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Capstone Project Proposal Good Draft

Name of student: Veronika Mineta Date: October 27, 2022

Teacher: Mr. Harvalias Block: D

The Capstone strand I have chosen is: Occupation

Proposed title for my Project Proposal: (write the proposed title for your Capstone Project in one clear
sentence): The prospective of a police officer on duty

What is your inquiry question that interests you for further research? It should be a question that connects with
a purpose, passion or personalized area of interest for you. This is a question that you cannot just google an
answer for. Please see examples from your Capstone booklet.
My inquiry question is:

How do police officers in Vancouver, British Columbia help the community?

Rationale/context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question. Explain WHY you are choosing to
investigate this topic as a major area of focus. How does this area of inquiry connect to your passion(s),
purpose? Why is it of personal interest to you?

Ever since I was 5, I always admired first responders and their daily life on the job. I decided to choose
policing because I was raised by a police officer and was always around other police officers. Police officers
help the community by preventing crime, punishing people who have committed crimes and help-out people
in need whether it be a missing child or a domestic violence case. Many people judge me for wanting to
become a police officer but I personally don’t let anyone’s opinion affect my goals. My mom asks me if I’m
scared to become a police officer because of all the risks that come with the job but I’m not.

Background: What background knowledge/connections/prior learning do you have in this area of inquiry?

Like mentioned before I grew up surrounded by police officers. I would hear stories about how the job was
and how days can be very difficult. These stories made me become more interested in the job. Originally I
wanted to be a paramedic but when I hit the age of 14 I wanted to be a nurse anesthetist but this year I
realized, in the back of my mind, I always wanted to be a police officer.

Career connections: What is your intended career area at this point in time? What connections does this
inquiry question have to your life, academic and/ or career goals?

I would like to go study at the Justice Institute of British Columbia to pursue a career in policing. I am
planning on applying for KPU for criminology and psychology.

Interdisciplinary and core competencies connections: What subject areas and core competencies will
be connected with your project? Outline and explain the connections.

Strategic planning when it comes to the ride along part of the project as it is a big risk taking a 17, year old
girl on the job. The officer I will be shadowing will have to sign papers that stated he was liable if anything
were to happen to me.

Capstone Presentation medium: select one or more project mediums you wish to use to present your
project. Outline and give details about how you will present your project once completed. You may use a
combination of mediums.
o Electronic portfolio: Prezi or PPT
o Physical portfolio
o Website
o imovie presentation
o YouTube channel

My website will have a blog and I will most likely create a powerpoint with detail of my experience.

Description of my Capstone project. Specific Project Details of the Capstone Project: what will you
research, create, study, produce, solve, investigate? What product will be produced at the end of this
project for evaluation. Write a one-page description outlining your proposal.

I will go for a ride along, shadowing a police officer and take pictures of things I will talk about. I will either
continue on with my dream of becoming a police officer or have a different mindset after the whole ride
along. Taking pictures will be difficult as not many things can be shown to the general public because
some calls can turn into active investigations. I was blessed enough to receive the opportunity to have an
entire tour of the head office and call center. My capstone presentation will consist of videos, descriptions
and my personal opinion before and after the ride along.

Resources/ Technology/Skills: Make an assessment of the resources, technology and skills you will
need to be able to complete this project. What is your plan to be able to access/learn all of the resources
necessary to achieve completion of this project? Detail your plans.

My step dad is a police officer so he will help me out with the ride along part of the project.

Mentors/Community Connections: What types of mentor(s)/community connections will you need to
help you complete your capstone project? How will your mentor(s) help you? What is your plan to access
the mentorship/community connections necessary for this project?

My mentors will help me understand more about policing and show me a day in the life of a police officer.

My step dad is a police officer who will be a community connection

Project limitations: What are some project limitations and potential obstacles that you foresee that might
affect progress with your Capstone Project?

The timing of the ride along plus being limited to which calls I’ll be able to go on.

Other considerations: List and detail any other related information/ considerations about your project
that you feel should be included in your project proposal.

Different emotions throughout the experience, difficulties/challenges, different types of calls.

References: Provide a literature review of 5-10 PEER REVIEWED ACADEMIC references: research,
videos, etc. that offer some preliminary research you have done for your project that shows you are able
to access the key information that you will need to be able to complete this project/work. Your list should
be written using correct APA formatting.


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