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Assignment Brief Academic Year 2022-2023

Module code BM564 Enterprise and Module leader: Khawaja Salman Ishtiaq
and title: Entrepreneurship

Assignment CW2: Growth Sustainable Assessment 60%

No. and type: Business Plan weighting:

Submission 20th January Target feedback 3 weeks

time and date: time and date:

Assignment task

● Coursework 2 requires you to write a full business plan based on the business idea you proposed for

The following must be included in your business plan:

● Your Proposed Future Business. – What is the product/service (i.e. provide a clear description)? What
does it do? What innovations does your idea bring to the market? Appropriate intellectual property
rights (IPR) in order to protect your business idea/enterprise, if applicable
● Customers – identify your target customers. B2B or B2C? Who are the end-users? Who will buy your
product/service? What is the USP of product/service? What customer needs does the product/service
meet? The underpinning research for the target market and an evaluation of the businesses’ position
in the market
● Competitors – who are your competitors for the product/service? What market share do your
competitors have? Why might your customers buy your product/service rather than that of the
● Skills analysis – what skills do you have for developing and taking your business idea forward? What
skills do you need? How will you address any skills gaps that you might have?
● Projected 2 year profit and loss account and proposed 2 years cash flow forecasts including break
● Finding, evaluating and selecting suitable sources of funding to grow the business opportunity
● Your plans for obtaining your resources, both tangible and intangible between now and either 1-2 year
ahead. This should include a breakdown of your start-up costs.
● The type of organisation and the management information systems required to effectively control the
● Vision for your Business Idea – what future does your business have?

Internal approval: John Mariampillai

External approval: Name, Date

You are required to produce a 1500 word Business Growth Plan
You are allowed a 10% plus or Minus dispensation of the word limit
The word count excludes the executive summary, conclusion, introduction, References and Appendices
Students are to use wider range of resources from peer reviewed academic journals as well as books and
other academic databases such as Mintel, EBSCohost, ProQuest etc.
● Use Times New Roman font size 11 with 1.5 line spacing.
● Insert page numbers at the bottom of each page
● You must have a cover sheet with your student ID, Name and word count

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your
achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
Evaluate the opportunities for advancing an idea so that it meets a market gap or requirement and
LO 1
allows the enterprise to grow into a growth sustainable business proposition
Analyse the skills and resources required for developing a business, including finance and people
LO 2

Referencing and presentational requirements

Please reference your work according to the Harvard referencing style as defined in Cite Them Right Online
( This information is also available in book form: Pears, R. and Shields,
G. (2016) Cite them right: the essential reference guide. 10th edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Copies
are available via the university library.
There are also documents on Harvard referencing on Blackboard which students can read.
Students must use acceptable academic sources including peer-reviewed journal articles, Books, Company
websites etc.
● Use Times New Roman font size 11 with 1.5 line spacing.
● Insert page numbers at the bottom of each page
● You must have a cover sheet with your student ID, Name and word count

Submission details

● This assignment should be submitted electronically using the relevant submission point in the Submit
your work section of your Blackboard module shell.
● You are reminded of the University’s regulations on academic misconduct, which can be viewed on
the University website: In submitting
your assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations
● Please also note that work that is submitted up to 10 working days beyond the submission date will be
considered a late submission. Late submissions will be marked and the actual mark recorded, but will
be capped at the pass mark (typically 40%), provided that the work is of a passing standard. Work
submitted after this period will not be marked and will be treated as a non-submission.

 Please ensure that your work has been saved in an appropriate file format. Turnitin will only accept the
following file types: Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, OpenOffice (ODT),
Hangul (HWP), Google Docs, or plain text. Your file must also contain at least 20 words of text, consist of
fewer than 400 pages and be less than 40MB in size.
 You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit your
work more than once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most recent version.
 Once you have submitted your work, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission, which will be
sent to your forwarded e-mail address (provided you have set this up). Please keep this receipt for future
reference, along with the original electronic copy of your assignment

Academic integrity

Academic integrity means taking responsibility for your own work.

When you submit an assignment, you are effectively making a declaration that it is your own work and that
you have acknowledged the contribution of others and their ideas in its development (for example, by
referencing them appropriately).
For further information and guidance, please see the University website:
You are also expected to take responsibility for maintaining and managing confidentiality issues in your work.
You should maintain and respect confidentiality in relation to the protection of personal, technical and/or
commercial information of a sensitive nature in their assessed work, whatever the format.
Confidentiality issues will vary from subject to subject and you are encouraged to seek advice from your
course team if you are unclear about requirements in your context. For further information and guidance,
please see the University website:

Assignment Brief Academic Year 2022-2023

Fail Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

0-34 (F) – 35-39 E – 40-49 (D) 50-59 (C) 60-69 (B) 70-79 (A) 80-100 (A+)
Grade band Fail Marginal fail Third class Second class 2ii Second class 2i First class High first class

Not successful Below required Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent Outstanding

Knowledge and The work The work The work The work The work The work The work
demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
understanding limited and/or insufficient ability sufficient ability consistent and highly proficient highly exceptional ability
30% substantially and understanding and understanding confident ability ability and accomplished of the following
inaccurate or no of the following of the following and understanding understanding of ability of the
Depth of understanding of of the following the following following
knowledge and the following Knowledge of
understanding Knowledge of Knowledge of product or service
product or service product or service Knowledge of Knowledge of Knowledge of and the process for
Engagement Knowledge of and the process for and the process for product or service product or service product or service generating ideas
with product or service generating ideas generating ideas and the process for and the process for and the process for
subject-specific and the process for generating ideas generating ideas generating ideas
theories, generating ideas

Internal approval: John Mariampillai

External approval: Name, Date

concepts, and Intellectual Intellectual Intellectual Intellectual Intellectual Intellectual Intellectual
principles property rights and property rights and property rights and property rights and property rights and property rights and property rights and
or protection or protection or protection or protection or protection or protection or protection

Background Type of Type of Type of Type of Type of Type of Type of

investigation, organisation (legal organisation (legal organisation (legal organisation (legal organisation (legal organisation (legal organisation (legal
analysis, structure) structure) structure) structure) structure) structure) structure)

Analysis and The work The work The work The work The work The work The work
demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
criticality 20% limited and/or insufficient ability sufficient ability consistent and highly proficient highly exceptional ability
substantially and understanding and understanding confident ability ability and accomplished of the following
inaccurate or no of the following of the following and understanding understanding of ability of the
Logic and understanding of of the following the following following Industry
argument the following: Industry attractiveness
Industry attractiveness analyses
attractiveness analyses Industry Industry Industry
Use and range of
Industry analyses attractiveness attractiveness attractiveness Feasibility of
attractiveness Feasibility of analyses analyses analyses product or service
selected sources Feasibility of
analyses product or service
product or service Feasibility of Feasibility of Feasibility of Articulation of
Analysis and Feasibility of Articulation of product or service product or service product or service Market
synthesis Articulation of
product or service Market opportunities
Market opportunities Articulation of Articulation of Articulation of
Analytical reflection Articulation of opportunities Market Market Market Customers and
Market Customers and opportunities opportunities opportunities competitors for the
Problem-solving opportunities Customers and competitors for the proposed business
and competitors for the Customers and Customers and Customers and
proposed business
decision-making Customers and proposed business competitors for the competitors for the competitors for the Plans for obtaining
competitors for the Plans for obtaining proposed business proposed business proposed business resources including
Organisation and proposed business Plans for obtaining resources including breakdown of
communication resources including Plans for obtaining Plans for obtaining Plans for obtaining
breakdown of start-up cost.
of ideas and Plans for obtaining breakdown of resources including resources including resources including
evidence start-up cost.
resources including start-up cost. breakdown of breakdown of breakdown of
start-up cost. start-up cost. start-up cost.

breakdown of
start-up cost.

Application and The work The work The work The work The work The work The work
demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
Practice 30% limited and/or insufficient ability sufficient ability consistent and highly proficient highly exceptional ability
substantially and understanding and understanding confident ability ability and accomplished of the following
inaccurate or no of the following of the following and understanding understanding of ability of the
and/or application
understanding of of the following: the following following :
the following:
specialist skills Practicality of the
product or service
Accuracy, Practicality of the Practicality of the Practicality of the
coordination, and product or service product or service product or service Practicality of the Practicality of the Practicality of the
proficiency in product or service product or service product or service
completion of Feasibility Feasibility
practical conducted and why conducted and why
tasks/processes Feasibility Feasibility this business is
this business is Feasibility Feasibility Feasibility
conducted and why conducted and why feasible
feasible conducted and why conducted and why conducted and why
Technical, creative this business is this business is
and/or artistic skills General business feasible feasible this business is this business is this business is General business
creativity and feasible feasible feasible creativity and
Presentation of General business General business innovative ideas
innovative ideas General business General business General business
research findings creativity and creativity and
and use of data Skills requirement innovative ideas innovative ideas creativity and creativity and creativity and Skills requirement
analysis innovative ideas innovative ideas innovative ideas analysis
Skills requirement Skills requirement
Sources of funding analysis analysis Skills requirement Skills requirement Skills requirement Sources of funding
analysis analysis analysis
Projected cash Sources of funding Sources of funding Projected cash
flow and income Sources of funding Sources of funding Sources of funding flow and income
Projected cash Projected cash statements
statements Projected cash Projected cash Projected cash
flow and income flow and income
How could statements statements flow and income flow and income flow and income How could
management statements statements statements management
How could How could information system
information system How could How could How could
management management be used
be used management management management
information system information system
be used be used information system information system information system

Vision for the Vision for the Vision for the be used. Vision for be used. Vision for be used. Vision for Vision for the
business business business the business the business the business business

Transferable The work The work The work The work The work The work The work
skills 20% demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
limited and/or insufficient ability sufficient ability consistent and highly proficient highly exceptional ability
substantially and understanding and understanding confident ability ability and accomplished of the following :
inaccurate or no of the following of the following and understanding understanding of ability of the
Written, verbal and understanding of of the following: the following following:
electronic the following: Written
communication Written Written Written Written communication
communication communication communication Written communication skills
Written skills skills skills communication skills
Numeracy and communication skills Personal
digital literacy skills Personal Personal Personal Personal motivation for
motivation for motivation for motivation for Personal motivation for choice of business
Personal choice of business choice of business choice of business motivation for choice of business
Personal motivation for choice of business Ability to
motivation, choice of business Ability to Ability to Ability to Ability to summarise main
organisation, and summarise main summarise main summarise main Ability to summarise main points
time-management Ability to points points points summarise main points
summarise main points Structure,
points Structure, Structure, Structure, Structure, refencing,
refencing, refencing, refencing, Structure, refencing, coherence
Structure, coherence coherence coherence refencing, coherence
refencing, coherence

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