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org/jchemeduc Technology Report

Using Virtual Reality to Demonstrate Glove Hygiene in Introductory

Chemistry Laboratories
Rebecca M. Broyer,* Kenny Miller, Shalini Ramachandran, Sheree Fu, Karen Howell,
and Steven Cutchin
Cite This: J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98, 224−229 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: In recent years, immersive technology tools have

burgeoned. After the release of the affordable Oculus Go headset
and the Merge Cube, there has been increasing use of virtual,
Downloaded via on October 16, 2022 at 02:22:51 (UTC).

augmented, and extended reality (VR, AR, XR) in classrooms. Of

significance to chemistry educators are the virtual lab simulations
developed by Labster and HoloLab Champions and the VR app
Nanome, which can be used to virtually manipulate chemicals and
proteins. So far, however, there are no commercially developed
products that address the transfer of chemicals and contaminants
during experiments or procedures that require gloves. Herein, we
discuss how VR can be used as an active learning approach to lab
safety about correct glove hygiene. The work is the result of a collaboration among chemistry, computer science, and library faculty
on a VR instructional module on glove hygiene. This experience is useful to bring a realistic and interactive laboratory experience to
students who may have limited experience in a laboratory setting. Additionally, the project explores how to optimally use the
academic library space to deploy the VR module to a large number of student users. Despite shortcomings we encountered in the
first phase of development, we believe that, with technological improvements, there is significant potential for a virtual reality
instructional environment that teaches glove hygiene when there may be limited access to physical laboratories.
KEYWORDS: First-Year Undergraduate/General, Safety/Hazards, Computer-Based Learning, Internet/Web Based Learning,
Laboratory Instruction, Distance Learning/Self Instruction, Titration/Volumetric Analysis, Student-Centered Learning

Undergraduate chemistry laboratories are an essential part of
lab setting before entering the lab with the overall goal of
reducing negative feelings associated with a chemistry lab.25
undergraduate chemistry education. Laboratories have a In the current work, we present a novel virtual reality
laboratory experience that allows students to become familiar
number of potential safety hazards associated with them,
with the undergraduate chemistry laboratory space and one
ranging from hazardous chemicals to complex instrumentation
aspect of lab safety: proper glove use in the lab. This virtual
used in the laboratories. A student who begins their under-
reality laboratory application is available to students without
graduate program with prior laboratory experience is better
access to a physical laboratory, enabling students to practice
prepared to handle the necessary steps to maintain chemical
laboratory safety prior to their first physical entrance into the
safety when working in a chemistry laboratory. However,
laboratory. When working in a lab, it is important to become
laboratory equipment is expensive, and because of these high
familiar with your environment, safety hazards, and what others
costs, many high schools are not able to include chemistry
around you are doing. Even though students in undergraduate
laboratories in their curriculum.1−3 As a result, undergraduate
laboratories are routinely trained in proper personal protective
students may enter university with little or no prior lab
equipment (PPE) use, they often neglect to remove their gloves
experience. In addition, several groups have reported that
when handling their personal items, adjusting their safety
students in the first year of undergraduate chemistry courses
goggles, and using their pens and pencils. Their actions can
commonly experience anxiety related to their lab experience.4−7
Some online and electronic resources are available to
laboratory students to familiarize students with the lab and Special Issue: Chemical Safety Education: Methods,
engage students with essential laboratory concepts.8−16 Culture, and Green Chemistry
Furthermore, work in the area of virtual reality as a chemical Received: February 4, 2020
education tool in the laboratory has recently been pub- Revised: June 17, 2020
lished.17−24 Clemmons et al. describes a 360° virtual laboratory Published: July 21, 2020
experience in which first-year students become familiar with the
© 2020 American Chemical Society and
Division of Chemical Education, Inc.
224 J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98, 224−229
Journal of Chemical Education Technology Report

cause a network of invisible chemicals to spread and may lead to time working in the lab. Data was collected from student users
cross contamination (Figure 1). Becoming aware of the impact via pre-experiment and post-experiment questionnaires with
of improper glove use in a virtual environment is expected to approval from the University’s Institutional Review Board.
enforce hygiene concepts for students when they use gloves in a The virtual reality experience was developed using the Unity
real lab environment. Game Engine developed by Unity Technologies and deployed
on the Oculus Quest Virtual Reality headset. The Oculus Quest
headset is a stand-alone virtual reality system with 6 DOF and
inside out tracking with a resolution of 1440 × 1600 per eye, a 72
Hz refresh rate, a Qualcomm snapdragon 835 processor, and 4
GB of RAM. The immersive virtual application was developed
with the Unity gaming engine using standard virtual reality
support extensions. Models for the laboratory glassware,
physical environment, and additional in-environment objects
such as phone and printer were built using Blender and imported
into the environment directly. Available stock models were
insufficient to work with for game triggers, liquids transfer, and
hand manipulation, and so, new models needed to be designed
and built. The new models were created on the basis of
Figure 1. Network showing how contamination by chemicals is
transferred on gloves from space 1 to space 2 and then continues to photographs of the actual laboratory environment and designed
spread within those spaces. to match the actual lab space at the University of Southern
California as much as possible (Figure 2).
Within the virtual environment, the student users were
The virtual reality application developed here serves to prompted using simple visual pop-ups that gave them
familiarize first-year students with the university laboratory instructions on what actions to take next (Figure 3). In-
setting and introduces basic glove safety. The experiment is environment prompts for engagement and interruption were
designed to prompt users to carry out a titration experiment in implemented using standard in-game triggers and timers, and
an immersive virtual reality headset. In order to create a more the performance was recorded internally for potential later
realistic experience, distractions are programmed into the export. Liquids for pouring were implemented using the Unity
experiment. At the end of the experiment, a playback shows platform particle system with a modest number of particles.
the students all the surfaces their gloves touch. In a traditional
Contact tracking and hand management proved to be highly
undergraduate chemistry environment, students are trained for
sensitive to both user interaction and model construction.
best practices in glove use. The glove material is selected on the
Additionally, scripts to track hand collision with the environ-
basis of what chemicals are being used. Students are instructed
to avoid unintentional spreading of chemicals by removing ment were carefully written to avoid excessive script usage of the
gloves before leaving the work area and before touching cell device’s relatively limited CPU capabilities.
phones, laptops, door knobs, writing utensils, and laboratory The student begins their experience by putting on the virtual
notebooks. However, despite this training, students need to be reality headset and virtually entering the environment as
continuously reminded to remove gloves, when appropriate, to represented in Figure 3. Once the headset is on, the user is
avoid cross contamination. Our virtual reality module seeks to immersed within a virtual model of the laboratory such that their
reinforce the importance of glove hygiene by making the view is always matched as if they are within the actual
invisible spread of chemicals from improper glove use visible to environment. They are then prompted to begin the titration
students via immediate visual feedback. experiment by an in-game pop-up shown in Figure 3. As they


perform the experiment, they are guided through the experience
with continued in-game pop-ups that prompt them to put on
their gloves, collect glassware, and use the buret. Throughout the
The application was created to improve glove compliance experiment, they are occasionally interrupted by in-game
among undergraduate students in chemistry laboratories. It was prompts to respond to various events that occur in the
designed to supplement and reinforce the existing means of environment including a cellphone ringing, printer jamming,
education given to undergraduates (verbal instruction, video, and collecting a coffee cup. Students have been trained to
written manuals) on proper glove use. An additional goal of the remove gloves during such interruptions. Upon completion of
experience was to provide students with a sufficiently realistic the titration experiment (Figure 4b), they are then able to turn
view of the lab within the virtual reality application so that they on the display of all elements of the environment that they
feel familiar with the laboratory environment prior to their first contacted during the experiment and be visually shown how

Figure 2. (a) Virtual workbench in the virtual environment. (b) Long shot of the virtual laboratory.

J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98, 224−229
Journal of Chemical Education Technology Report

Figure 3. In-environment snapshots of gloved and ungloved lab interactions.

Figure 4. (a) Screenshot of the environment with a display of chemical tracing on. (b) Virtual titration experiments.

their contacts during the experiment transferred chemicals feedback provided by the students who used the system, it
throughout the environment (Figure 4a). appears that the initial environment exceeded the Oculus Quests


CPU capabilities.26 This caused the virtual view to shake and
“jitter” when reviewing the chemical traces which made many
users uncomfortable and often nauseous. Fine tuning the
In Fall 2019 and Spring 2020, students at the University of environment to the headset using Unity development tools is
Southern California (USC) enrolled in Chemistry 107Lg and expected to allow us to significantly reduce or eliminate this
105aLg completed online surveys after they tested the virtual issue.
reality application. A total of 190 chemistry students shared their In terms of feedback, student comments were mixed. Some
challenges with and appreciation of the module. The Fall 2019 were ambivalent about the experience, while others embraced
cohort completed the survey at the end of the semester, whereas the interactions and the concept as shown in the following
the Spring 2020 students completed the survey at the beginning sampling of student comments.
of the semester. Changes were made to the application offered to “[If] there’s a way to make it feel less dizzy and clearer with
students in the spring based on the exit survey conducted in the what to do, it’d be helpful. I think this is definitely really
fall semester. cool but not for everyone.”
A significant change made in Spring 2020 was to address the “[It] should be something for students to be able to try, but
speed of movement and interaction within the virtual environ- probably not required”
ment. Students had noted significant nausea with the system, “The overall experience was very interesting and an exciting
and based on prior work in virtual reality, it was hypothesized way to start chemistry labs.”
that this was due to the high speed at which students could move “I really enjoyed this assignment! I have never used a form
through the virtual environment. Unfortunately, students in the of virtual reality before and it was quite the experience. I
spring cohort continued to report a high rate of discomfort would love to complete another assignment similar to this in
despite the team’s efforts to mitigate nausea. In future iterations, all of my classes. I think the future of VR and technology can
the research team will continue to implement features to greatly improve our learning experience in various domains,
eliminate motion-related nausea, incorporating student feed- especially regarding chemistry.”
back and drawing on scholarly research into nausea reduction in Student enthusiasm for the technology was notable late in the
virtual reality for the next phase of development. On the basis of Fall 2019 term, where the VR module was introduced at a time
J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98, 224−229
Journal of Chemical Education Technology Report

when students had already gone through several lab sessions. Of be made available beyond the hours that the teaching assistant
the students, 23% found the experience “cool” and “fun”, despite could work or the conference room was available.
the prototype’s flaws. Although the Spring 2020 students Therefore, the testing was carried out in collaboration with
reported greatly improved navigation compared to the Fall 2019 USC’s Leavey Library for Spring 2020.30−32 Leavey Library
cohort, more students requested additional instructions for tasks provides access to resources and spaces for learning and research
and support for using the software and hardware. This difference 24 h a day, 6 days a week during the semester. The library already
in reporting is thought to be due to the fact that the students in works with faculty to support course projects, for example, by
the spring cohort had not been in the actual lab space yet and providing laptops and audio and visual equipment for students
were not as familiar with the lab environment as the fall cohort. creating video interviews and podcasts. Providing access to
However, the spring students requested fewer labels for virtual reality content would build upon this foundation of
equipment than the prior group. The improvement may be collaboration with faculty to provide interactive learning
correlated to the update that placed glassware, gloves, and other experiences for students.
equipment more prominently, a change designed to enable Taking advantage of the support provided by the Leavey
students to find them more readily and minimize the need to library, the team was able to ensure that students in the
walk around in the virtual reality space. chemistry class could access the costly shared virtual reality
When asked if the experience was helpful in preparing them headsets and complete the test of the virtual reality learning
for safety in the lab, 49% of students, from both semesters modules within 2 weeks before students were introduced to the
combined, agreed it was helpful. One of the goals of this work physical lab space. The academic library was successful in
was to help inexperienced students become more familiar with providing space, access control, and support to make expanded
the laboratories. Given that 50% of the Fall 2019 participants virtual reality applications accessible to large chemistry classes.
found that the VR lab was a good representation of their actual For future testing, the research team plans to expand the testing
chemistry lab, we feel more confident that, with the appropriate of the virtual reality application to a new library makerspace at
technological improvements in our next phase of development, the California State University, Los Angeles, and the University
students who experience the new version will more readily Library and the Games, Interactive Media, and Mobile
recognize and self-correct improper glove use during their actual Technology Space (GIMM) at Boise State University.
laboratories. An active learning application in which students
were able to visually track the spread of chemicals will better
educate the students on glove compliance compared to
A pilot immersive virtual reality experience that teaches students
traditional means of glove hygiene education which involves about glove safety in the lab was developed and tested on
traditional lecture instruction.27−29 students over two semesters. The experience utilizes an active

learning strategy to educate undergraduate students on the
IMPLEMENTATION importance of glove hygiene. Although we were able to improve,
a principal complaint of nausea was not eliminated. In future
In order to use the virtual reality application, chemistry students iterations of the experience, we intend to completely remove the
needed access to equipment (a VR headset and hand experience of nausea. To make the module more accessible, we
controllers), the VR software application, and physical space plan to create a headset-free option, where students can
in which to move about while testing the application. To participate in virtual glove safety training using their personal
streamline the amount of equipment handling needed to access computer or smartphone. This module would also be of interest
the virtual reality experiment, the team selected all-in-one to other fields that use gloves such as health care and biology
wireless virtual reality headsets, thus eliminating the need to use laboratories. Early exposure to the lab space is also expected to
a laptop and cables in addition to a headset to view the reduce some of the anxieties associated with undergraduate
simulation. The VR headsets are expensive; therefore, the chemistry laboratories. Overall, we feel optimistic that, with
chemistry department purchased a set of 10 VR headsets to be improvements, a virtual training module for glove hygiene will
shared among chemistry students. A chemistry department staff be an effective teaching tool in chemistry.

member loaded the VR software application onto each of the
headsets. Physical space was provided using a conference room ASSOCIATED CONTENT
in the Chemistry Department.
During the Fall 2019 semester, a single class of 30 students *
sı Supporting Information

shared the VR headsets by making reservations to check out the The Supporting Information is available at
equipment from a teaching assistant in the department
conference room. This arrangement worked well, and the
Flyer posted at the University of Southern California by
research team learned that the VR headsets and hand controllers
Environmental Health and Safety Officers reminding
could hold a battery charge for about 3 h. There were only 30
students to remove gloves and diagram of the virtual
students sharing the VR headsets; therefore, the teaching
reality headset kit that students checked out from USC
assistant could charge the equipment and control access by
Leavey Library (PDF, DOCX)
having the students sign up for time slots on a schedule.
In Spring 2020, the research team expanded testing to an Video of virtual reality experience (MP4)

undergraduate chemistry class with 13 lab sections and almost
200 students. We also decided to offer the experience at the AUTHOR INFORMATION
beginning of the semester, before the students encountered their
first physical lab experience, so the testing had to be completed Corresponding Author
in a short period of time. In order to have so many students share Rebecca M. Broyer − Department of Chemistry, University of
access to the VR headsets, the equipment and space needed to Southern California, University Park, Los Angeles, California
J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98, 224−229
Journal of Chemical Education Technology Report

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