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TOPOLOGICAL MATTER (i.e., magnetic TI) can be tuned to the metallic

state using the back-gate voltage Vg. This al-
Absence of evidence for chiral Majorana modes in lows us to probe the Andreev reflection in-
volved in the magnetic TI-SC hybrid device
quantum anomalous Hall-superconductor devices through the entire phase diagram—that is, as
a function of the chemical potential (tuned by
Morteza Kayyalha1*, Di Xiao1*, Ruoxi Zhang1*, Jaeho Shin1, Jue Jiang1, Fei Wang1, Yi-Fan Zhao1, Vg) and the external magnetic field. When the
Run Xiao1, Ling Zhang1, Kajetan M. Fijalkowski2,3, Pankaj Mandal2,3, Martin Winnerlein2,3, QAH layer is tuned into the metallic phase,
Charles Gould2,3, Qi Li1, Laurens W. Molenkamp2,3, Moses H. W. Chan1†, Nitin Samarth1†, Cui-Zu Chang1† we observed a strong enhancement of the
zero-bias electrical conductance, nearly twice
A quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) insulator coupled to an s-wave superconductor is predicted to harbor (~180%) the normal-state conductance pre-
chiral Majorana modes. A recent experiment interprets the half-quantized two-terminal conductance sumably induced by Andreev reflection. The
plateau as evidence for these modes in a millimeter-size QAH-niobium hybrid device. However, observation of Andreev reflection in our junc-
non-Majorana mechanisms can also generate similar signatures, especially in disordered samples. Here, tion is strong evidence for the induced super-
we studied similar hybrid devices with a well-controlled and transparent interface between the conducting pair potential in the magnetic TI
superconductor and the QAH insulator. When the devices are in the QAH state with well-aligned layer and allows us to study the effect of a
magnetization, the two-terminal conductance is always half-quantized. Our experiment provides a transparent interface on the two-terminal
comprehensive understanding of the superconducting proximity effect observed in QAH-superconductor conductance s1,2 in the QAH-SC hybrid struc-
hybrid devices and shows that the half-quantized conductance plateau is unlikely to be induced by ture. When the magnetic TI is in the QAH
chiral Majorana fermions in samples with a highly transparent interface. regime, the differential conductance is domi-
nated by the density of state modulation (i.e.,

breakdown) of the QAH effect. When the QAH
opological superconductors (TSCs) are tations, however, are also possible. For exam- and SC layers are strongly coupled, as demon-
predicted to host Majorana fermions, ple, Huang et al. (24) and Ji and Wen (25) strated by our differential conductance data, s1,2
particles that are their own antiparticles theoretically discussed two different scenarios is always half-quantized when the magnetization
(1–5). These Majorana fermions obey in which a s1,2 = 0.5e2/h plateau (where e is is well aligned. Our conclusions are supported
non-Abelian statistics and are promising the elementary charge and h is the Planck by measurements on ~30 devices (29).
candidates to form a topological qubit, which constant) can arise without invoking the Figure 1C shows the temperature depen-
is the basis for fault-tolerant topological quan- Majorana physics. Huang et al. considered dence of the Nb finger and the Nb strip resist-
tum computation (6–8). TSCs are predicted the percolation of QAH edges induced by ance. The Nb finger becomes superconducting
to appear in a variety of condensed matter magnetic disorder in the QAH insulator as below its critical temperature Tc,finger ~ 5 K.
quantum systems including strong spin-orbit– an alternative origin for the s1,2 = 0.5e2/h The critical temperature of the Nb strip Tc,strip
coupled semiconductor-SC hybrid devices (9, 10), plateau. Ji and Wen argued that the s1,2 = is ~8.6 K. Because we are using a two-terminal
fractional quantum Hall (QH) systems at fill- 0.5e2/h plateau can arise if the SC layer pro- technique to measure the resistance (between
ing factor n = 5/2 (11, 12), spinless px + ipy SCs vides good electrical contact to the chiral edge electrodes 8a and 8b in Fig. 1A), the normal
such as Sr2RuO4 (2, 13), hybrid topological modes of the QAH insulator. In other words, leads contribute ~40 ohms to the total resist-
insulator (TI)–SC devices (9), integer QH in- the local equilibrium between the chiral edge ance, which has been subtracted. Figure 1D
sulators covered by a conventional s-wave modes of the QAH insulators and the SC strip plots the magnetic field (m0H) dependence
SC (14), and thin films of transition metal ensures that the total resistance is the series of the resistances of the Nb finger and the
dichalcogenides (15, 16). Theoretical work has resistance of two separate QAH regions, each Nb strip. The Nb strip has an upper critical
predicted a chiral TSC phase when a quan- with h/e2 resistance (26). field m0Hc2,strip ~ 2.9 T. Shown in Fig. 1, E and
tum anomalous Hall (QAH) insulator, a zero– Here, we studied the effect of contact trans- F, are the m0H dependence of the longitudinal
magnetic field manifestation of the integer parency in the appearance of the s1,2 = resistance (conductance) rxx (sxx) and the
QH effect (17, 18), is coupled to an s-wave SC 0.5e2/h plateau. To this end, we fabricated Hall resistance (conductance) ryx (sxy) at Vg =
(14, 19). magnetic TI-SC hybrid devices, an example of Vg0 = +42 V and T = 30 mK, where typical
The QAH effect has been experimentally which is shown in Fig. 1, A and B. Our device QAH characteristics, quantized ryx (sxy) ac-
demonstrated in thin films of magnetically consists of a superconducting Nb strip (width companied by vanishing rxx (sxx), are ob-
doped TI (18, 20–22). He et al. (23) recently ~20 mm) covering the entire width of the QAH served. Because the rxx peak value during
reported a half-quantized plateau in the two- layer on the left, a configuration similar to magnetization reversal is comparable to the
terminal conductance s1,2 converted from re- that in (23), and a narrow Nb finger (width quantized ryx value, the zero–Hall conduct-
sistance measured across a millimeter-size ~200 nm) on the right (Fig. 1, A and B). The ance sxy = 0 plateau [i.e., Chern number C = 0
QAH-Nb hybrid structure and interpreted QAH sample in this device is a sandwich of phase (30)] is not observable. The sxy = 0
the half-quantized s1,2 plateau during mag- 3QL Cr-doped (Bi, Sb)2Te3 / 5QL (Bi, Sb)2Te3 / plateau is usually observed in thinner, uni-
netization reversal as a “distinct signature” 3QL Cr-doped (Bi, Sb)2Te3, where QL stands formly doped QAH samples with a larger rxx
of one-dimensional chiral Majorana edge for quintuple layer (27). Our device was de- peak (31, 32).
modes (CMEMs) (19). Alternative interpre- signed such that (i) the contact transparency We characterized the interface transpar-
between the magnetic TI and SC layers can ency of the magnetic TI-Nb finger junction
be characterized using a differential conduct- by measuring its differential conductance,
Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University,
ance measurement on the QAH-Nb finger which is related to the probabilities of the
University Park, PA 16802, USA. 2Faculty for Physics and
Astronomy (EP3), University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, junction (28); (ii) the possible existence of the Andreev reflection (AR) and the normal reflec-
D-97074 Würzburg, Germany. 3Institute for Topological CMEMs can be investigated by analyzing the tion (NR) across the interface. Figure 2, A and
Insulators, Am Hubland, D-97074 Würzburg, Germany. two-terminal conductance s1,2 deduced from B, shows the differential upstream conductance
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
†Corresponding author. Email: (M.H.W.C.); resistance measured across the QAH-Nb strip sU = dI6,8 /dV7,8 and the downstream conduct- (N.S.); (C.-Z.C.). device (19, 23). Furthermore, our QAH film ance sD = dI6,8 /dV9,8, where the subscript

Kayyalha et al., Science 367, 64–67 (2020) 3 January 2020 1 of 4


Fig. 1. QAH-Nb device and characterizations. (A) Schematic of the device in the resistance of the Nb finger at T ~ 8.6 K is associated with a superconducting
consisting of a QAH insulator layer, a Nb strip, and a Nb finger. The Nb finger is transition of the Nb section with a larger width (~4 mm) in the device; see (B)
used to characterize the magnetic TI-Nb contact transparency, whereas the Nb and the inset of Fig. 2A. (D) m0H dependence of the resistance of the Nb finger
strip is used to study the two-terminal conductance s1,2 across the QAH-Nb and Nb strip. (E and F) The four-terminal longitudinal and Hall resistance
structure. (B) Optical microscope image of the device. (C) Temperature (rxx and ryx) (E) and their corresponding longitudinal and Hall conductance
dependence of the normalized resistance of the Nb finger and Nb strip. The drop (sxx and sxy) (F) as a function of m0H measured at Vg = Vg0 = +42 V and T = 30 mK.

numbers correspond to the electrodes shown

in Fig. 1A, at different magnetic fields. sU and
sD are normalized by their respective values
at T > Tc,finger (i.e., s6K). For Vg = Vg0, the dif-
ferential conductance is determined by an
interplay between AR and NR at the interface,
as well as the breakdown of the QAH system
(33–35); the breakdown of the QAH state turns
out to be the dominant contribution in our
samples (see fig. S3). On the other hand, sU
(sD) is a better probe of the AR/NR ratio when
the magnetic TI is in its metallic phase, as
discussed below. To characterize the mag-
netic TI-Nb interface transparency, we applied
a negative Vg = –50 V to reach the metallic
phase of the magnetic TI. At zero magnetic
field, we observed an enhancement of the
zero-bias conductance approaching 180% of
its high-temperature value, revealing a high-
ly transparent magnetic TI-SC interface. Re-
markably, although the superconductivity
in the Nb finger is suppressed for m0H > 0.5 T
(Fig. 1B and fig. S1E), the magnetic TI-Nb Fig. 2. Contact transparency in the magnetic TI-Nb finger device. (A and B) The differential upstream
contact transparency is unaffected (Fig. 2, conductance sU = dI6,8/dV7,8 (A) and the downstream conductance sD = dI6,8/dV9,8 (B) of the magnetic
A and B). For m0H larger than the coercive TI-Nb finger junction normalized by their high-temperature (T > Tc,finger) values s6K, measured at different
field (m0Hc ~ 0.06 T) of the magnetic TI layer values of m0H and T = 2 K. Inset of (A) shows a magnified optical image of the magnetic TI-Nb finger
at T = 2 K, zero-bias sU is slightly reduced device. (C and D) The normalized sU (C) and sD (D) measured at different temperatures and zero magnetic
and zero-bias sD is slightly increased. The field. The excitation current Iac is 10 nA.
reduction of sU and enhancement of sD are
likely results of the magnetization reversal ive part of the magnetic TI layer (29). There- superconductor transition induced by the
in the magnetic TI layer around the m0Hc re- fore, we plot the differential conductance as a critical current of the Nb finger. We also note
gime (see fig. S4). function of the dc current, Idc, rather than the that the slight reduction of sU (sD) close to
In our experiment, it is difficult to extract dc voltage, Vdc. Furthermore, the enhancement zero bias (i.e., the small zero-bias conduct-
accurately the voltage drop across the mag- in sU (sD) may be a result of the combined ance dip) observed in Fig. 2 is a result of the
netic TI-Nb junction because a large portion contribution of the AR process across the interplay between the AR and NR at the inter-
of the voltage drop appears across the resist- magnetic TI-Nb interface and the metal-to- face, as predicted by the Blonder, Tinkham,

Kayyalha et al., Science 367, 64–67 (2020) 3 January 2020 2 of 4


the s1,2 = 0.5e2/h plateau was attributed to a

topological phase transition in the TSC state
from N = 2 to N = 1, where N denotes the
number of CMEMs (14, 19). In the same struc-
ture, an extremely small two-terminal conduct-
ance s1,3, measured between the Nb strip and
the QAH sample, for m0Hc < |m0H| < m0Hc2,strip
was also reported (23). The small value of s1,3
in this m0H range indicates that the Nb layer
is likely decoupled from the QAH sample,
and hence the s1,2 = e2/h plateau may be a
result of poor electrical contact between the
Fig. 3. Two-terminal conductance s1,2 across the QAH-Nb strip device. (A) m0H dependence of s1,2 = dI13,6 /dV1,2 QAH insulator and the Nb layers; in that case,
measured at Vg = Vg0 = +42 V and T = 30 mK. s1,2 ~ 0.5e2/h for the entire m0H range when the magnetization there is no proximity-induced superconduc-
is well aligned. No change in s1,2 is observed when the Nb strip transitions from the superconducting state to tivity and no AR at the QAH-Nb interface
the normal state (m0H > m0Hc2,strip ~ 2.6 T). Inset magnifies the m0H axis during the magnetization reversal (23, 25). We note that the observation of s1,2 =
process. (B) m0H dependence of two-terminal conductance s1,3 = dI13,6 /dV1,3. s1,3 approaches ~e2/h for |m0H| > 0.5e2/h in the QAH insulator phase is not
m0Hc, indicating good contact transparency between the Nb strip and the QAH sample. The excitation current Iac is unusual (24, 25). Indeed, a normal metal (e.g.,
1 nA. Blue and red curves represent the process for decreasing and increasing m0H, respectively. gold) overlaying the two edges of the QAH
sample will give rise to such a quantization
in s1,2 (26).
Our results from the QAH-SC strip devices
can be explained without resorting to Majorana
physics. Figure 3A displays the m0H depen-
dence of the two-terminal conductance s1,2
for Vg = Vg0 = +42 V of our device. In contrast
to (23), we observed that s1,2 = dI13,6 /dV1,2 ~
0.5e2/h over the entire range of the magnetic
field except in the m0H range, when the mag-
netization of the sample is being reversed near
m0Hc. In this range, s1,2 drops to ~0.21e2/h.
Specifically, no change in s1,2 is observed when
m0H is increased across the critical field of the
Nb strip; that is, m0Hc2,strip ~ 2.9 T (Fig. 1D). We
also measured s1,3 = dI13,6 /dV1,3, the conduct-
Fig. 4. Two-terminal conductance s1,2 in 6QL uniformly doped QAH-Nb strip devices. (A) m0H dependence ance between the Nb strip and the QAH sam-
of s1,2 measured across one Nb strip stacked on a 6QL (Bi, Sb)1.85Cr0.15Te3 QAH sample at Vg = Vg0 and T = ple (Fig. 3B). We found that s1,3 ~ e2/h in the
30 mK. (B) Same as (A) for two Nb strips. Insets show the corresponding device configurations. With increasing entire |m0H| > m0Hc range, indicating that the
the number (n) of Nb strips, the corresponding s1,2 plateau decreases as s1,2 ~ e2/(n + 1)h. The excitation current Nb strip is strongly coupled to the QAH sam-
Iac is 1 nA. Blue and red curves represent the process for decreasing and increasing m0H, respectively. ple, leading to the equilibrium of chemical po-
tentials between chiral edge modes of the
QAH sample and bulk Nb layer (25). This
behavior is what one would expect if a normal
and Klapwijk (BTK) model for a normal metal- throughout the m0H range of interest (0 T < metal were used instead of the Nb strip. For
superconductor junction with a nonzero bar- m0H < 1 T). Because the Nb finger and the Nb m0H > m0Hc2,strip, the Nb strip turns into the
rier height (36). To confirm that the sharp strip were deposited onto the QAH devices normal state, hence s1,2 remains half-quantized.
zero-bias conductance peak is indeed a result simultaneously, we expect the interface trans- We have also studied 9QL V-doped TI sam-
of the AR process at the interface, we studied parency across the magnetic TI-Nb junction ples, which were previously shown to exhibit
the temperature dependence of sU (sD) versus to be similar for the strip and the finger. The perfect QAH effect (35, 38–40) and signatures
Idc in Fig. 2, C and D, where we observed a transparent interface and the chiral nature of axion electrodynamics (38). The devices
featureless sU (sD) at T = 6 K > Tc,finger . We of the edge modes in the QAH regime are were patterned using an optical lithography
note that at T = 6 K, the Nb finger is no expected to ensure that an electron prop- process and used MoRe as the SC strip. We
longer superconducting (Fig. 1C), and thus agating along the wide Nb strip will quickly again observed the s1,2 ~ 0.5e2/h plateau for
the differential conductance is a sum of the become an equal mixture of electrons and the entire m0H region with well-aligned mag-
contributions from the NR at the interface holes (28). netization (see fig. S8).
and the resistive part of the magnetic TI film. Our QAH-SC hybrid device (minus the Nb The existence of the zero–Hall conductance
Therefore, the zero-bias conductance at T = finger) shown in Fig. 1, A and B, is similar plateau with the C = 0 phase in a QAH sam-
6 K takes the same value as that of the high- to the device used in (23). A s1,2 ~ 0.5e2/h ple was claimed as a prerequisite for the ob-
bias regime for T ≤ 5 K, consistent with the plateau during the magnetization reversal servation of the N = 1 TSC phase (23). The
AR picture for normal metal-superconductor (~ m0Hc) followed by a s1,2 ~ e2/h plateau for transition from the C = 0 (i.e., N = 0) phase
junctions (29, 36, 37). the m0Hc < |m0H|< m0Hc2,strip regime is reported to the C = 1 (i.e., N = 2) phase is given in
Our experimental observations reveal the in (23). These measurements were interpreted (23) [citing (19)] as the key evidence for the
presence of a highly transparent interface as induced by the presence of the CMEMs; existence of the N = 1 TSC phase. We note,
between the magnetic TI and Nb finger the transition from the s1,2 = e2/h plateau to however, that the theoretical calculations in

Kayyalha et al., Science 367, 64–67 (2020) 3 January 2020 3 of 4


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