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Topic: fame

1 Discussion
o Regarding famous people, who has had a big influence on your life? In what ways has this person
affected your life?
o Who or what do you think generally influences people of your age? Why?
o What does charisma mean to you? Can you name some charismatic people?

2 Who are they?

Look at the clues below and try to guess who the following people are.

1 I am a British broadcaster who is extremely interested in nature.

2 Just two pictures, two different people:

3 I have two sisters but I am probably the most famous one. My most famous novel includes a
governess, a mad wife, a mysterious hall and its owner.
4 I am a fictional character. I am pretty upset because I am often mistaken for my creature that I created.
5 I am the first woman to head a democratic country in a Muslim majority country. Unfortunately, I am
a victim of assassination.

Think of two famous people and describe them to your partner. Provide some clues as above.
3 Reading
Complete the texts below using the words/phrases from the boxes. Some words cannot be used.

4 Vocabulary
Match the opposites.
5 Discussion
• Do you follow any bloggers, vloggers or influencers on social media? What do you find appealing about
their content?
• Do the content creators that you follow on social media have an influence on your (everyday) life? If yes,
in what ways?
• Do you think that content creators have more influence on your generation than celebrities? Why (not)?

6 Read the text below and choose the right words. Then, answer the following questions.
§ According to the article, what is the secret of vloggers?
§ Why do companies hire vloggers to advertise their products?

7 Choose the correct words.

1 A vlog is a fairly new aspect / form of television.
2 A vlogger's audience / crowd tends to be young adults.
3 One striking feature / element of a successful vlog is interesting content.
4 Vlogs are considered / regarded as a key source of information by some.
5 Vlogs probably have less meaning / significance for the older generation.
6 Clients / Consumers are influenced by what vloggers buy and talk about.
7 The recent launch of a vlogger's book was a huge media activity / event.
8 Free video websites allow / approve ordinary people to make a name for themselves.

Sources: Walsh, C., & Warwick, L. (2018). Gold experience. Pearson.

Wilson, Jj., & Clare, A. (2012). New Total English. England: Pearson Education Limited.

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