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Class: 6th Grade Band

Day: 7
Learning intention: I am learning about half notes
I am learning about folk songs
Success criteria: I can read and interpret half notes
I can define a folk song, locate Wales on a Map, and tell 3 facts about
Wales/its music

Objectives: Standards met: Assessments:

Students will be able to: MU:Pr4.2.6b When analyzing -Individual/section student
-read and interpret half notes selected music, read and listening
with 90% accuracy identify by name or function -Think-pair-share
-Understand the flat signs standard symbols for rhythm,
remain in effect for the entire pitch, articulation, and
measure dynamics.
-locate Wales on a map
-discuss 3 facts about
Wales/its music


Warm up:
Long tones and lip slurs
Arm and finger warmer (fast)
Mind warmer-student led Mi Re Do
Ear training-Mi Re Do echo teacher

Familiar music:
#7, #10

Exercises: Rehearsal strategies: Fundamentals:

#11 Clap the rhythm Breath control
#12 Sizzle Rhythms/counting
Sing the solfege Accents
I play, you touch the notes Intonation
You play, I touch the notes on
the board
1,2,4 measure echoes

Repertoire: nursery rhymes

by ear

Other Activities:
Practice writing half note Mi Re Do
Read/discuss Wales and folk music

#7 (positive reinforcement with a song they can play well)

Materials/Preparation Needed:
Whiteboards-practice writing half notes

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