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Read the questions carefully. Only ONE answer is correct for each question.

total number of questions is 30. Use a blue or black pen. Do NOT use a
pencil. Do NOT use a correcting pen (blanco). Write X inside the correct box as
in the example. Use this exam sheet as your draft

1. What does 'Christian mythology' mean?

a. Unbelievable stories that early Christians told for entertainment
b. The body of literary works based on what Christians believed in the Bible
c.The body of traditional narratives associated with the
Christianity (mostly in the Bible
d. Oral stories that scholars transmitted from ancient times and from the Bible

2. The first Christians were:

a. Muslims
c. Atheists
d. Buddhists

3. Which statement is true:

Christians added books of their own to form the New Testament
b. Christians respected what was in the original divine book to form the New
c. Christians interpreted the Bible to form the New Testament
d. Christians were inspired from ancient mythologies to form the New

4. Which 2 books were the most important sources of Christian mythology?

Q The Bible and Revelation.
b. The Iliad and Genesis
c. The Revelation and Classical mythology
(d) Genesis and Revelation

5. Western concepts of the universe and man were formed by:

a. The collection of myths about the early history of mankind that was common
knowledge in the west
b. The collection of theories of famous western scholars and philosophers
c. The collection of books from ancient times in the western world
d. The collection of western beliefs in ancient traditions and customs

6. Greek mythology is embodied:

a. In a big number of books studied at ancient schools
b. Explicitly in literary works and implicitly in scientific works
c. Explicitly in a large collection of narratives and implicitly in representational
d. In the ways people thought about how everything was made in the universe

7. What is the first written record of Greece?

a. The Bible
T) The Iliad
c. The Odyssey
d. The Synth

8. The Greeks made their gods in:

Their own image
b. Their own dream
c. Their own theory
d. Their own will

9. Why did the Greeks feel comfortable with their gods?

a. Because the gods fulfilled their dreams
b. Because the gods' stories reflected what people expected
c. Because the gods' appearance and actions were made of life and personality
d. Because the gods' celebrations made all the people feel happy

10. According to the most modern idea, a real myth

a. Has nothing to do with science
b. Has nothing to do with religion
c. Encourages man to reflect on the universe
d. Is the one based on the theories of ancient scholars

11.1n Western culture, where have poets and artists (from ancient times to the
present) derived inspiration from?
a. Greek mythology
b. Eastern mythology
c. Ancient philosophers
d. Early books of literature

12. God said, "Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters". 'Expanse' means:
a. A huge wave
b. A big ship or boat
c. A high wail or fence
. A wide space or area

13. God said, "Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures." What does
`teem with' mean:
a. Be loaded
b. Be emptied
c. Be surrounded
d. Be mixed

14. According to Western mythology, who was created first by God?

a. Men and women
b. Sea monsters
c. Small insects
d. The stars in the sky

15. What tree was man ordered not to eat from?

a. The tree of life
b. The tree of apples
c. The tree of learning
d. The tree of strength

16. Narcissus story stands for

a. love for humanity
b. the fate of pride and failure to return love to others
c. self-centered love
d. both b and c

17. According to the Christian story of creation

a. Men and women were created at the same time
b. Men came out of women's body
c. The snake and women were created first ®
Women came out of men's rib
18. the story of the seven days of creation

a. was supported by 19th century geology and paleontology research

b. was not believed to be true by generations of Christians
c. was undermined by modern scientific research
d. was not supported by all Christians

19. According to the Genesis,

a. The universe existed before 5th century BC

b. The universe used to be a watery chaos
c. The universe was made of water and earth
d. The universe came out of an explosion of a hot mass

20. Literal meaning of the text means

a. original and strict sense

b. figurative sense
c. both a and b
d. true sense

21. The point of the myth in Genesis

a. depends on literal accuracy

b. does not depend on literal accuracy
c. is straightforward and clear
d. cannot be read outside its literal meaning

22. The Myth of progress

a. stands for science

b. stands for a new reading of Christian mythology
c. stands for evolutionary theory
d. stands for the decline of Christian mythology

23. The myth of progress

a, glorifies man
b. is a progressive attitude towards men and the universe
c. puts forwards the idea that the west is a model of progress
d. puts forward values of equality and freedom

24. The story of Cain and Abel stands for

a. the experience of first generation of human kind

b. love of the self
c. the importance of sacrifice and charity for the Christian text
d. violence

25. Abel and Cain's jobs were

a. Abel was a farmer and Cain was a shepherd

b. Cain worked with animals and Abel worked in his farm
c. Abel was a shepherd and Cain was a farther
d. They both were jobless

26. According to the story of Cain and Abel

a. God accepted both Cain and Abel's offerings

b. God rejected both of their offerings
c. God rejected Cain's offerings and was pleased with Abel's
d. God accepted Cain's offering but rejected Abel's

27. The story of the myth of Cain and Abel

a. is about men's happiness

b. condemns greed and envy
c. teaches selfishness
d. has a message for farmers and shepherds

28. What is the lesson conveyed by the myth of Daedalus and Icarus?

a. Dreams can come true

b. It teaches a lesson on moderation

29. Deadalus was

a. A physician
b. A ban artificer
c. A politician
d. An artist

30. Daedalus built

a. the first airplane in human history

b. The labyrinth for King Minos
c. the first palace
d. the first bridge

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