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an Eclipse module for the LIGHT RPG

by Spencer Campbell
The Eclipse season of LIGHT started with rules for starting
and running a campaign. This module, Lightfall, gives you the
rules and guidance for bringing that campaign to an end.
The Novae have prepared their final assault on humanity, and
seek to destroy the Lighthouse, our bastion of hope and home
to the Beacons. You must not allow that to happen.
Timeline & Tone
As a group, you will know when your campaign has run its
course. When you are ready for the finale, you will assess the
status of the system, and prepare for the final fight.
This means that the tone of Lightfall might be one of great
action and triumph, if you already have secure control over
the system. Or it might be a desperate final stand, if your
enemies have managed to push you all the way back to Earth.
Regardless of tone, when the timing is right, prepare for the
final assault on your home.
Final Sessions
Lightfall is a Strike that has two distinct parts. Whether you
play them out as two separate sessions or one big finale is up
to your group.
First, the Beacons will gather at the Lighthouse to prepare
themselves and the remnants of humanity. Called the Eve of
War, this session is focused on narrative time spent with the
Beacons. Connecting with each other, with the city and its
people, and preparing in whatever way they can. Players and
the GM will collect Boons and Banes, narrative currency to
use for the final battle.
Second, and finally, comes Lightfall. Lightfall plays similar to
a Strike you might build using the Fuel module, with a few
exceptions and modifications. The Beacons will have one
final task they will need to complete in order to hold the city,
but there are many obstacles standing in their way.

Get some rest Beacons, we fight for our home.

The Eve of War is a time of reflection for Reflection
the Beacons, but also your group. The The Beacons should spend time
end of a campaign is exciting, but can reflecting on their journey. These
also be overwhelming! reflections can be short scenes played
The Beacons have a big task ahead of out at the table, telling stories to one
them tomorrow, let’s prepare them. another, or even recording one’s
personal thoughts to a journal.
Assess The System
If you need ideas for scenes, try doing a
Look at the system map you’ve used to
scene to reflect each of your Boons.
track the campaign. Every location that
has a Positive (+) stability creates one Afterwards, tell tales or assess the
Boon for the group. Each location with a threat of the enemy by looking at the star
Negative (-) stability creates a Bane. map.Think about everything you did to
get to this point. Was it enough? Which
The Beacons should roll, or choose,
enemy faction worries you most? What
Boons from the table below.
event out there prepared you for today?
The GM should do the same, but keep the
These scenes don’t need to be played out
results secret from the Beacons.
with dice, just embrace being your
Take note of which enemy factions are Beacon on their last night of peace. Once
present on the map, and how many the table feels they have prepared
locations they can be found. The GM will themselves, the Beacons will wake to
need this when they run Lightfall. war at their doorstep.

A weapon, exactly what you need to kill
1 1 A civilian is in peril. Save them!
what’s in front of you.
2 A shortcut or path opens up to you. 2 A rogue Beacon arrives to stop you.
A horrific explosion tears apart the
3 NPC sacrifices themselves to save you. 3
environment around you.
4 The enemies turn on one another. 4 A weapon breaks, you’ll need another.
Lighthouse troops rally to your location
5 5 An ambush at the worst possible time.
as backup.
6 A fortuitous explosion. 6 Darkness hinders your Light temporarily
The final coordinated attack by the Using Boons & Banes
Novae on the Lighthouse is here. Throughout Lightfall, the Beacons may
Rallying whatever threats remain in the spend any of the Boons to swing the
system, they seek to destroy the home of narrative back in their favor. Similarly,
the Beacons, and claim our sun. the GM may spend Banes to push back
Final Threat on the Beacon’s progress.
The GM will choose one of three final There are no mechanics for these
threats to be the center of Lightfall. metacurrencies. They represent heroic
These represent the final objective the and tragic beats in the story, and should
Beacons must accomplish in order to be resolved together as a table.
push the Novae back once and for all.
They Will Win
Subgoals The Beacons will win this fight, because
The Beacons will need to complete a they must. But we play Lightfall to see
number of subgoals before they can take what the cost is that they will have to pay
on the final threat. The GM should roll on for that victory.
the subgoal table to create those goals.
After the Strike is resolved, spend a
Choose a number that fits the tone and
moment or two with the Epilogue.
length of session that you want to have.

The enemy forces are rallied behind a
leader, an incredible powerful figure
from one of the invading factions.
They stand above all, and enemies from 1 Kill their second in command.
all factions obey their commands.
Eliminate them, and the assault on the They are invulnerable to conventional
Lighthouse will lose its momentum. The weapons, find an alternative.
enemy will be scattered, and we can Find Lighthouse forces that can help you
sweep them away. 3
in your attack.
The Leader Their location is unknown and must be
The target comes from whatever faction 4
uncovered first.
has the largest presence in the system.
They have been given the command. Novae powers have given the leader
Use a statblock from Nemesis as a basis incredible strength. Disrupt the ritual.
for them, and improve them to show
their elevated station. 6 A rogue Beacon aids them. Kill them.
The enemy forces have a device, tool, or
some other artifact that is allowing them
to overwhelm and destroy you. As long
as it remains active, they won’t relent in The device moves around. Find out what
their attack on the Lighthouse. 1
moves it, and lock it in place.
But if you could find it, shut it down, and Find firepower that will be able to break
ideally destroy it. Well, those enemy 2
through its reinforced shell.
forces aren’t so special anymore. And
you’ve fought them countless times Darkness surrounds the device. Find the
before, what’s one more time? source and wipe it out to clear a path.
The Device A section of the Lighthouse will be lost if
The target can be any device that would not defended first.
make the threat overwhelming. Perhaps
You must enter the device, and the
it is a gateway that allows constant 5
reinforcements to flow into the city. Or a environment is toxic. Get suited up.
monolith that allows the enemy wield Destroying the device will be like
powerful darkness. Whatever it is, make 6 detonating a bomb. Find a way to reduce
it loom above, and a clear target. the blast and shield the Lighthouse.

The enemy forces have rallied all of their
available troops for one last push on the
city. You know that if you can weather
this storm, their forces will be broken, Civilians need to be escorted to a safe
and scatter in the wind. 1
location before the attack.
You’ve never faced numbers like this. Secure the city’s armory so the enemy
The city will need you everywhere. How 2
can’t use your weapons against you.
will you choose where, and who to
defend? Who will stand with you? Recruit Lighthouse forces to fight by
your side during the final wave.
The Defense
This mission can be played at a sole A weakness in the walls needs to be
location that the Beacons have rallied fixed or you’ll never hold them back.
their defenses at, or as a frantic dash
Someone is sabotaging all of the
across the city as a mobile defense. 5
defense preparations. Find them.
Either way, it’s waves of enemies.
Variety will make the fights interesting, Make a difficult decision about who or
so challenge the Beacons with more what must be protected.
than just enemies to kill.
When the final threat to the Lighthouse is dealt with, and the Beacons have saved their
home, it’s time for the table to rest. You have told the stories of these characters for
some time, and now we get to say goodbye to them. It may not be forever, this may just
be the end of “Season 1” of your time with LIGHT, but let’s end this chapter together.

As a table, go around and answer these As a table, go around and answer these
questions. How are our heroes? questions. How is the system?
• What damage did the Lighthouse • What planet was hit the hardest by
sustain? Who did we lose? What did this war? Will they recover?
we lose?
• Which enemy force will the Beacons
• With a well-earned break, what is the keep the closest eye on going
first thing your Beacon will do once forward? Why do they scare you?
the city is back in order?
• Are the Novae truly gone? Or do they
• What did your Beacon learn about linger out there in the dark corners of
themselves during this harrowing the system?
hour? What changed in you?

Lightfall marks the end of the Eclipse season of LIGHT. It represents the end of
campaigns, and also represents the end of LIGHT’s first saga. I have had an incredible
time writing modules for LIGHT, and I hope you have enjoyed reading and playing
them. This will be the final module. At least, for quite some time.
That doesn’t mean it is the end of LIGHT! I have fun plans for LIGHT in the future,
though they might look different than the season pass approach you’ve grown familiar
with. I appreciate each and every one of you who have supported LIGHT in any way this
last year. Fans, fellow creators, friends. Thank you.
You’ll see more LIGHT. I’ve learned a lot through this process and I hope to take
everything I’ve learned and create something special out of it.
For now: Shine bright Beacons.

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