Mapeh 10-Exam Finale

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First Periodical Examination in

Grade 10 - Honesty
S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: Score: M –
Date: A–
PE –
DIRECTIONS: Read the following questions comprehensively and write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before the number.


______1. Its objective was to bring moods and sensuous impression through harmony and tone
color, which also relates to music.
A. Expressionism B. Impressionism C. Social Realism D. Cubism
_______2. It is the lack of agreement and consistency in the progress of harmony in music.
A. Modality B. Dissonance C. Genre D. Radio
_______3. It is derived from the word “Modal”.
A. Modality B. Dissonance C. Genre D. Radio
______4. It is movement pertains to a German school of artists and dramatists who represented the
innermost experience of the artist.
A. Impressionism B. Expressionism C. Dadaism D. Cubism
_______5. It is characterized by visual impression of the moment in terms of the shifting effect of
color and light.
A. Impressionism B. Cubism C. Dadaism D. Expressionism
_______6. His name was attributed to expressionism itself. He was the complete embodiment of
expressionism in music.
A. Maurice Ravel B. Thomas Morley C. Arnold Schoenberg D. Arnold Berg
_______7. Maurice Ravel’s Bolero in 1928 was described as:
A. A piece of orchestra with music C. A piece of cantata without music
B. A piece of orchestra without music D. A piece of cantata with music
_______8. He was the very first European composer who deviated from the old system of tonality.
He also organized his music around sound patterns.
A. Claude Monet B. Claude Debussy C. Claude Lynns D. Claude Peterson
_______9. He was noted for being very inventive, rich in ideas, and evocative in his works. Most of
his works were included in the standard concert repertoire.
A. Claude Monet
B. Claude Debussy
C. Thomas Morley
D. Maurice Ravel
_______10. This music was introduced in the early 1950’s. Different natural sounds and musical
notes are transformed in various ways using electronic means.
A. Electronic Dance B. Electronic Music C. Electronic Means D. Electric Music
_______11. This refers to a musical piece which concists of two or more voices or instruments that
are being played or started at different intervals.
A. Electric music B. Canon C. Chance D. Electrique music
______12. This vocal technique is characterized by a quick change from normal chest voice to
A. Call and Response
B. Participative music-making
C. Use of different sounds
D. Yodeling
______13. This feature is also known as the leader- chorus style-phrases that are sung by the
soloist leader and answered or echoed again and again by the chorus.
A. Call and Response
B. Participative music-making
C. Use of different sounds
D. Yodeling


______14.It is an art form presented to an audience that is traditionally interdisciplinary.

A. Happening B. Abstract C. Flash Mob D. Performance Art
______15. It refers to a style grounded in consumer culture, the mass media, and popular culture,
thereby making it much more accessible to the average person.
A. Pop art B. Abstract C. Flash mob D. None of them
______16. It is all about physical sensations.
A. Pop art B. Op art C. Optic art D. None of them
______17. It is a prominent figure in pop art.
A. Pop art B. Andy Warhol C. Op art D. Abstract
______18. It is a bulky contraption almost the size of a shoe box, and was primarily used for
A. Hardware B. Computer C. Software D. Cellular Phones
_____19. It is a group of people assemble suddenly in a public place and perform an unusual and
seemingly pointless act for a short time. After a short entertainment, the entertainers stay longer
where they are and disperse.
A. Flash mob
B. Op art
C. Pop art
D. None of them
______20. It is a Dutch-born painter and decorator who went to New York and became one of the
most consistent longest-lived abstract expressionists.
A. Jackson Pollock B. Willem de Kooning C. Franz Kline D. Pollock
______21. It is a leading abstract expressionist, He painted in the manner that was typical of his
A. Jackson Pollock B. Willem de Kooning C. Franz Kline D. Pollock
______22. It was a painting technique developed from impressionism and involved the use of
many small dots of color give painting a greater sense of vibrancy.
A. Surealism B. Cezannism C. Pointillism D. Flurrism
______23. All the following statements are true about Chance Music, except____.
A. Uses unusual and revolutionary methods
B. Characterized by decorative and fragile beauty
C. Composers are able to define and control
D. Some of the primary elements of the realization of the composition are left to the
determination of its performer
______24. Modern technology has helped the artists improve their techniques.
A. Yes, modern technology just made the production of arts at all.
B. No, modern technology has not helped the industry of arts at all
C. Yes, modern technology has helped modern artists improve their crafts
D. Maybe
______25. They are artists that capture the image of an object someone would see it as if they just
caught a glimpse of it.
A. Expressionist B. Impressionist C. Cubist D. Social
______26. Art is something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful.” 
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. Maybe not

III. Physical Education

______27. The following are the safety guidelines before doing a physical fitness test, except?
A. Before the actual day testing, familiarity testing sessions should enable you to get
advised to go through without exerting maximum effort.
B. Understand the purpose and benefits that can be derived from physical fitness test.
C. Accomplish testing in a despondent, inconsolable, and unfavorable environment.
D. Make sure your test scorecard is properly filled out prior to testing.
______28. It is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone and muscle in human bodies. 
A. Body composition
B. Muscular strength
C. Muscular Endurance
D. Flexibility
______29.It is the ability of a joint or series of joints to move through an unrestricted, pain free
range of motion.
A. Body composition
B. Muscular strength
C. Muscular Endurance
D. Flexibility
_____30. It is the amount of force you can put out or the amount of weight you can lift. 
A. Body composition
B. Muscular strength
C. Muscular Endurance
D. Flexibility
_____31.It is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to perform repetitive contractions against
a force for an extended period.
A. Body composition
B. Cardiorespiratory endurance
C. Muscular Endurance
D. Flexibility
_____32. It is the level at which your heart, lungs, and muscles work together when you're
exercising for an extended period of time.
A. Body composition
B. Cardiorespiratory endurance
C. Muscular Endurance
D. Flexibility
______33. It is derived from the Sanskrit word. “yuj” which means “to yoke”, or “to unify”. 
A. Zumba B. Yoga C. Aerobic D. Exercise
_____34. It is a fitness activity that promotes body and mental well-being through a system of
physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation.
A. Zumba B. Yoga C. Aerobic D. Exercise
_____35. The following are the benefits of yoga exercise, Except_____.
A. Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility
B. Yoga helps with back pain relief
C. Yoga can ease arthritis symptoms
D. Yoga unrelaxed you
_____36. Kezzea want to test her flexibility level, which of the following testing material does
Kezzea need?
A. Bathroom scale B. Mat C. L-square D. Tape measure
______37. Jojo wants to test his level of coordination, what test does jojo need?
A. Paper juggling B. Stick drop C. Stork balance stand D. Zipper
______38. Reach over your right shoulder with your right hand as you try to meet it with your left
hand at your back, what physical fitness test has been described?
A. Sit-and-reach B. Arm span C. Curl Ups D. Paper juggling
______39. Speed refers to the ability to act or move in a short period of time, which can be assessed
through this test:
A. 40-meter sprint
B. Hexagon agility
C. Shuttle run
D. Paper juggling
______40. Lie on your chest with hands on the floor, thumbs aligned with your shoulders. Keep
your legs and body straight as you push from the floor, what physical fitness test has been
A. Basic plank B. Curl Ups C. Sit-and-reach D. Right angle push-ups

______41. It is someone who examines health information in products and services.

A. Health consumer
B. Consumer health
C. health products
D. Cosmetic products
______42. It is not just about buying health products and services.
A. Health consumer
B. Consumer health
C. health products
D. Cosmetic products
______43. It is everything that is seen, read, or heard in relation to human and community health.
A. Health consumer B. Product C. health products D. Health information
______44.  It is an object, or system, or service made available for consumer use as of the consumer
A. Health consumer B. Product C. health products D. Health information
______45. It refers to any plant or part of a plant.
A. Herbal medicine B. Ventosa C. Naturopathy D. Quackery
______46. It is from the word nature and thus, uses natural ways to treat a patient.
A. Herbal medicine B. Ventosa C. Naturopathy D. Quackery
______47. It is a treatment of insect bites, itchiness, ringworms, infections, scabies, and eczema.
A. Ampalaya B. Acapulko C. Bawang D. Bayabas
______48. It is a treatment of cough, colds, and fever.
A. Lagundi B. Bawang C. Bayabas D. Ampalaya
______49. It is used as antioxidant, anti-allergy, antimicrobial, and anti-diabetic drug.
A. Lagundi B. Bawang C. Bayabas D. Ampalaya
______50. This pertains to the claim and facts about the products and services affecting the health
consumers. What guidelines and criteria is being described?
A. Health Products
B. Health Information
C. Health Services
D. Consumer Health
______51. Those amenities created to address health concerns such as hospitals, clinics, spas, and
likes. It is also includes professional services rendered by doctors, nurses, aiders, and all health
A. Health Products
B. Health Information
C. Health Services
D. Consumer Health
______52. This skill is an important skill that you must learn in order to live a healthy and normal
life. This will help you understand the basics of consumer health.
A. Good Decision-Making C. Intrapersonal Skill
B. Interpersonal Skill D. Swift Decision Making
______53. ______an advertising, promoting, and selling of products and services that have not
been scientifically proven safe and effective.
A. Quack B. Health fraud C. Quackery D. Ventosa
______54. This is the promotion of false and unproven health products and services for a profit.
A. Quack B. Health fraud C. Quackery D. Ventosa
II. ESSAY (Item 55-60)
Answer the following questions.

55-57. As a teenager, how can you promote a physical activity program in your community/
barangay? Give an example.

58-60. As a consumer, do you really need a product or services?

Prepared by:


MAPEH Teacher

”Psalm 121:2: My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

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