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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics VI

I. Learning Objectives:
Cognitive: Read and interpret readings from water meter
Psychomotor: Compute the number of cubic meters used
Affective: Practice wise use of water
II. Learning Content
Topic: Meter Readings/Reading Water Meters
Reference: 21st Century Matheletes 6 pp. 302-306
Beyond Math grade 6 pp. 188-198
Materials: Multi-media, printed pictures, tape, and marker.
III. Learning Experiences
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill:
 Ask the students to form 3 groups.
 The teacher will give a small envelop to each group with scrambled
letters inside. Their task is to arrange the letters to form the missing


2. Unlocking of Words
 Water Meter- is used to measure or record the amount of water used
in a period of time.
 m³ - cubic meter
 L – liters
 1000 liters = 1 cubic meter

3. Motivation: Brainstorming about conservation of water (Group Activity)

 Ask the students to go with their groups.
 Let each group to list down at least 5 ways to conserve water.
 Ask the students to make a report.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation:
a. Activity 1- Whole Class Activity

 Show pupils the ten ways to conserve water.

1. Water plants and lawns only when needed. Avoid water run-off
into streets and gutters.
2. For best results, try watering in the morning. Evaporation loss is at
a minimum during this time.
3. Avoid washing down paved areas.
4. When washing a car, use a bucket of water. Use the hose only for
5. Repair the faucet leaks. As much as 15 gallons of water can be
lost each day with a slow drip.
6. Avoid toilet water waste.
7. Do not fall asleep in the shower. An extra five minutes in the
shower could mean 25 gallons or more of wasted water. Use
moderate stream.
8. Use the automatic dish washer wisely. Half loads cheat you out of
full water use.
9. Watch those laundry loads, too. Some 50 gallons of water are
used to wash a load of clothes.
10. Avoid the running faucet. Do not run water continuously while
shaving, brushing teeth, peeling vegetables, or washing dishes.

 Ask pupils to join their learning team. Each team is provided with
model water meter.

Ones (L)
Thousands (m³) m³

0 1 5 4 0 0 1 Tens (L)
Hundreds (m³)

Hundreds (L)
Tens (m³)

Ones (m³)

 The teacher guides the pupils to pinpoint the parts.

 Discussion is made on how the numbers in the dial move and how to
find the amount of cubic meters (m³) of water used
 Show several examples and let the pupils read and find the amount of
water used.
b. Activity 2 – Working in Groups/Discussion

 (4 groups) Each group is provided with activity sheets.

 Ask the students to make a report.

2. Fixing Skills
Answer the following.
I. Write each water meter reading in m³.

6940827 8437555

6940 m³  8437 m³  

II. Compute for the water consumed.

Previous reading: 0162 m³

Present reading: 0289 m³
127 m³ 
Amount of water used = ____________

Previous reading: 0478 m³

Present reading: 0753 m³
275 m³ 
Amount of water used = ____________

III. Complete the table.

Previous Reading Present Reading Cubic Meter Used

2 648 2 963 315
5 684 5 882 198
8 965 9 530 565

3. Generalization

How do you read the water meter?

How do you solve for the monthly consumption? (Subtract the previous
month’s reading from the present month’s reading)
What can you do to help lower your water bill?

4. Application

Mr. De Leon’s water bill shows that he consumed 173 m³ of water. What was
the previous reading if the present reading is 875 m³? 702 m³

IV . Evaluation
1. Write each water meter reading in m³.

0210503 0094908

 0210 m³  0094 m³

2. Complete the table.

Reading September October November December

Previous 3 588 8 260 4 681 6 789
Present 3 947 8 296 4 935 6 826
Consumption 359 m³ 36 m³ 254 m³ 37 m³

3. Solve the problem:

Mrs. Robles consumed 153.547m3. How much will she pay if a cubic meter of water
costs P25.00? P
V . Assignment 3,825
Assume that there are 25 leaking faucets, how many m3 of water will be wasted in 1

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