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Opus 1.

Giorgino the Magnificent

Opera Buffa in Three Acts

Librettist: Ángel Ruiz Egea

Composer: Ester Marotta

Giorgino (cook and Giorgino's friend;

Protagonist)................................................ ........................................................... .....Tenor

Robpfort (Firstborn and in love with Selena;

Protagonist)................................................ ........................................................... .....Tenor

Selena (secretly in love with Robpfort; leading lady)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Light Soprano

Schöeden (Villain, in love with Selena).............................................. ........................... Tenor


Don Belvedere (Father of Sayings).............................................. .................. Bass

Maria de Belevedere (Mother of Sayings).............................................. ................ Mezzo-soprano

Don Harms (Father of Selene).................................... .................................... Bass

Doña Harrms (Mother of Selene).................................... .......................... Soprano

Herr Alfred (Belvedere Butler).............................................. .................. Bass

Servant 1.............................................. ........................................................... Tenor

Servant 2.............................................. ........................................................... ...Tenor

Cooks and Servants Choir

The action is developed in Austria, in the Belvedere Palace, in Vienna, 18th century.


Act One

First scene

(Belvedere Palace, in Vienna, Austria. The setting is an eighteenth-century kitchen,

where there is a cauldron over a fire in the fireplace; Plus a closet attached to the
wall of it. Giorgino is happily tidying up the kitchen.)

No 1: Aria

Ah, how charming is my work,

roaming around these parts,

where the smells merge,

and food gives rise to the greatest pleasure in life!

The fire is fueled,

Fresh pure air to breathe

And I, the great Giorgino,

a cook like no other!

One plate here, two plates there

soups over there and roasts over here

sauces, pickles, cheese, wine, more wine!

When it comes to me, I have no limits

Will I be the gluttony in person?

Food is my cousin, may God allow me

Sit down everybody, and wait, wait,

that if Giorgino knows how to do his job,

promise everyone happiness and satisfaction!

Second scene

(Several knocks are heard on the kitchen door. Robpfort is heard offstage)

No. 2: Recitative

(Out of scene)

Giorgino! are you there?


Of course yes, as always!


Would you mind opening the door?


It is not necessary, because she is as open as I am with my heart in giving this beautiful


Is it so? Give me five seconds...



Why five seconds, when we both have all the time in the world?

Well, it could be ten, fifteen, thirty...

Hours, tick tocks, days, tick tocks, or even weeks!


Well, you will have left it open

And the same wind closed it


Could be, or maybe not

Well, no door slam has come to interrupt my arduous siege

Because when I go to mine

nothing can distract me


Well, you will have closed it,

And that's why you never lose focus!


No no no, wrong answer!

I would never close the gates of my master's palace

Well, he treats me like a good server

And although something is missing, I have everything


Will you be able to open? Or did you break down the door?

It's good if I'm patient, my patience is scarce right now

You must know something that no one else knows except me

That's why I ask you to open me immediately!


Ah, so that was it!

Well under the doormat there must be a key

you can open with it


Let me see then...

(The unlocking of a lock is heard)

Et voila!

It has worked?


(appearing from the left, addressing Giorgino)

Does this convince you?


If I didn't convince myself, would I be blind then?


Better shut up and keep quiet!

Now I must tell you something very important.


Speak then! What must you tell me?


well you should know

O loyal Giorgino!

That on these dates something wonderful is going to happen

Extraordinary, extremely glamorous!


(Curious and impatient to know)

What, what is it?

Oh, I beg you, tell me!


(Cheerful with a smile)

Just today, on this very day,

a general will come along with his beautiful daughter and wife
How well did you know before

Or maybe not.


A general? With his daughter?

Who are you referring to?


Have you never heard the name of Harrms?

I give you that hint, no more.


(pensive, walking around the kitchen)

Harms? Harms?

Who the hell calls someone Harrms?


I'm not lying to you, by my mother I swear!


Do not swear by your mother,

If not, misfortunes happen!

Well, once my father...


Silence silence!

Do you want me not to tell you?

Because, if so, I'm leaving!

(He's headed offstage, back the way he came)

(grabbing his arm)

No no, a thousand pardons!

Poor me, reckless unusual!

I already shut up like a wall

I'm sorry if I bothered you

Speak then, I hear you

(he crosses his arms, his back to Robpfort, somewhat sad)

No. 3: Duet


My dear friend, don't bother

please i beg you

I'm so sorry, dear friend


What do you have to feel,

Well, are you right?


I have gone too much into detail, that's why you have put yourself like this

Well, that was not my intention, please forgive me!


(turning to him)

I'll tell you again, and again if necessary:

You should not feel guilt or shame

Well, having tempted my curiosity

Anxiety invaded me



It's not wrong to be restless

When one is invaded by curiosity

You were already an older man

or a simple infant child


It's not wrong to be the curious one

If you add to that the anxiety

Well you can be an old man

Or a simple infant child.

Third scene

(Chorus of cooks/servants heard)

Cooks/Servants Choir

(chanting, offstage)

Giorgino, Giorgino!


What are those voices?

Aren't they illusions of mine?

It's them, they're coming, they're coming!


Who's coming, my friend?

Who chants your name,

full lung so excited?


To them, my companions,

to them, my comrades! Let them come and go

servants of our great master!

(He heads to the left door, which swings open. Herr Alfred enters first, shaking hands
with both of them, smiling. He is followed by the cooks and servants, who stand
in order)

Cooks/Servants Choir

(To Giorgino; happy)



Comrades, my friends,

Welcome again!

After the short break, we got up with energy

And between pots and pans!

Together we embark between stoves!

Choir of Cooks and Servants/Giorgino

When the morning comes

we labored until beyond the sunset,

and between pots and pans,

together we embark on the kitchen!

(Herr Alfred addresses Giorgino, setting the pace)

No. 4: Recitative

Herr Alfred

Silence silence!

Let there be order!

(everyone goes silent.He stands in front of Giorgino)


Good morning, Mr Butler!

Herr Alfred

(nodding briefly to the cook)

Don Giorgino,

good day, my friend!


(Towards Alfred, he bows his head)

Sir, good morning

Herr Alfred

(Towards Robpfort, he does the same)

Don Robpfort, at your service

(To Giorgino)

My dear, will you do me a favor?

check the team?


Excellent, excellent!

(He begins pacing in front of the cooks, pointing at each of them.)

One two three four five six....

twelve, fourteen, sixteen...

three, six... sixteen... twenty-three!

Herr Alfred

(nods with satisfaction)

As always, everyone is


Very good very good!

It can not be better!


Yes, that's right, that's right!

(heads to Robpfort)

By the way, my friend,

are you going to tell me then

why are you so excited

on a day like today?

Herr Alfred

(puzzled, looking at Giorgino)

Have you not found out yet?


(Confronting Giorgino)
Or is it that you have not listened to me?


(Crosses arms)

Of course I've heard, I'm not

poor hearing!

Rather, did you finish

say what you were telling me?


(hands to head)

Oh, what you say is true!

(Giorgino chuckles, Herr Alfred gives him a little nudge.)

Forgive such insolence!

Herr Alfred

Count, count once and for all, and stop yapping!

With all due respect, sometimes you talk the hell out of it!


(in a burlesque tone)

And if that didn't give enough

you would also speak for the ankles!

(It is silenced by Herr Alfred)

fourth scene

(Robpfort sits at the center table, looking lost and dreamy.)

No 5: Aria


(with a lost look, he sings romantically)

I aspire to nothing else, more than to find the blessed love

Of the one who, even without knowing it, has conquered my heart

I can't help but think of her, she's unreceivable to me!

Oh my God! Will so much passion be the result of my fading?

(he places his hands on his chest, lying down little by little on the table)

Ah, my dear Selena, my daughter of the heart!

That today you come to my abode, that today you witness the starry night,

You don't know how much I want you! I would give anything for you, from setting fire to my

heart, until rescuing you from the claws of a gigantic dragon!

May your father grant me your hand, and may love reign forever in the


No 6: Trio and Chorus


Ah, then it has become more than clear!

My faithful servant has fallen in love!

Giorgino and Choir

A mysterious feeling for the human being

But perceptible to the naked eye of those who know how to distinguish it

Herr Alfred

I understand your situation perfectly

More, I will make it clear at this point,

that Giorgino will be the one to help you

in your love conquest


Is that true, oh my friend?

Say yes, say yes!

Choir and Herr Alfred

(in unison)

Say yes, say yes!


(very determined and excited)

Yes, yes, yes and yes!

Why shouldn't I help my best friend?

I accept as a child, who receives candy!

Let us serve, let us work together, side by side, hand in hand,

and may the dream of love come true!


As if they were nightingales in the body

It's not just any strange thing, it's the love that lasts in one

Let us serve, let us work together, side by side, hand in hand

and may the dream of love come true!

(Robpfort and Giorgino say goodbye with a hug, Robpfort leaving through the left door and Herr
Alfred through the right door. Giorgino and the cooks prepare to start work)

Fifth scene

(Belvedere Palace room. The windows are closed wide. A table already prepared and well
arranged stands out on the scene with cutlery, glasses and a bottle of good wine. A lamp
hangs above it, on the ceiling, as well as a couple of sofas, where she is sitting.
General Belvedere's wife, looking at a small portrait of Robpfort and

No. 7: Duet

Mary of Belvedere

Ah, how quickly time passes and yet how short life becomes!

The child who grows up happily passes on to a good man, and from there, it's all a matter of waiting!

Wait for old age to knock on the door, and from there, to rest in the lap of God!

How I wish I could go back to my childhood, where I lacked nothing and love lived

(he looks at the portrait again, kissing it delicately. She gets up)

The only thing I want now is for my two children to be happy.

But what is it that makes a man happy? What can be that which so pleases and
longing with dread?

(Schöeden enters the room)

Perhaps the love of a sweet lady is the one that pleases us,

Don't you think so, dear mother?

Mary of Belvedere

(He gets up, giving her a kiss on the cheek.)

How can I not believe you? After all, all young people today are nothing but princes
fairy tale blues, saving their little princesses

(he goes to the table, and pours wine from a bottle into two glasses. Schöeden sits on a chair)


(pretending to ride)

Chivalrous and cheerful Schöeden sets out to save his lady in distress,

from which she gives off her golden hair, and shows her unmistakable face

drowned in tears of...

(Maria interrupts her)

Mary of Belvedere

Ah, my son, if you are one of those who are capable of doing anything to build

castles in the cloud


It's never bad to daydream!

Mary of Belvedere


Dreamer! I didn't mean such!


(having the glass of wine)

(take a sip)

Mary of Belvedere

(He walks towards his son, glass in hand.)

Never take love as something for your temporary pleasure, because one thing

is to be gallant, and another thing is to be an unfaithful ruffian


Are you implying that I am a fraud?

A scoundrel?

Mary of Belvedere

(settling back on the sofa)

I do not call you that, I simply mention it for your knowledge.


(he puts his hand on his head, slowly sitting down on the chair)

Luckily, because I haven't had any romance yet.

If you let me go loose, what will be the misfortune?!

(Wink.his mother laughs)

Mary of Belvedere

Oh dear, don't talk that way, your father won't hear you!

Much less in front of our guests!


So be it, dear mother, so be it!

(both raise the glass, in the form of a toast, drinking until the last drop)

No. 8: Cabaletta
Mary of Belvedere

(he wake up)

That man who is tempted by love

He does not know that he is surrounded by torments!

Well, like a bear hunting sweet honey from a

hive of bees, he does not realize his imprudence:

Putting his paw in, he awaits his reward,

without finding more than the tip of pain

bite by bite, the bear grows weaker

until, finally, she falls exhausted, and dies.

Thus it is, my son, the temptation of such a sweet love!

That at the beginning promises love and fidelity to the lady,

encountering the deception that torments her, without comfort for her.

sixth scene

(Enter Don Belvedere, followed by Herr Alfred and Robpfort)

No. 9: Recitative


Just as you hear, dear father,

the kitchen and our dear Giorgino are preparing such delicacies
for the great day that awaits us ahead

Herr Alfred

Yes sir, it couldn't be more true, of course not!

(looking at Don Belvedere)

I imagine that due to their hard effort and sacrifice you will not hesitate to

reward him, right?

Don Belvedere

(applaud, satisfied)

Well well! How could we expect less of him?

Someone who works and puts effort into his work, as God commands,

as it should be!

Mary of Belvedere

(walks towards Don Belvedere, puts her arms around his neck)

What is happening to you now?

Don Belvedere

To me?

Mary of Belvedere

Who else was it going to be?

(kisses him on the cheek)

Herr Alfred

No one else, then. After all, who does not enjoy absolute absolute happiness

having a husband like him?

Don Belvedere

True true!
(he combs his hair with his fingers)


Dear father

Don Belvedere

tell me, tell me


Do you know when the lucky guests will arrive?

I trust that they will not be too far away from presenting themselves

in our abode

Mary of Belvedere

Don't worry about that, I'm sure they'll arrive soon

Herr Alfred

(walk to the table)

Yes, sure!

(Take the jug by the handle, looking inside)

Let the devil take me!

(the others look at each other, surprised. Robpfort and Don Belvedere get closer)


What happen?

Don Belvedere

Yes, what happens?

Herr Alfred

(He walks towards Robpfort and Don Belvedere, amazed)

How is it possible that you have spent the entire jar?

Not even the welcome cocktail is ready!


What will our guests say when they see that there is nothing to drink?

Mary of Belvedere

And why not serve them something else?

Don Belvedere

No no no, no way!

A lunch without wine is not the same!

As if it were bread without butter!

Is not the same!

Mary of Belvedere

Don't exaggerate, it's not that bad

Don Belvedere


What is not so bad?

Herr Alfred

That's right, dear master

Don Belvedere

(He falls to his knees on the ground, lamenting)

Oh poor me!

I can't stand to drink anything else!

Mary of Belvedere/Robpfort/Schöeden/Herr Alfred

How dramatic you are!

Don Belvedere
(To his wife and children)

Hush, hush!

(To Herr Alfred)

And you, fill it out, unless you want to stay

without salary!

Herr Alfred

Understood sir

(exit through the same door you entered)

Seventh Scene

(Enter servant 1)

No. 10: Quartet

servant 1

Dear master, wonderful news!

Don Belvedere

What must you tell me?


What's going on? What's happening?


(arms folded)

That, what's up? Who gives you permission to get in here?

Don Belvedere

(pointing to himself)

I, that's why I'm his boss


Oh yeah?

(extends his hand)

A pleasure, how are you?

Don Belvedere

(hitting him on the head)

Don't be deluded, and shut up!

(talking to Servant 1)

Excuse me, what do you have to say?

servant 1


They are already here! They have arrived!

Don Belvedere

How? Is seriously?



servant 1

Yes, they have finally arrived!

They are already here!


At last, they are here! The moment has come!

Enter our dear guests!

(they try to head for the door, their father stops them)

Don Belvedere

Stop there, urchins! Where do you think you're going?

Come here, come, I have a plan for when they show up.

(everyone approaches, curious)

Each one will hide behind something and you will wait...


We'll turn off the lights and you'll wait...

And then they will enter without being able to see you, and when

I indicated it to you

(jumping, screaming)


They will be surprised!


Very good idea!

Don Belvedere

Let's go, then, to hide, because they'll come in soon!


I'll hide behind that sofa!

(He runs up to it and jumps over it, crouching)


Mine will be more original, behind the table!

(run towards it, slipping to stay hidden)

Don Belvedere/Maria de Bevedere

Behind the curtains, because we have no other option!

(They hide behind the curtains. The lights are turned off)

servant 1



(the lights go out little by little)

Eighth Scene

(Enter Don Harrms, his wife and Selena; his daughter. Selena stays by her mother's side)

Don Harms


Why is everything dark?

Have you run out of candles?

That would be a tragedy, because the nights lately are

of icy winds.

Herr Alfred

Oh no sir! Excuse me, my mistake,

we usually light the candles at this time of the morning,

this time we will have forgotten, a thousand pardons

Lady Harms
Don't worry, they say it's good that there is

good sunlight.

Herr Alfred

I do not doubt it!

(the lights come on, just like before)


And where is everyone?

Well, there's no one here.

Don Harrms/Lady Harrms

It's true

Herr Alfred

Do you think so?

(They all come out of their hiding places. The guests are surprised)

Mary of Belvedere/Robpfort/Schöeden/Don Belvedere

(very happy)


Lady Harms

What a surprise, what a joy!


What emotion seizes me!

(They begin to hug and kiss each other on the cheeks in welcome. Herr Alfred goes
handing out glasses of wine)


(He approaches Selena, removing her scarf and offering her a glass of wine.)
My dear Selena, may I?


It would be missing more, my dear gallant

(Nodding, he takes the glass, taking a sip)


(shyly approaches Selena)

How are you, beautiful Selena?

How is your modest life going?


Very well thanks!

And to you, how is it going?


Still, well, I can't say any worse!

Although everything that happens could be better, but, anyway,

what can be done?


True true

(Herr Alfred claps his hands together. everyone looks at him)

No. 11: Aria

Herr Alfred

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear and beloved!

What a pleasure to meet all of us again!

Belvedere Family and Harrms Family come together once again

To celebrate the symbolic union between you.

May God keep you from all inequalities and conflicts

that are profitable for none, oh, no.

(points to Don Belvedere)

A good-natured high class

(Point to Don Harrms)

And the undoubted and immeasurable Sergeant of His Imperial Majesty José II.

On this festive and blessed day, let us forget inequalities and toast

for a profitable future, for us, and for His Majesty!


Let's toast! Health!

(they drink heartily)

ninth scene

(Giorgino enters the room, holding a large tray of canapés.)


Someone is hungry? Here is the great Giorgino!



The chef himself. His palates be blessed

with the glorious flavor of the delicacies that they will taste!

And to begin with, we can't miss the good starter

that as the saying goes: little by little we are starting

Are you so kind to serve yourself?


Alright, I'll be the first!

Don Belvedere

And a demon to take you to hell!

As your good father, I will be the one to serve


Mary of Belvedere

Don't they say ladies go first?

Give me a gap, stand back!


Do you have even a minimum of respect?

Lady Harms

wait a second

This is going to get interesting

(Everyone stares at Schöeden and Don Belvedere, who discuss)

No. 12: Duo, Aria and Final


oh! So you want to be the first to serve, am I wrong?

Woe to this unhappy son, who has a father who despises him,

always the first, always! I can't understand it, I just can't!

Don Belvedere

Please, do me the favor of not having to listen to any more nonsense,

Well, I am your good father, the one who raised you and fed you as an infant, who educated you to

that you were the good man that you are now! Tell me then, why do you say that

I'm a bad father For going first in a long time for a simple canapé?

How ridiculous, by God!

(He speaks, addressing Selena)

Well, you see, beautiful Selena, what are the skills of the one you call

lovely gallant. It promises maturity and optimism, but in truth it is no more

than a simple dramatic and exaggerated child

(Giorgino, asking the others for silence, approaches silently with one of the canapés

behind Don Belvedere)

Why don't you talk?

(They smile at Don Belvedere)

Oh, by my mother may she be in glory, have you suddenly become dumb or what?

(Giorgino carefully places the canape in Schöeden's hand, inadvertently. Giorgino
takes Schöeden's hand, and throws the couch at his father's face, staining it.
Giorgino runs, behind Selena)


(realizing what he had done)


Don Belvedere

(more than angry)

Ah, so now you attack me!?

(He takes a canapé from the tray and rubs it across Schöeden's face.)

So you can see that I don't sit idly by, you scoundrel!

Mary of Belvedere/Dame Harrms

Don't fight, don't argue, it's no use!

Schoeden/Don Belvedere


Too late!

(looking at each other)

You're going to find out, you fucking bastard!

(They start throwing snacks at each other. His wives, Don Harrms, Selena and Herr Alfred
try to calm them down, but they throw food at them too, also joining the fight, between
laughter and laughter. Selena runs after Robpfort while she laughs, he carries her in his arms)


And though foolishness is inevitable, how is conflict,

It can happen to everyone, why not? If there is no lack of laughter, it won't be bad,

but it depends on who wins

Don Belvedere
I will be the winner!


Not to mention, I will be!


We'll see who will win!

(Robpfort flees with Selena in his arms. Schöeden, seeing that her brother runs away with her, throws
canapés at him, being interrupted by her father, who throws him to the ground, while the others
they laugh between laughs. Giorigino runs away to the kitchen while I laugh too)

Second Act

First scene

(Robpfort's quarters. A large bed with curtains in the center. A nightstand next to it
of the bed, where a small bottle of lodging rests.Selena looks at herself in a
little mirror, and Robpfort paces back and forth)

No. 13: Duet


(leaving the mirror on the bed)

It still amuses me to think

that your father and brother are capable of behaving

like little kids, without age defining them


To my misfortune and to yours, that's how it is.


sometimes leave them alone for a second

It is already the origin of trouble and between redos

(sigh again)

I am very sorry that you had to

witness such a spectacle.


(She gets up from the bed and walks over to him.)

Dear Robpfort

Do you see that this upset? Yes or no?


I really couldn't tell you, because the

appearances are capable of deceiving us,

while what we really feel

we hide it, like an executioner to the darkness...


Do you mean to say that I am an introvert?

(take the bottle of lodging)



If what we really feel, we hide

As you have well said, there is no doubt that

feels the same as someone introverted.

Well the people

(Take a good drink of host)


Smarter than anything else, my dear!


They say it's us for a reason

the ones that we have the most feelings.

(He hands Robfort the bottle, still open.)

And, from the heart are you sensitive?



Saying it that way can be confusing.

Do you mean sickness or sweet love?



How do you notice that you play the fool!


(starting to laugh too)

Okay, I admit it, I'm a fool, I am a fool!

But despite being dumb, I also have a good heart!

Both of them

One should never judge one's appearance,

without knowing a bit of its interior, well

the most foolish can be the kind,

while the sage hides in

the malevolence!

(Robfort hugs Selena, as they both laugh. They climb on top of the bed, beginning to
hitting each other with the pillows, as a game)

No. 14: Recitative


(he sits)

So tell me, are you engaged to someone,

or are you willing to hunt the bird and keep it

in the eternal web of love?


If I had committed myself at my youthful age,

everyone i know would have gone so crazy

that I myself could not recognize them!


(lies face down)

your incredulous father

and your desperate mother...


(Tilting his head to one side, mockingly)

And my brother full of jealousy

For not getting a beautiful lady to

what about marrying...



Woe to him if he listened to you!

For chivalry abounds in him,

in addition to his undoubted helpfulness!


Aren't people what they seem?


Could be, or maybe not.

because even though the saying goes such,

Why should we always be literal?


Because we are born with it,

we grow understanding with her

and we die with it!


So let irony do harm to your soul

and make of you a hopeless humorist guy!


(He places his hands on his heart, lies on his back in bed)

Ah, poor me, what a curse you have placed on me!

(They both laugh. Selena strokes Robpfort's hair)

Second scene

(Giorgino, out of the room, singing)


(out of scene)

Ah, lovely is my work,

because with it I satisfy those I serve!

I lack nothing, I have everything!

I love my master, more my work!


(Nervous. Look at Robpfort, nervous)

Ah, dear Robpfort, someone, whoever he is,

is headed this way! Let's hide, quick!


Why hide?

Have we done something wrong?

What should we be ashamed of?

You don't want them to see us this way


In what way,

if we have done nothing but talk?


Yes, that may be true.

but if they still saw us together,

Imagine what they might think!

(Robpfort interrupts, laughing.)


Oh dear, don't exaggerate, for God's sake!



Can't you see this mess?

In your bed, in my hair, in my dress!

(He puts his hands to his head)

Ah, what a shame if they saw me this way!

No, no way can they see me like this!


(still off the scene)

Robfort, Selena, come on, come on,

food will be ready soon!

I wish that my most faithful guests

justify the colossal flavor of my dishes!



Oh, it's coming!

What do I do now, where can I hide?



Quick, under the duvet,

Lie down and don't make the slightest noise!

I will do the same.

(They both get under the duvet, lying on the bed, leaving a part of the dress
of Selena exposed. Giorigno enters the room, closing the door behind him.)


Ah, the great Giorgino appears again,

looking forward to serving you the first dishes of the menu of the day!

(He is surprised to see the empty room. Robpfort and Selena stand still)

Wow, strange surprise for my eyes! Giorgino has vanished

as if by magic it were, and with him, his beloved Selenita!

(He shrugs)

Why would they run away on such a special day for my dear?

And unknowingly, just as extraordinary for the very young lady?

(goes to bed)

No. 15: Aria

A soft and comfortable bed to ensure rest, luxury worthy of a king, without


Plus me, a cook who is passionate about his work, would also be worthy of deserving

such a detail, then what better reward is there than to make that person happy?

that fills your stomach with indisputable delicacies?

(It goes around the surroundings of the bed, touching the curtains and the sheets)

Ah, what a glorious softness of these impeccable fabrics!

If my mother could contemplate them, her joy would be incomparable.

(He sits up, settling on the edge of the bed. Robpfort and Selena go down the other
edge of the bed, hiding behind it. They both watch Giorgino, careful not to
be discovered, while the cook grieves)

And it is that despite the fact that I could never enjoy that good life to which everyone aspires,

with my good and humble parents I dwelt, sleeping in

wooden beds and charging little; underestimated. But do I cease to be


With my effort I reached this beautiful place: sweat, blood, tears to honor

the past of a humble family, which for centuries has remained in the


(He places his hand on his chest)

Beloved mother! If now you see me from the highest, if now you find yourselves

watching me from the top, promise me that you will remember me by the


I promise that on this day I will make everyone happy, for Robpfort, for his secret love,

the family, and, by God, may he in his glory have me!

(He gets up and prepares to leave)

Third scene

(Enter servants one and two. They do not notice the presence of Giorgino, who watches them

No. 16: Recitative

servant 1

(Talking to Servant 2 noticeably exhausted)

Ah, what a laborious day is being presented to us!

Serving dishes, cleaning large rooms, taking care of the horses,

walking the halls and carrying wood for the fire.

We go round and round, up, down, here, there!

servant 2

(half mocking)

North, south, east, west...

Do not complain, my brother, do me a favor, then

We do not charge for protesting, much less for being lazy!


(approaching both)

Good afternoon gentlemen!

servant 1

(Answering the above)

Noble Giorgino, pleasant surprise to meet you here!

servant 2


(crossing arms)

Can we both know what you were doing here?

Do you not know that your master does not allow you to be here,

more than us who take care of ordering and cleaning?


(feigning strangeness)

Is seriously? Well, maybe I didn't remember it right.

I'm leaving right away!

(He heads for the door, servant 2 stops him)

servant 2

Don't worry, you don't have to worry!

No one will know that your harmonious presence has

passed through these parts, more than us and you!


(Shaking hands, being reciprocated)

It shows that you are good friends of those who

have a heart of gold!

servant 1

If we had in our hands a heart made of gold,

I am sure that the three of us would obtain as much fortune as the

of His Illustrious Imperial Majesty.

It would not be necessary to walk long corridors, suffering; having sore feet!


Why do you say such a thing?

servant 2

My good brother has been complaining all day

about how hard we work... Poor him, he doesn't enjoy it!

servant 1

(Outraged and tired, he stomps the ground)

Don't you feel like your blood has been sucked at the end of the day?

At the end of the day, don't you feel like your energies have disappeared?

totally, when can you finally take bed rest?

Pains throughout the body, a great dream to satisfy, for the day

next have to get up early again!

servant 2


Welcome to life!

Where in fairness kind things happen

as unfair.

servant 1


You are unfortunate, but do not make me angry!

(Servant 1 starts chasing Servant 2 around the room. Giorgino bursts into
laughs and leaves the room. Giorgino and Selena also go after Giorgino)

(Both servants begin to order and clean the room)

fourth scene

(Schöeden enters the room, closing the door quickly. Both servants continue
his work)

No. 17: Trio


That beautiful! What a beauty! That woman is not someone

anyone, it's not mortal, it's a gift from heaven!

His face radiates the beauty of angels, and his

words, sounds that sweetly purify the soul.

(puts his hand to his head)

I swear that this woman will belong to no one,

I am convinced that she belongs to me!

But at the same time I feel that it is indomitable: pure

of heart, but daring of character.

May the devil take me, I fear his presence, for he has conquered my heart!

(falls on the bed)

servant 2

(Worried, he runs to Schöeden and helps him to his feet.)

Mister! Are you OK?

servant 1

(fast approaching)

Are you thirsty? you will have dizzy


(He stands up and abruptly pushes them both away.)

Silence, back!

(Addressing Servant 1)

Water, give me water!

(Servant 1 leaves the room)

servant 1

What has happened to you?


I don't even feel sure of my thoughts,

wretched am I!

servant 1


My Lord, I beg you to confess what

it worries you.


The love, servant, the accursed affection I feel for

that sweet girl!

servant 2

(Enter the room. Grant a cup of water to Schöeden.)

Selena is referring to.


(take the cup)

How do you know?

servant 2

It's obvious: you call Selena into your arms, but she just

He sees you as a good partner.


She is like a bird: free until she is

enclose in a cage.

servant 1

And that cage, you are none other than you.

servant 2



(He stands up, smiling)

Listen to me well, both of you!

You two unhappy servants will be my accomplices

to conquer the love of happiness. work together with me

and you will be richly rewarded. Even if force is necessary!

I only want her.

both servants

We are with you, you have our support!

That woman will be yours, although the necessary force!

The three

May luck be on our side!

(The three of them leave the room.)

Fifth scene

(Belvedere Palace hall. The windows open wide, through which the light of the
sun, while the sofas are a little further away. Robpfort, Schöeden, Selena and their
respective parents are sitting in front of the table in the center of the room, while they
eat; while the two servants await orders, planted in front of the closed door)

No. 18: Aria

Don Belvedere

(while chewing)

Ah, what a feast, what satiety!

What a magnificent roast, its softness

touches my palate!
(Swallow and take a spoonful of soup)

What a tasty broth, what a deep flavor!

Giorgino's magic calls for fidelity!


Be careful with me, because when I eat in the presence of others,

I am a monster which swallows everything without stopping!

(everyone laughs happily)

No. 19: Recitative

(Robpfort and Selena feed each other, laughing. Schöeden watches them jealously,
arms folded)

Mary of Belvedere


Tell us then, what do you think about the food?

Is it to your liking?

Lady Harms

(Nice to meet you)

Not that it's to our liking, my friend:

It has been a charm, a delicacy!

How can a whole family savor better dishes

that are not from the emperor's kitchen?

Don Belvedere

(Wiping his lips with a napkin, proud)

How can you say such?

Our dishes try to be from humble origins,

just like our little service team!

Don Harms


Is that then the explanation

why more than twenty cooks

work tirelessly?

Mary of Belvedere

(the game follows)

In addition to the ten servants

who from here to there watch over order

of the great mansion.

Don Belvedere

(Take the pitcher of wine)

Does the most illustrious José have them bigger?

(Pour the wine into the glass. Don Harrms and his wife laugh)

Mary of Belvedere


Dear, by God!

Don Belvedere

Isn't what I say true?

(He remains silent for a few moments. She jumps up)

You will not think that I was referring to such sinverguenzería?

(Don Harrms and his wife laugh harder)

Mary of Belvedere

That's what it looked like!

Don Belvedere

(walk to the couch)

Holy God, what a panic, what an embarrassment!

I would never think of talking like that,

he would have my head cut off if he listened to me!


(He gets up and walks over to his father, speaking mockingly)

Who speaks better now, mister perfect?

What is the education that your children have since they were little

did you teach them? Obscene!

Don Belvedere

(Something annoying)

You better shut up and eat, you miserable kid!


(contemptuous of his father)

God strike me down with lightning first.

No. 20: Septet


(He gets up and stands between the two)

Please listen to me both:

why do you still fight? Aren't you both considerate?

(He takes a hand fromSchöeden and his father)

Holding hands and being reconciled: then father and son

They understand each other better than anyone else.


(He takes his hand away and crosses his arms)

You will forgive me, but with this man born

of whoever would have brought him into the world one never

he is calm: More, if you knew how he really is!

Don Belvedere

(Pissed off)

Have the guts to confess what you think about me!


Do you really want to know?

(Looking him in the eye, defiant)

Very well, and although it hurts you, I will say it:

you are nobody but an old gentleman

that the important one is always done, that he really does the good-natured and
He's just a stingy curmudgeon.



Holy God! He is your father!


And what else does it give me?

Mary of Belvedere

(Outraged, she stands up, standing in front of Schöeden)

My son, I will not allow you to speak to your father

in such ways. Who taught you to lie so grotesquely?

Don't you feel ashamed for yourself? Answer!


(He gets up, tries to push his mother away)

Mother please! Why do you give them importance?

If you already know how he is, isn't it enough to ignore him?

Don Harrms/Lady Harrms

The anger is normal, but now it's superior!

Calm down, breathe, it has a solution!

Mary of Belvedere


Silence, everyone!

(A Schoeden)


(Fed up)

It's enough, I'm leaving

I will not argue with unworthy people like you!

(He pushes Selena as she marches towards the door, causing her to fall to the ground. her father helps her

to get up,)

Don Harms

Illusion, you will not touch my daughter again!


May hell swallow you!



Come back here!

(Schöeden runs out of the room with the two servants.)

Sixth Scene

(Enter Herr Alfred, concerned.)

No. 21: Recitative

Herr Alfred
What are those screams? Why such a scandal?

Are you all okay?

Mary of Belvedere

(Somewhat relieved, noticeably nervous)

Oh my Alfred! You arrive in good time!

Have you by any chance seen my eldest son?

Don Belvedere

(Pissed off)

That, tell me where that monstrosity of scum has gone!

I swear I will give you the greatest of wages if you hunt him down!

with your own hands!

Herr Alfred

(To Mary)

To Schoeden?

Everyone (except the butler)


Yes! To the!

Don Harms

That scoundrel had the audacity to push my beautiful daughter,

A very serious lack of respect for feminine delicacy!

(Approaches Herr Alfred)

With an open heart, tell me: where has he gone?

such a coward?

Don Belvedere
That, say it!

Everyone (except the butler)

Say it!

Herr Alfred

(Very nervous)

I don't know, I'm not sure!

Don Belvedere

(holding back)

What are you not sure?

Swear to me that you are not lying


Shut up, shut up!

Don't keep arguing, what's the use?

More if the reason for this day prevails in the union between us,

not the opposite. Let's forget that lost guy from the hand of God and

Let's go back to what we were doing.

Herr Alfred

Thank you very much, handsome Robpfort! You always know how to solve situations!


(He puts his arm around Robpfort's neck, touching the tip of his nose with one finger,

I like how you handle situations, you have to teach me someday!


You can count on it, my dear!

(They both laugh, their lips very close: almost kissing)

Seventh Scene

(Giorgino enters the room. He sees how Robpfort and Selena come together laughing)


(surprised and joyful)

Robfort, my friend!

Selena, dear Selena!


(Surprised, but at the same time surprised)



What a great pleasure to see you, Giorgino!


(Bow to her)

The pleasure is mine, my dear!

(walk towards his master)

Tell me then, what did you think of today's menu?

No. 22: Trio

Don Harms

(Stepping forward, placing himself in front of Giorgino)

With the utmost permission of your master,

With the permission of all those present,

I must declare that what we have eaten today

it is not something that comes from this world. your dishes

they are not food; but more than that: they are art for the palate

Don Belvedere

And with your permission, sir, if I were to say something to Giorgino,

I would personally take care of it when the moon left

see, but being an occasion as such, and your presence

has left in me such a feeling of well-being and dread, I will proceed to it.


(Very restless, almost jumping)

And good? Oh please, I'm begging you

what is your opinion?

Don Belvedere

Well, my opinion is more than simple:

Giorgino: the talent that you possess and that makes today

you are working in these parts is not typical of a human being:

It must be a heavenly gift.


My lord, I did not expect such a comment from you!

I thank you so much, my words are insufficient to describe

my deep gratitude, I will be eternally grateful to you for such!

(hugs him tightly)

No. 23: Recitative

Don Belvedere

Please, stop it, you won't let me breathe!

(Giorgino steps away on the spot, bowing his head to Don Harrms.)



It's not uncommon for Giorgino to get emotional sometimes,

Well, it's entirely your right.

Mary of Belvedere


As if he were an innocent child, without offenses.

I wish you were my son, because together with Robpfort

I would be in glory!

(everyone laughs)
May he hug me and love me, what an affectionate infant!


It would be my dream come true!

But alas, my time is running out, and I must tell you something.

Lady Harms

What's going on?


Yes, why can't you be with us?


Well, because I have to tell you two news.

The good one: I have a dessert as special as for Selena as for

all of you

Don Belvedere

Well, what satisfaction,

Well, you can't finish a meal without

something sweet that placidly welcomes

the body!

Lady Harms

But then,

which one is bad?


Which is not ready yet.


What a pity!
We can't wait to try it out!

Don Belvedere

And meanwhile,

How will time fly by?


Why not observe the large garden that the palace has?

Multitudes of birds live among the fruit trees!


I will not go, I must do something



Let's go friend, lively, now the weather is good!

Don't you want to disappoint your guest?

(They all leave the room)


My apologies, fair lady,

but i would like to prepare that

so exquisite dessert that Giorgino has mentioned

(He gently takes her hand)

And dedicate it to you, dear Selena

(kiss the hand gently)

Don Harms

(Watching them, optimistic)

He really knows how to treat a lady!

Don Belvedere

Enough of conversations!

What are we waiting for? Let's go out!

Follow me, and if one of you arrives last,

must jump fifteen times like a frog!

All (Except Don Belvedere)

My God, let's run!

(They all come out laughing)

Eighth Scene

(Schöeden enters through one of the open windows)

No.24: Cavaletta


Do you think I haven't heard you?

How innocent before the crude reality!

This will be my inevitable feat!

So what does it matter what they say?

She will be mine and mine alone!

(Have a glass of wine, taking a big sip)

Lips like the color of wine,

and hair resembling gold

Beautiful, beautiful, perfect for the man!

Today I wish that all women on earth

be at my service. Ah, how pleasant is the pleasure of love!

(He leaves the room laughing, between laughs)

ninth scene

(Belvedere Palace kitchen, the same as in the first act. Schöeden meet and the two
servants alone)

No. 25: Recitative


(He is crossed his arms, walking from here to there, thoughtfully. Suddenly he shows
Got it, listen both of you!

both servants

Speak then!

We listen to you carefully!


(in front of both)

You two will see to it that no one enters this kitchen,

it is necessary that the environment be solitary, but at the same time that it grants


servant 2

(Crosses arms)

Anything else?


Of course, silly

I don't leave plans half done!

(clears his throat)

Well then, I will receive the beautiful lady

on the threshold of bliss, and when we both enter, you will close it

silently, woe to you and Selena comes to realize

your presence!

both servants

It will not!


Good I like it.

servant 1

What if your plan doesn't work?


Listen and shut up, I'm going to it!

If by any chance the woman were to deny me access to her heart,

I will have no choice but to subject her to force.

And you will help me "convince" her that I am

the right one for her.

both servants

(very curious)

In what way will we do it?


I'm not sure about that yet.

but as soon as Selena returns from the gardens, one of you will deliver

the note where I will impersonate my brother.

servant 1

And what use would it be?


(He crosses his arms, smiling with a hint of mischief.)

She will be curious to know her secret "admirer".


She will think that it is her beloved Robpfort, so, hunted, she will go down

so far prey to curiosity, and with me you will find...

(Giorgino is heard offstage, humming the theme of his first aria)

Oh, they're coming this way! Quick, hide!

(The three of them hide in a closet, closing the doors)

tenth scene

(Enter the kitchen Giorgino and the cooks and servants)

No. 26: Duet (Between Giorgino and the Choir)


(Puts on apron and chef's hat)

How charming is our work!

This will be the final blow, our grace finisher,

and with our talent we will show it!

(To the cooks and servants)

Comrades, comrades, it is our time, the moment has


Cooks and Servants

It's time, the time has come, let's go there!

The auction will be as sweet as the beautiful Selena!

Giorgino and the choir

A frozen dessert, that lights the flame

of love, that unites Robpfort and Selena, well that's how

destiny wishes it!

(They start to work)


(Taking a couple of strawberries, he mashes them with the flat side of a knife, pouring them into a

The blushing fruits of life will be the base!

Crushed at the bottom of the glass, may they be the fruit of a wonder!

Cooks and Servants

And what else, loyal Giorgino?

What heavenly product do you have in mind?

(Schöeden slowly opens the cupboard door, without making a sound. The two servants watch


(Inspired and very happy, exclaiming)

A great idea, a delight!

(Point to one of the cooks)

You, a piece of tender biscuit!

(Pointing at another cook)

And you, the chantilly cream!

We will make successive layers with both,

that will be the product we will offer!

(Giorgino and the choir sing happily, working around the glass)

Done, finished!

(Giorgino takes the glass, showing it to those present)

Cooks and Servants


What a beautiful thing!

(Schöeden exits the closet, leaving the two servants behind.)

No. 27: Trio (Giorgino, Schöeden and Chorus)


(Run to Giorgino)

Just what I need, the final detail!

(To Giorgino, dominant)

Give it to me!

Cooks and Servants


It's Schoeden!



Do you think I am unaware of your previous deed?

Arrogant and disrespectful man!

May the earth swallow you and turn to ashes!

This is not for you!


(Trying to snatch the cup)

Do you think your threats affect me?

You will never know how to strip yourself of your world of happiness!

Innocent and stupid, the cup will be mine, Selena will be mine!


I will not tolerate such insolence!

Selena deserves Robpfort more than you!

Comrades, protect the cup!

(Giorgino gives the glass to a cook, who runs through the kitchen. Schöeden gives chase,
crashing into other cooks. Another cook pours water on the floor, causing Robpfort to
slip and fall; the cook dodges said puddle.Both servants laugh from said closet)


(Lamenting, pretending to cry)

Oh, how cruel! What a misfortune!

Giorgino and Choir

Humiliated and defeated by his own hand!

Who humiliates others, humiliates himself!

(Giorgino and the cooks laugh triumphantly. Schöeden is still moaning on the floor trying
to get up, paying no attention to the two servants who try to help him)
Act Three

First scene

(Palace hall, at night. Everything remains the same except the table, which has already been cleared away.
Only the glasses and the wine jug remain in it, as well as a vase of flowers as decoration. The
windows are still open, but the light from the ceiling lamps illuminates the room.
stay. Selena is in the living room,who looks through the window.)

No. 28: Catavina


(Closing the window she looks out of)

Behold, the moon watches me

quiet and calm, palely shining,

that announces with its arrival the silent night,

where everyone rests, until the arrival of a new day

(He walks over to the sofa, sitting on it.)

I feel that the stars speak to me,

What decision should I make?

I hide my feeling towards Robpfort

Or do I finally declare myself? I don't have much time left...

Tell me, white moon! What should I do?

Second scene

(Enter Don Harrms and Lady Harrms)

No: 29: Recitative

Don Harms

(approaching his daughter)

My daughter, I finally found you!


(getting up from the couch)


(to his mother)


(run to hug her)

Lady Harms

(Overtaking her husband and hugging her daughter)

Where were you?

You had us so worried!


(He corresponds to his mother and separates a little)

I know, forgive me, but I felt I needed

a little solitude for myself

Don Harms

(He takes his daughter by the arm, understanding. Walk with her, slowly)

Daughter, we understand that sometimes you want to be alone,

we respect your needs

Lady Harms

That is never in doubt!

Don Harms

I know, woman!

(To your daughter)

And even if you are older, you must tell us so that

these kinds of things don't happen, well an hour looking for you

over there and over here is not comfortable


(somewhat embarrassed)

I am very sorry for such an event.

It was my fault. could have me

lost and worried more

Don Harms


Don't apologize anymore!

I know you are somewhat lonely,

more in the royal palace always

You take shelter in your rooms.

Lady Harms

Maybe reading stories of sweet love...

Don Harms

Or talking to the birds that perch on your window



Please, stop it!

I am someone who likes to do everything,

of many tastes, there is no more mystery.

(Father and mother shrug their shoulders and hug their daughter, laughing. selena does the same)

Third scene

(Servant 1 enters, with a small letter in hand. This one is smiling,

addressing selena)

servant 1

(makes a brief reference)

Good night have you!

Gentleman and damsels!

Don Harms

Goodnight Mr!

Were you able to finish today's service?

servant 1

(faking tiredness)

That would be what I would like to do!

To my misfortune, I still have a few

hours of my happy work.

Lady Harms

(feeling sorry)

Poor thing, I hope the rest puts you back together!

servant 1

(Nodding to Lady Harrms)

I appreciate your wishes

Although more grateful I feel that I am not a cook

Don Harms


servant 1

(Approaches Don Harms)

It is not obvious?

We servants may work touring

all the corners of the palace, doing a thousand things,

Do you know what makes the work of those who cook difficult?



The fact that?

servant 1

Working in the same room more than thirty workers!

Imagined, Selena: Everyone huddled together, crafting perfection

and heated by the heat of the fires and the smoke.

Lady Harms


My God, may He protect them!

servant 1

I understand you, it's a shame, but what can you do?

(He addresses Selena)

And for you, dear lady,

a small detail from a great admirer of yours


(look at his mother and father)

A fan?

Mr./Lady Harrms

(Returning the look, also missed)

How odd


But who could it be?

servant 1

Read, and you will find out for yourself!

(Servant 1 hands the letter to Selena, who carefully opens it. Her parents sit
on the couch, listening intently)

No. 30: Aria


(Selena starts reading)

You can call me a coward if you see fit,

but my shame would be greater to deliver this note to you by my hand.

Selena, it was from the first time I saw you that admiration

and affection came to my heart thanks to you. Every night

your smile runs through my dreams, and your beauty remains nailed to the

dawn of my memories. My soul suffers from not being able to truly be with


If you want to know who I really am, go down to the kitchens of the palace: I await you.

No. 31: Quartet

Lady Harms


Ah, what a magnificent letter,

Do you think the same as me, dear?

Don Harms

Someone must have fallen in love with her!

I can see it in his handwriting, there's no doubt about it!


I can tell, it's Giorgino!

I knew my love would finally be reciprocated!

servant 1

And what are you waiting for then?

Go down, without fear, your loved one awaits you,

I will guide you without problem!


Goodbye, mother, goodbye, father!

If I come back, it won't be alone!

Don Harrms/Lady Harrms


You will finally be able to understand true love!

Be careful, good luck!

(Selena and Sirivente 1 leave the room)

fourth scene

(Palace kitchen. Schöeden is hidden in the closet, while the servant 2 is to one side of the
open door, unable to be seen with the naked eye. Selena walks in, servant 2 walks out
of the kitchen, next to servant 1, closing it without hardly noticing)

#31: Duet


how gloomy is this place

illuminated by candlelight.

Even though in this place

things of heavenly taste come out,

It is now when it does not inspire me in the least

of the trusts.

(He crosses his arms and shrugs. He walks around the kitchen a bit, watching her with some

Robfort? Dear?

Servant? Giorgino?


(He comes out of the closet where he is hidden. Selena is surprised to see him)

None of them can be found here;

but still, here I am.



You! It's you who...!


(approaching her)

Yes indeed!

I was the one who wrote the letter for you, by my own hands

I maché it with docile my letter for you, submerged in passion and affection!

The one that shows what I feel towards you, I love you, madly!


No, no, no, not at all, not even if I was crazy!

I would fall in love with you, selfish and gross!

(She pushes Schöeden, furious)

You wouldn't know how to treat a lady, and my parents hate you with their fervor!

Not to mention, I love Giorgino, it's decided! Goodbye, insolent!

(She tries to leave the kitchen, but Schöeden overtakes her, grabbing her from behind.)

Oh let me go!


(He hugs her tightly from behind, preventing her from escaping. She speaks imposing)

I will not do it! You will be my wife!


(Squirming and kicking, trying to get away)

Re crazy!

Of love for you!

(puts his hand to his mouth)

Here you will stay with me!

Surrender! You have no choice!

(Selena bites one of the fingers of Schoeden's hand with which it prevents him from speaking. I don't know



Giorgino, Robpfort, help, help!

(Keep asking for help several more times)

Fifth scene

(Giorgino and Robpfort suddenly appear after loud knocks on the closed door)

No. 32: Quartet


(Desperate, feeling Schoeden's strength that doesn't let her move)

My God, Robpfort, Giorgino, save me!


(To your brother)

Hellspawn, let her go!

You have no right to be with her!


(To Selena)

You shut up, in silence!

(To his brother and Giorgino)

Now you decide on what I love?

You are pathetic, my brother!



Subjecting a lady to your deceitful desires,

but I know you as you really are: coarse, coarse and insolent!

Your chivalrous personality hidden by being more animal,

Well, a clear example is how you see yourself now.


(More furious, he pushes Selene aside. Robpfort runs to her)

I will not tolerate such insolence against my person!

You are my servant, and therefore my slave!

(Unswings his sword, hanging at his belt. He quickly approaches Giorgino, who runs away from him,
running all over the kitchen)


My God, I feel like I'm fading!


(Robpfort also unswings his sword, who throws it at Giorgino, who takes it for the

I'm not weak, I'm not your slave, I'm an honest cook,

and a great friend!

(Schöeden and Giorgino begin dueling throughout the kitchen. Robpfort pounces on
his brother, managing to catch him, while Giorgino stands in front of Selena,
defending her. Schöeden manages to get his brother off of him, turning to Giorigino,
throwing the sword that the cook carried with his leg, leaving it far from his reach,
pointing Giorgino in the neck with the point of the sword)


(Horrified, on the verge of tears)

Stop it, please, I beg you!


(laughing evilly)

Now you beg for mercy?

What humiliation, what a defeat on your part!

Women are nothing more than glass figurines:

fragile and sensitive to the world, poor things...

(To Giorgino)

And now I'll finish you

so that nothing stands in my way...

Sixth Scene
(Enter Don Harrms, Don Belvedere, and their respective wives into the kitchen. Don Harrms lunges at
Schöeden, knocking him to the ground and pinning him down. Lady Harrms and Mary of
Belveder close in on Robpfort and Schoeden)



Oh my God, what a misfortune, what a misfortune!

I will run away, I will run away! Selena is mine, you well know!

Don Belvedere

Dreamer! You will never be my son again!

Wretched spawn of the devil!

Mary of Belvedere/Lady of Harrms

What misery, what suffering!


Away, deluded animal!

(Don Belvedere drags his son out of the kitchen as he protests)

No. 33: Duet


(He kneels before Selena)

Beautiful Selena, now that we are

here all gathered, by loving greed

of the ruffian, the time has come for us to finally

you know what I so anxiously want to tell you:

I love you My heart finally feels

free from the chains that tormented him, even

If your answer is not what I wanted

(He gets up slowly, while Selena smiles at him)


Dear Robpfort, meek and chivalrous,

by the most sincere of my wishes;

and for the most expressive of my feelings,

I tell you that I love you too.

Be calm, don't worry

I feel the same as you

(They both kiss. The cooks and servants enter the kitchen)

All and Choir (Except Robpfort and Selena)

(happy, happy)

Finally love triumphs

In a kingdom where the righteous triumph,

because only the one with a pure heart

understand the true meaning of love

No. 34: Sextet and Choir



How beautiful it is to find true love!

The one who always endures in one, who is never forgotten!


You are never wrong, noble Giorgino!

(only selena)

Thanks for saving me!

(Just Robpfort)

Thank you for making this possible!

I always knew I could trust you with everything!

Don Harms

(He puts a hand on the cook's shoulder, speaking solemnly.)

Ah, humble cook, more people like you are needed in this world!

You have saved my daughter from the clutches of the predator, and as a sergeant of his

Imperialissima, I thank you!

My reward will be the greatest of all: working in the Imperial kitchens!


(in full wonder)

Sir, that is something I can never repay you!

I appreciate it, thank you very much!

All and Chorus

The end of suffering, the arrival of calm,

the abdication of deception and the reign of eternal love:

Happy and satisfied, we begin another stage.

(Giorgino runs, ducks behind the fire, and grabs the cup. He awards the cup to Giorgino
and Selena, who feed each other while laughing)

Giorgino, noble hero,

exterminator of sadness, patron of happiness,

Thanks for everything! Let's celebrate, friends, life

happen, because when you least expect it,

one day is a great life!

End of the Opera

Dedicated to my grandfather: Emilio.

Angel Ruiz Egea ----- 2022

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