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Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Engineering
Nuclear Engineering Department

Graduation Project(2) NE592

Radiological, geological mapping, Case study Jerash city
natural radioactive nuclei

Done by:
Abdallah Ahmad
Mohammad Al-tubbosh
Mohammad Elayyan
Mfleh Al-karazneh
Rasheed Malkawi
Chapter 1: Introduction.....................................................................................................................4
1.1 Importance of the study.....................................................................................................4
1.2 Radioactivity.....................................................................................................................4
1.3 Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)........................................................5
1.4 Radioactive equilibrium....................................................................................................7
1.5 Similar studies...................................................................................................................8
Chapter 2: Material and methodology...............................................................................................8
2.1 Sampling...........................................................................................................................8
2.1.2 Certain criteria that should be met when selecting the samples:....................................9
2.1.3 Soil sample collection method:.......................................................................................9
2.2 Samples Preparation:.......................................................................................................10
2.3 Detection of samples:......................................................................................................13
2.3.1 Gamma ray spectroscopy (GRS)..................................................................................13
2.3.2 HPGe Detectors............................................................................................................13
2.4 Concentration of element................................................................................................15
2.5 Radiological effects assessment:.....................................................................................16
2.5.1 Absorbed dose rate in air (Dr)......................................................................................16
2.5.2 Annual Effective Dose Equivalent (AEDE).................................................................16
2.5.3 The Radium Equivalent Activity (Raeq)........................................................................17
2.5.4 Radiation Hazard Indices..............................................................................................17
2.5.5 Representative (radioactivity) level index (RLI)..........................................................17
Chapter 3: Results and discussion...................................................................................................17
3.1 Results of radiological effects:........................................................................................22
List of Figures

Figure 1: Secular radioactive equilibrium.......................................................................................8

Figure 2: Distribution of soil samples over the study area..............................................................9
Figure 3: Electric oven...................................................................................................................10
Figure 4: Disc mill.........................................................................................................................11
Figure 5: Automatic compactor.....................................................................................................11
Figure 6: Ball mill..........................................................................................................................12
Figure 7: Vibrator..........................................................................................................................12
Figure 8: Experiment device setup................................................................................................13
Figure 9: Shield and nitrogen cylinder for cooling for the detector..............................................14
Figure 10: Demonstration of the connection of the electronic components of the high purity
germanium detector.......................................................................................................................15
Figure 11: Activity concentration of K-40 in soil samples from Jerash........................................18
Figure 12: Activity concentration of Th-232 in soil samples from Jerash....................................18
Figure 13: Activity concentration of U-238 in soil samples from Jerash......................................19
Figure 14: Activity concentration of Cs-137 in soil samples from Jerash....................................20
Figure 15: Absorbed dose rate in soil samples from Jerash..........................................................23
Figure 16: Annual effective dose equivalent in soil samples from Jerash....................................23
Figure 17: Radium equivalent activity in soil samples from Jerash..............................................24
Figure 18: External hazard index in soil samples from Jerash......................................................25
Figure 19: Internal hazard index in soil samples from Jerash.......................................................25
Figure 20: Representative level index in soil samples from Jerash...............................................26

List of Table

Table 1: The important properties of the radionuclides of the U-238 decay chain.........................6
Table 2:The important properties of the radionuclides of the Th-232 decay chain.........................6
Table 3:The activity concentration (Bq/kg) of K-40, Th-232, U-238 and Cs-137 samples from
Table 4: Comparison of activity concentration (Bq/kg) of K-40, Th-232 in our study with other
countries in soil samples................................................................................................................21
Table 5: Absorbed dose rate in air, annual effective dose equivalent, radium equivalent activity,
radiation hazard indices, and gamma index in soil samples from Jerash......................................27
Abbreviations and Terminology
NORM: Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material
HPGe: High Purity Germanium
MCA: Multichannel Analyzer
JAEC: Jordan Atomic Energy Commission
MDA: Minimum detectable Activity
The desired aim of this study is to evaluate the level of natural radioactivity in the Jerash
Government region through samples that collected from soil. we collected 15 soil samples from
several areas in Jerash. The samples were prepared, and their radioactivity levels were detected
in the laboratories of Jordan atomic energy commission (JAEC); that located in Abu Nusair-
Amman, the activity concentration of most of interest natural radioactive nuclides such as 40K,
Th, 226Ra and 137Cs have been determined using γ-ray spectrometry.

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Importance of the study

Studies on radioactivity of radionuclides in nature and radiation levels afford basic information
around radiation, this information is necessary to understand human exposure from natural and
non-natural radiation sources; is necessary to establish rules and regulations relating radiation

Jerash is one of the Main Jordanian Northern Governments, it is located 36 Km north of the
capital Amman, and it is one of the largest agricultural areas in Jordan. It is famous for the
ancient archaeological areas, as it plays an important role in providing Jordan's economics, it is
important to conduct a field study that allows us to know the level of radiation in this area. As it
is one of the main governments in Jordan, we conduct this study for Jerash Area.

1.2 Radioactivity
Radioactivity is the term use to describe disintegration of atoms, related to unstable atomic
nucleus –unbalanced number of protons and neutrons-therefore, the unstable atom going
stochastic process in which the nucleus emits excess energy in the form of radiation to come to
be stable.

The time that it takes for half the radionuclide to decay is termed half-life. This varies for each
radioelement and varying from parts of a second to billions of years, the environment around us
is radioactive due to background radiation radiated from the sky, earth’s crust, food, water, and
building materials.

The human population is exposed to radiation continuously, this radiation can be from natural or
from human activities. The radiation from natural sources includes cosmic radiation, inner
emission from radionuclides inhaled or ingested and retained in the body and external emission
from radionuclides in the earth’s crust air, soils, rocks, water, building materials and plants.
Therefore, environmental radiation monitoring is very essential for protecting human health.

Radioactive elements are found everywhere in the environment in water, soil, and air so that they
are located within us because we are the product of our environment, from which we make our
food and derive our energy, during the performance of our daily routine, we are vulnerable to the
possibility of ingesting or inhaling radionuclides in our air even inside the home, food, and water
[2]. In short, while in large or small quantities, there is no place on Earth that could not be found in
radioactivity, which is natural radiation.

1.1 Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)

The naturally occurring radioactive elements uranium and thorium, as other chemical elements,
the actual radioactive elements uranium and thorium form in the stars, consisting of the material
that formed the earth. The radioactive isotopes U-238 and Th-232 are equivalent to the Earth's
ages and thus have often transpired both on and within the Earth's crust.

When the atoms of either of these two radionuclides undergo radioactive decay, they
spontaneously emit a particle and form lighter atoms which are also radioactive. Furthermore,
when these new radionuclides undergo radioactive decay, they create yet lighter atoms which are
also radioactive. This process is repetitive until the radioactive decay results in a stable nuclide.

In the U-238 decay chain there are 14 radioactive isotopes before ending into a stable isotope of
lead (Pb-206) and in the Th-232 decay chain there are 11 radioactive isotopes before ending into
another stable isotope of lead (Pb-208). Tables 1 and 2 provide these decay chains [3].

These natural radionuclides usually only exist at trace levels (approximately 10 parts-per-million
by mass). In defining conditions where human actions have raised their risk for exposure to these
radionuclides in comparison to the natural situation [3]. NORM is frequently found in rocks or
sand in its natural state.

Table 1: The important properties of the radionuclides of the U-238 decay chain

Nuclide Half-life Radiations

U-238 4.5 billion Years α
Th-234 24 Days β
Pa-234m 1 Minute β
U-234 250,000 Years α
Th-230 75,000 Years α, γ
Ra-226 1,600 Years α, γ
Rn-222 3.8 Days α, γ
Po-218 3 Minutes α, γ
Pb-214 27 Minutes β, γ
Bi-214 20 Minutes β, γ
Po-214 1.6×10 Seconds
α, γ
Pb-210 22 Years β, γ
Bi-210 5 Days β, γ
Po-210 138 Days α, γ

Table 2:The important properties of the radionuclides of the Th-232 decay chain
Nuclide Half-life Radiations
Th-232 14 billion Years α, β, γ
Ra-228 6 Years β
Ac-228 6 Hours β, γ
Th-228 2 Years α
Ra-224 4 Days α, γ
Rn-220 1 Minute α
Po-216 0.1 Seconds α
Pb-212 10Hours β, γ
Bi-212 1 Hour α, β, γ
Po-212 3×10-7 Seconds α, β, γ
Tl-208 3 Minutes β, γ

1.2 Radioactive equilibrium

Secular equilibrium
When a radioactive nuclide disintegration at the same rate that it is produced, there is a
radioactive balance. Usually, the decomposing nucleus is called the parent nucleus and the
nucleus remain the daughter nucleus after the event. The kernel can be stable or radioactive. If it
is radioactive, its disintegration into a nucleus of a daughter and so on. Therefore, every
radioactive parent nucleus can trigger number of decays, with each decay product having its own
characteristic decay constant.

The daughter nuclei concentration in the radioactive equilibrium depends mainly on half-life
proportions of the parent and daughter nuclei. As the output rate and decay rate are equal, there
is always a constant number of atoms over time. In any case, a radioactive balance is not
automatically formed but only after a transitional phase. This is among the few half-lives of the
longest-lived nucleus in the decay chain. A radioactive balance can be formed between the two
members of the decay chain in the case of radioactive decay chains [4].

radioactive equilibrium
Figure 1: Secular radioactive equilibrium

1.3 Similar studies

We'll go over some of the studies and how they worked out in various regions. Such as the
study of mapping that applied in Northern Jordan governates, a gamma- spectral analysis
was carried out and 97 samples of soil were collected by regular distribution in square
form between two equal squares in Ajloun, Irbid, Jerash and Mafraq the activity
concentrations of the natural radionuclides mainly U-238, Th-232, K-40 and Cs-137 are
measured for soil samples collected from different locations of mentioned areas.

Chapter 2: Material and methodology

2.1 Sampling
We collected 15 soil samples from the several areas in Jerash, regardless of the geographical
nature of the region to ensure coverage of the entire region.
Figure 2: Distribution of soil samples over the study area

2.1.1 Certain criteria that should be met when selecting the samples:
• Area of selection should be undisturbed.
• A depth of 5 cm to 30 cm should be taken, in this case (10 cm was the depth chosen).
• The effects of the surroundings and the meteorological factors of the area must be considered.
• The sampling should be 100 meters or more, if possible, from dusty roads.
• The deposited material should remain in place; the area should have little or no runoff during
heavy rain or be vegetated and have good permeability.
 Clean the equipment after each use to avoid cross contamination
These criteria are supposed to be the representative of the area taken from them because some
factors such as climatic factors or streams or rivers traffic can transfer the radioactive elements
from one area to another and therefore will not be representative of that region.

2.1.2 Soil sample collection method:

• Check the GPS for the exact location; mark the location on the map.
• The debris on the surface was then cleared.
• 10 cm of earth was removed.
• Fill a plastic bag with soil about a kilogram and mark it with the code number.

2.1 Samples Preparation:

1. The samples are placed in a metal container, the weight is taken for each sample using
the scale, and the weight is expressed as the weight of the sample with the weight of the

2. A paper containing information about the sample is placed with the sample inside the
container to avoid the binding between the samples.

3. The samples were placed in the heating and drying oven for 24 hours at a temperature of
about 100°C, which would give us an advantage were most materials become brittle
enough to mill properly and free of moisture. There is an alternative way to dry the
sample by placing it on tray and allowing it to air dry this will take a longer time, is
shown in figure 3.

Figure 3: Electric oven

4. After drying processing, we wait 10 minutes for the sample to cool before opening the
oven, the sample is then weighed using the scale, which is then subtracted from the
containers weight to determine the actual soils weight.
5. Grinding soil samples using disc mill, the granules of the samples are reduced to about
150 µm, is shown in figure 4.

Figure 4: Disc mill

6. Some soil samples contained a large portion if rocks which were crushed using the
automatic compactor, it Grind samples to a size of 1-2 cm before using the disc mill,
is shown in figure 5.

Figure 5: Automatic compactor

7. Then we insert the soil samples into a ball mill device to reduce the size of the particles
about 63 µm, which is acceptable size for the gamma spectroscopy, is shown in figure
Figure 6: Ball mill

8. Then we sift the sample using a vibrator and several sieves arranged from the largest
porous at the top to the smallest porous at the bottom so that the first sieve is 250 µm,
then the sieve 150 µm, then the last sieve 63 µm, if 95% of the sample through these
sieves, we make sure that we have succeeded in the grinding process, is shown in
(figure 7).

Figure 7: Vibrator
*** It should be noted that in all the stages followed care must be taken into
consideration to avoid cross contamination, wearing gloves that were exchanged for each
sample individually to eliminate cross contamination and the devices are cleaned after
processing each sample.
2.2 Detection of samples:
2.2.1 Gamma ray spectroscopy (GRS)
A fast analytical method to classify different radioactive isotopes in the samples. the energy of
emits gamma rays is determined by a detector gamma ray spectroscopy. The identity of the
emissary can be determined by comparing the measured energy with the known energy of
gamma-rays emitted by radioisotopes. This technique has a wide range of applications,
particularly where quick analysis is necessary [7], high-purity germanium detectors (HPGe

detectors) shown in figure 8.

2.2.2 HPGe Figure 8: Experiment device setup Detectors

High purity germanium detectors are a type of semi-conductor detector. They are mostly
used in spectroscopy in nuclear physics because they are capable to detecting gamma
rays up to a few MeV with high resolution [7].

The main disadvantage of this

detectors is that they should be cooled to
liquid nitrogen temperatures to create
spectroscopic information. At higher
temperatures, the electrons can simply cross
the band hole in the crystal and reach the
conduction band, where they are free to
respond to the electrical field, creating
electric noise to be useful as a spectrometer
refrigeration to liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K) decreases thermal excitations of
valence electrons so that only a gamma ray interaction can provide an electron the energy
required to cross the band hole and reach the conduction band see figure 9.

Figure 9: Shield and nitrogen cylinder for cooling for the detector.

The detector must be shielded from external radiation to prevent any external radiation,
the shield consists of an inner layer of copper and an outer layer with a thickness of 10
cm of lead. High purity germanium detector components

1. Detector
2. The High Voltage Power Supply
3. Preamplifier
4. Amplifier
5. Multichannel analyzer
6. Spectroscope software
Figure 10: Demonstration of the connection of the electronic components of the high purity germanium

2.3 Concentration of element

The activity concentration of gamma ray emitting radioisotopes in the samples was measured in the
laboratories of Jordan atomic energy commission (JAEC) by using a gamma ray spectrometer with
a high-resolution HPGe detector (GEM50-83 model) with 50% relative efficiency and 0.8 keV
Full-Width Half Maximum (FWHM) at 122 keV gamma line of Co and 1.9 keV FWHM at

1332.5 keV gamma line of 57Co, the detector is coupled with 16 k channel multichannel analyzer
(MCA). All samples were counted for 16 hr,

The activity concentration in the samples was obtained using the following expression:

C ( Bq kg )=
………………………. Equation 1
ɛ pγ M S

C:is the activity concentration of the radionuclide in the sample.
Cn: is the count rate under each photopeak due to each radionuclide.
ɛ : is the detector efficiency.
Pγ: is the absolute transition probability of the specific g-ray
Ms: is the mass of the sample (kg).
This equation is used for determining the activity using single energy photopeak of a certain
radioisotope, if more than one peak is identified for the radioisotope, the peak activities are
averaged, assuming secular equilibrium condition, Ra-226 activity is calculated as the average of
Bi-2014(609.3 keV) and Pb-2014(295.2 and 351.92 keV) activities, while, Th-232 is evaluated
as the average of the available activities of Pb-212(238.6 keV), Th-208(583.2 keV), and Ac-
228(911.2 keV), on the other hand, K-40 and Cs-137 were calculated based on their prominent
gamma lines at 1460.8 and 661.7 keV, respectively.

2.4 Radiological effects assessment:

2.4.1 Absorbed dose rate in air (Dr)
Based on the radioactivity levels of U-238, Th-232 and K-40. So, disequilibrium, between Th-
232 and U-238 will not affect the results of dose calculations from the measurement of Th-232,
the absorbed dose rate in air (Dr) in nGy h-l at above ground level with have contribution of
terrestrial gamma radiation was calculated using the following formula [8]:

Dr (nGy/hr) = DCFRa × CU + DCFTh× CTh + DCFK× CK …………. Equation 2

CU, CTh and CK: Activity concentrations (Bqkg-l) of U-238, Th-232 and K-40 respectively.
DCFRa, DCFTh and DCFK: dose conversion factors
DCFRa= 0.462 nGyhr-1 per Bq kg-I
DCFTh = 0.662 nGyhr-1per Bq kg-I
DCFK= 0.043 nGyhr-1per Bq kg-I.

2.4.2 Annual Effective Dose Equivalent (AEDE)

To measure the annual effective dose equivalent, conversion coefficients associated with the
absorbed dose coefficients in the air are used. The amount of 0.7 Gy/Sν is used to convert
modified coefficients of absorbed dose in air to effective dose received annually by adults and
0.2 is used as external occupation factor[8].

AEDE (μSv.y−1) =D (nGyh −1) × 8760(h/year) × 0.2 × 0.7 (sv/Gy) ×10 −3 …………. Equation 3
2.4.3 The Radium Equivalent Activity (Raeq)
The results of this study offer the value of risk creation with an average of radium radiation
equivalent activity Raeq . Natural radionuclides including Ra226, Th232, K40 in soil, plants and water
have a non-uniform distribution and this feature causes each area to have specific level of
background radiation and be different from other sites. To compare the specific activities of
these materials with different amounts of this radionuclide, equivalent activity of Ra eq is defined
as follows [10]:

Raeq = CRa + 1.43×CTh + 0.077×Ck …………… Equation 4

Where: CRa , CK , and CTh are respectively the activity concentrations of 226 Ra, 40 K and 232 Th in
term of Bq/kg.

2.4.4 Radiation Hazard Indices

External hazard index Hex and internal hazard index Hin is used to evaluate external exposure to
gamma radiation in outdoor air and internal exposure to radon, respectively. The external and
internal hazard index is obtained from Raeq expression through the supposition that its allowed
maximum value (equal to unity) corresponds to the upper limit of Ra eq (370 Bq kg-I). The
external hazard index (Hex) and internal hazard index (Hin) can then be defined as [9]:

Hex = CRa /370 + CTh /259+CK /4810 ≤1

Hin = CRa /185 + CTh /259+CK /4810 ≤1
These indices must be less than unity (1) for the radiation hazard to be insignificant.

2.4.5 Representative (radioactivity) level index (RLI)

An additional hazard index so called representative (radioactivity) level index was calculated by
using the formula [8]:

Iγ = CU /150 + CTh /100+CK /1500 …………. Equation 5

Chapter 3: Results and discussion

The minimum detectable activity for (K-40, Th-232, Cs-137, U-238) in soil samples respectively
were (65 Bq/kg, 8.5 Bq/kg, 2.87 Bq/kg, 28.2 Bq/kg).
The highest value activity concentration of (K-40) in collected samples was found to be (409.3
Bq/kg) and the lowest value was found to be (55 Bq/kg) and average value was found to be
(277.56 Bq/Kg), the average was less than (420 Bq/kg) the declared value reported by

Activity concentration of K-40 (Bq/Kg)

Activity concentration of K-40


S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15


Figure 11: Activity concentration of K-40 in soil samples from Jerash.

The highest value activity concentration of Th-232 in samples was found to be (46.2 Bq/kg) and
the lowest value was found to be (7.5 Bq/kg) and average value was found to be (27.11 Bq/kg),
the average was less than (30 Bq/kg) the declared value reported by UNSCEAR [1].
Activity concentration of Th-232 (Bq/Kg)
Activity concentration of Th-232 (Bq/Kg)
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15


Figure 12: Activity concentration of Th-232 in soil samples from Jerash

The highest value activity concentration of (U-238) in soil samples was found to be (67.6
Bq/kg) and the lowest value was found to be (25.2 Bq/kg )and average value was found to be
(31.83 Bq/kg), the average higher (28.2 Bq/kg) the declared value reported by UNSCEAR[1].
Activity concentration of U-238 (Bq/Kg)

Activity concentration of U-238 (Bq/Kg)

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15


Figure 13: Activity concentration of U-238 in soil samples from Jerash.

All values of activity concentration of (Cs-137) in the collected samples were found to be equal
and less than the MDA of UNSCEAR [1], the value was found to be (2.87 Bq/Kg).

Activity concentration of Cs-137 (Bq/Kg)

Activity concentration of Cs-137 (Bq/Kg)

Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4 Series5 Series6 Series7

Series8 Series9 Series10 Series11 Series12 Series13 Series14
Series15 Series16 Series17 Series18 Series19 Series20 Series21
Series22 Series23 Series24 Series25 Series26 Series27 Series28
Series29 Series30 Series31 Series32 Series33

Figure 14: Activity concentration of Cs-137 in soil samples from Jerash.

The activity concentration (Bq/kg) of K-40, Th-232, U-238 and Cs-137 of samples shown in Table

Table 3:The activity concentration (Bq/kg) of K-40, Th-232, U-238 and Cs-137 samples from Jerash
Activity Activity Activity
Client Activity concentration
Sample ID concentration of concentration of Th- concentration of
ID of U-238 (Bq/Kg)
K-40 (Bq/Kg) 232 (Bq/Kg) Cs-137 (Bq/Kg)
D2G1ST048 S1 271.5 34.9 less than MDA less than MDA

D4G1ST049 S2 327.3 33.1 less than MDA less than MDA

D4G1ST050 S3 358.2 33.3 less than MDA less than MDA

D4G1ST051 S4 249.8 39.2 less than MDA less than MDA

D4G1ST052 S5 210.3 46.2 less than MDA less than MDA

D4G1ST053 S6 253.1 27.1 less than MDA less than MDA

D4G1ST054 S7 322.2 37.1 less than MDA less than MDA

D4G1ST055 S8 336.5 36.7 53.7 less than MDA

D4G1ST056 S9 332 25.2 67.6 less than MDA

D4G1ST057 S10 382.9 32.1 less than MDA less than MDA

D4G1ST058 S11 409.3 less than MDA 53.7 less than MDA

D4G1ST059 S12 Less than MDA less than MDA less than MDA less than MDA

D4G1ST060 S13 124.3 less than MDA less than MDA less than MDA

D4G1ST061 S14 222.1 less than MDA less than MDA less than MDA

D4G1ST062 S15 308.9 31.7 less than MDA less than MDA
Table 4: Comparison of activity concentration (Bq/kg) of K-40, Th-232 in our study with other countries in soil

Country [1] K-40 Th-232

Egypt 320 18
Syrian Arab
Republic 270 20
United States 370 35
Malaysia 310 82
China 440 41
Japan 310 28
Our study results 23.355
average 420 30

The average of activity concentration (Bq/kg) of K-40 in soil samples was less than 420 Bq/kg
the declared value reported by UNSCEAR [1], and the average of activity concentration (Bq/kg)
of Th-232 in soil samples was less than 30 Bq/kg the declared value reported by UNSCEAR [1].

3.1 Results of radiological effects:

 Absorbed dose rate in air (Dr)

The calculated absorbed dose rate of soil samples varied from (23.508 nGyh -l) to (74.367 nGyh-l)
the total Average value is (50.312 nGyh-l), which is within the word wide average value (13 - 65
nGyh-l), results were found to be within UNSCEAR [1] recommended levels.
Absorbed dose rate in Air (Dr)

Absorbed dose rate in air (nGyh-1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Total dose rate

Figure 15 : Absorbed dose rate in soil samples from Jerash

 Annual Effective Dose Equivalent (AEDE)

The highest annual effective dose rate value in soil samples was found to be (0.04559 mSvy -1)
and the lowest value was found to be (0.1442 μSvy-1), The total average value of AEDE is
(0.3085 mSvy-1). This value is between the dose interval of (0.3-0.6 mSvy-1) reported by
UNSCEAR [1] and less than the worldwide average of the annual effective dose is (0.48 mSvy-

AEDE (mSvy-1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Figure 16: Annual effective dose equivalent in soil samples from Jerash.
 The radium equivalent activity (Raeq)
The calculated radium equivalent activity in soil samples varied from (40.16 Bq kg−1) to (132.
091 Bq kg−1) with a total average value of (91.961 Bq kg−1), The permissible maximum value of
the radium equivalent activity is (370 Bq kg−1).

Radium Equivalent Activity

Radium Equivalent Activity







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Figure 17: Radium equivalent activity in soil samples from Jerash.

 Radiation hazard indices

The external and internal hazard index is obtained from Raeq expression through the supposition
that its allowed maximum value (equal to unity) corresponds to the upper limit of Ra eq (370 Bq
kg-1). this average value is less than unity (1), So, this area does not pose a radiological health
risk to the population due to exposure to ionizing radiation from natural radionuclides.
The calculated Hex in soil samples varies from (0.1085 mSvy-1 to 0.3567 mSvy-1) with average
value (0.2483 mSvy-1).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Figure 18: External hazard index in soil samples from Jerash.

The calculated Hin varies from (0.1766 mSvy-1) to (0.5317 mSvy-1) with average value (0.3344






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Figure 19: Internal hazard index in soil samples from Jerash.

 Representative (radioactivity) level index (RLI)
The value of Iγ must be less than unity to keep the radiation hazard insignificant. Values of index
(Iγ < 2) correspond to a dose rate criterion of (0.3 mSvy-1), whereas (2 < Iγ <6) correspond to a
criterion of (1 mSvy-1); the dose rate which was recommended by UNSCEAR [1].

The RLI of soil samples varies from (0.2797 mSvy-1) to (0.9493 mSvy-1) with average value of
(0.6683 mSvy-1).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Axis Title


Figure 20: Representative level index in soil samples from Jerash.

Table 5: Absorbed dose rate in air, annual effective dose equivalent, radium equivalent activity, radiation hazard indices,
and gamma index in soil samples from Jerash.
Sample Sample Sample coordinate AEDE Raeq Hex Hin Iγ
code type
longitude latitude
322149 355639
S1 Soil 0.312466484 96.0125 0.259302 0.32741016 0.698
322001 355452
S2 Soil 0.319872714 97.7351 0.263953 0.33206118 0.7172
321926 355219
S3 Soil 0.328832179 100.4004 0.271149 0.3392575 0.7398
321916 355044
S4 Soil 0.324200066 100.4906 0.271393 0.33950104 0.726533
321722 354659
S5 Soil 0.342200552 107.4591 0.290208 0.35831601 0.7702
321555 355108
S6 Soil 0.275951651 83.4417 0.225361 0.29346896 0.607733
3216078 355245
S7 Soil 0.334765502 103.0624 0.278337 0.34644491 0.7538
321726 355505
S8 Soil 0.44910952 132.0915 0.356792 0.50192753 0.949333
321158 354711
S9 Soil 0.455960803 129.2 0.349023 0.53172557 0.924
321348 354913
S10 Soil 0.330473716 100.5863 0.271651 0.33975943 0.744267
321258 355109
S11 Soil 0.34977112 95.9411 0.259186 0.40432135 0.705867
321339 355301
S12 Soil 0.144153509 40.16 0.1085 0.17660826 0.279667
321413 355504
S13 Soil 0.162426256 45.4961 0.122908 0.19101574 0.325867
S14 Soil 321244 355711 0.188213768 53.0267 0.14324 0.21134838 0.391067
Soil 320956 355228
S15 0.309337938 94.3163 0.254722 0.32283041 0.690933

The specific activity concentration of K-40, Th-232, U-238, and Cs-137 soil samples have been
determined using gamma spectroscopy method. The activity concentrations of radionuclides K-
40 and Th-232 in soil samples were lower than the safe limit stipulated by UNSCEAR [1], but
U-238 was above than the safe limit stipulated by UNSCEAR [1]. As we show in the report the
activity ratio of K-40 was the highest, the presence of small amounts of Cs-137 in soil samples
is due to Chernobyl accident, but its presence in small quantities does not affected on human
health, the absorbed dose rate in air, the annual effective dose equivalent, the hazard indices,
representative (radioactivity) level index, the results can be considered as a databank for
distribution of natural radionuclides in the Jerash government region and will be used as
reference information to assess any changes in the radioactivity background level due to
geological and nuclear industry processes.

***Note: by increasing the number of samples to an appropriate number that will ensure the
whole study area is covered and using the ICP-MS device and gross alpha & gross beta device
along with gamma spectroscopy to enhance the diversity in the measurement process and
compare the results for each device.


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