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Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations

of the United States Geological Survey

I :.

.A Chapter E2

By W. Scott Keys

a Book 2

can be extrapolated in three dimensions, thereby Although this manual will answer basic questions
increasing its value greatly. regarding the application of borehole ‘geophysics to
Many techniques used in surface geophysics are ground-water hydrology and will serve as a reference
similar to techniques in borehole geophysics, and the for experienced analysts, it is not a substitute for
two are considered together when a comprehensive on-the-job training and formal courses. Training is
ground-water investigation is planned. Most surface needed by equipment operators as well as analysts;
geophysical surveys cannot be uniquely interpreted; the quality of logs made in water wells generally is not
geophysical logs, such as acoustic-velocity and resist- comparable to the quality of logs made in oil wells.
ivity logs, can provide detailed profiles of data that are Standards for log headings (explained in a later sec-
useful in interpreting surface surveys, such as seismic tion) and log calibration are well established for the
and resistivity surveys. petroleum industry but are lacking for ground-water
investigations. Even when commercial oil-well-log-
ging services are used, scales and logging speed may
Limiitations of logging not be correct for ground-water applications unless a
geologist or hydrologist works with the logging-
Geophysical logging cannot replace sampling com-
service personnel and knows what to ask for. Control
pletely, becausesome sample data are needed for each
of the quality of water-well logs has been a major
study area to aid in log analysis. A log analyst cannot
limitation to appropriate application in the past;
evaluate a suite of logs properly without some infor-
hence, the subject is discussed in some detail in this
mation about the local geology. Logs do not have a
unique response; for example, gamma-log anomalies manual.
The cost of geophysical logs usually is cited as a
from shale are indistinguishable from anomalies from
reason for their limited use in ground-water investi-
granite. No absolute rules for log interpretation exist.
gations. The cost of logging can be decreased mark-
To maximize results from logs, at least one core hole
edly by making only those logs that offer the best
may be drilled in each depositional basin or unique
possibility of providing the answers sought. Further
aquifer system. If coring the entire interval of interest
decreases in cost can be achieved by logging only
is too expensive, intervals for coring and laboratory
those wells that are located and constructed so as to
analysis can be selected on the basis of geophysical
maximize results from logging, and by using logging
logs obtained from a nearby hole. Laboratory analysis
equipment no larger and no more sophisticated than
of core is essential either for direct calibration of logs
the level required by the specific study. In contrast,
or for checking calibration done by other means. more money needs to be spent on log analysis. More
Because of the effect of chemical composition of the
time may be needed to thoroughly analyze a suite of
rock matrix, calibration of logs made in one rock type
logs than to make the logs; too often this time is not
may not be valid in other rock types. Even subtle
budgeted when a study is planned.
changes in the rock matrix can produce large changes To be of maximum benefit, a logging program must
in log response. be well planned. A sequenceof steps that will improve
In spite of the existence of many equations for log the cost-benefit ratio follows:
interpretation and of charts that provide values such 1. Plan the logging program on the basis of the
as porosity, log analysis still is affected by many information needed and the boreholes that will be
variables that are not completely understood. Most available.
log analysis is guided by empirical rules developed 2. Drill and complete test holes and wells to optimize
from oil-field data. Such rules may not be applicable results from sampling, testing, and logging.
to, or may introduce errors when applied to, aquifers. 3. Collect representative water and core or cuttings
Correct interpretation of logs is based on a thorough samples at depths where significant changes in
understanding of the principles of each technique. For water quality or lithology take place, using logs as
this reason, interpretation of logs in the petroleum a guide if possible.
industry is done largely by professional log analysts. 4. Control the quality of logs recorded by complete
Because few professional log analysts are working in labeling, calibrating, and standardizing.
ground water, and because the cost usually is not 5. Interpret logs as a suite, based on a thorough
justified, interpretation of logs for ground-water understanding of the principles, while considering
applications usually is done by less experienced peo- all available background data for the area.
ple, and errors may be more common than in the
petroleum industry. In addition, neither the experi-
ence nor the scientific literature available for ground- Analysis of logs
water applications is comparable to that available for The qualitative and quantitative analysis of geo-
petroleum applications. physical logs in the petroleum industry usually is done

by specialists called log analysts. Because of the analysis is usually an early step in quantitative anal-
complexity and scope of borehole geophysics, few, if ysis; matrix parameters must be understood before
any, of these specialists are knowledgeable about all proceeding with quantitative analysis.
logging techniques in all geologic environments, and Because geophysical logs do not have unique
even fewer are knowledgeable about hydrologic appli- responses, lithologic interpretation of logs must be
cations. In recent years, computer techniques have checked against data from other sources. This also is
dominated log analyses; however, this development true of stratigraphic correlation, becausegross errors
has not changed the basic requirements for obtaining can be made by just “matching the wiggles.” Even
the most information possible from logs. First, back- within one depositional basin, the response of one type
ground information about each new geohydrologic of log may shift, becauseof lateral facies changes. For
environment where logs are to be used is essential. example, the feldspar content of a sandstone may
The quantity and kind of background data needed are increase toward a granitic source area, and this prob-
functions of the objectives of the study. Second, the ably would cause an increase in the radioactivity
suite of logs to be made must be based not only on measured by gamma logs. This measurement might be
study objectives, but also on knowledge of the syner- interpreted mistakenly as an increase in clay content,
gistic nature of logs. Two logs may provide answers unless other logs or data were available. For this
that would not be obtainable from either log analyzed reason, the synergism of composite-log interpretation
separately, and each additional log may add much is stressed in this manual. Logs are interpreted as an
more to a total understanding of the system. Third, assemblage of data, not singly, to increase the accu-
logs must be selected, made, and analyzed on the basis racy of analysis. Stratigraphic correlation, using
of a thorough understanding of the principles of each acoustic-televiewer, caliper, gamma, neutron, and
log, even if the final results are generated by a gamma-gammalogs, is shown in figure 6. The two drill
computer. holes are located 1,175 ft apart in Illinois; they pene-
Most logs obtained for ground-water applications trate dolomite of the Silurian Niagaran Series. The
are interpreted by the geologist or hydrologist in correlation of individual beds and intervals of solution
charge of the study, because the services of a profes- between the two boreholes is apparent, even though
sional log analyst cannot be justified economically. the logs were not recorded at the same horizontal
Only the largest ground-water organizations have scale or gain. Correlation by matching log character
professional log analysts on their staffs. The geoscien- can be done without understanding the response to
tist expert in the area of study can do an excellent job lithology, but this approach also can lead to erroneous
of log analysis if he or she understands the basic results. In figure 6, anomalies on the caliper logs
principles of the logs used. One of the purposes of this represent solution openings, probably along bedding
manual is to provide some of the necessary informa- planes because one interval correlates between the
tion to permit nonexperts to use borehole geophysics boreholes. The excellent correlation on the gamma
effectively. logs probably is due to shaly units that are more
radioactive than dolomite. Changes in responses on
the neutron and gamma-gamma logs probably repre-
Qualitative log analysis
sent dolomitic beds of different porosity that are
The first uses of logs were for identification and relatively consistent in the area of these drill holes.
lateral correlation of rock and fluid types and for The effectiveness of qualitative interpretation usu-
selection of likely producing intervals for well comple- ally improves with an increase in the number of wells
tion; these uses are still vital today in both ground- that are logged in an area and in the quantity of core
water and petroleum studies. Qualitative log analysis data that is available. A gradual change in log
is based mostly on knowledge of local geology and response across a depositional basin may indicate a
hydrology, rather than on log-response charts or facies change. One anomalous log caused by unusual
computer plots. Examination of outcrops, core, and hole conditions may be identifiable when compared
cuttings, coupled with an understanding of log with a number of logs that show consistent responses;
response, will permit identification and correlation of such errors are not likely to repeat. Continuous core,
known aquifers and confining beds. Where the aqui- or a large number of core samples from one test hole,
fers have not been identified previously, various kinds is more useful than a few nonrepresentative samples
of flow logs, obtained under pumping or injection from throughout the section. If continuous coring of

l conditions, will assist in locating and characterizing

the aquifers and confining beds. Even for qualitative
log analysis, hole conditions must be known, because
one hole cannot be funded, then logs of a nearby hole
can be used to select representative intervals for
coring. This subject is discussed in more detail in the
they can alter log response markedly. Qualitative log section on log calibration. Although an increase in the

133zl NI'Hld3a

5 008Z

1333 NI ‘33VdklflS ClNVl MO139 Hld30


0 number of different types of logs run may improve the

accuracy of inte$retation and the variety of results,
the logs should be selected carefully. Too often logs
Synergistic log analysis
Multiple-log analysis takes advantage of the syner-
are run that are not appropriate for the environment gistic nature of many logs; usually much more can be
or for the information desired. learned from a suite of logs than from several logs
analyzed individually. For example, gypsum can be
Quantitative log analysis distinguished from anhydrite by interpretation of
Obtaining quantitative data on aquifer or water gamma and neutron logs together. Both rocks contain
characteristics is an important objective of many small concentrations of radioactive elements, so a
ground-water logging programs; however, the steps gamma log indicates minimal radioactivity for both
that will ensure reasonable accuracy of the data often rocks. However, gypsum contains substantial water of
are not followed. For example, the scales on logs in crystallization, so it appears relatively porous on a
environmental units, such as percent porosity or bulk neutron log. In contrast, anhydrite contains little, if
density, in grams per cubic centimeter, must be any, water of crystallization, so it appears relatively
checked. Further, even if the procedures described in nonporous on a neutron log. Both minerals will be
the sections on log calibration and standardization are logged as high resistivity. This response, as well as
followed carefully, corroborating data for the particu- typical responses of a suite of logs in a section of
lar rocks and wells logged are needed. Repeatability sedimentary rocks, is shown in figure ‘7.
can be checked by logging selected depth intervals a The logs in figure 7 are hypothetical; it is difficult to
second time; equipment drift is indicated by changes find a complete suite of logs from one well that
in response as a function of time or temperature. includes the diverse lithologic section shown. The log
Because of the matrix effect, calibration for one rock responses shown are typical for the rock types repre-
type may not ensure accurate scales for another rock sented, but they do not represent unique signatures
type. For this reason, if the rocks being logged are not for those rock types. For example, coal and limestone
the same as those in which the equipment was cali- are shown on the gamma log as having little radioac-
brated, core analyses are needed to check values on tivity, although in some areas lignite and limestone
0 the logs. Before any log data are used quantitatively, are uraniferous and, therefore, are quite radioactive.
they must be checked for extraneous effects, such as
Coal and limestone that lack solution openings can be
borehole diameter or bed thickness. Data are of ques-
distinguished by neutron and resistivity logs, which
tionable value if they were obtained from depth inter-
vals where borehole diameter is considerably greater have similar responses in most rock types. Although
than bit size, or from intervals where bed thickness is both rock types have a relatively high resistivity, coal
equal to, or less than, the vertical dimension of the is logged on neutron logs as having relatively high
volume of investigation for the probe. porosity (negative deflection) because of its hydrocar-
Both vertical and horizontal scales on logs should be bon content. Thus, neutron and resistivity logs usually
selected on the basis of requirements for resolution show reversed responses in coal beds. Note that the
and accuracy of the data to be obtained. Most com- caliper and single-point-resistance logs indicate the
mercial logs are recorded on a vertical scale of 20 or reason for the cycle skips on the acoustic-velocity’
50 ft/in; this scale is not adequate for the detail log-solution openings and fractures. Extraneous
required in many ground-water studies, in which the effects, such as the major shift in the single-point-
wells may be only a few hundred feet deep. Similarly, resistance log caused by a change in fluid salinity in
the horizontal scales on many commercial-service- the rocks, and reversals in response of the long
company logs are compressed, to avoid off-scale normal-resistivity log caused by bed-thickness effects,
deflections; some logs also may be run too fast for the are shown in figure 7. It is assumed that the fluid in
accuracy required. These factors are discussed in the the lower part of the borehole is saline; this salinity
section on quality control of logs. causes the spontaneous-potential log to be featureless
Few logs measure the quantity shown on the hori- and decreases response of the resistance and resistiv-
zontal scale directly; for example, the neutron log does ity logs in this part of the borehole. Portions of this
not measure porosity, but responds chiefly to hydro- figure are included and described in more detail in the
gen content. The difference between porosity and sections on specific types of logs. The hypothetical
hydrogen content can lead to a large porosity error responses of these logs to a wide range of lithologies
where bound water or hydrocarbons are present. may be typical of one depositional basin but not of
Thus, knowledge of the principles of log-measuring another. Log response must be learned for each new
systems is necessary for accurate quantitative analy- study area, where it usually becomes a recognizable
sis of logs. signature.

paJn$cmJ j


k---Gneiss E-:3

++ monzomte. r+++


Figure &-Typical responses of hypothetical caliper, gamma, neutron, acoustic-velocity, and resistivity
logs to various altered and fractured crystalline rocks. Porosity increases to the left on the neutron
and acoustic-velocity logs; scales increase to the right on the other logs.

The typical responses of some logs to various types sion of exploration for geothermal energy and for
of altered and fractured igneous and metamorphic potential repositories for radioactive waste. The logs
rocks are shown in figure 8. Data on log response in in figure 8 reflect a summary of some of the experience
crystalline rocks have been few until the recent expan- gained in those programs by the U.S. Geological


Chlorite schist

Biotite schist

0 500 1,000 15 10 2.5 3 0 150 300 10 0 2.5 3


Figure 9.-Gamma, neutron, and gamma-gamma logs for two wells in the Raft River geothermal reservoir, Idaho.

Survey. Synergistic log analysis is just as useful in core data or lithologic descriptions on the same verti-
crystalline rocks as in sedimentary rocks. An example cal scale as the logs is helpful, but these data usually
of the use of gamma, neutron, and gamma-gamma logs will require vertical displacement with respect to the
to distinguish chlorite schist from biotite schist in the logs because the depth datum may be different by as
Raft River geothermal reservoir, Idaho, is shown in much as 20 ft. A few correlation lines drawn across a
figure 9. The schists are marked by an anomalously suite of logs at major anomalies also are helpful.
large porosity, based on the neutron logs, and by a Examining a suite of logs from a few feet away is
marked increase in density, based on the gamma- good practice. From that distance, detail becomesless
gamma logs. This difference is caused by the large important, and significant trends and shifts in
content of bound water or water of crystallization in response become more obvious. Replotting logs at
the mica minerals. Radioactivity of the chlorite schist different vertical or horizontal scales, using a com-
was decreased substantially during the process of puter, may bring out features not previously obvious.
hydrothermal alteration from biotite. Leaching of A suite of logs should be examined for similarities and
potassium, and possibly of uranium, during alteration differences, and explanations should be sought for a
caused the decrease in radioactivity, which allowed log response that departs from that anticipated on the
the two types of schist to be distinguished by use of basis of available background data. When searching
gamma logs. for explanations for anomalous log response, one
The technique of studying the different types of logs should first examine the caliper log to determine if
as a group, rather than one at a time, is an important borehole-diameter increase is a reason. Well-
one to develop. For this purpose, the logs for one well construction information also may explain an anoma-
are placed side by side after the appropriate correc- lous response, as may information on the mineral or
tions for depth errors have been made. Locating logs chemical composition of the rock. The results of syn-
that show similar responses, such as neutron and ergistic log analysis depend on the information avail-
resistivity, side by side makes depth errors and dif- able from other sources and on a complete understand-
ferences in response easier to identify. Plotting any ing of what the various logs respond to.

Computer analysis of logs from the logs of all wells penetrating an aquifer
system, is ideally suited for computer analysis.
During the last few years, computer analysis of The disadvantages of computer analysis are several.
geophysical well logs has become widely used in the First, the cost may be excessive, particularly for a
petroleum industry, but it is seldom applied in ground- small quantity of data. Further, the complexity of the
water hydrology. If done properly, computer analysis approach may lead to overestimation of the value of
of logs can provide many additional data for ground- the answers it provides. This is particularly dangerous
water studies. The large quantity of data represented because most of the algorithms developed commer-
by a suite of well logs cannot easily be collated or cially for log analysis are for petroleum applications
condensedin the human mind so that all interrelations and may require modification for ground-water appli-
can be isolated and used. Computer analysis makes cations. An understanding of log analysis is necessary
this possible. All major commercial well-logging ser- before computer interpretation is attempted. Finally,
vice companiesoffer digitized logs and computer inter- the computer-plotted data are no better than the
pretation; some offer real-time interpretation at the original log data; if the logs are improperly recorded
well site. Several programs are available for purchase or calibrated, the computer output may be useless
that will run on minicomputers and microcomputers until corrections are made.
having sufficient memory, data storage, and graphics
capability. Numerous log-analysis programs also have Digitizing logs
been written for programmable pocket calculators. In Geophysical logs may be digitized at the well site
addition to the logging-service companies, several while they are being recorded in analog format, or
other companieswill process logs with their computer- subsequently from the analog record. Onsite digitizing
analysis packages. Logs that have not been digitized is more accurate and less expensive; with computers
onsite can be sent out for commercial digitizing. now on some logging trucks, the data can be processed
Computer-analysis programs have been developed in in real time. Onsite digitizing also provides backup for
Government agencies such as the U.S. Geological recovery of data that are lost on the analog recorder
Survey (Merkel and others, 1976; Scott, 1977). because of incorrect selection of scales. Off-scale
deflections lost from the analog recorder will be avail-
Recent improvements in and decreasesin the cost of
able from the digital record, if it is made correctly.
microcomputers and personal computers make them
Some systems permit immediate playback of the dig-
suitable for log analysis and economically justified for
ital record to the analog recorder with adjustment of
ground-water applications (Keys, 1986). Geophysical
both horizontal and vertical scales. The equipment for
logs can be transmitted by telephone from a logging
onsite digitizing is described in more detail in the
truck or another computer to a personal computer
section on logging equipment. In most systems, the
equipped with a modem, and can be analyzed and
signal from a logging probe is transmitted simulta-
plotted using a spreadsheet program. Although the
neously to an analog recorder and through either an
spreadsheet was not designed for log analysis, a few
analog-to-digital converter or a digital ratemeter to a
hours with the program manual and computer will
magnetic-tape recorder or to a disk. Sample interval
allow someone who understands logs to manipulate
and sample time must be correctly selected for onsite
the data and plot results similar to those available
digitizing of logs. Digital sample time is important to
from commercial organizations at a fraction of the
the proper recording of all nuclear logs; it is discussed
in the section on nuclear logging.
Computer analysis of logs offers a number of advan- The digital data may be printed or plotted while the
tages compared with other methods used in the past: log is being run, but the analog record also is needed
(1) a large mass of data can be collated and displayed; because watching a log develop on a chart-type
(2) logs can be corrected and replotted; (3) scales can recorder is one of the best ways to avoid major errors
be changed; (4) smoothing and filtering operations can in logging and to optimize probe and data configura-
be conducted; (5) cross plots can be made between tion. The analog record may show more detail than the
different kinds of logs, and between logs and core digital record because of sample interval or the elim-
data; and (6) calibration curves, correlation functions, ination of the step function present in many plots of
and ratios, as well as cross-section and thickness digital data. Information on the digital record always
maps, can be plotted. Finally, these results can be is listed in the log heading of the analog chart. This
plotted as publication-quality figures at a cost less information includes the label on the recording
than that required for professional drafting. Although medium, file number, sample interval and time, depth
all of these manipulations can be done manually, the interval recorded, and any calibration information
large quantity of data available from a suite of logs, or pertinent to the digital record.

Although office digitizing of analog records is Changing the vertical and horizontal scales of logs
expensive and time consuming, no other choice may independently was almost impossible before computer
exist for old logs. Desk-top curve-following digitizers processing became available; now replotting to pro-
probably are available in most offices that have a duce scales best suited for the intended purpose is a
computer. Because of the training needed to digitize simple matter. Correcting for nonlinear response and
logs, particularly multicurve commercial logs, cor- changing from a linear to a logarithmic scale also are
rectly, better and less expensive results usually are relatively simple procedures. Most probes produce a
obtained from a company that specializes in digitizing pulse frequency or a voltage that can be related to the
geophysical logs. Such companies are located in major desired rock or fluid property by an equation. For
oil-exploration centers. When logs are digitized com- example, many of the temperature probes used by the
mercially, certain specifications or instructions must U.S. Geological Survey use a thermistor, which is
be provided to tlhe company along with the purchase stable and responds rapidly but is nonlinear. After
order, such as recording medium, format and bits per careful calibration across the temperature range of
inch, sample interval, depth shifts, editing required, use, the response equation for each probe can be
and plots of the data that can be used to check calculated to replot the temperature log. The original
accuracy of digitizing. field prints of logs, both analog and digital, have scales
in pulses per second and are nonlinear with respect to
Correcting and calibrating logs temperature. The final computer plot will have a
The computer is ideally suited for correcting logs linear scale in temperature. Logs also can be plotted
and plotting them with calibrated scales. Depth cor- at several different scales to keep the full data range
rection is required on most logs, and it can be done at on the paper and, at the same time, to resolve small
the same time th,e computer is being used to make the but significant changes.
first plot of digitized data. Most depth errors are the
result of operat’or error or use of a different depth Plotting data from logs
reference at different times; however, other errors Probably the most important technique available for
resulting from a. stretched cable or a sticking probe, log analysis today (1985) is the computer plotting of
and errors in the cable measuring system, also occur. data obtained from logs against data from other logs,
The most common correction needed is a consistent core analyses, or tests. The most frequently used
depth shift for the entire log to make it correlate with technique is cross plotting, which compares the
other logs of the same well or with core data. A response of two different logs. An idealized cross plot
technique for computer correlation of log and core of log A versus log B in a three-mineral-component
data has been described by Jeffries (1966). Sometimes system is given in figure 10 (Mac&y, 1978). If log A
the logs in a suite require some shifting to agree with
a preselected datum. If depth errors vary as a function 2
Mineral X
of depth because of cable stretch, these errors can be
corrected using the equation for the particular cable
used. Sudden changes in depth may occur randomly in
the log because of a sticking probe or because of
changes in the depth reading, which are made manu-
ally by the operator when a magnetic cable marker is
detected. These types of errors are best avoided, but
should be noted on the log when they occur. Different
corrections for specific depth intervals will produce
either overlap or missing data sections that will
require editing.
Data from probe calibration can be used to convert
a log to the appropriate environmental units. For
example, most neutron logs are recorded in pulses per
second, which can be converted to porosity if neces- I Mineral Y
sary calibration and standardization data are avail- 0 1 2
able. It is better to record unprocessed log data, such
as pulses per second, and calibration data for later LOG I3
conversion to environmental units, such as porosity, Figure IO.-Format of cross plot of two logs with
because it is easier to correct unprocessed data for three mineral matrices (modified from MacCary,
errors. 1978).

ou’m-------O’ ‘0 b,,:, r’,‘. , ,-, I , , , , I , , , , 1 , , , I 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


Figure Il.-Acoustic transit time versus neutron porosity, Madison Limestone test well 1, Wyomina.

and log B have inverse responses to minerals X and Y, the logs must be selected. When the cross plot is
a plot of A versus B will yield the line from 100percent entered with the values from corresponding depths for
of mineral X to 100percent of mineral Y. The percent- the acoustic-velocity and neutron logs, the approxi-
age of the two minerals can be measured along a linear mate lithology and the porosity corrected for matrix
scale from X to Y. If a third mineral is added, as in or mineral response can be read. Obviously, the logs
figure 10, the relative content of the three minerals must be depth corrected to the same datum before
can be determined uniquely from the cross plot. If a such plots can be made. Similar porosity values on the
fourth mineral is added, the solution is indeterminate, calibration lines for the three rocks may be connected
unless a third kind of log is added. Usually more than with lines to facilitate interpolating porosities. The
three minerals are present, even if only in trace line of data points at 30-percent neutron porosity
quantities, so some scatter of data points will be indicates that the log was limiting at this value, and
produced. For a more complete description of cross that some porosity values probably are greater than
plots, see MacCary (1978). 30 percent, although they may be caused by solution
A cross plot of transit time from an acoustic-velocity openings. These two logs indicate that two major rock
log versus porosity from a neutron log, calibrated for types are in the interval plotted: limestone and dolo-
limestone, is given in figure 11. The data were plotted mite. The group of points to the right of the dolomite
from digitized commercial logs of Madison Limestone line indicates secondary porosity in the dolomite.
test well 1 (named for the Mississippian Madison Unfortunately, all petroleum-oriented interpretation
Limestone) drilled by the U.S. Geological Survey in charts are based on only the three rock types shown,
Wyoming. The calibration lines labeled sandstone, with the occasional addition of anhydrite.
limestone, and dolomite were obtained from a plot in a
book of log-interpretation charts provided by the A plot of bulk density from a gamma-gamma log
company that did the logging for the survey. Such versus a neutron log for the same well is given in
chart books are available at no charge from all major figure 12. The plot clearly shows that the neutron log
commercial well-logging service companies. The was artificially limited at 30-percent neutron porosity.
appropriate chart for the specific probes used to make Commercial logs commonly are limited at this value.



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Figure 12.-Bulk density versus neutron porosity, Madison Limestone test well 1, Wyoming. The line of
data points at 30.percent neutron porosity shows that the log was artificially limited at this value.

The plot also indicates that most of the rocks pene- Frequency plots appear similar to figure 13, but
trated are limestone or dolomite; however, the pres- numerical values in the plot represent the frequency
ence of some sandstone is indicated. While the plot in of occurrence of a pair of values from two logs rather
figure 12 was being made, the group of points circled than values from a third log. Where points are very
along the sandstone line were noted to occur within a numerous and overlapping, a frequency plot is easier
continuous depth interval. A check of the lithologic log to evaluate than a standard cross plot. The frequency
indicated that the Cambrian Flathead Sandstone was of occurrence of values for each of the logs may be
clearly defined on the cross plot. plotted along the axes.
Another kind of cross plot that can be made using a Frequency-distribution plots or histograms are use-
computer is illustrated in figure 13. The figure, mod- ful indications of the number of major rock types that
ified from Head and Merkel (1977), shows a third log are present, based on the response of a single log.
variable for an interval in the upper part of the They also may indicate abnormal log response by
Pennsylvanian and Permian Minnelusa Formation. abrupt termination of data along either axis. A histo-
The third variable plotted on the Z axis is a weighted gram of gamma-log response for a deep well near
function, from 1 to 10, of the gamma-log response. The Raleigh, N.C., is shown in figure 14. The bimodal
presence of shale is indicated by Z-axis values greater distribution probably indicates sandstone and con-
than 8. The authors of the paper selected a shale- glomerate at count rates less than 1,500p/s and clay or
matrix point by examining trends in the third-variable mudstone at count rates greater than 1,800 p/s. A
plots. Matrix response for a log is the value for a pure histogram like this might indicate the cumulative
matrix lithology at zero porosity. For example, in thicknesses of rock types and whether contacts are
figure 13 the sandstone line intersects the O-percent distinct or gradational. This type of histogram has
apparent neutron porosity line at 2.63 g/cm3, which is been used to calibrate old or incorrectly calibrated
similar to the grain density of quartz. Shale is not a logs within a single formation and a limited area.
pure matrix mineral and does not record a zero An example of the kind of final product that might
porosity. result from the computer analysis of logs is given in

L 2.5
fj 2.6
sj 2.7
5 2.8

1 Anhydrite

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


Figure 13.-Z-axis plot of gamma-log response versus gamma-gamma-log and neutron-log responses for
the upper part of the Minnelusa Formation (modified from Head and Merkel, 1977). Numbers (l-9)
represent a weighted function of the gamma-log response; values of 9 indicate the presence of shale.

figure 15. The plot is based on well logs of the weight the log data according to probable data quality,
Cretaceous Edwards Limestone near San Antonio, determined by examining logs and from cross plots.
Tex.; the program was developed by Merkel and Many core analyses were available to calibrate the
others (1976) of the U.S. Geological Survey. Porosity, logs and to validate the final results.
dolomite, limestone, and sandstone as percentages Several computer programs for analysis of geophys-
of total rock mass are shown in figure 15. Bulk ical logs are available commercially, in addition to
density, matrix density, and secondary porosity also those used by the service companies for their own
are shown. The Edwards Limestone is most perme- logs. These programs generally were written for
able in intervals that have the largest secondary petroleum-oriented applications, but some may be
porosity. Merkel and others (1976) also computed useful in ground-water hydrology. In any event, if
logs of thermal conductivity, heat flow, permeability, computer-log analysis is used without knowing the
and apparent water resistivity. They used a linear- basis for the algorithms, errors may result. The logs
programming algorithm that allowed the analyst to should be analyzed by a local hydrologist, on the basis

250 lr

++++ ::
200 l-
++++++ ::
++++++ ++::
2 ++++++
++++++++ ++*+
+++++++++++ +*++++
ii +++++++++++ +++++++
I ++++++++++++
;: 150 l- ++++++++++++
++++++++*+++ ++*a++++
+++++++++++++ +++++++
b ++++++++++++++++++++++
6 +++++++++++++++++++++++
s 1013l- +++++++++++++t++++++++++++++
1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
50 l- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++++t++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++
++ +++
0L +++++++++++~++++++++++++ +++++++*+++~+++++++++++ +++++++++++ ++++*++++ i
500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2300 3,000 3500
Figure 14.-Histogram of gamma-log response for a deep well near Raleigh, N.C.

of as complete knowledge of the study area as possi-

ble, rather than relying on “canned” computer analy-
Petrophysics and
ses available from logging companies. log Response
The validity of computer analyses must be evalu-
ated in each geo‘hydrologic environment. Many of the
programs are limited because they are restricted to The responses of geophysical well logs are affected
three rock types: limestone, dolomite, and sandstone. by several important factors: the rock matrix, the
A correction for shale may be added by using gamma interstitial fluids, the borehole temperature, the con-
logs; igneous and metamorphic rocks are not consid- struction of the well, and the fluids in the well. For
ered. Water-saturation problems are a major part of most applications, responses to the first two factors
commercial software packages for log analysis because are desired but generally are inseparable; the
of the importance of saturation in oil recovery. Almost response resulting from the construction of the well
all ground-water applications would involve sediments usually is an extraneous or undesired response.
that are considered to be 100 percent saturated. Some Aspects of petrophysics that are most important in
companies use the term “index” when plotting such understanding log response are (1) the chemical com-
computer-calculated values as permeability and poros- position of the rock or sediment, (2) the shape and size
ity. The term is used as a qualifier to indicate that distribution of the grains or crystals, (3) the size,
neither true permeability nor porosity is being plot- shape, continuity, and filling of the pore spaces, and
ted. The log-interpretation equations used in com- (4) primary or secondary structures such as bedding
puter analyses are mostly empirical, specific to the and fractures. Well logging for physical properties has
rocks commonly present in oil fields, and may not be been discussed in much greater detail by Hearst and
applicable to a ground-water environment. Nelson (1985).




\ .. .
z 1,140 Y

5 lJ45
F 1,150

0 20 40 60 80 100 2.0 2.5
Figure 15.-Computer plots showing lithology, bulk density, matrix density, and secondary porosity
based on geophysical logs of the Edwards Limestone near San Antonio, Tex. (from Merkel and
others, 1976).

Mineral composition characteristics. The physical, chemical, and nuclear

characteristics of major rock-forming minerals that
The chemical composition of either crystals or detri- may affect log analysis are discussed in some hand-
tal grains in a rock matrix or unconsolidated sediment books on formation evaluation and books of log-
has a substantial effect on the responses of nuclear and interpretation charts available from major commercial
electric logs. Calibration of neutron and gamma- logging-service companies. Addresses of these compa-
gamma logs should be done in pits or core holes where nies can be found in issues of the “Log Analyst,”
the chemical composition of the rock matrix is similar published by the Society of Professional Well Log
to that expected to be present during logging. Flow of Analysts, Houston, Tex.
most of the electric current t,hat produces resistivity
logs is through fluid-filled pore spaces rather than
through rock matrix; however, electrically conductive Porosity
minerals may have extraneous effects on the relation
of current flow to porosity. The porosity of rocks affects the response of many
Because variations in mineralogy or chemical com- geophysical logs; neutron, gamma-gamma, and
position affect log response, semiquantitative labora- acoustic-velocity logs commonly are incorrectly called
tory analysis of selected core samples in a new study porosity logs. The various electric logs also respond to
area is needed. When the minerals present are known, porosity. Different types of logs respond to total,
most standard texts on mineralogy can provide infor- effective, and primary or secondary porosity in dis-
mation on chemical composition and density. The similar ways. To understand the effect of different
“Handbook of Chemistry and Physics” (Weast and types of porosity on logs, the type of porosity being
Astle, 1981) is useful for obtaining this type of infor- measured using core or interpreted from logs needs to
mation and some data on resistivity and nuclear be defined. Because the terminology varies somewhat

Table 1. -Response of logs to porosity

Property Response to total Response to Response to Spurious matrix and fluid

Lo!3 measured porosity secondary porosity effective porosity responses

Neutron. Hydrogen content. Best response to low- Does not distinguish Does not distinguish. Bound water and other
porosity rocks. from primw poros- neutron absorbers.
ity. ’ High salinity. Pores
must be saturated.
Gamma- Electron density. Best response to high- Does not distinguish Does not distinguish. Matrix composition.
gamma. porosity rocks. from primary High salinity. Satu-
porosity. ration error.
Acoustic Average Related only to total Does not respond to Does not distinguish. No signal in gas or air.
velocity. compressional-wave porosity, when it is secondary porosity
tra.nsit time. primary and inter- under most condi-
granular. tions.
Resistivity. Both resistivity and No current flow Detects secondary Responds only to Boundary effects (sur-
volume of fluid in through isolated pores, but is effective porosity. face conduction),
interconnected pores. affected by shape. fluid chemistry.

among various groups working with logs, definitions The ways in which resistivity, gamma-gamma, neu-
are provided in this text and in the glossary that will tron, acoustic-velocity, and resistivity logs respond to
be used throughout this manual. Porosity is defined as porosity are summarized in table 1. This table can be
the ratio of the void volume of a porous medium to the used as a first step in selecting logs appropriate to
total volume, expressed as a decimal fraction or a estimate porosity; however, more detailed study is
percentage. In well-logging literature, the term needed before making a final decision. No log meas-
“porosity” commonly is used without definition and ures porosity directly, and the widely used term
without the modifying terms “total” or “effective.” “porosity log” is misleading. Resistivity logs provide
When the term “‘porosity” is used without a modifier an estimate of effective porosity only when no conduc-
in this manual, it refers to total porosity, and it tive mineral grains are present. Because the flow of
includes all pore spaces, whether they are intercon- electrical current through pore spaces is affected by
nected or not. Effective porosity includes only those the shape of those pores and by the conductivity of
pores that are interconnected and, therefore, are pore fluids, resistivity logs may be in error when used
effective in transmitting fluids and electrical current. to estimate porosity. Gamma-gammaand neutron logs
Effective and total porosity are nearly the same in may provide estimates of total porosity under the
most detrital sedimentary rocks; however, in some right conditions, when they are properly calibrated.
carbonate and volcanic rocks, isolated pores are com- Acoustic-velocity logs also may provide estimates of
mon. Primary porosity includes porosity developed total porosity, but some kinds of secondary openings
during the final #stagesof sedimentation, or porosity may not be detected.
present at the time of deposition; it usually is inter- The measurement of effective porosity is important
granular and relatively uniform. Secondary porosity in determining the volume of water present. Varia-
develops after deposition and usually is present as tions in porosity can be used under favorable condi-
nonuniform fractures or solution openings. tions to estimate variations in hydraulic conductivity;
Because the type of porosity is so significant in log however, in most rocks, porosity and permeability are
analysis, it is important to determine exactly how not related quantitatively. A very small secondary
laboratory measurements are made and the type of porosity, present as fractures or solution openings,
porosity measured. Laboratory porosity measured may transmit large volumes of water in crystalline or
using core may be the only practical way of calibrating carbonate rocks. For this reason, and because crystal-
some logs made in ground-water systems; core analy- line rocks are being investigated as possible reposito-
ses are necessary to confirm the porosity scales on ries for radioactive waste, interest in determining the
commercial logs. The common scatter of data illus- distribution and character of fractures by geophysical
trates one of the problems with core measurements; logging has increased greatly during the last decade.
porosity usually varies greatly within a small volume, Acoustic-logging techniques are proving to be partic-
and, therefore, a few samples may not be statistically ularly useful for this purpose.
The responses of specific logs to various types of Particle size, shape, and cementation
porosity are described in detail in the section on each Particle-size distribution and the shape of smaller
log; however, a brief summary is appropriate here. particles, such as grains, or larger particles, such as

pebbles, have a substantial effect on the ability of (Ro) to the resistivity of the water with which it is
porous media to transmit fluids and therefore affect saturated (Rw); F=RolRw. He also stated that F is
the response of some logs. Although no log provides a related to porosity as F= l/+“, where m is the cemen-
direct measurement of particle size, many fine- tation exponent, sometimes called the porosity expo-
grained detrital sediments are more radioactive than nent. Many modifications have been made to Archie’s
coarse-grained sediments in the same depositional (1942)original concept; they have been summarized by
basin. Ransom (1984). The more widely used modified for-
Particle sizes of sedimentary rocks penetrated by mation factor is stated F=al+m, where the coefficient
wells range from clay particles to large boulders; these a and the exponent m can be calculated independently
different sizes affect logs very differently. Minimal and are related to rock characteristics.
sorting and large rock fragments produce an inhomo- The coefficient a usually is 1 when clean, shale-free
geneous rock. Logs made in such a rock are less rocks are being investigated, but it may be less than 1
diagnostic than logs made in uniform sandstone or when clay or other conductive minerals are being
shale. Geophysical logs measure the average of some logged. The presence of conductive minerals
physical characteristic within the volume of material decreasesresistivity within an aquifer; a would be less
being investigated. As the particles increase in size, than 1 as long as m remains constant. Methods also
the volume measured also needs to increase if the log are in use in the petroleum industry that compensate
is to be statistically representative of the material directly for conductive clays; when these methods are
surrounding the borehole. used, a would be 1 (Waxman and Smits, 1968; Ran-
Flat particles, such as clay, have minimal resistiv- som, 1977).
ity. They have a greater surface area for a given The porosity exponent m usually varies from 1.3 to
volume; thus, they have a greater surface conduction, 2.8 when a=l. This exponent is related to some of the
which can introduce errors in measuring the resistiv- same pore-geometry factors that affect permeability,
ity of clay-rich sediments. Because clay-rich sedi- such as shape of pores or particles, ratio of surface
ments introduce an error in deriving porosity from area to volume of particles, cementation, compaction,
neutron logs, analysts in the petroleum industry com- and anisotropy. The occurrence of secondary porosity,
monly adjust logs for clay content by applying a such as an open fracture, will have as substantial an
“shaliness factor” derived from gamma logs. The error effect on m as it does on permeability. The value of F
is mostly the result of the relatively large hydrogen calculated from resistivity logs of fractured igneous or
content of clay rather than the shape of the particles. vugular carbonate rocks will give misleading results if
Cementation of mineral grains affects log response it is used to estimate water quality. A consistent
and the flow of fluids through detrital sediments. No increase in both permeability and F with an increase
log responds specifically to cementing material, but in particle size has been demonstrated (Jones and
the cementation factor, or exponent (m), is important Buford, 1951). Alger (1966) published both laboratory
in the relation among resistivity, formation-resistivity and resistivity-log data demonstrating an increase in
factor, and porosity. F with an increase in particle size.
Cementation of grains has a major effect on the The value of F tends to be relatively consistent for
propagation of acoustic energy in detrital sediments. a given aquifer within a single depositional environ-
Attenuation of the signal is substantial in slightly ment. It can be determined from resistivity logs in
cemented sediments; acoustic-velocity logs usually wells where Rw is known from water samples or from
cannot be made in these materials. Acoustic reflectiv- logs that are properly calibrated for porosity. When
ity also is minimal, so acoustic-televiewer logs are determined in this way, F has been called the field-
difficult to make in poorly consolidated sediments. In formation factor and has been used to map the distri-
general, acoustic logging of unconsolidated sediments bution of ground-water salinity using only resistivity
is not done, because an uncased borehole cannot be logs (Turcan, 1966).
kept open without the use of heavy drilling muds.
Rock structure
Formation-resistivity factor
Primary structural features, such as bedding, and
The formation-resistivity factor (F> is an important secondary features, such as fractures and faults, can
concept in borehole geophysics; the various relations be detected indirectly by log response. Bedding planes
of F to porosity and resistivity can be used to calculate can be inferred from logs only when they are contacts
porosity 4 or water quality from geophysical logs. between lithologies having dissimilar physical proper-
Archie (1942) defined F as the ratio of the electrical ties. Lithologic changes usually produce inflections on
resistivity of a rock 100 percent saturated with water logs; such inflections usually are the basis for strati-

graphic correlation from one well to another. Unless logging in water-resources investigations. Although
the log inflection is very sharp, contacts usually are no log measures permeability directly, several kinds
assumed to occur at one-half the inflection-amplitude of logs indicate where water is moving into or out of a
difference between two rock types. Thin bedding well. Also, the relative magnitude of the permeability
planes, from a layer of laminated minerals, may not of discrete depth intervals can be estimated from
cause recognizable log response unless the logging flowmeter logs. In addition, moisture content and
device has sufficiently high resolution. Both thin, specific yield can be measured with properly cali-
cyclic bedding and graded bedding can be recognized brated logging equipment under certain conditions.
on logs under favorable conditions. Although strati-
graphic correlation with logs usually is done by
“matching the wiggles,” correlation is likely to be Well hydraulics
more accurate when based on a knowledge of the The uncased or screened interval of many wells
causes of log response. provides a short circuit for vertical flow if two or more
Fractures and faults may be recognized on logs if permeable intervals with different hydraulic heads are
they are wide enough to be resolved by the device in intersected. Vertical flow commonly is detected when
use or if they are marked by changes in rock type or several hundred feet or more of uncased borehole are
alteration. Many fractures are too thin for recognition available for logging. Flow may be in either direction,
by any logging devices except those having the high- or may be upward in one depth interval and downward
est resolution, such as the acoustic televiewer. Only in another depth interval in the same well. Convective
the acoustic televiewer, borehole television, and the movement within a well caused by thermal gradients
dipmeter provide data that can be interpreted in is common; the interpretation problems caused by
terms of the dip and strike of planar structures, such convective flow are discussed in the section on tem-
as bedding planes or fractures. The potential for error perature logging.
in the correlation of planar structures between bore- Temperature logs, impeller-flowmeter logs, and
holes should be recognized. One potential source of tracer logs of various types can be used to measure
errors is produced by deviation of boreholes. All deep vertical flow in wells. Temperature logs are most
boreholes deviate from the vertical, unless very care- useful for locating intervals in which water flows into
ful control of drilling procedures is maintained. or out of a well. Impeller-flowmeter logs can be used
Borehole-deviation logs should be obtained and cor- in continuous logging mode to locate these intervals,
rections made before three-dimensional information or in stationary mode for more accurate measure-
on bedding or fractures is assumed to be valid. More ments when velocity is sufficiently fast. Tracer log-
information on this subject is included in the sections ging is most useful when velocities are too slow for
on borehole effects and acoustic-televiewer logging. impeller flowmeters.
Knowledge of the location, orientation, and charac- When velocity of flow is not sufficient for detection
ter of fractures is essential to understanding the flow by available equipment, the aquifer system may be
of ground water in many crystalline rocks and hard stressed by injecting water at the land surface or by
sedimentary rocks. In crystalline rocks, almost all pumping the well at a constant rate. Velocities meas-
flow is through fractures, even though such rocks may ured in the cased interval can be used to calibrate the
have minimal porosity. Widespread logging of wells in logging equipment. Water with temperature different
crystalline rocks in recent years indicates that most of from that of the ground water can be injected in one
the flow may be through one or several discrete
well, and its movement to other wells can be detected
fractures, even though a large number may have been using temperature logs (Keys and Brown, 1978). The
intersected by the borehole. The significance of a few distribution of water of different salinities can be
conductive fractures to rock permeability has been mapped using fluid-conductivity logs. Both tempera-
demonstrated both in geothermal reservoirs and in ture and fluid-conductivity logs will identify the more
the Canadian Shield (Keys and Sullivan, 1979; Keys, permeable intervals by locating the depths at which
1984). the anomalous water arrives. If permits can be
obtained, a short-half-life gamma-emitting radioiso-
tope, such as iodine-131, can be used for accurate
Ground-Water Flow and measurement of vertical flow within a well or flow
Llog Response between wells.
Caliper logs are essential for quantitative interpre-
Measurements of the flow of ground water and its tation of flow in wells because discharge is propor-
relation to permeability and specific yield are among tional to the cross-sectional area of the borehole.
the most important objectives of borehole geophysical Using properly calibrated flow-measuring probes and

correcting for hole diameter, the relative hydraulic

conductivity of depth intervals within a well can be

Hydraulic conductivity and IL

intrinsic permeability . l’
. .
No log measures hydraulic conductivity or intrinsic .
. 0%
permeability directly, yet these measurements are - . .
. ’ l
essential to most ground-water studies. Hydraulic l*
. .
c .
conductivity (K) is the quantity of water that will flow 5 1.0: ’ .
. . . . 0. . .
through a unit cross-section area of rock, per unit = 0.5= . l

time, at a specified temperature under a unit hydrau- 4

lic gradient and is, therefore, a function of both the 0.1 r .
properties of the rock and the water contained in the F5
h 0.05 F .
rock. Intrinsic permeability (k) is a measure of the .
relative ease with which a porous medium can trans- 2
0.01: . . . . .
mit a liquid under a potential gradient and is, there- 5
fore, a function only of the properties of the rock. z 0.005’
Computer-plotted logs available from some com- E
mercial service companies may have a scale labeled
“permeability index. ” Although the units usually are I 1 I
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
millidarcies, the qualifier “index” is used as a dis-
claimer of accurate permeability measurement. Know-
ing how this index is calculated is important because Figure 16.-Relation of porosity and horizontal perme-
the technique used may not be appropriate for aqui- ability for replacement dolomites in the Madison Lime-
fers that are 100 percent saturated with water, in stone (modified from Thayer, 1983).
contrast to the two-phase system (water and oil or
gas), which is the basis for most log analysis in
petroleum applications. Although K cannot be meas- measuring K using core and the relatively small size of
ured directly by borehole geophysics, a number of core samples; small samples are not representative if
relations exist that permit its estimation from logs. the rock is not homogeneous.
The basic principles of these relations need to be A relation between the formation-resistivity factor
understood as an aid in selecting and interpreting and K, mentioned previously, and a relation to radio-
logs. activity from gamma logs are shown in figure 17,
A popular misconception is that porosity and per- which is modified after Kwader (1982). The data are
meability are directly related. Although a general from a carbonate aquifer in Florida. Gamma logs
relation has been demonstrated in a limited number of usually indicate greater radioactivity in clay than in
geologic environments, the problems of establishing a coarser sediments or in carbonates; any relation to K
clear relationship are many. A plot of porosity versus must be demonstrated by a statistically significant
horizontal permeability, measured using core samples number of samples. This relation has been demon-
of replacement dolomites from a well completed in the strated in a number of depositional basins throughout
Madison Limestone, is shown in figure 16 (Thayer, the world.
1983). This plot is typical of the scatter usually Raiga-Clemenceau (197’7) suggested a relation
obtained; permeability cannot be estimated from between intrinsic permeability and the cementation
porosity values of less than 20 percent, yet most of the exponent in the porosity-formation-factor equation.
samples having a porosity greater than 20 percent also Jones and Buford (1951) and Alger (1966) demon-
are more permeable than the less porous samples. strated that both F and k increase with grain size.
This relation may pertain elsewhere in the Madison Croft (1971) used Alger’s (1966) plot of k versus F to
Limestone, but the possibility would have to be estab- determine K from resistivity logs; he found reasonable
lished by measurement. When secondary porosity, agreement with values obtained by other methods.
such as fractures or solution openings, contributes Worthington (1977) showed that the relation between
substantially to flow, no relation between porosity and F and k may not be systematic because of surface
K is detected. Other problems in trying to establish conduction. Urish (1981) obtained a relation opposite
relations of this type are the potential for error in to that suggested by Alger (1966)and Croft (1971)and


8( 70 60 50 40 30 2(
I I 1 I I
A 0


Figure 17.-Hydraulic conductivity and gamma response versus formation-resistivity factor for a limestone
aquifer in Florida (modified from Kwader, 1982).

concluded that variations in porosity and matrix con- Specific yield and moisture content
duction limited the method to qualitative evaluation of
k. The varying Iconclusions of these studies suggest Specific yield is the ratio of the volume of water that
that relations between the formation-resistivity factor saturated rock will yield by gravity to its own volume
and intrinsic permeability must be demonstrated for (Meinzer, 1923). Specific yield plus specific retention
each aquifer before they can be used in a predictive equals effective porosity. Specific yield also is a func-
sense. tion of particle-size distribution (Johnson, 1967). In
Intrinsic permeability cannot be obtained directly general, maximum values of specific yield are associ-
from logs because it is related not only to the percent ated with medium sand with uniform size distribution,
and kind of porosity (+), but also to particle-size and minimum values of specific yield are associated
distribution, particle shape and orientation, and the with clay and silt; therefore, under the right condi-
type and distribution of cement. The Kozeny equation tions the specific yield of aquifer materials can be
relates k and $ randother fundamental properties of estimated using geophysical logs.
porous media (Kozeny, 1927).The equation states that Specific yield or storage coefficient of an unconfined
aquifer can be determined by using neutron logs to
measure the moisture remaining after gravity drain-
(1) age is complete (Meyer, 1962). The moisture in the
unsaturated zone is important because it is related to
where evapotranspiration and recharge. Neutron-moisture
T =coefficient of tortuosity, and logging can be done on a periodic basis in order to
S,=specific surface of particles exposed per unit record changes over time.
volume of matrix.
Specific surface is controlled by grain size. At a
given porosity, smaller particle size will decrease k. Interstitial Fluids and
The Kozeny equation indicates that a combination of log Response
logs that provide information on both effective poros-
ity and particle size might allow estimation of k. Thus, Logs respond to the fluids contained in pore spaces
the importance of applying several different logs to as well as to the rock matrix, although separating the
the problem of estimating hydraulic conductivity and two effects is not always possible. Only those logging
other hydrologic characteristics is emphasized in this devices designed to measure the fluid column alone
manual. provide data unaffected by the matrix. Unfortunately,

the fluid in the well bore is not always representative

of the fluid in the adjacent rock mass. This problem
affects all fluid-column logs, and it can be resolved
only through an understanding of the flow within the
E -
well, and of the construction, drilling, and testing of
the well. Vertical movement in the fluid column, z
including that caused by convection, displaces fluids
away from their host rocks. Accurate information on
202,000 -
well construction is essential for correct interpretation 35
of the fluid profile. Knowledge of the character of the
fluids injected, and of the time since drilling, circula- z 1,600-
tion, pumping, or injection, will aid in determining
when the fluid column might reach equilibrium and
will provide measurements that are related to the
z 1,200 -
surrounding rock mass. Under some conditions, many 8
months might be necessary for the fluid column to
reach equilibrium; in fact, it may never be possible to
2 800-
obtain representative information by logging the fluid
column. McConnell (1985) reported that owing to 8
invasion of freshwater aquifers by drilling fluids con-
taining sodium, it may be necessary to pump seven or
si 409 00 1,000 1,500 zoo0 2300 4000
more pore volumes before the resistivity of the water
is 90 percent of its true value.
Standard logging probes are available to measure Figure l&-Relation between specific conductance and
fluid resistivity, which can be converted to conductiv- dissolved solids in water from 25 wells completed in the
Lockport Dolomite, Ohio (modified from MacCary,
ity, and simultaneously to measure temperature. Spe- 1971).
cific ion electrodes have been modified for well log-
ging, and neutron-activation analysis has been done
experimentally in wells, but. neither of these tech-
niques is routine or dependable at this time.
degrees Fahrenheit because most commercial well-
Electrical conductivity logging services still use Fahrenheit. Chloride concen-
trations, expressed in parts per million, are still in
Measurement of the electrical conductivity of common use in the well-logging industry. Sodium
ground water provides data related to water quality. chloride rarely is the only salt present, so correction
Most logging probes measure the resistivity of the needs to be made for the presence of other ions. The
fluid in the borehole directly, and the reciprocal is following multiplying factors can be used to convert to
conductivity. Specific conductance can be calculated electrically equivalent sodium chloride concentrations:
when temperature logs are available. When enough Ca+‘, 0.95; Mg+‘, 2.00; K+, 1.00; Sod-“, 0.50; HCO,-,
chemical analyses are available from one aquifer, the 0.27; and C03-‘, 1.26 (Lynch, 1962). For example, if
relation between specific conductance and dissolved- the chemical composition of water from an aquifer is
solids concentration can be established for that aqui- known, from chemical analyses of water samples, to
fer. A plot of the relation between specific conduc- be consistent, the approximate fluid resistivity or
tance and dissolved solids in water from 25 wells conductivity that would be obtained from logs can be
completed in the Silurian Lockport Dolomite in Ohio is estimated as follows:
given in figure 18. Such a relation can be used to Multiply the concentration of each ion, in milli-
predict concentration of dissolved solids from conduc- grams per liter, by the factor given above and sum
tivity logs. the results. This concentration, in milligrams per
The graph in figure 19 allows rapid conversion from liter, is the electrically equivalent sodium chloride
resistivity to conductivity and to approximate sodium concentration.
chloride (NaCl) concentration, in milligrams per liter, Using the graph in figure 19, plot this concentra-
corrected for borehole temperature; the graph is tion at the intersection of the appropriate diagonal
extensively modified from one published by Schlum- line representing this concentration and the bore-
berger Well Surveying Corp. (Alger, 1966). Temper- hole temperature; read resistivity or conductivity
ature scales are included in both degrees Celsius and at the bottom or top of the graph.


45 - 110
- 100
- 90
25 : 80

z 70

: 60

- 50

- 40

- 35
200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 0.5 0.3

Figure 19.-Electrically equivalent sodium chloride solution plotted as a function of

conductivity or resistivity and temperature (modified from Alger,1966).

Fluid-conductivity logs are important in the inter- Temperature

pretation of other logs becausethe salinity of the fluid
column can have extraneous effects on resistivity,
gamma-gamma, and neutron logs. Although multiple- Temperature logs of the borehole fluid have a
electrode resistivity logs are supposed to measure number of important applications in ground-water
only the rock surrounding the borehole, very saline hydrology. They are essential in the search for hot
water or brine in the borehole, may cause some elec- ground water that might be a source of geothermal
trical current to flow through the borehole fluid, energy. These logs can also be a guide to the source
producing an error on the log. A large salt concentra- and movement of ground water and contaminants.
tion also decreases the concentration of hydrogen in Temperature data are needed to correct for the effect
borehole and interstitial fluids and increases the den- on ground-water flow of variation of viscosity with
sity of those fluids. These effects may cause errors on temperature. Water of a different temperature can be
gamma-gamma and neutron logs. used as a ground-water tracer. Temperature data are
Several problems with fluid-conductivity logging needed to correct other logs, such as resistivity logs,
are discussed later. Some probes are improperly and to provide evidence of unwanted temperature
designed, so that logs made with.them are affected by drift, characteristic of some probes. Temperature logs
changes in resistivity outside the fluid column. Fluid- also can be used to locate cement behind casing by
conductivity logs should be made at the beginning of means of heat released by curing cement.
the logging program, before the fluid column is dis- As with fluid conductivity, temperature should be
turbed; also, they should be made traversing down the logged down the hole and run first, simultaneously
borehole. Temperature logs should be made simulta- with conductivity, if possible. Although temperature
neously, if possible. The flow system in the borehole logs can help explain the flow system in a well,
must be understood if the conductivity data for the corroborating logs are needed. Temperature-logging
fluid column are to be interpreted correctly, and the equipment is relatively simple and inexpensive, but
effect of the drilling fluid must be recognized. much of the available equipment is inaccurate and

lacks the sensitivity necessary for many ground-water in log analysis. Specific effects are discussed in the
applications. sections on each type of log.

Drilling fluids
Chemical Composition
Although cable-tool and air-rotary methods are
Although a great need exists for a logging probe used occasionally, most drilling today (1985) for
that will provide accurate data on the chemical com- ground-water purposes is done by mud rotary meth-
position of ground water, no such probe is available at ods, with some augering used for shallow test holes.
this time (1985). Specific-ion electrodes, widely used Fluid is circulated in the borehole during rotary
in the laboratory, have been modified experimentally drilling for the following reasons: to suspend and
for well logging, but they have not become commer- remove cuttings, to support the wall of the borehole,
cially available for operation on standard logging to cool and lubricate the bit and drill pipe, and to seal
cable. Research on neutron activation in boreholes has the wall of the borehole to decrease fluid loss. The
been in progress for a number of years, but the effort fluid in the borehole also serves as the coupling
has not produced a simple, inexpensive system that medium for electrical and acoustic logging. The hydro-
yields unambiguous chemical analyses of ground static pressure of the fluid column is an important
water. At present, the best method for obtaining factor in preventing caving of unconsolidated materi-
chemical analyses of ground water is to use one of als. This same pressure can cause invasion of an
several types of remotely controlled water samplers aquifer by the mud filtrate and the development of a
that are available for operation on any type of geo- mud cake on the wall of the borehole. The pressure in
physical logger. Logs of fluid conductivity, tempera- the fluid column forces the water in the mud (mud
ture, and vertical flow can be used to select depths for filtrate) into permeable rock. The mud cake may
water samples and to extrapolate analytical data ver- decrease the permeability of the aquifer adjacent to
tically. the well and, thus, change results obtained from
various flow-logging devices. The thickness of the
mud cake varies with the permeability and porosity of
the rocks adjacent to the well. In oil wells, the mud
Borehole Effects cake is commonly thinner on more porous rocks than
on less porous rocks. In contrast, in water wells, the
The manner in which a test hole or well is drilled, thickest mud cake often is present on more porous
completed, and tested has a marked effect on geophys- aquifers. Some of this difference in mud-cake thick-
ical logs made in that test hole well. One of the ness and distribution may be the result of the carefully
objectives of logging is to obtain measurements of controlled drilling mud program used in most oil wells.
physical properties of undisturbed rocks which can be Geophysical logs can be used to measure the effective-
converted to approximate values of such rock proper- ness of well-development techniques designed to
ties as porosity, bulk density, acoustic velocity, and remove drilling fluids and increase permeability adja-
resistivity. However, the drilling process disturbs the cent to the well. Periodic neutron logs may detect
rock near the borehole to varying degrees. Although a changes in porosity; periodic flow logs may determine
number of different types of logging probes have been changes in source and quantity of water during pump-
developed that are called “borehole compensated” or ing or injection. Gamma-gamma transmittance logs
“borehole corrected,” all probes are affected by the have been used to detect changes in porosity caused
borehole to some degree. Borehole effects on geophys- by injecting sediment-laden water and subsequently
ical logs can be categorized as effects produced by (1) redeveloping the well.
drilling fluids, (2) borehole diameter, and (3) well- Today (1985) most drillers use special additives to
construction techniques. All three types of effects can control the weight, viscosity, and gel strength of
be controlled to produce better logs, if that is a drilling mud. Artificial drilling mud has different
priority objective. In some situations, it may be cost physical and chemical characteristics than the rocks
effective to drill two boreholes close together-one penetrated and the associated native fluids. The chem-
designed to optimize logging and the other cored in ical composition of the water used for mixing the
the depth intervals indicated by those logs. Even if drilling mud is seldom the same as the chemical
drilling and completion techniques are beyond the composition of the ground water in the area. The
control of the hydrologist, the effect on log response contrast between the electrical conductivity of the
can be decreased by careful selection of probes. An fluid in the borehole and in the adjacent rocks will
understanding of borehole effects will decrease errors determine the magnitude and direction of deflection

on a spontaneous-potential log. Invasion by drilling sufficiently to cause anomalous log response. For this
fluids may change the electrical conductivity of the reason drilling must be planned to minimize changesin
pore water and may decrease porosity and permeabil- borehole diameter, and high-resolution caliper logs
ity in the vicinity of the borehole. Drilling muds should be made to detect such changes. For purposes
frequently are thinned and circulated prior to logging of log interpretation, borehole-diameter changes are
to reduce density and resistivity contrasts. If this is subdivided into those caused by bit size, where only
done, the tendency for caving may increase, so logging the average diameter is affected, and thin intervals of
must proceed rapidly. considerable rugosity, or roughness, caused by a
Hydraulic fractures can be induced in consolidated combination of drilling technique and lithology. Most
or crystalline rocks by excessive hydrostatic pressure logs can be corrected for average borehole diameter,
during drilling. Drilling-induced fractures commonly but logs made in thin zones of different diameter are
are observed on acoustic-televiewer logs; these frac- difficult to correct.
tures not only may affect log response, but also may A high-resolution caliper probe may enable detec-
increase vertical permeability. The circulation of air tion of mud cake or mud rings that are thick enough to
during air-rotary drilling tends to remove moisture cause a significant error in log response. Mud rings
from the material adjacent to the borehole; thus it commonly are the result of clay being extruded into
affects the response of logs that provide data on the borehole; these rings may cause logging probes to
porosity and moisture content. The character of the get stuck. Mud rings can gradually increase in size,
drilling fluids in and adjacent to the borehole affects even after drilling has been terminated, and they
the response of most logs; the character of the fluids eventually may close the borehole.
must be considered when planning the logging opera- Drilling technique can have a major effect on vari-
tion and interpreting the logs. ations in borehole diameter. The difference in bore-
It is beyond the scope of this manual to describe the hole diameter between a rotary-drilled borehole and a
various drilling techniques and how they might be nearby core hole in an area where the sedimentary
modified to provide the best logs or the most produc- rocks change very little laterally is shown in figure 20.
tive well. A companion report in this series by Shuter The first rotary hole was drilled rapidly to minimize
and Teasdale (19139)contains an excellent description borehole-diameter changes. The second borehole was
of drilling and sampling techniques used in water- drilled very slowly, with considerable circulation of
resources investigations; it should be consulted before drilling mud to maximize core recovery. Core recov-
planning a drilling and logging program. ery was almost 100 percent from the well-cemented
One technique that is available for determining the mudstone and sandstone, anhydrite, and dolomite.
extent of alteration of properties of rock and fluid The drilling and coring procedure caused considerable
adjacent to a borehole is the use of different spacings variations in borehole diameter, partly because of
between the source and detector in acoustic or nuclear solution of halite cement and veins during the lengthy
probes or between electrodes in resistivity probes. drilling process, which included numerous trips with
Longer spacing usually increases the size of the vol- the core barrel. The core hole produced some poor
ume of investigation or increases the percentage of the quality logs; an example is discussed in the section on
signal that is derived from material farther from the gamma-gamma logging. Although increases in bore-
borehole. Logs made with focused-resistivity devices hole diameter occurred at the same depth in both drill
and induction logs are less affected by near-borehole holes, the range of diameter was much greater in the
conditions than are commonly used normal-resistivity core hole. Stratigraphic correlation in this area can be
logs. Comparison of a log that measures material close done with caliper logs because borehole-diameter
to the borehole, such as a microresistivity log, with a changes are related to rock type. The very prominent
log that measures properties deeper in the formation, log deflections just above 200 ft reflect the solution of
such as a focused-resistivity log, will indicate the halite veins. The very rugose interval below 300 ft
depth of invasion that has taken place. probably is the result of thin-bedded layers of anhy-
drite and mudstone.
Borehole diameter Better logs generally are obtained from smaller
diameter boreholes. However, the chance of having a
Although many logs are termed “borehole compen- probe stick in a borehole generally is decreased if the
sated” or “borehole corrected,” almost all logs are probe does not fit the borehole too tightly. Centered
affected to some degree by substantial changes in and decentralized logging tools yield different
borehole diameter. All boreholes, except those drilled responses; many tools are intentionally decentralized
in well-consolidated or crystalline rocks, have thin to decrease variations in response caused by changes
intervals where borehole diameter exceeds bit size in the distance of the probe from the borehole wall.


Slowly drilled
core hole

- - 7==-
7--- -
I ,2 , I I I I I I I
4 5 6 7 9 610 11 12 13 14
Figure 20.-Effect of drilling technique on borehole diameter. The boreholes are
close together in an area of persistent lithology, Upper Brazos River basin,

Almost all boreholes become deviated from the verti- probes are assumed to be traveling along the wall of
cal as depth increases; drilling procedure has a major the borehole most of the time. Forced decentralization
effect on that deviation. Because of deviation, logging likely decreases periodic departure from the borehole

wall caused by rugosity, or by changes in direction of in interpreting logs that might provide information on
deviation of the lborehole. the rock behind the casing. For most wells, nuclear
Charts in commercial log-analysis handbooks permit logs are the only type that will receive a signal from
correction for diameter of the borehole, but correc- outside the casing, gravel pack, and cement, although
tions for rugosity or rapid variations caused by either acoustic logs are a possible source of such information
lithologic changes or by drilling techniques are if the cement is properly bonded to the casing and to
extremely difficult. The correction charts usually the wall rock. In general, the thinner and more
refer to average drilled diameter, not the diameter of uniform the material between the logging probe and
a short, irregular interval, as measured by a caliper the rock that is to be measured, the better the results.
log. Many borehole-compensated probes employ two Nuclear logs can provide data about the materials
detectors at different distances from the source of the behind the casing, but thinner casing of uniform
signal, and the log is based on the ratio of output from thickness will produce better results. Changes in
these detectors. In theory, the different lengths of the casing thickness, such as threaded couplings, will
paths traveled to these detectors allow cancellation of produce anomalies on gamma-gamma logs. Two
the effect of near-borehole cavities or washouts. The strings of casing decrease the magnitude of the signal
short-spaced detector is supposed to be affected by from the rocks penetrated. Usually, each string of
the cavity; the far-spaced detector is not. The useful- casing will cause an offset in log response that can be
ness of such techniques under a variety of borehole used to locate the bottom of one string of casing
conditions is questionable. outside another. The composition of the casing is less
From the standpoint of quantitative log analysis, important than its thickness and uniformity; neutron
the,best procedure is to eliminate from consideration logs will detect changes in rock character through
those depth intervals that have borehole-diameter plastic casing in spite of its considerable hydrogen
changes that would substantially affect the logs. It is content, just as gamma-gamma logs will detect
possible that this’ method could eliminate one lithol- changes through thick steel casing. Such changes may
ogy, such as salt or swelling clay. Determining the represent a small part of the total signal received by a
significance of borehole-diameter changes might be probe; uniform casing will represent a uniform back-
done in several ways. Data from a specific probe may ground to this signal. Accurate information on casing
indicate the expected magnitude of the response of the location and character are prerequisite to any useful
log to changes in borehole diameter. If the log being interpretation of through-the-casing logs.
analyzed shows (deflections that closely match the Cement and gravel pack present similar difficulties
intervals where the caliper log shows borehole- in the analysis of logs in terms of rock character.
diameter changes, those intervals can be eliminated Uniformity in thickness and in physical properties is
from quantitative analysis. Although such borehole- important but more difficult to attain than for casing.
diameter changes might be caused by a different Varying borehole diameter causes one boundary of
lithology, log response caused by differences in lithol- this annular material to be indefinite, unless a precom-
ogy is very difficult to separate from that caused by an pletion caliper log is available. Gravel pack tends to be
increase in borehole diameter. Also, not all borehole- nonuniform, as does most fill material behind the
diameter changes are caused by drilling. Solution casing, because it usually includes materials slumped
openings, open fractures, and vesicles can exist at from the borehole wall. Gamma logs can be misleading
great depths, and they are an intrinsic part of the rock if made through gravel pack derived from radioactive
fabric to be considered during log analysis. An acous- granitic rocks. Similarly, neutron logs made to meas-
tic televiewer can be particularly useful in distinguish- ure moisture content through casing may give inaccu-
ing such primary features from drilling-induced bore- rate results for many months after cementing,
hole enlargements. Borehole-diameter changesbehind becauseof moisture changes as the cement cures. Dry
casing have a considerable, but undetermined, effect sand is probably a better backfill material for test
on through-the-casing logs. Thus, a caliper log should holes if neutron logging will be important. Backfill
be made before casing is installed, if possible. problems and solutions have been described by Keys
and Brown (19’71)and Brown and Keys (1985).
Well construction
Casing, cement., and gravel pack have substantial Geometric Effects
effects on log character. Some logs are designed
specifically to provide information on the location and Geometric effects are produced on logs by varia-
character of easing and cement. These logs, described tions in the relationship between the volume of inves-
in the section on well-construction logging, are useful tigation of a logging probe and the borehole and

intersected rocks. The volume of investigation must feet for ultralong-spaced probes. Thus spacing should
be considered in log analysis, becauseit has a substan- be considered when designing the logging program
tial effect on response to borehole characteristics and and interpreting the logs.
to beds of varying thickness. Techniques for logging the material between two
boreholes can decrease borehole effects. These cross-
Volume of investigation hole, or transmittance, logging techniques are exper-
imental; they have relatively limited vertical resolu-
The volume of investigation is defined, for the tion, but they may be advantageous under some
purposes of this manual, as that part of the borehole conditions. Both gamma-gamma and neutron trans-
and surrounding rocks that contributes 90 percent of mittance logs have been used by the U.S. Geological
the signal that is recorded on a log. The radius of Survey between boreholes located several feet apart
investigation is the distance from the sensor to the (Keys and Brown, 1971). One of the limitations of this
go-percent boundary. One should not infer from these technique is the difficulty of drilling two boreholes
definitions that the volume of investigation is spheri- that are straight and parallel.
cal or that the boundary is distinct. Instead, a gradual
decrease in contribution to the signal occurs. The size Bed thickness
and shape of the volume of investigation changes in
response to varying borehole conditions and to the Bed-thickness effects on log response can be best
physical properties and geometry of boundaries in the explained using the concept of volume of investigatipn
rock matrix. The effect of changes in porosity and bed and its relation to source-to-detector spacing. If a bed
thickness on the volume of investigation of a neutron is thinner than the vertical dimension of the volume of
probe are described in the section on neutron logging. investigation or thinner than the source-to-detector
Not only do the size and shape of the volume of spacing, the log seldom provides accurate measure-
material measured by the probe change, but the ment of the thickness or physical properties of that
porosity and bed-thickness values derived from the bed because, under these conditions, the volume of
log are affected. In the case of neutron logs, the radius investigation includes some of the adjacent beds, so
of investigation is shorter in saturated porous rocks. that the signal recorded on a log is an average .of
In contrast, gamma and gamma-gamma logs have a several lithologic units. A radiation detector will begin
longer radius of investigation in more porous (less to receive some data from a bed before it is opposite
dense) rocks than in less porous (more dense) rocks. If the bed. When the detector is centered on the contact
the drill hole penetrates a series of thin beds having between two beds of sufficient thickness, half of the
different properties, the volume of investigation has signal will be derived from one unit, and half from the
an irregular shape, which is defined by those proper- other; selection of contacts at one-half amplitude for
ties. nuclear logs is based on this fact. If a nuclear log or
The borehole also can affect the size and shape of other slow-responding log is recorded too fast, con-
the volume of investigation. For example, a resistivity tacts will be difficult to pick and apparently will be
log made in a well filled with very saline water or displaced. If a bed is too thin with respect to the probe
brine may provide little information on surrounding spacing, it may not cause any response on the log; this
rocks that exhibit substantial resistivity becausemost becomes a problem at rapid logging speeds. Contacts
of the electrical current will flow through the bore- on some electric logs are picked at the inflection point
hole. Within the volume of investigation, for most where the slope of the curve changes.
logging systems, materials closest to the sensor have Some long-spaced resistivity logs, such as the 64-in
more effect than those farther away. The most signif- normal log commonly used on water-well logging
icant exception to this rule includes some resistivity equipment, display an anomalous response, called
probes, for which the zone of maximum influence is cratering or reversal, in thin beds. This effect is
located some distance from the pickup electrodes. discussed in more detail in the section on resistivity
Decentralized, side-collimated, dual-detector probes logging extraneous effects. Thin, resistive beds
commonly are called borehole compensated because between less resistive beds actually may be logged as
they may decrease the percentage of the total signal having a smaller resistivity than the adjacent rocks-a
coming from the borehole and the mud cake. In reversal. Most multielectrode logs will show reversals
general, longer spacing between the source of energy under some conditions and may provide erroneous 5
and the detector increases the radius of investigation data on bed thickness. A single-point-resistance log is
and decreases borehole effects, but also decreases valuable under these conditions because it never
resolution. The radius of investigation may vary from reverses and provides high resolution in thin beds.
fractions of an inch for short-spaced probes to tens of Thus, it is an excellent log for determining lithology,

Alternating- or
Probe control direct-current
modules or panels nntr,nr ct lnnl,PC

Analog and digital

depth system
meters Multichannel
feet analog recorder and cameras
Depth-limit alarms
Cable-tension alarms
Logging speed t

c I
Te>o;y;e A Magnetic-
Plotter Printer Disk drive

tape recorder
4 4 4 4 a


Figure 21.-A modern analog and digital logging system.

although it does not provide quantitative measure- digital logging system is shown in figure 21. The
ment of resistivity. A spontaneous-potential log may logger components shown in this diagram can be
provide useful data on bed contacts, but the log tends mixed or matched in the fashion of modern computer
to be featureless in many water wells. A high- systems. In this manual, logging-system components
resolution caliper log may provide unambiguous loca- are described in the following categories: probes,
tion of contacts in some kinds of lithology. cable and winch (including depth system), control
modules, and recording. Specific information on each
type of logging probe and ancillary equipment is
Logging Equipment included in the section on that type of log. Other
related information is discussed in the sections on
A thorough understanding of the theory and princi- planning the logging operation, quality control, and
ples of operation of logging equipment is essential for calibration and standardization.
both equipment operators and log analysts. Equip-
ment operators need to know enough about how each Probes
logging system works to be able to recognize and
correct problems at the well site and to select the Logging probes, also called sondes or tools, enclose
proper equipment configuration for each new logging the sensors, sources, electronics for transmitting and
environment. Log analysts need to be able to recog- receiving signals, and power supplies. The probes are
nize, by looking at the logs, logging-system malfunc- connected to the cable by a cable head screwed onto
tions and improperly recorded logs. The maximum the top of the probe. Most probes are made of stainless
benefit usually is derived from a logging operation in steel or other noncorroding materials. Electric-
which operators and analysts work together in the logging probes commonly have lead electrodes; acous-
logging truck to select the most effective adjustments tic probes incorporate rubber and plastic materials for
for each log and to obtain more detailed logs on acoustic isolation and transmission. Probes vary in
sections of interest. diameter from less than 1 in to more than 4 in. The
A logging system can be subdivided into sub- standard size used in most oil-well operations is 3% in;
systems or components to simplify the description. A most probes used in ground-water studies are smaller.
schematic block diagram of a modern analog and Lengths vary from about 2 to 30 ft or more; weight

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