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BJA Education, 21(3): 110e116 (2021)

doi: 10.1016/j.bjae.2020.11.006
Advance Access Publication Date: 14 January 2021

Matrix codes: 1A01,

2C07, 3C00

Management of acute liver failure in intensive care

R. Aziz1,*, J. Price2 and B. Agarwal2,3
NIHR ACF Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia, Bloomsbury Institute of Intensive Care Medicine,
University College London, London, UK, 2Royal Free Hospital, London, UK and 3Institute of Liver & Digestive
Health, UCL, London, UK
*Corresponding author:

Keywords: acute liver failure; intensive care medicine; update on management

Learning objectives Key points

By reading this article, you should be able to: ! Acute liver failure (ALF) is a rare but severe life-
! Recall the common aetiologies of acute liver fail- threatening emergency that warrants a multi-
ure (ALF) both in the UK and globally. disciplinary approach and early referral to a liver
! Describe the pathophysiology of ALF leading to transplantation centre.
multiorgan failure. ! Liver transplantation has significantly improved
! Formulate a clear management plan for patients outcomes from ALF.
with ALF. ! Transplant-free survival, particularly for ALF
caused by paracetamol overdose, has also
improved as a result of better organ system sup-
Acute liver failure (ALF) is a highly specific liver condition port measures.
characterised by a rapidly progressive life-threatening illness. ! The leading causes of ALF globally are hepatitis B
It is defined as the presence of coagulopathy (international and E, whereas in the UK paracetamol-induced
normalised ratio [INR] >1.5) and hepatic encephalopathy (HE) liver injury is the predominant aetiology.
in a patient with an otherwise healthy liver.1 Coagulopathy ! The incidence of intracranial hypertension (ICH)
alone, in the absence of HE, is termed acute liver injury (ALI), has been continuously decreasing over the years
which carries a much better prognosis. and it is no longer the leading cause of mortality
This is a rare illness with a rate of less than 10 cases per in patients with ALF.
million person years, and in severe cases is associated with
multi-organ failure and high mortality.2 The overall incidence
is declining worldwide because of better vaccination pro-
grammes for hepatitis B and fewer drug-related cases.3
Riaz Aziz FRCA MRCP DTM&H is a National Institute for Health
Emergency liver transplantation (LT) remains the definitive
Research (NIHR) academic clinical fellow in intensive care medicine
treatment for those progressing to severe disease.
and anaesthesia.
This is in contrast to acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF),
Jennifer Price BSc FRCA EDIC FFICM is a consultant in anaesthesia characterised by an acute decline in liver function in patients
and intensive care at the Royal Free Hospital. She has an interest in with pre-existing chronic liver disease (CLD). This can prog-
acute liver failure and is a Faculty tutor for FFICM. ress to extrahepatic organ failure and is associated with high
short-term mortality. Acute-on-chronic liver failure should be
Banwari Agarwal MD FRCA FRCP EDIC FFICM, is a consultant in
differentiated from ALF. Exceptions to this rule is de novo
intensive care at the Royal Free Hospital and an honorary associate
presentation of liver failure in patients with autoimmune
professor at the Institute of Liver & Digestive Health, University
hepatitis (AIH), BuddeChiari syndrome, or acute Wilson’s
College London. He has a special interest in critical care management
disease, in which the underlying chronic pathology would
of patients with liver failure including liver transplantation and
have previously gone undiagnosed and acute presentation
extracorporeal liver support systems and has more than 50 publi-
mimics the ALF phenotype.
cations in this area.

Accepted: 24 November 2020

© 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of British Journal of Anaesthesia.
For Permissions, please email:

Management of ALF in intensive care

Aetiology failure as the leading cause of death.7 The patient’s age (older
patients do less well), disease aetiology (pregnancy-related
The aetiology of ALF varies across the world, with viral in-
ALF has excellent transplant-free survival, whereas acute
fections being the common causes in the developing world
Wilson’s disease has very poor prognosis without trans-
and drug-induced liver injury (DILI) in developed settings.
plantation) and the speed of disease progression (Fig. 1) can
Paracetamol toxicity accounts for 50e70% of all cases of DILI,
provide prognostic determinants. HALF is associated with the
but since the UK restriction on purchasing there has been a
development of severe coagulopathy, higher grades of en-
43% reduction in deaths.3,4 In developing countries hepatitis B
cephalopathy, and greater incidence of ICH, and multiorgan
and E are responsible for the majority of cases of ALF, with a
dysfunction. However, offset is also rapid with excellent
predominance of hepatitis E in the Indian subcontinent.3
rates of transplant-free recovery. Conversely, SALF develops
Acute liver failure is also seen with hepatitis A, particularly
over a much longer period and is often associated with only
in some Asian and Mediterranean countries.5 The syndrome
modest increases in serum transaminases and mild coagul-
of ALF can be subclassified according to the time interval be-
opathy. These patients can present with splenomegaly, asci-
tween the onset of jaundice and the development of HE; hy-
tes, and shrinking liver volumes, mimicking cirrhosis, which
peracute ALF (HALF; HE within 7 days of developing jaundice),
can make the diagnosis challenging.1 Once HE develops in
ALF (HE within 8 and 28 days of developing jaundice), and
these patients, there is little chance of spontaneous recovery
subacute ALF (SALF; HE within 28 days and 12 weeks of
and the prognosis is very poor without transplantation.3
developing jaundice).6 This classification can sometimes
provide clues as to the potential underlying aetiology and
prognosis (Fig. 1). However, in up to 20% of the cases, despite
rigorous investigation, the cause of the ALF remains uniden-
tified and is referred to as indeterminate or cryptogenic.3 Acute liver failure is characterised by direct hepatocyte
damage, necrotic or apoptotic cell damage, and the develop-
ment of an immune response that is mediated through acti-
vated monocytes, macrophages, dendritic, cells and natural
Prognosis killer T cells. The cells express Toll-like receptors (TLRs) which
The outcomes from ALF have improved significantly over the recognise both pathogen-associated molecular patterns
past few decades in developed countries. This has been driven (PAMPs) from infectious causes, and damage-associated mo-
by parallel improvements in the understanding of disease lecular patterns (DAMPs) from non-infectious insults. This
pathophysiology, early referrals to specialist centres equipped results in a strong inflammatory response, both locally within
with a transplantation facility, better organ system support in the liver and systemically. Systemic inflammation contributes
ICU, and the availability of emergency LT, leading to improved to the development of extrahepatic manifestations and mul-
outcomes for those managed medically or receiving an LT.7 tiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS).8 This is similar to
Mode of death has also changed over time with intracranial the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) seen in
hypertension (ICH) replaced by sepsis and multiple organ sepsis, with an initial proinflammatory response causing

Hyperacute liver failure Acute liver failure Subacute liver failure

Drug/toxins Drug/toxins Drug/toxins
Viral Viral Seronegative hepatitis
Pregnancy-related Pregnancy-related Vascular
Vascular * Vascular* Other
Other Other

Timeframe from onset of jaundice to developing hepatic encephalopathy

< 7 Days 8–28 Days 29 Days–12 Weeks

Drugs/toxins: Paracetamol, chemotherapy, statins, carbamazepine, flucloxacillin,
antituberculosis drugs, ‘ecstasy’, phenytoin
Viral causes: Listed in Table 1
Pregnancy: Pre-eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, fatty liver of pregnancy,
Vascular: Hypoxic hepatitis, *Budd-Chiari syndrome
Other: Wilsons disease, malignancy, autoimmune, haemophagocytic
lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), heat stroke

Fig 1 Subclassification of acute liver failure (ALF) to aid in identifying underlying aetiology and possible prognostication.1,6 Adapted from Willars CWJ, Liver failure,
Oh’s Intensive Care Medicine Manual, 2013; 501e19. Reproduced with permission from Elsevier. HELLP, haemolysis, elevated liver enzyme, and low platelet levels.

BJA Education - Volume 21, Number 3, 2021 111

Management of ALF in intensive care

Table 1 Laboratory tests for patients presenting with ALF; the aim is to identify the hepatic and extrahepatic impact of ALF and the
underlying aetiology. ALF, acute liver failure; AKI, acute kidney injury; INR, international normalised ratio; HE, hepatic

Reasoning for test

Liver function test Aspartate aminotransferase Severity and presence of hepatocellular and
Alanine transaminase cholestatic injury
Alkaline phosphatase
Gamma glutamyl transferase

Coagulation INR/prothrombin time Synthetic marker of liver function

Arterial blood gas Lactate Lactate chiefly metabolised by liver and
concentrations are increased in liver damage
Ammonia Ammonia is the most important neurotoxin
responsible for HE. It is metabolised to urea by the
liver and excreted in the urine. Serum
concentrations are increased in liver damage
Biochemistry Electrolytes; sodium, potassium, Assessment of AKI and another organ dysfunction.
chloride, bicarbonate, calcium, General metabolic derangements common in ALF
magnesium, phosphate
Lactate dehydrogenase
Haematology Full blood count Anaemia, thrombocytopenia, bleeding, concurrent
Blood group infection
Others Lipase Assessing for complications of ALF; 1 in 20 patients
Amylase develop pancreatitis (particularly in paracetamol
Creatine kinase overdose)
Identification of aetiology
Serological Hepatitis A, B, C, and E, EpsteineBarr virus, Viral causes
herpes simplex virus, varicella
zoster virus and HIV 1 and 2
Autoimmune Antinuclear antibodies Autoimmune hepatitis
Anti-smooth muscle antibodies Autoimmune hepatitis
Anti-mitochondrial antibodies Primary sclerosing cholangitis/autoimmune
Copper studies/caeruloplasmin Wilson’s disease
Drugs/toxins Paracetamol Identification of toxin-related aetiology
Urine analysis

MODS, followed by an anti-inflammatory response charac- delayed if the primary presenting features are those of
terised by immune paresis that predisposes to new infections. confusion and agitation, particularly in the hyperacute cases
Hepatic encephalopathy, a hallmark feature of ALF, is related to paracetamol poisoning where, in some instances,
characterised by altered cerebral blood flow and dysregulated there may be little jaundice with only mild increase of serum
cerebral autoregulation. The exact pathological basis of sub- bilirubin, and in cases with subacute disease, which can be
sequent progression to cerebral oedema and ICH is not mistaken for CLD.2 A clinical history should focus on features
completely understood and is likely to involve a complex of mental alterations (HE), the presence and timing of jaun-
interplay between systemic inflammation, circulating neuro- dice in relation to HE, other symptoms of CLD, and a drug and
toxins (ammonia in particular), and osmolar derangements travel history to establish a causative agent. HE is graded and
such as hyponatraemia, the end result being astrocyte should be clearly documented for all patients:
swelling, brain oedema, and ICH.3,7,8
! Grade I: mild confusion, decreased attention, irritability
! Grade II: disorientation, drowsiness, inappropriate
Management behaviour
! Grade III: somnolent but rousable, incoherent
! Grade IV: coma
Patients present with a range of symptoms including non-
The laboratory tests that should be performed in all pa-
specific features of nausea, vomiting, lethargy, abdominal
tients when a diagnosis of ALF is considered are detailed in
pain, and feeling generally unwell. The diagnosis may also be

112 BJA Education - Volume 21, Number 3, 2021

Management of ALF in intensive care

Table 1. All women of childbearing age should have a preg- the increased risk of needing renal impairment.1 Fluid man-
nancy test. Imaging will often include ultrasound and triple agement should be directed by cardiac output monitoring, the
phase CT of the liver. These can show changes in liver echo- choice of device determined by the individual unit prefer-
genicity, splenomegaly, ascites, liver surface nodularity, ence.9 Noradrenaline (norepinephrine) is recommended as
collateral vessel formation, hepatomegaly or liver atrophy, first-line agent for vasopressor support.1 Terlipressin, a
reversed portal blood flow, and vascular patency. It is impor- commonly used splanchnic vasoconstrictor in patients with
tant to note that initial studies can be normal and therefore cirrhosis, has been implicated in potentially worsening ICP
serial images should be considered.9,10 and is not widely used in ALF.14 Adrenaline (epinephrine) may
be added as an inotrope where there is evidence of a cardiac
dysfunction/failure. Cortisol deficiency is common in ALF and
Referral to a specialist centre
the degree of deficiency correlates with disease severity.15
Acute liver failure is a rapidly progressive condition, and early Supraphysiological doses of cortisol have been shown to
escalation to critical care is essential. The care of these pa- reduce vasopressor requirements s but they do not improve
tients should be discussed within a multidisciplinary team survival and increase the risk of infection.16
involving hepatology, critical care, and the transplant team.
This can offer insight into the trajectory of the condition and Renal
inform the timing of transfer to a specialist centre. Thresholds Acute kidney injury occurs in 40e85% of patients with ALF.
for referral vary but generally include an INR >3.0, or pro- The incidence is higher in ALF secondary to paracetamol
thrombin time (PT) >50 s or increasing; HE; hyperlactataemia poisoning because of direct paracetamol-mediated tubular
or hypotension despite resuscitation; pH <7.35; acute kidney toxicity. ALF associated with AKI is associated with worsening
injury (AKI); bilirubin >300 mmol L"1; and shrinking liver vol- of HE and poorer outcomes.17 Risk factors for developing AKI
ume on imaging.11 include older age, paracetamol-induced ALF, hypotension,
SIRS, and infections.1 Early initiation of renal replacement
therapy (RRT) is advised for renal support but also for non-
renal indications including hyperammonaemia (ammonia
Airway and breathing concentrations >150 mmol L"1), sodium imbalances, temper-
Early elective tracheal intubation of patients with higher ature, and metabolic control.1 Continuous RRT is preferred to
grades of HE (III/IV) is recommended for airway protection prevent cerebral complications related to fluid shifts. Re-
especially if being transferred. This allows protection from fractory hyperammonaemia has been shown to respond to
aspiration, control of agitation, and optimal management of higher intensity ultrafiltration with rates of up to 60e90 ml
ICP. Standard airway strategies to minimise increases in ICP kg"1 h"1 with the additional benefit of a reduction in vaso-
should be used during the intubation process. Further un- pressor requirements.18 This is in contrast to septic shock
warranted surges in ICP can be avoided by using lung pro- where higher intensity ultrafiltration has not been shown to
tection ventilation, with tidal volumes of 6 ml kg"1 with a be effective. The need for and choice of anticoagulation of the
maximum of 8 ml kg"1 to maintain PCO2 between 4.5 and 5.5 circuit remains controversial. Evidence suggests frequent
kPa, and appropriate concentrations of PEEP.1 A balanced clotting of circuits, and therefore despite coagulopathy most
approach must be taken with optimisation of ventilation patients will require anticoagulation. Unfractionated heparin,
versus optimal cerebral perfusion and avoiding increases in prostacyclin, or both are the most common options.19
ICP.1,9,12 Standard bundles to avoid ventilator associated Regional citrate anticoagulation is generally avoided because
pneumonia should be strictly adhered to as these patients are of the diminished ability of the liver to metabolise the citrate
at a greater risk of developing infections.1,9 The incidence of load. It is used in patients with liver failure in some centres,
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is low in this but careful monitoring is required.1,20
specific patient population, and veno-venous extra corporal
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is an option in selected pa- Central nervous system
tients in centres with expertise in both ECMO and ALF.1,13 Intracranial hypertension as a result of cerebral oedema is a
However, the use of ECMO is very rare, and the subgroup of major concern in patients with ALF, with a mortality of 55%.
patients for which it may be useful has not been defined and However, the incidence of ICH in the UK has decreased from
requires further studies. 76% in the 1980s to 19.8% between 2004e8 because of
improved understanding of the pathophysiology, pre-emptive
Circulation institution of targeted cerebral care, and improved organ
Most patients with ALF have profoundly reduced systemic support.7 Risk factors for ICH include hyperacute or acute
vascular resistance presenting with vasodilatory shock, high presentation, younger ages, renal and cardiac dysfunction,
cardiac output state, and a clinical picture similar to that seen systemic inflammatory response, and persistent ammonia
in SIRS or sepsis.9 Therefore, the aim of cardiovascular sup- concentrations > 200 mmol L"1.1,12 Increased ammonia con-
port is to restore circulating volume and enhance oxygen de- centrations lead to astrocyte swelling, mitochondrial
livery to tissue by targeting a MAP >65 mmHg.1 A higher MAP dysfunction, and cerebral oedema, and correlate with the
of 80 mmHg should be targeted if there are signs of raised ICP development of raised ICP and HE.12 Therefore, patients
and for patients with uncontrolled chronic hypertension. A should have regular monitoring of arterial ammonia, as con-
balanced crystalloid solution is recommended for volume centrations >124 mmol L"1 predict mortality with an accuracy
restoration, with regular monitoring of acidebase status and of 77.5%.12 Clinical signs have low sensitivity and specificity
plasma electrolytes. Although albumin administration does for detecting increases in ICP, and in ICU are masked by
not have an impact on mortality, it does improve haemody- medication and organ support. Abnormal pupillary responses,
namic status and can also be used as a colloid volume spasticity, extensor posturing, and Cushing’s reflex are all late
expander.1 Starch substances should be avoided because of signs of raised ICP. Overall, 25% of patients with ALF have

BJA Education - Volume 21, Number 3, 2021 113

Management of ALF in intensive care

clinical signs of seizure activity with the incidence of sub- Sepsis

clinical activity higher, but there is no evidence to support Acute liver failure is associated with an immune dysfunction
using prophylactic anticonvulsant therapy.12 Invasive ICP leading to altered macrophage and neutrophil function,
monitoring is associated with a 1e4% risk of non-fatal and a reduction in complement and impaired phagocytosis, and
1% risk of fatal haemorrhage. The incidence varies on oper- opsonisation.1,9 Systemic inflammatory response syndrome
ator and centre expertise and placement location, and there is without infection itself worsens HE and leads to generally
little evidence of its impact on long-term survival.12 The use of poorer outcomes.22 Sepsis is now considered the leading
invasive ICP monitoring is therefore only recommended for cause of death in ALF, but may also prevent patients from
patients at a very high risk of developing ICH.1,2 Other means receiving a transplant or complicate the postoperative recov-
of monitoring ICP include jugular venous oxygen saturations, ery period. Bacteraemia is reported in 80% of cases with
transcranial Doppler, optic nerve sheath diameter, and near- pneumonia being the most common site (50%) followed by
infrared spectrophotometry (NIS); however, the accuracy of urinary tract infection (22%) and catheter-induced bacter-
these is not fully established.12 CT is useful to exclude other aemia (12%). Gram-negative enteric bacilli and gram-positive
aetiologies but is insensitive to detecting increased ICP. MRI is cocci are the most frequently isolated. Fungaemia is seen in
more sensitive but is often not logistically possible. The 32% of cases of ALF with Candida species being the main
management and prevention of raised ICP includes reducing culprit.22 These patients will also frequently have bacterial co-
cerebral oxygen consumption through adequate sedation, infections. Reactivation of viral infections is also seen,
maintaining normocapnia and normoglycaemia, minimising particularly cytomegalovirus (CMV).1 Diagnosis can be chal-
venous congestion through 30# head elevation and loosening lenging as clinical features such as increased temperature and
endotracheal ties, and avoiding hyperthermia. Serum sodium increased inflammatory biomarkers can be absent; therefore,
should be maintained between 145 and 150 mmol L"1 using a high level of suspicion and regular microbiological surveil-
boluses or a continuous infusion of sodium chloride 30% if lance are recommended. Prophylactic use of antibiotics and
needed.1,9 RRT should be initiated early with the aim of antifungals does not have an impact on survival outcome but
keeping the serum ammonia <100 mmol L"1.9 Acute surges of does reduce the incidence of sepsis and HE, and is therefore
ICP can be managed with a bolus of hypertonic saline (200 ml recommended.1,9 This is particularly important for those lis-
3% or 20 ml of 30%) or rarely mannitol (150 ml, 20%) given over ted for super urgent liver transplants as development of in-
20 min with the aim of keeping sodium $150 mmol L"1 and fections may lead to delisting.1
osmolality <320 mOsm L"1.1,2 In resistant cases, a short period
of hyperventilation can be used to reduce PaCO2 to %4 kPa. Metabolic and nutrition
There is little evidence for therapeutic cooling in the context Hypoglycaemia is frequently present in patients with ALF and
of ALF and raised ICP. The goal is to avoid fever and maintain a is associated with increased mortality. The clinical presenta-
core temperature of 35e36# C. Profound hypothermia (%33# C) tion is often similar to that of HE, and therefore blood glucose
has been shown to reduce severe refractory ICH and should be should be monitored regularly. Prompt treatment should be
reserved as a rescue intervention in selected patients.1,2 provided in the form of i.v. low volume, high concentration
glucose solutions, avoiding infusion of large volume of hypo-
Coagulation tonic solutions, which could worsen cerebral oedema and
Acute liver failure often presents with deranged INR/PT, hyponatraemia.2,9 Derangements of magnesium, calcium,
thrombocytopenia, and reduced circulating pro- and antico- potassium, and phosphate are also frequently observed and
agulant proteins and fibrinogen concentrations. These pa- should be corrected appropriately.1
tients are therefore often assumed to have a higher incidence Acute liver failure leads to increased energy expenditure
of spontaneous and procedure-related bleeding, but this is and protein catabolism; early initiation of nutritional support
often not the case.2 Reduced synthesis of procoagulant clot- is necessary. Enteral feeding is often the preferred route with a
ting factors by the diseased liver is compensated by a simul- daily calorie target of 25e30 kcal kg"1 day "1.9 Prokinetics are
taneous reduction of natural anticoagulants (proteins C and S frequently required to aid absorption, which is often impaired
and antithrombin) and an increased expression of endothe- because of a variety of ICU-related factors. Postpyloric feeding
lium derived factor VIII, Von Willebrand factor and circulating can be considered if absorption remains suboptimal and is
procoagulant microparticles. This collectively leads to a state preferred to parental feeding, which is associated with higher
of rebalanced haemostasis.21 Point-of-care (POC) tests of rates of infections. Some liver units will continue to give
coagulation such as thromboelastography (TEG) or rotational 1.0e1.5 g kg"1 day"1 of enteral protein with regular monitoring
thromboelastometry (ROTEM) have demonstrated complex of ammonia, adjusting intake as appropriate.2 Stress ulcer
coagulation profiles in ALF that do not correlate with PT prophylaxis in the form of a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) is
derangement: a hypocoagulable state in 20%, normal in 45%, frequently given to patients, and consideration should be
and a hypercoagulable in 35%.21 POC testing is therefore rec- given to stopping this once enteral feeding has been
ommended, as standard laboratory measurements of coagu- established.1
lation such as INR measurements may fail to reveal the true
haemostatic state. Routine correction of INR/PT should be
Specific therapies
avoided as these are important markers of synthetic liver
function. Platelets and fibrinogen are more sensitive in- N-acetyl cysteine
dicators of bleeding risk and should be corrected as required. There is strong evidence for the early use of N-acetyl cysteine
For insertion of intravascular catheters, a platelet count of (NAC) in patients with established paracetamol overdose.1 It
>30&109 L"1 and a fibrinogen concentration of >1e1.5 g L"1 are provides cysteine, which is a glutathione precursor. This
generally adequate, but for invasive ICP monitoring or if there neutralises N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI), which is
is active haemorrhage it is reasonable to correct all clotting responsible for hepatocyte toxicity. In 2012 the UK’s Com-
including INR, platelets and fibrinogen. mission on Human Medicine (CHM) offered simpler guidelines

114 BJA Education - Volume 21, Number 3, 2021

Management of ALF in intensive care

Table 2 King’s College Hospital, London criteria for liver transplantation in ALF (based on the current UK Criteria).9 ALF, acute liver
failure; INR, international normalised ratio; HE, hepatic encephalopathy.

ALF caused by paracetamol toxicity ALF not caused by paracetamol


pH <7.25 (after 24 h of fluid resuscitation)Lactate >3.0 mmol L"1 (after 24 h of fluid resuscitation) Prothrombin time >100 s (INR > 6.5)
Or Or
All of the following: Any three of the following:
! Prothrombin time >100 s (INR >6.5) ! Age <10 or >40 yr
! Creatinine >300 mmol L"1 ! Seronegative or drug-induced ALF
! Grade III or IV HE ! Jaundice to encephalopathy >7
! Prothrombin time >50 s (INR >3.5)
! Bilirubin >300 mmol L"1

with a single nomogram treatment line (patient risk stratifi- because of contraindications, and those patients who have
cation no longer required) resulting in greater treatment deteriorated while waiting for a graft.27
consistency among different centres. There is also evidence of
improved transplant-free survival in non-paracetamol-
related ALF when using NAC, specifically in those in the
Mechanical assist devices
early stages of the disease with lower grades of HE.23
These devices are broadly divided into biological and non-
biological and are not used in routine clinical settings.28 The
AIH and steroids non-biological devices work on the principle of haemodialysis
Autoimmune hepatitis is a hepatic necrotic-inflammatory using an artificial membrane to detoxify the blood. Molecular
condition that often presents chronically, but approximately adsorbent recirculating system (MARS) and single pass albu-
20% of cases present as ALF with extensive necrosis.24 The min dialysis (SPAD) use albumin-based dialysate across a
diagnosis is often challenging, and a significant proportion of highly selective membrane (<50 kDa). These devices result in
patients will require a LT. If diagnosis is suspected, early improved haemodynamic function and HE but have failed to
referral to a specialist centre is crucial for a diagnostic biopsy show any survival benefit in ALF.1 The biological devices are
and potential steroid therapy. much more complex and consist of porcine or human hepatic
cells. These devices aim to enable not only clearance of toxins
Antivirals and hepatitides but also to support hepatocyte function. Two devices, Hep-
There is some evidence for the use of antiviral drug lam- atAssist and extracorporeal liver assist device (ELAD), are
ivudine in ALF secondary to hepatitis B infection. This has currently only used in clinical trial settings.
improved survival outcomes, but it is important that the
therapy is initiated early before advanced stages of ALF
develop. There are less robust data on the use of other anti- Liver transplantation
virals such as entecavir and tenofovir. There is currently no Liver transplantation has been a significant leap in the man-
evidence for using interferon in these specific patients.25 agement of ALF with dramatic effects on survival outcomes.
There is currently no evidence to support the use of antivi- Ten percent of all liver transplants are performed for ALF, and
rals in ALF secondary to hepatitis E. the 5 yr survival of these patients in the UK is 82% (83% for
elective liver transplant).29 Risk factors for poorer outcomes
Wilson’s disease and chelating agents after transplantation include age > 60 yrs, cardiac dysfunc-
D-Penicillamine is a chelating agent that promotes the urinary tion, high vasopressor requirements, and FIO2 >0.8 preopera-
excretion of copper. Its early use has been shown to be tively.9 Patients with ALF meeting the criteria are listed for
effective in restoring liver function and preventing disease superurgent transplantation, and the most frequently used
progression in the context of ALF, potentially avoiding the King’s College criteria for patient selection are shown in
need for LT.26 Table 2. It is important that prognostication is performed early
and discussed with a specialist centre. Auxiliary LT is also an
option in selected patients and offers the benefit of the patient
Other therapeutic options
not having to take lifelong immunosuppressants.30
Plasma exchange Liver transplantation is contraindicated for patients with
Plasma exchange is often used for a range of other immuno- irreversible brain damage, malignancy, or uncontrolled
logically mediated conditions and replaces the patient’s sepsis. It also commits the recipient to a lifetime of immu-
plasma with donor fresh frozen plasma. Multiorgan failure nosuppression and therefore even when listed, continuous
associated with ALF results in a range of circulating assessment of suitability should be made within a multidis-
proinflammatory cytokines because of SIRS, and the accu- ciplinary setting. Patients who recover spontaneously have
mulation of metabolites and toxins exacerbated by hepato- better outcomes compared with those who have a transplant.
cyte death. High volume plasma exchange (HVP) is defined as If there are signs of clinical improvement or progressive irre-
exchange of 15% of ideal body weight. In fact, HVP has been trievable deterioration (irreversible brain damage, severe in-
shown to increase overall survival in ALF, but specifically in fections, and worsening haemodynamic parameters), it is
patients who do not undergo emergency transplantation acceptable to postpone the transplant.

BJA Education - Volume 21, Number 3, 2021 115

Management of ALF in intensive care

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18. Slack AJ, Auzinger G, Willars C et al. Ammonia clearance
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