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Once upon a time, there was a man named John.

He was a successful businessman who had always dreamed of

owning his own company. One day, he came across an opportunity to buy a logging company that operated
deep in the forest. The company had a reputation for being profitable and had a strong team of employees.

John was excited about the opportunity and immediately bought the company. He moved to the forest to
oversee the operations and quickly got to know the team. They showed him around the forest and taught him
about the different types of trees and how to safely cut them down.

However, John soon realized that the forest was not only home to the trees he was logging, but also to a
variety of wildlife, including bears. He had heard stories of bears attacking loggers, but he never thought it
would happen to him.

One day, while John was out on a walk to survey the logging site, he heard a loud growling noise. He turned
around to see a large brown bear standing just a few feet away from him. The bear let out a loud roar and
started to charge towards him.

John knew he had to act quickly. He remembered reading that you should make yourself look bigger and shout
to scare bears away. So, he held out his arms and let out a loud yell. The bear stopped in its tracks and slowly
walked away.

After the bear incident, John knew he needed to be more careful when he was out in the forest. He carried
bear spray and made noise when he walked so he wouldn't surprise a bear. He also made sure his employees
were trained on how to safely operate in bear country and how to avoid conflicts with bears.

Despite the bear incident, John was happy with his decision to buy the company. He was able to successfully
run the logging operations while also protecting the forest and its inhabitants. He lived in the forest for many
years and never had another run-in with a bear.

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