X-Rays Final Exam

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ee ee ea * 2Which of the following is least radiosensitive tissue a. Wee, sone cals Epithelial cals Q b, Muscle cels,nere calls, Young bone ces C) ¢. Connective tissue cell, endothelial cell, muscle cell C) 4 REO, Mosce cel neve cell @ A mother with her six months old child suffering from cleft lip and palate attend the Dental Radiology Clinic. the person who must be with the child during to redia 1. Mere than 1 year ol ractograpner. © The mother. ©) indicated and never to be done in such age BE syn gies eg anal EAPO Sem }OCEGW pou yT-ZeimZMbHOOBEAuMOCTOTakiq86Shw/lormesponce “ln radiobiology, the ‘atent period’ represent the period of time between 8. call rest and call mitosis. Q) Theft and last dose in radiation therapy. C) «. Fim exposure andimage development O) 4 Retation exposure and onset of circa symptoms @ ‘To minimizo the exposure to the patient 4H uct stand wih on agi of 90-125 ‘othe radiation bear wih Sfets aay. from the eource of Xray raiation b Barrier iterpose betwoon the source of raciaton andthe patient. O) «. Both of the above. Q) 4 Nove ofthe above, @ Radiographic appearance of Cementurn 1 cannot be seen radiographicaly. @) re08 ofthe root opaque area aranged in lace ke pattem ©) oO both Inia hotizont Radiopsque area usually ly gel cally ell aX *:Radiolucent appearance 4. Refers to structures with high atomic number.) i | © Asmucre ht appears anv ona adopt ak desiyandpumis te | | passage ofthe Xray bear with tle or no resistance €.Reersto that portion of a processed radog-aph that appears ligt or ite. ©) 4. None ofthe above. Q) “Lamina dura 21s the radiopaque border of bone surrounding the periodontal igament. @) They are usually coarse and run ina horizontal pattern 6: Tadhlucent area which usally coarse and unin a horizontal potter. d.Allofthe above. © O20: Radiopaque restorative materials a acre O Be sat it scaly wg x TOOTIGW._pbu tyT-ZeimZMbHQ0tzUumOCTIX?xkdqB6Siw/formResponse *:Maxillary sinus | a. Adominant radioopacity not seen until after 5 years of age. @ pelea etohucanctes siradoguite Ue nceneaee CO) ere pactehucency, nested between ow stove reatilary central mcisors, ©) 4. Bilotert raciolucency shown above the upper bicuspid and molars area C) An ideal panoramic image for teenage boy with complete permanent teeth, show root resorption in upper centralincisors area, (no pathological abnormalities * seen). it could be 2. Physiologic root res b. idiopathic tooth resorption. CQ. « Pathelogic tooth resorption OQ, t dung a panoramic exposure. @ 4, Patient moverner + Digital Imaging System ures the photon intensity of the Xray beam after ithas passed — Cy a. The detector through the patiers and convert it into electrical signal. BB rit pt sly al a «. Pathologie oath escrption. C) 4 Parana ings prea expone @ | ) * Digital Imagine Syetem 8 The detector menses the photon neni fhe Xray eam aerthaspessed ‘through the patient and convert it ino electrical signal He ateres ees sre eteet sient) Each pte hasan x andy coosinae ands endeec esa need equence depencenton tre amet ot Xray ster ° 4.alotthe above. © “an digital imaging smation an incorporation into patient reco 2, Storage and archiving of patont in isdn’, oO bTranste of images electronically (eleradiclogy is tmited. CQ) and process ES SS MATIN SS tT none “sIncipient periociontal disease radiographic appearance 2 Bone sclerosis, wiangulavon, widening of penodonal space at the crest of O° interproximal bone with early periodontal pocket formation £: Cresta ireguertes, bone sleosis between the lain dra of wo adjacent teeth, ° ‘slangulation with esty periodontal pocket fermation © Crestal irregularities, bone sclerosis between th amin cra wo ace tet, ‘and triangulation but without bone loss. ® 4 Allotne above. O) well-defined periapical radioliceney for a 20;years old with lower first premolar ale, on clinical examination the tooth i vita with mid occlusal car ne agnosis is 2. Sipeiimpesiin of mental foramen, ©) : b- Incomplete root formation. O) & Pesiepical ft ort tage of cerentclasiom @ 1 Pesipical anscess OQ) ES Se ScmXXTrGWI_pbutyT-ZeimZMbHQ08fzUumOCTEXTxkdq86Siw/formResponse *:Dental caries a.Cemental caries occur in areas covered by a well attached gingival. () b, Errors in horizontal angulation does not affects the interpretation of of dental Oo caries. 6. Caries that involves the pit and fissure surfaces ofthe posterior teeth istermed — @ ‘occlusal caries 4, Occlusal caries is seen on a radiograph even there is no involvement of the D&I ©) + :Cleidoeranial Dysplasia An inherted disorder involving the cranium, face, clawicles and supemumerary 6 teeth © 'p, An inherited disorder involving lack of hait, sweat glands (nypohyd sie) andteeth slogy of enamel. O) molar eetn of humans whereby te body ofthe tooth Cy (panial an «. Genetic disturbances in enamel formation leading to altered mo 1s a condition found in ‘and pulp chamber is enlarged vertically at the expense of the root * Dental fusion 2. Formation of two crowns from a single tooth bud ©) SS oS * Dental fusion 2 Formation of we crowns from a single ttn butt ©) ' The phenomencn of fusion has often been contused wih gemination especialy @ : involves a supernumerary tooth | @ Tooth appears to have two crowns, but upon counting the teeth, @ normal cumber Cy | of them are found 4-Two apparent fused crows ae reser and on courting the oath theres one Cy ‘more than normal, * ALARA a systems employ feusobe photostimultle phosphor imaging plates. ©) t.Process of mavila and zygomatic bore zygomatic process seen as V-shaped b radiopaciy in the apical fis of molar area ® Acronym fora philosophy of use of radiation based on using dosages asiowas Gy reasonably achiovable o attain the desired diagnostic, therapeutic, or other goal 4. type of cares resulting from xerostomia caused by head and neck radistion Cy therapy. or aphieopy of use of achievable to atta the desired diagn esg tom xrotoria cate reasonably arypoot caries! by head and neck radiation ery, ccondary to petiapicalinflammatory disease of the may occurred is Inpermanent teeth 20 jing deciduous tooth, @ condi vey ataloncusp O Enamel peatis Q inperiect Q) +: panoramic fim is preferred Fp eplriator fr panorarmi =diogrePh” PrOSMCC® 2 ae aaa mane somtimes ones ° and rotate around patient expoces smallporion ofthe mas tubehead — @ by Narow rectangular xray beam that ‘and foie around patent beam that exposes srl partion of he fim as ube head and Cy wide crear xa fim rte arourd the patent “wide etonglr xray bean that exposes a lrge portion of the fim astubehaad Cy ‘nd fil rotate arcund patient sei = poster Sideto aie, Posroansto; tucoingva|anierisrposteror @ ae, Sup * Inideal panora lusal plane exhbiis a sigh ees fight curve ot smile in anstiadbuinaes Be Buccs MPOKTIGW pbutyT-7eimZMbHOnBUumOC TEX eda B6Siw/f OSA e123) x formfesponse * In ideal panoramic image 8. The mand is‘ shaped. Q The occlusal plane exhibits a slight curve or emi ine downwards © Magnification must be zero in both sides of the midline 4-All ofthe above @®@oo roaced as much as 50% . * Exposure time required for old people may have be increased as much as 5% ste © @ DF ier thanx maior bore OD bie, bone trabecule din thermandible 1d SO) ranged ina lace Fk ulae in maxilla fine and a > Mectal ke 2 Rory proninereeexentng iin Fhe rand to Which per raioonaa, heaven premsans » Ratiopoque zones ected Raclopaque suvetues tht con eacend the ares ofthe tren in Sorine ofthe masta, nds oe anterr bo fhe ramus and 4 Ratiopaque smucture that ends dowmard and err om ctenid ae ‘Photostulable phoephor imaging oF cor fed the pat depos onthe portals system ang. hela but usally raie etweenepprocisaly and sn He photostnulatte espa imaging ies (5°P) "An advanced interproximal sion 2. Extends tothe DE or through he DE and into the dein, but does not erend ‘rough the dentin gente than half the distance toward the pulp, ® Extends through enamel th Tovah the demi and greater than hal thedstance Towards the pulp, Palys rn aden eae cay ton, Q) 4 Avects mumaiousteth inthe dertisn Q) "Rampant Caries Could be associated wih head and neck edison therapy. C) ad andl severe cares which affects narerovs tet i a aly seen in children wi © Rampant cores condensing ostet avin the pup OQ On lormsf/erFAinO SemocT yA, Bou ZelnizMb ADDR EC IBCs Sormesponse large caricus sien. Q, Ps Between Normal pulp tissue anc * Ditsceration* 2. Frequent patter of camel defects sotn in ermaren eth econ to Periapical in‘lammatory disease of the. overly ° 1g deciduous oth 5. lea condition found inthe molar teeth of hu ‘ond pulp chambers enlarged varcaly, svi tabotyetnect 6 Frequent patter of enamel defects seen in permanent teeth secondary 10 ° Detopical inflammatory disease of tie overying deciuase oan 4's «deviation or ben in the near relationship ofa crown o sto {an angulation ox sap curve in dtadeveooed benetoror @ fatiographs are of ne help in the dagnoss of 2 corentoma Q emandbulerfractses Q e-acuepuptis @ ° Apical root fracture is visible clearly in a. trvaoral periapical raclograph @) b, Bite wing radiograph) ©. Occlusal radiograph C) 4 Panoramic image Q) * Radiographicaly, all ofthe folowing will appear ike caries except a Acrylic resin Q) b Calcium hydroxide Q © Amalgam fiting Q) ® 1d. Compos “Which structure appears as radiokicentlinear shadows between the rete Batt a U-shaped radiopaque fine a nocal senta. O Necolabial fold. O «which landmark often 2pP0"S 25 emengdpiaes. O zygomatic process @ ‘Qi which mexilery peripleal image is part of the mandible most ikely to appear a Mola. © .canine OQ. ixexn/@) 4.Premolar. Q Radiation caries is caused by radiation of a Enamel Q b Salvay glends @ © Enamel and dentin ©) which of the following about the lack of parallelism between the receptor and 4 * 2the long axis of the tooth is correct a. The receptor is placed as close as possible to the tooth © : Bb. The receptor is placed away from the tooth and toward the middle of the oral cavity. () c.Eitheraorb © d.None of the above C) sieht the following about the lack of parallelism between the receptor and *?the long axis of the tooth is correct 8, the image is generally image is generally acceptable ithe lack of parallelism is less than 5 0 degrees, the 0 degrees, the image is general lyacceptable ©), image is generally O Uthelack of paralicisms greater than 50 degrees, the “Pwhich of the following are ‘vantages of the paralt alleling technique = which of the following are advantages of the paralleling technique a increased accuracy @) b simplicity of use Q, « ease of ipleaton © 4 ease of ceptor placement Q = The patients head positioned before exposing a maxillary occlusal receptor is a. The maxillary archi parallel to floor ©) tb. The patient and position him or her the manilary arch is perpendicular tothe oor C) e.None of the above ©, 4. Both position in (1) and (2) are correct C) CB used for localization in intra radiography its mean pposite O b—S= Same | and malignant, affecting O° | © Investigation of intracranial disease including tumours, haernorrhage and infarcts © 4, Assessment of fractures involving the orbits and naso-ethmoidal complex e.all the above oo0o°0 These indications for ultrasonography examination. You have a patient who had read articles describi 1g the hazards of medicalidental radiation and is not sure about letting you take X-rays on her. Based on what you now know, how could you explain the procedures in a way * ?that would be reassuring ou are using a lead apron and lead thyroid shield, CQ) : b.You ate using the long cone paralleling technique. CO) €:ou tke radiograph ot when anced ic neated yea examination not 6 used on an stoitrary time schedule Both andb OQ Fim holding devices can be used for both the paralieling and bisection of the angle technique atwe @ vrais O Why are dental x rays important?Dental X-rays can detect even the slightest traces of oral health problems at their earliest stages, such as cavities, gum disease, oral infections, and some types of tumors... The true value of dental X- rays les in the way they discover dental problems before they have a chance to * develop ame @ brase The purpose of the posteraanterior projection to. evaluate the maxilary sinus he frontal and ethmoid sinuses, th * orbits, and the nasal cavity ‘2r0a. This projection also demonstrato * 2What's mean 74- What's mean the quality ofthe in CBCT apensiy Q & amount of cortea one resent Q) dest opecarcteustone Q) | 4H unte measurement Q) ecalsnesbove @ The choice of imaging modality vill obviously depend on the availabilty of * tacifties amu @ btaise © -omprehensive the radiographic assessment not needs to be ex the elnie cate, tho mor The mare oi atu O aaice @ Plastic stents containing radiopaque markers should be required for localization * of cross-sectional images in dental implant CBCT atue © False O multidetector computed tomographic (MDCT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging are often prescribed by any dentists for diagnosis and treatment * planning of maxillofacial diseases atwe @® iO) When Compared CBCTwith MDCT the Ist one has a higher radiation dose, and Jesser spatial resolution than 2nd o er ‘A54-year-old female presented to the Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences clinic with a chief complaint of, "Ihave cavities" As Providing comprehensive care to the patient and to in region, radiographs were obtained. The upper ant * defined radiopaque entity (green arro s apart of vestigate the periapical ior region showed a well- ). Name the abnormality noted ree oer Loa * 2Which of the following is least radiosensitive tissue pithetl ces b Muscle cells, rene cols, Yourgone calls @) 2. WBC, Bone cells, e. Connective tissue cell endothelial ell muscle cell C) 4: REC, Muscle cel. nerve cet! child suffering from cleft lip and palate attend Amother with her six months ok the Dental Radiology Clinic, the person who must be with the child during * rexposure to radiation is a, More than 18 yea's old radiographer. O) ° ree oer Loa * 2Which of the following is least radiosensitive tissue pithetl ces b Muscle cells, rene cols, Yourgone calls @) 2. WBC, Bone cells, e. Connective tissue cell endothelial ell muscle cell C) 4: REC, Muscle cel. nerve cet! child suffering from cleft lip and palate attend Amother with her six months ok the Dental Radiology Clinic, the person who must be with the child during * rexposure to radiation is a, More than 18 yea's old radiographer. O) °

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