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Bntcred aecoTdin~ to Act of Congrflss, in tile year 1870, ~1

Ia the Clerk's Office of tbe District Court of the UDite~ States for 1M
SotItnern District of New York.




"Rn\Vly Vflr~in! is th:\t ," (~x,~lninH~rl 1\Tic'key

lIe ~qll)7z('l. with -otlWlhila!! like itorrifi( d :lIlWZ··IHc'nt.
h Bv .he JUlnping Jell .. "ipllat. uaow il t tat dou't heat aU

aatur •.,
" It'. the <1e\'i1, hroke 100. e, en I"
wid full f'tNtll\
TIa~re wa~ !.:ClO t Cltlt!olt! fhr th~.'e t'xc!HlllatitH18 npnn the
PH l't. os t he Van kt'e 11 lid Iri It tll)ltl. n they ~tO(.tI on t he ttl ur-
J.!ill n1 \Volf nllvinc, u.n I !!':lzl·d df IIV(!I' the praIrie. C '''1"1\'
tuiles t.o the llorth, .OIlH·tlaill~ l:ke ,\. ~i!!alltic It n COltld
I,e "'t!l'U HpplO whill~. aPJ)!lrclIlly at n I'apid gait. I(){' a tew
8f c' .. ,d~ w ell It luckcnetl it s,)ced, ulltil It ~ci'rcely "
OC'('a:ionl \"

\ 'nl'! '( l . '1; I tt,..

Ilia It; fI\' I' l I(.~ pl':l!!' ".
"I foe di. h lICt! Vll~ tllO gT"<lt t', :(' ' UI ill Zl· (11 ~ 1,I,ell t t ItlO:IOIJ
elo,"t·!:'; !tIt tlle/ ((I1lld '(!' tltlt. it, [,:;1:' V)t.llllb cf i, Dc,l (·jl,,·(, fl<JIU i:.. I1l/l11:h or tilt: I"il o f iJ. 1"Ild,
,,11 I. it ca .. dl":1 'I l,r '. ·11.1 <1 :t. : !)ltO C:ll' i '~ l· . il 'l-h
a silltde lliall Wa scale I, wlh) HPi care.' t) Cflt Itl'ol t.l1e
movelucnts of the extraoruillary l>cillg in fl'OUt of him.
No wonder t.hat . OHlCLllillg Hl<e ~lIp(!rst. itinu" awe 6I1e(\
the bl'ea.~t~ of the two nlen who had ceHsed hUlltin~ for
gold, for a fe\v 11li~1l1te~, to vjt'W the singular npp~'l'll ion;
for such a thing IH~d'cely het'll <il'elllned of atthutday,
by the mOil it)}~lgiJ111t.ive pltilusp,h el's; muell less had it
evel' entered the head of these two luen on tbewesterB
, U Bt.garrah, but it's the ould d ivil, llitched to his throt-

tin' waging, wid his oHIJ. wife howldin~ the reins I" ('X·
claimed Mickey, wilo h'a~ scarcely rel,lloved his eyes frol.u
the ~ing111nl' ohject. .
"Thnt there critter in the Wlt.gon is n man," said llnp..
kills, looking as iJhently in the same direction. "It sewn.;
to lne," he added, a IHOllent later, "tlJat there's sOlnebody
else n 8ittin~~' tllong:--ide of him, either a dog or a. boy.
Wnl, nHOW, aint t.hat qncer~"
" Begol'l'ah f begul'l'ah 1 do ye hear that 1 ·W hat shall we
do ~"
At t,l.nt in~tant, f\ shr:ek like that of sOlne agonized giant,
CiUllO home to t lJ 'Ill HC1'089 tile plains, nlHl both lo()!,c(l
ahont, as if alJOlll t.o flee in terror; lut the curiosit.y of the
Yn.nkec J"cstrllinod !litH" Hi..; practicu.l eye saw that what-
ever It Illight I).~, it wa~ a hlllnan contrivance, and there
could IH~ nothing supernatural about it.
h Lool< I"

Just after O'iving its car-splitting screech, it turned

straight towurd the two mell, and with the black smoke
rapidly puffing frOln the top of its head, caDle tcuriug
alon~ ut a tremendous rnte..
1\{iekey lllanifc ted SOUle nerVOU8IleS~, but lIe wa~ restrain-
. eel by tlte ('oolne:--:.' of Ethan, who jH·pt his position with
his t!)'e fixed keeuly upon it.
Coming HoI ~llCl1 a railroud speed, it Wf\S not long ill
pu.~sing Ihe intervening space. It \\~as yet several b und l'cd
yards distallt, when Ethan lIopkins gave ~lickey u 1'1l1g-
inA' s!ap upon the shouldet·"
"Jerusalem I who do ye s'pol:'e, naow, that mnn is, sit-
'iDg in tho carriage and holding the 1'8ius i"
"Worrall, worrall 1 why cln ox me, Wllio l\n so
friglitclw{l entirely that 1 don't know who I anl lnysclf1"
U It's Balcly."

"Git Ollt 1" replied the lri-:l11uan, hut n(}.le t l the ll'!xt
llHHnent, "lun I f::>l1la.plng or tlhl'Llluing i It's BtdLly or ltis
ltccl'tain1y was no ghost, jll(lging froln t·be llHLuner in
whieh it acte(l ~ for he ~at with his hat cocked on one side,
a pipe in his Inollth, and the two reins in his hand~, jl~ t
as the 81< illful <1ri ver controls the llcttlesolue horses, and
keeps theln well ill hand.
lIe was scat'tt upon ;\, large pile of woo(l. \vhile neat' ne, -
tIed a lit .le lalltup-backe i, bright-eyed uoy, whose C.")8
sparkled ,vith delight at the pCl'fOrlUance of the stJ'ullue
llH1C Iii II e,
'I ile speefl of the steall1 Ulan grndunlly slackened, IIntil
it CHI1C opposi tc llae lllen, vhen it cnlne to a deu,<l hal t,
and t.he grinlling .~ Baldy," us he was ca.llcd, (It'0111 11 is
having lost 11 i:s ~c ( l1p several yea,l's before, oy the Indians),
tipp ,(1 his hnt, a.nd ~aid:
.~ Glad to " 'C you haill't gone under yit. How'd you git
along while I wus gone 1"
But the llien were IlHrdly ab1e to nnswer any questi()n~
yet. until they hful letll'ned sOlnetlaing- Inore ahout the
.trange cn'utitlll hl,fol'e them. ~ljckcy shied a Yay, as t.he
titnid Btccd docs at fir t i~lat. of the }ocolllotive,ousel'villg
which, the 1)0 " (at u, 'Ilggcstioll trolD naldy) gnve n ~tl'illg
ill his hand It twitcil, whel'cupoll the uo' e of the wOlldel··
ful thing- threw out a jet of r-:tenlll, with the shar'P sCI't'cel.
of the locolllot i 'e wlt i~lle. l\[ickey ~l)f'nn~ a. h ·lIt" duzen
teet hllcl' ward. uu(l would h2lVC rlln otl" ftt. full !"lh!(&" duwn
tllC ravi t·, hatl IIot ]~t.l111n Hopkin .' 'alight Itj~ anll.
H \VIt,lt':-; tit ~ 111 l t -I', Ii(jl'd~.'· , tIlL')\\'? lJaill't you CV<.!t'
IH'n,· c\ Hli.: lhlllg I.k(! ll. \O(!Olllotiv(J \\'l,ist,le '1"
h \\'or ... d" WOI'1· .. h, !lOW, hut. l:-; thllt tIle WIly thH ('l't th('l'
blows its nose 1 It "lUst have a IJO~Llltiful vu.c~ wltc/'. it
ebnol'c' at night."
p 'l'haps nt this point, a de~ription of the singular Ine.
., ,
chauiam should be given. It was about t~n feet iu heicYht
lnl'nqtt .. ill~ t.o 1he top 0 f the " gtove-pipe hat," whiell wal
fa~1tiolled aft(· .. the COllllllon ord('r of felt cnvel'inO''-\, witl
n j,road i)}',m. nll pnitlted a ~h ny bla ~ k. Tho fave W~q
))l;H Ie of irol!, pu. i llt('d. a hI; ck eolol', ,\ ith a pair of
feal'i'1I1 cyt>~, and a tl'elnelltlous g-riJluiug' JHollth.
A wllistJe-al<c eOlltr i vanee wnS l1lflc1e to allswer.
fi)f' th: HOI.:~. TIIC~ stean ('hc: t: proper HncI hoi IeI',
were w}l('re t.ll(~ ('..IJ(~!-:t ill tl. II\lman being is generally SI1P-
pmwd to 1)(>, ( xt('llllin~ 1I1so into l\ larue kllnp -:lek 111TlIlIge-
llwnt ove!' the H} ' ( 1I1lers and haek. A' ot arJllti, like
1)"( }-CLioIlS, lwld tllO Hllltlts, and tIle h!'\)ad fiilt. feet were
('11V, l'4 .! d with _-h I'P spike., as thOtl ,~1t lie wCle Ihc 1ll " JlIU' -I.
of 1,;\ e I)all p! :I .:CI '. Ti,e l('gs w( 're qnite 1ong, and tile
st.· p Wit llnl l: l'al c '<:cpt whell I'lll1lllll!...:, nt wlli'll t1lll(", tile
bl) l l! l rightllt'~S ill the fig-llre showed differellt frotn a hu ..
Illll n I i 1l g'.
ill tIlt., l{}lI\ps- , cl~ were the valves, by which the stennl
01' wider W:I~ ex Jllin('d. In front Wllsa paint.ed imit'ltion
01 n V· , { in,vhich It door opened to l'cecive the fuel,
"hie l' , togetll~r "ith tIle water, wa.s carrie t ill the wavon,
u pi pc rut.Bit (r a !oJl g t.1l e shu' t, ttud COllllt:!cting with tile
'1 lie lines which the <lriverheld controlled the course of
tllest :l,IllIl11..n; tilt! , hy n il 'ing'tiaestl'ilpon lherigbt,n de-

tl~'(;liOll \V(l~ C'Ulse'\ will ,I. tllrnt~ d it iu t.ha.t direction, aud

the SalJle acted Oil the otil<>l' ~i(le. A 'mall rod, which ..all
"I"I)~' th(~ I'i~.dlt- ,halt, let ont or shut off the ."tec.alu, as was
de ire", while a ('or i, l'ulllliug nloug the I(!f~, cOl)trvllctl tbe
whi:tlc ilt tlte Ito.-e.
'1'110 le~ of til i:-; eXI raOl' 1illHry lllcchn.nisil were fnlly ~
'-'H d H}) ' lrt Sf) ~I to :Ivoid tlle dillH~('l' of its HI).:ettiIlO' and
:J ' ;::"
" Il l e ~j\nlC t.illl \ tI , >/'o Wtl . p; ,ve lHOl'e 1'00111 t()l' the play.
<,11\10 <It,d ~ iL le III el li l)l~ I' " \V'IIt ' U. Lon.r, sItHl'p,spike-lil<o
j,I'(),i ,·{;tlOIl"; a :\ Ol"l tt... lh ~: so le .. of the illllnellse feet, so Ih'It
tll'I". · V:1.:·' lit! Ie d:lI\~l:1' (I f it." 'l ipp:ll! , \ '~Ii e t.lte length of
'lit' Ie .. s silo n 'd tliHt, llldt; (' Hi.vPI'u.blo cir " Ulllstanccs, the
8lcalu man IUW.. t he eupahle of very great speed.
Het' Etllu.n Hopkins bad somewh~t fUUliliarize~ hiwsel1
tel'ual appellI'll) e ofthi~ p'ece of luecll,\' lsm,
he vontured upon n luore crit.ic;ll e.·!lInil~at ion.
Tile door h ina' op 'ne ill ffont, how (1 nina s of ;!~O'V­
ing coals lying j 1 the Cllpn.eiOIlS nl lOlllcn ()f tlle gia.nt;
the hi sing vn,lves ill tIle 1~lIap .. ack 1 fl'lle thenl C V(~ l\).
pal'ent, (lnd the top qf the h l.t or : mol e" b cl ,1m( a. . 'eve-
like u;r,lIlgclnellt, Buel 3.S is ('re. ll(;!ll ly celt on tlre '0 .( 1 0-
Ii ttlc c( n v ~n iCllC S it the Yay of moe- -
'rh{~l e \ 'e 'e ot her
tin '!' ( draft and of shutting" it off, when too ~I'ellt, \ tldnh
could ~e(ll'('ely be tndcl' t )od vithout fl. scrutiny of lIe
figure it etf.
The stealll man was a fd cr htJul.loo1<ing ohj let, he in
painted ofa glos y hInck, with fl. nair of \\' lite t'ipc:i
own it. I (T . , and wi h t\. face wll icll wa in teudet to L;e 0 f
a flesil-colol', btl t \! h iell was r 'ally n. £ lrful red.
To give the n1 chincry an a.hundullce of loom t.he feun
than was 'Xceed j ngl y e )rp"len t, Kwell i ng' ont t.o nld erlU ILl •
'c Pl'OpOl'tiO'l , \ 'hich, alter all, w.} littl~ (ut of hflrlnpn~
wil.1a it~ inl{ll n c 11 ight.
Tile W:lg'OIl df';(~'(Ted bel ind wa nn )"(linr ry 1'0-11' whec~ .(1
ehicle, with StU,jug', and 7CI'.' strnJl!.{ \V lC "t, a fl"Hlll{>\VOI k
beillg ilJTll,nged, so that when necc' (try,°t, could I.e "t~
curcly cover'cd. '1"0 o'ual'Cl ngain:t the danger of ups ttinO',
it wa' very brollrd, wlt.h low w lIee! , 'which it m y he :afe-
ly ~ai 1 were tuade to" hunl," when the g ~nt cmUl1 got
1Hirly ullder wu.y.
Buell i·; brIef fir U I nppl'fect dcsCI·j )ti ,of thi:' wonder-
fu 1 st ea III DUt.U, ,lS It uppcarcd, 011 its fi 'bt V it tu tlJo \ ·c.~
tern vrUhoiCi:s.



When Ethnn IIopkllls Lud 'urveyed the team mt n (ully.

he drew a long sigh all(l exclilillle l;
" Wal, nnow, tllu.t'~ too bad 1"
"Whnt's that r' inqllired Bieknell, who had been not
little nnlll~cd nt his opell-Illollthc<l nlnazelncnt.
" Do you )O)O\V I've been thillking of that thing for ten
yeat's, ever since I went through Colt's pistol factory iu
Har' forI I, when I was a young;;tcr."
h Did. 011 evel' t.hin k of auy plall l"

" I never got it quite rig-It t, bu t I intenc1a(l to do it after

we got through digging for gold. The thing ,vas just
tnking- sltnpe in my head. See here, nfLow, uin't you going l
to gi ve H. fel10 v a ride ?"
"Jis' what [ wunte·' ~ sllall I run it for yon 1"
"No, [ see how it w()rks; then} 'ere thingtnnho\)s and
gitHcl·iLel~. do it alL"
., Julin'y. hyn. .., will tell yer 'bout it."
The little IUllnp hack 8pran~ nimhly <hnvll, aull now.
RI'Ollnd the 1l1nn, 'xplnining, ns well ai 110 conld, in a. fe\Y~
nlOI1l~nt.-.I, tlw 1l1'lllllCl' of controlling its movements. 'rile
~unkce £.Jt SCHue £o:cn..;it iven 'ss in hcing in:-trl1ctcd hy stich
a tilly specimen, nntl pring'ing' int.o the ,va.gon, cxclainwd:
"GI! COllI; t tl'yin' to te:tCh yer uncle I r knowed how
tllc thin!! ,v,nld work hefore yon \\ ere born I"
Pcrc1Jill:'" hitn df Oil lhe top of t.hl' wood ,vhich wnll
heaped lip 111 the wagon, the enthusillstic Ncw Englnndcr
carcl'u ly lool<ed ovcr the prairie to 'ee th'lt the way
WHS clear, nuel ahout to U let 011 the steam," when he'U-
Ed t.oward tile I riShUllIll.
,. CIHlle, M:ckcy, git up hel'e."
., Al'rah now, but r n~v 'I' learnt t.o }'1 Ie t.he (levil when t
wa' homo in the ould coulltr.y," replted tllc 11' ~hll all, »'Ick·
11)0' away.

Bnt. both Ethnn nnd B;l.I(ly uuit.ctl iu their per:;'llusiollS,

and finally ~Iickey consentc\l, although with great Irep cIa- I
tinn. lIe t.itnidly clillli ed upon the wagon, and t.ool'
bis ~cnt. beside the Yankee. look illg very lllllCh us a luan
Dlay be supposed to look, who lllouuts tll-e h('arse to attcnd
Lis own funeral.
"vVbcn yel' wants to start, jist pull that 'ere gil11Cl'ack 1"
. laid Baldy, pointing to the crook it: the rod, U1)011 whicb
hi. hand rested.
16 THE: ATI1:AM ~IAN (IF 'fn F..I I'R•.o\ .rnm8.
"Let yonI' 01 i Jnaeitille go to hl,lzes I' 'Bnttered Ethan.
"If it acts thut \\fly I don't wall t notlnn' to do \\ Ith it."
"In t h~ In vall t tne, the steatllel' II f~d g-one l'att 1i n g c)ver
tl,e !>raine, untIl nlHHlt a qllil t. '1' of a utile distaut, whell
it rapidly sltlckelle.l, (l11 .1 a "' qu .ckly ha.lle.l.
" VVIIlLt's the IHatter wid it now r' u.j,ed l\f icltey, "1tai
it got, t C cl'funp' a!ld g:in out l'
"The Sle, III b used up 1" rcpli ~ 1 the d .'nrf, fl. he hutl'ied
aft !1" it, " we call , 00" sLit rt j t ag;t' JI I"
All four nlad~ all haste townrd the ,"· talio :laI'Y figl1r~; hut
tlle light fnnuc and !o:uperiol' Hctivit.y of lillie Johny
hrought lJilU to it con . ide: ab1y ill advnnce of tlte other~.
Elliplying- n lot of wood lrOlu the WilgOH, he was htl. Iy
cu~a(red in throwing' it into Ids , tOlllilCd w!af~n the otller
two came up. His e,Y 's spa k ed, a he Haid :
'·.Jump up til(~re alld I'll give .\011 (-til a rideI"
'1'11<· tllI'pe (!lalU I Wrcd lip and hh)k tht·ir ~ca.t.: with gr'.Aat
Caf'(! , ]\( !d{ ',r and E IlIan cspl'cia. ly cl.ngiuJ as it their lite

dl'pencictlolJ it.
Joh II y tit I'ew ill til c fuel nn til the 1,1 < C k : tHO ke pc. 11 red
in t~ stl'(.!tllll frolH the hat. Defore h:aving it, he opened
two sll);ll1t~1' (4)or~, at. tIle l<n ~t'S, wl11ch allowed tlJC ~uper­
filllllt:-l clllden; and as!t(AS to fall out.. '1 he water in tlte
boiler was thcn (\x<llninecl, :.lnt! fol111d nll right. Johllu1
nl C) lIlted in Ids place, <llld"onk ehal'ge
" Now we fire rcady 1 hold fast. !"
" Beg-orr',,", if I !.!()e~ I t.lIkes t.he wagon wi 1 ule." re-
phed l\licl{cy, ns he (;10 ell his t 'ella and IJllIIg on lik"
'1 iw ('ng'lllec,o Ill:lIlttg' d tlJC lnOllsfct' lith },' ~l\ill, lpt..
tillg Oil n f I I hp:l.d of ~!( : 'tJll, alit! jllst, a, it. 111 : 41 (., {\ move,
~ lUI fill!! it ofl", all 1 leU ill~ it O'1!t alIllo.· t inlll1(·dill.lcly, :lll I
thell 'bllttin o ' off. Hlld adJ))iltin~ it lI~raill , IIntil it he:..!·att
'll/)villg itt a. luud 'rate paCt', "'hieh, , however, rapi.lly ill-
Crt!', 'cd until it was going fllily thil'ly Inile' an hour.
. Notliill(T conill bo l)lOre j)lntsa t th'illl th is' ri le 'ofa lnile
over the· pl'aide. The'p\{tlll ··was qllite level, 211 d <le~pito
the ~xt l'llonlinary speeJ u ttained, t 11 e Wl~gOt1 gliacd alan: 1St
as 81uooth tI, US if upon a rnill'o·ud. £lthougb the
• tIt wa~ ~tjll, 'hc velot·it,r created {\ ~titT hreeze u,hont the
e:trs of tilt: f01l1' S 'atcd 011 tlte top of t.lle w()()ll.
Tile hci~ht of t.he :-tC .llll nUll" head carrie(l the 8tll,.ke
.11<1 cind~rs clear of those h ·b'nd, while the wondert II
macl dncry lvit 1& in, wOl'kcd with u. llw''l'vcllouft {jxc\ctne8~,
lucia as was tl ~Olll'Ce of COil ti II U .<1 anlaZt!1l1cnt to nll except
Ule littlc felhnv \\ ho luul laitll 'elf COil 'tnl ·t "d the extrcLOl'·
diJlill'y 01 ~clt8Jli In. The c ick 01 thc jo HIs as they ohey-
e. I their Illot) ve power were scarcely H .dll le. uncI, when
ollce stnrlc~d t Jtcre WatS ll() ttllcVellllC s at. ali in it· pr()~·e ' s.
'VII(~ II the- party lu (t rid 1 'n hout u. half ulile, .To\any
dcscl'i bed a la.rge ci rele, tLll(.1 f1IHl.lly Cll me hack to t.llt! st art-
jug, checking- the progr ·s~ vi tit till; S' llll \~ sk Ii 1 tit a.t he ha.d
stal'ted it. We illlnle<iintcly prc\llg dowlI, 'xamined lhe
fin'~ alld several poi, t · of Ihe luan, wlacn filldin'" e\'(~ry­
thill(' nol t, he ope:lcd his kucc-clI ps and let cllH.lcrs lUHl
aJJc ' drop out..
u ~ ow J<in yCflU dew lhat~' inquired Ethan OpllDe,
pc rillg over Ins shoulder.
" WllaL's t. ) hinder 1"
44 llow l<in he work h is I "'gs, if tIt Y 're holler
, that ny
and let tbe fire do\vJl 'elll 1"
u ' 'hey aill' lao llow. Don't you ee they arc very larg{",
Bud there is plcn y r\)OlU t()r the leg1'ods, b sides ICl\vi 'g'
a pI aCC f<')r the draft nIl 1 a lac' ~"
h Wul, I swan, if that uillt rather queer. And 3'OU
nu\.de it all out 01 your head I1HOW i" n ked t.he Y;uarl<ce,
loul ing at the diminutive inventor b ·fun~ hiln.
H Nq, I hud to usc n. g )()d dell} ot iron," \ u the reply .of
the Y()llng~tel' \vi tit II. q II izziClIl slui Ie.
hI lU 'un you got' lip the thin{J' your elfi"
4\ e~. sil' ;" was tile quiet, but pI'oud rcpl)' 06 he bl y.
"Jintro and Jeru~ali! nll IJ It your daddy lllust he till d of
yonI" e:chdlncd tIle 'Ullin in ·tic N·w Englanuer,80-"
illg hint nclluirillgly frolll head tu fuot
u 1 havt~Il't any f ,lti ..... "

" \ 0111' 11loth"1 then 1"

-- I uon't kno o;liout tha~.
18 TUE !'\TE_\~I 1\1.\.:" OF T:rE r.:: \IRIES
., S~ly. you, Call't yea' Icll a feller "l)'Htl it 1"
.. Not now; 1 haven't lime."
As the stealU horse Wu.s to rest for the pr0scn t, he was
.. put up." The engineer opened severnl cavities in his
legs Hnd breast, und d fferen t parts of h is body, nn d eXlLlll-
inccl the nUl,! hinel'Y, carefully oiling th~ val'ious portions,
und when he ha.d completed, he drew a lat'g:e oil skin fronl
the ' wag-oil, "hich being spread ()u t, covered lJotll it and
the steam mau hhnself.



Having progressed tllUS fnr in our story, or properly bay.

tog begun in the middle, it is now neccss/u'Y that we should
1t1rn back to the propel' starling point.
Meveral year s:nce a ,vidow woman resided on the ont-
skirts of St. Louis, whose llaJno was Bl'aincrll. Het' hus-
bnnd had oeen a Inecliallic, noted tor his ingeuuity, but
wns killed SOlne five years bcf()1'lJ by the explosioll of a steall1
.. boi1cr. lIe 1eit hehind hirn a son, IHlIllp-ba<.;ked, dwarfed •
but \\' Itl! aU 1tlniabJe disposition that made hilu a. tavorite
\ wHll all with \V hOllt he calHe in contact.
If nature affi.icts in one l.lil'cction she frequently makes
lunends in nnother direction, i\nd thi~ dWHrf~ l';mall nlHl
ll1i~·slaapcll as he was, Wal,1 gifted with a lllost wonderful
luinu. Ilis lllechnnicni itl~clluity bordered on tho lllal'vel-
lOllS. When lle went to scitool, he wai a general 1nvor te
with teachers au(1 pupils. 1'he Jonner lovc(t II inl for his
sweetness of di:;posi tiOIl, t\ud his rClnal'k .. uie proticiency in
all stud ie~, while the lu.tter based their H ffeclioh ell icily
upon the flLct, that he neVel" rcfusc(l to assist llny of thcln
at their tasks, whilo with the J,>ocket-l-nifl!, whtch ho cur-
ricfl, he constructed toys, which were t,hcir <.t'li~" lit. SOl",
ol these were so curious aut! a~llusiug,, l~ . " l \. ICy I.. Cil
!ecnrec1 by letters pa.tent, they would have brottgl1t ..
cOlllpc1ellce to hiln and his widowed 11lother.
But Johny never thought of patcllting theIn, although
the principal support of 11 imself and 1l1otlwr come frOlll
one or two pateuts, wl.ich his fatl er Lad ~ecul'ed upon
in, clIlion , not neal' the cq naJ of lIis.
1'h CAre sccl11ed 110 liluit to his inventive powers. He
nlH.(ie a lOCOlllotive nnd then 11 stcu,n1hoat, pel'fcct in every
part, even to t.he lUlU utest, tHing not hing hnt his knife.
]lalnauer and a small ellisel. He COllstnlctefl a clock with
11 is jack-knife, which kept perfect tilne, ane: the articles
",hic,It he lllade, were wonderingly sta.'cd at at fai r@, ftnd in
Bbow Willdow~,while Jo"ny mode tly pegged awn.y at some
new idea. He became a Ina ter of the R10t of telegl'apuy
without a sistance irOll1 anyone, using merely a COlllluon
~chool philo!'phy with "thich to acquire tho ulphabet.
:~e then made n couple of batteries, ran a line frolll his
'window to a neighbor' , insulntIng it by mean" of the necks
vi'some I ottles, tf.ught the othel' boy the alphnbet, and
~i:\t1S "they Hmused th(!mselves sending messages back nnd
'Tlltts mattet'S progressed nntil he was fifteen yo ra of age,
when he ennle home one day, and lay down on the
licHee by llis Dlqtlter, and gave a great sigh
h1\'hnt i"s the luatter l" she inquired.
"I '\ unt to luakc sOlnething."
"WIt)', then, don't YOlt make it."
"13ech.ut)e I don't know wha.t it hall be; rYe fixed up
every thiug .I cnn think of."
" And y)U are like Alexander, sighing for more worlds
to conquer. 18 that it W"
"Not exnctls, fOt, there is plenty for one to do., ir' I coulll find out 'what it is."
" Have you eT~r made a balloon I"
fhe boy lauglltsJ.
" You were asldug for the cat the other <.lay, nd WOIl.
dering- what luL 1 11t!~)IIW of he,". I didu't t.ell ~'OU that
the lu,tit I saw ooi hel, WLLS tllloU~ h 1\ t~lesc()po, sIlt' ufting.
ab< lit two Dlilc=, "p in the cloud~, aud going about fifty
Ul i !e.. Bn hour."
H I lhonglat you 1.,ol«~(1 as thongh you kliew sotnf-t1aill!t
ahollt, her," .eplicd the IlJothl'r tI'Jing tu speak rcp ..ov ng-
l~, and yet In 1i Ilg in 1'1 te of Itel':e lf.
h Can't you lell lllC sOln~thi .g to ulake 7" finally a~kcd
tll(~ Loy.
H Yeo ; t here is ometlting 111ave often thought. of, nnd
wOlldt!r \\ hy it vas not. Jnnde long ago; l,nt JO\' arc not
Ullart P,.t ough to do it., Jo Illy."
" l\la -he lIot; Illll tell "Ie what it. i~."
U It i:J a man tllat sll-flll go by st eat" I"

~'bu hpy lay ~4i Ii HCVCl'ui auiuutcij "without spottldng, a

oJ d II lid 1.l&ell spr. n~ up•
.. By Geol'~ e I I'll c10 it 1"
An, he ~tat't ed ou t ot t IaJe "00111, ntH 1 wc\~ not. Seen in .,g'
until uigllt.. IIi~ lIl-utllel' f~lt no Hllxiet,y. Shu W'U!>1 pll':':~­
cd ; for, ,. h.·n Ia~ .. hoy ~a~ at \Vorl(, h~ WilS IhlPPY. ;tllt 1 'he
kilo\\, tll :lt he Ilnll uuough now, to k~ep hilu clJgnged tor
DlOIi t.lJs 1.0 enlne.
So it proved. lIe spent sevel'al w(~eJ(s in th()t1~ht. he.
!cH'e he Blade the first. eft~ ,rt towar 1 eOllstl'llC .i ng h i~ gl'{!at..
est ~.HICCt!~S of a.11. lie then enlar.ged h lS WOI k:i!lHP, nu" • 0
arranged it, lhat he \ 'Oll hi not lie il" dan~el' of I.ein:! s' n
hy ully curious cye~. Ho wanted no' di:;lUI'ln'illCO while on-
ga:,!cd upon til IS schelUe.
From n llcighl)oring ' foundl'y, who:-;e propr'iet,or took
gl'eaL intel'cst. In t.lac ho~' he secured a l hiLt he n~ edt <I.
JJe WaS nllowc<i full liberty lu llluke vt at ca.:ti gs fie
cl1uosc, ulld to COtlstrl.ct wilu,tave he w.fjl ad. And so he
be,!.! au II is wOJ k.
The great point was to obtliin thu peculja,r Iuolion of a
nlllll wa .killg. T i,lS ~ecu.ed, the lUaU h im :elf «ollil htj
ell si I y lHHI! t!, and dl'ctS cd II P iil all ' sty :e I' q III! (:'( 1. }:4' II it 1.
1.. ' tltc 1,,0) " ... I{'ved t h at 11(, Ia ;\ll hit "1 ill llie tlU e ~"I : ne.
o h~ pled h., rder t Ii'..!:l CVt 1", 'ell rCl ,l Y lhLU., . Ig () I .I, u
I i.' tll<!nls. Final y he Tot tlte Il l ;/( ; 'i 11' to~( 111(" • ., '(' , l
~, u.ud ' ~·/tU f·al4h~~ ~uul~wha.L Ii.u ,to 'tuu'o '01 ti.,··

e R'I W f onl tlle fir t thnt

the 81 ealn 'Hn.n ~h{)111d Ii It

til.' illlple In lHncr"-

(. h ! II ~we c n 10 I
ns to divulge hi~ ~l·CI'Ct. Olll' rea.dt'r~ IUU
n nit t lie tiline hell he
,1"HoOd I.)
hell the nn~h ~ we as ftair y • 1 orldng 01'(1c.!r, t.he
inv ~1It.()r l'('lnov(!<l cvervtldu!,!' flotH ~lr~)ltnd it., so t,ha.1 it
.. tood IOHe in the ell" of hi~ 'hoI- Then ho curer Illy
let Olt . 0:1
B(~()l'C llc CUU d hnt it off, t.he stentn mA.n val eel cle
thr()\1~'h t.he ide uf his shop, und fetched up lIrru,in.'t. t.h~
C()nl~l' of th~ 11.,,,. e, with a. violence that ~11()()k it to its
1'0 Illt dnt in,,_ 1n <'on. lc1cra hie 11·(,l)idat.ion, t.he youngster
d ",lied forward, llut. off 'team, and turned it I'o'md. As
it \\'as t()() ClIlu\)('r81)me for bim to lllall 1ge in nny other
WH}" he vcr)' CHllt.iou:ly let 011 steam agll in, Ilnll per:-uaded
it to walk back iu t.<~ t ~~e ~lJo p, pas.:-,illg thrvugh tl~c 8~W'
01·' fire hy w 11 tch it eluer~etl, nnd coming very nigh goin~
Oilt. on the oj) osite side again.
The great ' thing wns now nceolnplishe(l, nnd t.he hoy de-
voted hituself to brInging it n: nen.r pe!'fect.ion as possi.
ble. Tile principal thing to be feared was its get ting out
of order, since the slightest disarrangement would be suf:
ficicnt to stop the pi'ogress of the lnan.
Johny tllerefore Dlade it of gigantic 8~ze, tIle body and
limbs being no nlore than " shells," used as a sort of screen
to conceA.l t.he working of the engine. This wns carefully
l)n.intcd in t.he D1unnel· mentioned in another plnce, anel
the mach inery was made as strong and dura.hle as it was
possible for it to Le. It was so constructed as to with ...
stand t.he severe jolting to which it necessHrily would be
Bubjected, and fiuuJly was bl'ought as nearly perfect as it
was possible to bring a thing not possessing human intel-
By slHlpendiug- the maclline so tlUl.t it.s feet were clear of
the .fioOI·, Johny Bndnet'd nseert.ained t.hat uncler favora-
ble c l'CUIl)~tances It could rUlI very nearly sixty Illites an
h.our. Jt could easily do th"t, and draw no Cal' behInd it
npon the railroad, while on H. COIDIUOIl road it could ll1alie
thirty miles, the higllCst rate tLt which lle belicv6a It p09'-
~ible fot' a wagon to be drawn upon land with aw:.y degree
of s;dety.
It was the boy's intention to run it twenrJ miles all
hour, wlJile, Where ever'ything was sufe, he wc,uld delnOtl-
strate the power of his iuvention by ocCu.siollalIy Jlu-.king'
nearly dnuhle thnt.
As it waR, he rightly calc111nte<1 that ,vhen it came forth,
it would 111ake a great sensation' throughout 41!.l~ enth'.
Ynited States.


• "Hello, younket·! what in tilnnd r yer tryin' to make '"
Johlly Brainerd paused and looked up, not a. little
8t~l'tled hy the stl'unge voice and the rather singuhn' figul'e
'w hich stood helore hiln. It W&3 a huntel., in half-civilized
COf.ttllnle-hi~ pants tucked into his itnmense hOt)t-toP~t
with revolvers and rifles at his wni t, and n general neg ' i-
gent nir, which ,-,howed that he was at hllme in whatever
part of the 'w orld he chosp. t.o wander.
He st.ood with his han(ls in lds pocket., chewing his
quid, atld cOlnplacently viewin~ tlle opc1l'ations 01 the I,oy,
who was not n little surprisc(l t : ) uuderstand how he 01>-
taine(l entrance into Ids shop.
h Stopped nt tlle house to ax whar 01 I 'Vnsho~ Peto

keeps his hotel," lepliecl the stranger, rightly snrmising

the query which wns agitating him, "'nn(l I ('()Iched "
glilnp .. e of yet' old machille. 11lougllt I'd COllH! in 2U1<\
see what in blazes it Wal" Lool{s to lue like a lllan thufi
gwine to run by steam."
'~1 hat's just what it is," replic(l the boy, f-:eeing there
was no usc in uttC1Hl)lillg to couceal the tl'uth il'um tllo
u"Vi 11 it do it W'~
" Y Cl4, !--il'."
"Don't think yon ll'1Cnn ...... lie, J'ot1n!~cr, lHlt I don'l. be-
lieve allY sich 81 uif as tl,at.'
h It dOH ' t IHai(c :111] d ifl'el'encC to Inc whet her you he-
lieve me or not," was the q \1 iet. reply of the boy; "br If
you will CPIUC inside und ~hut tue door, and let llle fasten
it, 80 that there DO dangel" ot our beiug UillUdJed,
I will800D show 10 "
Tht·~(~ t\\,H p(·t'snlHt.~·l-'!4, SO
unlike in Hltnost. every respect,
'!fi 1i t kt·,! qllj:~ ~ blH'y to cHell Ot.!I~l°. Tht' ~tr()fI~, IHlol'dy,
J,ronl.e,1 tntppt'f', p(.wer illi in ~dl {!t,tt ~C) ... ~ to llHtke up the
phS i('( ! Iun". looked upon the p 1tleo sweel-faced 110), wilit
111:-: IIds- llClp(~ n IlndS. lLS Hit ntf~ct.i()nu.te father would look
\lPOU Hn . til (oted child.
011 ttl(- other llinld, the hrusque, outspol<en luanne .. of
\h e 11 un h:1' plea t'd the appremat.Jve III i nd 0 the uoy, wIt 0
~a\\' lllucit to Hdlllire, both ill his ap : eanulce and ttHl.IHler.
" I , :on'(' 8'1'0." yer J:cnow Ine," said •.he stl'altg('r, a . . he
~tf'pped i tleide and aU()~ ed the 00.)' to stcure the door Le-
111 nd ltin .
" 1 llever saw y(~ U hefore."
"1 un' Ha (ly Bicknell-though I giuerally go by the
DHlllt' ,Jf ' Ba.ldy.' "
h That's rat i.'r an od(l na.lne."

" Y H::-i: f II H Cs t.h<; n:!lt~ OIt."

A~ I,e !'pok(\ til' 'lrallgcl rCtllOvc<t his hat anq di:-plnJed
Ids ~'l~·", ; -..:11;\ Vl'll p :1I e.
,. Yt ~ " d 01l1l, tlutlt 'l':--t III 1 tllat.. ell 1 Thnt ere nlC"~n~ I ha<l
tn . 11a.'1' lift, d ku seHr~ ago. The Sioux war the skulIl 'i
tllat done it. ~Iter they tulc lny top- knot ofl', it hu.d
grn,v'd lit ngill. H,u d tIIHt\; why 11t('J call u.e .ll.tlly."
JII lie 11\1': IltilliC the (001' IUl(l hccll closed, "lid HII se-
clI!'(:d. Tlac l'iI~ 01 liJ(,! , ' (CUIH nwn elllptied 1 ~ Slllol'c )'IHI
Sle,'IIll into a s(:etlon of .. tnVt!-l'il' :,wh cit led illt.o the chit,,-
l)('Y, liO tllat 110 su~pic , on of anyt.hing unusual could dis-
tUI'I) the pm~ ers ~ by ill the ~trcet .
•• r q1t Sf' , it. WOll't do to let hinl wnlk here, for when I
tried it first, Itt! WCllt traiglat .t1II'Ot ~h the bide the or
1J " II (!; htl t. you can tell I 'y tile way ill W" icll 11C UUJYCS
hi::; I(:!.! s. wll r tller I,e j a:Jle to ~· 01' lIot."
HTh ,tt's the way we g Ilcraily g:ts Ihe p'ints of an ani-
111 :11," rdllln~ , 1 Bald y, w tla gr. at eOlllplal~anC(', a~ he ~eat...
cd Idlll .. cl , "1"ln :t b('lIch to watch Ill · p~l'l()nn d,lce.
II. HAqllil'cd ' t il e I \ly but ~~ ,'hOlt. dille to generate a ~t1ffi.
ci.'n qtwlltity of st.t·um to ~ct tlte Ici.!,s croing at a terrific
l'~tc, vur.)'i!l~ tile pr\)CcCdiug~ uy
Ictting ~OlU~ of the ValJot
tllr0l1g11 the whist.le which cOin po. ed 1he st fit /. \ tHall ~
BIl.ldy Bicknell ~tood t:)r R01l1e 1I))llut('s with a .· ll : P :
too great to u.llow hilll to spltal(. VI)!). h')' l ill (~S \\' ( I.
nH.·cbanh·ffi, 'yet the hoy v lao hall CUll:;! rllet t;{\ it · \ ' ,I ,.' j ' •
IlHlrt! worl hy of wonder. 'Vhen the "tc:n u had g \ on '''I~~,
the hunter plueed hi:! big hand upon ,'h e IH~a t 0: tl C I If I I ~
icllow, and said:
UYou're A. luighly Sln1l.rt chap, th It be you. Did IUl "
body l'clp you lnnl{c that 1"
uNo; 1 ')(~Iil!ve Hot."
"'Vhat'll you tuke for it r'
'-1 lJeVtr tltouu'ht of 'cIlIDc"
~ 0
h W .'), think of it now."

" What do you \ '2\111 to do will. it 1"

"TJaat"s three 01 u goill' out to hunt II ~ol.l, ,10.1 that'&
Jist the Ihillg to keep the lujins huel, uu' scurt.. J'vc I}e~n
Ollt tllar Hf.,re, and IU1(hV whal,' ,lie Bildter with the clu.'o-
ed ~kU:lks. So, tell Dle how much I)}nuey will buy it."
U I would rallter not sell it," s'dd John.r, allel" a f )\
nlillutes' further thought. "I: has l:lkell IHe Jl ur':et while
to finish it., anti I 'Wou't.! I-ather 110t patt with it, tor ,htl
present, at least." .
H Bu t, sk in lne, YOl1ul(cr, I want to huy it J • I'll glve 'ou

a thonsand dollar iul" it., Shlp down."

Altllol1~h nluch les than the lnach· ne as r n11y WOl't h,
yet it wus a large oiler and the tJoy he ltat 'OI" l\ IUO-
Dlcnt. But it wns only for a mOlnent, wilcu he dceill .
e<ily shook hiM 11l~a,d.
f.~ I wish you wouldn't nsl{ m(O, for I don't \vunt In SHII it,
until I havt: ha.d it sOllle tuue. De~ide~, it isn't filii. ht'd
yet." .
4' It aiD t I" excln me{l B'ddy, in . UI pd, 6. h ¥!IY, it
WOl'k...--,yhn.t IItore dl) yOq wallt 1"
h l'ye (, ot tn Blake a "a ~ ()n to I'll , I (· .dn t )1."
t'"' .
,.. l' h :t t' . it, i-! h 1 1 I IH'1l 11 .. () U \ . a l' t; ill' 0 I'J
hac!_ 1I1l\"lll ' ielI WI. II I' tll'

" ~8 much u.S four housos, ut.h.l as lubt as tht.:y cuu ruu,"
Tl1e hunter wa~ half wild with excitmncnt. The b~y'.
de i g !& t. \V a~ 11 e v(: r t q 11 a 1 to () 11 e It a If 0' II 1s•

•, S k tll P lUC Il~jn, of that don't hea.t all I , It's j<·st the
tllillg' fur the \rVe:'t; \\e'll ,valle till' )ugh the Injins in the
tllllc~t kind of style, and ~kear 'em uea.utiful. How lou~
a :ot'e you'll have it. (i()ne ' ~"
"It. wlll tHk6 H, IllOUt.1t IOllger, at least."
Ba ldy stood u few minutes ill thought.
~'S 'e here, youuker- \ve're on our wn.y t,o the' (liggins,'
nnd spcct to he tIlar nIl t.he SUlll111cr.. Et the rC<.lsldns git
BUY ways trouble otne, 1'01 cOlnin' back u.rter t.his y'ar
COV(~y. Ef yer don't want to sell him, yer needu't.• . Ef I
bought hiln, it ain't likely I'd run hitn long a.fore I'd bust
bi~ b'iler, or blow Iny own he·\d off."
"Just wha~ I thought when YOll were trying to persuade
me to sell it," interrupted the boy.
H 1'hen, it he got the cranlp in nny of his leg~, I would-

n't know how to He it up ngill, nnd tllar we'd be.~'

h I ant glad to see you take such a sensible view of it,"

~tnile(l Johny .
.~ So, rln goin' on West, as I, with two fools beside
tnyself and' we're gOill'to stay thar till yer git this old
thing lillislle<l; nud then I'll1 cOlnin' after you to tu.l(e a
ride out thar."
"That would suit me very well," repl1ed the boy, his
face lighting up will! 11101'e pleasure thau he had yet
~h()wu. "I would be Ter] glad to make a trip on the
u Wa1. look fur me in about six weeks."
And with this parting, the hunter wa~ let out the door,
an"t disuppeared, while Johny resumed Ids wOl"k.
'['laat day'saw tile sleaUl man complcted, so far 88 it wns
possible. He 'w as painted up, and e\ cry itnprovement
made that the e~traordillarily keen mind of the bo.v could
sug·gest. When Ite stood one sid~, aUIl witnessed tllO
noi:.;elc.s but powerful W()l'klng~ of the eUOl"tnOUs legs, lAu
cPldtl uot see t :l at anythill;.{ 11101"e could be desired.
It 110W l'('llHl.incd f(no hiu. to cOlllpletc t.he wu.~·Oll. and
he h('gan at ouc.·.
It wonld have been a luuch easier Jnatter for hhn to
have sf'cllred an ordinary cardage or wagon, and ul tel' it
to snit hitn",df; but thi~ wa.!i Hot in accordance with the
~eni!lS of the boy. No contrivance could really suit him
tlule":; he Hlade it hllnse1t: He had bis own ideas, which
110 one else c(luld wOI'k out to hi~ satislaction.
It is lltHh'Ce sa.ry to say that the vehicle was made very
Mtrnn~rand d ul'n.ble.
'rhis was t.he first grent req isite. I sOlne re pects i'
rcsetnbled the ordinal'Y express wagons, except tbat it 'vas
considern. ly stualler.
It huu heavy spl'ings, and 8. canvas covering, with sum..
cit'nt, as we have shown in another place, to cover the luau
also, when necE!s~nry.
1'la is was arranged to cnrry the wood, a reserve of wa-
f "r, and the necessary tools to repair it, when any pOl,tioa
uf t.he machinery "hould become disarranged.
Engli h conl could be carried to last for two days. and
f·nough woo(1 to lceep team going for twenty-four hours.
'Vltcn the reserve tank in the bottom of the wagon wus
also filled, tlle watel' would nearly as long.
'Vhen these contingencies were nil provided again t, the
six weel(s nlcntioned hy tb~ hunter ,verc gone, and Johny
Brninenl found hill1Self rather longlllg f(\f his pl'e~llce



Baldy Bicknell was a 1aunter and trapper Wl10, Rt tIle

tilue we bring hinl to the notice of the reacier, had Hpe .. '
8omethjn~ (VCI' ten years among the nloulltnins und pl'ai-
ries of the West.
He Wl\9 n hrav~, sl{ilful hunter, :who hE d heen en<!ft'g cd
In nluny (le~pel'ate aifnl) s with t.h~ r~d~kjn3, and who, in
addition to the loss of the hair UpOll the crown 01 his
llcad, bore Jllany ntl&el' lllcmt'Dtos on lila perSOll ot the wild
and flaU(1('rous life that he h,\(l led.
Like ()lost of his, he :w as a restle s being, constnnt-
1y flitting ba,ck nnd t(nth hetweon the 1r >uticr towns und
the western wi1d~. lIe nevel' went hut hef en t t hun t.
Louis, while his wnn(lel'infYs, on more than one OCC'lSlon,
l1a(1 led hitn 06,\ ond the Rocky 1\1, luntu.ins.
One nutulnn he l'encbed the Y cllowstone, nea.r tlle hend
of ullvigntiou, just ns a small trading propel1or WHS des-
ccn(ling the stream. As Dltlch 1ron1 tile novel ty of the
thing, 8S anJthil. g el ~e) he rode 011 board, with his b()r~et
with the intention of COlllplet.iug· Ids journey east 01'.
011 board the st ca.mer It e first Blet Et linn Hopld ns and
}Iickt~y Me . . quizzl " who had s pent ten years in C,difol'..
Ilia, in a vain hunt 101' gold, ll1Hl were now retl1rlliui{ to
tlleir homes, thoroughly disg'l\ ~ ted with the country, Its
iultuhittllltg nnd Iniucrill J·c, nu"cc~,
Baldy was nt1ra tf d to tl em hy tllciJ' p('cnl'al' i lie~ of
nlanner; I,u!. it i~ not IHol ,nh ,e tlwt Hll. thing fur t her WOll ld
lUlvu re--ulted Irom this Hccident-HI lllCt:till~, uut tor & Ulost
ltartltllg fWd unt('r~u OOCU1T~llOO.
lJincl," he lllutte,ecl, glllllcing over his shoulder, jn se ,rt·b
of the pOOl fellow from whom he had ju t heed hitn~clt;
"bllt yces al'e past helpin' and so its IHe::iclf that mUHt at-
tClId to the pOOl' gelltlemall ahead."
Striking' powerfully Ollt, he soon cnmc heside his iriends
an'ain nnd took the dl'ooping nrln of Daldy Bicknell.
" Be yees suffel'in' to n great. ext.ent ?" inquired the kind-
hflnrfetl irisIJlllu'n, looking at tbe white face of the silent
"Got n pUtty good whnck over the back," he replied,
bptween ]a is compl'essed hps, as he forced hack all expres-
sion ()f pn in.
h Ye'll be aL i~r when we fotch ye to t.he land, as me un-

cle ohsnrved whiu he hnul~d the big fish ashol'e that was
tlll'ashing his line to pieces jist."
h'Twon't t.ake y~)n long to git over it," n<lded lIopkins,
.anxious to give his grain of consolation; "you look, now,
like qUIte a healthy young llllln."
The cllrrent was quite rapid, Hnd it was no light lahor
to tow the helplc~s hunter ashore; hut tlle two fricn<l~
succeeded, and n.t length drew hilD out upon the land and
st.ret.ched him upon the shore.
. 1'lJe exertion of keeping their charge afloat, and breast-
in~ , the current ut the ~alue time , carried thern a consider-
able di tnnce down stream, and hey landed pe ..hnp~ an
eighth of n Illil~ below where tue nlaiu body of ehi vering
wretches were congl'egntefl.
h Do yees feel nisy ~" inquil'e(l Mickey, when the lHlnter

113.<1 ueeu luiu upou the gru. .. s, SOHle overhanging

" Yes-I'll soon git over it-hut, woofh ! t.l)nt ar war.
wlwck of the biggest kiud I got. It has lnadc lllC power-
fuJ wcal(."
" 'Vllat migllt it have bren nnow ?" inquil'e(l Ilopkins.
"CnlJ't sny"-:'fust thIng I ){llO v'd, I didn't kno\v uotliiu'
-remember sutlliu took me bncJ( the head, &lnu the next
tbiog I kel'wbolloped jn the wah-r."
The three men bad lost evet'ything except W~)f\t W~t QII
~eir bodies. when the cutastlophe occurred. 1'h~h bOfSee
ere gone, and they hadn't a gnn between thetD; notbin<l
hut two revolvers, and about a half dozen churg ed for
Of tile twenty odd who were lpon he steam'r at the
titue of the explosion, ueat'ly one llalf weloe killed; t.hev
sinking to the uotton} ahnost as Stl lenly 1 s the \Tecke
8t(~a ner, of ~ hich not n single trace IlOW relnained.
The surVIvors made their way t.o land, Feachino- it a
short eli lance below their startiug point, H.nd here they
assetllblcd, to comlniserate ,vith each other upon their
hapless lot and detertnine ho\v they were to reach hOIDe.
Our three 1riends had I'elnained upon shore abo t half
an houl', the two w.aiting for the thir 1 to re over, when
the latter raised himself upon his elbow in the atti tude of
listening. At the salne time he waved his ha.nd for the
others to hold theil' peac~.
A DH>tllcnt Inter he said:
I hear Injinl l"
" BegornLia I where hees the snme 1" {lclnnnded l!icl"ey,
8tnrting to his feet, while Ethan gazed alarlHedly ahout.
U Ji·t t21ke a squint up tlle river, anu tell nle ~f they
aiu't pitchill' into the poor critter t.hur." ,
'rhrough the sheltering trees and ulHlcr~l'o\\'th, which
partly protected tiaC111, the two tnell O'lIzcd up streuln. 1'0
their horl'or, they saw tully fifty ludiiln~, In°l.S apreing the
IUl'vivors of the wreclc:-"Th()(\ping, screechil g (Ilel yell .ng
like dCluon., ~hile theil' poor victitus were vainly endea-
vorillg to escupe thenl. .
-, Begorrah, now, but that looks bad 1" exclniJllCd the
Irisllluau. "Be the saIne towl~cn, what is it that we can
do ?',
".Jerusalem I they'll be sure to pny \18 a visit-I'll be .
gUlnnlcd if they won't," (Ie 1 the Yanke!', in SOHle tl'C-
Ilidution, as he co\vered do\, 11 ngn in by the side of the
bUll t e to, an (1 sai d to hi Ul ina. 10 \ve r v 0 ice :
" 'rile worst of it is, we hnveu't got n gun atwixt us.
Of course we shall stick by you if we hnve to lose our
heads fur it. But don't you thinl< they'll pnv us a visit."
.. Like 'nough 1" was the 'ndi~'1'elll rc 1'. or tho hunter,
8. he lay his he d Lack tg .in, as if tire i of listening to
tih t tIn H It.•
"Cnu't we (10 nnything to get yon out of danger?"
" Can't l'e t lut JO 1 k' n; you t\ () ell ers. 1 ave (lone Ina
A good tlll'n j gitt In' me usbore-- () ji:.;t Ie lye 1 le yc: r, HIHl
it. don~t III ke 1 0 <1dfelCI~C(, aho.t LLC one way 0,° t'othcr.
Ef I hear t""1 C( Illin', I'll jist roll into the \ at.or nud go
udel' in 'th ( t style."
"~lny he 1 owly Val'gih niver tnile npon Ug if:we de
Itt you In thi e tre lity," Wa tIre reply of the ferv.ellt·
llcarted Irisllmf n.
~'And hy the jl1tnlnn' jingo! if we ,,~as consal ne 11y
nleah enough to do it, thel'e tLin~t 11 nee(l of, it."
.A~ the nukee spolce, he ran do \'n to tl "e river, and
nlRh g ut a short dish ce, cuuglJt 'lftillg u~, Rnd
dr~w it in.
"NilOW, ]Ir. Bnldy, or 1\'1.'. lcl<nell, s :ydn call . our-
8e1t~ we'll all three git hold of that., and flqat do" n he
h el' tIll w uit I eyond r v of th(~ aVfi!..!."e."
'l'he pI; n ,·as a. good ne, and the hUllt l' so cxpre ed
ll1111self. With SOHle nelp Ire llH na!..,ed to r.lwl t.o t1.e ri-
vel' bank, lvlacre one an11 \vas pl:lLc 1 0 £:1' the 100', Iill Rueb
a mu.nn~r that lIe coui.d casily flont, \vitJhout (JllHgcr of
" Keep as close to shore as yon kin," he sah'~., 48 t,11ey
ere nl.Jout hoving oft
"We C:lD JO faster in the mi ldl ," said llopk: flU.
"B .it the reds'll see U8, n.nd it.'1l be 11 p th -h ."
Tliis was the wllruiug of Pl'U 1euc~1 u d it WtU oeeded.


It lafp ln ttl nftell,oon wlH~n tl.e polo. ion O~Cll1'r( d

811(1 it as jl.:t hc£illning to ~rn\V: dark when the three
friend. b gun 'jffng dow the Y(!l tow,. tOile.
Tid fact WH , gJ eat} y in thci r fa v:or, nlth()u~ 11 tIl re r~
lunincd t 11 llour or t ~()f f(IRt daugp.r, in CR c the In-
dian JllH(le sny ellr c fo lhel l. In cn e of discovery,
thel'e wns 11 I'd'~ an ea1'tl1y chance for escHpe.
1'lae 10(" J ft ns it i (Th t i e l et 1 ed, I at I it)nt(~{l v(·ry.
q Hietty (lo~"n st 'eanl for ahout hal f nn bonr, when tl e
,vondel'ft By acute ears ( f the tt'nPI er detected dnngcr.
"Thar he som of Ille skllnk that are cre<"pi l' 'J()n~
811~re~" 1..8.1d lIe; "~out better r.un in under thi yar tree
nil (1 11 () 1« 1 1as t a \\.1 11 i! e. "
Tile wa .. nitl~ was lUJe<led. In t below thein, tlle ll1x-
uriu.nt hran he. of an ()\\k, lippe in the current, fornlcd
a 1 itll!> I ctrab ~r' 11. A the 1)7, gl ide" thither fl , )nt~
c({ hell -nth t.h · , l\{:clH'Y and Et.han buth Ctlught hold ot
tll . l,ril u <:11C, nncl '1(1 thelll elves lnotionl
"N()w, \\'2 it. till it~8 lat"', an(1 then thar'll be no fenl' 01
til · v:trnl 'nts," l dcid.l t.he tt': per..
u ' . ~ I t I lan II" . IIHln , I" "hi, pet" ~d the 1d llln:\n.
U hat is it. ?' . k ~ d . th n. . 1
~ H ow cine. l' HOW tl l l .7 t"

T ' ~
( 'i \ \ ' -I, I ' . 1 C'I I ' l · ! o ar 'I r.
L a !\ lIll . 1 tile 11110 C '\ i de & of Il l: UH~:I: d
b of tl&e \ '01' Is
ltl 'I' 1, but the trap!> 'f toll t 1 'I t lut th 'Y were illquir-
iug 0 : each other whether nnytlling had been discovel'ed
of lllorc fll~·itive·. The answer b('illg in the lH.·gat.i\'(~, nnr
friends C'onsidel't'c1 their present posi ion safe.
Wh('n it \\'a~ fa rly dark, an,] nothing 11lore 'vn~ s(wn or
llcal'd of the Illdialls, the .. aft was pennitt.e<l to float fr:'e,
and they driltc<1 with the CUrr(~llt. They kept tllC riV(~l' daylight, when, 1 (;viIlO" been in the water so IOllg.
they concludco it be -t to land and rest thcJnsel-vcs. By
· tile $lid of their revolvers they succeeded In Idndling Ii
fire, the warmth of which proved exceedingly grut.eful to
They w()uld bave had 8. very rough tim llsd tlley Hot

cllcounte cd n. part.y of hunters who accoluptl.nied t1a'~lll to

Sf.. Louis, where the t.rappel' had friends, aud lvl1erc, abo,
lle h j d n !.!ond SlIlll of lUI>J}I'Y in tIle ban k. .
IIere Bnldy remained iill Wit ter, befol'e he entirf!ly re ..
covercd ii'Olll the 11 Ul't wla icll he received d urill;j the ex·
plo ion ilnd siuking- of the stmuner. When the Il'isllllllln
and Yu.1l kee were auout to dcpart, he asl(ed theln wheJ'~
thev. \vere ITO ill Ir. ~

" 1'111 going 11 lim in COllllCl'ticnt nnd going to 'work on

the, and that's \vhere 1'111 goin' to sb\;y. I was a fool
evct· to leave it (Ot' thi:-t cOllfollntled p'lnce. I could live
decent out there, and that's lllore thau I can do in this
LlaHled COUll t.ry_"
U A n( 1 I she 11 go liack to ,york on the Erie Rai 1I'o{vl, at
tId rty-.. i yen cents a duy aud uoord myself," l'eplicu tho
UIf yer were sartin of flndin' all the gold yer wnut,
0111<1 yet' go back to ClLlifol'ny i"
u Al'ruh, 1JO'V, what Hre yecs talkin' a1 out V" asked He-
l ~q'1izzl(~. oJltcwllat itllpa-tielltly. -, WlJat ia the good of
t; tI k 111 '."
,. I didn't HX yet' to fool 'itl yer," rcp1i~( tlle tr:lpp ~ l·­
"111 ; l'~S a. place th at I know \wayout 'Yeo t, that I c;Jl
'Volf R \ville, wlanr t1tal"s 'H()u~h gold to Ina1 e b011l of
yet' dellC'" thau ye1' ever War afore, aud then leave SODle fur
yer cllildlcn."
"Jerusalem 1 but you're a lucky dog I" exclaitned Ethall
TT'·pl(i)l~. 1I0t (lal'in,~
to hope that he would rcveal the
pine-e. "'¥hy don't you dig it up nno\V, yc')ul'aelf."
"I only found it a month ~lgO, and I made n pnrty gOO(}
hanl of it, as it WOoS. When thu.t 01<.1 hoss of Inine .ven t
down w:th tbe stealner, he cilrried 8 powerfnl heft of gold
with llitn, and if n \' body finds Ilis carcnss, it'll be the
nlost vallJahle one they ever con1e ncrol)s."
"Jingo 1 if I'd know'd that, I'd taken a bunt fOt' hitn
Dly . elf."
44 I-Iowsumever, tllnt's nei toller yar nor tlHll. Y ()u bot11
done me a good turn when I got into trou 1)le 011 the dYer,
nnd I lllade up my Dlind to cl what I could townrd l,ny-
in' it back the fil'st chance T got. I dic1n t say notllin' of
it when 've war on our way, 'cnuse I wns it ",oulll
111ft ke ~'ou 00 C1 nzy to go hack ng:n; but if you'll COlua
ba !k th is way llext ~pri ng I'll mal e the trip wi t 11 J ou."
" Why not go naow i" eugetly inquired Ilopkins.
"It' too late in the season. I don't wan t to be tlw;r
wllcn tllar's too lllnch snow onto the ground, and then I
n \t -t stay yar till I git well over that w hack I got 011 the
It is hnrdly necessary to say tllnt the (tror of the ldnd..
hearted tl'nPT)cr WaS tl('cepted with the utlllO..:t enlh llsia ' In.
!fkkey find Ethan 'were ll10re Hnxious to go out UpOIl tll",
)rall-ics thaD t.hey. 11 <.1 heen n year and a half UCfOl'C, \\' hen
they started so full of life and hopl~ {(n° that vn t wilder ..
nc SJ and hu.d come back \ ith sllch discouragemeut and
It was nrrangcd that as ~oon a~ the succeeding- spring
bn(l fairly set in, they would set out on their return luI' St.
Louis, where tIle t.·npper would 11lect nJl(l accOlnpnn\' t ltelD
to t'lC wonderful f)'old l'crrion 'f Wllich he land ~pol'ell.
Befo re continuing their journey llolllewnrd, B:Lldy pl'e-
~cnrcd ('nell with a complet.e outtit, paid tlwi - p 'I S~'agc to
their hOUle. ,Hnd gave then) u snug stun OVCl'. Like the
Iudiall, be never cou 1<1 forget a Idndness showll h ian. nOl
do too grea.t a iavor to those wl10 had 0 sigllnlly benefit-
ed him.
80 the 8 paration took plnce again; nnd, on the to11ow..
in~ ~rring }['c!(cy and Etbnn appeared in St. Louic:!,wl1ere
they haul no difficulty in finding tuci old friend, the trap-
ITe "nil reroV(ired entirely from his prostrating hlow~
Bllll waS expecting thf:'ln, fluxions and o-lad to jc)in in the
pre III i .. ~<1 seal'eh fo gnld. As tbe fai~ weather hnd l'en11,
Lf··~UU, there wa~ no titue lost in ullneCeSS(1;ry d fly. The
lUll' e of n lel,.' Dict<nell was <l ep, and he llad not the
CnIUln,)n lIn,bit of intoxication, wlaich takes so nluch sub-
~t I Utte t '(ltH a n aft. He purcl,R. 'cd a h()rse and accoutre-
,,,puts for et ell of his ft'iends; and, hefot'e they stal'tc<l
"'cstw21rd, saw thtLt nothiug at all was lacking in their
"u tnt.
Three weeks lnter the men (1.'e\v r(~in in 8. ort of v lley,
~el'y deep but not vpry wide. It Wit. on the edge of an
tlnlucnse prairie, while a 1'iv'cr o( consider... lJle s ze flowed
')y t.he', all4l by a curious cit'cl1it found its ,vay into
tIle lo\\cr !In.-tinn of the l'avine, dalShillg aud roaring .for ..
Wilrd n a furious cn.non.
1'..(~ edge and interior of., tl.e ravine wns lined with im-
m('n'c bo~t1<lel's und rocks, ,vitile Inl'ge aud stunted trees
sCl'llled to U'row ev('rywht·re•
•. Yurts \\ ha.t. I ca.ll Wolf Ravine," said Baldy, when the~
bad Qpeut I-!otne titne in 10 .kinO"o about theln.
"Au(1 he the same tow ken, where i ,tile goold t" in...
qu re(l ~Iicl<ey.
H Ye,:, t.hat there is wba.t I call tlie impot·tant que tion,
8~ldt~d Ethan.
h fl'laat it is. of. the greatest account, as me grundtnither

('''~HrVt'(', wta in Rile fell off the stuap\e, and axed whether
HH pip ' wa'" ,.,·uke." '
,. It ~s til t.\ULr," WI\. ' t f~ reply of 11le .lulnter, as he point,.
·d \0 tl.t: wi dt·;·t-lool·iug portion of the l'avitie.
l. L·( bit it t.he"."
H T .!ar ,e ~o:lle o:hcr thitlt"s thnt lla,vli got tn hn lOlll(f·d
.. f .. . fi· ;' W:l.~ t I ~ reply, " :~ 1(.1 we've got to tin :1 1> ace
to ·to\\ (lnr . . cl\,t·~H.\·(Y."
Tlll~ W~LS
a lualtcr of considerable diffic:ulty; but theJ
Iucceeded at luat in discoveriqg a rctre,Lt in the ro kI,
lVlterc t.hey \Vere secure f.·om any attack, no lnattel" by how
fOI'lH idahle a 11 'Huber luncle.
After this, tltey hunted up a grazing place for their ani-
tnal fot , whIch w(~rc turned lool5e.
They soon found that the hnpper ha(l not fleceived
thelu. There \vas an t • tally rOcI " pl)sit of gold in one
pOl't.ion ot ti}(~ ra vine, HInd the lllcn fell to ,york with a
wiJJ, cOll.·cio s tI at til y ould reap a riel rewlu'd for
tlleir labor.
'file name, lWio.f Rnvi e, hnd heen given to it by< the
tl;np{)er, beclLnse n bis first discove.·y ot it he had shot a
ut'Je nun 1 tain 'olf, that was claluJ criug p the shle; but
one otht'rs weI' seen at terwnrcls.
But there was one ser.ions draw)sc to bdllian'
pro~pect of wp-nltl1. Indians of the most treachcron. and
implacable kind were all around them, und were by no
mealls di posed 0 let thetn ad ne.
o the s~c()n day after their 1abo ,
caIne screeching down \1pon thelD; n1)(1 hnel it Jlot ueen
{(n' tl c s fe etr "nt, wl ich the tr pper's f )Joe ight lu\d se-
red, Il t .. e wOll 1 have b Jen Ina sacred.
As it u, th y had a severe fi~ht, and were penned up
for the bet.ter part of two days, by which time t1ley had
8lain so 1 lany ot their ellelnies that the remaining ones
Were glad to withdraw,
But when the t.rapper tole Clut on a vi~it to his hor"'es,
he founfl that everyone had been co llplctely riddle I by
bj,ll~. · 1'I,e treacherous dogs had taken every 1 eaU8 of re·
:vell~ e at I.and.
" Skin me lu .. n skunk, hut ~'e've stood this long as we
• ought to 1" exclaitued Bally Bicknell, when 11e r~lurned.
":You take Care of yourselves tOn I come buck agill I"
With which f:pcech he &IUl g hlll'it1~ over ilia ahould
aDd tarted t01' St. I..ouis.
rHB STEAll lU.N 0.. THE PBAm. .


STEA)[ llA ON ms TltAVELB.

Young Bl'ainercl ha.d a mortal fea that the existence of

t11e steatn man would be dh~coverec1 by BOlne outsider,
wIlen a large crowd would probal>ly collect around hit
house, and IIts friends would insist (..1 a display of th
powers of the extIa rdltl ry luechanis •
Bu t there ns no one in the secret except his mother,
and there was no dallgel' of her revealing it. So the boy
expel'itncntcd with his invent-ion until tbel'e was nothing
more left fOl' him to do, except to sit and 'vatcb its ,v(&)rIc-
~"i II ally, when 1 e began to wonder at tli~ prolonged de.
ln.y of the trapper, who had visi ted hitn 801ne weeks b
fore, he inade his t\ ppenrance as suddenly as if he had
risen fro1n the ground, \vith the inq il'y:
" IIa.vo yo I got that thl1n,-lodng old thiu~ ready ~"
" 'y cs; he bas been J'endy for a eek, and waiting."
" \Vnl, <;tUl't ller out then, fut' l'ln ill 0; h nrl'Y."
"You ~till hav to wa ', t while, for we can't get ready
ttll let" half a dclY."
Jt was the hunter's snpposition thnt tl,e boy was going
to stHr the lnnn right off up street, and then towal'd the
Ast; IJllt lIe specdily J'cvt-Illed n fur diffcrent p1c\n. •
It was t.o box up the lnan and take it to I1Hcependence
by stea boat. ~t th t place they would take it out upon
tite prairie, set it up and start it off, without any fear of I
dist.urbnnce froln the crowds wIdell usually collect at such
pln('.es, tlS they could speedily run away ti'oln thelll.
When the plnn was explained to Baldy, he fully endors-
ed it, and tIle labor was berrull at once. The legs of the
.lcnID ma.n Leing doubJed '1J>, they were able to get it ir.
a box, which g~\ve it the appe~l.rance of lui immense piano
under t ransportatioll. Tl.ds, wi \h cOllsi dera ble d Uuculty,
was t riln~poJ'te(l to the wharf, whol", wi 111 I'll uch grmn-
bUng UpOll the part of the luen, it was place\l Oil uoard
t.he ~tc , Ill oat., quickly followed by the wagon and the fc\v
necc .Clrv tool".
'1'I.e hoy t.llt:! ll uade his I1lother g-ood bye, and he, sup-
posing lIe would be gone bllt a short itn', snid tiLI'Cwell to
111m with little ot tile J'e(~ret ~1ac WOltld oth -'t'wise have
1~1t., ~Illd it few hour the party were steauling rapidly
up the \4 ~Lld IHi!-;souri."
Not hin~ worl hy () f occllt'l'ell on the passage, and
th·y l'eaehecl Indep{'JHlence in f:nfet.y. rl'hey s('(,tll'l~11 a
In,'l<lin!,! sOlllewhat rthov~ the town, on the wcstt!rIl ~ic1e,
WI 11"1'1' t.lley hn.d li ttle fen t' of <l i~tnt'hnnc •
lJ(·re the extrftol"· !jllfl.ry fill' 'sight Rnd skill 0:' the hoy
wa~ ll1tllilfe 't., t()I', de~pite the lmll1PllSe size of the
stcntll tnall, it was so put. t()~·et.her' that t.hey wel'e nl.le to
load it upon the wa~'·(\n . nnd t.he two, \yithoul ally other
a,",si . ttl~lce, were able to dl'a~ it ont upon. thc prilIrie.
" Yon Gee, i· may bl' :t k do \\'n ell ti rel'y," rem ill'k ·d YC!l1 n~
Brainerd. ,4 and then we can IO'ld it on the wa ~ 011 ulld
d rag it along."
" 'rlw.t in liSt. be a. po \\ erfu 1 Stl'OIl go WH,(yon to carry such
a hig bal y in it os that."
U 1;.:0 it i51; it will hold five ti01CS the weigllt witl10ut he-

il 1g 11 u r t. ill the 1ens t. "

It 'was early itt the tC)rC1100n wllen they dJ'cW it out up-
on ,\ac prairie in this manner, Hnd he~an ptlttill~ it to-
~et ! cr. It cCl'to,i1l1y had n. gl'ote!-=ql1e 8.tH1 fea.rfttl 1uo"
wht'Jl it WHS stripped of all it~ ha, :hlao'B:S, and ,tood before
t hem ill ull it.s lIaked llliljCSty.
It. ha(l heen () St,cu. e Y Hnd carefully put away, (ha.t it
\, a found uninjl1red in tile lea. t. Tile tl'upper could lIot
Hvoid IHu~hin:!,' when the 1>0) clalHhered ~s uiu 1 1t1J up it.1!l
shoulder u.' all~/ther Gll:liv. t', and lU:ldc a CXOlllliu-
atioll ot every portioll of t!le Hlacliin(!ry.
While thu Cl:1ployed, B II IV took the shn.rt~ of the "fL-
iOU, and trotted to H. fi,,11U-hou~', which be de',cl'H'll 'I)
4() 'tHE 8T~IAM MAN OF THE . rRATRlf.a.
the (li~b,nce, w'here he loadc' it d )\Vfl witll "'(i,)" n 1fl lIl1~
e(l the t.~jnk \\ it.h water. B,'. the t.inl t~ h(~ r,ot", ;"'(1, J\';l;nv

had evcrytillug in readiness, and tlay jH)nl :..! d : a.~d .\' l>~gall
" fid 11 g 1) p."
In this they hore quite n rescllll.lance to lh lnnclt'rn
stCfUU 1i1"t~ (:ng .ncs, Hcq'til'il1!! a heall of ::4!e:lln witH r'(~lf};ll'k­
ahle q,;ick.&es.;. A; tile !lOY had never ye . given the Ulan
such un 0PP·n't.I11llty to streh~h bi~ }p~ ... HS II~ WlIS I. "\V
bout, to <10, he watcile(\ itg lll()tions wi t h c()ll~idenlt.l'l\!
E\'crvthing was sectlrecl in the mo~t. cat't~fnl t ,t~flJH~r, a
goodly quantity of tuel pi1~d on, th~ bOIler fi l~ '.l W~"J~ w)\·
ter, nnd they pillh' waited the gCllcra.tion 01 t\ S~I.ffi.
CiCll the .•d (}f st ('aln.
U Is it all goO(~ prairie land in thut dircc\ion J" iuquired
the hoy, point ing tC) the 'Ve ·t.
"Tilar'~ all Y ')" kin wa,lIt.• "
"'I'hCll we'll tart. Lo,)k ont 1"
Dt!~pite t.he warning thus k !IHlly ~iven, t.he stearn ,nan
SU\l ted w til sll(;h n ~ud(len jerk, tllat both ot thelU Call1()
near heing thrown out of the W;t(Y()n.
1'he »l'H irie WH · q tli t e level ~,utl hnrd, so tllnt c7eryth ing
was favor3.l.-1l~, and the W;If.!°OJl Wt.'nt hounuing nver tbe
ground nt, n rale so rn~t that both tl:e OCCIlPi\:tt wero con-
bidt'l-ahly fnglltcne , l, a.lld tilt! boy quickly orought it ~ .lown
to a Illure III od era 1e tro t..
'rillS ~pc ,d 800·}1 becu)ne mO.DotoDOl1S, and, as it run so
eyenly, llal( 1y snid :
4~ Let ht!I :0 \,unnlccr, 'lnd how us W112 t she Ctln (In.''
: ••

'file rod cOlltrolling- the "Hlv~! wa.s g'iven ~l sli:!ht pull,

and away they \Vellt, (:our~.dng like a IOCOlnqtive over the
pra i I'JC~, the \\' h~t'l' ~p)n II i ng rott nd nt a tn'lllendl)u;; rat c,
while I\le extraordluary I'pccd taused the wiud t.lltts cre-
ated U.11110~t to Jift tIle cap-l frOlll their hends, nnd n. slig-ht
8Wt!1l in the I)I'aide sellt the \\'~H{()ll up \vlth a hound that
threatened to ltlbeat t h~ul I.otla.
It worked spkndidly~ 'l'he bh~ck sllloke p"ife<l rapidly
fr(ll,\ tIte top of th~ hat•. tl.nd ti,l) lll:tcldllery ,vorked AO
lQlI)otb11 that there was scarcely a click he~Lrd. Tlu,. h 11~'
apike(l feet caine lightly to the ground, and :were lifted
but a. short distance fr0111 it, and ttJeir long 8weep Hll,l ra-
pid nlOVCtncnt H ~\'~d utlud-,tnken.l,ly th: t the slcaUl1nnn
wn~ going at a rate 'II iel, luif, h t \ ell dery tLuythiug that
11 ad yet s\\'~pt the prel.; rie8~
A~ then~ wns un 1itt.le ri, k in running at this speed, and
8S ~·()ttHA Dr lincrd had not yct hecolue HccnstoJued to cot ...
trulling"it, lie slack('n(\d the r:Ltc ngain, '(' that it ~·tlut~ to
Rn ('asy gl!diug lu()tioD, equal tQ the rapid trot of an or.. i

di Ilftry 11 Ol"::Ie.
Fully ten Inites wrre pHs, e<l in this nlRllhcr, when steaJn
'\Vus cutin!ly shut off, wlJ(~ '/'Ot nn tlH~ ~..dant ea.Hle to ~UC11 a.
fud<lcu halt. th:tt both were tlnowll vioiently f, rw~u'd and
hrui'e<1 SOIH(\wilat. •
"S!{ulp lue 1 hut don't ~tOl> qnite '80 ~'U(l<1en lite..," snid
the hUtJtcr. '·It's a little ouhuudy fur tue to hold up 80
q:a ic~{ 1"
.4111 soon learn to mnnag-e it.," "('plied Johny. "1 se~it
,,' n't. do to lIut off all at oncc."
D"sceu<l :ng 1roIH 11 is percle, he eX:l.luin d evel'Y portion
of t he eugiue~ Several P:ll'tS 'ere l.()und llcated, and the
fuel was getting 1,) v. The wat . r in tile bode,', JHHv.ever,
wa.s just. rio"lit, the engint:cl' having Ueeu aule to control
th1\.\ h'otH his S(Jat in the ~ u,}.!:on.
'I'hl'owjng in a lot of wood. they relnonnte,l to their
perch, nnd st.alte! 1 for-war(l ngnill. There was HU uhun-
(lance of st.eHtll, and tIle boy readily tlcqHir(~ such 2l a-
lllili"d·it~· with lIte working of hj~ H1 'lO, thut I e cotltro!l(a<l
its luovelucnts witla all the skill of un expcl'h'uccd ellgiu-

'rile ~pec<1 "'as ','ck(·ut!d, tl1en iucrc;lsed. It sto ")ped

and lIU'1l st.;It't(ld forward c ~H.i" ,\'ith .all tit·.,! ca e and ee-
I 'rity ttt~lt. it COli d have dOllc d' n'ally h.tlll;In, wh Ie it
~l:O\\· t·d a n';er'e (If I:l, \"(" and vcl~)(~!l'y c;'pab,c of per..
fo 'III in!' ~ 'oild ....'~ If 1\ .)('e ';-;.1 '"y.
A.s yet tltc 'y h:ld sePI) II,o Uling of un,; tl':lve {~'s. TII(~v
Cl'i.~ quite fl lxiou~ to (~OnlC H 'I''' ','!-\ )(', t.llClt tit .y illlg'ilt
ah n \V 11, e 1u \V l& !l t t ~ Ie \1 w eft' Cit P:I I )I ~ 0 i d( In '~' •
"'l'lH.~r.c UlUt.)t be som~ l'tl..,s .ug OYer tile pb ju...:," l'Cllla1'l{-
42 OF THE rBAIR':E8.
tId .Tqhny. ,yiJen they hall 1 as.)c(l 80me thirty or forty
11\ i es.

44 Plenty of 'em; but we've <;,nt 1\ little out the trflck of

'en). If you'll turn off Slllllmat 10 t.he left, we'll rUll at<)ut
01 'CIH afore (la.rk."
'}'he boy did HS dir<.!cted, and tb~ rattling pnce was l\ept
up for sf;veral 1101\1'8. When it was noon they laclpt·<J
r thenlselves to a I1ortioll of the 1'00.1 which tlley hlought
'with tllCIU, .withollt cilecking illeir progress In the lea- t.
1'rue, ,via ile the boy was eating, be keut one eye upon tile
giant who ,vus ~olng nt such rapid stri,,:tes i but that ge ,. "
tleillan contiu ued his progress ill an un~ceptionau)e DltlU·
net', nnd nee l(:d no attcntion.
Wheil the afternoon was mOAtly gon~· B 'lldy declnrcd
that they had gone the hetter PHl't of n. h"'udrcd miles.
The boy could hardly credit it ut nl\'t· hut, when h~
recalled that t.hey had ~cn,.c{!ly pnu . . ed Jor spven hotll'S, find
l,ad gone n portion ot 'he d if.;tallce at ~ vel'\, high rate, he
SU,\V that his frIend W:L not illr out of the wqv.
It lacked \ et sevel'a.t hours of (It ;sk, ,vhrJ' the trappe)
exclaiule<l :
h Yonder is SoU emigrAnt tl'aill-110\V ~ 'em I"



The stea,n mrin 'wns headed st.raight towar~ ~11e etni·

.. gran t truin; aud advanced at a speed w11 ~ch rupi· 'y CUIUe
up ,vith it.
'l'hey could see, ,vhile yet a considerable distanf!P n\vay,
that they had attractell notice, and the elnigl'ank lliid
paused and ,vere surveying theul with a wonder wh~h it
would l)e difficult to express.
It is said tllat when Robert Fulton's first steamho:~ 9.S-
eended the Hudson, it. crt.'u.ted " consternation and tQ'TOI"
s'Jell as had neyer betcre been knowu-many l>eUev;q~
thnt it was the barl,illgcr of the final destruction of tile
Of conI'S', at t11i late da)\ no ~uch cxci temeut caa he
createu by nny hUOlan inv ~nt.i()ll-but the {,~ghv of n (;l'eCl-
ture !':l e lding over t.he country, itnpeHed I)y z::;teflnl\ Bud
b 'aring ucla a grotesque re elllhlnnce to f!. gigd,nl~(~ u.all,
could not but startle all ,vuo ShOllid ;,ee it f~r the firs,
The stcalU mnn advanced ut a late wl.iclt was quiGC 1l1()
de,nte, until witllin ~l qnal't(;( of n. {nile of the tL. tOjJi~l.e·f
train, when the boy let on p~ lU~l la~ncl of steatn, and in·
8talltly bO\1nde l fpl'WnrCl 111\e c\. '01 cteo I'. A .. it en,rne op ..
posite the ClllltlZ (1 COll'pP,ll), tl,e whi,·tle was pulled, Hnd it
gttve forth a shriek ltide0ltf. er&()ugll to set a lnan crfizy.
The horses and Hlliolcths vf ~lJe clnigl'ant train could u'
seen rearing and phn.g llO", w~tile th(~ Inen stood too 1\\1.
palled to do an, til i.oJ ex.cept gaze in stupid and speceh-
less nllHlzenlell t.
There vere (jUt! ,n' twa, l,ow<?vcr, who lInd ~ense en()l1~~'
to perceive.UJflr, t.l.c!'c wa . . noll1inO" at all veley Sllpern:ltHl'1v
aLout it, ttl I th'y 'hJutc'l to theln to halt; but our tWCA
frieutls concludc(~ it '"ves not desirable t.o hnve nny (.,,)IP ..
pany, und tiH:Y euly luckel1cd their speed, without i..·)-~t~
Hut there was enr; of the clnipran t8 "rho detel'DllUIl..l to
know somethin,..., L1101'e about it, and, 1l1ouutil1g h.R. ll()r . . t!.
he started atter it on a full run. Tile trnpper did l)"H per-
ceive hini until he had UpPI'O ched quite close, '\VI~en tltey
ngain put on a fun hen I of st~·anl. and the.~ w~pt uC)uud ..
in1f fOrWtl.l'd u,t; t1 rute which. threatened i.e> t.«4VI' liletll to
But tll~ keen perccpflon of the bo:y bn.d rletected what
thl 'Y ,verc n.hlc to do without real ri:sk: ~n<1, without pllt-
ting l11S invention to Its very be t, h~ k 'pt up 3. 81 H!t'(1
which st~ndily drew thenl nwav f.,ou) their pur lICI', ",110
fiuH lly UCCfltUC d i:coltrag-(!c.1. ell ccirC!d Iii un i IllU.I, Hllli turu-
e",l l'ouud aed rode hack to his ii'lend , a not III uch '~isor
'l'kia perlOl'Wallfle i avtt ov,t' 1riendi Y"eat delight. It
,howe.1 theln that they were really the o,vners of n priZ8'
wbose value was incalcuhlble.
" Ef the old thing ,vill only last," said Bnldy, when
they had Sc1n k d wn to a lllodcrate t.:ot nrrain.
" \\That's to hie ler~"
"Dunno; yer "ug-llter be nhlc to tell. But tt(~se llPW"
fangle 1 things enen\~ly go ell at first, and then, U: OrB
yer know it, they bust all to bhzes."
., No fent of tlti.. I IDi de this ful'o\v, ~o biO" tllnt there
is plenty of rooln to have evcrything strong und gi ve it a
cllsllce to work."
U Wal, you're tI le stnnrtest feller I vcr seen, big 0.' li~
tIe. ,\7hoevct' heard Of a Inan going by stcilln 1"
U! have, orten; l)ut I never n.w it. I expect, ,vhen I
go hack, to lllake :te,ull horse "
":Alld birds, I s'po~e ?"
'~P(~l'haps ~(); it will take olnc time to get such things
III RllHpe, but. I hope to flo it after awhile."
44 SlOlip Dlt!! but thai' mn .. t he sOlne things that you
can't (10, nnd I thilll< you've IHp.lltioned 'enl."
h Perh ilps so," was t he quiet reply.
"When you git tbrnu·. dl 'w ith tIds ,vesteru trip, what
arc JOu O'oin' to do with this o~d feller ~"
"1 don't know. I 111ay sell hitn, if unyhody want
"No fear of that; I'll to.kehiln oft' your hands, and giY~
you It good price for 1& im."
" 'Vhat good will he do Y(lU."
,. Why you can Ill,d<e more lnoney with bian, than Dar--
nun) ever dHl with iIi , Voolly H(·)I' e/'
" now so r' inqllired the boy, witb great sinlplicity.
,. 'fake bim thin Igh the COllntl'Y, alld how hilu ~o · the
p op le. I tell )'e r ill y'd run HHct' ' lell thillg'.. Git out
)'cr pi,-; tul'es of h im, Hud ttle lo1k.., won d bn~ak thtu' necks
to 8-("C h inl. 1 tell 'C·, tin i·'S '}, fortune th~ r 1'
'1 he trapper 8})oke C1Hl}hn.ticnlly lil -o nBC ",ho 'k;noW8.
As it was uow ~lro\Villg dusk, til 'y d '~oled it he .t to
lool< (or SOlne ClllUpillg place. TilCl'C wus con~" idel nil)'
dangel' iD runulug at night, as tUtl'e \Va..i 110 me: ")D, and
tlley tnigllt rnn into some gnlly or ravine, nncl (li~l()cat~
or wrench SOUle portion of their machiller~, ,vhich ulighl
rc ult in an irreDHrnble CU,I aSll'oplle.
Before it \VHS fairly •.I<lI'1\:\ they hendcfl fO\Vilrd a. sllw,ll
chunp of tre ~, where evel'yth ing lool«~d I~ VOl'ab!e•
." You see we I1Htst find n. place 'v it ere thel'l~ j plenty.
at. -I' nu(l fuel, fo' we ne(,(l hoth," rem rke 1 the boy.
U Thal"s plenty of woo(l, as yer see with yer eyes," re ..
plied Baldy, '"and ,1 en trees io( k a n. that, tluu"s
pnrt.v su rc si o-tl thal"s w tel' not fu r ott:"
" 1'1a Ht is all we H nt," was the 01 Qe1'7H tion of the <!n-
gincer as he 1 (-'aded to Vfil'tl the. point indica,ted.
Things 'v'('re growing quite indistinct, whell he ~t61 m
nl 1 give ·ts Itlst. puff, t ntl (; l)le to l'est. in the lni~rgin of
the QTove.
'1 he fires were insta.ntly drawn, and eV~l'yt.hina wa put
in as good 1 shape h p(}s.'ihle~ by t.lle hoy~ white the trUt,.
per Illude a. tonr of eXfduination thro 19h the grove. f.Ie
C lllC hack with the report. tha.t eVt'l'ytldnJ wa~ as tllf..y
" 1'har's a big stream of wnter ~'nnnin' right. through tlu,
middle, 1l11d ) el' en 1 ee the woo(l fur your elf.'"
" Afl)1 SigHS of Iudia.lls ~', a"ked the buy in a 10"w voi.~et
as if teul' ul of be:no- overhear,l
"DI1DhO; it's too <lurk to \ell."
" 1f it's <la1\g~rolls llere, '\ e llnd better to on."
" Y Cl· ail}'t In lleh lsed to th is p.lrt. the worlti. You 111, y
kC('ll PO\\ Cl'flll t'HSY till III c);'llin'}'
As t 1u.. y cOllI d not feel certain wltethel IU da 0- •• r, or not..
it wn.") the purt. ot pI u<1('ncc to \·clievo that SPlue pt'l'ill hI' ·n..
tClled them. Accordingly tla'Y ate theit c.:vening luea.l in si.
lellcc. and cluted up ill tl e hott.oln or tllt.~ir wan'on, fir t tal'.
iug 1he precautioll to flU their L\uk wit.h watel" and plac-
in~ a portioll of wood and indlilll"'l$ in th.~ bOWel" of the
8tt:u!n U1i111, so that in of dauger, they oulJ be al~le
to leave, at a short. not' ce..
lobuy Brainerd wns soon sound n:'!eep, a.o<l the trapper
followed, but it was ,villi t.hat light re!;t1cs.J ~lumber wlucu
is uiSLul'bcd by the lighte:)t nuise.
80 it came n},ollt that, bnt a few hout's had passed whP.Q
he wa~ n I'onsed hy some slio ht disturbance in the :.rr()v~.
Ra isin ,Q hi. 1tead he endeavored to peer ioto the <.itu·klless
but he could detect nothing.
But lie was certa1)) thnt FOlnet.hing was there, and be
gently arouse(l the boy be ide hitn.
" 'Vhat is it 1" queried the latter in a whisper, but fully
wiele Awnke.
" I tla in k thnr ar Ino-ins tunona' the trees."
"GnOfl heavens! \vhat shall \ve do ~'~
"Keep stil J and don't !~it skeart-sh 1"
At that j nDct.ure he h(.. nrd n slight noise, anel cautious-
ly rai ing his hend, he caught the outlines of n.n Indian,
in a crollching position, stealin~ along in front of t.he wag . .
on, us though eX8111ining the cnrious contrivance. He nn-
dOll1)tly wac; gl'(~atJ.v puzzled, but lie remained only a fe\v
minntcs, when he ·wit.hdrew a~ silentlY:l he had come.
4. Stay yet', while 1 a look around I" whi~pcl'ed Bal-

dy, n~ lIe slif softly out. the WnnOll. while the boy did the
~afne, waiting uutil sure tllat the trapper would D')t see
.B:lld~f 'pent a llalf hour in 111aking 11is reconnoisnnee.
'Ihe l'e~ult or It wa~ thllt. he found there were fully t\v<·u-
ty lndinns, thol'ouglaly wide awal\e,who were moving st.eal-
tldi~' through the grove.
'Vhcn lie caIne bnck, it was wi til t.he conviction tbat
t.lHd,' nnly ssdely lay in getting nway without delay.
'·W..,'ve got, to learn," sni 1 hu, "}lOW )Ollg will it take ycr
to gi t up, yOllng tel' ~"
h Thp,l"C is a fun head ou llOW. I fired up the lllillute
yon left, the 'va~oJl."
"Good 1" exclaimed Ral(ly, who in his excitement c1i<l
nol ob:o:ervc thnt the ~ tealn man was scethillg, alld uppar-
ciltly ready to explode :w ith the treulelH.loU8 po weI' pent
up iu it;; vitu.ia.

" ..



At tbis juncture, the trnpper whi~pered that the Tn(

,.rere again st.ea)jn~ around thenl. Jobny'~ first proecedillg
was to pull the whistle wide open, nwal-ing the stillucs&
of the nigllt bv n hideou p!"olollged scr(,~eelt.
TIICU, letting on the ste:. m, the man mad£" a bonnd lor-
"'~U'(l, ft'ld tile lH'Xt. nlOlllcnt \ 'as careerillg over the pl"ili ria
!ike a derooll of da.rkness. its horrid wll1,t e giving 10t th
ahllost. one Ct)l) t.inutli y(:Il, uell as no Anwl' .cal) Ill, I iau haa
(:ver been o.b~e 10 imilnte.
\Vhell t11 . y blld gone a few hUll(lrecl YHt'(ls, Johny flg-ain
lnc'l(tIlcd tll~ ~I ecd, 1()1' tbere wa..: gHat ri~k in g-oin cr at
thi' tl'· lUCtHlous ratc, wbere a.t: was entiH! hlank darlolcs9
Hlld tlH·re \\as Il(l tc : lit\~ into wiant dalt~t:r tlley nliglll rUIl.
A' the sp(·ed at \\ hleh the..Y were O'oing, tilcy wou . IUlve
./oullded illto a rive.r, IJclOl'e they cuuld hlL\"e clleekcd
thcm",elve •
'~Yt.'r 1uI'got one thing," sniit Bald,\', 'vhen they bAd C~ll.
shlerably luodc.:rnted theil' gait, auJ were using gl'cat cau-
~4 \Vhat is t.hnt. f'
" Y el" ou~ It tel' lwd a. lam p in fron t! 150 we could t.l'tlvet at
n i g h t, j i s t H S well ns day."
U You are rlgllt; I don't. how I ('nine to for.!!~t thtl.t..
\Ve could have friglltcl1cd t.he Indians In()~'e completely,
And tllere would laa\'c been some con ... c!alioll iu tJ uvcllng·
at such a tinlc."
64 Is it too late yet.Y"

" Couldn't do it without going back to St.. LouiS;."

"'( hHndenltU)U I I didn't Ulean that. Go :tilcad."
... S\.1(; 1 a inUll), or hCtl,d light ~s the locoulotivea U98
wOllld cost several lalludre<l dollars, aHhollgh I c.,nld have
lnude one ncal'j y as good i<)l' III uch less. Sllch (J. til i ng in
the centre of the nlan's lorehead, and the whistle at. tile
eud of his nose, would give him quite au illlpressive a1)·
peara nc(~."
4. Y cr Inust do it., too, sOlne dn.y ....... l\'Iy Go(ll"

The boy iusta.llLly ehcckcd their progress, RS t.he trap-

per uttered h·s f:'x.,lan ation; but·quicldy ~ s it ,vas done,
it Wa!.; none too SOOD, for nnother louD' step and the st.eam
mall would have gone down n etnL.nnklueut, twenty feet
Jdg", into a ronri I1g river at Ule base. As it was, both
IHade rather n hurried leap to the OTOlltHI, und ran to tile
fr(lnt to see whelhcr there was not danger of his going
But fOrtnnnt.f'ly he stoo(l firln.
u 1 declare that: w(\s a narrow e cflpe!" exclaimed the

hoy, ns llH gazed dowil into the CaVel'Il0nS IUl'kness, look-

ing dOIlI,ly r"I:,.dltlul in the gJoOJll of the nIght.
"Skull' one, it that wouldn't. have been almost as bad
. It; sta,ying nlllollg tlae re,lskius," replied tlte trappel'. How
are we gOill' to (1et hilH out of tid 1"
,f. We've got to sl:ovc hilll vael, ourselves."

,. Can't we rever::;e bitn ~"

" No , he h.'nt. gotten up (In that pl'incipte."
By great labor they lllllnAg('d to mal,e him retr()grnde a
1e rv !l:teps,!-:o tIl, t Ilc could be lllade to s11Y enough to
leave tile (langerolH vlcinity, and once more st(~rted upon
the broad finn prairie.
H Do JOU suppose these Indians are following us t" in-
q \l i l'f 1 til c b )y .
., No fear of it."
"Thell we llay a::.; well stay here."
The fires were drawn again, ever"th ing marle rigll t,
811 d the t w() disposed tlt t:U sel vel!! c gc.1.111 fur spending L t!
night in shlluhcr.
No dif"turimllce occurl'~d, alld hoth sl£lpt 80 Hull,. until
hl'Orld du) 1i~bt. The tl'c'PI cr's tir t pl'oceeding upou f\wak·
in}! "as to scan tll(" IH"airie iu every direction iu quest gf
lIe was llot a little nIH" 'cd to see at; tlozen or 10 mount-
ed TIHlian. abo a t.hird of a mite to the \vc. t. They hRd
reined up Oil the plain, nnd were (Jvi<1cnt~y scanning" the
stra.nge obj ct, witla a grcat de,,;! of wouder", III ;xl'd with
sotne 1ear.
U Du yo t think th y ill attack l1S~" inqnired the boy,
wlao couhl not up; ll'CSS h is trepidation nt the sight of the
warlike S tVnge9, on thcir gnily-capari~olled horses, dnnvD
up in such stal'tlin g lLl'ray.
"Ef tlen.r war any elungcr of that, ,ve c uld stop 'em
by 'tacking 'em."
U J 'st fil'C lip nn I start towa.rd 'cln, nncl see ho\v quick
they will en.ltc.'."
The advice ,vas aetccl upon on tlle instant., although it
was with no little luisgivine; UPOll the part of the en.;ill-
A11 t.he tinle tlUl.t the "uri ng up ~, process :wa under
way, the savage. sat n m )tionle"' as tatuCi'! upou the r
hoI' cs. Had th 'y under tood the {'cal no.l Ul'e ot the" un-
hual," j t can not. be Sll PI () 'e 1 t he;y \VOlt Id hn v(~ ht; i ..
t~'le(l for n JllOlnent to ehu ge d.)wlI upou it, ft,nd deulohsh
. .
It entlrcly • .
But it WHo a terra -incognita, clotllcd w.i th n. terror 8UC~
as no array of cllclni 'S c ,uId w '"ar, anti they prefc Ted to
kecp nt I goodly dl lance frotn It.
.• No,v~ uppo c they do Bot rUIl '~ " l'enlnrke(l Jollny, ra·
tl1cr doUI)tiuri1y, u.s hc hesitate t wlwtht'l' to start uhca.d or
"\VllHt if tlH'Y d01l't' C~lt.'t we run unother ,yay'
nut y(!r needn't feal'. Ji!~t tl'Y it. on."
8t eUlU wa let. on it· rllp i d \ R!'l p()~si h)1 ,and tit e tno-
namtltnl gu.tlh riner qni('kl~', It Wu.s ~ ~)Oll speeding ver the
praLi. ic at a tl'elnCfldclu~ rate. t.raig"t. towant tho t'nva!.!e~.
The latter rClllfline<l IBO ion e-.; 11 few .nolHeots, beforo
tll~\' rcul :zcd tllut it WHS C >lnt )0' itl tel' t.hem, ntul thcn
'" ,
\''It<'cl I"" aU nt, tlll'Y t"( Il, (I, tJ10llgh u,1l tlt~ lco~i()n of
tl.1I1" !'c8" weI' art·r llicill.
H Sh,.lll keel) it UlJ r' Bl1 " ulcd J thuy in the cal' the
•6 Yas; give 'em such n skenr tliilt tliey won't be ' able te
git ()ver it agin in all thn.r lives."
There is SOUle tun in chasing a. foe, when you know thnt
))c is renlly afraid of you, and wi;} keep l'unninq, without
any ~Ilou~ht of turning at bny, and the dwarf put tho
stcaln M1H,n to the very high~!st notch of speed tllat was
sar~, CVt n at the slight. risk of tbrowing lJoth the occu-
})81} ts 011 t.
The prairie was hnr(ler nna nenrt'r level than any ovel ,
,,'h !ch they had pas~ed since starting', so that lIothing was
in tlJe WHy of preventin!.! the richest kind of sport.
h Are we gaining 1" inquired Johny, IllS eyes glowing
with excitement.
" Gaiuing 1 Thar never was" redskin t11nt hail snch "
'1hase in all the world. Ef they don't gil; out the way
Inig-hty SOOD, we'll rUIl ove." 'etn"
TIH'y were, in truth, rHpid Iy ovet'hauling the rcch:l\inr-t,
wrlao were a.bout ns Inuch terrified as it wa.s p 'lssible for a
ru(~rtn.l to be, and sti 11 Ii vee
To jnCl'ea~e thci r fean~, the boy kept up a COl1stan t 5h rick·
jng of his whistle. If hall been ally other contriv-
ance or 1l1CanS at his COmnllJ.1l(.l, it is pl'o'Hl.hle the recl-.
skins would tutnbJed off tlleir hor::;es nn(l died; for
they were bearing H,!m()st all the fright, terror and horror
thtlt Can possIbly lJe cOllcentrated into H. sin..(h~ person.
lfilldlllg tlJ('re was no escape by lueallS ot the spe ,d of
their horst's, the Indians sonsil,ly did what t ,e trapper had
prophesied they would (10 nt first.
They" scattel cd," all (livcl'ging over t he prairie. As it
"'u.s impossible for t~\~ slmllll Inan to overtal\e :1.11 of these,
1 of course, this eXpeCh\!ltt sCCltt'ed tlle ·afet.y of the IHil.jority.
\ NeIther Ba.ldy uor cue b . ore dhpo .. e(\ t() give up the
.port in this maunul'; b), Liley sillgl ·d out a single " noble
refl man," who was IJt.llsulng llei~1 1.1 the :-arne direcLion u.s
they were. and they ltet\ded straigh t fpl' hilu.
'rhe poor wretch, when he saw t.hat he W9.~ the ollject
of the nlonster's pursuit, seellled to becoille il'HUf c witti
UtI"or. Ri, ing on the hor~e'i hnck, lie lenn oj f ,rward.
IUltil it l(h pkcd as tuou~ h w u,j ( a.d -:: or of goi ltg ' over
° 1
his 'head altogether. Then whooping an~ shrieking to
llis terrified horse, that. wn.s a.lretldy straining- every nerve,
he pOUIHlcd his heel~ in its sides, va.inly urging it to still
grea.ter speed.
In the lnennthne, the stealn man was gftining steadily
11p o n him, while to acId variety to the ~cene, tTohny kept
up the unearthly shricldng of the no~e-wlaistle of the giant
It was d ,fficu 1t to tell \V h iell sounded the Inost hideously
ill t.his strange chase.
The remaining Indians had itnpl'oved their advanta.~e
to the utlllost. Fearful that their dreadful enenlY lllight
change its mind and single them out, they ~{ept up their
t(>aring fiighO t, all regardless of the great extrelnit to which

their cOlllpanion ,vas reduced, until finally they disappear':'

ed in the distance.
A short distunce only sei arated pursuer and pursued,
when the lattel', realizing that thero wns no eseape in
fiighf, headed the rivel', which was u. short llis-
tauce ou th6 right. .
'l'his saved hiln. When with fl howl, horse and rider
thundered over the bank and dis~~ppeiLrcd, th~ stearu lnan
cOllld not follow hiu}. He was cOlupellcd to give up the
cllase and dt'a,w off.
A. few days later, and without farther noteworthy iilCi-
dent the stealll Ulall reached Wolf Ril.vine, being l'eceiv~d
in the mauuel' Dj.l'rated at the ueginniug of tllia &tory.



D'l:'ing the ahscnr.e of Bn,lrly Bicknell 1n seare', or tlle

st.enUl IUa.U, ndther ~licl,ey nOI Ethan h'l(i been dist.ul'bcd
by Indians.
They had workccl uncc)\.-.\;ng'y in dig-ging- the gold mine
to which they had gtlint'd aCc;e~s trltl'ongll t.h~ instrnl'nent.
al; ty of the trnOpper. WlJ~n tilOY had .gn.tho·red t()aetli~r
quit.e n qU:lutity of the l.!rnvel und dirt~ vith the yeTlow '
st'lul glitteriug through it, it WIlS ('ar it:(l a .sholt distance
tt) the margin of the I'lye!', wuel'e it uuderwent ~he .. wush"!

iug" ptocess.
While thu-- engaged, one of tlaeln ~vns constantly running
l1p the hank, to sun! that their old ~neluics «licl not
steal UpH" thea)) UII~"varcs. Once or twice th~y callgh&
~ight 01 severnl luovil1g in the distance. hut th~y d.d not
COlne nenr ellotl.~h to 1noh'st theIn, doing notbing D]OrO
than to keep thclnon the quivive.
1'hc"e was one Indian, hOW~Vl!r, who bestrode a blnck
hOI'~e, WhH haunted tlhAlu lil"e a phatltolu. Wilen they
g anced over tIle river. at almost Hlly titne, they conld see
this i u<1 i vid ua.1 can tiou~ly (:i I'eli I)~ a bout Oll h b hor~c. :lll(l
ap"arently wallting for u chance to guin Il, shot at his cu-

h Bt.gnlorah, but he love~ us, t.llat he does, nq the lamh

o))SCI'Vl't.I ,yhen spea ki n~ of t.lae 'v., 1f," snid 1\1 ckey, jll~t
at tt'r he h 'l (1 sent a bull ct wI! ist ling ahout. tlH~jr e~'. rs.
h Jelaosipllut 1 he Jove" us too Il}\leh 1" added the Y;~tlkee,
who l.nd nn reliall for t l le~c stolen shot<:t, h If we n.iu't keel·...
fut, the: e'll be uuthin' of us left when B .ddy COlne8 bade,
tllat IS, If he con\l~S back at all."
'rhis I t·dl-'kin nn hi~ hlack hor~e WSL!i 30 ('nJl~erou : , that
l)e Jcqtlit·. ·d COIJ~tt\ut \\Hteh ;lIg, ilJld ti,e }l)<'U cou l d j ,error",
on ly half the,r usnal work. It. was wh,l !' J\f IC\" '! .v WilS Oil
the 10' Jkout !() c hUH, that he c:lu .; ht l:3ig-.; t of th· .. st(* i trll
mall cOining toward him, a .. We Inl.v\! I e latl·u ill another
Bo long as that. personage wa.s kept PU11lllg, Q.1! (1 tCitl'in '{
round tile vic Hity. they knew thd'C was no teHI' lIfdi~tHd).
ttl ce, frulu t.he t ·. . acheru ,ls rcdsl' :n . : , .\ lao were 80 Clll)S ant-

I.' on t , e .del·t tu Hv('nge theln-.elvdi OJ' t.ill: lu~ ' th,~\ ilui
suflcred ltl l H ~ nl,l :ck; l ItH- t \\ o\1 l d II ·nil," pil y t , ) ' ''~ ; ':t ll
irllll 'HaJJ H ' st'lltin t!l , H ' tht: WCal' iLBel teal' ill all 1H": \' , i ,'i :

r 0 l ld be too llll l C I I f~ IT II i Ul .
.A ( C 1 U tin ~' togc lli t' l' upon tIle re t urn orB tid y . :111

... tl~1'
\.hey had .. ({ .ieu beillud t 1~ ' teillH Ina,1I la {hell hea.r ,'tj
COllteu.~ luey duci(.ieu upoJl ~thoil' luturu oOUPJe. A: tho
THE STEAK HAN 01' 1."9 PRAmms.
b9Y, Johny, hn<1llo intention of devoting t imself to man-
utli hl!)Or, eyen bad he been Hble, ~nd it wa agreed tl t he
should tuke upon himself the a.rt of. eutiuel, wuile tbe
ot her 'ere at work.
In thi " way, it was believed thnt they could finish wIth ..
in a couple of eeks~ lJic..ldillg .,rood bye to the Inditlns,
and quickly rC1lch the State ~ and gi:vc up their d~ltlgeroul
pursuits nltogcther, wlH~rea, if C lttpellcd to do duty
thf!mselves as sentinels, their st y ~ould be doubly l)ro ..
lotl~ed • .
T'lis arrangement suited the boy very well, who L\V
thereby iven opportunity to exelClse hi~ team mAo, by
ocea, ionn\ airjn~a over tlte pride. To the East nd
south, the plnins stre ched away till the horizon shut (own
upnn th In. as tlte 'ky does on the ea: '1'0 the west, some
tw 'nly odd niles distant., II range of tnountains lV S vi iLIe
the p{~aks being tinged wit.h a laint L1ue in the dista.uce,
wh ',lc SOUle of the mOl'e elev~ ted looked like \vhitc coni- '
cal clouds resting ng;linst the clear ,ky heyon.l.
Frotn the first, yuulIg Br~tin~ ..d tXp,'csloIed tt. tlesire to visit
tlJese mOl tDtuins. Tlaere Was sot lclhiug in tl1eil" rug~e\l '
gran(leuf which iuvited I\. close inspCClic)n, JUl(l be PI\)PO cd
to the tl pper, til t they hould Inake a: huntiug exC?urslon
in th'lt direct ion.
" No need of goin' so fur for gnnle," be replied, ,. takes .
too JUlieh time, Rud then tlaa."~ Ul' to be red kill!o!l."
~'B it if ve go witla the ste, m man we shull -1rightep
them all away," wns the n·ply.
"~a~," laughed Bu;ldy, u'iud we'll skear the a. ny '
'4 But we call overtuke that as we did the poor Iudinn
the other dHY."
,. Not If he ~akes to the mountnillS. Lenstwa.ys ycr
i· 'n t Ie ill' that would 1it~e to lllld~rta e t l'id~ up he
nlount:tin hehhHl hat old gilltlcma n."
.& Nt)" I cititel", but e Ci n Ie 0 the ' ~ we
gLt to tile hase of the Int untain."
. " An give t ae re(ls til e to come dow1l and u
ith ycr wlaole teatu."
" Do you think tlaere is Ganger of tbnt 1"
"Dulluo us thar be, bllt, of they catche<1 sight ofr your-
elf, they'd rai8e yer hn'r qnicker'n lightning."
Seeing that the little fello\v wa~ considerauly discoura-
ged, Baldy bastened to add.
"Ef you're )<:eerfnl, younker, nnd I b'lievc yer genern.lly
be, take a ride tha:, yel'self, behind yer Jutnping-jack, but
remember any advice and stick to yer wagon."
Having thus obtained permission of the hunter, Johny
Brainerd, 1\8 n1ny well be supposed, did not wait long be--
fore aVi.liling hitnself of his l)rivilege.
The weather, which had heen threatening toward tIle
latter part of the day, entit'ely cleared away, nnel the n(l>xt
moruing dawned remarkably clear, and beautiful. So the
boy announced hts intention ot making the expected visit,
after which he prolnised to devote himself enth'ely to per-
fOl'1l1ing the dnty of sentinel.
" Abcout what t i ll1C n121y we look for you, ueow I" asked
EthHt1 ns he was (lll. the point of 8tnrting.
" Sonletime thi~ afternoon."
" COll1C in before dark as Ine mither use(l to ob~erve to
meself, when r wint out'," added 1\-lickey.
The boy pronlisell to heed their wnrnillg's, and began
firing up a~tlin. The tank WAA cOlnpletely ii.led with wa ..
ter, and the wagon filled neqrly full of water, so that tile
tW!I were cnpn,ble of running the contrivance fol' tbe entire
day, provided there was no ressntion, and that he was 011
the .4 go" '.!ontinually.
Before starting, it wa.c:a througbly oiled t.hrough ' nlld
through, auel put in the blUtt possible condition, and thea
waving them all ft. pleWUl-JJt farewell, he steamed gaily t~
ward the mountains.
The ground was udn' ;.l'able, and the steam man travell-
ed better than ever. (..i ke the locomotive, lle scetned to
bave ncquired a ce~taJn 81l1oothness and steadiness or' JUt>-
tion, froan the exercise he had all-eady had, and the sha.rp
eye of the boy detected it at ollce. He saw that he bud
been very fortunat indeed ill COJlstructiug hii wonderful
invent.ion, as it was itnpossible for allY lluman skill to
give it any better movelllent than it now pos 'C 'ecl.
t) he first tlJl'ee or i0UI' mile. were pas~ed at a rattling
gait, nnd the oy was sitting on the front of his wngon,
dl eanlily \vatchillg the play of the buge engine, when it
suddenly pause<l, and with such abruptness that he "a.s
throwll f()rward frOlll his .. eat, with violence, fulling di-
rectly between the legs of the monster, wb ich seelned t(l
8tllnd per/ectly Inotionless, like the intelligent eleplaani
tllat is fearrul of stirring a limb, lest he might cru~h hUt
master lyju~ hiln.
The hoy lle\V at once that SOlne accident llad happen..
ed, and ullluindful of the severe cratch he had l'ccel vt!\l,
hH instantly elambel'ed to his feet, an 1 be~an cx:ul\iuing
tlle lllachinery, fil'st tnking the prec Hl ion to give vent to
the sUl'pl s team, which wa rapidly gathering.
It was SOUle tlnle before he con d d '.,cover the c use of
difficulty, but he finnlly usc ~rtllined that n sluall bolt hiltl
lipped lool.:e, a d llad cftught in such n Inauner as to
Clleck the lllotion of t.he engine on the instnnt,.
Fortunately no pernlanellt injury WaS done, and while
lle was mn.ldng Dlattel'S l'iglt t, he recollected that i I) chat--
ting with the trapper as be as on the point of tnrtinao.
lIe had sturted to scre,von the bolt, Nhen his ntteutioD
bad ueen momentarily diverted, when it e cnped his Illhhl
altogether, so that he alone was to blame for the acci-
dent, which had so narrowly escaped proving a 8('riou~ one.
Inking sure that everything was tight, he remounted
the waCJ'oll, and cautiously res med bi jo"arney, going
very 810 ly a first, so u.s to , atch the pIny c,f the engine.
Everything lnoved ,yith it n, ual SllloottJl4e3t.. and lifting
Ilia gtlze lIe Ie cried three buffaloes, ttlLc\Jitg with erect
heHd . . , taring wouderingly at biJn.
" If) ou ,vaH t a chnse y u mu.y have i 414 exc:allD~C the
boy &5 he hea.ded toward them.
tl .THE STEAl[ ·1«;N



With 11. wild snort of alarln, the three b\lffaloes tl1rnttd

tail ulld <ltlshed OVel· t1#e lllail'ie, witb tbe shrieking steam
aU.11l in pursuit. _
1'be I oy tal<en tlle precantion to bring n rifle with
hitn. When hc SI\.\V thCln fiee in this terrified Innuller, the
t"l)ught came to hitu at once that he would shoot one of
thcIU, and take a portion UtlC~ to his 1J:iellds Jor their 811p-
l)cr. .
It would he l\ p-rand exploit for him, a'l~ be would be
pl'oUdtl' of its perfortua,nce tlJau be was of the constl'~C-
lion of the wonderful st.eUJU Inan. ' .
Tile hlnlhcring rollulg gait of' the hl,draloes W,8S not a
vel'y rapid onel 1\n(l the boy lotuHl himself speedi!y over·
llQuling tllctn wit1tO~lt difficulty. They did Dot know
cnou gh to ~('pnl'fi,te, but kept close togcth(lr, sonte thuC9
cro \,-ding nnd striking u.gaiust CllCh othe,' ill their furious
cfiort. to escape.
But, aflcr th~ ch~se had co.ntinned some tirne, one of
tIle "lIiln,~ls .l;ega tl) fnll ill the reHr, Hnd Johny dirt'ctcd
hi's at~h~1 tiou tQwal'd b~ln, as be would be the. mqst ensy to
ewell re.
Tit is fcllo\v w, a lluO'c buH, tqat was tmne,
which accounted JOI' his I Hrdillcf)s of gait.. .Fri:,{ht<!lled as
lie wa Q, it WilS not t.hat hi !lIO terror, wla iell had seized the
(lI(l lans, when tlwy di;-.;covel"{:d the stcalll lUall so close nt
lht:ir lu~els. Thc bull wus olle of tllose cr~ : lttlrCS, that if
do e!y pressed would turn and cJ;a.n~·e the lllOllstel'. 110
'Was Hot oue to contillue n fruitless flight., no luaUer who
0" what was his pur:;u<:f.

Tho boy was not aware of this stU I (ly h'nit in the ani
Ipal, nor did he drealH of anything' like J'ctistnnce.
eo bu stt!adily drew toward hun, unt.i) \vithin " twent.v
yar~i , "hen he let go of bls controlling rod, and ph!ked
up the rifle beside him. A hullet. fro.D this, he supp ' ,~etl,
would }sill nny ~lI,imal, howevel' large, DO matter at what
POl'tiOil of 11is bodv he nimcd.
So rnisiug paJ'tiy to his fl'et, nnd steadying l;imsel f nl
wen n h~ could, he aianed for the jUlnping ha.unch 0' ~he
anitn",1. The ball buried itselt in his .ft(~n k, and so fl·tnrd-
e(J his speed, that t.he next llloment the boy iound hianseH
beside hiln.
The instant this took place, tbe huH lowercrl his. l1eac1,
nnd without fUl'thct warning, charged ,full llt the steatD
The hoy nw the danger, but too late to stave it off. His
iUl111CnSe lJca(l strnc}( the rell.r of the lllonster with sucb
mOlnentuln tbat lle, W~8 lifte(l tully n foot. f the 1-!l"ound
~the concnssion sonp.ding lil,e the crack ofa Ri ~ t()l.
ortunately t1 e shock did unt, 1 lu.t erl a1)y i njr'rc ihe
I m'f lchine, nlthough tl e "rightcll'~d hoy ()xpected to be cai>~
s;ze<l flnd ki lIed by the j nfnriat~r). buff ,10.
'rile laUe." ,vhen 1 e had mhde ]a is plunge, inst.antly
dre\v back for anot her, which V/ ....S snre to ue fatal, if '
as filirly ns 1he first. 'fhe bOJ reta ined Ids pro.. encc of
In i nd enough to let on 1ull St.(;ct.lll, a ntl t he concern ... hnt
&\ 'ay Ht an extrnordinury rate. ;)otlndiug' over the gnHllHl
so furionsiy, tbat t.he billets (/f wood ,,'ere t.L.rown alld
scattere(\ in e'lery direction. so that now ft'ol11 heillg' the
pursuer, he llnd spee(lily hccolue the pursued. The tnbles
were turnecl 'vitia u ven!.!cnncd
It. W/lS o111y hy providential good fortune tlan.t young
Bi'i, ill'lrc1 t' 'cnp('d j n~t.a .. t <le;!tt rnct on. Th~ w()n(l.~r Was
th:lt the ste:uu man WaS not ~~O illj If cd ~s to be UIl( J,lc fo
trll '~!, i wide c, ' c, the na~ 'cued lall 'ouhl hn.\· eft
!itt e of Ibn.
As it w.. , the ex prienct. of the 110y 'v IS snch a~ 1 6
could never forget• . When h\! turned hjs ,drrightct) ~~ancc
behind, he sa" the eunlg'Jd ani Inal pi unging fUl'~ou~ly at.
ter h itll~ his hend lowered, his tong'u e out,llis eyes glariDI
and his whole appearance that of the most brutal ferocity.
Ilad the hull cOlne in collision with the ho~'sc or JHUn
while in that mood, he would have made short wOlk 01
h illl. "
But great a wflsllis speed, it could not equal that of the
"rnlHlel'ful stenm 1nan, who t~)ok snch treillelldolls stridea
hnt a tew Illillute~ ufficed to carry ldln beyond all dn.nger.
Johny quietly slacked off stp,n m, but he kept up n. good
8winging gait, not caring to renew his close acqnaintlluce
,vitlA his ,vounded enemy_ The latter speedily discovered
he ,vas losing ground, and finally gave up the pursult, and
trotted off at a leisurely rate to join his cOlnpn.llions, n ppa-
rent!]' none the worse for the slight wound he hn.d receiv-ed.
As soon as the boy felt himself fllirly beyond the reacll
of the auitnal's fury, he halted the man, and made a. min-
ute ()Xaluillation of the tllRChil1ery.
The head aud horns of the huff~l 0 bad dented the iron
el<in of the stcatn ulan; but the bJ ow being distributed
o rer a lnrge area,. inflicted no other dama~e-if, indeed,
this could be called damage of itself. ,
The ,b oy was greatly plea"'ed not on 1y at his escape, but
at the Qc.hnirable manner in which his inventioll had uor06
the .. llock of colli ion. It gave h.m a confidence in it,which
hitherto he had not felt.
Turning his face once more toward the mountains, be
ngain let on B good bead of steall1, and rattled over the
prairie nt a stirl'ing rate. An hour was snfficient to bring
IJiln to the base, ,vhere he halted.
He had not forgotten the warning of the trappf>r, but
like almost any inexperienced pel'soll, he could not see any
. Cnl1se for alarm. He Fcn.oned every pHrt of the pl'aide and
Dlolllltain that was in bis field of vision; but could detect
notldng- alarming.
fIe supposed the p :l rting admonition of Baldy was mere-
ly n. general warning, such HS a cautious persoll gives to one
whotn he has reason to fear is somewhat careless in his
1t tlune :Ore rt:quired little self o.l'gulnenf upon lllS part.
after putting llis man in proper "conc1iti()tl," to start off on
a l'nnlble up thc nlountain side. It W'lS not his intention .
to relnnin more than an hOllr or so, unless he came across '
foi()ln~ ganle. He ha<l a p:ooclly quantity of anllllunition, and
WHS careful thu.t his l'ifle was loaded, flO as not to be takcD

unawa1'es by any etnergency.

Although Johny Brainerd was nm.~cted with f\ mis-~11apen
fclrtl1, yet he was very quick and active upon his feet, and
bounded along over the rocks, and across the chasms like
a deer, with such a buoyancy of spirits that 11e forgot all
However lle bad gone but B short distance, when he
wa ~ startled by a low fierce fYTowl, and turning his head,
saw to his horror, tbat he had nearly run against a col-
lossa1 anitnal, which he at once recognized as the dread-
fd grizzly bear.
SI lch a IDeeting would llave sturtled an experienced
IIUllter, nDd it was t.bel'efol'e witll no steady nerve that he
llastily brought his piece to his shouldct' and fired.
The shot struck the bear in the body, do:ng just what
1}is shot at the buffalo had done some tinle ticfore. 1&
thoroughly angered him, without inflicting nn .' th'ng like
a SCl'jollS wound. W! til no growl of fury the brut~ made
strnight lor him.
WIHl.t would the boy have given, as he sped down the
mountain side, were he now in his wagon, whirled over
tha prairie at a rate which would enable him to laugh to
scorn any such speed as that of the hrute.
At fir~t he bad bopes of reaching bis refuge, but he was
not long in seeing that this was impossible, aua. found that
if he escaped, he 111u:4 find sOlne refuge very speedily.
When be suddenly found hitnself beneath a goodly.
sizetl tree, it looked like a providt'ntial indication to hirn
and, throwing his gun to the gronnd, he ascended the tre~
in the shortest tiole that he hu.d eVt'r luade.
Il' was none too soon, as it 'vas, for tbe bear was 80
clo~e beneath him tbat he 1e.t the brush of itq claws a!ong
bis feet, as l1e nervously jerked them be) ond its reach.
lltL~tily scrambling to the very top of be tree. he se-
clired 1.inls(·lf 81nong the limhs, an(( then glanced clown
to sec "what his elleluy WH"S doing. Gl't:at was 'his reli~f t.o
find hin} sitting ('n his hiLunches, contenting hilnself with
lllel'ely casting wistfltl glances upward.
The SeDSa tion of even leln pornry sn,fety "as a relief-
tiut when n full hourha.d dragged hy, ,vitia scarcely n. sin-
gle chnn~e of position upon the pnrt of the brut.e, ,Tohn1
begnn to ask hirnself whnt. was to he the el1(1 of all this.
It loo!, ei1 as though the grizzly had f(Jsolved on .naking
Jlis dinner upon the youngsfer wl ' O bad dared to fire 8 slint
nt bim. The patience of an anhnal is }>",)vet"hially g'reater
than that of a lltlman being, and t.hat of the henr certninty
exceeded to ,t, gnoat degree that of his eXL.ected prey, who
crouched in the hU10S atJove•

. CH:APTE Xfi.

From"'wllere young Brniner(l wn..

perched on the tree, it
was impossible to catch a glhup e of the gteam maD, so
patieutly awaiting his. return. 'rhe di-.;tauce was alse too
great for hhn to ma~e hinl . . elf lIeard by the llliners, who
,,-ere hard ut work twenty lJliles awny. .
Fru ·tful in expedients, it 'vas not long before the boy
fuun(l a resouJ'ce in llis trouhle. Tearing n, la .. )'(~ froID
Ilis coat., he tore this iuto slnaller strip., unfil he iJad sc-
cured 1\ rope hn.lf:'a-dozcn yards in len~ til. UPOll the end
of this he plnced a loop. nnd tllen, dcsccuding to the low..
ennnst limb, he devoted hilllselt to the ta~ k of looping- it
over the end of his ~un. It fortunately had fnllCIl in suell
n. Dl;Lnller that the luuzzle was SOll\ ',vlaat elevated, so t.bnt
here WllS IL O'ood opportlluity for the eXerCl!:ie of his 8kill
. and patienc .. _
her the first attempt wa lIlt de, t.h e bear suddenly
clawed at it l\ud tore it froJlt t ile bOy'l:J halld, before he
could jCI'k it beyou his reach. So h~ was coulpel ad to
make aJloth~r one.
THE 8'1'~~Al\I :D!.A.:'{ OF' _HE PRA.IRIES. 61
Nothing dL'cottrngc(l, the b\,y soon had tbis c(itnpleted,
811d it dropped dowli Ulore <:autiously than before.
When the grizzly .lade a lunge at it, 't was deftly twitch-
ed out of his wu..v.
This was repeated several times, lntil the brute beca,t4e
(1isgu:-:tcd with the sport, atHl dropping down bebj~d t e
tree, let tbe boy <10 all the fi hing he chose.
No \V was h· tinle, but t.he boy <lid nt t allow his eager-
nes~ to overcome t Ie st.eadiness of his nerves. It required
no litlle skill, but he finally succeeded in dropping the
noose ove,' the llHlzzle of the gun nnd jerked it up taut.
With a. henrt hi~h with hope, .Tohny saw it lift..
ed clear of t11! ~ ground, and he beO'an carerully drawing
jt up. 1'lIe O'l'izzly looked curiously at his IllanoellVCtl,
nnd once nlade a ' if to 1nove t( \vanl the dangling rifle;
hut, ere hi:o\ Illiud was settled, it was drawn beyond llis
reaeh 1 uUfl the col(l lllllZZ\C was grasped ~n the 1 and of the
eng( t'ly wait:n!! bo~.
\Vllil, c1rtl.wjll~ it up he l1nrl been '<leh'ltin!! with him-
self as to the l~cst n~('alls of killing the brut.e. Retnelnbel'-
ing that his fir:6t sllot had done no harm, h~ senRibly con-
cluded that he ha<l not yet learned the vulnerable -part of
1bc monster.
lIis gun was IOllded v.ery enrefuny. and when everything
wn.~ l'e <1y be Inade a noise, to attract th~ attell tion of the
bn tee 1'he bear look d t p in tantly, when the gun was
aimed r.!trl i(l~ht at his right eye.
Ere he grizzly cpuJd l itltdraw. his gaze, the piece was
discluu'gcd, Hud tlac bullet sHed true, crashing into the
81 ull of: the cHlo sal brute. With ~ howl ing grunt, he l'(ke
UPOll his hind feet, clawed tve air a few mOlucnts, and
tile) dropped dead.
Young nraincrd ~aited until be was certain that the'
last Si)8r of rfc h:\.11 fled, wben he cautiou ly, descended
"he tree, scarcely able to rpal ze ~he glorious truth t.hat 110
lUl.d slaIn n grizzly uenl'--t,hc 11lOnal'clt of the we, t.ern wjl.
derne ·s. But fiuch was the fnct, Hnd he. 'elt lllore pride a'
tIle thol1O'ht thnn it he had slain '\ elf ZoIll hldr{lln~~s.
Ly_ o.
... .c I only had hhu in t11e '~'~l;.4l11," lle ref1l:c~cll, "I'd .
J,.' :~
u_ Trig .~-:' E.1:\r ;\1;\.' OF' Tng PRAIRU~S.
tHI(e itim iuto cUlnp, for they will never believe I killctt a
griL.zly hear."
However, it occnrred to hitn that he might secnre SOlne
lnclnento, and accordingly he c.nt several claws and placed
theln in his pocl{et. 'rhis done, he concluded thnt, as tho
afternoon was well advanr..ed, it was tilne he started llome-
His h llrried ftjgl1 t fl'On} the ferocious brute llad bewil-
dered him sOlnewhat, find, ,vhen he took the dit'cctiou
wIdell be judged to be the right one, he found nothing
fnlni liar or rClllCmbel'cd, from ,vhicb fact he concluded he
was going astray.
But a little computation on his part, and he soon right-
ed h ill1Self, and was walking along quite hopefullJ, when
he received anotller severe shock of terror, ~lt heal ing the
unmistal{eable whoop of an Inuian, instantly followed by
several othel'~.
Imlnediutt~ly he recalled the wnrninq given by the tl'flP-
pel', and looked furtively a~out, to Inake sure that he was
not alrea.dy ill their hauds. His great anxiety no\v was to
reach the steam 1111\n and lc~ve the neigh borbood, which
was rapidly hecoming untenable.
So he began stealiug iOl'wnrd 8S rapidly as possible, at
the sarne tiIlle keeping a sharp look-out for danger. It ra-
q llirt!d a. baU:'bour, pI'oce~d ing at tbis rate, before J'eaching
the base of the lllollntain. 1'l1e moment he did so, he
looked all aronnd in quest of the steam man, wlJom he
had been com pelled to desert for so long a time.
Be discovered it standing several hlludrecl yards away;
but, to his disnHl.Y, there were fully n dozen Indian stnnd-
ing und wa lIdug about it, exalnining every portion with
the greatest curiosit.y_
Here was a dilelnma indeed, and the boy began to be-
lieve titu.t he had gotten hhnself into an inextricable dif-
ficulty, for bow to reach the tcam man and rene\v the fire
-uuder the circnnlstn.nces-wns a question which might
well puzzle an older head to nnswer.
It was unfortunate that the machine should lanve been
taken at thia great disadvantage, for it was s~ippiDg it of
Its terror to those Indians, who were such inveterate ene-
mies to the wI. ite '.
1'hey bad pl0bably Tiewed it with wonder an ] fear at
first; but fin( ing it undeluon trative, ha(l O'!'a l luull.V gath.
ered COtll'urre, until they had congreO"ated around it, and
mnde as etHical a scrutiny fiS they knew bow.
\Vhntever 1ear 01' terror they had felt at fil t siaht wal
now gone; for they seelned on the most faUlilial" terms
with it. .
Severnl clitn bed into tl1e wagon- otllers passed in and
around the belpleRs giant-alld one valiant 1ellow 11it hhn
a thwack on the stomach with hi. tomn,hn.wk.
This blo'w hurt the boy far lnore than it (lid t11e iron
man, and he could l)srdly escape a cry of pain, fiS l}(~ look-
eel upon the destruction ot his wonderful friend as almost
The savage, 1lowever, contented himself with this de-
monstration, and imtnediately clfter walked away toward
tl c mountain. The observant I)oy knew whnt this meant,
nnd he willHlrew f1"Om his teulporars liding place, and
started to ",'atch IIhn.
T e fact tIt t teInd' nn folIo" eU preci ely the path
taken by hinl, lid not rer..} ve tbe uneasiness, and he made
up his mind tllat nothing out da gel' was to come to him
110m this proceedinO'.
When the Indian had reached the spot here the (lead
grizzly uear lay, be pRused in t he greatest wonderluent.
H~rc ,va SOlllcthi 19 which he did not un ler taud.
The dead Cal'ca ~e showed t11 t omehody 11a 1 slain llim,
and the shot In the eye looked as though it had been done
by nn e "pcrienced hunter. A fc\v Illinutcs' exnnlitul.tion
of the ground sho\ ed iut' her that he who had fired l1)e
shot wa ill the tree at the time, after ,vhich he lInd des-
cended antllled.
Ad this took but n fe,v .minutes for the sn.v nge to eli
covel", when he gave n. whoop of triumph al his 'uccess in
prObing the matter, and st.arted oft' on tlle trail.
Uuluckily, this led straight toward the boulder behin
64,: THE 81'EAM MAN OJ' THE PlUmIE8.
"h jch the boy had concen.1ed 11 itnsel f; nud ere he could
~lld n new the Indian was upon bitu.
At ,. ~ht of the loy, the savnge g~ ve a whoop, nnd rRig.
ed hi~ tf)mnhn.wk; but the yOUlJ~~ t'er WQS expecting this,
R. d instantly rui ing his gun, he discharged it full into
l'.is heart.
AzJ he heard the shriek of tlle Indian, and S&\V h' m
throw up his rans, he did not ,vait to hear or see aUJthillg
else, uut illstantly fled, with lniglat and main, scarccJ3
) oking or knowing whither he ,vas going.
A. 81101't thlle, he fouud hi lllsclf at the bose of the
mountain, VP.f.V near the spot where he had fi,.st come, ftJHi
gh t~cing ffS,iu to,vard the steam man, he saw, hiln st-and-
ing nlotioul'a!N. bef9re, nnd with not a sin l~ Iudian. in
(~bt 1 ·


.Ill APr.! 'L~ 1J'TQ DANGEB.

Not a seqo d was to be lost. 1=b next moment tlle boy

1.3d run across t.he int.ervening t;pn.ce and pulled open the
furnace door of the stenn lllUI!. He f;t\W a few elnbcl's yet
'illouldering in the bot tOln-enou,gh to 1~kin4h" tlle wood.
I>~ hing iu a lot fronl the WfigOll, he saw i.t ht:.~it1 hi .zing
un. lie pulled the valve ,vide open, 80 .hel'e InicJ'ht
not be a mOll1ent's delay in starting, and held ~he wat er ill
the boill~r at n proper l~ve1. The snlolcc hnLacdiq." ely be-
gnn issuing from tl;c pipe or lint, and the hOPdJ of tt;e \)0.1
rose cOI'fespl) nd i 11 f! 1Y•
'fhe great dangor was t.hat the In<1inns would return be-
fore he could start. He kept gt DCing ueiai".ul him, and
it was wIth a heart hentiug with despair;' he henrd
sevel'n.l whoops, and aw at the same iu taut • lUWUl1f 01
redskins conling to vard him.
The boy gave u. jolt to the wagofJ, ~ffhich cOt municated

to the s ~LtD ulan, and it wlta.u:l) atarLcd, It• ..\~ite a mo-

derate gait, but it rapidly increa.sed to its old·fasb ioued
It was jnst in tlle nick of time, for, t 0 lniJl\1t~s lntp.r,
the. ftvagcs woulcl I,cen pon hint. A it 'n, ,vilen
they Sil.\V the giuu moving off, tIl y pnu ed t() a 1l10lllcnt
in :UU:tzcnlent.
But t)lei,. previous acquaintance Jth t lC pparatus had
robbed it of fill its supcrnat tll'al attrihutes, un 1 their halt
la.sted hut a fe\v secoDtls. 'rile next UtOlllent tlu'y under-
stood that tl.cre "as OlllC hUluan fl!.!'CIlCY about it, nn 1 l1t-
t(;ring theil' u:ood-chilling yells, til y tartc in lull pur..
suit. llut bv this titue the stean gentler lan was g ttlll!!
down to hi~ "'regular pA.ce. and WH. tri{ling ovel' the prai.
)·je Ii J<e a d 1'0111 ~ b ry'. For a tune the Indians gl ined, t len
the jnt~rvelling di lance heC8tlle t,ttiOD t' , au 1 then he
begllu putlitag steadily away trOtH tliCIll.
StIll the ilinfaltlC 1 the cia. e un n nti ·fi .. d of
i s hopele 'sne~s: ' W lell they gave it uI, and sulleuly vuh-
drew ill the dit'cctiou of the Illot1ntains.
1'he young fellow, in his triulllph, could not av,.j(l ri
inu' in tbe WUgOll, shu lling and 'vaving his hat delian t 1y
at his u:dBed pursuer. The d ring n.ct CaUU~ nCRI' co t-
iug his life. fl)r it was instantly followed hy the eli clanrge
of severnl guns, and the siurring of the bU1JCt3 ahont his
enrs cn.u~cd hinl to duck back into his seat as uddculy aI
lIe had J'isen fronl it.
The ultel'noon vus no\v quite wen advanced, nnd besl<lea
feeling hungl'Yt Jolloy BraInerd wua anxious to get buck
to camp.
'1 he intervening distance was rnpiClly pn~8ed, and the
SUn wa~ ju t ettillg us he f'lacked up ~ithiu u short dis·
tunc<: of Welf Rilvine. .i
For SOUle UIl(\(!COUJ tllb era on, the nearer he npproA.(:.h-
eel "en np,'· tl it was Citll <1, a 1celiu rr ai-in to fear tt Inc
Over "ill. It ,va a prc ..entilnen . of' cOluin.)· evil, which
]JC found j itUt () si hJe it lei" t ) sIu\. off 01' to lefl. c, ' u I
tJlat Was, II .. he h21.1te I Clllte <1i fnnce
FruIn wh~~'e he stoC)(l it WaS ;U1PO' iule to 8ee hi two
r,iend at work, but at tlla~ time of day h ltD they
'were nccu tOllled to stop work nnd cOlne out UpOIl the
prairie, fot' the purpose of elljoying the cool lH'(WZe of
evenin!..r. At thc '1ltne tilnc, when such constnnt da!lger
threatened, they "rerc accnstolned to have one of their
nUtllheJ', either an or flo pnl't of the time, on tlle ground
aiJove, where the approach ot ell(~mies could be det 'ctod.
'l'lte nhselicc of anything like n sentinel illCl'ClIsed the
bey's nppreliension, Hnd when he had 'vaited some filteeD
Jllinutes, without seeing anything of his frienus, he be-
Call1C pain fully UlleR. y.
What jf they had been ldllecl Y What if they wel'e
prisoners ~ What if a hundred Indians were at that Ino-
ulCnt, in the possession of Wolf Ravine!
Such nnd siluilal' were the qnestions which the affright-
ed ooy a~ked himself, and which, with all his shrewdness,
lie was unahle to nnswel'. .
In the hope of attracting attention, lle set up a shriek-
ing wi th the whistle, which sounded so loud on the still
evening ail', that it must have gone many miles away over
tl1e level prairie.
'l'lIere bein~ no response to this, he kept it qp for some
thnc, but it still failed, and all this confirmed hiLn in the
belief that" something was up."
What that particular sometlt Ing was, it was hllpossible
to say, so long as he snt in the wngolJ, and for five lllillutes
he endeavored to decide whether it was best to get out
tt.nd 111ake a reconnoi sauce on his own hook, or l'enudn
where, in case of danger, he could seek safety 1D fiigh t.
As the day wore rapidly away, nnd he still failed to see
or hear anything of his friends, he finnlly concluded tu ge'
, out a.nd lnake nn exatl1ination of the ravine.
Aecordingly he sprang lightly to the ground, but had
scarcely alighted when n. peclllin.r siCJ'llal-sOlnetltin rT fe-
e :'I
selnblillg a tremulous whistle-reached his e'lr, anu he in-
stantly clanlbcred back :'gain, fully satisfied that the \vhiSoa
tIe was intended as a signal, aud that it concel'ned hiln,
att.hough wheLher from friend or foe he could only conjec-
However, his alarm was luch that he Dl"ved a h und red
ynrrls or S(l further aWHY frOln the J'avine, \vhcrc there ,ynq
less Hk<;lihootl of being s lrprised by any sudden ru h up-
on the part of the thievilla redskins•
. Fronl this stand-point he carefully canned what could
be seen of the Ravine. It descende 1 quite gradually lr0l11
the edO'e of the bank, 0 thnt Ite gnill'd a partial vie ,. of
' the rocks aoo boulders upon the .opposite side. 801ne of
. the trees growing in the narrow valley rose to Sl1ch a
height, that one-half or two-thirds of them were expo ed
to vie\v.
It W8S while t1le boy was gazing at these that 11e dct 'ct-
ed a peculiar movement in one of the limbs, which In-
Itnntly arrested his attention.
A moment showed hill that the peculiar waving lllotion
" s mnde 1>y hUlllan agency, nn 1 lIe 8 rained 1118 eyes ill
the llope of detecting the cause of the curh)u~ lnovelnen t.
The ga.thering dilrkncss made his vision quite uncertain
-but lie eithel" saw or ft ncied he saw a dark ol1ectcllllOllg
the limbs, which resembled the form of Baldy Bici~nellt
the trapper.
J )hny Brainerd would 11ave given almost any thin .,. in
the world, coul e have understood '"hat it all Dleaut.
But llle very 1act of the a singular demonstrations \V~s
prima facU evidence of th~ most unque tionable kind ..
and, nIter a moment's consultation with himselt~ be begun
moving away, just as the sharp crack of severn.l rifles no.
tified him of the fearful peril which he had escaped.



Simultaneous with the repol t of the rifle, canle Ute ping.

lng of the bullet about the car of young Brainerd. \vho,
h ving started the team man, kept on going until ho W
COD • derable diatanGe from the Ravin
All tl.e titllc, be kept looking back, "hut could see no.
thing of his enenlieo:, nor coul~ he detect the poiut from
wlaich the l<de-sbot wa~ tired.
Now., ns llight descended over the praitie, and the r
treat of his friends bf!CClnle SMI"Ouded in impenetrabLe darlt!
ne'- s, lie !hUy IlJlpfeciated the filet that not only were they
in !!re~lt dan~er, but 80 was he hitnself.
The beatllenlsh tel"rOr with which the stenm Dlan had
at fil"8t iuspired the savage lJad rnpidly WOl'1l aw~\y, the
cir('Ut}l8tallce~ un tortullft.tely having been such that they
h~.. d very ~pecdily learne(l thnt It was nothing more than
a. hUlnall iuventioo, which of it-elf coulil accolnplish lit-
tle or no hal m.
Hec() llld hut . rcflect, ns the man glided s!owlyalong,
tl1at if be 11:\(l Ute three friends beside hitu, how easily
they could glide away in tile darkness and leave all dan-
get" behind~
But they WC"e in the cxt.rolnity of peril already, and re~
fi 'ct nnd cogitate a~ much as he chose, he could see no
earthly wny of assisting them out of their difficulty_
B~sidcs the concern which he naturally felt re!.!,at"din~
Ili:: friends, tht're was u. Inattcr that more clearly l"elated
bi'll:-tclf that. now dcnaanucd his Ilttcntion. ·
The water ill the tauk was at its lowest ebb, and it would
be (Iungt!rous fOl' 1I 'ln to attclnpt. to rUll more th~n 008
hour or so longer before l'eplcnishing jt; ConsequCllt1Yc he
\\'US unaulc to staud anything !ike another chase from the
lu< I in.ns.
As tlu' patot of pru(h·oce, therefore, he turned toward the
riveI'. following sluwly Hlong tIle bank, in qnest of l(llne
ph'Cl~ where it would be easy ana stlfe tor him to ;ecul"e
t ht: III uclt-needed wu.tpr.
1t. wn. s <L :on:.{ ~Ltld <Ii. cournging hunt. The ballks we're
so h i ~ 1, t lilt he cnllld fit d II) p011l ~ where it WllS sa Ie f()r
II illl () descend to the watcl" edg<·. There \Vt1., too gTCn.t
a rIsk of U llp~clting llis C/Ut," t\ calawlty which, iu all
)1 olmhi Hty, woul,l he ltTcpa.rahtc.

At lcn~ tit, howcvc.", w hell he had wandered about a

mile dalant from Wolf avine, lle cliscovered a pI
:. BT.EAX .H::AX 01' TBB n~ ~
"here the bunk 1u\(1 abott six feet elevation, aDd .loped
own l11oderat.elJ to tIle river.
Here he pa1tse(l, and, wit a small vessel, (leacen(l d to
the stream, mutt.ering to hiln elf as he did so :
-' Why didn't I t.hin .Qt ( put ft ulnl>', g arrangement
to the mnclline. I could ha va d ne it as 11 ft9 ott aD
it ould 11 ve sRv,ed me a goo< deal of trouble."
But regret were DOW unavailinO', and lae lost no time in
useless 1 tnenb tion set ing to work at once. l' wn. tee
dio\1 Jabor, carrying up th ~ater in a slnllll .v~el, nnd
emptying it ill the tank, but b P..e severetl, and at the eud
of a couple of hours t he task ,vas comp'leted~
" I <:tU) lnnke til od st d 118 another <lay" he 8(ld.
ed, tlS lie stood looking at tl16 greatl, dinlinishecl J>ilOoi-
M uJtuough, jf I ]{ne 'her to get it, I ~ 'ould }o d up,
ow, and t len I sho }tl be prepared" -
He uddenly paused, fol' scarcely a dozen lard ~way,
I CODling up the 1. on of 1 e ri .r, t r.ig) toward him
he <1 escl'ied the figure of a a f 11y six feet aDd a half
Young Brnin~rd's fir im
wagon and start away at full BReed; but a second gla, co
Sllowcd hilll that it W8~ not an Indian, but a white man,
)0 the garb of a bn ter
., Hul10 t 110 s, thar, what yer doin'i" .
- Jle ,vas at a 10s8 w h t reply to m k , and tberefore
made none. 1'he next moment the giant- la nter was be-
aide hhu.
"B'UfS and humeral younker, what Jer got tbar i" he
delnanded, e eing tho stea n an with an expression of
the lllost amazed wonder. "I say, what do yer can thnt
tbin!! t"
"That," laughed Jol1ny, who could Dot avoid a feeling
of strong apprellensioD at tl e singular appearance of til
trnnae hunt er, ") a Bort of peregrin ting 1 comotiVQ."

"Paggyratill' locomotive-lvhat's tIl t 1" be n ked, i

gruff voice, nd with an e llre3sio of great disgust M
, • unfamiliar word enlJ}loyeu•
.. You h v. seen locomo~v t ha a't
"Reckon I heY, down in St. Louey."
. "Well, this is something on ;he same principle, except
that it uses legs in~tead of wheels.
"Can that ere thing walk 1"
"Yes, ~ir, and run, too; it traveled all the way from the
Ilis oud River to this place."
The huge hunter turued upon l1ian with fierce expres-
"Yer can't fool tliis ynr hoss in that style."
" DOll't you bel ieve me I" aaked the boy, who was fear-
ful of offending the stranger.
"No, sar; not a word."
" How do you uppose
"Fotched in a w gon."
"Let me show you what he can do."
He was about to step into the wagon, wIlen the hunter
topped hint.
" Sce hyar, younker, ho mought yer be I"
The boy gave hOs llame an resi ene
" What yer doin' hyar r
"I'ln traveling ,vith this machine of mine."
" Bow do you git it along in
. "I was ju t going to show you when yoo stopped me."
"Hold on; no need of bein' in a sweat about it. Do
Jer COlne alone t"
. I came ith a bunter."
" What war llis name In
"Baldy Bicknell."
" n'ars and bufilers I diel ber come with him 1"
" Yes; he was nly compnnion all the way."
" Whar llot gh t he be 1"
Johny Brninerd hesitated a moment. While tbe hnge
uuter Inight possibly be of gt"C t service to the belea-
guered luinel's, yet he recollected that it was the dcsire of
Bal -I y that the fact of gold existing in Wolf Ravine
.hould be kept a 8ecret fl'om all except their own party.
Should it become known to any of the numerous hun-
ters and emigrants who were constantly passing in the
ighborhOod, there would be lucli a locking to the plac.
'I.B 81E4X MA.N 9~ ~HE ~'RA)~I1i& 7~
tb"t they would be driven away and probably killed for
thc tl'cnsure that they had already ol)tained.
The boy, thelefol'e, chose to mal{e a. non-committal re-
" Baldy i~ sOlne dist nee away, in oalnp."
" And what nre yel' doin' l'yar?"
" I ~topp{~d h'c re to get wnter for tllis &teR.m man, as we
c 1! hiln. You know all),thing that travels by steam In st
have the water to generate it."
hI sn.y. yonn l<er~ I don't want none of yer big words to'
me. Et I h'al' a.ny tllOrC, b'nrs and bufflers, ef I don~t
cl'ac:k yer over the head with Swc~tlove, Illy shootin'-il'on,
so III ind wHat yer su.y, fut' I won't stn,nd no nonsense.
-4 I didli't wish to offend' you," returned the boy, in the'

Dleckest of tones.
" How fllr away might he B:lldy 1"
" 1 couldn't tell you eXllctly, but I think it is less than
ten lniles."
" Be you goin' back to camp to-nigl1t l'
" Jt \\'tlS ~ny intention-that is, I meant to (10 so."
"Guess I'll go witl. ycr; but see hynr, youuker, let's see
yet' t I'Y that old 11l11nbu,r of yourn."
The boy sprang inlo the wagon, ~la.(l of tl e opportun-
ity ot g,:tti ug rid of what looked 11 ke fl, dnngerous luan.
Defore he coulJ stnrt he wns (lO' pCl'elnptorily stopped.
U Y cr sec, I lJ'l<.:cve YU1· a hUIll bug, but if that ole thing

docs rno, and, IHinci, I tell rer. I don't b'leev.e it will, do

y(,}" kilO\V ,vhat I'm goiu' to do f"

"'I do not."
" rIll uoin' to t.ake it Inysclf to chase re lsldns in. It
won't botHer yCl' muela fut' the~ long legs 0(' yOUfU to car-,
l'Y thn.t, h~n'I)1mck bOllle ngin. So, YOllukcr, start now,
aud let liS see wha.t Y.'l' can do."
'l'lIe boy let on tmuu and the luan startc(l off on a Ino..
derate gait., which rapidly increased to a swift one. The
h uge, \~'()ll( cr- trick~n h~tI tel' w tched it Ullt~1 it gradu..
ally t'acll'd out ~l ,s ight ,111 the glooln, and stJll w( tchcd
the pineo where It ~l(1t1 dIsappeared, n:nd ~h?llgh he watch..
d nltlcil longer, ,vltlt a s<\VHge nud VJUdlctl:ye heart yet it
.,el' caln e ul1ck tq 11 lln ~L n. n.
.2 2'Ua TEAM ltA..'t OF THE PRAIlURL



In the meantiJne, the situntion of our fl'ierula in Wult

Ravine "US heCt)lui ng peri lous to the last degree.
Before going to work, on t he Inl)rtlin~ of the sleHm Illan's
excursion to the InonnlainR, B~.. ldy Bicknell r})~\(h~ n r~
conllHissal1{~e or the ravine, to n~Sl1J'e hilllscif that. thert~ wus
no dang-cr of bein~ suddenly oVt!rwllchned, while delving
ft,r the precious yellow sand.
He saw a.bundant signs of Infljnn~ hnving r(!centl.v Tis--
ited the pI.ace, hut he cO}ll:ludell t.J)(~re were none in the
illllncditlte vicinity, and that. CC)}llpnralivcJy litt.le ri~k wus
run 1n the hoy ln~\kil)g his wi~hcd-r().. visit to the Dloulltains
in the \\ est.
'fhl'ongh Oae ce'lter of the ravine ran n ~nlnIl strenrn of
w,.., 1181'clly of (')lougla vohllne to h., us« ,1 for washing
g())(l without a danl b~jng (~~nte<l. It lo()t<ed as if this
bacl once heen 'h~ hend of n large st.renm, t\l1(l thnt tho
g())dt~n 8(\11(1 luul hec,,' (h'ifted to this spot, by the force of
tile powerful c\u'rt:! }t.
'rhe nut'ift.;rnus pnl"iclr Were sCtlttered over the entire
hreudrh of the rnvlne, t.)I' the distance of seven,} h'lUdl'cd
ftwt., ht·ing inuud in thc richest deposits I,etween the ledg(·s
and I'nck~, n the hnttoDl of the channel. where, as .• uny
\v,·ll , he snppnstHl. it \\,H4i un ~~a~y nU\tttH" tH t)htr~in.
A flliaort dist:nlce hncl< of tlae U (lig:..dug-~," where Ihe vnlt
lna~s~S 0 l'OC S u~ss'lined curiously ~...otesqlle tonus, the
luillers di~c()vt!nHl n. rude cave, where they at once estal>..
Ih;h ,.1 tlao~r hcndqt1J\rt~l's. A tiny Sh'~}Jl1 run tlu'ough the
bot.tonl of it, nnll with a little plncinO' of the loose houl.
der they speedily put it. iu the Lest contlitiou (f de.
It 'VRI almost entirely surrounded hy t."ces, and t.hero
ODe pot wbea'o a thin man, like Hopkins or Baldy. 'J
eould draw his body through, and clitub n luxuriant cot.
ton \'Hod, \vilose top gave a wide view of the surrounding
I>hu e.
The (h.y pH.R~c,l awa.y wit.hout Any sjg'n~ (If Indialls,
Hnld,\' occ',siona.lly a~C ',,<liug' t lIe side of the l'ilvjn t .', nlld
,"callI} i IIU' the plni II ' in crcl'Y di n·cdou, 0.. t h~ COllsl aut
)'Inkotlt. t(H' ill idinu~
approach of their (Jllt·lIlies.
Just hC'fiH'C nightfall, wllile n.1l tlll'ct· wel'c at 'Work, ft. rifl~
\\'H~ dj~clwrg't·d, and the hullet Was inll,c,ldcd jll tlat! lOlL 11
()ak(tn lwudlc of tile sPllue with which the tru.ppcr Wul
(I io'vi un'
~l"" l""0

4, 'VIHU' ill thuuclet' clill that COlllC f"('lll?" I.e d('nl~tll(te(l,

droppillg the hn lIClllCUt., ca.tclling up the riflc, nnd glaring
8aVll~ , -h', ahout him.
Hilt IIcilh(~I' of the ot1lcr8 ('0\110 :answcrllitn, tltld ciimb.
in .~ up the \tunk, lie looked fierccly ttl'ouu<i rOl' SOlUC evi-
dence of the wheJ'(~tlholl t s () f It is treacl.el'ous foe.
'file latter rCllIaille<l invisih!e, I,ut several hundt'('d yut'c1s
<10\\,11 tll{~ ru.vllle. he caught n gli1llp~e of cllungla Indial)'
(odging hither und thit.her to sati-;fy hilll that tltCl"(j Wal
q IIi tea j()rlll idu.hle forcc in the valle:\'.
G i viug lIae nlanu t.4) his con'llHn ions, all t.h ree wit ltdl'cw
",itllLn the caVt\ J\()t the less \villillgly, as it WILli very llCllr
tIH.·il"u-.;llal qllit.ti"g' titne.
44 BI'gOrJ'uh 1 urad wlu.t,'11 becootn of the ~lltn'n IUtU' and

tIle hoy i" illquired l{i(~kcy, US lee lanstily (!t.e)·ed ordeJ'8.

"Jcnl~a 1t.·IH 1" (·xeln.inH!d the Yan k ~, ill grea.t t rel'i"n·
tion, H if lIe hm't. "'(In\(~d, th(·y·1l e:ate1a Idlu sure, ;tnd tlll·n
\\,h"I'11 ht.'CUJllC of us 1 'V~-ll have t.() ,,·ulk nil the way
linn •. "
A!-l tlw he~t. l1WHns of C0!l1nH1n'c~ttj!lrr with laim. tl (l fr Ip·
t'~r e!iluhed thl'ou:,,:" t It~ IIj I'J'( " np"Hjll~!'. ,,' d 10 till' top
ot til(: tn~l·. Wlll'l'e Itt! hinl t.dr, ju.·t a~ the "'(' HIH
(!I}fi(,fHI-t,d .
Ulan ultered it~ jnt(;l'ro~':lth'e \\ hi. tie.
Tilt! tl';lPPl'1' a~ \\' (~ lill rt~:1 ()'\'t\ ill ut"')tiJer pl;lCc' 1'('" l'e,l
h r PH It<Htllll . C It}t. wi .. hjll~~ t( di~() rpl" iIi.; \ 'i!(!I'~'HI,(JIl' to
to the cnciny, ns lIe had f\ djtH id(·a IltH I 'lai~ , ll\(':IIlH of
egress lnight pussi bty prove of SOIlIC U~ to hiw, in lh.
daoger that wus closiug around tllem.
'Vllet, Johny Brailu..'rd reco!!niz ,(1 Ids- siO'nnl. and 1,eat a
retl'e~ t., Baldy be~an n cautiou dt'SCt\llt t.o his cuye tI~ain.
At Llds t.iIne it wus nlrea(ly growing du.l'k, and he had to
feel lais wny down agftin.
An,l 80 it cnnle nhont., that not until he hnd reached tlle
lowest lilnh, did his trained enr detect f\ slight nlstling' on
the. oTonud beneat.h. Supposing it t.o be eitllcr Micl<~.\1 or
Etl,'a n, he cOIHinned hi~ <lescellt~ merely glnncing bl;!low.
But at thnt 1l10lnent SOlllething sllspicious cn.ught his e.y",
and peering clowll IHor€.! carefully, lJe discovered n. crovch~
ing Indian, \vaiting with drawn knife uutil he should C'. u\e
within his rench.
1'he trapper wns 11(\ coward, flD(l lUI(t been in many 11.
band to hand tns Ie hefore ; hut there "1ft, SOlllething in
the ell nl'ncter of the dalJoer which wonld have n1Hd(~ it.
more pIe" . nnt. for llim to hesitnle awhile until lie could
Jenl'n its preehe character; hut tinlc wns too pr('cions, and
thp next. nlOlnent, he had dl'opped dil'ectly by the si le of
the (lXU Itant rec1s1dn.
The luttt r int.ended to mnke the ntt.nck, hnt 'VithOllt' tOI' him, Baldy spl'nng like n panthel' upon ldlll
n1\( hore It : to tlle enrth. Thpre was a silent but tel'ai.
fic ~trng~le for il ft'w 11101nents, bnt the prod igiou.=- f1ctivity
nnd powCt' of the trapper prevailed, an,l when he ,vithd,'cw
f.roin the gl'clSp of the .Indian, the latter was as dead as a
door nail. .
Tho strllQ"gle llac1 b~en so sllol't that neither Mickey . nnr
Ethnn l<new anyt.hing of H, until B defy dropr)cd dowll
~nlon~ then), an,l HliDonllced what had t.aken plnce.
"Jct'n. Hleln! llf\ve they come as close as that ~" asked
. the Yaukee ill con iderl },le terror.
~'S1011p nw, if they aint all aroun(l u I" wns the rt'ply
of the hunter. "H<HV we ar to git out hyar, ar a hard
t h i 1\ cr to tell j i .. t }l 0 w. "
hIts m V!4elf that thanks the rid genHetnin hflVO the Jo,~e
fur \l~, ns IDe lnithtH' obsnt've<l, when she cl'tlcl"e<l ,.he 1lCild
of lne father," I'crnarked Mickey, who had seated hin)~cU
pOll t.he ground with all tile :indiffel'ence of au unCOnC~l'll~
ell apectatOl'.
THE "'TEA~1 ~t.\N "IF .I'lIE .PRA.1RJI~B. 75
It wn~ so c1n J'k in t llei r C l ve-li kc home til at they (to" Id
not see endi ot.her\; facl's. :Ind COlt d onl.Y fL ~nrt oti
twi Iigll t glim pse of their funlls \\' h{!u they Pu.s cd close to
each ( tllCl·.
It woul cl 1. nve nHule thci r qu Ill' Iers "ore pl(Hl~nn t \', nil
they stl"lck a. llglat, but it was too dUllgerous a pr. eel djn~
&11<1 no one tllought of It.. 'riley C(Hlltl only kef!!> 011 the
alert, an 1 watch the lnovement of their enemies.
The laUe,', h(&yond all doubt were jll til itnmcdiate in ..
clt,l ity, ntHl inspired as they were I>,r J,.:lfe of the IDO .. t vin·
diet ive kind, w()uld not allow an op!>o.rtunity to' Jlu.s~ of
doing all the htU'lD in tlleil' powe,'.
'}'1Ie l'em~dns of their food WtLS sqentl1 eaten in the <lark-
UP" ", when B iddy said.
H Do yer stay hyttr wlm · ye be till I come hack."

" 'Vhpre miglat ye be goiug' nnow ~" inquit'(,ld Hopkills.

,. I'm goin' outside to s(~e witt t the rc<ld arc doh', ulI~1
to see whether thar's a cl auce fut' 'ell} to gobble us up
,. Do yees mind nlHl tn ke C l'e of Yl1l'sel f, a.s 1l1C III i t hc~
Clltttioned IHe when I went a slip Il'xin'," 8:dcl ~Iiel(.t.y. \ ,Ito
natu r'u lIy fc1 t SOUle II pprellell ion, when lac sn.w the tl';Ippc-~
on the point of h.ltl.viug' tllenl at nch In dangel"ous til le
" Y l'8, Baldy, remeln bel' that, Illy rate is Wfr ppod up it
your.:' fielded t11c ?'ankc(, who ~ c sjJml) tlaitts vel C 1>1'( Ii,.
aLl -v excited to estill O'reate!', extcllt.
. ,. N.ev~r. luhld about Baldy; he has been in sncll 1 Hsine ~
too often not to know hpw tu take care of .11 inlst·l r." '"
. "Tlow long' do yo ·xpect to be O'one 9" itlq t1 i I'e , 'Et 1 . Ill.
" llehhe nil nig·ht. H t.IHU· {lint t}luch (lnng'u'. E r I tillt'
the \"llrmClll& t r too tld(:k I'll ~ ny Ily ,n'r, allCl jf 11J(~y Hillt
I'd Ic,n-c : Ul" ~cve .. :)1 hours. I.I(·n 'twI&.Y8
. wbntevcl' 1 do ,
ynu'll be urc to loo}' out for tl}(~ SI"llllk '."
,\ this parlin'!' a<iIHollilion, tlietrappm' withdrew.
In bo iJlf" out, lie Blade hi.· (!xit hy rhe ~:IUlC (· utl'a.IlCt~ bV
,rhicla all II~ll COltle ill. He prOl;ocd(!<i with g'n· t cnHt)()'~j
for non" l(llCW hetter tlLLH he, l he d~ng'ol' of .. in~du mi
Itep. He su(,cetided uflel' cOll.:idcl'able ~hue, in r~achiug
~ ..
portion of the v liley, so ~hr()llcl(cl in t:.l0()Jll, that he . wt.~
able to ndvance wit iOIlt. r~t\l' of di:-:cov('I'Y.
Ile t laol'unp h ly r('counoi I ere<l ev(·ry pftl t of the Hlyj Ile ill
the inHlledi;lte vicin ity of the caV'e. hilt could dj:--cov(~r
))ot Idug of the IncLulls, and he cone! udell tbat the'y \Vere
SUllie distance "'WilY.
IJt,ving assured Jaitnself on this, the trnppcl' calltiously
ftscctHled the ~ide of the rilviue, until lae reached tllC
opel) prail'ie, when lie lost 110 ,
time in leavin 0 l" the dall l l'Cl'"

ous plnce oell in<l h ilu.

Be hnd DO intontioll, however, of deserting h is friends,
hut. laad sin1ply gone in qllest of the st-CalU nH\n. Hu (~Oln·
pl'c1leudeu t .:e difficulty lllldm' which. they all 1:.I,ol\,d, so
l"ng l\S they were a~111oyed j Il tit is Innnuel' by the con tan t
ftttu.(~l(s of the snva(fes, Clnu he had all iUCiL t.hat the inven-
tion of the d wat'lt'd Johlly B aiucrd could be turlled to a
good nCcollllt in driving the miscreu.uts away so thoroug-h-
ly that they ,v()uld l'enl:lin nway Jot' n. long' cn()u~' h till'Q
10t' thenl t.o accolnpl ish SOlnctit ing in the 'Yay 01 gathering
the \vealth lying nil about them.
IIc rtcalled the direction wh1ch lle land seen the pnffing
J,!'innt tal(e, nnd he bent his :-;tep8 ~ccor'(llngly, with only a hope of luectiug lthll without s~nl'ching th~ entire
tl i fdl t. fot' hi nl.
BcLldy was shrewd enough to reason that as the boy
would wish scnue water for' his engine, he would remtLiu
ill the iunncdiate v;cini ty of the l'iver until nt least that
,,'ant could he suppl ied.
Actlllg upon tlais Stl po. ition, he ma(h~ his w:ly to t.l.e
river hank, nlicl 1()llowcd so cl()~el.\' to the wutel', that i(s
lllOOlliit surr cc was c()n~lantl.v vl!5t1.Jlc to IIhu.
Tlle 11 ig-h t wa~ slil J, and, n~ he Ill!)ved sill'lI t ly 'a long, he
o l tclI pau·-.;ed Hild Ii · t~Jlcd, hopin~ to heal' the i:lJuilinl' rat·
tit: of tile whet'Is, HS the J C)nllg· .. t~r ~~l)('d ( Vel" the p.';t.l 'ie.
",Vitilout e .ther ):\l'ly l"no \'illg it, lac pa 'sed witllin n '{~\V
'Yard~ of Duff ~rn.c["tosla, tl.c huge trapper, whoru he hall
known so int.illu~tely years het(.l'c.
. But hu.d he Lcen l\\\'ure of the fnet, he ,vould on}y hav&
turned itll'th.or aside, to avoid him" 101·, wheu the tw.
trnpperq , several ycal'S pl'eviol151, s(~paratc<1, they h~(l ht'cn
eng~lgcd in a deadly q llanel, which caine nCilr l'e.J ll. ti 11 g
futnll .,v to I )oth •
Ar. leng-th the faint rnUle of the wheels c:lu!!llt ear,
ane1 he bent II is stt·ps t.oward the point where hu judgts(l
the steUtH Ulall to iJe.



A few 11l1Dntes more snti~fie(l the trapper that 11e W1\1

right. Gr u duul1y out fronl tile (larl<l1e!:Ss, lhe approaching
figure r '. olved itselt into thc stoanl man.
Johny Brainerd nftt.·.' leaving the hu:.{o trapper so,
coutilllU·d \\ :llldedng nilHles:l.v over tl'c pl'airie ut n. IlIod-
ernte .. pt·ed, 0 KS to gUH"cl tL..!,'ai Ilst th~ iusitillOtlH approach
()f the I!I( ialls, or the hlliltcl' wito had tltt'eatell~d to con-
Il'c lte Ids properly in ~o Ulljll.'1 iii ~b ' c n lU;UltleIO.

Fortullntely llt~ di(l IIOt. sec Bu.ldy ulltil the utter CHut ..
iously hailed lJilll, othcnvj:,\c lac would have tIed ),e101oe
asc! -l'tailliuCl'o his identitv·, • but the moment be reco.!,1l zed
his voice, lie hash-ned towHI'd It ilu, 110 less sUl"prisco than
}>J('Jl~(><.l a t III eet i n ~ Iii III so II n (. X pecr c(11 Y'.
h \Vh\'re are )lidH'Y and E, hall 1" he inquired, ns he
lenpe, I u long'!';i( Ie uf him.
'" Itt t he Cave 1"
h How i.~ it JOlt are lte,'c 1"
The tt'llppl-''' hriefly (·xpltt.illed tllnt be 11:1(1 crept out to
hunt. iaill} UPi but:l.s tlh.:re cenl~d 110 inur,iuent dllng"r,
lie c1cclUl ·d it best to leave hi:; (!Olllpauiolls there, ns if tI le
ItH.IIHUl'4 onCe rruil1t'd po 'scs IOU of the golden r" vino, it
won ! 1 he diffi ~ult, if Hot ilU[>O:o,siblc t.o repl:lee thcrn.
Bcslde~, ill ord('r to cuny out the SChenH! which be hnd
funncd, it W9. llCCC gary that lWO nt len·t shou:d rCluaiu
in the cave, while tile!1'8 were on the outside.
Unde.' tile dil'ection of the trapper, the steam man slowl,
eppronchc<l tlle ruvine, keepin~ at a. respectful distal1p
I,"t, sO nea.I,that if any '"dden ' elllcrgency should nrise,
tllcy 'VOllhl be a.hle to I cndcr H.~Sistiluce to their friends.
'rhe 00' Utlve scvoral whistles so u.s to inform the Irish-
D1Hn and Y lull\cc of tlll~ir wllerenbouts. A few secou(is,
Illtet', find while the noise of the iu::;tnllllcnt was echoing
OYCl' the prairie, a laintcl' whistie reached theit ears.
" I'll at's ti,e IOllg lco'ged Y (\1) kee!" instantly l'etnnrkecl
the t I'it pper; '" he kIlO\\ s how to make auy kind of uoise."
h What doc it InCal ~"
H It IU en 11 s t 11 at. ull' s d ~ 11 t. "

" 'V here nrc t.he Indian i"

"Th~j ain't fut, on: I ,vish they war furtller. Cur ef It
lI't 'ful' . tl t 1 , \ 'c\l had half the yaUer nletal out of
tIltH hy { is tiuu·."
Yot1ng' Bl'nillel'(l h (1 the reputation of possessing a re-
Illnrl'a,t)ly l(cen visiol ; hut" pc~r n In cia as he Iuight, he
(!()ltld detect nothing Ullusuul. The' trapper, however,
11mI'll eel tbi t, nlHll~rou fOl'l11S c',uld be seen creeping ulong
the C'lge of ,lIe pn hie, and that the 'e s e fOl'ms wel'e
nlore HOI' Jess t at so n:uay l'~<l ku
., 'Vila. nrc they t.rying to do i"
., Dilullo."
,~. IIad II 't we better :withtll'l\ W W" inq uit'eel Joh.ny, show-
in cr a little
" Not till we },uow they're al'ter us," WAS the quiet re-
B."-OlHl by the },oy h inlself was nhle to get an occnsiona'..
glilllpsC ofthc ~hado\\'j' figures luoviug to and fro.
U I lldlll, t.hey are going to url'ound us," he nddc(l,
RlIC 1 I ~·tl 88 though we 0 19ht to get out while we cnll du

The only reply to tll i.', was by t hI) trnl)pel' "\1<I(lon ly
. '=' his !!'UII
...., to his ·boulder 11I1(1 fhin!.!.
...... An u('olliziuc"
0 ::-,

~C1'(\('clJ, us the suyuge threw Jsimself ill the air, showed

tll:!l the '~hot lIa<l lIot been ill vuiu.
Pi! tIter clu·lP\1s1y. nt the mOluent t1le rC}Jol't of a
Q;U II in t.he l'n vine rCHelH~d theil' CUT fono N'ed 01 the lame,
iJ ''' sh 'ick.
awn~' at tile sten.tu U1Un and its train whenever a goo(l opo-
pOri unity offered.
Owi'lg to the ~iz(~ ntH1 pcculh I' nppearance of the
~t('alHel', Iw was a htir tUI·g-et. 10r his eucuaies; nntl, ill<lee<l,
60 IlrlcnYI rot'! a hi y c; lo~c d id S()UH~ of 1 he I ,n llt!t s comc, that
tl~~' boy ullllost cOl1tiullal1y kt·pt his hea(l IOWCl'(·d, 80 us tp
Of.: J,,·\)tccted Ily the sides uf thu wagon.
l~ in:. ly n}C)r'lIin~ caine, gl't'nlly to the rcHef of all Ol1r
fri(md~. As soon ns it WI,S fairly light the Jl'ishnlHtl and
Yankee were not Hied that n IllOVC \\'U8 about to he tnadc,
1, Y III 'a tl~ of I he stf'nlH- \\' II istle. A.n nns\\'cri ng sigllnl COIll-
illg back to thelll, the stealU luall ut once atlvan~ed to the
Very (·(lge of the r.lvine.
The t.rapper pecriHg cnlltiollAly down the gulch, cnl1~ht
sig-ht. of' scv -ral J"t·dsldns cl'ollclaing neal' the cave; uud,
.-1 i recti n ~ young' Brai ner<l t () d iseha rge Ids pi(iCC nt a cer·
taill OIH', the t.wo til'cd llcarly togethpr. Scurce fiv(' second.
Il'a d t:1ap!-reci, wllcn Iwt II Ethan und l\Iicl<ey elid the saine.
A! 1 rllu r, or I'H t.her t.h I'cc-as the hoy ga vo It is pri nci pal :l t.
teution to the engine, Iwgall load·iug and firing as rapidJy
M;t • I
I e.
The I'ed~kins few scattering shots; hut
I'ctl1nlc(l &
were tnkclJ at such disiL(lvflllt.age, thnt they iUlInetliaLcJy
L('~aJl a precipitate H'treat down the ravine.
Er'l Iht·." had withdrnwn ;\ laundn·d yanls, Elhnn nnel
~rt(~I\S ."III·rg-cd {'rltn} the C:tVC, shouting and ()xcitcd, firing
Ht ,'Vc'l'.\' redskin they could see, the Il'isll1un.n oceasionally
Ii\\ ilig'illg hi~ ~ un over his heau, nlHJ during the savages to
11;llId-to~hand t'J1<;()ItUI'.:t".
'Vllilc' tllC two ',\'dOc thus eng:lg'cd, the tltnppt'I' Wn~ not
II/It!. 'l'ltc ~te:"n IUllll Illailltaint t.l Iti~ pbw\' but. a SllCH't
dj,b"Ct~ hollind tlw ClltllllCS, and his deadly rifle scarcely
c \ 'I' "a j I c I c) f i I ~ Ill: Irk.
T H~ IIlntllCllt lin I"dian was killc(l or helplessly \"Ollll(l . .
(·d~ IaJ:-: COll1pauinJlS ettll~ltt and drngged him awn,\',llwl'e
twitl!! n gr 'at. f('ar upon t.he part of all tllat. ~omc of t 1H:ir
Ullllli-)(;r Blight. fall the IltuHls of tlacir cncluics, aud
··.ufl'er the illctl"nceahle di:-,gr:tCO of ocing ~cnlpcd.
'- Th-e ~~,agcs wetre followeu a long distlUlce; UlAtil tbei.
l1t1tllh ,'ll:1d tliutiui!"lhccl down to n frHction of whnt it wnl
ori~illn.l l y,nnd tile ~ur\'ivor~ had all they could do in tak-
iug care ot llicit' tli:.-ahlcd cOlllra.dc~.
Nevel' wn.s v' -tory mure cnlUpICh~. 'rite Indinns were
thorou:..{Ja ly i~C()IH tHeel, Hnd otd~' tno g lud to get n wny, aft cr
hcjn~ so scv ~ 'rcly puui~hcd. D .lring tiais:illg'ulal' rUllning
fight. the stN"H Illun I'('pt up a constant, shrieki,,!!, which
doul,tless cOlltril,utc<1 ill no sli.rllt degree t.o the rOllt of
thc rcclsl< ns. Tllc.\' til' ·tl continually at tile fearful-loul, illg
IlHlIl ter; nnd, find i ng tlaci l' shots prod uced no cffcct., in-
ve tell the thing with n portion of tile supcruaturull'0wer
which they bad givl!1l it at first sight.
Wilen the last. glitnpsc oftlte I'ctrcatinO' IIHlJans was seen,
the t.rapper turned triutn})lwutly towards t.lae boy.
"Warll't 'hut purty well dOlle, younker i'
" It wu , i udeed."
"They'll now stay f\way awhile."
U 'Ve wool(1 have f(ailed if "'6 had waited aDY longer."

U'Vlly RO, !'oy i" .

" Because the last stick '5 hurned, nnd the stenm lnnn
COllIe Ill't IJc wade to fun a Daile further without mofO



The punishment adlninistered to tl1e Indin.ns, wbn ItAd

10 greatly u.ulloye 1 tIle Illiners, proved u. vCl'y lJt!ucficinl
N ,Uling nlore 'Yn seen of thenl, (~xc('pt one or two
g \ iltl pse~ of the l'cd ~ 1- i II upon 11 is hluel' horse. lIe, how-
evet', lnailltuincd IL rc~p(~etrul distance, ntld at the toud ofa
dnv or two disappeared Illtogether.
TI1CSC \\el'e g'oldcll 11l()ll\CHt~, iudec(l, to the IllhH'I'S, uu(l
tliey iUlpru , I tlleul to tiat! ul.luost , F,'om ~l"liC8t . Ii,&lut
ltil the (larl<ness of nigl.t they toiled n.ll11ost unceAsingl ..
Half the titne thc~ went hungry, r.athcl· than stop theil
work to procure that which was so IUl1ch llce<led. 'Vhcn,
}}{l\\ c r, the w.unts of nature conlcl no I .gel' be t.rifte<l
with, Ba}dy took his rifle, f n<1 st.arted off on a hunt, which
'W118 ~nt'c ,to be brief nnd successful.
SOluutitncs he caught. sight of 'ome game in the O'ulch,
and . ol11ctilne~ so 1 cthing in the nit- (lrew the fJl'e of It is
UIH·rring l'ifie, nnd the Juincrs feasted and \\orkcd as only
such vioJ(~ntly lnen can do.
Allhough the hoy vas nahle to assist at t.he severe
l:lhor, yet he soon {letuonstl'ated bis O'cnlu atHl H. :O uilJes
lIe not. only constr.ucted a dam, but made n" rocker" or
mnchine, of n origin 1 tylc, that (li 1 the vork far lllore
exp,,(litiollsly nn 1 th( r ughly than it ha(l yet been done.
While tl~e men were getting the nUl'itcrons sand, he
~pal'ate~l it from the particle of dirt nn~' .grnv.el, without
any n si tl nee'trom thea., and witllout UllY severt) lahor for
11 i.nself.
:. '1 here wns pl'chen ion upon the pnrt or
.a11, that
tIle huge trfl per, whom ~ou 19 Bl'loin r\ lIn t .net at: n igh~,
would Ulake his appearance. Should he do so, it would J,,c
eCl'tain to preci pi tnte l\ difficulty of the "~()r t Iii lH 1, ns he
was lnorose, sullen, trcache.rc us, enviolls and reck less ot
<In'' I·r.
Ba ldy n'cl<uell renny fenred him more than lie did tho,;, and the con tant wntelafulnt!s8 lIe exer-cj cd for
severnl dn.ys showed how great was his uPP,·chension.
, Fortunately, in lee 1, for ,,11 conc(,rned, the giant llunter
cont.inued his travels in n diffcrell t Jircction, n Hl the tuiu·
,crs ,vcre u d istlu-bed hy 11 1tn.
'Fwo ~ ceks pnsscd, hy the end of which thne th~ ravine
wns nlJout exhau~tc<l of i t8 preciolls atuff, nnd the Dl i net'S
D1.\(10 tl cir prcpnrn.tiolJs fot' croinO' hOln •
It wn impossihlc to (10 anything more than conj ctuJ'e -
the nlnonut of wcnlth they hm} ubtuin '(1, but B~\I<1y was
sure th:lt there "'as ctlou;,:.h, \\' hen sold, to buy each of
thenl n h:ltHl"OlllO f'\l'nl.
,... Jc 'ald(!1U L ht t IHlt) '" ai n't t hat ~. -... 1 7" . Y .!.f i '~n('d ~he
eHghtecl Ethan Hopldns, as he lnoPlled o,ff his persp1rins
forehead. h rhHt ere encoqrag<:1 me to take a step that
I've c('lltemplatcd."
" 'Vb" t nligh t the sante be i"
"Git lllllrried; Ine an l Scraphenia P ike hey been en-
gaged for the ' last ten ycarQ~ n.ull now I'll ,be lla.nged ef I
dl)tl 't' ~o ho:ne an'd get spl iced."
" And it's 11lysell that'll <to the snl11E7," nd(lec1 l\Iickey,1\s
he executed aD Irish jig on the hat'd cnrtll in ~l'Otlt of their
ca.vern hOlue, after they lu\(l ~oltclu (le<.l to leave t lC pillce.
. "\Vhere does she reside 1" illqui red Eth an.
"Ba.llydnff, I{ings County, in the GIll} of the Saa; it's

th 're that lives the lass thnt's to the llono}' of "ecoID-
in"- Mrs. lie qnizzle, find becofHiu' th~ In lther of her O\Vll
ell "dren. Arrah but isn't tile stune it. I eanty."
"The snme as Illy 0\\ n, Michae1.," "cntnren the Yankee,
who d ~ellled it his duty to correct this general remark of
his fri. -nd. _
" Arrnh, now, get out' wid yet f.\11e can't begin wi,l Mis!'J
Ilridoet }Ioo'lalatThigho!!h
r'" t:J 0 ....,
that ref.:ides wid her mittie!' and ,

t\VO pigs on the outskirls of Ba.!lSdutf, in ,the wee cnbin

that has the oue room and the one windy. Wnrrah, wnJ'l'al~t
D( ~, isn't she a jewel."
" And so is Sct'aphenia.n
"But )UlS she tile riel hair, tha.t nlakes it onncces~ary for
then} to have the cnnd Ie lit At night 'l ani i has she the sallle
beautiful freckles, ~,he size of a h;t'penny, on lIJe face and
the nose, that hns snch an iligllllt turn up fit the cn(l, thnt
she used to hang her bonnet on it 1 Arra h, no,v, 1\.11(1 didn t
she have the swate teeth-~jx of t~lc "'nlHt... that 'ver'e so
broad that they fillell her lltouth-nnd it was )lonc of ycr
gitnhlet holes that was her nlont 11, but a heautifuJ on~.
that "'hen she slnil~(l wcnt rOl l ll<1 to her c:&rs, did the
8Olnc. And her shoes! but yOll ortcr seen thclu."
" Why so 1"
" Whnt was the matter ,vith h r !iih( C~ l'
h NothitlO' was tilt' satne. T!u'y 'W ' \:' the . 1.. H: ... tlqt the
'little pi ~ s wen \ to sIan p 'H. 1
~\hH \. t ,t ·y !,!nt so hi~ t h :t.t -th~y
cuuldll"t Hit ill thClh, illU{ tl,,·u :t '\ . ~~ :,(;, "rnt1u:r thllt u~l
one or tllen) same :fin' f\ trunk ",lien he ifllj~r;ltc 1 to A In·
erik .\'. Arra!l, nnw, hut waS,.'t me Own Bntlg-ct :a jewcl."
• 4. Jch"srpltat. t I SllOldd thin:, ~lte wa3 I" ~xclaill)ed
II"pj'ills, \\ hn ha(l J stened 1n HIll:lZemf'nt to this t.:tlllUlt'n\-
tOil n the hcalltj(·~ (If tllp !: cnt).' Il'h;h la~s. W}J() h',d won

tll(! tdrt~Cl.i()118 Hi !vI cl\cy ~[(;Sqllizzlc. ., No (luul)t slle had

SWC(·t .t ''''1)0 ilion."
.t ltulced she had, ]),,(1 she; it wo., tllut of at) :Ingel, wn.

the snnln. It \Vas niver' that I s:aid there:\ 'light c lottIng

tile sillllC th !,t she didn"t smash her· hitla!eh to smIthereens
O\'cr Ille hea(l. Do J ees oh:nrve t.hil t?" n~kt·d ~J iekl'Y' rc-
movillg his hat, nnd displaying a SCar that cxtcutlt!d lan:t
"'lly ;lcro~s It is hen(l.
" I don't Sl't! how anyone can help 8ecin~ that."
"'Vel, wllnt was,tllc parting- sa ut · ot B."!(·t, n~ T fi!tnr.t-
ed tor Ameril(y. Arrah, now, Lut she did tllt~ SUllie in
It.\ le:'
•• Thnt wftsl)f'r pnrting memento, WIlS it 1"
"Ye8; I ~'ave Ilea' the l,Jaek CJt·, nnd she did tlte ~nme
fur Hie, Rud I nivef' t,\k~8 off Inc hat t.o scratch Ille J!C H.l
tlant I dnll't think of the !-o\Vate gal that I h:ft, a.t !· OllH'."
Aud tht.'J'clIpOtl she Irj~hlHKn he!.!an whi~t1i ...! h TIlt! Gir!
J Lt~ft Dt-hind 1\[(,;' nccolueanying it with u ~()rt of waltz-
ing dance, k.·pt with reuu.... knhly good tillie.
. h .t\ .. d ., yuu il l ten<1 to lHUffY her i" illquire,) Uopkin.,
1\'it II no i Itt lc nnHlz~~nwnt.
, . ]t'M thut I ,elf) ef J finds he.' heart. frnll whf:n J ret:' .. n to
J1;.lly,ll.if. You kIlOW, Ilhll the I.. ike~ of he .. is ~OU:..dlt hy
nl. t.lle In.c18 ill King~ County, IUHl to save hn,uklllg their
he'lf t··, 1l1RV share the shanty or some of 'e in."
h JCI'lI alt'ln! uut she 18 the utI Jirollest critter J ever
It ~:l r tt:!ll f)"."
~, \V hut. do(\s )"e >y tl nt I" rlt>Jll'Ll.1" I th· r ri .!,.
ln l~:ln
Dl:lll. il1S!'l ll tJy fl Iring "P; ,. c oe~ ye Illi1 :ln to i·i~in"'l:ti.
t IIn.t ~hc jSil't tile U~()~t cIJur1l1iug (;1''' tel' ill 'he ·.I it-l
,thu" , ltr,\' t'
h y .. u~11 nl1n' nlC to exccl)t Illy own Sel'llpllcui'~"
.. Niv r a ODee."
OJ' TH l'


The storth prove<l tlie se't~rest which tIle stenm r..lftn 11 ad

. ncountered since Hh).v)ng St. Louis, all 1 it put nn effect Hal
veto on 11 is travels d lring its cou tiiluanoo, null fur %, ~lior
time afterwar Is.
1'lle prairie was .f()und 80 soft uncI ali p : ery tllat the,
ere C'IU pelled to lie )y until tbe Sl:n bllfi Ilnrd{!lled it
iOluew h 11 t., \V hen t ey once) ot'e ~ lIn ed their jIJu("1l eY.
As they Jl()W bad thou. nds of dollal"s in t.heir possc~ ion,
ntl a all sort!'\ of c1U\l',\ctcrs wt:'re f<tlUHl 011 tlle western
1,1aills, it illay be Mill tll,t nile of .He o:t1pany e ct' 'cl
ensy .
. 'Il<ly llicknel, HIe tt pper, fl' n is eX ensive expe-
'icnee n ' k 0 ~ledr!e 0' 1 e We::\t, WtlS tile guide fUll.
'6ntl1ol'it y on flU ln J tter!' ~~nrd i n tl eil' t ttl veis. He gen-
. rnlly· 'pt Wltteh ~ lring the night, ohtnining wnIt seep
I eould thro , b the <1. y. T lC atter, hnweve.·, a g(~n­
rnlly very :pl'ectlrions, a.. at ~iglat of cv~r'y hnrSenh\H; 0
cl~)ud of 1 lOKe, t h·y generally wt\kencd him; S0 nS to be
. ure RUC COl lIuit 110 ~eri()u~ -rl·Hl'.
As t. Ie .. tealU IlHlll w()llhl in n.l t probahilit)' at trnct fln llt-
ten :i(ln that llligllt ·ov~ . :c"ediugly )\criJou t) the
gol,l ill t.heir posse@.Sion, Ule tl'il~)PCl' cOllcludccl it prnd.(·llt
(0 avoid the regulat' em gl'ant routt'. Accord j ll~~l'y th .y
tUlut:d weB to the UOl't h \\" i. I'd) it bei fig t 11 <.~ i r P t1rpt}se to
strike Ute Mi souri, wl f3 'e til Y VOll}"l be prel Ly sure of in-
.f l' P in om em. Rene itl su 11 J lace they
would unjoint nnd ta'k c 4palt the tetl·m m3~. p l~.king it
tl8uell' n mnniter t11at no one could 'l1"pect itji 1\.1.:»-
tity, and embar~ f~r ~ ti.Mis.
s'r . . Alr MAN 01 'InE PRAIRIES. 87
: ' W! He this· relievect thenl qf the danger fi'Oln their O\'VU
race, it illcrcnsed the probn.i>ility of an nttnck UpOll tile
Illdi tn , ,"lao ..cnrcely eVl:l sceuled out of sight.
Tireit' ltatchfuJbe ~, ilowevul', was constnnt, and jt was
due to t11 is fact, more tltnn any other that they c cnped
ttntk at night fot tl 0 greater p Irt of theil" rchll'Jl jot1t'1ley.
'rhd,l' pdsition in the "ngoll WitS 0 Cl'ttlllpe<l, that the
'I)ill'ty frequently bcCatlle e ccssively "ended, au<l ~pring i llg
out, trotted Hnd wall<ed for luileA a10n cyside the t,)relc.::t
eteulll giuut. Wa er as abt1n(lnut, but sevel'nl time' they
were put to grec.\t inconvenience to obtain wOBd . . Oil
three oceasioll~ they were compelled to hnlt 101· half a day
ill (H·del· to obtaih the llece sary llpply.
Once tile 8tenul nUln C<lm~ to a ·deal stnnd stilt in the
open prd,irie, and narrow)y escaped blowing up. A. hnsty
exallli flat ion upon the pnrt of the inventor, revealed t.lle
'filct that n. It'a htl 0 Ul'r d i til tank, and tJvcry drop
liall I un out.
This necessit.ated the gl·ente. t work of nIl, as wnter was
carrie 1 the hetter pa'rt of the lnile,and uearly an entire la.y
COllSHlllf:' I,efn e CIlO gh st.t:!am cduld be raised to inducc
hitn to travel to the river, to procure it bitnselt~ "Idle the
the Dline1'8 acted ne ~()nvoys.
La,(e one afterl o()n: thl',yrenched a ~ingulnr forolatinn
in he J>t'airie I wa so Jough an( Ineven that they pro-
eeeded wi h gr nt difficulty lld ~t n 'low r lte of spe(·.'"
While H(lvnncing j thi lnanner, they f(~nnd they had un-
con CilHls1y en tere,' dnull narrow valley, the bottolll of
which vas l lev~l s n ground finot'. 1'he sides conI ract-
eel uulil lcss than tL hundred feet sepal ntcu Ihem, wit i Ie
they ro e to the higbt of son e eight or ten feet, and the '
hottom l'el11H i lied cOlnpc\ct 1\11.1 finn , Jllal~ iug it "cia e:\sy
t aveliJ fOl' the team Ulan, that the cOlupnny followed
down t.he vallcy, tit n slow pacc, eHell hOW(' vel', feeling
BOlue mi. gi ving us t.o t I.e propl'iety of the conrse.
"It rUBS in the right direction," said young llJ'ninel'<l,
" and if it ouly ke()ps on as it begun, it will l)rov~ n Tt.'T.!
"a1l(ly thing to,- u tt •

" H~' t,u"ij as feard it ain~ goill' to ke~ 0» in tl)nt ~ly-lu,"

remarked B:Lttly; "ho\vsuIUeVer, you ea!! go ahead awhile
olIger.. "
N:tow, th:tt'::l whn.t T ca.n real ql1ecr," rcmnrke(l Ethnll

JTopkins, ",Ito WitS Slretclaiug his It!g by wulldllg along-

side I he s1ea mpr.
h At d it's llH'~wlf t.l I ftt. tltiu ks t.he same," nd(lcd ltickey
tiffing awny I\t hj~ short bl:tck pip(~ h I don't HIJ(ler I Rnd
it.. MS ln~~ t;lt he.. (tUsal'ved wlten tlley f,)u ttl fault "itl~ hilu
COl' ha·(·ak in~ nnnt ler 1llan'8 hc~~d ..-'
"Et we git jute' tr()uhle,. ttU we've got to do is to hack
11 t;1('Jnat'ked B~.. ldy, as II, sort of apolugy for euntiuu-
ing' I. is 1\( Ivance-
.. '('Ids 1(:110'" do€sn't know 1.ow to go hnckwnr(ls," sn id
Johny, h lHlt~ if it prove IH,cCSsal'Y, we can to turn
IlifH rot IH1 .. '"
., At! rltrht_O'o ~
At the ~an'c IUUtllcnt., t.he li1n her Yankee sprang into
the wag,)(l,1tIHl the 8tc~\t1l lnan ~t a.-ted llhcnd at B speed
"''' iclt wn,s tl~ li\~t n~ wns prude·ut.
II~nvc'vc .., t.his <lellgh t Cui .ueans of progress wn~ hrongl\t
to an ullcxpecte(l shuHl till., by the stHl(len nlHl nl,rupt
1cr1Ulnal;oll of the atky. It eluled conpletely ns ..hough
it \\"('re an U1H·nmplt tccl en.nal, t.he VHI1Cy ri~hlg' sn quickly

to tl,,! h,!v·1 of tllf~ )Jrairi.·, thnt tlter~ wus taO ;ulvanciuc., ~

;In \. furt.I,,·t". nor tUl'lliu~, UUI' in fa\ct Wtl!o; lllen" any po~. i.
~,Ic ,,;ay Hf extrica.ting thclHselv.·s fronl the difficulty, px-
cept. tty \\'Pt'kit1~ the t.ea", Inan nroltl1d, ;)ud withdt'a\\' Jug
by th~~ ~fHHC puth t.!tnt tlte)l had t'lltt!red h,\'.
h \Vdl, ht!I'e WC~ HJ'(~," rt·ut"t'1<t·d 11H~ I.oy, as ~~l(:y CantO
to 11 ~tlntl f\1 , Hand whnt i~ to I,e dorH~.'"
., Gt·t, .. \It. of it." WaR t.he IO(,ply of' IItlpkifl~, who :uh :Inc-
c(l :-cv(~lal Y.\rds f'lrtht'l'. he cnmc up OH tlte prairie
~Itrain., ~() ~\S to lual'c sure of the c: act COlltuur of the
U Bit I yer ever try to llinke the thing go up hill i" usl<e<l
th e trap JH'T.
l:oU"~ Br:dn(~jcl shonk l\i~ h1':\(1-,
,. Itllpl,~~i hIe! he \\'olll~l . filll OVe!' on ua, the Ininl1tc it
".8 atwlu l)l8(~. · \Vhetr I wus ut wurk· nt ti::~t, lUll k,ing
IIhn, wlult tto you thillk was the hnrdc:>t thing (ot" IUe to
do I"
., )Takc him ,ro. I s'pose."
., That wali llitticult, hut it wns hnrcl~r work to 1.,.ln"("8
h.irn-thut is, Sf) when lie litte.l up c>rlt~ foot, Ise \\ ouldn't
iuuuc(l inte:]y !cd} over nn t~le 8:1 ute f:ddt'. J g'ot it. fix·:d
nnt~1' uwhilt!, so tllllt he run us (~"l'nly und flnnly ns :111 ("n·
gine, l,nt. I didn't fix upon auy l>lau 0,Y \'h~ch he cuukl
nscclld or (lcsccnd
n hill."
"Can't you make him (10 it 1"
h Not until he is tl.n(le over ngnin. I ,voll1d 1.e nrr;ljll
to fl.ttempt to walk hin~ up n luodcratc inclinntion, a'ltl
k now it wou),l he sure destruction to stant hiJn lII' ~ueia &
steep hnnk HS thnt.."
44 'fhcn we mu..;t worlc 1a iln rc,un<l, I s'pose."

"1'lwre is nnt.hing clso that cu.n be tlone."

h Ll~t'8 nt it. then."

Till' prove.i liS difficult a joh as t1H~Y imaglnc(l. Tlu,

stl'Un) ll1:11) "'fiS so hcuvy, ttlnt it ",ns itnpn~8ihle t.o tift
Idru, hilt 110 \Vas shied ,,!'oun.] ,.~ mu(·1t us possihltl; and,
hy t he I huc 11~ luul \Val
~ . k cd lIcross the valle\'... ) e ). ad half
turned !,ound.
lIe t.hen coftxe(l nn'(l workc(l hacK n Rhot't. «li, tuncc,
wllf~n, with the H I~vel'cge" UaUi04 gaitled, the f(:ut. waS <;olll'"
l)let.t~d, nnel th(~ stearn Juan stood wirh I';~ face IUI'II«'c!,
)'cncly to ~}>ecd hacl,wul'll the JlIOIIHmt tltnt the word migllt
lIe gi yen.
By this time, 1,owever, the duy wn~ gotH', nncl .1;\1'101 ~:S
"'HS st'(tiJJg u,'C" the 1H.uiric. Quite n. hrisk 1,J't'l'ze WIIS
hlowiug'. H1Hl, 'fig the J>f\/--ition of the part.y was ~ht!h('J'ed
"g'ain!o't tll is Hnn(Jy311Ct~, lTopkills prt\po~e(l t hnt t lacy sllould
l"t'Il"Liu wllel''''' t.lwy "'CI't! ulltil .n"rllin~.
" \V C Ct U 1d 1I't. get a, t eU c.~r piuc('," Sltid Joll n) Hr H itl(.'rcl.
who wa q uite t.: lien with the idea.
40 It's It t!ood phtcf' nlld it's a hHtl on(\" r~Jl ! it~ (l the tr!.p ..

per, \\,'h •• land nof: "t·t Ilutdc IIp lds ndud "POll tile t)C)lllt.
1'11(~y inquin·d ",1I;,'t he lllennt. II." ('aliillg' it :I hud pl:ac.~.
,. Ef a lut of tile vormints &1Jould lind we',·c laj'fn, dou"
JOU 100 wliu It putt}' fix they'd lu\vc UI in 1"
" It. wonld he sonlcthing like the same bo~ in llieh'
".(' ':l ,<.-11t thenl in 'VoIr Ravine," said young Brainerd.
H l'l.\t the SHIne. pcrzaet.!y."
. u ~ \to the Sault', ail IICI','" ITnpldns, ",ve've ~ot"
httt ,t cht\llce of getting out t.han thc,V 116<1. Wcqnn jUlllP
jll 0 1\10 . WHfyon .lllld travel, while thoy can't, there's tb.e
(li 'fe I' \Ice. "

• 81pO e th~y g't (lown tllnr head of us,~ho\V~ ar we

goin' to git nwny froln theln then ~"
'RUll over then •. "
"})ou't lnlOW whether tlse youn ker 1Jt\s 1i~e(l the en ..
J,tin' .,0 it'll fonD over the SkllU ks, ef j t dpe81~'t ·!'un up
hill .. "
"It can he made to do that, I think," J~ugh~d yo~ng
Urn lllcrd •
•, A.fore we stay hyar, I'n take a l~ok ~ound to sure
~tUlt thur's some sllow for us."
. t h~ tl'npper .ft.scencled. the bank, and while . 1~8 co pan-
ion were uccttpied in ,t.1lei I' ]lrepnratiQns (01' eucnmping,
lie exnnlined the whole horizon, Hnd intervening space,
o far ns t.he llumnn eye ,vas cnpable of (loing it. ,Fiucling
nothing' sllspiciot1~, he announced to his comp,anions that
\11 y would remain whel'e they were uut·l mo ..ui~,.

THE ttomGS OF' A NiGp:T.

It was ~oon fonnd thnt the camping ground pos~essed

another advantage which, during the dIscussion, had ueen
111t()gether overlooked.
During the n,fternoon, they bad shot a ftne Jooking ante.
Jope, cooking a portion at the ti~ne upon the prairie. A
oodly I ortion wa teft, and they now hs(l a.n Qpportunity
01 kinuling t~cjr fir " wH "out tbe .Iiauil ity of hei~l~
~8 ' O\~ h1 have been the case bad they encHmped in any
Of her p~ '''''c.
This bt..\ ng -ngreefl to, the tire:wft A~e(li1y kindled, nnd
th~ t.rappe.' hiulself began the clilinnry pel"foJlnahc(\ It
, n' (·x ~l1'ted with t;h e chnractcristie cxccl'euce of the
l;ulltcl', altd a 1uscious meal was thus provided for all.
Ar. its conclusion, all trc'{-ehed thenl clv(~s upon the ground
10r t.he }HltpOSC of Fmoldllg and chatting, as wns their
ll. 'ttal custonl at uch times.
he evening ,vhiled pleasa.ntly away, and when it had
cOH!-:idera\,ly ndvanctul, t 1e question of who should net as
ewnt.1llcl was (liscus ed. Up to this, younO' Bl'uilwrd had
11 er f"llce performed that dut.y, nt night, aithough he had
ff'(Jquelltiy solicited the privilege. lIe now nskcd perluiss-
inn to hy llis hand . . After con Idernhle tnlk it \Va agreed
t.hat )ore bli~lat do. The t.rapper bad lost so IUtlCh leep,
bHt 1.0 ~lllS anxious to sectlle a good nigllt' rest, an 1 the
Nueful scrut.iny which lae hnd bLken of tho surrounding
pi'Ride cOllvinced him tllat no dano-cr threatened. So he
fel t Ii 1He npprchension iu acceding to the Ni h of the
1)0 y •

. rA t n late hour, he three men s retched themselves upon
the ground, with their' hlalll{ets gathered I lout tIl Ill, and
they "ere soon wrap,pec1 in })J'ofouu(] lu IHt cr', whi Ie Johny.
nI le 1 with the importance and I'C pOllsibility of. his duty,
ft'lt ( s tbough he never hould need I\Dother hour's leep.
lIe was sure of being able to l<eep up an llninternlitting
,vi\.tcb several days and nigh 18, .5houl..1 it Oecolne Jlecess·
F()llowin~ the u un1 Ctlstonl of scnt.inels, he houltlel'c(l
Ids gun, alH1 ,>uced hack and forth, befol'e tile Illo'Jlcler-
iu!!" co,lnp .. fjre, ghlllcin<r in ('very direct ion, so 08 to nl Lke
sure that no ellcm.y stoIc upon him unnWHI'CR.
It fonncd n. curiuus pict ure-thc ~n1o.ll fire hnrnin o• ~
the valley-Illotiolllesq fonus stt:~tched out hcfl)J°e it, ~he
huge stennl tuun silent all 1 gritn standing 11 nl", tlte <1 w:lrt:
eel "I )oy, pnci ng ~lo\Vly buck noel jorth, HUa, abo:ve all, the
,uoon shining down upon tl.lC ,si lent prnh·ie •
. • lJC -. Ulottn was quite ft\int., so flInt ()1l1~ fl.U i.ntlj
vlc\v of ol~iects could be secn. O~C:aSi.lll Ily Jollny clam.
be cd tip t,ile IJ:lI11( and tO I)k a survey c,t" the ~\lITHIIJlifing
l)lajl'~; I>ut ~ ·uin~ not lling at all ~tlSpiC:UllS~ lac 8fH)1I gre\f
\\'('ury oL t.hi : , n,IId con:'incd lti!'J will i,s to the lI11mec.llllle v ~.
c i l1it.\, of tlte (~tllUi'-fir(a, p:ls:-. ing u.lck and f,,."th U~l\Vcl'll
t.11C nnrrow b."eadth of the val.e)'_
As the hours (lrHg~c,-l slowly by, the hoy ~r:Hln :,ll.\" fell
int.I) l\ reverie, wh icla Inade him almost unC()JlSCi()ll~ of
(axtC."lIal things! And it. WaS while wall-jug' llaus. thnt lao
did not ohserve f~ 1arge "-01 r nd vance to the cd~c of tho
gully, look down and then whi~k back Ollt of sight uct01'8
the sf~tltinc' whcclc(l in lIis wal k nnel faced llinl.
~rll rc(~ sepnr;, te t j mea was til i rt~peat 'd, t.he wo} f look ing
down in such an CtLraH~~ t\ :-enrching way th at it cerhllllly
wouhl Ian vc excited the remark aud cudo,:;ity of "ny 0110
ob .. crving it.
Tue thir(l glnnce npp:lrently snt,i~ficc1 fhe wo1 r; rOI" it
}nsted fOJ' t\ few secoud~, when he ,vithdrew, nnd lUlI1hurcd
uw Iy nt nil uwkFurd rat.e, until t\ I"oct or two ha«l hcen
paSSt'd. wh ~n tbe s ll ppnsed wolf sndd nly I"J~C on its hind
lcg:-:, the sl,iu and head \V~r'c 'hiflcd to the nllll~ of the
Indian, and! (!ontinucd un ~, : n. !CISllI'cly Rait, unt.iI 110
j ,ilh·d fully fiUy comrndes, who wel'u llllchUed to.oelJacr
ill a grove, severnl hllUdl'~'d y,u'ds away.
Iu lile nlenntilno youn .~' Brainerd, with ltis rifle ~ltt"g
OVel" hi:i shouldel', was pacing buck and forth in tl e 8~UU6
delilterntt' IlU\IIIICI', hi Inilld busi Iy cllga~cd on nn U iau-
)l'ovt.uucnt," upon the stealU Ulan, by whieh he wn. to
..,ulk h , ckwnrtl as wel l ns forwClrd, although he couldn't
Illtisfuctoriy detel'luiuc how he was to go up nud down hill
with aurety.
St 111 O('cI1J"iNl ill tllO shHly pf tl1e ul).lcct, lIe took 1\
~eat b y tile lu~lf e .. t., ngui~h ~d carn l)· fin~ nnd g:lz'·d dl'ealU-
i ly illto the emhers. It had iJecn n hahit "ith wllell
ul it fl UH', to sit t.hus rot, hout': , on the long \\'illt.I'l·( · vcnillg~,
\\' h He h is III i Ild \ as 8) busily at \\'01 I\. that he W:18 totally
uiJtiviuus tu who.kver wns PlIS!-:.iIl(f around Jlim.
It must hnve uccn tllll.t the hoy seated hitllSl' lf withr,ut
au, t.l.ul~l,lt ut tuc in,-'Viti~bld r~sult of uobtg 80 ; ',rOl' UUH
~' •. l'; ':~~: :~'l.~r :\IA:'i OF 'lItE PRAmtEB. 9S
o was futal to the
1\11 'w I /I,t i C',' th :111 he tll ;1t stich a th in"
1:1 \11 illl }l ' J f 'fmane' of It s('lltincl's duty; an<l the thought
t;l(d. Iii .., thrt'ccl)lllpanic~n8, in onc sense, had put t.heir' sate·
, \ ill his IllIlld.:, would lplvc 1'l'eVclltctl nn.)'thing Jike a
1~,,' 'cll"lnc's of duty.
n.: (ltitt. us it IlIl'Y, the hoy hnd Fnt thn8, less than 1lalC
an \Jollr, whell n drowsiness Ilcgan stealing over hilH.
Ol1ee he raised Hi..; head, nud fancied hc saw n. large wolf
~ l u .. ill~· dowlI UpOIl hill) frolll the hiUlk "bove; bllt the,
llcad 'was withdl'(\\\'ll so quickly, that he was sure it Wal
o 1I1 y n pI W 11 to 01 () f h ,s bra i 11.
So he did not rise (rom h is sent, but sitti un eo stil J, he
gra(luully s luk lo",el" ulltil itt n short l.itne he ,vus sleep-
:ug as soulldly al8 cithel' of the tllr 'e around hitn.
Auoth"r honr wore . away, ulHl the firc sJ110uldcred
and all "'H8 st j 11.
'rhtm nllmerolts 1lcfl<ls pccf\·d ovet' the edge of the rav-
ine If))' a few st'c()lld~, 'iUld :as t4l1ddcnly withdl·cw.
A :ew minutcs later', n, ('urious si:..{ht Inig-ht have heeri
Fc("n-a sig-llt SOJ)lcwhut rcsclubliHg' that of a. parcel of
el!ooI-boys Illnking' their gigalltic snow-balls. '1'he fift.y
Ilidialls, the gl'catcl' pOl't ion of WhOll1 had patiently wait-
ed in t.he nc1joiuillg b1'OVC, white their horst'S weI'· :ecure-
ly fllstellcd Il(Mr, i~8"cd Hl(c i\ swur.u of lu(:ust,s, nnd he';'
""111 rolling huge I.oulders tU"'ft,t'd the valle~< Sotne or
thelll Wcl"~ so lar~c thut. hulf n dozma only succeeded in
Ulo\'ing thelll \\'ith tHe greatest (lifficulty. .
Dut tht!y persc;vercd, wOlkin~ wilh a st.range persistf'n-
c~' Ullt! Sill'II~C, that gave tll"ln tlw nppca .. nllcc uf 8" IIU~Jl'y
I)1a 1111 t.ums ell gngcd n t thci r gll()~ t1y Jailor. Not a \\'or~l
waS (!xC"taug '(I, CVt' U in tlto IHost guarded of IOHCS, for
encit undc),:-t out! It i..' part.
In t IIlC a bait duzt~n of tl1C. e inllnense 1'tOIlCS l'(.Incllf·<l
the (!dge of the ra.vinc. TIH'Y were rllnged ~id0 "y tiid,',
a fe \\' feet n pnrt, so as lIot tu I,c in each other's way, it ud
the Illd :llns stood Heat', waitiJlg until tltci" "'ol'k ~"ould
Lt, c(>lllpktcd •
. SUIlIC Ai:AHal "':as In:l<le, nTul tllcn ()IlC .of, th(,tI!e
l'<hul~ler:; ro:!·d down in tla r rll\'UH!.. Er('u , tld~ . Crtl'Cci 1
94 TTTE ·STEA:. { l\L\.N OF Tnl~ P.RAIR{J~S.
Dlade any perceptiLle noise, the yielding gl'ound recei.,.
iug it like a cushiou, taS it came to a halt neal' the ceuter
of the vnl1cy.
When th is was done, a second followed E1Uit, heing so
guanlell that it did not. grate against its COmlJlUljon, lJut
ChIne t.o rest very Jl ent' j t. .
Theil nnolhcl' followed, and then another and nnot.hey',
in the same stealthy nlauucr, un til over a dozeu were in
tlw valley ,uclow.
,. Tit}. cOlllpleted, the J)hnntom-like figures de~celHlet1
lil\e so lunny shadows, aud Lcgt\u tugging again at the
Not:L wor(l was exchtl.n!,{ed. for knew what was
required of him • . Fully ~~n hour more was occupied, hy
.wIliell, titl1e the labor wus finished.
1'hc Loulders were arl,;..,ngecl ill the fOI'm of an impas-able
,wall Hcross the n:trrow v.ul ey, nnd the ~teflm man \VHS so
througilly ilHpd~OllCd that no humau aid. could. ever ex..
t1'icat~ him.

Bnldy n:cknell, the trappel', was the first to discover
tl:e PCI'lt of hin self nnd party.
'Vltcn tIl Indians had cotnpleteil their work, it<ccl
only ..ttl hour of daylight, Hav llg done nll that was n.,o-
essar)" the ~f. vagcs I (){)i( tll(~it, at ntiol18 helt inc! the wn.lI, ly.
iug fiat. "pon the tron" ..l, where they were illvi 'ihlc to the
whites, but wlH're cvel'y ulotion 01 tlJ".:ir could uc \\ atch-
(!d, nlHl chccklu·.tcd.
'VUen the trappcr opcne<l his eyes. lie did not stit- a
Ii In II-a wny ill t() ,vh ich ht! had got d I. rill L{ b is long cx-
perience, on the frontier. lIe merely lnovecl his heud froID
side to !'>ide, so lS to see f llything that W~lS to be ~ceu.
'rile iiI' t ohje('t that 11et llis ese wa9 the boy, Bl'aincnl,
QUilt! asleep. ApprelH.' nsi ve then Ihat Olnetla ing had
occurred, he tl1l'Il~d hiS stnl'Ucd gaze in ditf(.'rcnt dil'l'c.
tions, scanning every "hiuJ as weU it ~oukl uc dOlle iD
ire pale mo.onlight.:

" ,
BE 11 MAN OF T.lIE J"B rarD.
When he caught light of the wall stl'etcli'ed ncross the
s1!ey, he rulJbecl bis eJes, and looked Lt it 81-!ain nd
aglLin, cRrcely nhle to credit his enscs; 1]0 was sure it
'as not there A few bOllI'S before, and he could not con\-
)rchen whnti could Incan; out it 'wa n VCl'ity, and hi
experie ce told hi, .. tlaut it could lJe tho work of no 011e
except the Indian, who htul outwltte 1 him at 1 st.
Ith fir to feeling wns that i()f jnliicrnn.t ion towaJ'(l the hoy
who h d pennitted this to take pI c~ vhile he WJ).S asleep,
. but his n illd quicldy tU'"lIed ul)on he 1l10r8 impl. tlLllt
mat.ter of llloot ' ng the peri I ,.v i la, bey 1d all do llot, 'va
of t] e Inost scriou ebarllctcr.
As yet I e I d ot stirl'ed Iii body, and lo()king toward
tbe prison ,vnll, he caught n !tJia of tbe pban lolu-I"J e
figure, AS they lecr&' OIlH By fl i t cd n.b 11 t, sec.uriu,,' the
be t possible position, before the whites shot 11 f\wnko.
This glhllp e 01 (le ever thing p1 ~in 0 thepl'nctical
nl ind of DtLldy Dicknell. lIe co,,, pl'clHtJHlpd thnt tht~ red-
~ki))s h ul luid a plllU to e n'u.p the s ,C'un 1\ D, lIlCHC t.han
o ~ . It .. np thetnsel ~8, nnd 111 t, a f~r a. 18 ~ould Judge,
they had Illccecde 1 cOlllplel<!ly.
It wml the ti(~llte liXi it ",hi·b h 11:1(1 ver 1,00 cnuhbt,
and his tnind, ftrtiJe as it was i 1 l'xpcdj~l)t 4t such crisclJf
().ul.d see uo way oflneeting the <laueJ'cr.
He knew the Indillns lUl<l hoI' 'os sonl~ where a.t ~0l.lllll;ln
'while neither f.e nor hi cOluradca ha.(1 n single one. '1 he
tc.un.",,11 \'onlc! be unnhlc to pa tlH .. t j()nllitiahle ~nll,
8 it. wns not to be SUPl)O cd . h t he it a b~~ tf\\lglj t lh
art of len ping.
'Vhu.t.cvcr plan of {'scope wn d~t{,l'n ined Upoll, it wnl
1 1 ut til ..t tJ e mel' '0 1 d b',v~ 0 I~G aO:I)l(h tl~d , nlld
th i~ I1ccc:,sitatccl, ag an inevi table con .. cq lienee, t hut, th
wl.itcs would 1 ¥' to d t cn<l tp( n heir I gs, Tla lis-
!;()U ri l~i vcr wus ut no grc. t d,ist lllce, and . ( left 'n 1is-
tUl'hed, thcs cOllt,l lIanl,e it wi,buut <iiffil!lIliy, nt th 're
'W"I a pl'ospect of unytlliug sooller than that tlu.·y '0111<:1 be
ullbwed to depnl't in peace, afler Jellvillg tbe 5;teulU m L
\) hind .
. . 'fhe trnpper, as had been hi.: iuvu.l'ill'Lle cgstom, had
cHrefully noted the con'our of the surf I1mdillt{ prairie, be-
fore tlle.v IHut COllllUittcd the impoJ'lallt :14~t tlf CHCHIUpil1.g
in t.he gorge or hollow. lie r 'nH~lnhcrcd the ~rove at ~olne
distance, an·1 "as salhdicd that the barb ,rians lUll! left
their borses thel·c, while thcy hnd gathered Lehilld tl),
wall to wait the criticnl IUOlHent.
By the tillle these thoughts had £drly tn.l<cn shape in his
hrain. it was be~il1ning to grow light, and with a lwelllnn.
itn.'.\' yawn and kick, lJe roc;:e ttl 11is feet, and began stirring
the fil'e. lIe was well aware that nlt.h 011 '. dl l,e and ld~
com pnniolls were (\ fuir tnrget :£Ir the rith s of their cue-
m CS, yet they would not fire. Theil' plnn of act.ion did
J)Ot. Coulpl'ehcnd that, thongh it would have settled every-

tIl i II g in t heil' favor w ithou t (leiny.

" I dt:c'uro I have been asleep 1" exclaiulo,1 Brainerd, as
lao het!Hu l'uhhi ng 1. is cye~.
" Yes; ynu'I'e IL pUft Y fcJ1('r to lnnke n sent inel of, a; Il't
you ?" replied the trnpper, ill djs.~·llst
U I hope nuthing hus h"ppenc<l," nnswerc,l Johny, feel-
ing that he descrvctl all the lJlalu6 that Cuuld ue laid upon
" Not much, exceptin' while yer wale snoozin' the red.
Ilnve COllle down ntH 1 got us all ina II ice box."
. The hoy was cert'Jill he was jesting until he saw the ex..
pre.. sion of h is face •
. "Surely, Bil)cty, it is not ns h:\(l as that 1"
" Do you Sloe that au·~" dCllul.udcd the tl'upper, J>ointin~
tOWJll"d th~ ·Nt"U, which tho YOllug . . tCl' could Dot hell) 00-
h IIow comes that t.o l)e there 7"

"'rho l'cdsldus put it thar; can yel" stenm mall \vntk over
tl)nt. 1"
"Cel'tninly not; but ,vc ca.n renl()l'e them."
" D() y,:r \vnnt tt!f try it, younker I"
"rln willing to help."
" Do yt'r I- now, lUll" Hr ~ometh in' le s nor" hundred red-
.k j liS H h illci tho 11, jist wni tin' fur yet· 'er try thut thing."
h Good henvcns! CUll it be posl)i ole 1"

. "Et' you don't b'leve it, Sc) out and look for yer~elf­
LuaL't! all."
98 IT'
.... H'
t\.. ',.. ., L '" ,.
.I.... __ f .......
! T LI
'"' r.p. r.)y:> \ T nTT.'S •
...!\. ~ • 1\.. S....

IIp. Then lie Hlen~

y SilO d~ b .s. h~ad, to signi .y, the
thillg WU,~ illlpos'ib ;e.
"Any foollllio'llt know beUer thnn that.!' relnnrltcd tile
Yalllicc, H LOI' iJ he cou (1 jump over, whel'e would be the
44 Tha.t ud fpller, av coorse."
"No; there's no 'vny of glJtting ~he stenm mRn Otlt of
bel·(l. lIe is n gone case, sure, und it looks as though
we w(·re (litto JCl'lIs,\lclll! I wish all the g,)ld was back
in 'Volt Rnvine, nud we' wnr a thousand miles Jrom this
""Vi hing'll (10 J 0 good; tl1el'C'S only one chnnce I se~,
ntt that nill't n() chance at nIl."
All, inclllding the boy, Ct gcrly looked up to hear the
" SOlllC distance froln hyal' is some thnuer~, nnd in thar
the reds laa ve h-ft t h Pit' nn i l11nls. Ef we st art on a J'un for
the titUhCI', crit that' Hhaud ot the Ingins, lllonnt that' hos~e~
fInd put, tluu"ll be SOUle clJance. Y 61' cau see what chance
thal'is fut' thnt."
1t 100 ~cd u l.opclcss as the charge of the Ligll t Bri-
Young Brainerd no,v spoke.
" It ,vas I who got you iuto trouh'e, and it is I, that;
ith the blcas~ng of bcnvcll, al1l .g()l~g to get you out ot
1• t • "
. 'the tllrce now 1 ,okcd as eaC'cl'.Iy • .
" Is tl1el'l~ 110 danger of the Indians firing upou uS I" he
'skcl r () t' the lall tel'.
"Not \1t11es~ we try to run awny."
T "AIII';g-llt; it. is lillie ttl 11(~(1'in."
Tile boy's nlst plocceding' wa3 to kilHl1e n fhe ill tll8
')0 I, l' of tile SI('UHl lllill1. 'Yhe:J it wa ' fll~l'l\1.1 IJlnziu o' , he \11 !(1 to h 'ap ill wood, until a fervent hc~\t W=l pro..
d nced 8\1(,11 II,' it ht <1 )level' ex perienc/ld before. Sl ill he
thl'(~w in wood, a11<l kt'pt tIle wntet' low in t.hc boiler', until
tlH:l'C was, t\ n 01' ~ pa'od ig!o'J~ pressure
. of steall1, lllak .11ft ita . ~

escape nt half 0. dozen orifices.

When ~lU t~UtWO~ w~~ tlll~own in ~at it, could COll~l~
TIlE ..,TEAM :MAN OF 'fH1f: nAl~YES.
and portio s of the iron sheeting could be seen u~conl lllg
red hot, he censed this, nncl he,.!atl tr'ying the teatn.
'" llow tHUc1 can he hold~" inquired IIopk nSii
., Oue llunc1I'ecl a ] fif.ty pounds."
" Ilow IUllCh is on now~"
~, One llUlld red find iort.y-eight, and rising."
'~Good IH.HtVtms 1 it ,vill bl)w up I" tLS the cxclnm..
tion, as the th 'ce sh ran k back, nppallc< t the danger.
" N()t for a few minutes; Iln:ve you the gold secured, nn
the guns, so as to be ready to r lD ? '
They were ready to run at any moment; the go1 was
lwu~' s ~ecul'ed n:hout their persons nnd it l'equited oui 8
moment to snatch up the wcnpons.
" 'V!len it blow8 up, l'un!" wag the adnlonition of tl1
'rhe stefllll n an wn urned directly toward tlle wnl1, nu(
• full bend of 'teau} let 01. It stal'tt,<1 awe y with a uoun ,I,
instnutly renching' a PO{J 1 of forty luiles nn hUlll'.
'rlac next nlOlncnt it stl'ucl< the boulders with n terl',j tio
crHsh, shnt OVC1' ou its face, lcnviljg t.he plintcre(l Wtl~OU
bchil!d, nlHl at the in:.-t nt of touch ing ground upon the
opposite side, directly aUllollg t1 e t.huuderstruck Indj~uls,
it explo(led its boiler 1 ·
, 'j'1&o slH ck 01 th. explosion was 'teTI'ible; It wns like
tlle .bur 1ing of an in~nlen e bOulh-shell, the st fUn Ulan he-
ing blown into thou.'nnds of frnglll en ts, Ihut Be 1.( tcrcd
dl'sth n.nd (lp~(r·!ctl.()tl in every direction. Fulling in thQ
"cry cell ter of the crouch iug Ind inns, it could but )li'n ke
telTib ~ e destruct ion of life, while those who e .. capl~d un..
IlHl'lned, were be ide thCJnselve with c()n~tcJ'n1Iti()n.
1'hi/' was the very thin ..' upnn wLh:h y(lnn~ Brilinal' 1
J.lnd couutc{l, nnd for which he lllsde hi ('n~c111t\ kH s. 'YII( n
he saw it leap toward the N'all ill such a fllriou. lllallll 'r
be knew the incvi t~ ble C(lUS('qUl'llCe, and gave t he word t '
his friclHls to tnke to their legs.
All three dushecl up the baul" and reno'dng the S\1 ~ fllce
of the prairie, Baldy Bicknell took the lead, e%clairuillg:
" Now fur the wood yonder I"
Ali thl~1 reached tue 'l\,V<' Ole or l\\' u of the HUUlLCf
~'L,nce.l hack, but fo:ft,W untla 'ng of the pursuing Indian•.
TI:ev had no' ., T: COVl'rt·<1 froul llwir terrol'.

~ ~.t .. It 'Inl(~lIt ",u.s to he I,st. The cxpet"icnce(l GJ ' G'

the trnpp(~r Itl~t no lin e in sclcetillt! the very hest Illtti an
1,or ('l'(. atlel t\ 1l101l1ellt· l\1I tour ro(lc out froln thfl
gr', ·v~ ,\1. 2\ full ~nl l1nl', aud hca<le,l t OWl\1 <18 t he ~liss~tlri.
'"1' Ie pl't'(~' e l'f~, 'UIt of the stean} nlHll's explosion WtlS
118\,"1' It uflled. Ilow nHluy were kiHcd IInel wounded
.... ·uld oulv I.e cOII}~(!tHl'ed; hut tlte Ilululwr cCI'tainly ,val
to !!.'reat. that 0111' friends sa.w Hotlaing Inore of theln.
'ria 'y evidentls It I(t uuon,! their Ilumher those who had
l ...c n llle pt·~tty w(~11 H(~qn:tinted with tho stCHtll m'tn, ete
thl'Y would llot have laid tlac pIau which they did for cap--
turin~ Ii:lu.
Being well IlHHlntcd, the pnrty lnacle the entire journey
to Iuclcl'cn(lcne(~ on hOl'sol,tlCk. FrolH til is point they t.ook
pn~~agc to St. LOlCi~, where tile crolfl wa'3 divided, und the
l)ilrty sepal'aled, and since then have seen nothing of e:lch
}'1ickcy 11('Squ jzz1e returned to Ba1tyduif, Kings County,
Ire! ,nd., w he c. we heal·", 1at! uncl h is gentle Bridget, nl'e
in the ult e:ljoY1Ueut of the three thousand pouads hc cur·
d(!d with hitu.
Ed,;ttl Hnpkins settJcll (lown with the girl of his choice
in COIlII('ctictlt, whe,'(*, n.t last accounts, he ,vas doing aa
well u.s COl let be expccted.
D:d4ly lli(d<tlell, Hit h. ,u~ll q nire a weultby mnn, still clings
t,o I. is WUIldf'tiIH!' habit, ani! spends the gl'~utcr pOl,tioll of
1Ii" , cue on t h·' pl'a it' ('8.
\Vdh tile hl'~(! nn\( UI. t of nloney realized frem
"" ~ ' c"; ~ rip_ .TuJU4Y BnlincJ'<l is cducz"tin!! hitnseJf ut one
of the t e~t sc'hunls ill til<! conntry. When I.e shall hu"e
. CO ' l pl.(~ted lai COIt .. ~e. it is hi..; intent.lon to COll t.n ct. un-
ot l i p ' ·tt'lim nl1l11, " l'ab!e of more wouderful per iOrlllt,llCc8
11;11\ 'h ~ fir . . t.

So let OUt- readers and the puhlic gl'UeJaltv be (.Ill the

lo. :,kout.

'~1:'.A NDARD
ror ~chool rxhibitions ltn:! Eoma tnterlammenta.
N~ J to ~1 hu:lu.iTe. 1~ to!,5 J'nt'nl1'l1 J);l\l~t ftrM iTnun"f tnt,..?,. "' ...ol: rack hlum. 1,.
nnlO }'1I"tll) lool;uL \>On'l,Ill,I.\,; 0 .. f~ .. dl)~ ,,( l.rlc~, t .. 1\ ('cIIlli.

Beadle ,. Adamo. Publis1t.ers. 98 't\TiUiam St." H. ~'.

'1" .... Toll1m~ ftllTe bHn prel'ltred wIth ..rm 1 ~rerC'nl'e t~ tht'!tr m-lrilllhflrfy fnp T."hfbltf,,,.. ••
a..elll~ 1\d."I.~d \() 6(,1\(",1" aad 1·,,:-10D Wlt!~ ~r with~m til., 'urnitllru f .'II~"." lid el1l It',l I". el I< J
~RS A)\D YOUNG PEOPL~. of evor,\' 'l!'e y both lor.1e 1\".1 i'tlIIIA1:lt.. It i~ b!r f,) AIIIIlJlI., thl:~
tll"r b .. ol( in the III""~ t, ;\' I\nv prieu, £oJ)tai,· ""J,l\~~ \lwgl aw.d~ • • l~.u.ldr.I',
f wit, palm••, huwvr 1UI..1Ik:&ltitucut. •\
)f,!,.UIl~ n, th~ M:l"~" FOT lIin. Y"t1De IK.!iC»' For five 'kt?'8. _r...
&illll~ Il Li ve ElIgli.h'T,1\ll. 1000r t r~u llOYll. '1'11<1 ~cret. of Suc«as. ):'"r til r... 'T'1'1t'ten.
l' U.~O·II CONulltinn. For wale and femal~. Yo\tng Ameriel\. 1'btee n\IIl .. un tWI) ft.'lln" , ...
r Ilhioll. • ...r .wo hdi":tI. J(/.el)h\ntJ'. Duell",.. Fo-nr feJIII\I"~, ('Dr. till Ie.
Th .. ReM"",,I. F ..r ail: b"",.. Th. F()lly f>f 'he I ~n~'. j or lhYt-tr m!'tlu~~.ra
\V, .. .-:h will Y"11 ChoClfJd F, T t ....,.lIn:r.'- : Doglllfltism. For thT. "II"le .pt'ltj;~r'.
-rho: Queo:n (I( Mil \'. FI r tw" Jiul" "Id.... l1'hel(.!Dltrnll t ('onlounJed. F.'n,m tl(1,....
The TVI\ ,Plltty. }tot l"lIT .,,,tid. iThe Yn.. t Y"IlII:: ;\1 0 n. F~yt,.,o Jl1I".1 II.
'TIn eStel' in \\'0&1,1\:,1 Lit.... , J\hh.tln."pTY\..r TIle YenT' Itt!l'kClnin~, l~ fem~lc. A"" J m:'t'
lirt. Snilft... ' C"nl .. ~"i('". .1<'"" mnht III Ii r ,"·d~. ITh~ Yill:';rs "'ith Ont' GtnUc.:1U:..l.,. 1 u," t:i\.:la r.-
l'b. Miaaioll of \h.. ~l.iriu. }'h'u young laJi"s.. IIInlcli ..aJ OJ,~ JU;,lu.
""e Geni". 1\( t!il~rt". t mille. "'Dr) 1 femal.. H~.". to \~'tlt6 'P"T'fllnl'" ~~41" T'.~ ~
Cilltlertllltq or, Thll Littlu Gl~ II 8lil)(l\'r, 1'11 ... Ne\ rlTlI! tllt! l )lJ. )'"r '''''l tnlll"...
P.,iDI! Gtll,d anll Sa~' 11 l!' lk\lt . &",.,r41 \+n.",rt~n. A St'lwllinll 11\ l..t\~t. F"I' ' .. 0 u~".,'
Th. Goldell l~ult'. T'\'j) nlll~. I\n~t 1-0 \""1111,, T!:" Grees;hMn. lo'nT tw,) malps.
The Gill of 'he Felry Q'leef'\. 5.y_,...1 fe.nn Ie 1'b., Thr".t hI~n of ~d"lh''', For ton, mnl...
crlt!; ,n , • Rnd D ne F .. r, For • lit!'> ~tlaral t ..ra. Th. 01.1 Lt\J."' ....\'I!I. Fur tl' r lIl.drll.
-rla Co 'n"'y Aunfr. "le , ~ t.u "\b_ City. li'lf ....... Th. Litt!e l'h'l t .. ph~!L ~ tW() 11 11 .. r'r
enI chllT"aettlrs. ll"w 10 "~inll All Bdr. F . . T 111"e' oAu.
'th. Tw. Romtm,. 'Fr., two mnl,.... TUe Ylrtutlt, F, r .ix ,-"uui L~.....
tr,-irtf( ,h. Cbl rIVteu }>',o' thr· malp-. A. COllll'lbllll E('l ..~ue.
1)'10. U,.pp\, i'ftUllh'. JI''\f' 't!Yel'ltl C Illli _' T~e l'lIbl ic JIl .... thi:. J1"1""Ml\l".ftfl .. _~
"he &lubow. }'O-le .. "al chllrncl"h" Til" £.n~'.a TnmDlvr. !'QJ" 1.\WQ u.~...

,,- MaT Q".,,.n. rn., "n ~tJr••C'11~1.

.l>ru»a R,d·r·.\ t. ~·Wtlllli\,"
.' ., k:n (. mill",
Gl'ntei!l C('II'Tt. "'0), ~m.lf.s.
l\fn.i tet"l'iol·", }'ur two tnl\lcs. auol t". ~ teo.!" . .
X•• lUICD .. dCompl\ny.} 11''''''''. }o'orf}\,t)wnln. The Two Romltn •• F()'t*o~tI\lt'a. .
CourtflllC Under Difficult'.... t Itullt'.~! f"'! 'Ul"'I!!!'" 8"m.. ~"(' •• ,,c!.
he. Fl.r tWI"), 81 ....
)l"tionl\l K"pr""'"" A D'lrltlAl}n&. 4 W~d. ~h"wine' th. ""hi to, •• .. "th.T. ')1111 I. a. J ft"nwt 1
a:.upln.c ~. 1)r&('- b'ur DtUIlt'r.'\l1 moh.. Th., ~ldUi Call. A )'ur- .. ae.IWI..u..
DIME lllAJ..Oft\TE!, 1:0. 4.
.11'' ' 111'111~b1'.
F"., tt'" or more, fino"...
"hrt'lt lUtl.!.'!t !l".1 t\\ •• f.·,nnl"l,
f''''' l tuM, f'to""'. "/t,'n"t,.,.,..
\ H.', He tl'I) IQ h
t ,"",~ , ) ,~
ry." ''''r to,u,
PUIlI I l'lAlt'&'
W~ith, Ii 'I'e tlltd C!llltity. l'", t.ilr'lt Ii: lit! cir.. . II Cl:nr!".. j ur lhr".l1~"lt'1 aJl,l en. t"II'~""
})",I>y Imll Jo m. two Jna.lE'a 1111' I)' o· (.-lIlal". 1..,4!.'1O cr. I.t ttl',f Broll·tI. " r ~h ..... lIltle ,Ir,s.
"b. ?hv. A ...... )01'1\1 F~IIC::T. "'oraix Jilt ~irl .. , rh" T il:ht \\',1", It C(.Jlnqll". t'M ,,,. LCll"
'he Ellchotnlen PrinC'eQ. 2 ml\le",fII.·,' •• rnl t:'''IIII''F n'hn!. ,la,-l.."t!,·,-t ~:\~. Fn, twn InJ l .. ~.
r·.nt,rto WltlHn lion, I. D1l8. 1 III \t,. 1 fe'lIlIl'J I II. \rll11f':\ "~e J)r-.._. A C"llo.p:~·. } /Or t~"",~
"', .. G"I! I.) ClI.,,, I. V ••rHye,,,' m ·dNI, ()"" fp'lInl.
' ro:uolo;y. A Dil(auioa.
1'" .,
~ ,· WH\~.,( r.""tlIYIlt.'l'I'P. l'
I:)r twcilt. .. ).11\1-.·... 1'1'e I. l'u' (wo w.1.O.ll:"
~1.U' k l\l~~'
"I' i
DIME DIAl.OaU:ESt XO. ~., ,
n. 'i1l~e Go.." M. ]1")1' ~t:ltMl (If f.Ar}!)r. PI ttin~ till ~h".. A C.lloq!'!,.. F ,. two n:a!....
~lItiIlUlTlt. A" Th1'oe l'~I'lInn.'" '1\ "0" The;:' tt:o:.:h Ttf "It. V(.r H\'I,H'"l '" '~ ,
llothl' d the C\\1'1I iu. For 111/41 .. an t ft.!I1ftl
The llt\\ Pi &oldy. h'e Qo" MId 1\ t ·('1:(1".
Two 111,,,,- t Vto, A Colloquy. l·"r
, ,~ll'l\l ' t (rc'll,l ~,lKl'lno F,.Ii~"f't.
~r" 'o. ..
F.lCI\lniultUo I nil". }i'ouev(,f'1I1 f",\lIIl}e ('~(;t..""l\lt\--l~·.Mon"·, An Ac i.e C'h ..
'fr&din~ in "TrAns" p.'r aC\,Arn 1 IlInl"" Si'. "i'hlM.. For, i~ rOllnc ll\dl,.."
"ho School 'Rov I Trll1-uMt. F~r tt'n b4,~. T 'tt"" ftt Home, :rut" h'(1 mal,. ..
A. LOOM T.\IIe'1'I .... t!\l'ml ml\!'" '\I/d f, ·"1'~"8. .. !I.~.i(lnlll,' .. Rl'qulr IDf'nta. )'''IT til~. vll'l ••
II:.! .. Nul t.o GII~ an Au.wel'. For \\\..." j' %!l.tLllt&. A IWvy or 1'. (Eyee). i'or.ij:L~ 01' 1 liUl.
!'be W",'Th,,: t:"T't .~prr.t.. 1\tol,. ILnd fPJnn}eI'I~· u) T",..ll ('nfln-..l..,ra. F,.." tllt... mill,...
1'1•• P"., ur!l"r Difficllltiel. Tor
1Jft11latn T ,.11. Fur,.. whole IlIlto01.
ml'l.... .Iv.r)lI~ V",,,rlt'll nf F.ll:r. For l\ nUlllb",r (It""""
'\ lInt ts.. '. ne.n •• J"n 1" ''IIIIIIII\\'$ _nll.We) lat

"",,mAn'. R ill'''t, ~:ft" ft:rnl\~I"' It"","," ",,,t.. , Thlt Uh"l ~11i. FOl'two ("\I)l\t... And CIne ..,lalII.;
j.lJ i. not 0014 that C.lItt,.,.. ]\fill, ~tl feul~.'l~~ntl\ C'l/lu... !"" ....'.!!lIml.~ I\(j,O\,
Jhr G':f\ero.,I' Jf'W', tl\r 1I1~ m"llt:'~. f' Irl,tm..- Y"'l"I1'. t, l' ."'.'1'7:\ nUb, •
c~~t)pl ... jI 8''Il.brtHutJ. .... ,1'0 ~~. 11,. fn~HI ' '~\;1 ._ t.., .... " J ,
ermc SellO~l Serle1i-Spe~ker

No. 93.
,.. ..

D t!.e 1\t'" 11~ mr.'ter, IAII Ilx>nt a ~e, J..Ate t hill sa outu , ! Iy n ighbor'. cio.:l'!,
J"I,,, ,! Il\<lip~.i :Ilirad , '(!Iut,ial, Tho 1!lIutii I~ delitilly 01 C(Hllieli ~d MytlJol~
~. 'n tt· ti.l .. ('unlll' til, A (Illr/; id., vieW', tho lrit;lllnHn, Plct\lll,
n .~•. j,~, ,I~ \'Ilt. M :lry h. r 1\· pte"l el' va,.,., I P6j.!'j!Y l\l('Ultllll. l'h~ ~Tl'idell,
!"t) lu j 'HrtliuJ! l; 'rn ~", • l,rn)' 11"(,1)1 J,;.h Bil' L4tg;·IH.b t ( A ttH'" ,
?,ll (,l't· h ht·rt,t' ')n ~O" ,\ laryillllJlmnll ita I1lm b J IlIl(lf, TIlt' "tuvt''c trnued)
1I1;t::'., ri:! IIt.;" , A IWl\I~hy Jisctlllrlltl, D.: cir. ulllltnncel ob II.! A oQke1m''!t tlrllllbj~••
flo; 11,,11\. rllh~N, how I'u ..ia:< I to ~1lt'- 1<, II liwati()ll. The c'/lni,!: "HIli.
tilt!,' •• til'~1 - 'a,' (1111 ·:\i.. ,;. Grilllc5, Dnr':! IIl1tfill new ulHler flae illi){l1l1~ atLdr II
:i , .:1' i.h l)aw Oil 011.\ l"lTlIrly, tit! sun, ! lultl(lol1's,
.: .:111:1'8 lll-IIW, '[an' !llItl (,fltl', A N~J.:r() r ligioU5 poem. Tis: t Iil 'I~ II' by 1"001'llf
~ ,liritl'~ ~t'U t.h~ faTlll, Bill Untlt::rwood, pilot., ThAt violin, thtl ('orner,
pll.l~,':1: fA.UI',\ \11 ~'rullk- / hi Gl:I~lIley, I'ic,.ie UeI.i{.r\ltll. _ A '''!'t!\~'ll1t'. infe~n'· · 1
till'!, ,,'I·', file pdl peddler't orn' lOul' C Ddl<ll1j~'~ VI\~"'8, All Itl\'lIMt., II to ~
wUll\(l I. w~r.: 11 boy ti.m, DII udlell1'y, Ylliii..Ill, bird of hu\!rty, :(
- a;~I:tl. Wicldel" Grole n' ltl t Plaill hllllo:\ll\/{tl by t.ruth- Tht' cr",w r
l ~: t.lI)t.C ILoIY, ordl, I .lui JUlie, Uut w :.t.


l"'~l" Iri.hlatU:l'. pa
0-1 TUIl «lim Illd '(We
P"'\lII .... Ill. h~t1l(>,
, 'Vhe" the OOWII ef.lnu D"lIth of th' owd. '(lair'
homl!, Melli ,,,g. 'hJleid, .'
f,'tlliJ{htll·.og-md1tJrlmt TIs~ ~lglll\1l1'd ·tory. The d()lIn~lt'll pl\rl.y, i\ t r:ll,t:lolI,
J'1I~ trH.;..~~Jy At four ace D:\ iot :111" Goli~h, T'l\lIm~' Tnr\, Th.· en 111 wO'llft.uhfl94
11. l, D.... tllliupc at (\June r~, A M icld(Calld r iu Tltt! ju.I:::I1.eut ()fl~ •
a"t', :llld NaomI, Rum, Frflllce. Th., IJu:'lI t Illlbblt!,
('a,·~\ o{ CurlOll, WIH' .hollld the 'pirit -"I. OIl • to Ipllre, Cllrfrw '1\J .. t I.()L riuJ
n Ihl"~, o( mortai bit prflud! I TI'l'. Breezy'.' pinl{ ~o .ui:.!lstt
: isH at'~d, Thd Nillillj( mU6tll ' he, 1111t'\\ , Ti,e 4"" t:l:,
f I" II,. t1(~:nt\1l ..t rrh~ tlIIJCiIlOO.r'S 8lory, R"c!. (,f (l/!,el, The ""IlIt!I' LJI U,
dill "cit, A 'lI.uJida{<:s {or pre,,\- J _ Cc.e ar P')lIlpey SUIlI'!' 1~lln,
Pas ,Ill :\l sll'. 1m:· d~lli, • 'III "h '. I-erlllvn t F·), t t~l's 01 the dCl\(l •
f.."S! I: 1~" q '·'1H(~n.
H•• 11 ~/l11,
All '1 .'
loa. to tho
Aouio: '8 tiek.:t,
TII!:l lIew~ y,
ell 'uih,
All IUl on \;(It''e~.
J'Ul.\ull"~J.JI.I.e~. f:uu)y, PUL'IJ conl;'lll',mclellcet


.hr.-'a lin flt"D. For ,":trio,,!! char!I.Ct rat N'()thln~ likil tm"l":~. For a mlllluilf of OInt ..
j.. li\· ... '~- lterno 'fl. }jor ix IIlId!'l. rhe tJulitJl. (Inr tw.' litU .. ~irl ,
l\. III'W IWI II r II blmld, lI'nr ix little ~irla. .\ltla! ,iull for r ·UIlIIl~i:.. Itor boO ., <cull. d paa
fI :' :tfl "" f!tll "':It ·ra. For ( ,ur r ·1O:d •• son ,"
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aj:~ TlltJ . llt·)l'le ~ I1nJ1.1. 4~ Th" C'or~nif Priu('e, :\lilUlii. 536 Wtllztll, the .'t'tHlt.
:n4 'I'll,! LI~I,I.! I IlTl g l'I'iI. 4:1~ 1<:tl1ll1l Allen'!! Rillt'R. 4 :~ Thl' :\IO(1~e HUlltet'. 531 Tltl! (~(lnkt-rl' 8h Spy.
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:17 Sihlllt. ·hot. t,la:J 'I'll, St Ile Chief. oj '7 JI) J)1\\'lcs ~ '1I ('lIullt 5-11 Wild Rllnm,
:ml Tltl! PhllntolCl :'lIil', 4:H The (; 01,) J) '111011. 4~S 1 IIlh Jlnl'llIlI,l. liH Af,!I1t's FIIII.\lIud.
a0 Tho Rc,l Weier 4 15 Eub", nil, ,' lllnr. 4 ·U The n1l-II, I illl·r~. b~a :'\lIthllU TOtld.
a ') (:rizzl\'. lIunl · r~ . 431; The ;\1(\ htl (;lIi,le. 4!10 Cnptlllll ::\1" lIy • 54.! :\1)'1 tie, tbtl Ulil,l (.,
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a'i\j Thll Black Wil.ltrt), 441 The Black, P'" 4\15 (;!'II \ 101'1U'l1. 517 i\llItlj!e Wyl,I('.
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:l'l9 J ; I~llllr Queen. 414 Tit Gm)' Senlp, 4!t8 SlIglllllnre or
Sileo, 5 0 1\1 ~. l'II,' the Child (,'
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3!1~ The !'lnUl to m I' oe. 449 ' The Tmitor Spy 1\1 "lilt \\' II, 5FJ~ Bille nick.
;{!15 IIll1 tl \ I 11'11 ur. 450 Th e (;l'IIy Jlullt!'r. 50:! Tl:n] ollble Horo. 5:;5 . ' Ilt \\'"lIl'.
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3!1 Blm'\; It()\'OI'. 45:~ The Isl lUlel lIl'ielll, IiOIl 1'1'i \'/ltl'el"tI t'I'lIi R(\. 5 'I'll(! '1'1111 'J'rJlp]ll·r.
:l!l!! Rutl 131' I t , .j5~ Th F()l'e ~ t PIiIlt'I·S9. f>(17 The luelinll QlIIWII. 5£,9 Tho I IlIlItl 1'11'11 tt.'.
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4ul Thtl II'Q-Fltllltl. 456 l'II('k ,""o(ls Banditl i. Ii\)9 The SI,lve !'('Ialplr.r. SU) BI'SP, tlic 'J'1'III'PIlI'.
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,lOt SIIt,(,t-A nl'lwr Tnlll, 459 :'I1"h ',,1111 :\)lIi«1ll1. 612 Bill lliddon, 'l'rClPl'el' 66~ TIll' (lUl.lllllkcr ( r the
·11/5 01,1 A\,(linlllp " i ~ , 4till The Qunkor ,' ('out. f)l:J Olltwnrci Boulld. Hvnlt'r,
4Uti Whit" (;IIIt!illtur. . 4lil SUIlI tl.'r·l! ,','out R, 6)4 I':ut;t nnt! \ ...·1'111 • 5/15 Rod 11111111.
4n7 BIlle ('lippeI'. I 41i~ The he Chllllll.i l Il~. fil5 The fntilnll I'rin('e~8. Mil> Ut'II, tho Trllr11l'r.
40 1<..·el f)11II. : 4Ii:! TIll' Two Gllnt'(~. 516 The FCIl(' ~ t SI',\·' 567 The ~l'l·c\t' r (')aiel'.
~n3 Thl! le'ire-E,\t,'r. 464 Qui II lillro. 517 Grn\'lorl.. the Ouido, 511 Thp Will' Killer,
410 BIl\cl.lllllvk. 465 Itu" Ruskin. !iI. 011 ;,n,1 On. 5liU Willi '1\1, Troop I' .
411 Tit,· LORt .'hip. , 4tjlj The 1\.1 \'tal RO\' ('r!l. 61!! . "til ,J(llll·~. 570 Illtlillll Joe, (~nllll!.
~I"" Bhll'k Arrow. 41'i7 ' ,11. ' tHrllll". [dO )':1111'1'11),) N ·eklactl, 57) 0),) Kl'llt I RIIIlf,!'cr.
II :~ Whi!.l' S,·rpI·nt. 41i'! ,' llI~lc 11,t1ld, :.:1\ ?I/I1II1('sl,n. 672 )III' ·E~· I'd Tl'IIl'pI'r.
~I ,I Th"1.0 t ('ilptdll. -I 1i!1 Tippy, the 'l'r, 1\11. 5'2~ Burt lIulI hr. 57::1 (;ndhll)d, the Spy.
II:; 'I'lli' Twin Tmilerll. 470 YOIlIII! :\fUlltlllll!'t'l'. 5'2:~ Pille Fur'e ~qullw. 5i4 Tht: Illnrk ,'lIip.
~ IIi () nth'lI 1I.·ltd RIIIl~I'r 1 471 Th \llll/tCt) Lil' • [,'2-1 Willifl'I·,1 Winlhrcop, 575 .'illgla-Ey(', S(CJurve.
411 ClLplllin 01' C,lpttlin R. 47\1 The Bull'1l1o Trnpp~r. 525 WI'tH'lit'r'~ Dlfllj!htel'. 5~!j 11It1i1l1l JIIII.
oll:-! W(lrl'i"r I'l'IlIt't' ·8 . ,1i:i Olel Zip, 5,,6 lI ('lIl'l~ VOl'l' \'t'r, 577 The Seout,
41!l The Blull Bllnd. -174 1,'(ll!hul'lI 1'1111. I 52. The> hOlltiul' Angel. 5~ EII!!lo 1·:\,('.
4'111 '1'111' SqllllW Chi r. 475 :\10, 10(11., th e Bmv£I, r.~" Flodt:". 619 Thl' :\ly 'til' Cnllot'.
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4'!:! ,' Ililurn B.·II. 477 IJTIl:!ooll's I'ri eh" [, aO AIIIII"" 1'101. 5 I Th" ~e'all' K I/lg,
I~ :I Tit I' :"n KIII~ ' -17 <JltI 1101 1 - t \' o r.:11 Th e \\'/l"'!' \\'nir. 5 " Old Lilt.,.
·1:14 :'IluulI tain W,I. 1 ,, : (I JlIIIII E II ~It': 5::'! Tlli~ Jfllllll'r'!! ('ullill, 1 5 ;; Ruill""ll, Hunger.

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