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Awareness of Grade 10 Students for their Career Path: Basis for

Career Guidance Program

Deo J. Galvez1*
Arts and Sciences, Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Znac Tampilisan Zamboanga Del Norte, Philippines

*Corresponding Author:

Accepted: | Published:

Abstract: This study aims to determine the Awareness of Grade 10 Students of Southern City
Colleges for their career Path: Basis for Career Guidance and alignment of their Program
Choice. This study utilizes descriptive method of research to determine the factors. It would
see if the variables relating to personality, family/relatives, interests and job opportunities
were significant factors influencing the track preferences of the respondents. The descriptive
research used quantitative methods to assess the feedback from the respondents. The
scale/questionnaire is sent to the respondents via social media accounts for research and
collected after all the results are gathered. Most of the literature gathered talks about the
Awareness of Grade 10 Students of Southern City Colleges in their Career Path, namely
personality, family, interests, and job opportunities, which would specialize in senior high
school of the K-12 curriculum.

Keywords: career path, program choice, career guidance


1. Introduction

The Philippines before the implementation of K to 12 was the only Asian country to have a
10-year education program, and one of the three countries which still has it implemented
along with Djibouti and Angola in Africa (Geronimo, 2013). Ten years of education has
always been a debate when it comes to competitiveness with other countries which have K to
12 or more years of education and unable to master basic competencies that they need. The
mastery of basic competencies and the age of the youth who have undergone the 10-year
basic education were also things the Department of Education needs to contend to. To battle
the problem of unemployment and par up with the developing countries, The Department of
Education implements the K To 12 Basic Education Program because 10 years of education
and is considered congested (SEAMEO, 2012). This initiative by the Department of
Education aims to improve the quality of education and offers an education system that
provides ample time for students to master the needed skills and the basic competencies that
they need.

Many schools lack consistent mechanisms to channel information to students, leaving those
searching for college information on their own to navigate their college path (Bell et al.,
2009; Brown et al., 2016; Bryan et al., 2011). Providing college information and guidance
does not require a lot of money, but it does demand human capital (developing a college

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knowledge and infrastructure within high schools) and social capital (interconnected and
interdependent schools and families) to ensure that all students have the resources needed to
make informed college decisions (Plank & Jordin, 2001; Simmons, 2011). Mulhern (2019b)
found that school counsellors directly impact student educational attainment, specifically
high school graduation and college attendance, selectivity and persistence, by providing
students with improved information and personalized assistance.

This research shows that one of the reason students of Southern City Colleges find it difficult
to choose a career is because they are influences/factors such us interest, parental or family
decisions, socioeconomic status and peer pressure may trigger student’s suspicion, which
makes it difficult for them to choose a career that suits them. One of the latest additions to the
K-12 curriculum and one of the main highlights is the career path, more called the track. It
provides professional opportunities in the fields of academics, technical-career-livelihoods,
sports, and the arts. Students can choose according to their abilities, interests, and school
abilities. The choice of career track will determine the subject content that a student will
study in senior high school and prepare him/her for his/her career.

The tracks aforementioned are as follows:

1.1 Academic, which is further subdivided into three strands:

a. Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
b. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
c. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
1.2 Technical-vocational, which is further subdivided into four strands:
a. Agriculture-Fisheries
b. Home Economics
c. Industrial Arts
d. Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
1.3 Sports
1.4 Arts and Design

The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect the Awareness of G10
Students of Southern City Colleges for their Career Path: Basis for Career Guidance and
alignment of their Program Choice. As it seeks to identify awareness affecting the
phenomenon and evaluate data gathered based on quantity.

2. Literature Review

Students’ academic achievement, aspirations, and expectations were also associated with
their enrollment decisions (Chapman, 1981; Hossler & Gallagher, 1987; Kinzie et al., 2004).
Students used academic performance to evaluate the probability of acceptance by particular
institutions (Chapman, 1981). Students of higher academic ability tended to attain more
information, make more complex decisions, and select more alternatives than lower academic
ability students (Galotti, 1995). Griffith and Rothstein (2009) pointed out that good high
schools can better prepare students for college and provide more information about the

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opportunities available in colleges. Thus, students who graduated from private high schools
were more likely to consider selective colleges. Toutkoushian (2001) found that college-
bound students were more likely to attend institutions where their academic ability matched
that of currently enrolled students.

Parental education, another component of socioeconomic status, has a strong influence

through the college selection process, although it is often correlated with income. Several
studies revealed that parents’ expectations, experience of financing their own college study,
involvement in information search, knowledge and understanding of college cost and aid, and
willingness and ability to provide financial support to colleges, had a strong effect on
students’ college decisions (Bergerson, 2009; Chapman, 1981; Hossler, Schmit, & Vesper,
1999; Kim & Gasman, 2011; Kinzie et al., 2004; Litten, 1982; Myers & Myers, 2012;
Pampaloni, 2010; Paulsen & St. John, 2002). The results from Hossler et al. (1999) suggested
that parent’s educational experience greatly helped their children in college aspiration,
preparation, and actualization of college plans. Rowan-Kenyon, Bell, and Perna (2008) did a
case study using data from the National Educational Longitudinal Study (NELS) and found
that parents’ involvement in the college choice process was affected by the parents’ economic
status and educational attainment and also by high school resources and state policy.

Career guidance is the last factor in getting a job. Career counseling can reduce the number of
changes in career choices early in life. Psychological testing is a means to help students focus
on appropriate career choices, which can produce better employment records, such as
stability throughout the student’s career, promotion income, and employer ratings. Senior
High School is two years of specialized upper secondary education; students may choose a
specialization based on aptitude, interests, and school capacity. The choice of career track
will define the content of the subjects a student will take in Grades 11 and 12. SHS subjects
fall under either the Core Curriculum or specific Tracks (Official Gazette, 2012). Senior High
School (SHS) covers the last two years of the K to 12 program and includes Grades 11 and
12. In SHS, students will go through a core curriculum and subjects under a track of their
choice The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years
of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School
[SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong
learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development,
employment, and entrepreneur ship. Each student in Senior High School can choose among
three tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts. The
Academic track includes three strands: Accountancy, Business Management (ABM);
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS); and Science, Technology, Engineering,
Mathematics (STEM). Students undergo immersion, which may Include earn-while-you-learn
opportunities, to provide them relevant exposure and actual experience in their chosen track
(Official Gazette, 2012).

Filipinos are known to be competitive in the international community. However, our current
education system hinders us from becoming even more competitive. Starting in the 2012-
2013 school year, the education system of the Philippines was enhanced from the ten years of

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basic education to a 12-year program through an initiative called the K-12 Education Plan
sponsored by the Department of Education (Hub Pages Inc. 2016). The K-12 program offers
a decongested 12-year program that gives students sufficient time to master skills and absorb
basic competencies. The K-12 program accelerates mutual recognition of Filipino graduates
and professionals in other countries (K-12 Philippines, 2015).

3. Methodology

Choosing Appropriate Research Methodologies

Research methodology is a process used to collect information and data for the purpose of
making business decisions. The methodology may include publication research, interviews,
surveys and other research techniques, and could include both present and historical

Figure 1: Example (TNR, 10, single spacing, bold, centre)

4. Conclusion

The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper,
to synthesize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your
reader to a new view of the subject. It is also your opportunity to make a good final
impression and to end on a positive note.
References (APA Format)

Harrington, A. (2005). Modern Social Theory. 1-13.

Harris, A. L., Lang, M., Yates, D., & Kruck, S. E. (2008). Incorporating Ethics and Social
Responsibility in IS Education. Journal of Information Systems Education, 22(3), 183-
Harun, R., Hock, L. K., & Othman, F. (2011). Environmental Knowledge and Attitude
among Students in Sabah. World Applied Sciences Journal, 14, 83-87.

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