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Why Use Commentaries?

Heres an extended quote that answers this question quite well: Anyone who is committed to the exposition of Scripture knows the tremendous challenge of the study that faces him: the need to reconstruct the historical setting, deal with the language, maintain a consistent theological relationship with the rest of Scripture, unravel the difficult and obscure portions and make all of that study produce a work that is both profound and practical. Im convinced that trying to do all of that alone is nothing short of foolish. You need some friends; men who have more insight than you in their various areas of expertise, ;men whom the Holy Spirit has illuminated, men whom time has proven to be gifted, excellent interpreters of Scripture. Where can one find such a group to work with, such an enlightened, insightful, wise group of friends? I have found such a group of friends with whom I meet every week on the pages of their commentaries. In fact, I probably spend more time with them than I do with any other group. They are my teachers providing the benefit of past illumination and all the Holy Spirit-directed insights of centuries and decades past and present. John MacArthur [introduction], Commentaries for Biblical Expositors, Jim Rosscup.

Benefits of Commentaries
Save Time Speed up the process of crossreferencing. Tap Scholarship Share Illumination

Solve Problems Keep the Context Interpret passage in the larger book framework, recognizing the context. See Theology Seeing how each text fits into the authors theological frame of reference. That is, how Calvinists, Arminians, Lutherans, etc. interpret passages.

Kinds of Commentaries
Commentaries that focus on __________________ [language] and _______________ [grammar] issues in the ________________ _______________ [original languages].

Commentaries that give substantial ______________ [detail], arranged according to major ________________ [sections] of a biblical book, and are often re-written _________________ [sermons] from noted Bible teachers.

Commentaries that give the overall ___________ [sense] of the passage but little _____________ [detail] as to how the interpretation was derived. These focus more

on practical __________ [use] than explanation of _____________ [meaning]. These are often good for ________________ [illustrations].

When to Use Commentaries

Use commentaries only at the _____________ [end] of the study process. If you use them at the beginning of the study process they will prejudice your understanding of the text. The best-written and persuasive commentaries will then become those that you trust. Commentaries are limited by publishers, consumerism, size, and purpose. You will give less attention to the details of a text in any meaningful inductive manner, if you consult commentaries in the beginning of the process. You will lose the joy and challenge of seeing the passage for yourself and discovering its emphasis, and be completely dependent upon others if you begin with commentaries. You need to _________________ [evaluate] commentators, not be ______________ [bullied] by them.

How NOT to Use Commentaries

_____________ [Ignore] them. Rely _______________ [completely] upon them Read them ______________ [first]

Consult only your _____________ [favorites] Ignore the ______________ [technical] ones Ignore the _________________ [devotional] ones _______________ [Reproduce] them

How to Use Commentaries

As a _______________ [Consultant], not an ________________ [Architect] From _________________ [technical] to ______________ [devotional] Focus on the _________________ [problems] Look for _____________ [historical] / _______________ [cultural] information Consider the ___________________ [crossreferences] Argue with the _________________ [Author] Take _________________ [notes] Read until youre _______________ [clear]-then stop Buying Commentaries Own a good one or two volume Buy according to book to study Avoid buying whole sets Buy the best Find the cheapest price Try before you buy

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