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11:12 BM O®@s © 84 872% < @ BunnyApril llovepdf Compresse... < : = $3 SCRIBD _ Buscar Q y S$ A $5 ina a) Inicio, Libros Audiolibros: Documentos é € <= Enviar < e a fF 11:12 BM O®@s © 84 872% < @ BunnyApril llovepdf Compresse... < : — S SCRIBD ( Buscar Q Abbreviation: ch=chatn SSc~ single crochet 1De~ double crochet st serch tnc~increase 2 sc or 2de in one st) Dec - invisible decrease (crochet next 2st together) BLO- back loops only {n] incDec -inerease/decrease [n] mes St st—stip stitch R-rowround (0 x.- repeat instructions in brackets umes Number in )at the end of the Row Indicates number of sin that Row *size ofthe toy crocheted using recommended yarn -30¢m/11,8 in net Induding ears iQué es Scribd? S ug 0 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos ee em < e a fT 11:12 BM O®@s © 84 872% < @ BunnyApril llovepdf Compresse... < — sS SCRIBD | Buscar Q PTC ecg HEAD: Work with plush yarn and Nook size 2 mm, [tis important not to get confused with number ‘of rows. | adise to mark each rw with pen! on the sheet of paper. RI: 6c in magic ring Ra:6inc(12) 8: (1 sc, ne) 6 (18) a: (2s, ne) x 6 (24) RS: (3c, Ing)x 6 (30) Re: (4c, Ing)x 6 (36) R78: 36 2c 9: (5c, Ine) x 6 (42) Riot: 425¢ 12: (656, ncbx6 (48) R13: (7c, ine)x 6 (54) 14-19 (6 rounds): 54 se R20:(7 se, dee) x (48) R21: Gee, dex 6 (42) R22: (5, deg) 6 (36) R23: (45¢, deg) 6 (30) R24: (3c, dec)x 6 (24) At this stage staff eta with fer fling This is ‘important moment as we form our detail with the help offer and make it ight shape. tuff s tight ry to make your detail the some shape ‘5 shown on the picture. R25: (25, deg 6 (18) R26: (1 sc, deg 6 (12) ‘Stuff litte bit more. Ct the yarn. Hide yarn til inside the deta Here it. Fist detail is reody. Further wil be iQué es Scribd? S q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos é € <= Enviar < e a BS Sistema © 84 872% Se guard6 la captura de pantalla & Presiona para ver la captura de pantalla on COMPARTIR EDITAR BORRAR Ne EARS: Crochet ears from textured yarn. Don't stuf them, Make 2 details fi: 6scin magle ring, 2:6 ne (12) Ra: 12s¢ ae (750, Inc) x 6 (18) RS: 185¢ 6: (2c, ne) 6 (24) 27-13 (7 rounds): 24 se R14: (2c, dec) 6 (18) ais: 180 216: (1, dec) 6 (12) a7: 12<0 Fold edges together ond single crochet them. tn such way we will make detail la in order to sew t to the head then. iQué es Scribd? § q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos ee tom < e a fT 11:14 BM OO s © 84 872% BunnyApril llovepdf Compresse... : < @ < . = $3 SCRIBD | Buscar Q PTC ecg paces byte BODY: ‘Start working wits Light tila color yarn i: 6scin magle ring 2:6 nc (12) 3: (1 5c, ne) x6 (18) fa (2, ne} 6 (24) RS: (Bsc, NG)x6 (30) Re: (Asc, nc) 6 (36) 7: (9, ne) x6 (42) RB: (Bsc, NG.X (48) Raz: 42 sc change yarn color ta the chasen cress color. In my caseitis lac. Ané continue te crochet 13: ab ec RIA: BLO 48 se RIS-17: 48 5c R18: (05, dec) 6 (42) Sheuesem one tod 19-20: 425¢ See Bz: (556, dec) 6 (39) : 220-23: 36s¢ R24: (45, dec) 6 (20) R525: 30s 827:(3 5, dec) x 6 (24) 828-20: 24 se ‘Cute yarn eaving a long til for sewing. “Stuff ght trying to make body similar shape ‘shown on te picture. iQué es Scribd? § q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos é € <= Enviar < e a ® Sistema © 84 872% Se guard6 la captura de pantalla Presiona para ver la captura de pantalla & COMPARTIR EDITAR BORRAR PTC a DRESS: ody ready! So Is tne to crochet our ‘bunny nice and sweet outfit! We wil crochet skit right ro the body using remaining from oops in Rr4 Insert hookin fist loop and chain 3 ‘Hal top part of body ower yourself ane crochet counter clockwise. RI: 2de In each st! st (96) R2:¢h 3, 96 de, sst R3:ch3,1 dcin tst st Incinto the and st-alternate this sequence tothe end of the round, sist. Ra: ch 3,1 dcinto each sts st(144) RScch 1, 143, lt Yarn ti hide between the loops ofthe skirt ur dress is ready. Put tose il the assembly ‘moment S q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos ee tom < e a T ® Sistema O84 a71% Se guard6 la captura de pantalla Presiona para ver la captura de pantalla 5S COMPARTIR EDITAR BORRAR Felt Raecfas| ole Fg S q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos ee tom < e a T BS Sistema © 84 71% Se guard6 la captura de pantalla & Presiona para ver la captura de pantalla & COMPARTIR EDITAR BORRAR LEGS: Start to crochet legs from the shoes. My shoes wal be Yellow. We wl tort from crocheting sole ofthe shoes around as for baby booties. Rt: Make a chain of 9, 2s ita the 2nd eh from the hook, Sen next, 6¢ In the last ch. Workingon other side of beginning chain scinmext 6 ch, ne in the last chain (22) 2: Inc, 156, Inc, 65C, 4 Ne, 6 sc, ne, 1 sc, Ine 20) 3-056, (1s Ine) x 6, 9 ¢ (36) a (56, Ing) 6 (42) RS: BLO 4256 RO: 42 sc 9-12 sc, (1c, dee)x 6, 12s (36) R10: 2656 RIT: 1256, 6 dec, 12s¢ (30) iQué es Scribd? S q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos é € <= Enviar ry < e a v ® Sistema O84 a71% Se guard6 la captura de pantalla Presiona para ver la captura de pantalla COMPARTIR EDITAR BORRAR PTC a ‘Chari yar fo Wetared oe aid cone crochet leg R1Z:BL0 20 se R13:(35¢ degx 6 (24) R14: (2c, dec) 6 (18) RIS: (15c, degx 6 (12) [Stuf tight bottom ofthe leg with fiber. My to Jorm foot shape as shown on the picture 16-35 (20 roundsy: 12 5¢ Stuf eg 0 the top, ‘After thot fasten ff the loops withthe hep of needle and close the hole. Hide yarn toil inside the detail Then we wil crochet a casa to make our shoe look like rea. in ‘212 crocheted BLO, determine the center and count 8 stitches {inthe center. Mork beginning and the end with pins. ‘Remolning (30 st-& st = 22 st) 22 stitches single crochet ‘round using remaining front loops. Don cut the yorn, make ‘chain of 8 and make ss fist stitch ofthe row. Hide yarn ail nse the deta. iQué es Scribd? S q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos é € <= Enviar LC < e a ® Sistema © 84 71% Se guard6 la captura de pantalla o# Presiona para ver la captura de pantalla COMPARTIR EDITAR BORRAR Ne ARMS: Work wth textured yarn. ‘Make 2 details. Don't stuf lst 5 rounds, leave this space without fling Ri: 6scinmagicring 2: (1s¢,IngX3 (2) R322: 9c Fold edges together and single crochet them. S q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos ee tom < e a fT 11:15 BM O®@ © 84 71% < @ BunnyApril llovepdf Compresse... < — S SCRIBD ( Buscar Q Crd ASSEMBLY: First sew head ta the body previously securing itwith pins. Everything should be even and symmetric. ‘When there a small hole left, stuff the area between head and body with fiber ‘ught, so our head don't hang out Cut the yarn and hide yarn tail inside the detail ‘Sew arms on the ses af the body previously securing them with pins. Felt Raecfas| ole Fg S q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos ee tom < e a T ® Sistema © 84 71% Se guard6 la captura de pantalla “& Presiona para ver la captura de pantalla m COMPARTIR EDITAR BORRAR ‘sew legs using button or thread joint. used button Joint. order to do tive will need Cotton yarn and 2 buttons. ‘watch video how to do both joints: teps:youtu be7227_QyiQ iQué es Scribd? S q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos ee tom < e a fT & sistema Se guard6 la captura de pantalla Presiona para ver la captura de pantalla COMPARTIR EDITAR BORRAR iQué es Scribd? S q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos ee tom < e a T BS Sistema O84 a71% Se guard6 la captura de pantalla Presiona para ver la captura de pantalla & COMPARTIR EDITAR BORRAR Sew ears inthe center ofthe head, previously folding them in half on a vertical. we sew the ears firmly, so that they keep the shape well iQué es Scribd? § q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos ee tom < e a v 11:15 BM O®@ O84 a71% < @ BunnyApril llovepdf Compresse... < = §3 SCRIBD ( Buscar Q Crd Now wel finish bunny’s “face First crochet muzzle from textured yar: ai: 6scin magiering az:6mnet(t2) 25: (1s Ine) x6 (18) as (2c, nx (24) R524 SC Cutthe yarn leaving along tal for sewing ito the head, in muzzle to the head. Its necessary to place it exactly Inthe center ofthe bottom of the head. When there's asmall hole left stuff he area between head and muzele wth flber tight. Embroider nase with pink loss in the center ofthe muzzle. Make about 2-4 stitches horlzontally and one sttch verily & # soy % iQué es Scribd? S q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos é € <= Enviar eryIO)Y < e a T BS Sistema © 84 71% Se guard6 la captura de pantalla i wha Presiona para ver la captura de pantalla 4 COMPARTIR EDITAR BORRAR bark place for eves with pins before sewing them, Sew eyes with black sewing thread. Use dry pastel and brush for blush. Chip pastel ona sheet of paper. Gertly put a blush on cheeks withthe help of brush iQué es Scribd? S q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos ee tom < e a fT 11:15 BM O®@s O84 a71% < @ BunnyApril llovepdf Compresse... < : — S$ SCRIBD ( Buscar & ‘Our bunny is almost ready! it remains to weave a wreath of spring flowers and put on a mantle, In order she is warm and cozy in cool May mornings. Flowers and leaves crochet using a pattern on the picture, Then sew them ane by one to the head forming composition. Crochet flawer for each shoe as well and one flower for mane Yoemory, Hower WV AY AWAY WAY WAN Egle weien ch cof deem EC. Sok beat seeeee CEH sc CoH oe iQué es Scribd? § q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos é € <= Enviar ry < e a fT BS Sistema © 84 71% Se guard6 la captura de pantalla sf. Presiona para ver la captura de pantalla COMPARTIR EDITAR BORRAR PTC a WIAINTCE: I crocheted a mantle for bunny fram catton yarn Varn Art Begonia and hook size 1,5 mm First, make chain. Itshould be the length of bunny's neck circumference. ive got 40 ch. ‘Then we need to devide these 40 chains into 2 front parts, back, sleeves and raglan stiches, ‘we have 4ragian stitches, 40-4=36. Then take 4stfor each sleeve. 36-8-28, Halve 28 st. Weve {got 14 for back and 14 for front of the mantle, Since our front will have 2 parts, then we have 7 st for each part: Pattern ready, now we can start crocheting. Work in tums, Rt: ch3, 7dc,3de into one st thats raglan st) 4de, 3 de nto one st, 14 de, 3d into one st, 4 de, 3 deinto one st 7 de ax: crochet similar to first one only make Inc aut of 3dc into the middle st of raglan st Due to this our mantle increases ite by Ite, Periodically ty mantle on the bunny, TP iQué es Scribd? § q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos ee tom < e a BS Sistema © 84 71% Se guard6 la captura de pantalla Presiona para ver la captura de pantalla ae COMPARTIR EDITAR BORRAR ‘Qué es Scribd?. S q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos é € <= Enviar ry < e a v BS Sistema © 84 71% Se guard6 la captura de pantalla Presiona para ver la captura de pantalla COMPARTIR EDITAR BORRAR Bottom af the mantle Wellin with ruche:S de inte the HWE St of previOUE Yow, YI st into the and and 3rd stof the row..alternate this sequence tll the end of the row. Don't forget to make a loop for button, iQué es Scribd? S q 8 A Inicio Libros Audiolibros Documentos DAR é € << Enviar ps < e a v

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