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Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL) P-ISSN 2623-0062

Volume 4 No. 2, August 2021 E-ISSN 2622-9056

Universitas Banten Jaya
Implementation of MBKM and the Relationship of Curriculum Policy based on a Case
of EFL Education in Japan

Ina Rohiyatussakinah
Banten Jaya University
Serang, Indonesia

The current trend of globalization and development in information technology had boosted
the new curriculum of Merdeka Belajar, Kampus Merdeka (MBKM), which has become a
universal issue in higher education at several universities in Indonesia. In this demanding and
challenging information era in which we live, EFL instruction at higher education institutions
needs to offer the students more than general proficiency in English. However, it is not an
easy task to design a curriculum at the university level to address these issues. The aim of the
research to design a communicative language teaching program developed for teaching
English as a foreign language (EFL) at X University. It aims to illustrate the rationale and
process of designing a flexible curriculum for university students. This study used a
Qualitative research design to present the data. The result clearly showed about The
curriculum presented in this paper is intended to be a model for teaching EFL or other foreign
languages at higher education institution based on the case of EFL education in Japan related
to MBKM, still relevant to adopt Japan Education policy in our Higher educational program
most of them need communicative language teaching for their proficiency in English at
higher educational level.

Keyword: Curriculum, Communicative language teaching, higher education

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature Page 39

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL) P-ISSN 2623-0062
Volume 4 No. 2, August 2021 E-ISSN 2622-9056
Universitas Banten Jaya
INTRODUCTION One thing that can be developed in the
The independent curriculum has an independent campus program is the lecture
impact on students to think in an innovative process carried out by lecturers and students.
way about the environmental conditions These three administrations represent
they face. This curriculum provides the most recent attempts by the Japanese
flexibility to students in a free but government to better adjust EFL education
measurable manner. to accelerating globalization, with learning
The direct impact that can be felt by outcomes, expected to provide useful
both students and lecturers is unlimited information for improving similar
activity and critical thinking and high-level educational systems, especially in Asian
thinking that makes students able to develop contexts. Here are three variables of goals,
abilities both academically and non- classroom practices, and student
academically. achievement because these are “key of
In the independent learning curriculum policy” (Cumming, 2001).
curriculum that is in accordance with 21 st Few studies have investigates how
century learning, students are required to these policies have impacted classroom
truly become strong and independent practices, especially on a longitudinal basis.
individuals. The principle is that there is a Turning to recent EFL educational policies
paradigm shift in education so that it (Communicative language teaching;
becomes more autonomous with an Tahira,2012; EFL in the elementary school;
innovative learning culture (Tohir, 2020). Butler, 2015). Three targeted administration
An independent campus is an of curriculum policies stood out through
implementation of the independent learning “the introduction of government’s new
program which is currently being discussed educational policies” (Sasaki, 2008) in the
in the world of higher education. An 160 years history of Japanese EFL
independent campus provides freedom for Educations.
students for three semesters to seek learning
Communicative language teaching
experiences outside their majors (Siregar et
has correlation with students learning
al, 2020). To support this program,
outcomes in education system with their
development is required in each university.

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature Page 40

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL) P-ISSN 2623-0062
Volume 4 No. 2, August 2021 E-ISSN 2622-9056
Universitas Banten Jaya
variables there are goals, classroom importance depends on the kind of career
practices, and students’ achievement as key she/he chooses. The skills are :
of curriculum policy in Japan. To apply it in
1. Critical thinking skill is the
Indonesia EFL higher education Policy, the
ability to find solution to
government design 6c for HOTS there are
problem faced. it also called
communicative, collaboration, critical
problem solving skills.
thinking, computational logic, and
compassion. These components reflect new 2. Creative thinking skill. It is the
literacy, data, and human technologies. skill thinking outside the
These are the key aspect in our new confines of tradition or thinking
curriculum of Merdeka Belajar, kampus out of the box and making
Merdeka (MBKM). Higher education innovation. this skill empower
curriculum developed by each institution individuals to see concept in a
based on national standard education different light, which lead to
through intellectual intelligent, attitude, and innovation.
skills. The Ministry of Education and
3. Collaboration skill. It is skill to
Culture. (2012)
collaborate with others, to work
Based on explanation above within together, achieve compromises,
the concept of 21st century skills is one of and get the best possible result
the learning skills everybody has to acquire for solving a problem. The
in her/his life. In the context of higher critical element of collaboration
education program according to Fadel ( is willingness.
2008) and Triling (2012), learning skill are
4. Communication skill. It is the
associated with mental processes that
ability to communicate and talk
require students to be able to adapt to the
with others. Effective
modern work environment and improve
communication is also one of the
their skills. Each of the skill sis needed in an
essential soft skill. without
individual’s life and career, although its
understanding proper
communication individual in the

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Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL) P-ISSN 2623-0062
Volume 4 No. 2, August 2021 E-ISSN 2622-9056
Universitas Banten Jaya
21st century will lack a crucial 3. Information and communication
skill to progress their career. technologies (ICT) literacy

Excellent communication involves The aim of this study is to investigated

understanding request, asking question, how relationships between MBKM
instructions, acquiring new skills, and curriculum and curriculum policy of EFL
relaying essential information. In today’s Education in Japan related to goals,
competitive era, communication skill is very classroom practices, and students
important. Higher education program or achievement in English as a foreign
curriculum MBKM is relevant with the language (EFL) education in this current
fourth skill has explained above, especially situation.
for EFL in higher education system, seek
According to Fadel (2008) and Triling &
everyone who can communicate, getting
Fadel (2012), the central role of education is
information, do collaboration and creative
to prepare future workers and the citizen of
with high order thinking or critical thinking.
any country to be able to handle challenge as
Nowadays, communication which they live their lives. In this regard, the
involves the use of advanced information anticipative education dimension better
technology as a medium has been pervasive. provides the students with developing skills
The advanced sophisticated of digital of communication, both verbal and written
information technology as basic principle of skills using digital technology media. The
MBKM in current situation of pandemic central role of education is preparing future
Covid 19. Concerning communication in workers and citizen to be able to win any
language teaching using digital media, there challenge as they go through their lives
are three related skill every person needs to (Triling & Fadel 2012).
posses. The three skills are:
Universities have three major functions:
1. Information literacy 1) to foster human resources developments
2) to advance science and technology
2. Media literacy
developments, and 3) as the agent of social
changes. Thus the educational institution at

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature Page 42

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL) P-ISSN 2623-0062
Volume 4 No. 2, August 2021 E-ISSN 2622-9056
Universitas Banten Jaya
the university level can play aligned and Two studies also set good examples of
relevant roles such as: designing new curriculum in higher
education program. Sasaki (2018), studies
1. Producing high quality human resources,
inform curriculum development. The study
cheap human resources, or other
focuses on application of diffusion of
comparative advantages
innovation theory to educational
2. Continuously produce new scientific accountability, the case of EFL education in
knowledge and theories Japan.

3. Always improving the access and The emphasis of research is investigates

adaptability toward world science. how the criterion referenced approach has
Concerning all these competencies in impacted relationship between goal,
communication, both verbal and written classroom practices, and student
mediated by the uses of digital technology achievement in English education in Japan.
media are among the significant factor A very related research report done
contributing to the university graduated previously is a study on communication
competitiveness. skills from the perspectives of anticipative
education by Mohammad Ali, The aim of
Providing university students with
their study was to extend to which
these competencies need more efforts than
communication skill are essential for
providing secondary or primary level with
anticipating the future.
particular competencies. University need to
create and maintain collaboration with other In addition the author argues that
domestic universities and with outside formal education should provide students
universities the countries as well. Through with program to support the development of
collaboration university can improve the communication skills. The discussion of this
capacity of their students and their issue lead to general conclusion, which is
instructors. It is the basic concept of the educational institution, should include
MBKM. communication skill development programs
in their teaching learning process as a part of
anticipative education dimension. This study

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature Page 43

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL) P-ISSN 2623-0062
Volume 4 No. 2, August 2021 E-ISSN 2622-9056
Universitas Banten Jaya
investigated the implementation of MBKM revise or design new curriculum based on
in EFL curriculum of Higher education level best practices curriculum in Asian context
based on EFL curriculum in Japan that that hopefully can assist her in teaching
emphasize on Communicative language students.
teaching through three key aspects of
The research questions of this study are as
curriculum policy in Japan, there are goals,
classroom practices and students
achievement. 1.”how did the relationship of goal,
classroom practices, and student’s
Curriculum studies refers to a very
achievement aligns for EFL Education in
board field of inquiry that deals with what
happens in schools and other educational
institution, the planning of instruction, and 2.” What the impact of EFL education in
the study of how curriculum plans are Japan to independent learning curriculum in
implemented. A curriculum in a school higher education in Indonesia”?
context refers to the whole body of
Brown describes curriculum as a
knowledge that children acquire in schools.
systematic process during which language
Curriculum is a far boarder concept.
teaching and language program development
Curriculum is all those activities in which
are a “dynamic system of interrelated
children engage under the auspices of the
elements”. The elements include needs
school. This includes not only what pupils
analysis, goals and objectives, language
learn, but how they learn it. How teacher
testing, materials development, language
help them learn, using what supporting
teaching, and evaluation. He stresses that
materials, styles and method of assessment
learner needs should be served, while
and what kinds of facilities. By investigating
alternative perspectives should also be taken
three key aspect of EFL education in Japan
into account. In addition to language needs,
and the implementation to EFL higher
human needs and contextual variables
education in Indonesia especially in
should also be appraised. It is further
institution adopt the curriculum. The
recommended that evaluation should be
researcher of the study is later planned to
regarded as an ongoing needs assessment.

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature Page 44

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL) P-ISSN 2623-0062
Volume 4 No. 2, August 2021 E-ISSN 2622-9056
Universitas Banten Jaya
Richards (2001) emphasizes that the varied considerably. CLT was not so much a
processes of “needs analysis, situational change in method as a set of changes in
analysis, planning learning outcomes, course assumption about the nature of language, by
organization, selection and preparing nature goals, objectives, and the syllabus in
teaching materials, providing for effective language teaching and search for appropriate
teaching and evaluation” (p. 41) are all methodology in the light of these changes,
integrally interconnected. Wilkin described the traditional types of
grammar based syllabus as a synthetic
He places teachers at the centre of
approach. A synthetic approach is contrasted
the planning and decision-making process.
with an analytic approach, which is one
The processes in curriculum development
where there is no attempt at this careful
reflect the contributions of a variety of
linguistic control of the learning
people with various roles and goals. For
each process in curriculum design, literature
related to it will need to be further examined Wilkin proposed a national syllabus
in order to select a suitable approach to it. as a new types of syllabus that meets these
The emerge of ESP with its emphasis on criteria. A national syllabus would contain
needs analysis as a starting point in language three kinds of categorized meaning; semiotic
program design was an important factor in grammatical meaning, modal, and
the development of current approaches to communicative function. Semantic
language curriculum development. grammatical meaning describe meaning
Communicative language teaching is a underlying grammatical contrast and
board approach to teaching that resulted concepts such as : time and quantity. Wilkin
from a focus on communication as the suggested that modal meaning includes the
organizing principles for teaching rather following categorized of meaning: modality,
than a focus on mastery of grammatical scale of certainty, scale of commitment.
system of language. Communication function refers to the
meaning communicated by what linguists
The 1970s was a period when
referred to as speech acts, such as: request,
everyone was “going communicative”
complaints, apologies, compliments, and
although precisely what was meant by that

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature Page 45

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL) P-ISSN 2623-0062
Volume 4 No. 2, August 2021 E-ISSN 2622-9056
Universitas Banten Jaya
suggestions. In fact, all Wilkins has done Secondary data collection technique to
with the first two categorized was to take reporting the data from published books,
traditional items of grammar and restart journal and online website.
them in term of concepts or nations.
Data Analysis
This means that if we know wish to
This study was drawing from existing
make up the deficit in earlier syllabus types,
theoretical perspectives, highlighted related
and ensure that our learners acquire the
literature, and evidence based case studies.
ability to communicate in a more
Curriculum planning and development
appropriate and effective way, we have to
model, applicability and explicability from
inject a larger number of components into
tertiary education context in Japan. I
the make-up of the syllabus.
analyzed the extent to which the lesson from
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Japan curriculum be adopted.

The aim of this study is to investigate To analyze the data, it would be better
three key aspect of EFL education in Japan analyzed by literature study. Every data
and the implementation to EFL higher gathered was analyzed, and at last the result
education in Indonesia especially in was shown. The relevant data are arranged
institution adopt the curriculum. The into systematic summaries, which are then
researcher of the study is later planned to connected to the literature used. Then, this
revise or design new curriculum based on research was intended to draw the following
best practices curriculum in Asian context particular conditions.
that hopefully can assist her in teaching
The next steps are examining and
students. This study used Research design
revealing the data. These steps can be done
from a curriculum perspective (Mckenney,
by identifying, classifying, arranging, 2006) Qualitative approach along with
explaining thoroughly, systematically, and
relevant documents and literature were
objectively. The data found are classified
deployed to reveal the findings.
into several units to answer a research
Data collection question and concerns to the objective of the

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature Page 46

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL) P-ISSN 2623-0062
Volume 4 No. 2, August 2021 E-ISSN 2622-9056
Universitas Banten Jaya
skill, (especially speaking and writing) .
Action plan to cultivate Japanese with
Then, the researcher synthesized the
English abilities as plan included sending at
implication of program in higher education
least 300 English teachers abroad each year
level. It is in order to provide the selection
as well as providing one month in service
of appropriate teaching-learning methods
training. Finally the impact of policies,
that apply.
Indonesia could give some opportunity for
FINDING AND DISCUSSION teacher to improve their capacity of
competency in CLT through in service
1. Japan EFL education program
training, so that teacher could apply CLT in
This study reveal how well the goals, their students.
classroom practices, and students
2. Implementation from Japan EFL
achievement align for EFL education in
education program related to MBKM
Japan over three administrative. Each of
three administrations new policy along with CLT in MBKM, with communication
the five perceived characteristic of skill involve with critical thinking,
innovations. These findings make collaborative, and creative thinking skill.
suggestion for EFL education in Japan as The integration of each component is
well as for future studies. For improving suitable with new curriculum for higher
EFL policies are limited to the Japanese educational level especially for university
system, some may be useful in other context students, ensure that our learners acquire the
with similar background. First, alignment ability to communicate in a more
between curriculum guidelines and teaching appropriate and effective way, we have to
practices could be greatly improved if new inject a larger number of components into
guidelines were to become more adaptable the make-up of the syllabus.
in term of characteristics of innovation
Syllabus design for our students should
communicative activities for all skill.
be consist of:
The fact that more teachers started
conduct communicative activities for all

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature Page 47

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL) P-ISSN 2623-0062
Volume 4 No. 2, August 2021 E-ISSN 2622-9056
Universitas Banten Jaya
1. As detailed consideration as possible Ali (2017) reviewed several
of the purposes for which the learners references on and synthesized there are four
wish to acquire the TL categories of the curriculum concept,
2. Some idea of the setting namely the concept are:
3. The specially defined role the 1. Humanistic curriculum
learners will want to use the TL 2. Social reconstruction curriculum
4. The communicative event in which 3. Technological curriculum
the learners will participate
4. Academic curriculum
5. The language function involve in
In this case developing
those events
communication skills both the verbal one
6. The nations involved, what the
and the one uses digital technology media,
learner will need to be able to talk
the most important thing to be consider
7. The skill involved in the “knitting
rigorously is the curriculum implementation
together” of discourse
at higher education level the lecturer who
8. The variety or varieties the target
are responsible for developing the students
language that will be needed, and the
verbal communication and the one using
levels in the spoken and written
media skills, it can be predicted and
language which the learners will need to
projected that every higher education
institution or university should provide the
9. The grammatical content that will be
students with a higher level of competencies
related to communication. CLT still
10.The lexical content that will be
relevance to adopt in MBKM with ICT
adaptation for 21st century learning model.
These types of syllabus could be
design to apply CLT in university. The
approach of CLT in MBKM still relevance
with university need. The anticipative
education dimension reflects its existence
both in the curriculum and its

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature Page 48

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL) P-ISSN 2623-0062
Volume 4 No. 2, August 2021 E-ISSN 2622-9056
Universitas Banten Jaya
The result of this study has responded the suitable with the current situation, as
issues in English program in higher university improvement in 4,0 Education at
education related case of Japan EFL university level. The lecturer known about
education. The finding and data student’s motivation, students lack,
interpretation show that we still relevant to necessities and decide suitable material and
adopt Japan Education policy in our Higher learning method in English learning. If the
educational program most of them need lecturer knows about students need and level
communicative language teaching for their of proficiency, they could design flexible
proficiency in English at higher educational English curriculum for higher education
level. involve kinds of skills, material and
difficulties based on EFL Japan Education
1. This study reveal how well the goals,
policy , Indonesia still relevant use CLT
classroom practices, and students
with MBKM through communicative,
achievement align for EFL education
collaborative, creative thinking and critical
in Japan over three administrative.
thinking. Further researcher is recommended
Each of three administrations new
to conduct implementation of new
policy along with the five perceived
curriculum or evaluation of English program
characteristic of innovations
suitable with students need and their level of
2. These types of syllabus could be English proficiency.
design to apply CLT in university.
The approach of CLT in MBKM still
relevance with university need. The
anticipative education dimension
reflects its existence both in the
curriculum and its implementation.


By considering the benefit of this study as

step to develop curriculum, the lecturer or
educator should analyze of the approach

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature Page 49

Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELTL) P-ISSN 2623-0062
Volume 4 No. 2, August 2021 E-ISSN 2622-9056
Universitas Banten Jaya

Ali ,M. (2015). Curriculum development for

sustainability education. UPI Press
Brown, J.D. (1995). The elements of
language curriculum: A systematic
approach to program development.
Boston, Massachusetts: Heinle &
Heinle Publishers.
Fadel, C. (2008). Workforce requirements
survey source” are they really ready to
work” report by conference Board ,
Cisco systems, Inc.
Ministry of Eduacation and Culture. (2012).
Law number 12 year 2012 on the
national educational system. General
Secretariat of National Educational in
Richards, J.C. (2001). Curriculum
development in language teaching.
Cambridge: Cambridge University
Sasaki, Miyuki (2018). Application of
Diffusion of Innovation theory to
educational accountability: the case of
EFL education in Japan. Language
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