Infeccius Dissease Fiebre Amarilla

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La Fiebre Amarilla

What is the name of the disease?

Fiebre amarilla.
What is agent that causes the disease?
Aedes aegypti.
What are the symptoms of the disease?
Malaise, fever, headaches, jaundice, muscle aches, nausea,
vomiting, and tiredness.
What are the signs of the disease?
Fever, headaches, jaundice, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting,
and tiredness.
How is it transmited?
It is only produced by the bite of certain species of infected
Who affects the disease?
This disease can affect people of both sexes, any age or race.
What is its mortality rate?
Death occurs in 20-50% of severe cases (older people and
children are at higher risk of severe disease).
Does it have cure or there exist any treatment?
No specific treatment for the “fiebre amarilla” is yet
Is there any vaccine? Is it in the vaccination calendar?
Yes, there is a vaccine that can mitigate the
No, but a booster dose is recommended every 10 years for
people who remain at risk of the disease.

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