (°C)
VIT = Required in-breathing flow rate due to thermal effects per API-2000 (m^3/hr)
VOT = Required out-breathing flow rate due to thermal effects per API-2000 (m^3/hr)
Vi = Total required in-breathing volumetric flow rate (m^3/hr)
Vip = Required in-breathing flow rate due to liquid movement per API-2000 (m^3/hr)
Vo = Total required out-breathing volumetric flow rate (m^3/hr)
Vop = Required out-breathing flow rate due to liquid movement per API-2000 (m^3/hr)
Vpe = Maximum emptying rate (m^3/hr)
Vpf = Maximum filling rate (m^3/hr)
Vtk = Tank capacity (m^3)
insulation_type = Insulation type
latitude = Latitude zone
vapor_pressure_type = Vapor pressure type

T-operating = 50 °C
Vpe = 22.71 m^3/hr
Vpf = 22.71 m^3/hr
Vtk = 15.67 m^3
insulation_type = NO-INSULATION
latitude = BETWEEN-42-AND-58
vapor_pressure_type = HEXANE-OR-SIMILAR

Vip = Vpe
Vip = 22.7125
Vip = 22.71 m^3/hr

As per API-2000 Table-2, C factor (C) = 5

VIT = C * (Vtk^0.7) * 1
VIT = 5 * (15.6657^0.7) * 1
VIT = 34.31 m^3/hr

Vi = Vip + VIT
Vi = 22.7125 + 34.3111
Vi = 57.02 m^3/hr

Vop = Vpf
Vop = 22.7125
Vop = 22.71 m^3/hr

As per API-2000 Table-1, Y factor (Y) = 0.25

VOT = Y * (Vtk^0.9) * 1
VOT = 0.25 * (15.6657^0.9) * 1
VOT = 2.97 m^3/hr

Vo = Vop + VOT
Vo = 22.7125 + 2.9744
Vo = 25.69 m^3/hr

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Emergency Venting
ATWS = Wetted surface area (m^2)
D = Tank diameter (m)
F = Environmental factor per API-2000
Hs = Tank height (m)
P = Design pressure (kPa)
insulation_type = Insulation type
q = Required emergency venting capacity per API-2000 Table 5 and (m^3/hr)
vapor_pressure_type = Vapor pressure type

D = 1.91 m
Hs = 5.4 m
P = 0.0 kPa
insulation_type = NO-INSULATION
vapor_pressure_type = HEXANE-OR-SIMILAR

As per API-2000 Table 9, Environmental factor for insulation (F_ins) = 1.0

As per API-2000 Table 9, Environmental factor for drainage (F_drain) = 1.0

F = MIN(F_ins , F_drain)
F = MIN(1.0 , 1.0)
F = 1.0

ATWS = pi * D * MIN(Hs , 9.14)

ATWS = pi * 1.913 * MIN(5.4 , 9.14)
ATWS = 32.45 m^2

q = 7742.19 * F
q = 7742.19 * 1.0
q = 7,742.19 m^3/hr

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Capacities And Weight Back
Capacity to Top of Shell (to Tank Height) = 15.0 m^3
Capacity to Design Liquid Level = 15.0 m^3
Capacity to Maximum Liquid Level = 15.0 m^3
Working Capacity (to Normal Working Level) = 0.0 m^3
Minimum Capacity (to Min Liquid Level) = 0.0 m^3
Net Working Capacity (Working Capacity - Min Capacity) = 0.0 m^3

Roof Attachments Weights
Total Weight (Wr-attachments) 0 kg

Roof Structure Weights

Total Weight (W-struct) 0 kg

Shell Attachments Weights

Nameplates 2 kg
Total Weight (Ws-attachments) 2 kg

Shell Framing Weights

Top Member 33.4 kg
Total Weight (Ws-framing) 33.4 kg

Bottom Attachments Weights

Total Weight (Wb-attachments) 0 kg

Tank Weights
Roof Plates Wr-pl 73.0 kg
Roof Insulation Wr-ins 0.0 kg
Roof Attachments Wr-attachments 0 kg
Structure W-struct 0 kg
Shell Plates Ws-pl 782.0 kg
Shell Insulation Ws-ins 0.0 kg
Shell Attachments Ws-attachments 2 kg
Shell Framing Ws-framing 33.0 kg
Bottom Plates Wb-pl 116.0 kg
Bottom Insulation Wb-ins 0 kg
Bottom Attachments Wb-attachments 0 kg
Floating Roof Wfr 0 kg
Total Weight of Empty Tank W-empty 1,006.0 kg

Weight of Tank, Full of Product (Design SG = 1) = 16,478.0 kg

Weight of Tank, Full of Water = 16,478.0 kg

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Reactions on Foundation Back
Arss = Area of Tank Roof Supported by the Tank Shell (m^2)
Wrss = Weight of Tank Roof Supported by the Tank Shell (kg)
Ws = Weight of the Tank Shell and Shell Appurtenances (kg)
d-water = Water Density (kg/m^3)
yb = Bottom Plate Density (kg/m^3)

Arss = 3.04 m^2

d-water = 1,000 kg/m^3
yb = 8,030 kg/m^3

Wrss = Wr-pl + Wr-ins + Wr-attachments

Wrss = 73.2186 + 0.0 + 0
Wrss = 73.22 kg

Ws = Ws-pl + Ws-ins + Ws-attachments + Ws-framing

Ws = 781.7995 + 0.0 + 2 + 33.3994
Ws = 817.2 kg

Unfactored (Working Stress) Downward Reactions on Foundations

Load Case Location Equation Value Unit
Dead Load Shell (Ws + Wrss) / (pi * D) 1,452.95 N/m
Dead Load Bottom tb * yb * 9.806649999999999E-6 0.39 kPa
Internal Pressure Bottom P 0.0 kPa
Vacuum Shell (Pv * Arss) / (pi * D) 0.0 N/m
Hydrostatic Test Bottom Lmax * d-water * (9.80665 / 1000) 52.96 kPa
Minimum Roof Live
Shell (Lr * Arss) / (pi * D) 991.91 N/m
((4 * (Mrw / D)) + (0.4 * (Ws + Wrss) * Av)) / (pi *
Seismic Shell 4,240.64 N/m
Seismic Bottom (32 * Ms) / (pi * (D^3) * 1000) 18.81 kPa
Snow Shell (S * Arss) / (pi * D) 0.0 N/m
Stored Liquid Bottom SG * Lmax * d-water * (9.80665 / 1000) 52.96 kPa
Pressure Test Bottom Pt 0.0 kPa
Wind Shell (2 * (Hs^2) * PWS) / (pi * D) 0.23 N/m
 Seismic bottom reaction varies linearly from 32*Ms/(PI*D^3) at the tank shell to zero at the
center of the tank

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