Moon Centers

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Fran a Lecture by Yogi Bhajan

There are eleven sites of the moon on a woman, through

which the moon moves in a 28 day cycle, spending 2';' days
at each center. The sequence varies with each woman, and
it does not coincide with her menstrual or zodiacal moon
cycle. It is different with each woman but the sequence
remains constant in any individual woman except in the
case of an emotional shock which does change it. It can
be predicted and known only by observation. A woman can
always feel it if she just concentrates with sensitivity.
A man can also learn her cycles with sensitive observation.
(The male's moon center is in the chin, just as is. the
woman's center, but because of his hair, there, he is more
steady and not as changeable as.a woman.)
In terms of sensi tivi ty, the most important is the
hair line and then the cheeks, where they are pink. Third
is the lips, then the sun spot on the ear lobes, the back
of the neck, breasts, belly button area (or the correspond­
'ing area on the spine), the inner thigh, eyebrows, clitoris
and the membrane in the vagine.
To understand a woman's emotional fluctuations, it
is necessary to understand the moon center cycle, as her
mood changes wi th her moon changes. In the lower organs
or in the thighs, she is very confirmative and wants to
substantiate everything. When it is in the clitoris or
vagina, she is eager to socialize, is out-going, charming
and talkative. She is· most insecure when it is in the
navel or spine opposite it, but when it is in her breasts,
she is compassionate and giving to the extent of foolishness
At the back of the neck she is very romantic, and at such
a time, one little flower or gesture can make her nuts.
When it is around the cheeks is a dangerous time and she
is almost out of control. About the eyebrows, she is imag­
inative, illusionary and all you have to do is trace the
brow and she falls right over. At the earlobes, she dis­
cusses values. When it is in the hairline, she is intrac­
table so that nothing can move her an inch. The hairline
is close to the arcline, her halo, so a woman is most real
when her moon is in the hairline.


Fran a Iecture by Yogi Bhajan

Hairline - nothing

can nove you ---------.J O1eeks -­

out of control
Eyebrows - imaginary, -"
illusionary _....J~~--J
~ rJ---rJ--- Ear Lobes - discuss values
Lips ..\.

Qlin - stationary Back of Neck ­

rcmantic carmunication

Breasts - ccmpassionate ,_""""'....


Navel (or corresponding_ _~..."."----'..

point on spine) - insecure

r-------r-__ Irmer Membrane of­

- vagina - socializing

Irmer 'lhiqh ~ - - - -.....~


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