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• Process of Communication

• Media and Information Literacy

Media Literacy – the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media in a variety of forms
Information Literacy - the ability to recognize, locate, evaluate and communicate information
Technology Literacy – the ability of an individual to use the technological tools responsibly,
appropriately and effectively
1. Billy knew that the news he saw on twitter is fake
2. Tae yang is aware of how media influences individual, that is why he doesn’t let her 3 year old
brother to watch violent theme movies and tv shows

• Acronym
• Evolution of Media
1. Pre-Industrial Age/Prehistoric – cave painting, papyrus, clay tables
2. Industrial Age – Printing Press, telegraph, motion pictures, typewriter, newspaper,
3. Electronic Age – radio and tv
4. New Age or information Age – internet, laptop
Alexander Graham Bell
• Types of Media
1. Print media - is a paper publication.
2. Broadcast media - It is the distribution of audio and video content to a dispersed
audience via radio, television
3. Online media - which use internet to send information.
• Intellectual Property: The intangible value we place on original, creative work: the ideas and
concepts, and the physical things that represent that effort. Inventions, songs, paintings,
formulas, designs, and the models, recordings, products etc. that result from or represent the
creative effort.
• Copyright is a legal device authorizing the creator of a literary piece, artistic work, musicals or
other creative compositions the sole right to publish and sell such work.
• Economic Rights: refer to the rights of the author or copyright owner to derive financial
reward from the use of his works by others.
• Moral Rights: refer to the rights of the author to claim authorship of the work (Right of
Paternity) and the right to restrain the use of his name concerning any work, not of his creation
or a distorted version of his work.
• Plagiarism - is an instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another
author without authorization; the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not
crediting the original.

• Phishing - is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text
message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing
sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and

• infringement is any action, deliberate or unknowing, that violates the rights protected by
copyright, without permission of the owner.

• Republic Act 8293 – Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines

• Media codes and convention
Media language are the codes, conventions, formats, symbols and narrative structure that
indicate the meaning of media messages to an audience.
Symbolic codes are social in nature.
Technical codes. are all the ways in which equipment is used to tell a story in a media text like
camera techniques, framing, lighting.
Camerawork refers to how the camera is handled, positioned and moved for specific effects like
a high-angle camera shot to create a feeling of power in a photograph.
Written codes are the formal written language used in a media product.

Media Conventions are the accepted ways of using media codes

1. Form conventions are the expected ways on how media codes are arranged. In newspapers
for example, the most important news will be at the front page while sports news is found
at the back page. Newspapers also contain masthead.
2. Story conventions are common narrative structures and understandings in story telling
media products like cause and effect, character construction and point of view.
3. Genre conventions are the common use of tropes, characters, settings or themes in a
particular type of medium. They can be formal or thematic.

• Cyberbullying, Digital Divide and Computer addiction

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10175 - Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012

Republic Act 10627 - Anti-Bullying Act

Bullying - Any severe, or repeated use by one or more students of a written,

verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination

Digital divide pertains to the social and economic imbalance of the opportunities to
access to, use of or knowledge of information and communication technology

• Criteria of a reliable source

• Accuracy – refers to the verification of the information you already know against the
information found in the source
• Authority – refers to the trustworthiness of the source, which would be an author or
• Coverage – refers to the examination of the content of the source and how it fits your
information needs

• Type of computer addiction

1. Information Overload - excessive online surfing resulted to inefficient at work and have less
family interconnection
2. Compulsion- over time spent in online activities like gaming, bartering of stocks, gambling
which cause to a problem at work
3. Cybersex addiction- exceed time spent in surfing porn sites that could interfere one’s
4. Cyber- relationship- excessive time spent in social networking sites to make relationship
online than spending time to real persons like family and friends

• forms of Indigenous communication

1. Folk Media
2. Indigenous Organization
3. Economic Relationship and Services supplier
4. Deliberate Instructions
5. Unstructured Channel

• Media convergence is the merging (or joining together) of previously distinct media
to create entirely new forms of communication expression

• UNESCO supports the development of media and information literacy for all to
enable people’s ability to think critically and click wisely. The Organization
particularly strives to enhance the capacities of policymakers, educators,
information and media professionals, youth organizations, and disadvantaged
populations in this area, assisting Member States to formulate national media
and information literacy policies and strategies.

• The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(UNESCO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations aimed at promoting
world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts,
sciences and culture

• A Normative theory describes an ideal way for a media system to be controlled and
operated by the government, authority, leader and public.
• Normative theories are more focused in the relationship between Press and the
Government than press and the audience. These theories are more concern about the
ownership of the media and who controls the press or media in the country.


• Authoritarian theory describe that all forms of communications are under the control
of the governing elite or authorities or influential bureaucrats.
• The Libertarian theory says people are rational and their rational thoughts lead them
to find out what are good and bad. The press should not restrict anything even a negative
content may give knowledge and can make better decision whilst worst situation.
• Social responsibility theory allows free press without any censorship but at the same
time the content of the press should be discussed in public panel and media should
accept any obligation from public interference or professional self regulations or both.
• Soviet media theory is imitative of Leninist principles which based on the Carl Marx
and Engel’s ideology. The government undertake or controls the total media and
communication to serve working classes and their interest. Theory says the state have
absolute power to control any media for the benefits of people.

Censorship is a suppression of any communication which may consider as harmful to the
people, King, government and its nation.

different types of censors like

▪ Political censor
▪ Moral censor
▪ Religious censor
▪ Military censor
▪ Corporate censor

The group of individuals having high opportunity to acquire digital skills.

a. professional and students c. group of disabled person

b. grandparents at home d. people living in rural areas

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