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I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

a) apprehend the formula of arithmetic sequence,
b) solve problems involving arithmetic sequence; and
c) appreciate the use of sequence in real life.

II. Subject Matter

A) Topic: Arithmetic Sequence

B) Reference:
C) MELCS Code: m10AL-lf-2
D) Materials: Teacher-made Visual Aid, Projector, Laptop and chalk
III. Procedure
Teacher Activity Learners Activity

A. Daily Routine
1. Health Protocols
“Before we enter the class we will wash our hands, check “Yes Ma’am”
our temperature and wear your face mask properly”
2. Prayer “Yes, ma’am.” (The learners stand and
“Requesting everyone to stand for the prayer, may I ask one of you one learner lead the prayer).
to lead?
3. Greetings
“Good Afternoon Class.” “Good Afternoon ma’am .”

“Before you take your seats, kindly pick-up the trashes (candy
“Yes, ma’am”
wrappers, trash papers, sticks, etc.) under your chairs and kindly
throw it in the trash bin.”
“Thank you, ma’am
“Now, you may take your seats.”
(Classroom secretary will write the list of
4. Checking of the Attendance absences)
“Class, Who is your secretary? Kindly check the attendance.”

5. Simple Recall of the Previous Topic “A sequence is an ordered list of

“Yesterday we tackled about Patterns and Sequence. numbers (or other elements like
Can you define what is Sequence and Pattern? (Seeking one learner geometric objects), that often follow a
to answer the question). specific pattern or function”.
“Very Good!”
“Now we will proceed to our next topic but before that let’s take a
look of this pictures”

6. Motivation
“Yes, ma’am”
“I have here some picture of an events. I want you to arrange in the (The learners will arrange the right order
exact order” of the sequence)
“Anyone, who can arrange the first event?”

(The other learner also will answer)

“You got the correct sequence!”

(The other learner also will answer)

“Very Good”

“Correct! please be seated”

“At the end of the lesson, the learners
B. Proper Discussion will be able to:
1. Analysis d) apprehend the formula of
“Before we tackle our lesson for today, any volunteer who arithmetic sequence,
can read our objectives.” e) solve problems involving
arithmetic sequence; and
f) appreciate the use of sequence
in real life.”

“Thank You”

(The teacher posts the objectives and give process questions that are
expected to answer after class discussion)
“These are some questions that will be able to answer after the class
will end”
 What is arithmetic sequence?
 How can we use the arithmetic sequence formula in
solving problem?
 Is arithmetic sequence applicable in real life? In what

2. Abstraction
(The teacher will present the topic)

“Class, Todays essential learning will be on how to

solve problem involving sequences

particularly for now, topic will be focused

“Ma’am, Arithmetic Sequence is the
on solving problems involving arithmetic sequence difference between one term and the next
is a constant.”
in finding the nth term of the sequence.
“Yes Ma’am”
“Let us define first what is Arithmetic Sequence”

“In other words, we just add the same value each time infinitely.”

“Is it clear?” (The learners listen carefully).

The formula for the nth term of the arithmetic sequence is


an= a1+ (n-1) d

n number of terms

a1 first term

d common difference
(The learners listen attentively).
Use this formula in solving word problems

“Consider the following situations as examples.”

Situation 1. The Train

A train is traveling with 125 passengers in the first

carriage, 150 in the second carriage, and 175 in the

third carriage and so on in an arithmetic sequence.

How many passengers will be in the seventh carriage?


Given: a1 = 125; a2= 150; a3 = 175

Now, write the sequence as 125,150,175… but the task is to find the

term of the sequence or the number of passengers in the seventh

carriage. Using the formula an= a1+ (n-1) d

So, a7=?; d = 150-125 = 25; n = 7; a1 = 125

a7= 125 + (7-1)25

a7= 125 + (6)25

“Another example ma’am”
a7= 125 + 150
“Yes ma’am”
a7= 275.

Therefore, the number of passengers in the seventh carriage is 275

“Do you understand now class?”

(The learners listen attentively).
“Do you want some example?”

“Let us have another example”

Situation 2: The Writer

The writer wrote 890 words on the first day,

760 words on the second day, 630 words on

the third day, and so on in an arithmetic sequence.

How many words did the writer write on the seventh day?


“I have here a sequence card for you to understand the problem

easily and step on how you solve the problem”

(sequence card)

“Do you understand?”

3. Application (Sequence Card) “Yes ma’am”

“I will group you into 5 and I will give you a problem and you will
answer it by group. Prepare 5 cards and in that card write your steps
in solving the problem” (Learners present their answer at the
“Count 1 to 5” Group 1:
“Answer this within 5 minutes”
an= a1+ (n-1) d

After a knee surgery, your trainer tells you to return to your So, a5=?; d = 18-12= 6 ; n = 5; a1= 12

jogging program slowly. He suggests jogging for 12 minutes each A5= 12+ (5-1) (6)
day for the first week, 18 minutes for the second week, 24 minutes
A5= 12 + (4) (6)
for the
A5= 12 + (24)
third week, and so on.
A5= 36.
How many minutes will it be in:

“Show your solution” Group 2

an= a1+ (n-1) d
Group 1:
a.) 5th week? So, a8=?; d = 18-12= 6 ; n = 8; a1= 12

Group 2: A8= 12+ (8-1) (6)

b.) 8th week? A8= 12 + (7) (6)

Group 3: A8= 12 + (42)

c.) 10th week? A8= 54

Group 4:
Group 3
d.) 9th week? an= a1+ (n-1) d

Group 5: So, a5=?; d = 18-12= 6 ; n = 5; a1= 12

e.) 7th week? A10= 12+ (10-1) (6)

(5 PTS.) (4 PTS.) (3 PTS.) (2 PTS.) (1 PT.) A10= 12 + (9) (6)
The group The group The group The group The group
solves the has 2 has 3 has 4 doesn’t solve A10= 12 + (54)
problem mistakes at mistakes at mistakes at the problem
correctly. the process the process the process at all.
of their of their of their A10= 66.
solution. solution. solution.
The first The second The third The fourth The last
group to group to group to group to group to
finish the finish the finish the finish the finish the
task. task. task. task. task. Group 4

an= a1+ (n-1) d

So, a9=?; d = 18-12= 6 ; n = 5; a1= 12

“Okay let’s give a barangay clap for everyone”
“Please go back to your seats, arrange your chairs and pick up some A9= 12+ (9-1) (6)
pieces of papers”
(The teacher will evaluate their presentation) A9= 12 + (8) (6)

A9= 12 + (72)

A9= 84

Group 5

an= a1+ (n-1) d

So, a7=?; d = 18-12= 6 ; n = 5; a1= 12

A7= 12+ (7-1) (6)

4. Generalization A7= 12 + (6) (6)

1. What is arithmetic sequence? A7= 12 + (36)

2. How can we use the arithmetic sequence formula in solving
problem? A7= 48.
3. Is it arithmetic sequence applicable in real life? In what
way? (Leaner will answer the following

1. “Arithmetic Sequence is the

difference between one term and
“Yes, Very Good” the next is a constant.”
2. “To find any term (also known as
the nth term) in the arithmetic
sequence. To be able to identify
or extract known values from the
problem that will eventually be
substituted into the formula

3. Arithmetic sequences are used

in daily life for different
5. Assessment (Multiple Choice) purposes, such as determining the
number of audience members an
(The teacher will post the activity at the board) auditorium can hold, calculating
“In a ½ sheet of paper, answer this problem in 10 minutes” projected earnings from working
for a company and building wood
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Show your
piles with stacks of logs.
solution in another sheet of paper.

For items 1-3

Eight rows make the bleachers section of

a school gym. In one portion of the bleachers,

the bottom row can seat 10 students, while the

other row can seat 20. If the number of seats in

each row follows an arithmetic sequence, how

many students can be seated in the:

1.) 3rd row?
Answer key:
a. 30 b. 40 c. 50 d. 60 1.a
2.) 4rth row? 3.c
a. 30 b. 40 c. 50 d. 60 5.b
3.) 5th row?

a. 30 b. 40 c. 50 d. 60

For items 4-5

Benjie told Sheila that he would give her

stamps for her collection. 2 stamps on the first

day, 4 stamps on the second day, 6 stamps on

increasing the number of stamps by 2 each


4.) How many stamps will Sheila receive on the 30th day?

a. 60 b. 70 d. 40 d. 30

5.) How many stamps will Sheila receive on the 40th day?

a. 70 b. 80 c. 40 d. 100

“Okay time is up, please exchange your paper with your seatmate
and let us check your papers”

6. Assignment (1/2 cross wise)

There are 28 logs in the bottom layer of a pile of logs, 27 in the

“Thank you ma’am”
next layer, 26 are the next, and so on to the top which has 1 log.
How many logs are there in the 15th layer? 10th layer?

“That’s all for today class, Thank you and see you tomorrow”

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