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9 reasons why real estate agents must use an ERP


An agent is the soul of the real estate and construction industry. He is the one who brings
business for builders. From bringing clients to taking follow-ups and site visits, he is solely
responsible for all the tasks. If not more difficult, an agent's duties are nevertheless less
difficult than a builder's. But is there any tool that is designed specifically for real estate
agents? To your surprise, the answer is YES!

Build Formula is a complete ERP package for agents of the real estate industry. It has
everything a real estate agent needs right from lead management to property management.
You no more have to switch between apps for different business operations. ERP facilitates
all business activities within it.

What is real estate ERP software?

Enterprise resource planning or ERP software solution is a management software for real
estate and construction businesses. It provides agents with a digital platform for all the day-
to-day tasks. ERP software has become very popular among real estate professionals.
Reduced manual tasks and dependency on labor is the prime reason behind its vast
popularity among construction companies. Day-to-day real estate operations can be
simplified to a huge extent with the right ERP system in place.

Read More- Revolutionize the Construction Industry with ERP Software

9 prominent reasons why agents need a real estate ERP software

1. Streamlined Business Processes:

Real estate ERP software helps agents save time by streamlining their workflows. It helps
them manage multiple clients and projects in an easier, more efficient way. ERP software is
designed to integrate all of your core business functions into one system, streamlining
processes and ensuring greater accuracy in data collection. This reduces the time and effort
required to manually enter data, freeing up resources for more important tasks.
2. Enhanced Collaboration:
By connecting various departments in your real estate business and locations within a
single system, ERP software ensures improved collaboration between teams that would be
unable to achieve this without an integrated platform. This improves communication and
efficiency across the organization as well as with external parties such as customers or

3. Improved Data Security:

ERP software can be used to store property-related documents like banakhat letters. ERP
systems use advanced security measures to protect valuable data from unauthorized access
or manipulation. These measures help ensure that confidential information is kept safe and
secure, reducing the risk of data loss or misuse.

4. Reduced Costs:
By automating certain processes in the office through real estate ERP software, agents are
able to reduce operational costs for the business while delivering high-quality services to
their clients. An ERP system can help reduce implementation costs by automating manual
processes, eliminating redundant tasks, and providing real-time visibility into operations so
you know where improvements can be made. This also helps you make better decisions
about investments in new technologies or services that will bring profitability to your

5. Increased Efficiency:
Automating manual tasks and eliminating errors associated with them helps increase
operational productivity over time. This improves customer experience by delivering faster
response times and increased accuracy in service delivery, leading to higher customer
satisfaction ratings and repeat business opportunities in the future.

6. Scalability:
As your real estate business grows, an ERP system will help you scale operations smoothly
without significant investments in additional hardware or personnel costs every time you
need to expand the capability or capacity of your existing system(s). As ERP software
integrates with various social media platforms like Instagram, and Facebook, ERP can help
real estate agents in acquiring more quality leads.

7. Comprehensive Insights:
Real estate ERP software provides comprehensive insights into all aspects of your
operations such as financial performance, customer relations management (CRM),
inventory management, sales forecasting, etc., allowing you to make informed business
decisions quickly based on reliable data points. ERP solution also gives real-time data on
various aspects of the business such as client profiles, sales activities, expenses and profits,
employee performance metrics, etc., which help agents make better decisions quickly.

8. Enhanced Client Relationships:

By using real estate ERP software, agents can improve their relationship with their clients
by providing more accurate information and service quickly. They can also keep track of
client details, such as contact information, preferences for communication, and other
relevant data that can be used to better serve the customer.

9. Improved Data Visibility:

Real estate ERP software allows agents to have greater visibility into their business
operations and the data associated with them. This visibility is especially helpful when
making decisions about marketing strategies or pricing changes, as well as analyzing trends
in sales over time.

Modern solution for modern real estate

With the rising use of artificial intelligence (AI) and business intelligence (BI), real estate
companies also need to embrace technology to cope-up with the changing environment.

Build Formula is a state-of-the-art and efficient software to streamline various business

processes like sales, property management, account keeping, and whatnot. This software
can help agents/realtors to perform various tasks online that would have taken a few hours
if done offline. The software also allows brokers to mark the properties as sold/unsold and
thus reduce the time spent on calling to inform builders. Build Formula is a robust ERP
system that meets all the business requirements of the construction and real estate

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