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The following materials were
lovingly prepared to help you in
carrying out temporal matters
This Training has 18
Modules (page 1 of 3)

Bank Setup and

disbursements General Handbook
Transition with
Released Leader
Obtaining Help
Systems Set-Up
This Training has 18
Modules (page 2 of 3)

Fast Offerings
Setting Self-Reliance
Handling Donations
Self-Reliance Toolkit

Missionary Economic
This Training has 18 Ordering Materials
Modules (page 3 of 3)
Bishop’s Role in Repairs
Safety at Church
Counseling Steps

Missionary and
Social and Emotional Temple Travel
Financial Audits
Additional Modules
for Stakes

First Training Contact

Mentoring New

Meetinghouse Master


Estimated time: 20 minutes

Category: Obtaining Help
Invite these leaders to take
this training with you:
• Bishopric counselors.
• Bishopric clerks.
• Relief Society presidency.
• Elders Quorum presidency.

Always begin with a prayer

and learn by revelation
In This Training You Will Learn About:

1. The General Handbook.

2. Additional Area Training.
3. Accessing the General Handbook.
4. Accessing Additional Training.
Joseph Smith taught

“I teach them
correct principles,
and they govern

Teachings of the Church: Joseph Smith, (2011), 281–91

The principles of serving
in the Church are taught
in the General Handbook.

Additional Area Trainings

are also available to carry
out key temporal matters.
The General Handbook.
1. ▪ Learn about the information that you
can find in the General Handbook.
These are the Sections of the General Handbook:

Doctrinal Church The Work of Church

Foundation Organization Salvation and Administration
Doctrines and Instructions for Exaltation Guidelines for
principles organizations, Teachings about administrating
fundamental to such as the the core work of the Church:
serving in the bishopric, the Church that • Meetings
Church. Relief Society, is needed for • Callings
primary, elders salvation and • Records
quorum, etc. exaltation. • Finances
• Policies
The General Handbook will answer
most questions regarding your
service, such as the following:

▪ What is my focus as a leader?

▪ How can I carry out missionary work?
▪ How do I call and set others apart?
▪ How do I interview members?
▪ How do I use fast offerings?
Additional Area Training.
2. ▪ Learn more about the area training that
you are taking at this very moment.
The Africa West Area
Office has created a set
of additional training
materials to help you
carry out temporal

Learn more in the next pages…

These are the Area Training Sections:

Getting Started
Learn how to make
a transition with the
released leader and
get set up with the
bank and Church
These are the Area Training Sections:

Obtaining Help Learn about who

can help you to
carry out temporal
These are the Area Training Sections:

Learn principles
and processes on
Managing Funds how to manage
sacred funds, this
includes donations
and expenses.
These are the Area Training Sections:

Learn how you can

help members to
Self-Reliance become self-reliant.
These are the Area Training Sections:

Learn how to
counsel with and
help members
with emotional
Counselling Members
and family needs.
These are the Area Training Sections:

Learn about other

topics such as:
• Chapel repairs.
• Ordering materials.
• Safety at Church.
Other Topics • Missionary and
temple travel.
These are the Area Training Sections:
This training applies
only to stakes and
districts, it includes
topics such as:
• First training for
new leaders.
• Mentoring new
• Meetinghouse
Stakes and Districts master planning.
Accessing the General
3. Handbook.
▪ Learn about 3 methods to access the
General Handbook: Church website,
mobile app, PDF.
Where is the General Handbook?

There are 3 options to access it, click on each:

1 3
►Church Website
• Google Play​
2 • Apple App Store​
►PDF document • Microsoft Store​
Option 1

Step-by-Step Guide:
Access the General Handbook
on the Church website
Option 1: Access on the Church website

Step 1:
Click on the
Libraries menu
– then click on
Gospel Library
Option 1: Access on the Church website

Step 2:
Click on
Handbook and
Option 1: Access on the Church website

Step 3:
Click on the
Option 1: Access on the Church website

Step 4:
Become familiar
with and review
each section of
the Handbook by
clicking on the
section titles.
Option 2

Step-by-Step Guide:
Access the General Handbook
on a PDF
Option 2: Access a PDF on the Church website

If your internet
connection is slow:
Download a PDF
document from the
website, by clicking the
download icon at the
top right of the screen.
Option 3

Step-by-Step Guide:
Access the General Handbook
on a Mobile Device
Option 3: Access on a mobile device

Step 1:
Search for the
Gospel Library App
in the app store for
your device:
• Google Play
• Apple App Store
• Microsoft Store
Option 3: Access on a mobile device

Step 2:
From the
Library screen, tap
and Callings.
Option 3: Access on a mobile device

Step 3:
From the
Handbooks and
Calling screen, tap
General Handbook.
Option 3: Access on a mobile device

Step 4:
Become familiar
with and review
each section of
the Handbook by
clicking on the
section titles.
Accessing Additional
4. Area Training.
▪ Learn about the methods to access the
additional training resources.
You can access the training from any
available device:

Smartphone Tablet Laptop Desktop

Find the training in these links:

Click here to access the training

Click here to download a PDF copy

Note: this PDF can be shared via WhatsApp or email
You can bookmark the training on
their phone home screen
Google Android Apple iOS
When access to internet and IT
devices are limited you can:

Access the training Print parts of the training

from Chapel computers PDF as needed

Search for this icon:

This module, General Handbook, is now complete.


Estimated time: 25 minutes

Category: Managing Funds

Invite these leaders to take
this training topic with you:
• Relief Society president.
• Elders Quorum president.

Always begin with a prayer

and learn by revelation.
In This Training You Will Learn About:

1. Principles of Fast Offerings.

2. Roles of Leaders and Members.
3. The process to Provide Assistance.
4. Limits, Forms and Support.
Meet the Monson Family
Photo of Sis Monson with her children
Sister Monson just made an
appointment to see you. She is a
single mother of 2 young children
and is the only breadwinner of the
She has recently become ill and
cannot work. There is no food in
her home.
What can you do to help?
The Law of the Fast
• The Lord has established
fast offerings to bless His
people and provide a way to
serve those in need.
• The Lord has also provided
a pattern for Self-Reliance.
• Both are essential in caring
for the poor and the needy .
Assisting members only with fast offerings can
create member dependance on Church funds

Help them become


Assist them with

Fast Offerings
Helping them also to become self-reliant
can bless them even more in the long run

Assist them with Help them become

Fast Offerings Self-Reliant
Fast Offerings is Love
In helping sister Monson, you can
follow King Benjamin’s teaching to:
• “Love and to serve one another”
• And to “succor those that stand
in need of your succor”
This training will explain how you can
use Fast Offerings to help those in
Principles of Fast Offerings.
▪ What are fast offerings?
▪ The purpose of fast offering assistance.
▪ Approved uses of fast offerings.
▪ Disapproved uses of fast offerings.
Principles of Fast Offerings​

What are
Fast Offerings? Fast offerings are
sacred funds donated
by Church members
“to bless [the Lord’s]
people and to provide
a way to serve those
in need”
General Handbook 22.2.2​
Principles of Fast Offerings​
The purpose of fast offerings is to
temporarily meet basic needs while
members strive to become self-reliant.
Purpose of Fast
Offering Assistance Church assistance
is intended to help Fast Self-
Offerings Reliance
members develop
independence, not
General Handbook 22.4​
Principles of Fast Offerings​
Fast-offering assistance is generally used
to pay for essential items, such as:

Food Utilities
Hygiene items Counselling
Approved uses of Clothing Medical care
Fast Offerings
Housing Short-term skills
General Handbook 22.3.2 / 22.4.2
Principles of Fast Offerings​
Fast-offering assistance should not be
used to pay for:
School or exam fees
Consumer debt
Failed businesses
preparatory items
Starting a business
Assistance for non- expenses and
Disapproved uses members transportation
of Fast Offerings Motorbike repairs Wedding certificates
General Handbook | Africa West Financial Integrity Guidelines
Principles of Fast Offerings​
Prayerful review by the
Bishop, the Stake
President, and the Area
leadership are required
for any exception.
Remember, Church
assistance is meant to
Disapproved uses sustain life—not to
of Fast Offerings maintain lifestyle.
General Handbook 22.4.2
The Lord has entrusted
you with sacred funds.

Follow the next 12 tips to

become a wise steward and
a protection to yourself, your
leaders and the Church.
Tips to protect the Church and yourself

Approvals Bishop

Make sure only the bishop authorizes
the use of fast offering funds.

Obtain additional approvals required to
assist a bishop or a stake president.

Follow approval limits for medical, dental
and mental health expenses.
Tips to protect the Church and yourself

Ensure you have the membership record of
the member to be assisted.

Never record assistance under the name of
a person who is not the one receiving it.

Never write the name of a bishopric
member as the payee in a check.
Tips to protect the Church and yourself

Provide resources or services rather
than cash to members.

Make the payments directly to providers
of goods and services.

Pay only the amount expected to be
needed for any given purpose.
Tips to protect the Church and yourself

10 Never create or change a receipt.

Excess funds should be redeposited into

11 the Church account and not be spent on
unrelated items or future activities.

Protect members’ privacy and dignity by

keeping Church assistance confidential.
Roles of Leaders and
2. Members.
▪ Learn about the role that each
member in the ward plays in
administering fast offerings.
Each member plays an important role in
making fast offerings assistance possible:

All Members Bishops Relief Society, Ministering

elders quorum Couples
All Members

• All members fast and donate

generous fast offerings every
• It is a sacred privilege for members
of the Church to assist one another
in times of need.
• Fast offering assistance is a gift
from the membership of the Church.
Members in Need

• Members in need seek help from

their family or others before coming
to the Church for assistance.
• They complete a Self-Reliance Plan
form before they receive assistance.
• This plan will set them on the path
to provide for themselves long-term.

• Bishops have a sacred

responsibility to seek out and care
for those in need (D&C 84:112).
• Bishops have priesthood keys to
decide who to give assistance to,
when and by how much.
• They follow Church policies and
limits set by the Area Presidency.

• Bishops can be helped by:

✓ Ministering brothers and sisters.
✓ Relief Society presidency.
✓ Elders Quorum presidency.
✓ The bishop’s counselors.
✓ Other members of the ward council.
General Handbook 22.3.1
Relief Society and elders quorum

• Relief Society and Elders Quorum

Presidencies support bishops:
✓ Coordinate ministering efforts to
identify member needs.
✓ Assist members in filling out their
Self-Reliance plan.
✓ Deliver payment for goods and
services and bring back receipts.
Ministering Couples

• Ministering Couples assist with

members’ spiritual and temporal
• They report needs identified to Relief
Society and elders quorum leaders.
• They may share needs that are
confidential directly with the bishop.
General Handbook 22.6.3
Process to Provide
3. Assistance.
▪ Learn step-by-step how to administer
fast offerings.
Steps to Provide Assistance

Identify and Fill out a Self- Decide Amount

1 2 3
Assess Needs Reliance Plan of Assistance

Pay for Goods Get the Fill out the
6 5
or Services Money Bishop’s Guide

Give Receipts Provide Work towards
8 9
to Clerk Service Self-Reliance
Remember the
Monson Family?
They have no food at home
due to a recent illness that
prevented the mother from
Let’s see an example of
how the process in the
previous page can bless
the Monson family.

Assess Ministering sisters visited the Monsons
Needs and noticed that sister Monson was ill
and had no food at home; they notified
the Relief Society president.

Fill out
a Self-
Reliance Sister Monson filled out a Self-
Plan Reliance Plan with help from the Relief
Society president; her mother also
stepped in to care for the children.

Amount of
Assistance The Bishop reviewed Sister Monson’s
Self-Reliance Plan and approved the
use of fast offerings to pay for food
and medicine for sister Monson.

Fill out the

Guide to
He then noted the assistance given in
the Self-
the Bishop’s Guide to Self-Reliance
Reliance Plan, as a reminder to discuss sister
Plan Monson’s goals in their next interview.

Get the
The Bishop signed a cash advance
form, and had his counselors write a
check for the Relief Society president
to cash it at the bank.

Pay for
Goods or
Services The Relief Society president paid for
and delivered food and medicine to
the Monson family.

to Clerk She then gave the payment receipts
back to the ward clerk, together with
some unused funds that the clerk had
to deposit back.

Sister Monson set a goal in the Self-
Reliance Plan to serve an elderly
couple for a few months, which she
did as soon as she got better.

Self- Another goal included participating in
Reliance the Personal Finances self-reliance
group to learn how to save money for
times of need such as this one.
Limits, Forms and Support.
4. ▪ Learn about fast offering authorization
limits, required forms and contact
information to obtain support.
LIMITS Fast Offering Authorization Limits

Bishops and branch Wards and Branches

presidents may Country In US dollars In Local Currency
authorize medical, Ghana Ghc 2,250
dental and mental Nigeria N 200,000
health assistance up Sierra Leone Le3 750,000f
to the amounts to the Liberia L$ 47,500
US $500
right. Benin CFA 325,000f
Cote d'Ivoire CFA 325,000f
Senegal CFA 325,000f
Togo CFA 325,000f
LIMITS Fast Offering Authorization Limits

Stake and mission Stakes and Missions

presidents may Country In US Dollars In Local Currency
authorize medical, Ghana Ghc 4,500
dental and mental Nigeria N 400,000
health assistance up Sierra Leone Le7 500,000
to the amounts to the Liberia L$ 95,000
US $1,000
right, additional to Benin CFA 650,000f
the US $500 that Cote d'Ivoire CFA 650,000f
wards and branches Senegal CFA 650,000f
can authorize. Togo CFA 650,000f
FORM Self-Reliance Plan

Helps families identify

financial needs and create
a plan to increase their

Click here to download the form

FORM Bishop’s Guide to the Self-Reliance Plan

Helps bishops maintain a

record of assistance given
to members and their
progress in meeting their
self-reliance goals.

Click here to download the form

FORM Payment Request / Cash Advance Form

Helps bishops document

and authorize payments.
Bishops sign a form before
checks or EFTs are issued.

Click here to download the form

SUPPORT Unit Finance Support Contacts
Country Employee Phone Number and Email
Akaninyene L. +234 8035354581
+233 244338890
Ghana Titus Tagoe
Sierra Leone Emmanuel +231 886630671
Liberia Sokan Tarpeh
French speaking Jean-Bertin +225 054469259
countries Cwacou
All Africa West Collins M. +233 593799375
Area Yeboah
Training Summary
Thank you for your faith in helping the Savior
bless the poor and the needy!
This guide helped you better understand:
• Principles of Fast Offerings.
• Roles of Leaders and Members.
• The process to Provide Assistance.
• Forms and Resources.
This module, Fast Offerings, is now complete.

Setting Self-
Estimated time: 25 minutes
Category: Self-Reliance
Invite these leaders to take
this training topic with you:
• Relief Society presidency.
• Elders Quorum presidency.
• Self-reliance specialists.

Always begin with a prayer

and learn by revelation.
In This Training You Will Learn To:

1. Make a plan with members in need.

2. Minister to them to carry out their plan.
3. Practice making a plan.
“Bishops should exercise
good judgment and seek
spiritual direction when
considering the amount
and duration of the
assistance given. They
should be compassionate
and generous while not
creating dependence”

General Handbook 22.4.2

Assisting members only with fast offerings can
create member dependance on Church funds

Help them become


Assist them with

Fast Offerings
Helping them also to become self-reliant
can bless them even more in the long run

Assist them with Help them become

Fast Offerings Self-Reliance
“Those who accomplish
the most in this world are
those with a vision for their
lives, with goals to keep
them focused on their
vision and tactical plans for
how to achieve them.
“Return and Receive,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 62
Goal 1
Setting meaningful goals and Goal 2
carrying out a plan can help us
become self-reliant and achieve
the work the Lord has for us.
It requires us to move past our
desires and take actionable steps.
Video: Sister Benkosi teaches us about setting goals

If viewing on a PDF click here

In the video, sister Benkosi
is a role model to follow:
• She reminds us that time is a gift
from God, to do what matters most.
• She begins each day with a prayer,
to know who to bless and what to do.
• She works hard, and trusts that God
will do what she cannot do herself.
• At night, she reports back to God
and asks what she can do better.
Make a Plan.
1. ▪ Learn how to set meaningful goals
with members in need.
Make a plan
Many important goals
take time to achieve,
like finding a new job,
becoming financially
secure, or building up
food storage.
Small day-to-day
actions can help
members get there.
Make a plan

Help members work

Introduction backward to determine
what they need to
accomplish on a daily
or monthly or basis.
Having a plan will help
them prioritize their
Make a plan
The Church provides a
form that you can fill out
with families in need, to
help them make a Self-
Self-reliance plan
Reliance Plan. PAGE 1

You will now learn how

to help members fill out
each of its 2 pages.
Click here to download the form
Step 1: Identify short and long-term
needs. :
Short term examples: food, medicine
Long term examples: education, job.

Step 2: write monthly amounts of

income and expenses, for example:
”income $300”; “rent $50”; “food $150”

Step 3: write expenses that can be

reduced to save money, for example:
”fast food“; “cable TV”; “bank debt”
Step 3: Write who can also help, for
example: ”government aid”; “an
uncle”; “an older son who can work”

Step 4: Write practical goals to

increase self-reliance, for example:
”find a cheaper rent”; “enlist in school”

Step 5: Write service that the family

could provide, for example: “teach
specific skills to someone else, clean
elderly home, provide childcare service”
Make a Plan

To be accountable is
key to reaching goals
Members can be self-
accountable by putting
Be accountable their self-reliance plan
in a visible place where
they will review it often.
Make a Plan

They can also enlist the

help of a friend or family
member by sharing their
goals with them and
asking them to follow-up
Be accountable on their progress.
Ministering brothers and
sisters can greatly help.
Make a Plan
This additional form is available to
bishops to record welfare assistance
and member progress.
It can also be used
to follow up with
Be accountable
members on their
self-reliance plans.

Click here to download the form

Make a Plan
Even when members
set goals, make plans,
and hold themselves
accountable, they can
stumble on their way to
attain their goals.
Remind them that they
Rely on the Savior can rely on Jesus Christ
to help them keep
“Enduring to the end
means changing to the
end. […] I am not starting
over with each failed
attempt, but […] with each
try, I am continuing my
process of change.
Through Jesus Christ, we
are given the strength to
make lasting changes.”
Becky Craven, “Keep the Change,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2020, 59
Minister to Members.
2. ▪ Learn how to help members carry out
their self-reliance plans.
Ministering to Members
“Ministering is Christlike caring
for others and helping meet their
spiritual and temporal needs”
First Presidency letter, April 2, 2018

Church leaders have a divine

mandate to search out and
minister to those in need
See D&C 84:112
Joseph Smith taught that
temporal help, such as
“feed[ing] the hungry” and
“cloth[ing] the naked,” is
to be extended to all,
“whether in this church, or
in any other, or in no
church at all…”

Next, you will see an example on

how ward or branch leaders can
support families in need.
Meeting the Goury Family

The Gourys are faithful

members of the Church
Just recently, the father lost
his job and came to the
Bishop for assistance
The Bishop felt impressed
to involve the elders
quorum to minister to the
Delegating to Elders Quorum

The Bishop met with

elders quorum presidency
members to explain the
Goury family’s situation
They reviewed several
self-reliance principles
and counseled about how
to better help them
Setting Self-Reliance Goals

The elders quorum visited

the Gourys and guided
them in setting self-reliance
goals such as:
Sister Goury will sell food
Brother Goury will enlist in
a self-reliance group to find
a better job
Assisting with Immediate Needs

The elders quorum

reported back to the
Bishop about the family’s
situation and their goals
The Bishop agreed to pay
for food and rent expenses
for a few months while the
Gourys became self-reliant
Ministering to the Gourys

The elders quorum

regularly contacted the
Goury family
They provided emotional
support and assisted them
in meeting their goals, in
particular helping brother
Goury find a new job
Attending a Self-Reliance Group

Bother Goury carried out

his goal to enlist in and
attend a self-reliance group
titled Find a Better Job for
He put in practice the tools
and principles he learned
to find a new and better job
Finding a New Job

In time and with a lot of

effort, brother Goury
found a new job as a
mechanic in a well-
grounded company
The family began
saving money for future
unexpected challenges
3. ▪ Make a self-reliance plan for yourself
and your family.
Self-Reliance Plan Activity

In the following page you will

pause the training and have an
opportunity to practice filling
out a Self-Reliance Plan form

Step 1
Pause the training
Click on the link to download
and take some time the self-reliance plan form:
to complete the steps
Click here to download the form
on the right.
Doing so will better Step 2
prepare you to Fill out the form for yourself and
minister to members. your family; get familiar with it.
Training Summary
You can help members set goals and become self-
reliance using a practical 3-step process:
Make a Plan.
Be Accountable.
Rely on the Savior.
You or others can assist members in making a plan that
suits their needs and in helping them carry it out.
“Behold this is the way
that I, the Lord, have
decreed to provide for my
saints, that the poor shall
be exalted, in that the rich
are made low.”
Doctrine and Covenants 104:16
Click here

Additional Forms
Click here
Click here
This module, Setting Self-Reliance Goals, is now complete.

Social and
Estimated time: 15 Minutes
Category: Counseling Members
Invite these leaders to take
this training topic with you:
• Bishopric counselors.
• Relief Society presidency.
• Elders Quorum presidency.

Always begin with a prayer

and learn by revelation.
In This Training You Will Learn About:

1. Helping Members in Need.

2. Available Tools.
3. Additional Resources.
What is Family Services?

It is a division of the Welfare

and Self-Reliance Department
of the Church.
It helps leaders support their
members with:
• Emotional Self-Reliance.
• Family Relationships.
“Family Services helps
church leaders care for
individuals with social
and emotional challenges
by providing resources
that are in harmony with
the Gospel.”
Counselling Services (
Helping Members in Need.
1. ▪ Learn about member needs and how
to connect them with the tools that can
help them solve their own challenges.
Each person you counsel
might have different social or
emotional needs, such as:

• Marital Conflict​
• Mental Health​
• Pornography Use​
• Same-Sex Attraction
• Suicidal Behaviors
• And many more…
Your success as a leader will
largely depend on your ability to
follow the Spirit in connecting
members to the right tools that
can help them in their time of
Let’s take a look at the following analogy…
Activity: match each fastener with the right tool
Well done!
As you can tell,
there is a tool
for each type of
Similarly, there is a tool for different types of
social or emotional needs, for example:

Needs Tools

Self-harm or Professional mental

suicidal behaviors health counselling
Compulsive or Recovery support
addictive behavior groups and manuals
You are not alone!
Do not take more on yourself
than you should, you don’t
have to solve every problem
on your own.
Consider using the following
tools to help members solve
their own challenges; involve
other leaders as needed.
Available Tools.
2. ▪ Learn about the tools you can count on
to help members in their need.
TOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6

Consultation for Leaders

Need: For leaders Tool: Consultation Get started: Send
who are unsure services with specialists your questions via
about how to help are provided to advice email:
a member with on specific cases. awafamilyservices@ch
social and
emotional needs.
TOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6

Professional Counselling
Need: Overwhelming Tool: Counselling Get started: Consult a
social and emotional with mental health specialist via email on how
challenges, such as professionals such and when to involve mental
depression, anxiety, as psychologists, health professionals:
abuse, or addiction. psychiatrists and awafamilyservices@churchofj
Leaders can use fast
offerings to pay for services
as needed.
TOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6

Professional Counselling
Counselling services are • Single expectant parents.
available free of charge to • Missionaries who return
the following individuals: home early.
• Prospective missionaries
with social or emotional
challenges that may impede
mission success.
TOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6

Emergency Response
Need: Unexpected Tool: Emotional Get started:
death, suicide attempt, care provided by Services can be
natural disasters, or Family Services requested via the
political unrest. professionals. following email:
TOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6

Marriage and Family

Need: People with Tool: Group meetings Get started:
a desire to improve to study courses on Groups can be
marriage and family strengthening organized using the
relationships, or marriage and family. participants and
learn about how to instructor’s guide in
manage conflict in a the following website
relationship. or in Gospel Library:
Link to guides
TOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6

Emotional Resilience
Need: Members Tool: Self-reliance Get started:
who need to better group meetings to help Groups can be
care for their members apply spiritual organized by using
bodies, minds, and practical skills. the guides below,
emotions and click on each link:
Participants guide link
Facilitators guide link
TOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6

Compulsive and Additive Behavior

Need: People Tool: Support groups Get started: Find a
with compulsive with guides for individuals, group or start one by
and addictive spouses and families. contacting a Family
behaviors such as Service specialist:
pornography, awafamilyservices@chu
alcohol, drugs,
gambling, and
screen addiction. Participant guide link
Spouse/family guide link
Additional Resources.
3. ▪ Learn how to better counsel with
members with these online resources.
Online Resources
As you meet with members,
you will learn about their
specific needs.
The resources in this
website will advise you on
how to support each need.

Click to access the website

You can also access the resources by cell phone
Open the Gospel Library app on your phone, and then
follow these steps to find the Counseling Resources:
Click on these links to access advice on a specific need

• Abuse (Victim) • Mental Health • Pornography Use

(support for spouses)
• Abuse (Offender) • Professional Help
(when to consider it) • Same-Sex Attraction
• Addiction
• Returning Home Early • Suicide
• Employment (missionaries)
• Single Expectant Parents
• Finances • Returning to Service
(missionaries) • Support for Caregivers
• Grief and Loss
• Pornography Use
• Marital Conflict
Training Summary
Thank you for the love and the patience you
show to so many of individuals in need!
Remember to:
• Prayerfully consider which of the tools to
utilize as you counsel with members.
• Consult a local family services specialist if
you are unsure on how to help someone.
This module, Social and Emotional Resources, is now complete.


Estimated time: 15 Minutes

Category: Other Topics
Invite these leaders to take
this training topic with you:
• Bishopric counselors.
• Bishopric clerks.

Always begin with a prayer

and learn by revelation.
In This Training You Will Learn About:

1. Ordering channels.
2. Guide to place an order.
3. Retail store contact information.
4. Additional information.
Retail stores and ordering
services are available in all
countries to supply essential
materials to units.
Your understanding of the
ordering process will facilitate
the acquisition of materials in
a timely manner.
Materials Available to Unit Leaders
Ordering Channels.
1. ▪ Learn about retail stores and
phone orders
Ordering Channels – Option 1

Visit a store in-person

Retail stores and present a completed
order form to receive
your materials; you can
be given a form at the
All order forms need to
be signed by the unit
Ordering Channels – Option 1
A member can also
take a completed form
Retail stores to the store.
If the unit leader
signature is missing,
the leader will be
contacted by phone to
confirm the order before
items can be supplied.
Ordering Channels – Option 2

You can also call the

retail store to process
an order by phone.
Phone orders A completed and
signed order form
should be sent to the
store via WhatsApp
or via email.
Ordering Channels – Option 2
Your unit’s budget
(LUBA) will be charged
with the expense.

Phone orders The order will be shipped

with your monthly
magazine supplies.
If it does not arrive by the
4th week, kindly contact
your local store.
Ordering Channels – Option 2

Orders for individual

members should be
Phone orders
transacted in-store.
The phone service
is only available to
order unit supplies.
Ordering Channels

Ordering through the

online store in the link
below is currently
unavailable in your
Online store
Guide to Place an Order
2. ▪ Learn about the process to place
an order and payment methods
Guide to Placing an Order

A bishop, branch president or clerk
finds out the prices of materials from
the distribution store.

Fill an order form and submit to the
bishop or branch president for
approval and signature.

Click here to download the form

Guide to Placing an Order

Submit the signed order form to the
retail store in person for processing.
Or else, order by phone and send the
form by WhatsApp or email.

Pay at the store or by phone using
your preferred payment mode.
Payment Options

Cash Transactions.
Point of Sales (POS) Payment.
Unit’s Budget (LUBA) Account Charge.
Mobile Money Transactions (Ghana).

Phone order
Unit’s Budget (LUBA) Account Charge.
Mobile Money Transactions (Ghana).
Retail Store Contact Information
3. ▪ Access phone numbers, emails,
store locations and service hours

Locate the retail store

closer to you to see its
contact information.
Distribution Stores
Benin, Cotonou
Ghana, Accra
Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Liberia, Monrovia
Nigeria, Aba
Nigeria, Lagos
Sierra Leone, Freetown
Togo, Lomé Distribution Store
Ghana, Accra
Hours of Service
Josephine Abalene
7:30 am – 3:00 pm
+233 552 703 535 (WhatsApp also)
8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Sat # 57 Independence Ave,
7:30 am – 12:00 pm P.M.B. CT209 Cantonements, Accra
Sun, Mon
Benin, Cotonou
Hours of Service
Tue–Wed Ange Sahoui
8:00 am – 3:00 pm
+229 946 137 62 (WhatsApp also)
7:30 am – 2:00 pm
Sun, Mon, Thu Des Derniers Jours Du Benin C/1249
Closed Parcelle Q Gbejromede Litoral
Cotonou Msn Christian
Et Elisabeth Wilson, Cotonou Benin
Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Hours of Service
Akah Serge
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
+225 654 447 62 (WhatsApp also)
8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Sun, Mon
Eglise De Jesus Christ Des Saints
Des Derniers Jours Rue
J 38, Ilot 149 Abidjan Ivory Coast
Liberia, Monrovia
Hours of Service
Mon, Wed, Fri
Catherine Tweh
8:00 am – 3:00 pm
+231 777 125 141 (WhatsApp also)
Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat

1000 Monrovia 10 Liberia Behind Old

Budget Bureau Redemption Road
Togo, Lomé
Hours of Service
Tue, Thu
Kokou Togbe
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
+228 968 046 91
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sun, Mon, Wed, Fri
Paroisse de Tokoin 33 Rue
146 Nutifafa Kome, Lome Togo
Nigeria, Aba
Hours of Service
9:00 am – 4:00 pm Martha Chigbata
+234 703 819 7085 (WhatsApp also)
7:30 am – 12:00 pm
Sun, Mon, Fri 40 Temple Road (Formerly Okpu Umobo
Closed Road) Off Aba Owerri Road, Abayi ABA
Nigeria, Lagos
Hours of Service
Abiom Ezeikpe
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
+234 701 508 6441 (WhatsApp also)
Sat, Sun

# 5 Gbemi Oluwa Close

Off Sule Aburka Crescent, Opebi
Lagos Nigeria
Sierra Leone, Freetown
Hours of Service
Tue, Thu
Yvonne Smart
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
+233 244 333 683 (WhatsApp also)
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Sun, Mon, Wed, Fri
2 Belliar Park Off Padema Road
Freetown Sierra Leone
Additional Information
4. ▪ This section provide additional
information about ordering and
newly created units
Additional Information

Sacrament Cups One box of sacrament

cups contains 8,000
One box can last your
ward on average one
full year.
Additional Information

All orders for materials

should be channelled
Materials Orders to the retail store in
your city or country and
not to stores in other
Additional Information
Order annual curriculum
materials from your local
Distribution Team only
and not from Church
The bulletin sent yearly
by Church headquarters
is for informational
purposes only.
Additional Information
New units receive a
standard starter pack of
materials upon their
creation, free of charge.
If it does not arrive by
the 4th week, contact
your local retail store.
New Units
Click here to download starter pack contents
Training Summary
▪ You can order materials for your unit by
visiting a retail store or by calling them.

▪ Fill an order form and have the unit leader

sign it, then provide it to the retail store.

▪ Keep this training as a reference for any

contact information you might need.
This module, Ordering Materials, is now complete.


Estimated time: 20 Minutes

Category: Other Topics
Invite these leaders to take
this training topic with you:
• Bishopric counselors.
• Bishopric clerks.
• Ward building representative.

Always begin with a prayer

and learn by revelation.
In This Training You Will Learn About:

1. Responsibilities of Church
2. Responsibilities of unit leaders.
3. Requesting chapel repairs.
Holy Places
Keeping the Lord’s
meetinghouse clean and well
kept not only demonstrates
our reverence and respect for
the Lord as we worship there
but is also a testimony to all
who enter that the chapels
are truly “holy places.”
Meetinghouse Facilities Department Website
Responsibilities of Church
1. Employees
Meet the Facilities
Manager (FM)

A Church-employed facilities
manager (FM) helps each
stake operate meetinghouses.
They will support you in
coordinating maintenance
work and providing training.
Responsibilities of the Facilities Manager
• Coordinate ground care and building maintenance.
• Arrange major repairs and deep cleaning.
• Provide cleaning materials and equipment to units.
• Create and execute yearly plans for major maintenance.
• Train stake and ward building representatives.
• Meet monthly with the stake president or representatives.
• Review minor expenses such as building utilities.
Meet the Handyman

The handyman is a
technician or mechanic
who fixes simple and
routine maintenance work
in a meetinghouse.
He reports to a facilities
manager (FM).
Responsibilities of the Handyman
• Perform most of the maintenance work and repairs.
• Coordinate maintenance tasks and schedules.
• Carry out routine building checks to detect needs.
• Respond to work assignments from the FM.
• Refer more complex repairs, and maintenance
needs to the FM for assignment to a vendor.
Complaints should be sent to the FM or his superior.
Responsibilities of
2. Unit Leaders.
Responsibilities for Meetinghouse Care

Stake Presidents Stake presidents are

responsible for all the
meetinghouses in their stakes.
They assign a high councilor
to be the stake building
Responsibilities for Meetinghouse Care

Stake Presidents They also assign one bishop,

known as the agent bishop, to
coordinate meetinghouse care
and maintenance in a building
serving multiple units.
Responsibilities for Meetinghouse Care

The bishop oversees the care

Bishops of his own meetinghouse.
A counselor may be assigned
to serve as the ward building
representative or another
member may be called.
Performing Maintenance Work
As a leader, you should not
perform repairs or contract
maintenance or cleaning work,
as these duties are carried out
by the facilities manager, along
with defining costs and quality.
However, you may be asked to
fill out a form confirming that
maintenance work is completed.
Responsibilities for Meetinghouse Care

The stake president and

bishop may delegate
facility responsibilities to
Building building representatives
However, they are still
accountable for their
proper keep.
Responsibilities for Meetinghouse Care

Stake and ward building

representatives assist stake
presidents and bishops in
Building meetinghouse:
• Use.
• Care.
• Security.
The Role of Stake
Building Representatives

• Train ward building

representatives in their duties.
• Contact the facilities manager
to request building repairs and
discuss maintenance needs.
The Role of Ward
Building Representatives

• Organize members and

volunteers to clean
• Communicate maintenance
needs to the facilities manager
with the bishop’s consent.
The Role of Ward
Building Representatives
• Ensure the chapel is used
appropriately as stipulated in
the General Handbook.
• Accompany the facilities
manager when there is major
maintenance work that requires
a leader to be present.
Responsibilities for Meetinghouse Care

Members are expected

to participate in cleaning
efforts for buildings to
present an image of
dignity and respect.
Why Members are
Asked to Participate
“Members are asked to
participate in the cleaning of
their buildings in such a way
that, by their sacrifice, they
will come to honor and
respect and love these
beautiful houses of worship.”
— Bishop H. David Burton
Opportunity for
Leaders to Teach
“This is a program to develop
personal character and receive
eternal blessings. Those
priesthood leaders who teach
their people that this is an
opportunity to sacrifice and
build the kingdom will find
success in their efforts.”
Bishop H. David Burton, Ensign, June 1999, 75.
Suggested Cleaning Checklist

Members who clean the

building should receive
cleaning assignments
on their arrival.
The building
representative may
consider printing or
making a checklist like
the one shown on the
next page.
Suggested Cleaning Checklist

❑ Sweep the chapel ❑ Place hymnbooks in racks

❑ Clean washrooms and ❑ Clean washroom mirrors,
replace toilet and hand paper counters and sinks
supplies. ❑ Clean entrance doors and
❑ Take out trash and reline windows.
dustbins ❑ Wash dusters after each use
❑ Mop the floor to clean out ❑ Close doors and windows
dust ❑ Turn off lights and lock doors
❑ Straighten and clean kitchen to ensure security
❑ Pick up refuse in chapels after
Click here to download checklist
meetings and put in dustbins
3. Requesting Chapel Repairs
Service Model

Facility managers have a

shared responsibility with
stake and ward leaders to
ensure buildings are well
maintained and cleaned.
Response Times
All requests are categorized according to their impact
on building use:
• Emergency: Securing building from severe
property damage; resolution within 24-hours.
• Urgent: Impacts Sunday worship and should be
resolved before Sunday; resolution within 5 days.
• Routine: Regular maintenance problems;
resolution within 30 days.
Requesting Chapel Repairs
Stake and ward leaders have 2
options to request chapel repairs:

Option 1 Ask the facilities

manager (FM) directly by phone,
WhatsApp or text messages.

Option 2 Open a request in

the web or mobile app called
Facility Issue Reporting (FIR).
Option 1: Ask the facilities manager (FM)

Request the name and phone number of your

assigned facilities manager to the contacts below:


Oliver Azuonwu Andrews Karikari
+234 803 300 7785 +233 540 109 471
Option 2: FIR request using the Website
Step 1: Visit Step 2: Sign into your Church account.
Option 2: FIR request using the Website
Step 3: Click on Report Step 4: Fill out the
New Issue. required information.
Option 2: FIR request using the Website

Step 5: Submit
the report by
clicking the
Submit button.
Option 2: FIR request using the Mobile App

Step 1: Download the FIR app

for your mobile device using the
corresponding app store:

Click here Click here

Option 2: FIR request using the Mobile App

Step 2: Open the app on your

device and sign in using your
Church Account.

Step 3: Press the [+] icon to

submit a new issue.
Option 2: FIR request using the Mobile App

Step 3: Report the issue by

completing the form.
You may also attach up to 3
images to describe the problem.
Option 2: FIR request using the Mobile App

Step 4: Submit the request by

tapping on the Submit Issue
This module, Meetinghouse Repairs, is now complete.

Safety at

Estimated time: 20 minutes

Category: Other Topics
Invite these leaders to take
this training topic with you:
• All ward council leaders.

Always begin with a prayer

and learn by revelation.
In This Training You Will Learn To:

1. Prevent security incidents.

2. Obtain help during an incident.
3. Practice scenarios
4. Additional resources
“By small and
simple things are
great things
brought to pass”

Alma 37:6

We live in a world surrounded

by security risks, such as:

• Robberies, accidents,
crashes, and break-ins.
We do our best to prevent those incidents from
happening, by taking simple precautions such as:

Not walking on the Avoiding dangerous

streets alone at night. activities.

Handling cooking Locking our houses.

knives safely.
Similarly, at Church
activities, we can also
take small and simple
steps to prevent
security incidents that
can harm our members.
Prevent Incidents
1. ▪ Learn about how to prevent
security incidents to keep
your members safe
You can take small and simple steps to prevent
many of these security incidents:

• Chapel break-ins. • First aid needs (safety).

• Travel incidents. • Incidents in meetings.
• Active shooters. • Chapel fires.
• Suspicious packages.
Coming Up Next

You will learn the causes of

various security incidents and
the few small steps
you can take to prevent them.
Chapel break-ins
Causes Prevention Steps

• Poor chapel keys • Assign chapel keys wisely and

management keep a list of those with keys.
• Faulty doors or • Report faulty doors and locks.
windows • Report faulty compound lights.
• Dark or poor • Use a strong or locked room to
compound lighting keep valuable items out of sight.
• Unsecured ❑ Learn how to make reports in the
equipment training “Meetinghouse repairs”.
Travel Incidents
Causes Prevention Steps

• Late night traveling. • Try to hold meetings during the day

• Moving alone on when possible, and avoid closing late.
the streets at night. • When possible, avoid funeral related
• Using dark routes. travels done at nightfall.
• Encourage members to travel in pairs
and use well-lit streets while traveling
to and from the chapel at night.
Active Shooters
Causes Prevention Steps

• Terrorism. • Prepare an evacuation plan.

• Grievances. • Prepare to take emergency actions.
• Civil, political and • Ensure emergency exits are kept
religious unrest. clear.
• Educate members on how to respond
to an active shooter situation.
Active Shooters
Causes There are 3 response tactics
to an active shooter event:

• RUN if there is an accessible

escape path and evacuate the
premises .
• HIDE if evacuation is not possible.
• FIGHT as a last resort when your
life is in imminent danger.
Suspicious Packages
Causes Prevention Steps

• Concealed • Locate owner of package or bag.

packages or bags • Handle suspicious items with care,
left on church don’t shake or bump.
• Isolate and look for indicators:
• Suspicious objects shape, color, smell, sound.
that look strange.
• If needed, report to the police and
educate members to do the same.
First Aid Needs (Safety)
Instances Prevention Steps

• Small cuts, bruises • Identify hazards and indicate with

or burns. warning signs and symbols.
• Seizures. • Ensure that members are trained
• Unconsciousness. in administering first aid.

• Other situations • Keep a first aid box with proper

might need items in it, do not keep
immediate hospital medications in first aid box.
Incidents in Meetings
Causes Prevention Steps

• Abductions. Ward and stake councils should

• Abuse. • Encourage all parents to keep an
• Natural disasters. eye on their children.
• Instruct primary leaders to never
leave children under their care
• Ensure sitting arrangements do not
impede emergency evacuations.
Chapel Fires
Causes Prevention Steps

• Gas stoves left on • Turn gas stoves off after use and keep
after activities. children out of their reach.
• Gas cylinders in • Report* at once to the Facilities Manager
bad condition. any faulty electrical or gas components.
• Faulty electrical • Report* missing, expired or used up fire
problems. extinguishers.
• Flammable * Learn how to report in the training named
chemicals. “Meetinghouse repairs”
Obtaining Help
2. ▪ Prepare to obtain support in
case of a security incident
Emergency Preparation Activity

In the following 3 pages you

will store emergency phone
numbers on your cell phone,
please have it on hand.

Write numbers on paper if you don’t own a cell phone

We always turn to others for help in case of
an emergency.

Having their phone numbers registered on

your cell phone directory or in a visible place
is critical to obtain timely support.
Phone numbers that come in handy during
emergencies could include the following

Police department. Priesthood leaders.

Fire department Facilities manager.

where available.

Ambulance service Area office

where available. for serious injury, deaths,
or missing person.
For injury, deaths, or missing person
Store or write these numbers to report
serious incidents during Church activities:
Number to Call or
Area Office
Ghana +233 244 332054

Nigeria +234 803 5352127

Other West
+234 803 5352127
Africa Countries
Incident Preparation Assignment

Priesthood leaders.
Pause the training
Police department.
Take time to find and
Ambulance service (if available).
store the following
phone numbers on Fire department (if available).
your cell phone Facilities manager.
directory or write
Area office (see the next page)
them down. serious injury, deaths, or missing person.

• Accident or injury that occur on Church

The following
should be • A missing person in a Church activity
reported on • Private, public, or Church property is
the website damaged during a Church activity.
above. • Legal action is threatened or
Practice Scenarios
3. ▪ Learn from the following
examples of security incidents
and practice your knowledge
Example 1: Chapel Keys

A new leader forgot to retrieve A week later, someone

chapel keys from released broke in the chapel, using
leaders, and instead decided one of the many key copies
to make more copies. not accounted for.

Question: How can you prevent this situation?

Example 1:Scenario
Chapel Keys

Prevent chapel break-ins:

• Retrieve keys from released leaders.
• Keep an accurate list of leader who hold copies.
• Avoid making additional copies and instruct
other leaders to do the same.
Example 1:Scenario
Practice1: Chapel Keys

Which of the following can prevent chapel break-ins?


Making more Not keeping Retrieving Having a

key copies a list of key copies faulty door
without the members from leaders that can be
bishop’s who have who don’t wiggled to
approval. chapel keys. need them get into the
anymore. building.
Example 1:Scenario
Practice1: Chapel Keys

Which of the following can prevent chapel break-ins?

A B C is correct D

Making more Not keeping Retrieving Having a

key copies a list of key copies faulty door
without the members from leaders that can be
bishop’s who have who don’t wiggled to
approval. chapel keys. need them get into the
anymore. building.
Example 2: Missing Child

A visitor came to Church for The visitor abducted a child

a few Sundays, and seemed who was wandering around
interested in children names. without adult supervision.

Question: How can you prevent this situation?

Example 2:Scenario
Chapel Keys

Prevent missing children:

• Pay close attention to suspicious visitors who don’t
seem to be trusted.
• Accompany children who need to leave class.
• Instruct parents and primary leaders to never lose
sight of children.
• Teach children to not talk to or follow strangers.
Example 2:Scenario
Practice1: Chapel Keys

A child wishes to use the restroom during primary,

what should the teacher do?

Tell the child Allow the Take Ask his or

to hold it, he child to go to the child to her parent to
or she the restroom the restroom take the child
should have on his or her immediately. to the
gone before own if old restroom.
the class. enough.
Example 2:Scenario
Practice1: Chapel Keys

A child wishes to use the restroom during primary,

what should the teacher do?
A B C D is correct

Tell the child Allow the Take Ask his or

to hold it, he child to go to the child to her parent to
or she the restroom the restroom take the child
should have on his or her immediately. to the
gone before own if old restroom
the class. enough.
Training Summary

You and your members will be saved from physical harm

through Heavenly Father’s grace when you do your part.
Remember, simple and small steps can indeed make a
difference! Make these steps part of your daily Church
service, activities and let the Spirit guide your decisions.
Additional Resources
4. ▪ Use these additional resources to
expand your knowledge about
preventing and handling incidents
Safety in the Chapel
Click here

Safety in Activities
Safety Click here
Protecting Children
and Youth
Click here
This module, Safety at Church, is now complete.

and Temple
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
Category: Other Topics
Invite these leaders to take
this training topic with you:
• Bishopric counselors.

If you are a stake president invite:

• Stake counselors.
• Stake travel specialists.
Always begin with a prayer
and learn by revelation.
In This Training You Will Learn About:

1. Required documentation.
2. Payment responsibilities.
3. Airplane travel protocols.
Elder Ansah’s Story

Elder Ansah’s MTC start date

was postponed for 2 months
because he did not procure an
international passport on time.
As a result, he served in his
native country for several
months until his passport, visa
and resident permit were
Restrictions and Protocols

Travel has become challenging

due to the recent Covid-19
There are varied restrictions
and protocols that need to be
understood and followed for
smooth traveling.
You can prevent many

This training provides

information for leaders
to help them prevent
problems like the one
that Elder Ansah faced.
Required Documentation
1. ▪ Learn about the necessary documents
are for missionary and temple travel
Documents required for international travel
❑ Valid international travel passport.
❑ Valid ECOWAS travel passport
(for travels within ECOWAS countries).
International vaccination card.
❑ Covid-19 vaccination certificate.
❑ Covid-19 test results prior to traveling
(valid within 48 hours).
❑ Valid visa for the destination or country.
(Ecowas citizens do not need visa in Ecowas countries)
Obtaining Documents and Processing Duration

Travel Where to Processing

Document Obtain Duration
• International • Ministry of • Up to one
passport Foreign Affairs year
• Covid-19 test • Hospitals • 2 days
• Vaccination/ • Accredited • Country
Test labs specific
• Visas • Contact • Country
Church staff specific
Obtaining Documents and Processing Duration

Travel Document Where to Obtain
International Ministry of Foreign
Up to one year
Passport Affairs
Covid-19 Test Hospitals 2 days

Vaccination/ Test Accredited labs Country Specific

Contact Church
Visas Country specific
Mission documents required 6 weeks prior to MTC start date
The stake president sends these to the travel team in the Area office:

Originals: Copies of:

❑ Police ❑Missionary call letter ❑ Curriculum Vitae
clearance ❑Missionary acceptance (CV) or Resume.
report. letter School certificate.

(available on ❑ International yellow

❑ Passport
missionary portal). fever card.
photograph. ❑Priesthood ordination ❑ Passport bio data
certificate (elders only). page.

❑Seminary or Institute
Practice Question Chapel

Which of the documents below are required

when traveling to another country?

International/ Driver National Employment

ECOWAS license. Health letter.
passport, Insurance.
card, visa.
Practice Question Chapel

Which of the documents below are required

when traveling to another country?
A is correct B C D

International/ Driver National Employment

ECOWAS license. Health letter.
passport, Insurance.
card, visa.
2. Payment Responsibilities
▪ Learn about who pays for missionary
travel expenses and about the temple
patron assistance fund
Who pays for mission travel expenses?

The Church pays for: Missionaries pay for:

• Ground transportation. • Passport procurement.
• Visas. • Police report.
• Air or boat fares. • Vaccines and medical
• All costs associated to examination.
Covid-19. • Clothing pack (link).
• Other travel costs.
Temple Expenditures
Members are encouraged to
pay for all temple travel costs.
Mission and stake presidents
request assistance to the Area
Presidency by sending them a
completed Temple Patron
Assistance Fund Form (TPAF).
Click here to download guidelines
Click here to download a TPAF
Temple Expenditures

The temple assistance fund may

be used to support members
cover expenses such as:
• Patron housing costs.
• Bus, boat or air fare.
• Reasonable food costs.
• Temple related clothing.
• Language translation.
Airplane Travel Protocols
3. ▪ Learn about specific requirements and
protocols during airplane travel
Carrying Documentation
Please remind the missionaries
traveling of the importance of
keeping the following documents
in their carry-on bag:
• Passport.
• International vaccination card.
• Covid-19 test results.
• Boarding pass.
Luggage requirements
Missionaries should comply with
standard baggage allowances:
• If the airline allows 2 pieces of
luggage, each should not weigh
more than of 23 kg.
• The carry-on bag should not
weigh more than 8 kg.
Missionaries should not accept
to carry any parcel from anyone.
Covid-19 Protocols
Missionaries should:
• Have a Covid-19 negative
test result within 48 hours
prior to departure.
• Be fully vaccinated against
Covid-19 (taken full doses).
• Carry their vaccination
certificate with them.
Covid-19 Protocols
Missionaries should:
• Wear face mask at the airport
and in-flight.
• Observe social distance.
• Regularly use hand sanitizer.
• Comply with all Covid-19
protocols for both countries of
departure and destination.
We have dedicated staff to support
you and answer questions anytime:
Area Office Phone Number (WhatsApp)
+233 255 852 9600

+234 803 302 7140

+234 803 535 1867
Cote d'Ivoire +225 055 400 1562

For additional concerns contact: Fred Dei-Oppong at +233 244 336 668.
We have dedicated staff to support
you and answer questions anytime:
Area Office Phone Number (WhatsApp)
Sierra Leone +233 593 956 894
Liberia +233 544 348 841
+233 593 956 94
Togo, Benin
+233 244 336 674

For additional concerns contact: Fred Dei-Oppong at +233 244 336 668.
Training Summary
Together we can avoid inconveniences
such as Elder Ansah’s and many more
Members will find a more fulfilling
experience traveling to missions and
temples by following the guidelines
outlined in this training.
Note: periodic updates could be made to this
training as protocols and requirements
This module, Missionary and Temple Travel, is now complete

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