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To excel machine learning

Machine learning fundamentals
hinge loss explained

loss functions explained

Linear algebra long playlist

Moodle's index cards

facebook blog on machine learning (6 video series)

Kilian machine learning mooc

Self attention
Abhishek thakur twitter thread

Quick video to revise attention

Random attention slides

Transformer 2 video playlist (based on internet, not reviewed yet)

NLP resources
word2vec 13 min quick video
expected values
Unacedemy quick intuition on expected value

expected value explained

expected value another resource

Probability for beginners
Indian youtuber who prepares for competitive exams

Probability github
Best youtube channel found so far
quick videos on machine learning topics channel (ritvikmath)

pytorch and implementation from scratch (Aladdin persson)

Loss functions
Small article to read on mse vs mae

Square loss intuition explained

MAE vs MSE intuition

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