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Topic: news, media and marketing


1 Discussion
o How often do you read or listen to the news?
o What news do you usually read?
o According to your experience, what news interest people? Why those particular pieces of news?
o What are the least popular and least read news? Why those particular pieces of news?

2 True or false?

3 Why is it beneficial to follow the news? Why can it be harmful? List 3-3 arguments.

For following the news Against following the news

4 Vocabulary – Fill in the sentences with the given words.

headline dirty word to coincide to yawn sanctimonious

starchy misdemeanour in the face of to debase

1 Why, then, is there all this high, _____________ self-righteousness from the other side? (=acting as if morally
better than others)
2 As children, we did some minor ________________________ such as scaring our little siblings or hiding our
school bags just before leaving for school. (= a slightly bad action which is not a crime)
3 I must be really tired, I can’t stop _____________________.
4 The news of his divorce was splashed in _________________across all newspapers. (= a line of words
printed in large letters as the title of a story)
5 If our schedules ______________, we’ll go to Spain together. (= to happen near the same time)
6 Museums are trying to shake off their __________________ image. (= behaving in a formal way without
7 She went to the gig __________________________ strong opposition from her parents. (= despite having to
deal with difficulties)
8 For the environmentally aware, “disposable” has become a __________________. (= a word or an
expression that refers to sg that many do not approve of)
9 Some argue that money has _______________ football. (=to reduce the quality or value of something)

5 Watch the video (POP CULTURE: What’s wrong with the media) until 03:40 and answer the
following questions.

1 Why do we follow the mainstream media?

2 What is the reality? What is wrong with the media? List 3 reasons.

3 What kinds of news do we tend to click on? What topics of the news are not so popular?
6 What kind of media do we need? Discuss it with your partner and list at least 3 attributes.

Watch the rest of the video and answer the question in task 5. Do you agree with the speaker?


1 Discussion

1What is the purpose of advertising?

2 What kind of advertising do you know? (e.g., billboards/posters, full-page ads) 3 What do you like/dislike
about advertising?
4 Have you ever bought something because of an advertisement?

2 Take a look at the following ads. What do the highlighted idioms mean?

3 Pick an advertisement that you really like. Why do you like that one? What makes it so great? Pick an
advertisement that you really do not like. What makes it so unappealing?

Follow the steps below.

1. Describe the product.

2. Think of a name for the product.
3. Invent a slogan.
4. Create a customer profile (age,sex,lifestyle,etc.).
5. Decide what product qualities to promote. What makes it different from its rivals?
6. Choose the best technique(s) for selling the product.
7. Design and produce an online advertising campaign that will attract the customer’s attention.

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