Skills From The Past - Dominic Portero - Josue Andino

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Members: Date: 16-10-2022

• Israel Andino
• Dominic Portero

Skills From the Past

In the past there were some skills that human beings learned to meet their needs,
improve their capabilities, and take advantage of their free time. We think that some of
these skills, like baking and knitting, were gradually forgotten or less frequently carried
out, although practicing them brings several benefits.
Times have evolved and today's woman, when she prepares to become a professional or
take on roles considered masculine such as working outside the home, which is now
considered totally normal, no longer has all the time she would need to learn to sew,
knit or embroider and therefore this activity has become somewhat obsolete, little
practiced today. But knitting can help people suffering from anxiety, depression, or
anxiety conditions, according to experts. It can also reduce stress, increase happiness,
and protect the brain from damage caused by aging, so we should consider practicing it
at some point.
Baking is one of the skills of the past with several benefits. When you bake, you
develop patience, perseverance and increase your creative skills. Many people prefer to
buy pre-baked cakes to save time, however, they are unaware of the amount of harmful
ingredients and preservatives they contain. By baking on your own, you can choose
ingredients that benefit your body, thus taking care of your health.
In summary, there are a few skills from the past that most people forget or overlook.
Past activities, such as those mentioned above like knitting or baking help us to
disconnect from the daily routine, avoid stress or reduce anxiety and taking care about
our health. We believe that these activities, despite not being common, can help us a lot
by expanding our talents, helping us to develop new skills, strengthening our self-
discipline and our creativity.

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