PET Vocab 1 Key

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Gökçe Özel, PET vocab 1 key | March 2020

PET vocab 1 key

Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Watch out for the TENSES.

forecast declare fetch curriculum

complain confirm fold consist
accurate due expect accept

1. He decided to accept their offer.

2. Information about the illness should be accurate.

3. People should avoid social contact in these days.

4. That customer came back to complain.

5. We need to confirm our reservation.

6. The Beatles consisted of four musicians.

7. Many teachers continue to follow curriculum online.

8. Germany declared war on many countries in World War II.

9. The next train is due in 10 minutes.

10. We expect the holiday to be longer.

11. The dog likes to fetch the ball in the garden.

12. You should fold the paper if you want to make a ship.

13. The weather forecast will be live on TV soon.

forecast (n) = tahmin confirm (v) = doğrulamak

complain (v) = şikayet etmek fold (v) = katlamak
accurate (adj) = doğru expect (v) = ummak, beklemek
declare (v) = ilan etmek curriculum (n) = ders programı
due (in) (adj) = kalan süre consist (v) = oluşmak
fetch (v) = getirmek accept (v) = kabul etmek
avoid (v) = kaçınmak

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