OnlineLoansPh PreferredBorrowerPlan

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This Preferred Borrower Plan Terms and Conditions shall be read and construed together
with the Credit Terms and Conditions.

“Preferred Borrower Plan” means a preferential plan afforded to qualified Borrowers wherein
they are entitled to preferential rights, as follows:

A. Extension of the Due Date from 15 to 60 days or more depending on the severity of
the situation without charging interest in case of calamity in the Borrower’s area of
residence as registered in the Loan Application.

“Preferred Borrower Fee” means such fee that the Borrower must pay to maintain the status of
a Preferred Borrower for each Loan vailed of.

Availment of Plan

Availment of the Preferred Borrower Plan (“Plan”) is voluntary and optional on the part of the
Borrower. To avail of the benefits of the Plan, the Borrower must comply with the requirements,
the terms and conditions herein and the payment of the corresponding fees, unless any of the
requirements is waived by the Lender.

The continued availment of the Plan requires the Borrower’s continuing compliance with
requirements which the Lender my hereinafter impose.

If the Borrower proceeds with the Loan Application with a corresponding application or request
for the Plan, then the submission and acceptance of the Loan Application shall be considered as a
simultaneous application or request for this Plan. The conformity or signature of the Borrower to
the Loan application with a corresponding application or request for this Plan shall be considered
as acceptance of the terms and conditions herein provided and said acceptance or signature shall
be binding on the Borrower.

Requirements and Benefits

The Borrower may sign-up for a Preferred Borrower Plan upon the Loan Application, subject to
the payment of the corresponding fee. Preferred Borrowers are entitled to the following
preferential rights, as follows:

1. Extension of the Due Date from 15 to 60 days or more depending on the

severity of the situation without charging interest in case of calamity in the
Borrower’s area of residence as registered in the Loan Application.
2. Such other rights and benefits that may hereinafter be implemented by the

The Preferred Borrower Plan shall be coterminous with the Borrower’s Loan which was
simultaneously availed of.

The aforementioned Plan shall only be applicable to the subject Loan applied for and shall not
be applicable to other Loans by the Borrower regardless of when the Loan is obtained.

The Lender shall evaluate on a regular basis the Borrower’s standing with the Lender and
compliance with the said Plan’s requirements. The Lender has the discretion to ascertain
continuation of the Borrower’s entitlement of the Plan.

Should the subject Loan of the Borrower that is covered by the Plan be continued, the Plan is
also be continued for the respective term of the extension, Lender shall not charge any
additional fee for the extension of the scope of the Plan.

Cancellation and Modification

Failure to comply with any of the requirements may lead to the termination, suspension or
revision of the Borrower’s Plan.
The Lender may at its sole and absolute discretion upon giving due notice revise, modify, or
amend these Terms and Conditions.
The price of the plan is specified in the table below:
Loan Amount Loan Term Price

₱19000.00 30 ₱4370.00

Benefit Claim
Send us an email at and submit your claim request.
Customer Service business hours: Mondays to Sundays: 8 AM to 5 PM
Claims business hours: Mondays to Fridays: 8 AM to 5 PM
Our claims specialist will guide you through the all necessary steps.

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