Organizational Behavior Final Question-Set-1

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CODE: O R G 5 0 1


Faculty : Business and Accountancy


Module Title : Organizational Behavior

Year/ Semester : February Intake

Intake :LUC-ODL-2

Date : 16.10.22


1. This question paper has TWO (2) sections.

2. Answer 4 (FOUR) out of 5 (FIVE) questions in Section A.
3. Answer all questions in Section B.
CODE: O R G 5 0 1


Answer FOUR out of FIVE Questions. (40 Marks)

1. Why do organizational politics affect practically every organization? Discuss organizational

politics from your perspective. (10 marks)
Organizational Politics affect practically every organization, and politically skilled may
provide an individual and organization's achievement, smooth organizational change, revise the
easy processes of conflicts and work as a team in every organization. However, some people will
gain from organizational politics and are not proper gain. Initially, I would like to talk about the
advantages of organizational politics that may make present the source for good improvement
when the workers have good political skills. The political skills of management successfully
manage good organizational atmospheres under bad situations. Positive political skill is the
capacity to engage in activities that concern a rational state of belief, self-assurance, and
integrity. If we can create positive politics in the working environment, we should not be afraid
of inequality, wrongness, and inequity. Sometimes, management uses positive politics; the
organization is advancing its objective and goal. Secondly, I would like to discuss the
disadvantages of organizational politics that will lower the output and affect the organization's
efficiency. As an effect of politics at the workplace, the employee loses goals within the
specified time frame. Work gets late in such an organization. People who find it difficult to focus
on their work. They are more involved in treating the other person's twin in front of the
managers. Sometimes, politics indicates a hostile environment in the workplace. Politics change
the attitude of the employees who miss interest in work and go to the office just for the sake of it.
Employees feel discouraged when working hard in their place, which goes ignored in a
politically driven organization. And then, managers get the wrong picture of what is happening
in the organization. This worker walks away with recognition in an organization where
employees are spoiled in politics.
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2. Discuss why some people still think men make better managers than women even though
research indicates that men and women are equally effective as managers and leaders. (10 marks)
Some people still think men make better managers than women because men are
physically and mentally stronger than women and the differences in behavior, memory, and
decision-making depend on the situation. The ability to recognize, recognize and interact with
our environments and objects within our environments, even though research indicated that men
and women are equally effective as managers and leaders. Another fact is that men are improved
tactical thinkers manipulating what managers understand and suppose from women. And then,
men tend to make more dangerous and sensitive decisions than women. In other cases, men are
more likely to be suggested to attention, including others, encourage others, and perform. Men
have been conditioned to refrain from talking about or suppressing their feelings. Many men
want some of the basics of linking and fitting. Various viewpoints and capabilities can be a
significant advantage for organizations.
Furthermore, men provide sound knowledge and idea for their employees. Men are more likely
to practice the transactional leadership approach of as long as for successive and punishments for
failing. Men are good at marking themselves, which lets others know their achievements and
strong points. In other ways, women are more emotional than men. Apart from that, men have
the best communication skill when, as team leaders, good communication skills are more
confident level than women. As per the above facts, I assume that men make better managers
than women even though research indicates that men and women are equally effective as
managers and leaders.

3. Compare and construct constructive conflict and relationship conflict, and explain how to
apply the former with minimal levels of the latter in your organization. (10 marks)
Conflict mainly deals with observation. If nobody considers there is conflict, then no
conflict exists. Conflict can be practiced in an organization through many different paths. It can
be that the goals of the individuals are discordant, or there is a change of opinion over the
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explanation of facts. Many conflicts also arise through differences about how people should
perform. Finally, constructive conflict arises when there is conflict over the content and targets
of the work.
If this type of conflict exists at low to reasonable levels, then this is a constructive conflict that
can help people seek explanations or new ideas for achieving their objectives.
Relationship conflict is based on problems between persons and is almost always not properly
happen functional. Sometimes, we try to identify some people feeling defeated and demeaned
correctly. We should nicely handle what kind of conflicts happen at the stated time of our
organization; it can help with minimal levels of destructive influence in my organization.
Conflict should be recognized as a truth of management and organizational behavior, and
correctly succeeding can be a stimulating and bracing force within groups and the organization.
Therefore, managers should be encouraged to invoke constructive conflict.

5. As a manager of an organization having 400 employees, how will you promote strong and
adapt organizational culture in your organization? (10 marks)
If I become a manager of an organization having 400 employees, I will try to promote a
solid and following adaptable organizational culture in my organization.
We should create meaningful values that every staff in the organization how to act and interact
with each other, customers, and the community.
So, the values are easy for employees to remember and understand what is essential to the
company. We must communicate not only values but also the expected behaviors associated
with each value. The most important way to communicate values is for the manager.
And then, we should create a proper orientation and onboarding program for newcomers. I will
give employees the correct info, tools, the proper support, and the control and power to make
decisions at their work. I will set the expectation, provide employees with what they need to
succeed, and then employees do their jobs without limited access to every task. It is essential to
authorize employees and build belief. I will educate employees on the company’s purpose,
annual objectives, and various action plans and ensure employees how they make a change for
the company as this benefits them feel connected to the company‘s mission. And then, I will
create the best quantity communication system in our organization and share it properly with all
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employees because communication breakdown is fundamental for 400 employees. We must

make sure to speak our words simply and short to the point employee. I will try to improve
employee morale and retention at work, considering making employee recognition a fundamental
part of our company culture. I try to find good ways to recognize and reward remote employees.
Finally, I have to show employees that I care about them as an individual and am dedicated to
improving our organizational culture.
Answer all questions.

1. Mr. Alok Banarjee is the Chief Executive of a medium- sized pharmaceutical firm in
Calcutta. He holds a Ph D in Pharmacy. However, he has not been involved in research and
development of new products for two decades. Though turnover is not a problem for the
company, Mr. Banarjee and his senior colleagues noticed that the workers on hourly basis are not
working upto their full potential. It is well known fact that they filled their days with unnecessary
and unproductive activities and worked only for the sake of a pay cheque. In the recent past the
situation has become quite alarming as the organization began to crumble under the weight of
uneconomical effort. The situation demanded immediate managerial attention and prompt
remedial measures. Mr. Banarjee knew very well that the only way to progress and prosper is to
motivate workers to peak performance through various incentive plans.
One fine morning, Mr. Banarjee contacted the Personnel Manager and enquired: “What
is the problem with the workers on hourly basis? The wage bill shows that we pay them the
highest in the industry. Our working conditions are fine. Our fringe benefits are excellent. Still
these workers are not motivated. What do they require really?”
The Personnel Manager gave the following reply: “I have already informed you a number
of times, that money, working conditions and benefits are not enough. Other things are equally
important. One of workers in that group recently gave me a clue as to why more and more
workers are joining the bandwagon of ‘non-performers’. He felt bad that hard work and
efficiency go un-noticed and un-rewarded in our organization. Our promotion and benefit plans
are tied to length of service. Even the lazy workers, accordingly, enjoy all the benefits in the
organization, which, in fact according to workers, should go only to those who work hard.” Mr.
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Banarjee then wanted the Personnel Manager to look into the problem more closely and find out
a solution to the problem of workers on hourly basis.

Answer the following questions. (30 marks)

Q. 1 Explain the motivational problem in this case by relating to Herzberg’s theory.
I assumed that the following motivation problem, in this case, relates to Herzberg’s
Firstly, I noticed that the workers lost promotional opportunities in this case because their wages
are based on an hourly basis and tied to the length of service, regarding opportunities for
personal growth also loss. Because they do not have appropriate activities for personal growth,
we should train workers for mental growth and focus on developing their minds, such as how
they reflect and study. Refining mental aptitude can help anyone, mainly in the place of work.
Furthermore, they were then improving their emotional growth also. Emotional growth allows
workers to procedure and estimate their touch at work, which can help them develop suitable
actions for their emotional situations, such as fear, joy, anger, and surprise. The
responsibility part also needs to improve in this case because workers filled out their days with
unnecessary and unproductive activities and worked only for the pay salary.
Achievement is also a weak point in this case because hard work and efficiency go unnoticed and
unrewarded in this organization, not giving awards for their achievement. Recognition is also
needed because the company is not showing recognition for hard work. As per Herzberg’s
theory, a company tries to improve only hygiene factors and not improve motivation factors. 

Q. 2 What would be your response to Banarjee’s statement, if you were the Personnel Manager
of the Company?
Firstly, I will explain to Banarjee that we should not emphasize only the quality of
supervision, high hourly pay rate, and reasonable physical working conditions and benefits. We
should emphasize equally for promotional opportunities for all staff. We need to make all staff
meeting and will attend to this. In this meeting, we will explain a clear picture of policies for
CODE: O R G 5 0 1

promotion and take out bad feelings for their mental growth. Before this meeting, we must make
solid policies for the promotion based on the tie to the length of service. This policy will mention
that we are based on the work performance indicators and service period. We will give the mark
50% on each area. I make an assigned department that will effectively remove the non-
performers who are not allowed to join the bandwagon. And then, I will call quotations from
outside agencies as necessary to assume assigned responsibilities. And then, I will prepare the
plan for staff training and personal growth. If we find lazy workers, we will make an action plan
for this. And then, I will suggest to Mr. Banarjee to change the payroll method based instead of
hourly basic to monthly basis and per unit basis. It is all my response based on Mr. Banarjee‘s

Q. 3 If you were the manager, how would you motivate the employees so that they work better.
Firstly, I would like to meet with all staff and explain why they feel bad. I agreed to ask
three questions based on the employees ‘group in this meeting. And then, I will give my manager
the following task to implement and motivate the employees. 
1. Research, analyze and evaluate programs, and then. 
2. Officials make self-determining decisions by joining the bandwagon of ‘non-performers’
working correctly in their work area.
3. Manages and arranges the personnel functions of the allocated departments, including
employee relations, employee selection, discipline, organization development, and
various related personnel meanings.
4. To complete a selection of duties supportive personnel operations.
5. Before the staff move, decide on the Management.
6. Prepare the budget for the new payroll system and any staff personal growth program that
takes approval from Management.
7. Create strong policies for the staff convenient in their working area. 
8. Make the meeting with staff weekly for staff needs and listen to their feelings about the
organization and Management.
CODE: O R G 5 0 1

9. Prepare, analyze, and present a technical issue and other administrative, analytical, and
statistical reports that present and interpret data, identify alternatives, and present and
justify conclusions, forecasts, and recommendations based on data summaries.
That is all to give the assignment to my manager, and I will also keep an eye on the employees’
succession plans and outstanding matters.

2. Syd Gilman read the latest sales figures with a great deal of satisfaction. The vice president of
marketing at Hy Dairies, Inc., a large Midwestern milk products manufacturer, was pleased to
see that the marketing campaign to improve sagging sales of Hy’s gourmet ice-cream brand was
working. Sales volume and market share of the product had increased significantly over the past
two quarters compared with the previous year.
The improved sales of Hy’s gourmet ice cream could be credited to Rochelle Beauport,
who was assigned to the gourmet ice-cream brand last year. Beauport had joined Hy less than
two years ago as an assistant brand manager after leaving a similar job at a food products firm.
She was one of the few women of color in marketing management at Hy Dairies and had a
promising career with the company. Gilman was pleased with Beauport’s work and tried to let
her know this in the annual performance reviews. He now had an excellent opportunity to reward
her by offering her the recently vacated position of market research coordinator. Although
technically only a lateral transfer with a modest salary increase, the marketing research
coordinator job would give Beauport broader experience in some high-profile work, which
would enhance her career with Hy Dairies. Few people were aware that Gilman’s own career had
been boosted by working as marketing research coordinator at Hy several years earlier.
Rochelle Beauport had also seen the latest sales figures on Hy’s gourmet ice cream and
was expecting Gilman’s call to meet with her that morning. Gilman began the conversation by
briefly mentioning the favorable sales figures and then explained that he wanted Beauport to take
the marketing research coordinator job. Beauport was shocked by the news. She enjoyed brand
management and particularly the challenge involved with controlling a product that directly
affected the company’s profitability. Marketing research coordinator was a technical support
position—a “backroom” job—far removed from the company’s bottom-line activities. Marketing
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research was not the route to top management in most organizations, Beauport thought. She had
been sidelined. After a long silence, Beauport managed a weak “Thank you, Mr. Gilman.” She
was too bewildered to protest. She wanted to collect her thoughts and reflect on what she had
done wrong. Also, she did not know her boss well enough to be openly critical.
Gilman recognized Beauport’s surprise, which he naturally assumed was her positive
response to hearing of this wonderful career opportunity. He, too, had been delighted several
years earlier about his temporary transfer to marketing research to round out his marketing
experience. “This move will be good for both you and Hy Dairies,” said Gilman as he escorted
Beauport from his office. Beauport was preoccupied with several tasks that afternoon, but she
was able to consider the day’s events that evening. She was one of the top women and few
minorities in brand management at Hy Dairies and feared that she was being sidelined because
the company didn’t want women or people of color in top management. Her previous employer
had made it quite clear that women “couldn’t take the heat” in marketing management and
tended to place women in technical support positions after a brief term in lower brand
management jobs. Obviously Syd Gilman and Hy Dairies were following the same game plan.
Gilman’s comment that the coordinator job would be good for her was just a nice way of saying
that Beauport couldn’t go any further in brand management at Hy Dairies. Beauport now faced
the difficult decision of whether to confront Gilman and try to change Hy Dairies’ sexist and
possibly racist practices or to leave the company.

Discussion Questions (30 marks)

1. Apply your knowledge of stereotyping and social identity theory to explain what went wrong

Stereotyping is the process in which we give features to an identifiable group and then
frequently hand over those structures to anyone we trust is a member of that group. The assigned
characteristics tend to be trying to detect, such as personality traits and skills. The social identity
theory states that the "in-group" will discriminate against the "out-group" to augment their self-
image. It also explains how we see people through change, homogenization, and group. It is
central to remember that "in-groups" are the groups you are a part of and that you subordinate
with, and "out-groups" are the groups that we do not usually find with and single beside.
CODE: O R G 5 0 1

In this case, Syd Gilman, the vice president of marketing at Hy Diaries, was happy to see that the
promotion movement to improve the sagging sale of Hy's gourmet ice cream brand was working.
As a result, the sales volume and market share improved significantly compared volume and
market share had bigger meaningfully compared to the previous year. However, again, it
happened because of Beauport's effort to progress the sales. So Syd Gilman decided to offer
Rochelle the removed position of market research coordinator.
However, she was not happy with the new position Syd Gilman offered as she found her former
position more exciting and better. Rochelle assumed that Syd Gilman thought she could not go
further in brand management at Hy Dairies because she is a lady.
In this case, it may seem that Syd Gilman has stereotyped Rochelle Beauport, but there is no
clear indication of this stereotyping. Whatever can be seen here is that Syd Gilman is sincere in
assigning Beauport to the marketing research coordinator job. He believes that he is providing an
excellent career opportunity for further advancement. If stereotyping exists in this case, it is
related to Rochelle Beauport. Beauport stereotypes Syd Gilman as a typical racist and narrow-
minded white male.

2. What other perceptual error is apparent in this case study?

Another perceptual error is the inability to judge humans, things, or situations fairly and
accurately. For Example, it could include bias, prejudice, and stereotyping, which have always
caused human beings to errors in different aspects of their lives.
According to this case study, when Rochelle Beauport proposed the new marketing research
coordinator position, she automatically assumed that Mr. Gilman did not want her in the top
management and felt that she had been sidelined due to her gender and skin color. In her
previous company, it was evident that the employer downgraded female employees and tended to
place a woman in technical support positions. With this experience, she assumed that Mr.
Gilman also had this attitude. Therefore she did not appreciate the offer that Mr. Gilman offered
to her.
Next, the perceptual error is a false compromise result. The false agreement effect is the
tendency for individuals to overestimate the level at which other people share their beliefs,
attitudes, and behaviors. Our opinions, beliefs, and attitudes are common and appropriate, so
CODE: O R G 5 0 1

others need to feel the same way. For Example, in this case, study, few people in the company
knew that Gilman’s career had been boosted by working as a marketing research coordinator at
Hy Dairies several years before. He believes that Rochelle Beauport needs to have the same
experience and assumed that Beauport would love the position of marketing research coordinator
as it would enhance her career. In the future, she might get a chance to be like Syd Gilman. At
the same time, Beauport feels that Mr. Gilman did not want her to be in the top management
because she was one of the top women and a few minorities in brand management at Hy Dairies.
Last but not least, the self-fulfilling prophecy is one of the perceptual concepts. A self-fulfilling
prophecy is an individual's belief or expectation about a future event that manifests because the
individual holds it. It occurs when our expectations about other people make that person act in a
way that is consistent with those expectations.

3. What can organizations do to minimize misperceptions in these types of situations?

One way to minimize misperceptions in these situations is for an organization to be aware
of perceptual biases, and to do that, the organization must know that it exists. If the organization
implemented this process, it could minimize discrimination, making the employer aware of
systemic discrimination. Awareness of perceptual biases can reduce them by making people
more mindful of their thoughts and actions. For example, Syd Gilman can organize diversity
training programs and require everyone in Hy Dairies to participate. Diversity training programs
can help in the battle against workplace discrimination. In this program s, participants are
advised to respect other cultures and gender differences.
Next is to improve mutual understanding. Syd Gilman needs to understand and be
sensitive to Rochelle Beauport’s past. Syd Gilman thought offering the marketing research
coordinator job would give Beauport more experience. He also assumed that Beauport would
love the position. On the other hand, Beauport assumed that Sys Gilman thought she could not
go any further in brand management at Hy Dairies because she is a woman of color. This
assumption is based on the situation she experienced in the previous company. There is no
mutual understanding here, so if the organization improve the mutual understanding, this will
minimize misperception in these types of situation.
CODE: O R G 5 0 1

Lastly, communication between team members and leaders is the step organizations
should take to minimize these situations. Effective communication is essential in keeping the
team together and makes the work atmosphere positive. For example, Beauport can communicate
with other employees about her feeling that she had been sidelined; if Beauport talks to them,
they may clarify her misconception about the marketing research coordinator. Beauport also can
take other alternatives, such as Beauport also can confront Gilman and talk to him about her

Jones, G. R., George, J. M., Haddad, J., & Rock, M. (2013). Essentials of contemporary
management. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Kondalkar, V. G. (2009). Organization development. New Age International.
McShane, S., & Glinow, M. A. V. (2017). Organizational behavior. McGraw-Hill Education.
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. (2012). Essentials of organizational behavior.

*** End of Questions ***

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