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Received: 23 April 2019

DOI: 10.1002/mop.31958


Design of MIMO antenna 1 | INTRODUCTION

to interference inherent for The ultra wide band (UWB) system has drawn more the
attention of academicians and researchers from the last
ultra wide band systems decades due to the advantages of wide bandwidth, high rate
of data transmission and commercial application of lower
using defected ground power density spectrum. Concurrently, UWB technology in
structure the past decade has developed quickly owing to its better fea-
tures at lower power consumption suchlike as transmitting
higher data rates. Still, like other wireless data communica-
K Vasu Babu1 | Bhuma Anuradha2 tion systems, UWB also suffers the problem of multipath fad-
ing. To achieve combat multipath fading as well as higher
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, data rates, the combination of MIMO and UWB offers an
Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, efficient solution. For UWB communication allocated the
Andhra Pradesh, India radio spectrum of unlicensed band from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz allo-
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, cated by FCC in 2002. In the recent years, with the increase
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh, India of home digital entertainment and smart home wireless tech-
Correspondence nology with 1 Gb/s has attracted higher transmission rate and
K Vasu Babu, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, widespread attention. A MIMO slot antenna having dual
Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Guntur, notch band characteristics with Y-shaped DGS for several
Andhra Pradesh, India. UWB applications1 produces S21 ≥ −15 dB and S11 =
−12 dB is observed. A compact UWB MIMO antenna hav-
ing an 18 × 34 mm occupied area with range of frequency
Abstract 2.93 to 20 GHz produced dual-band characteristics of S12 less
A compact monopole ultra wide band (UWB) antenna than −22 dB and also obtained TARC, ECC, MEG.2 A slot
is analyzed and described with defect in ground plane. antenna with compact CPW3 produced band-notch character-
By introducing four arcs at the edges of square patch is istics occupied 40 × 40 × 0.8 mm3 produces isolation greater
achieved an UWB antenna ranging from 3.1 to 10 GHz. than −15 dB. In References 4-6 different MIMO antennas
Arranging the antenna elements in close proximity of with a compact sizes designed in the applications of UWB. A
spatial diversity is introduced without establishing the diversity slot MIMO antenna has a compact size of
strong mutual coupling. The measured IBW’s (imped- 18 × 36 mm2 with S12 < −20 dB in the operating frequency
ance bandwidth’s) are 3.0 to 4.0 GHz (1000 MHz), 5.6 of 2.9 to 20 GHz.7 The frequency between the 3.0 to 12 GHz
to 4.3 GHz (1300 MHz), and 9.5 to 8.4 GHz with an area of 23 × 29 mm whose isolation is ≤ −15 dB in
(1100 MHz) occupied the bandwidth from 2.0 to Reference 8 for a compact enabled CSRR UWB system. An
10.0 GHz which covers Bluetooth, WLAN, and ultra isolation technique foe mu-negative filter based metamaterial
wideband for VSWR ≤2. The average value of the gain with an occupied size of 45.5 × 42 mm2 which maintained
in antenna is 5.04 dBi with a small variation of 1.20 S12 < −15 dB for analysis of MIMO systems. Using meander
dBi for the whole entire IBW. This antenna shows bet- line resonator10 the edge-to-edge spacing is maintained of
ter radiation patterns like an omnidirectional with a nar- 0.056λ and center-to-center distance is also maintained 0.28λ
row compact size having an area of 2100 mm2 at the resonant frequency is 2.8 GHz. In References 11-14
(60 × 35 mm) and spacing between the two square pat- dielectric absorber with metamaterial integrated structure for
ches is 0.05 λ0. radar cross section, compact printed slot antenna, UWB-
MIMO radiator and using the technique of random rotation
KEYWORDS of elements with a compact sizes maintained the isolation
envelope correlation coefficient, group delay, impedance bandwidth, S12 < −15 dB observed. An antenna occupies a size of 32 ×
peak gain, ultra wide band antenna 32 mm2 15 maintained ECC is ≤2 for UWB applications
ranges 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. A UWB dual-polarized diversity

Microw Opt Technol Lett. 2019;1–11. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1

TABLE 1 Comparison with previous methods

Ref. Size (mm2) S11(dB) S12(dB) Ports Peak gain (dBi) ECC fL-fH (GHz)
Zhu et al 1
80 × 40 −12 −22.4 2 3.4 <0.03 3.5-10.6
Chandel et al 2
18 × 34 −25 −22 2 3.7 <0.5 2.9–20
Jafri et al 5
40 × 37.5 −18 −26 2 2.7 0.05 3.1–10.6
Kang et al 6
38.5 × 38.5 −36 −22 2 5.4 <0.02 3.0-11.8
Chandel and Gautam7 18 × 36 −40 −29 2 3.7 <0.012 2.9–20
Khan et al 8
23 × 29 −17 −31 2 3.6 <0.027 3.0–12
Thummaluru and Chaudhary 9
45.5 × 42 −25 −32 2 4.7 <0.015 3.0–10.0
Ghosh et al 10
78 × 60 −21 −24 2 3.3 <0.07 2.8-10.0
Zhang et al 13
26 × 26 −35 −30 2 4.2 0.09 3.1–10.6
Hu et al 15
32 × 32 −15 −25 2 2.9 <0.04 3.1–10.6
Srivastava and Mohan 16
27 × 28 −20 −16 2 3.75 <0.002 3.3-8.9
Liu et al 19
55 × 58 −37 −35 2 3.67 <0.2 3.1–10.6
Deng et al20 30 × 40 −20 −52 2 2.98 <0.15 3.1–10.6
Tang et al 23
39 × 39 −28 −22 4 4.5 <0.02 2.3-13.75
Proposed system 60 × 35 −23.73 −16.53 2 3.3 <0.04 3.0–4.0
−27.43 −18.17 4.4 <0.02 4.3-5.6
−19.87 −17.95 5.04 <0.01 8.4-9.5

antenna16 having channel capacity loss is 0.4 bits/s/Hz and higher than 9.95 dB with minimum isolation greater than
ECC less than 0.5 is observed an area occupied by the 16 dB. In the present design a compact size of overall area
antenna 27 × 28 mm which maintained S12 < −16 dB is has 2100 mm2 (60 × 35 mm) with height is 0.8 mm. It is
observed. For broadband reduction of mutual coupling interesting to observe that all the previous designs focused on
between the UWB monopoles and a miniaturized dual-layer design of MIMO antenna in the applications of UWB region
structure of EBG is designed17 with an antenna size is but fails to explain the issue of interference inherent to UWB
60 × 50 mm2 from 3.0 to 6.0 GHz maintained an isolation systems effect due to satellite bands and WLAN. This paper
< −13 dB is attained. A fractal defected ground structure addresses these problems without disturbing the UWB per-
(DGS) is considered to reducing the mutual coupling18 with formance of the antenna. Moreover, in the proposed work
a size of 180 × 70 mm2 having edge-to-edge spacing is λ0/25 introducing the effect in the ground plane enhanced port
produced a S11 is −40 dB and S21 is −21 dB. In References mutual coupling is achieved. The novelty in the proposed
19,20 MIMO compact antenna for portable devices and design have insight the comparison work of recently reported
UWB antenna for high isolation is achieved with a compact with our work listed in Table 1. The significance of Table 1
sizes operated from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz maintained a greater iso- is the MIMO antenna parameters like transmission coefficient
lation is around −52 dB at a frequency of 4.0 GHz. A com-
(S12), peak gain, reflection coefficient (S11), and geometry of
pact size of 40 × 40 mm2 21 having a double sided design
the proposed structure better than the literature designed
antenna ranges from 4.0 to 11.0 GHz whose isolation less
structures. The rest of the paper describes methodology of
than −20 dB with a peak gain of 4 dBi is observed. A Tee
antenna design in Section 2 followed by results and their dis-
crossed structure diversity antenna with microstrip fed having
cussion in Section 3. Finally, Section 4 is concluded the
a 32.6 × 46 ranges 1.8 to 12 GHz with S21 < −15 dB
observed and ECC is less than 0.2 observed in Reference 22.
A compact UWB structure MIMO antenna occupied by
39 × 39 mm2 ranging from 2.3 to 13.75 GHz produced a 2 | ANTENNA DESIGN
gain of 4.6 dBi observed in Reference 23. A compact struc-
ture of 40 × 40 mm designed antenna ranging from 3.18– to
2.1 | The antenna configuration
11.50 GHz having an efficiency more than 85% at the reso-
nant band of frequencies mentioned in Reference 24 pro-
duced isolation greater than −30 dB. In Reference 25, the The proposed dimension of MIMO radiator is illustrated at
MIMO antenna ranging from 3.1 to 12.5 GHz which a occu- Figures 1 and 2. Its front view and back view of the design.
pied geometry of 29 × 32 mm produced a diversity gain Figure 1 shows has two similar radiating elements consist a

two ground planes arranged side by side at the backside of

the ground plane. The overall area of dimensions only
60 × 35 mm = 2100 mm2 or 0.55 × 0.95λ0, where λ0 repre-
sents the free space wavelength. The proposed antenna is
designed a rectangular shape (W × L) and cut a half circles
on all the edges of the patches on MIMO structure with rep-
resented a parameters of r1, r2, r3, and r4. The ground plane
of the antenna cutting on backside of the patch with a half
circle to two similar radiating patches. Furthermore, it is
slightly modified in the ground plane cutting a semi-arc
shape on both sides of the patches depicted in Figure 2. The
F I G U R E 1 UWB design using defected ground structure UWB MIMO radiator is fabricated with FR4 lossy substrate
front view [Color figure can be viewed at] having thickness 1.6 mm, dielectric loss-tangent 0.02 and
permittivity is 4.4. Table 2 shows the distinct parameters of
the proposed structure. The different geometries of step-by-
step analysis are depicted in Figure 3. In (antenna @ 1) a
square rectangular patch is considered then it operates at a
UWB range of frequencies (shown in Figure 4). At the sec-
ond stage (antenna @ 2) cutting half arc at the edge of the
patch right side of the top patch. Similarly at the antenna
stages of (antenna @ 3, antenna @ 4, and antenna @ 5). At
stage of antenna @ 5 developed proposed antenna structure
resembles that produce a single antenna and then at stage
6 (antenna @ 5) resembles the UWB antenna. Each the
stages observed MIMO antenna produces an UWB antenna
at three resonant frequencies form 3.0 to 10 GHz. From the
F I G U R E 2 UWB design using defected ground structure Figure 1 considered the length, width of the patches repre-
back view [Color figure can be viewed at] sent with L and W, LP and Wp represents the length, width of

TABLE 2 Design parameters dimensions of proposed structure of antenna

Parameters L W Lp Wp Ls Ws d r1 r2 r3 r4 hg rg hrg
Unit (mm) 35 60 25 25 6 3 5 2 2 2 2 12 1.8 23

Antenna @ 1 Antenna @ 2 Antenna @ 3 Antenna @ 4

Antenna @ 5 Antenna @ 6

FIGURE 3 Step-by-step analysis procedure to UWB design [Color figure can be viewed at]

FIGURE 4 Evolution stages of UWB antenna [Color figure can be viewed at]

FIGURE 5 Distances comparison of S11 UWB design [Color figure can be viewed at]

the square patches. Ls and Ws indicates the length, width of antenna effectively. This design provides strong resonant
the strip assigned to the patch and r1, r2, r3, and r4 indicates bands when the strip is located near the feeding line. It is
the cutting the semi arcs on the both the patches of similar noticed that the important parameter to reducing the mutual
radiating antennas with a radius of 2 mm. From Figure 2 rep- coupling (S12) between the two isolated radiators by chang-
resents the back view of the proposed structure having defect ing the distances d = 2 mm to d = 3.5 mm at different
in ground plane considered with a parameters hg and hrg are approaches is depicted in Figures 5 and 6. The distance at
12 and 23 mm. In the ground plane at the strip of the design d = 2 mm for the design parameters of S11 is equal to around
in back side cutting a small arc has a radius of 1.8 mm on −29 dB and S12 is −16 dB, the second case consider the dis-
both the radiating patches. tance at d = 2.5 mm for the design parameters of S11 is equal
to around −70 dB and S12 is −18 dB, the third case consider
the distance at d = 2.8 mm for the design parameters of S11
2.2 | Performance of ground plane effect
is equal to around −50 dB and S12 is −20 dB, the fourth case
The effect of ground plane plays a remarkable role in consider the distance at d = 3.1 mm for the design parame-
prescribed UWB MIMO analysis of radiator. The antenna ters of S11 is equal to around −45 dB and S12 is −32 dB, the
not only used for good impedance matching, but also fifth case consider the distance at d = 3.3 mm for the design
used for better enhancing the parameter of isolation parameters of S11 is equal to around −49 dB and S12 is
between radiating patches. As the antenna elements of −35 dB, finally consider the distance at d = 3.5 mm for the
both are identical then S11 and S12 is equal to the S22 and design parameters of S11 is equal to around −41 dB and S12
S21. By cutting the ground plane at the strip of the square is −29 dB. These are different parametric analysis observed
patch on both sides of isolate ports that influences the for reduction of mutual coupling in the UWB design.
change of the parameter S12 greatly minimizes the inter- To determine the characteristics of wideband and com-
ference between the patches. pactness of MIMO design antenna, the parameter bandwidth
dimension ratio (BDR) is evaluated by Equation (1).
2.3 | Parametric analysis %Bandwidth
BDR = ð1Þ
A parametric report was considered out which explains the λlength × λwidth
effect of performance of various parameters of UWB printed Where λ = operating frequency at lower side.

FIGURE 6 Distances comparison of S12 UWB design [Color figure can be viewed at]

Front-view of the design Back-view of the design

(A) (B)

FIGURE 7 Fabricated UWB design [Color figure can be viewed at]

FIGURE 8 S-parameters of UWB design comparison [Color figure can be viewed at]

The designed MIMO structure having a BDR maintains Table 2. The designed structure prototype S-parameters are
2100, which recognize its compactness. measured using Agilent N5234A PNA-L. In this case, a com-
pact UWB antenna results in a tri-band characteristics pres-
ented here. Figure 8 demonstrates the measured as well as
3 | RESULTS AND DISCUSSION simulated curves as a function of its frequency, where a good
compatibility between the measured and simulated results are
identified. Measured IBW’s of proposed structure from 3.0 to
3.1 | The impedance performance
10.0 GHz, for the case of VSWR < 2 with tri-band in the
The fabricated designed structure is depicted in Figure 7. range of frequencies of 3.0 to 4.0 GHz, 4.34 to 5.07 GHz,
After performed the various studies of parametric analysis the and 8.20 to 9.75 GHz, for remaining cases VSWR > 2. Due
proposed structure parameters are finalized and then listed in to the arrangement of SMA connectors at the feeds point and

FIGURE 9 VSWR of UWB design [Color figure can be viewed at]

3.5 GHz port 1 excited 3.5 GHz port 2 is excited

(A) (B)

4.8 GHz port 1 is excited 9.0 GHz port 2 is excited

(C) (D)
FIGURE 10 Surface current distribution at 3.5, 4.8, and 9.0 GHz [Color figure can be viewed at]

FIGURE 11 UWB MIMO design impedance characteristics [Color figure can be viewed at]

measurement of parallax error in the observation a small vari-

ations is notified. Figure 9 shows the VSWR measurement of
proposed antenna. Figure 10 shows the distribution of surface
currents of proposed structure MIMO antenna at 3.5, 4.8, and
9 GHz when the first port means (port 1) is excited and sec-
ond port means (port 2) is terminated by a characteristic
impedance of 50 Ω. From Figure 10A. It is noticed that port
1 of the terminal is more excited than the antenna is disturb
into the feeding point as well as ground plane and is coupled
F I G U R E 1 2 UWB design group delay [Color figure can be to port 2, an increase in mutual coupling in the middle of the
viewed at] antennas over the entire bandwidth. From Figure 10B is also
noticed that distribution of surface current is maximum at

xz- plane yz-plane

co polarization simulated cross polarization simulated

co polarization measured cross polarization measured
FIGURE 13 Radiation patterns at 3.5, 4.8, and 9.0 GHz [Color figure can be viewed at]

feeding at the strip point when port 2 is excited. Similarly

at the frequencies of 4.8 GHz port 1 is excited and 9.0 GHz
port 2 is excited the distribution of surface currents are
maximum at that patch lower side of the ground plane as
well as feed points are depicted in Figure 10C,D. Figure 11
shows that triband resonant frequency characteristics are
easily understood from input impedance graph of the pro-
posed design structure. It is noticed that from the represen-
tation of impedance curve at resonant frequencies (3.5, 4.8,
and 9 GHz), the real component represents the resistive
component is too high and the imaginary component
F I G U R E 1 4 Realized gain of the proposed structure [Color figure noticed parallel resonance. The parallel resonant circuit
can be viewed at]
having parameters like resonant frequency and bandwidth
is evaluated using Equations (2) and (3) at different values
of Li, Ci, and Ri.
ω0 = pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; i = 1, 2, 3 ð2Þ
Li C i
BW = ; i = 1, 2, 3 ð3Þ
Ri C i

3.2 | Analysis of time-domain

F I G U R E 1 5 Radiation efficiency of proposed structure [Color When exciting two similar antennas placed in the region of
figure can be viewed at] far-field distance it’s corresponding to measure lowest fre-
quency in side by side and face to face orientation is called
the parameter group delay. In both of the orientation, the
first port (port 1) is excited and second port (port 2) is ter-
minated by a characteristic impedance of 50 Ω load. From
Figure 12, the parameter group delay is nearly constant at
both the orientations except the three resonant frequencies
is observed. For similar transmitting and receiving radiator
systems pulse fidelity factor (PFF) is evaluated side by
side and face to face additionally. To calculate PFF, the
factor correlation is evaluated between transmitting
antenna input signal at the input terminals and receiving
antenna at the output signal. If S1(t) indicates the input sig-
nal, S2(t) indicates the output signal are expressed in
F I G U R E 1 6 Radiation patterns at 3.5, 4.8, and 9.0 GHz [Color
figure can be viewed at] Equation (4)

FIGURE 17 Diversity gain of UWB MIMO design [Color figure can be viewed at]

(Ð )
s1 ðt Þs2 ðt − τÞdt characteristic impedance of 50 Ω. Peak gain of the design
ρ = max pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4Þ structure is around 5.04 dBi (simulated and measured com-
s21 ðt Þ s22 ðt Þ
parison) is depicted in Figure 14. From Figure 15 plotted the
measured and simulated efficiency are observed. It is noticed
Pulse preserving capability is better in both side by side that the entire operational bandwidth the efficiency is greater
orientation and face to face representation of transmitter- than around 78%. The measurement procedure for efficiency
receiver radiator system with the correlation factors are using directivity/gain method which gives the accurate effi-
0.7923 and 0.7523, respectively. ciency results. The antenna under test (AUT) is connected to
the SMA connector and attached to the ground plane with a
3.3 | The radiation characteristics width of 3 mm. Using Agilent 2-port connected PNA-L Net-
work Analyzer measured the input impedance of in free
UWB MIMO antenna radiations pattern are measured here space of AUT Zin. Next step is fixing the screws to the gro-
exciting port 1, port 2 terminated by a characteristic imped- und plane and attaching the cap measured the impedance of
ance 50 Ω. From Figure 13 radiations pattern are measured Zwc enclosed AUT using the Vector Network Analyzer.
at 3.5, 4.8, and 9.0 GHz are plotted and observed that stable Finally the ratio of real part differences of Zin and Zwc to the
radiation patterns throughout the entire band. When port 1 is real part of Zin got the radiation efficiency. It is noticed that
excited and port 2 is terminated a characteristic impedance there is an increase in the frequency cross-polarized magni-
50 Ω, the patterns are in yz-plane. While the radiation pat- tude is also increases because of horizontal components
terns in the xz-plane are observed while port 2 terminal is increases. Placing of monopoles with a proper placement
excited. The realized gain of the two antennas are almost maintaining λ/2 separation realized that the configuration of
identical due to the symmetry of the structure. In order to antenna structure reduces the mutual coupling.
measuring the realized gain of the antenna the terminal of
port 1 is excited and the terminal of port 2 terminated with 3.4 | Element rotation technique
The circular polarization is obtained in different ways for a
patch array antenna using a source of single feed, create an
asymmetry of the given patch, adding vias, producing a cham-
fer edges, and adding diagonal slot. In the case of dual feed-

ing sources the feed on phase rotated by 90 and used a
square patch. Slotting in a patch and truncating stubs also cre-
ate a circular polarization using element rotation technique.
At the corner edges of the square patch of the proposed design
all the four corners are truncated to achieve the good polariza-
tion and reduce the interference between the patches.

3.5 | The diversity characteristics

In order to evaluating the parameter of diversity performance
it dependence on the envelope correlation coefficient (ECC).
F I G U R E 1 8 Snapshot for measurement using VNA UWB MIMO This parameter gives channel isolation in wireless communi-
design [Color figure can be viewed at]
cations system. The ECC can be calculated by Equation (5)

TABLE 3 Advantages of proposed structure comparing to reported structures

S.No. Parameter (Advantages) Proposed Structure Reported Structures

1 Simplicity Easy to implement Complex structure12
2 Improved gain 5.04 dBi 3.84 dBi19
3 Compact size 60 × 35 mm 78 × 60 mm2 10
4 interference Less More18
5 Radiation efficiency 92% 78%15
6 Radiation patterns Stable Unstable8
7 Wireless ranges Used wireless ranges Not used in wireless ranges6
8 Impedance matching Better Good14

 ½E 1 ðθ,φÞ*E 2 ðθ, φÞdΩ
  The authors would like to acknowledge and convey their
ECC = Ð Ð 4π Ð Ð ð5Þ sincere thanks to Prof. Bratin Ghosh, of Indian Institute of
jE1 ðθ, φÞj2 dΩ jE 2 ðθ, φÞj2 dΩ
4π 4π Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, West Bengal, India for pro-
viding necessary facilities of measurement lab to complete
Where Ei(θ, φ) = complex 3-D radiated field pattern.
this research work.
The more generalized expression for measuring of corre-
lation coefficient using Equation (6)
 Ð Ð *  
 S S21 + S* S22  
 11 21  K Vasu Babu
ECC = h       i 
 1 − jS11 j2 + jS21 j2 1 − jS22 j2 + jS12 j2 
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How to cite this article: Babu K Vasu, Anuradha B.
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