انشائات السادس الاعداي✍️

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‫ملزمة االنشائات‬

‫لسادس االعدادي(العلمي_االدبي)‬
‫مع تمنياتي لكم بل موفقيه والنجاح‬
‫‪@SIXTH55‬‬ ‫علي عادل‪.‬‬

G) Write 100 to 120 words on this topic :Cigarette advertising should be illegal

Cigarette advertising is a very important subject which I would likre to Write about in the following few lines.

Smoking is a main reason for many diseases such as canser, heart diseases as well as death. So many people die
because of Smoking every day.

The problem is that we see cigarette advertisements on Tv, or on the walls of the buildings. It gives a bad message ti
young and the children.

Young people are easily influencced by cigarette advertisements and adults who smoke in public set abad example
to children and teenagers. Therefore this bad habit is common among people. Moreover, it is very dangerous.

Finally, I think that Cigarette advertising is a really important subject and I hope we have discussed it well

. ‫علي عادل‬:️✍


Ahmed wanted to be security guard. He is meeting the manager of the security company tomorrow morning at
9:00. It takes thirty minutes to go from his house to the security company The manager sent him directions. Write a
letter to Ahmed of 100 to 120 words gives him advice on how to get a job. Use (should or shouldn't) in your letter at
leeast five times

Security guard

Dear, Ahmed

I will give you some advices to help you if you want to get a job you had better follow them as possible as you can.

You should be on time for the interview. When the manager aske you some questions, yoi should answer and give
some examples. Then he well discover your skills. Try to tell him what you know about the company. Your clothes
should be good, because they depend on the first look in the interview. You should tell stories about your success.
You should be relax and calm to say 'Thank you' after a job interview.

Finally, I hope I gave you some ideas and advices that you need and help you in your important subject.

Best wishes


Unit 3/ Write 100 to 120 words on the advantages of studying English in Britain

Studying English ib Britain.

Studying English in Britain is very important topic I which I would like to Write about in the following few lines.

Studying English in Britain has many advantages. First, you can hear people speaking English all day in many

Then, you have many chances to practice speaking, especially if you stay with a British. After that you may make
friends and chat, suggest and give opinions.

This experience will help you to improve your English skills especially specially speaking and listening, and you can
read English magazines, newspapers and advertisements that can help you to improve your reading and Writing

Finally, I think that studying English in Britain is really important subject and I hope we have discussed it well

Unit 5/ Write a short for a travel magazine of 100 to 120 words on “A wonderful holiday I have had”

A wonderful holiday I have had

My brother and I have recently returned from a wonderful holiday in Turkey.
It was a package deal. We got ther by plane from Baghdad Airport. The flight
was short, only 30 minutes. It was great. From Istanbul Airport, we were taken
to a five-star hotel. The hotel was luxurious and overlooked the beach. It was set
in an attractive garden with a swimming pool, tennis courts and gyms.The food was
delicios and the weather was really peaceful. We have done many things since we
arrived. The first morning, we went fishing on a beautiful lake. Then we went to the
covered market and bought nice clothes. The next day we went to a very interesting
mosque called sultan Ahmed Mosque. It was really unforgotten holiday.

Unit 5 /Write a short article for a travel magazine of 100 to 120 words on “Advices to tourists in Iraq”

.“Advices to tourists in Iraq

I will give you some advices to help you if you want to visit Iraq you had
better follow them as possible as you can.
You should keep in mind that Iraq has many places to see. First of all, there
Are a lot of historical places such as Ur city and Babylon city, and you should
Enjoy the beautiful views in the north of Iraq where the beautiful nature.
In addition, do not forget to have adelicious Iraqi food.In my opinions,
agood journey demands that you have a camera to keep your memories
about the nice places
Finally, I hope I gave you some ideas and advices that you need and help you in your
important subject

Unit 6/ Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your
statement tha you didn’t. Write 100 to 120 words

A letter of complaint to a bank

Dear, Mr, Zeki
Firstly, I am one of your customers. I would likre to inform you that there was a problem
Faced me yesterday. I opened my account in your bank rwo months ago. I went to bank to
Check my balance and to make a deposit of one million Iraqi dinars. I discovered that there
Was abig mistake in my account. The statement showed that there was some money had
been withdrawan from my account. Idid not do that in cash or using my ATM card.
Finally, Ienclose all required details with this letter. Iam waiting for a solution for this
problem. Would you places let me know more details soon?

Yours sincerely

Unit 7/ Write a short essay giving opining about this statement :studying while working is
Worth the hard work. You essay should have a short introduction and conclusion
Remember to use linking words and phrases. You should Write 100 to 120 words.

Studying while working

Studying while working is very important topic, which I would like to Write about in the
following few lines.
It is possible to work while studying. Bothe tasks are important and required attention.
Of course, there are some troubles to do that from finishing school more quickly to
amintaining your job. You will struggle to keep up with them both. This struggle can take
Many froms. It is difficult to balance both tasks at the same time. Studying while working
At the same time is hard, but the aim of improving your life is worth all the hard work
Finally, I think that studying while working is a really important subject and I hope we have
discussed it well

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