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1 Slajd:

The first thing we would like to change in our school is to increase the space, because when
students leave the classroom for a break, they jostle in the corridor because there is not enough
space and it is difficult to get to the room where the next lesson takes place.

2 slajd:

The second thing we would like to change is the complete lack of homework because when some
students finish their lessons very late for example at 7:30 p.m. and they are very tired so they usually
go to bed and forget to do their homework.

3 slajd:

The next thing we would like to change is internet. Many teachers complain about the slow and poor
internet at our school because of which, for example, they are unable to conduct their lessons
because the browser stutters and they cannot fire up their presentation.

4 slajd:

Another thing we would like to change is to introduce more sports competitions because school is
not only learning but also developing your skills and we think that more frequent sports
competitions, for example basketball or football, will help us develop our skills.

5 slajd:

The next thing we would like to add are more frequent educational trips. They will help us get to
know the world from a different perspective, learn something new and deepen our knowledge on
a given topic. Thanks to them, our class can also integrate and have fun together.

6 slajd:

The last thing we would like to introduce is after-school activities, thanks to which we can talk to
the teacher about something we do not understand and he will help us understand and explain it
better. We also would to introduce sports activities, which in our opinion are a springboard from
learning and we can get some physical activity.

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