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Technical Report Writing

451 INFS-3
Academic Year 2021-2022
Course Coordinator

Ms. Manju Sharma

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security
Jazan University, Jazan (KSA)

A smart presentation can enkindle even a lazy mind.

Learning Objective
To describe the contents and function of each element of the structure of a good
business letter and to suggest how to plan prepare oneself writing it.

Element of Structure
The following elements usually constitute the structure of a business letter.
1. Heading
2. Date
3. Reference
4. Inside Address
5. Attention Line
6. Salutation
7. Subject
8. Body
9. Complementary Close
10. Signature
11. Identification Marks
12. Enclosure

Each of these elements has a definite place and position in a letter as shown in Exhibit 1.

Exhibit 1



Your Reference

Our Reference

Inside Address





Complementary Close


Identification Marks


Proper procedure smooths the path of commercial transactions.

Learning Objective
To help the learner acquire the ability to write letters for inviting quotations and tenders,
sending quotations and placing orders for the supply of goods required for official or
business purposes.

Inviting Quotations
It is customary for a business organization to invite quotations from several sellers before
placing order. The purpose is to find out the cheapest and best source of supply of goods
required. To achieve these objectives you should proceed in a systematic manner as
1. Describe your needs clearly and precisely. Give detail specifications such as the
shape, size, quality, make, etc. of the goods you require.
2. Request the seller to quote his price and terms of payment.
3. Ask him for a sample, if necessary.
4. Give and idea of the quantity you intended to buy.
5. Indicate the time by which you would like the goods to be supplied.
6. Ask if the goods are guaranteed and if so, for what period.
7. Ask what accessories and spares, if any, would be supplied and how much would they
8. If the goods you are ordering need installation, ask the seller the cost of doing so and
also the repair facilities offered by him.
9. As the processing of a purchase proposal takes some time, ask the seller to indicate
the period for which his quotation will be valid.

Given below is an example of inviting quotation (Exhibit 2)

Example (Inviting Quotation)
Exhibit 2
Dear Sirs

We wish to buy the following items of electronics equipment for our language
We should be grateful if you would kindly quote your lowest rate of these items, giving
full particulars and technical details. The quantity we propose to buy is mentioned
against each item. Since the processing of the purchase proposal takes quite some time,
it would be helpful if you could quote rates which may remain valid for at least three
S No Particulars Quantity
1. Tutor headsets 1
2. Student headsets 16
3. Top ½ track record/play head DR/RP 33A 20
4. Lower ½ track record/play heads DR/RP/33A 20
5. Oscillating erase Heads 16
6. Bridge rectifier rec. 28A 1
7. Bridge rectifier rec. 20A 1
8. Capstan motors 6
9. Rewind motors 6

We want to set up the lab by the end of July so that it can function when the university
reopens in August. We would therefore, like the equipment to be delivered to us by 10
July. Please let us know whether you will be able to arrange the supply by this date.
Please let us also know the guarantee period and any after-sales facility offered by you.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully

Abdul Samad Alshahrani

Abdul Samad Alshahrani
Purchase Officer

Sending Quotations
Your response to a letter inviting quotations should be carefully drafted and should
fully take note of each item in the enquiry. Treat it as sales letter. Don’t forget to mention:
1. Mode and terms of payment.
2. Place and time of delivery.
3. Method of transport.
4. Charges on account of sales tax, octroi, freight, and insurance, whatever
5. Packing and forwarding charges.

Given below is an example of sending quotation (Exhibit 3)

Example (Sending Quotation)
Exhibit 3
Dear Sir
Thank you for your letter No …. Dated / / .
We have pleasure in submitting the following quotation for your consideration. We
confirm that the prices will remain valid for three months.
S No Item Description Rate (SR)
1. Tutor headsets 400
2. Student headsets 513
3. Top ½ track record/play head DR/RP 33A 120
4. Lower ½ track record/play heads DR/RP/33A 120
5. Oscillating erase Head 160
6. Bridge rectifier rec. 28A 50
7. Bridge rectifier rec. 20 44
8. Capstan motors 140
9. Rewind motors 100
Sales Tax : 12%
Transportation: 2%
Packing charges and other duties and taxes are included in the price quoted above.
Since the equipment is breakable and expensive, we would strongly advise you to get it
insured. If you agree, we shall do it for an extra charge of ½ percent on the quoted
price. The equipment will be sent by goods train within a month of receipt of your
All items are guaranteed for three years. During this period, if necessary, we shall repair
or replace any item at our cost.

We don’t require any advance but would like the payment to be made by crossed cheque
drawn on the National Commercial Bank (NCB), Jazan (KSA), within 15 days of the
receipt of the equipment.
We look forward to receiving your order soon. If you need any further information, please
don’t hesitate to write to us.

Yours faithfully
Mutlaq Alfifi
Mutlaq Alfifi
Sales Manager

Placing Orders
After you accept a quotation, the next step is to order the goods. To ensure efficient and
prompt handling of your order bear the following in mind.

1. Place a clear and firm order. It is the only thing which interests the supplier now.
2. Even if it amounts to repeating, do not hesitate to give a detailed, accurate and complete
description of the items you wish to buy. Mention the size, color, quality, make and
reference to catalogue or identification number. If any. But make sure these
descriptions do not vary from those given in the original letter inviting quotations.
3. The next important thing is to specify the quantity you want. Also state the price per
unit of item.
4. Indicate the mode and terms of payment.
5. In most quotations the mode of transport would be stated. But if it is not, do mention
the way you want it.
6. State the full address of the place where you want the goods delivered.
7. If you want a special kind of packing and prepared to pay extra, say so in your order.
8. Goods would be insured only when you specially instruct the seller. If, however, it is
the normal practice to insure the kind of goods you have ordered, there is no need to
include any such instruction.

Given below is an example of placing order (Exhibit 4)

Example (Placing Order)

Exhibit 4

Dear Sir

Thank you for your letter No… dated / / .

We are pleased to place an order for following items on the terms and conditions
agreed upon. Please send the equipment duly insured and include the extra charges
in your bill.

S No Particulars Quantity

1. Tutor headsets 1
2. Student headsets 16
3. Top ½ track record/play head DR/RP 33A 20
4. Lower ½ track record/play heads DR/RP/33A 20
5. Oscillating erase Heads 16
6. Bridge rectifier rec. 28A 1
7. Bridge rectifier rec. 20A 1
8. Capstan motors 6
9. Rewind motors 6

We note that the equipment will be sent by goods carrier and reach us within one
month of the receipt of this order.
We shall make a payment by crossed cheque as desired by you soon after the
arrival and inspection of equipment.

Yours faithfully

Abdul Samad Alshahrani

Abdul Samad Alshahrani
Purchase Officer

Ingenuity is the mother of persuasion.

Learning Objective
To develop the skills of writing an effective sales letter by providing detailed guidance
on how to arrest the potential buyer’s attention and to include in him an irresistible
desire to buy the product

Writing a sales letter

Sales letter has three main parts namely, the introductory paragraph, the body, and the
concluding paragraph.

Introductory Paragraph
In fact, how you write the first few lines will largely determine whether your entire letter
will be read or thrown without formality into waste-basket.
 Making a striking statement
 Stating a significant fact
 Relating an anecdote, a joke or a story
 Making social offers
 Focussing the central selling point
 Making special appeals to the pride of possession, vanity, etc.
 Asking a question

The Body
After you have arrested the reader’s attention and aroused his interest you should go on
(i) to explain the qualities of your product and its special features, and
(ii) to convince him your claims are true.

This two-fold is performed by the body of the letter. The next is to substantiate your
claims and statements by facts, logic or reliable testimony. The buyer wants everything
proved to him. There are several effective ways of doing so. Choose the one that suit the
product best. A few examples of such devices are given below:

1. Trial offers 2. Guarantees 3. Free sample

4. Testimonials by users 5. Test results 6. Statistics

Concluding Paragraph
Even if the first two parts of your letter are good they will not be able to clinch the issue
unless your closing paragraph is able to motivate action.
For including immediate action some of the devices used are limited time or limited
quantity offer, convenience in ordering, etc. A few examples are given below:
1. For your convenience we have opened a branch near your town, a list of addresses is
2. As we have limited stock, this offer is open 30 November. To save SR 30/- mail
today the enclosed postage-paid card and we shall do the rest.
3. This special bargain offer is being made only for a month in selected town. Avail
yourself of this opportunity and save 10% by sending your cheque with the order.

Examples of sales letters

Exhibit 5

Dear Sir
With summer approaching, you must be thinking of how to keep your office
cool, so that you and your colleagues can continue to work efficiently. To meet
your needs, we have produces room-coolers of different capacities. The
detailed specifications are given in the enclosed pamphlet. We shall give a
guarantee for five years against all manufacturing defects and repair, or replace
any part that may include trouble, at our cost.
At the end of the pamphlet you will find a card. Please fill it in and mail it and
we shall send our technician to survey your office, assess your requirements,
and advise you about the location of coolers so that your entire office may be
maintained at the proper temperature throughout summer.
If you place the order before 30 April, we shall give you a special discount of
5%. Our man will transport the coolers to your office and install them
wherever you want. And this extra service is absolutely free.
We trust, you would like to avail yourself of this special offer.

Yours faithfully

Ahmad Abdul Hameed Yahiya Soori

Ahmad Abdul Hameed Yahiya Soori
Sales Manager

Exhibit 6

Dear Sir

We have been thinking for years how to design future which will enable you to
eat your meals in a relaxed manner. Now we have produced a dining table and
a set of chairs to go with it that make eating a pleasure.

With our happy home table and chairs in the house it is a delight to feel hungry.
The chair will receive you with open arms and impart a feeling of comfort and
the tables provide enough below space for all members of your family. Their
sleek look will fit in with modern decor of your house. And then you have a
choice from seven sophisticated colours.

At present we offer sets to suit families of our, six, eight and twelve. Their
detailed description and coloured pictures are given in the enclosed folder.

Our showroom remains open form 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays. You are
most welcome to drop in and personally select what you need. Or if you choose
to order by post, we shall send the set of your choice by transport. An order
form and a post-free envelop are enclosed for your convenience.

Yours faithfully

Abdul Aziz Qasim Al-Maliki

Abdul Aziz Qasim Al-Maliki


To err is human; to forgive divine.

Learning Objective
To show courtesy and tact are blended to make a claim for the damage or loss and to
offer proper adjustments gracefully in the word business, thus helping the learner
develop an ability to handle such correspondence with ease and facility.

Making Claims
When you have to pay because of somebody else’s mistake, your immediate and natural
reaction will be anger. If you draft a letter in this mood, it may contain sarcasm,
accusations, and threats. A second thought will reveal to you that these explosive reactions
do not help. You must realize that all of us are liable to make mistakes and a tolerant attitude
towards the realities of life achieves more than hasty and ill-conceived reactions.
Surely your purpose in writing a claim letter is not to accuse someone but to sort out the
problem and to secure the services or products that you need and that are due to you.
To achieve this objective, you should be courteous, forthright, precise and clear. Let your
temper cool down before you write a claim letter.
Your claim letter should generally contain the following four elements:
1. A clear explanation of what has gone wrong. Give full information for quick
identification of the defective product or fault services.
2. A statement of inconvenience cause caused or the loss suffered as a result of the mistake
or defect.
3. An appeal to the reader’s sense of fair play, honesty, reputation or professional pride
with a view to motivating him to take necessary action promptly to rectify the situation.
4. A statement of what adjustment you should consider fair.

To secure a prompt and satisfactory response a claim letter is usually written to the head
of the unit or the department responsible for the mistake.

Three examples of claim letters are given bellow (Exhibit 7-8)

Examples of claim letters
Exhibit 7

Dear Sirs

We had ordered 2000, 1 kg tins of Nihal Boby Food Powder under the order No. M-
4006/FP dated 4 October 2009. Today when the consignment arrived we checked its
contents and found only 1500 tins, out of which 45 were badly damaged. It seems
one of the cases was not packed properly or some heavy had been placed over it in

There is a great demand for this powder in the town at this time of the year and we
expected to clear the whole stock during the next two months. But it appears some
of our customers will have to be disappointed.

With enormous resources at your command we hope you can save the situation by
sending 500 tins immediately by quick transit service.

As regards the damage tins, we want your advice. There are two alternatives: either
you allow us sell them at reduced price in which case we shall send you the total
amount realized after deducting our usual commission of 7% or permit us to retain
them to you at your cost for replacement.

We would very much appreciate an early reply.

Yours faithfully

Mohammad Abdullah Eshan

Mohammad Abdullah Eshan

Purchase Manager

Exhibit 8

Dear Sirs

Thank you for your letter No. TP/463 of January 2014 forwarding Bill No. M 437 dated
4 November 2014. In it you haave included two items which we did not buy. They are:

Purchasing machine 6 Nos. SR 54.60

Gum bottles (big) 1 Doz. SR 88.80

It seems there has been some mistake in copying from our personal account maintained
by you. Will you please get it checked and send us another bill? I am returning them
with your bill No M437. According to our calculation only SR 409.44 are due from us.

Yours faithfully

Mohammad Mansoor

Office Manager

Offering Adjustment
Enlightened business organizations do not consider a claim letter as a nuisance. On the
other hand, they welcome it because it gives an opportunity to re-examine their working
and to bring about such changes as would make it more efficient. They know that all silent
customers are not necessarily satisfied customers. Some of them do not write but just stop
having any business transaction with organizations whose products or services they find
defective or unsatisfactory. Instead, they start talking about their complaints to other
customers, thus damaging the reputation of the erring organization. Similarly those who
write claim letters but do not receive a reply, damage the goodwill of a concern by airing
their grievances in public. That is why a claim letter, howsoever big or small the claim,
must be answered promptly.
A few practical hints which should prove of help to you in drafting such letters are given

Practical Hints
1. Answer the claim letter promptly. Delay will cause further annoyance. If you cannot
make a firm commitment immediately and you are likely to take some time to take to
complete the investigation, send an interim reply and promise to write again.
2. Address your letter personally to the particular customer.
3. Thank the customer for calling your attention to the difficulty, defect, damage or
mistake. Apologies for trouble and inconvenience cause and explain briefly how it was
4. If the claim is reasonable, offer the adjustment graciously.
5. Indicate the preventive measures taken by you and assure the customer he will not be
put to any such inconvenience in future.
6. Offer further cooperation and assurance of satisfaction. This will promote goodwill for
your organization and sustain your relationship with the customer.
7. If the claim is unreasonable or unjust, state clearly why you are refusing or only
partially accepting his claim. Your letter must clearly show that you understand the
customer’s problems. Try to convince him of the justness of your decision.
8. If the customer’s letter is sarcastic and written in an angry tone, do not pay back in his
own coin. You should try to turn his frown into a smile.

The test of a good adjustment letter is whether the customer will be back to buy again.
And this will happen only if your letter has been able:
 To restore the customer’s confidence in your organization,
 To convince him that the mistake or defect was a stray instance, and
 To make him feel certain that your regret was genuine.

Some of the ways to avoid pitfalls in writing such letters are given below:
1. Do not express surprise about a complaint.
2. Do not try to minimize your fault by saying ‘Such errors very often occur’.
3. Do not suggest that the customer is negligent or insincere by saying ‘No other
customer has even has ever complained about…..’
4. Do not over-emphasise the complaint or explain all the details of your mistake. Talk
about the adjustment you are offering.
5. Do not give the impression that though the claim is unjust, you are doing a favour or
bestowing charity.
6. Never try to put the blame for a mistake on some other party.

Given below are some examples (Exhibit 9-10)

Examples of Adjustment letters
Exhibit 9

Dear Sir Abdul Rahman

Thank you for your letter No….. of We are very sorry to learn that you have been
put to embarrassment and inconvenience owing to our mistake.
Your suggestion for quick shipment of 500 tins is fair and we have dispatched them
today by quick transit service, as desired by you. We hopr they will reach in time for
you to keep the dates with your clients. We also agree to bear the transportation cost of
the damaged tins. Please send them back soon.

We thank you for drawing our attention to this mistake because we have again carefully
examined the working of our packing and dispatch department and introduced further
checks to prevent the recurrence of such mistakes. Rest assured that you will not be put
any such convenience in future.

Yours sincerely

Basheer Mohammad
Basheer Mohammad

Sales Manager

Exhibit 10

Dear Sir Al_Shahrani

Thank you for your letter No….. of ..….

Please accept our sincere apology for the error in your October bill.
Out of the two items you mentioned the first was to be changed to another customer
whose account appears next to yours in our ledger. You are right in guessing that it
was a copying mistake. We have instructed our bill clerk to be more careful in future.

The second item appears to have been bought by you on 31 October. The ledger entry
shows that the credit memo No. 41389B for SR 88.80 was issued to you by our

I shall, therefore, feel grateful if you once more check your monthly account. For your
convenience we are sending herewith a photocopy of this credit memo.

On hearing from you, we shall send another bill for the correct amount.

Yours sincerely

Mohammad Maaz
Mohammad Maaz

Sales Manager

Playing with machine is like playing with fire, it can reduce you to

Learning Objective
To develop the skill of writing informal, semi-informal and formal emails for social as
well as professional purposes.

The arrival of a postman at our doorstep has become a rare event. Electronic mail (email)
has rapidly replaced the traditional system of exchanging information and messages.
People now refer to use email to keep in touch with relative and friends and to communicate
for official and business purposes.
Though email is not considered a final, legal record, its use has grown enormously. The
main reasons for its popularity are as follows:
 Being relatively informal, it is easy and less time-consuming to draft it.
 The transmission of the message is instant.
 Its delivery is confirmed immediately.
 A file or attachment containing hundreds of pages can also be sent with the email.
 The message can be sent to a number of persons at the click of a button.
 The cost is affordable, even small organizations groups can use this facility.
 It is time-friendly; you can send and read an email at your convenience any time
during the day or night.

The structure of an email is essentially like that of a business letter. However, the
arrangement of elements is slightly different as describe below:

1) From: Email address of the sender.

2) Date: The date and time of sending the message
3) To: Email address of the receiver.
4) CC: Email addresses of those to whom the same message is to be sent
5) Subject: A word or phrase reflecting the main content of the message.

6) Salutation: Greeting as a matter of courtesy and to confirm to the sender that the
message is for him.
7) Body: The message is divided into suitable paragraph.
8) Leave Taking: Courteous expression denoting the end of the message.
9) Sign off: To confirm who the sender is for this purpose.
 Your name and designation.
 The organization you belong.
 Your phone and fax numbers.

For sending an email take the following steps:
 Log on, that is, connect yourself to a computer network by providing your login id
and password.
 Type the email address of the receiver.
 Compose the message.
 Read it carefully and revise, if necessary.
 Instruct the system to transmit it.
 Check whether the system shows it successful delivery.

The style of an email is more or less is the same as that of a business letter. Whenever
feasible, it is better to start with warm-up sentences that refer to the contact in the past or
provide background information. A few example follow:
 Thank you for calling me this morning. It was a pleasure to hear the voice of a person
with whom I have so far been in touch only through email.
 It was very thoughtful of you that to have invited me for dinner last night. I was able
to meet quite a few persons I had wanted to.
 Your email has clarified the issue. I shall sign and send the agreement today itself.
 Thank you for giving the details of the proposal. There are, however, just a few points
on which would like to seek clarification.
 Many thanks for the prompt response. We are happy to note that the production of the
book in a full swing.

End your email with a courteous word, phrase, or sentence. In the examples given below
the sentences are generally used in business emails only.
 Regards (common in business emails)
 Best wishes (Used both in business and personal emails)

 Blessings (used in personal emails)
 Love (used in personal emails)
 Bye (used in personal emails)
 If you need any further information, please let me know.
 I hope you would be kind enough to contact me again after completing the task.
 I look forward to seeing you at Board meeting tomorrow.
 Please feel free to call me, should there be a need.
 I look forward to receiving the second progress report.
 It would be a pleasure to hear from you again.
 I would be delighted to be of further help to you.
There are few examples to illustrate what we have been discussed so for.

Example of Personal (Informal) Email

Exhibit 11

Date: 2/24/2014 11:29:00 A.M.

Subject: Dinner on 1 March

Hi Abdul Wadood

You would recall that, when we met Sameera’s birthday party, I had
promised to arrange a meeting between your son Yahiya and my son,
Waseem Ahmad to discuss the opening of a branch office of his company
in this town.

Waseem Ahmad is coming tomorrow. It would be nice if you come with

Yahiya at 7:30 P.M. on 1 March. And do stay on to join us for dinner.


Example of Semiformal Email
Exhibit 12

Date: 2/24/2014 11:29:00 A.M.

Subject: Recommendation for Muhaanad

Dear Riyaz
Thanks for sending an email for introducing Muhannad. He is going to
Jeddah tomorrow. As advised, he would see the Managing Director
Ventura Technologies Limited on 28 February. He has also gone
through the profile of his company given on its website, as suggested by
I shall contact you again after Muhannad returns from Jeddah.
Best wishes
Mohammad Saallim

Example of Formal Email
Exhibit 13

Date: 11/08/2014 10:23:00 A.M.

Subject: Setting up an industrial unit at Jazan

Dear Mr. Raees
We have gone through your proposal to set up an industrial unit at jazan
to manufacture readymade garments. What you have proposed appears
to be feasible but there is one basic aspect on which we would like to
Since the proposed project is export-oriented, the use of good quality
cloth for manufacturing garments is essential. As you know, in recent
past, the cost of export-worth cotton has gone up considerably. We
therefore think that an initial investment of SR 1 crore is necessary to
start production. If you agree to do so, please also let us know the
sources from which we would be able to raise this amount.
Sincerely yours
Al Qaasim
Industrial Development Corporation
Jazan, (KSA)

Tehnical reporting is an off-shoot of a scientific mind.
Learning Objective
To describe characteristic feature of reports written in professional contexts and to
impress upon the learner the need for acquiring the skill of report writing.

Routine Reports

1. Progress Reports
When a long-term project or work is undertaken, the administration keeps itself informed
through progress reports. The project may be the construction of a bridge or building, the
layout of a residential colony, the installation of equipment in a factory or investigation of
some problem. These reports also help the officer and workers immediate responsible for
the job to take stock of what has already been done and to relate it to the total amount of
time and/or money available. A student who undertakes a research project, will be required
to submit progress reports periodically. These reports usually include a chronology of the
progress made since the last report or the commencement of the project and indicate further
time and/or money available for its completion. When government departments give work
on contract they insist on such reports from contractors. These enable the government to
know whether he work is progressing according to schedule.
The frequency of progress reports depends upon the practice followed in an organization.
They may be written and circulated at the end of each phase or a specified period of time
or completion of a stage of work. If they are prepared at regular intervals, they are
sometimes called periodic reports. The proforma for preparation of such reports is
satisfied by each organization. But, generally speaking, they contain the following

1. Name of the work or project

2. Total work to be completed
3. Date
4. Work completed to date
5. Work to be completed

6. Possible date for completion
7. Remark if any
8. Signature and designation of the reporting officer

2. Laboratory Reports
If you are a student of science and engineering, you will be required to do a number of
experiments in the laboratory to test a theory, verify the modifications you have in mind or
to examine the validity of your research finding. Writing laboratory reports is considered
to be an essential part of scientific investigation and experimentation.
Educational institution and research organization have devised proforma for writing
laboratory reports to suit their individual requirements. But generally these reports contain
the following elements:
1. Heading
2. Experiment No.
3. Date
4. Statement of objects
5. Apparatus used
6. Method or procedure followed
7. Observations
8. Conclusions
9. Signature

3. Inspection Reports
Inspection reports are of two types:
1. The report which incorporates the result of the inspection of piece of equipment to
ascertain whether it is functioning properly or requires any repairs or replacement.
This may be done as a matter of routine or on receipt of complaint.
2. The report which indicates the result of the inspection of a product as part of
quality control.
A specimen proforma for an inspection report on tape recorders is given below:

Inspection Report on Tape Recorders

Exhibit 14
Number: Make:

Date: Model:
Serial No:
Checked by
Note: Please put a tick against the relevant item.
a) Visual inspection Case: broken/scratched normal
Heads: worn out sticky dusty normal
b) Mechanical Movement Stopped/obstructed run/intermittent/noisy/smooth
c) Amplifier Playback: dead/poor/distorted/humming/normal
d) Recording (i) Direct: nil/poor/distorted/normal
(ii) Other source recording: dead/noisy/poor/normal
(iii) Microphone: dead/noisy/poor/normal
e) Frequency Response High frequency missing/low frequency missing/
Speaker booming/jarring/normal
f) Suggested Repairs and Replacements
g) General remarks

4. Inventory Report
It is customary for every organization to take stock of equipment, furniture, stationary, etc.
at regular intervals. The person who checks the stock fills in his finding in a prescribed

Inventory Report on Office Supplies

Exhibit 15
Sl. No. Item Stock on hand 31st March 2012
1. White paper (foolscap size) plain 10 rims
2. White paper (foolscap size) ruled 5 rims
3. Letterheads 500 nos.
4. Typing paper 4 rims
5. Cyclostyling paper 14 packets
6. Carbon paper 2 boxes
7. File covers 250 nos.
8. Envelopes: Large 1500 nos.
Small 600 nos.
9. Pencils: Black (copying) 3 doz.
Blue 2 doz.
Red 2 doz.
10. Typing ribbon 4 nos.
11. Clips 6 packets
12. Pins 4 packets
13. Cyclostyle ink 4 bottle.
14. Cyclostyle pen ink 2 Bottle.

Checked by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5. Annual Confidential Reports on Employees
Most organizations make a periodic evaluation of the performance and general conduct of
their employees. The assessments thus made are used at appropriate time for rewards such
as increments, promotion, transfer to more responsible jobs, etc.
A large number of factors determine whether a person is efficient or not. It is almost
impossible to measure scientifically human qualities such as alertness, zeal, confidence,
etc. So by their very nature such reports are subjective.
Some organizations on the basis of their experience have identified qualities required for
doing a particular job efficiently and these are listed in a form. The reporting officer has to
tick a particular item to indicate the level of efficiency attend by the employee. An example
of such a form is given below:

Annual Assessment Form 2012-13

Exhibit 16
Name of the Employee:
Date of Appointment:
Note: Please acess each item by putting a tick in the appropriate column.
Excellent Good Average Below Average
a) Appearance
b) Character
Intellectual honesty
Moral Standard
c) Motivation
Work habit
d) Relationship
With superiors
With colleagues
With subordinates
e) Output
f) Expression
g) Special Achievements

h) Other Remarks

Date: Signature and designation

Place: of the Reporting Officer

Exhibit 17


Annual Confidential Report
1. Name of the employee:
2. Rank:
3. Date of birth:
4. Present pay and pay scale:
5. Length of service in the present pay scale:
6. Length of service under the reporting officer:
7. Nature of work on which employee:
8. Proficiency in
a) Designing
b) Surveying
c) Office work and accounts
9. Execution of work:

10. General:
a) Health
b) Character
c) Work habit
d) Temperament
e) Trustworthiness and zeal
f) Relationships with colleagues and supervisors
11. Recommendations:
a) Do you consider him to an officer of more than ordinary attainments?
b) Is he fit for promotion to the next higher post?
12. General Remarks:

Date: Signature and designation

Place: of the Reporting Officer


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