Weltz-Beeswax Orgonite

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World Leader in Orgone and Radionics Technology

of the
The Site of Karl Hans Welz, Inventor
Chi Generator®, Orgonite® and Orgone
Croft used "metal shavings" which worked ok, but needed
much more epoxy or any other polymer - which contributed
to the massvie sizes of such devices - the finer the metal
powder, the more "layers" in a Reichian sense. For
beginners: you can use bees' wax, tar or paraffin
("candlewax") - which, of course, does not have the stability
of expoy, polyester, asphalt or any other "solid" carbon-
based polymer. You can also use "powdered wood cellulose"
(wood dust from belt sanders) mixed with some type of
glue. Glue itself is "organic" - therefore mixing metal
powder (you can get very fine powder in arts supply stores)
with glue or latex paint makes excellent orgonite for
layering/painting a few times over metal casings such as
stainless steel cooking pots and the like, and you are
ending up with a nice orgone accumulator! What counts is
that one part is "organic" while the other one is "metallic."
Use your creativity!

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