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Chapter 2

Q. Light year is a unit of:

a) distance b) velocity c) mass d) energy

A. answer: distance

Chapter 3

Q. Two particles P and Q starts simultaneously from point A with velocities 15 m/s and 20 m/s
respectively. They move in the same direction with different uniform accelerations. When P
overtakes Q at B, velocity of P is 30 m/s. Find velocity of Q at B.

a)20 ms-1 b)22.5ms-1 c)25ms-1 d)30ms-1

A. For P,
S = (15+30)t/2 ….(1)

For Q,

S = (20 + v)t/2 ….(2)

Equating (1) and (2)

V = 25ms-1

Chapter 4

Q. A ball rolls off top of a stairway with a horizontal velocity u m/s. If the steps are h meters high
and b meters wide, the ball will just hit the edge of the nth step, Find n

a) 2hu2/gb b) hu2/gb c) hu/gb d) 2hugb

A. If the ball hits the nth step, the horizontal and vertical distances

traversed are nb and nh respectively. Let t be the time taken by the

ball for these horizontal and vertical displacement. Then velocity

along horizontal direction remains constant = u

initial vertical velocity is zero.

 nb = ut ..... (1)

nh = 0 + (1/2)gt2 ..... (2)

[ From (1) & (2), we get by eliminating t, ]

nh = (1/2)g(nb/u)2

n = 2hu2/gb

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