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A model that traces the journey of a customer through Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action.

This model is also known as the Purchase Funnel. Why is it like a funnel?
This signifies that a larger group is targeted through awareness but very few are left until the buying
stage which actually translate into buying customers. It is important to note that Awareness will lead
to interest which would then create a desire and hence translate into action of buying the product,
hence following a logical hierarchy.

Example: Let us apply AIDA model on Coca-Cola

 Awareness: Through its various Ad campaigns via Television, Internet, Cinema, social media it
makes, it gains the mass appeal and gains attraction.
 Interests: Through its marketing strategy of publicising Diet Coke as a zero Calorie coke it engages
weight conscious people towards it. Various other tactics as it tastes the same as Coke yet without
sugar is a huge plus for Fans
 Desire: The advertisements provide a backdrop of enjoying this drink with friends hence
emphasising a social need to get together with friends and consume a non-calorie drink. Consumers
desire this feeling and feel a need to grab this drink.
 Action: Getting to a vending machine or café, neareast grocery store to grab the drink. The ease of
availiabilty of a coke has also aided the action i.e buying the drink.

Hence brand succeds in engaging the mass through its ad exposure and easy availabilty and
economical pricing, maintianing its brand image of most preferred soft drink brand in the world.

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